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Realistic or Modern The Real World

Reina Ellis


The final bell rung and Reina groaned inwardly. She hated being in school but she hated being home a lot more. She slowly gathered her things and exited the prison. She sat on the front stairs of the building and pulled out her drawing book and began to sketch, hopelessly stalling for time. She couldn't help bit over hear some girls talking nearby. There was a party tonight. Usually she wouldn't go to a social event. But today she was desperate. She began to walk home. Hopefully she's get there before her stepdad

Pamela Mondoux


Pam zoned out for most of the school day, she didn't pay much attention to the teachers, they didn't usually have anything interesting to say, and truth be told school really wasn't Pam's thing. She spent most of the day texting Caity, as well as checking her snapchat stories of celebrities living exciting lives, and also taking instagram pictures whenever she could. The bell rang, and she left school as fast as she could. She walked by Nate as he was talking back to some snot nosed blonde girl. For irony's sake, she also pulled out and lit a cigarette as Nate defended himself for smoking as well. She walked to the city bus stop, and hopped on, heading back to herself.

After heading home to the dark apartment, Pam turned on the lights. No one was home, again. A note from her mom was on the table. Another lame excuse, basically her mom was out partying all night again and staying with "Jose" for a few days, TV dinners in the fridge, etc. Pam rolled her eyes and crumbled up the note. She wasn't even hungry right now, she just looked around her apartment, hating the silence around her. She stormed into the bathroom and her meds eyed her. She was supposed to take her dose for the night.
Well, I'm planning on drinking, guess I don't need them she rationalized. She began putting on her face for the night, twirling strands of her jet black hair, wondering if she was prettier with her natural blonde hair. After digging through her pile of clothes, she found a good outfit for a casual party. She sent a quick text to Caity for the address, then headed down the street to meet her at her house down the street. In Pam's neighborhood, it was never a good idea for a girl to walk down the street alone.



Moira Darter

It was the end of school for the day and for the week. Moira personally couldn't have been happier, the day had been just as boring as she'd expected it to have been, nothing new there. She figured the weekend would be a good time to just get high and sleep it away but she'd been texted info about a party happening and of course that just made her want to go. Parties were almost like Moira's natural habitat, a place where she thrived and prospered and so it would've been crazy for her not to accept an invitation, walking out of the school building and taking a seat on the steps. Phone in her hands as she idly watched the rest of the students leave the large entrance at the front of the building her thoughts flew around in her mind, wondering on what to do with the rest of her day. She felt a tap on her back and turned around, only to see Daphne, the girl from before. She gave a slight smile and a curious look.

"My memory's not that bad." She joked with a chuckle but nodded regardless as the girl continued. "I know the exact party you're talking about and I'm already going so why not. But unfortunately I can't assure you that I'll be willing to leave, parties are kinda my thing." She winked with a bright expression. "Or I might not even be in the state to leave, too drunk, too high, you know what I mean." It was true that Moira did tend to get a little too in the mood for partying and ended up losing the right state of mind. "Regardless I'm sure we could hang out at the party. I don't see why not." She smiled with a shrug, taking the girl's phone number once it was given to her happily, "Why thank you, and for the sake of being polite here's one you'll need." She then wrote down her own phone number on the same piece of paper but away from Daphne's number and ripped off the piece of the paper where her own phone number was written, handing it to Daphne.


The two girls then departed from the school in seperate directions, Moira not knowing where Daphne was heading but being more focused on heading home now more than anything. Crossing the street in a casual jog towards her truck she unlocked the door and hopped in, closing it, locking it and starting the engine. The radio boomed into life and Moira turned it up to it's fullest, playing some Dead Prez as she sped off. Ten or so minutes later she pulled up into the driveway of her two storey suburban home, which may have seemed generic and nice on the outside and it was but thanks to Moira the family inside wasn't entirely functional. Something of which she took amusement in, hopping out and locking her truck she made her way through the house door.

Shoving her keys her pocket she jogged up the stairs and practically leaped into her bedroom, kicking the door behind her shut and dived onto the bed with a yawn from her and a creak from the bed. Making herself comfortable and reaching an arm below her bed she opened up the small fridge she had stashed under it and opened it up, feeling the cold air against her hand as she grabbed the closest beer bottle and pulled it out, closing the fridge door and undoing the top of the bottle as she wasted little time in taking a drink from it. School may have been a pain in the ass but the relaxation after it almost made it worth it.​
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Nathaniel Nash

He sighed once he felt high enough, he puts out his blunt and stands up. He walks to his Mustang, unlocking it and half way sitting inside. He places the blunt in his middle console. He messes with his hair for a moment, curling his curls gently. He looked expensive and dangerous. Nathan would not get to wasted at this party, as he sometimes becomes to vocal and that can get him into trouble.

As Nathan buckled himself into the car he looks to his rear-view mirror. He furrows his brow as the same blacked out Honda casually cruises past his home. He felt that something could go wrong there, so he very slowly backed out of his driveway, and followed behind the car quite a ways. Whenever he saw the car make a turn, he'd speed up and make the same turn but slow down again until they made another turn.
What is this guy doing?

Julian pulled out random pieces of clothing from his closet, trying to make a coherent outfit for the party. He yawned, and started to second-guess going. "Well, no one's gonna stop you from leaving early. Just stay the first hour. Two if you like the atmosphere." He thought about it, sighing, and continued to pull out articles of clothing at random. After he found a pair of jeans and a shirt, he walked into the bathroom to shower, and looked in the mirror. His hair was pressed down on one side of his head, and his eyes seemed slightly dark from staying up for the past week. He shrugged, and stepped into the shower and bathed, half-hoping the water would somehow relieve his fatigue.

Pamela Mondoux

Pam arrived at Caity's building and pressed the talk button on the graffiti covered buzzer. "Hey girl, I'm here!" Pam chirped happily, giddy with excitement. "Okay honey, be down in a second," replied Caity's voice from the old speaker, the sound of a crying baby in the background. A minute later, Pam could hear heels clicking on the steps to the front door as Caity exited out to the street with Pam, dressed to the nines. "Haey!!" Caity exclaimed, giving her best friend a hug. Pam squeezed her tight, happy to have human contact. "You excited?!" Pam squealed. "You know it, my boy Damon's invitin' everyone to his house." Caity explained, her accent thick. Pam smiled, eager to go have fun.

The girls started walking down the avenue, busy with late night traffic, neon lights from the dive bars, people walking down the street, a few seedy places around closed stores and run down houses. They turn down a dimly lit street, heading towards Damon's house. A Honda pulls up behind them. The window rolls down to three guys covered in gang colors. "Ey chicas, where you two honeys headed?" He catcalled from the window. Caity turned to them, "Get lost, Javier, you know I ain't ridin' with you no more," She taunted back. Pam nervously looked at them. They looked drunk. Javier leaned out the car. "You ridin with me, bitch. I'm with Pirus now, and no one says no to Pirus. Now get in the car slut!" He yelled, grabbing Caity's arm. Caity screamed and tried to pull away. Pam, panicking, pulled out her switchblade she carried for protection and sliced up Javier's arm. There was blood, Caity screamed more, the homeboys in the car began cursing in Spanish, and Pam snapped into a frenzy. She began yelling and swinging her blade around, trying to slash up Javier.

Daphne Alice Morgan


When Daphne arrived at home, she grabbed the prepared food and walked up to her room, started tiredly undress herself and she laid down on her bed. As she was eating the lasagna she yawned. She was beyond tired of high school but sleep wouldn’t fix her tiredness, she needed something more in the style of breaking into an old amusement park and take a few shots there with some fun people. Unfortunately all the people she could do those things with were busy tonight. The closest thing to an adventure today, was that high school party. And when her plans of leaving with Moira were crushed, since apparently Moira enjoyed her high schools parties, her only resort was to go on an adventure herself, which didn’t seem so bad at all but she wanted to have a few drinks and she refused to start drinking alone. So I guess it would be the party then, she thought as she grabbed herself a towel and headed to her bathroom.

As she was done showering herself, she opened up her garderobe and started wonder to herself. What do you even wear to a high school party? She had never actually been to that kind of party, since she always felt like it was a bit lame. And it was kind of lame that she was in the process to start overthink what she would wear, so she quickly grabbed a dress that she borrowed from her older friend, Marissa, pulled it over herself and tied a buttoned shirt around her waist to dress it down a bit. She didn’t bother to fix her hair and just applied some lipstick. Lipstick was her magic weapon for looking older. She let her hands wander to her underwear-drawer, grabbing her alcohol and putting it in her bag. As she looked at the clock she realized that it was almost time for the party and she took of her adidas, opened her window and started climbing out.

The dress:

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Nathaniel Nash

He follows the Honda carefully, he takes the same right and sees the Honda stopped beside two girls. He quickly recognizes Pamela but he
doesn't know the other girl. He slows, and watches as one of them grab the other girl. The men quickly begin to attack them, and Nathan gasses it. His tires screech on the pavement as he rapidly approaches the scene. He throws open his door, and rushes to help Pamela and Caity.

Nathan walks up to the Honda, in a swift motion is .45 is out and in his grip.

In seconds he is between the girl's and the Pirus dogs. He has the barrel of his pistol pressed against Javier's jaw.
"I thought I made this morning clear." He growls under his breath, his eyes on Javier's. Nathan quickly recognizes him.

Nathan reaches his hand through the window and unlocks the door, he swings it open and grabs Javier by his throat. He yanks him out of the car, and throws him to the ground.
"If you move, I'll blow your brains across the pavement." He places his foot on Javier's throat. He looks back into the car and aims his gun to the passenger who fails his arms "don't shoot, don't shoot!" Nathan smirks, "get into the driver seat and drive, or you'll be as fucked as he is." The passenger wastes no time getting into the seat and taking off.
Interactions : Pamela & Caity

Mentions :

Feeling : Protective

Nathan watches them leave and looks down at Javier.
"Do you remember me?" Nathan asks, kneeling down and pressing the barrel against Javier's lips. The drunken gang dog trembles and nods his head carefully, "i-it was a bet man. It was five grand-" Nathan suddenly kicks Javier's ribs full force, and the man squirms in agony. "You killed a child, and a mother for five grand?" Nathan spits, hauling another powerful kick to the guys ribs.

Javier gasps for breath and squirms
"it was our order.. he paid us or would have killed us." Nathaniel laughs, kneeling down again. He grabs Javier's hair and lifts his ear to Nathan's mouth. "You killed my son. You killed my girlfriend. You got paid and now you'll end up dead in the street." Nathan presses the barrel to Javier's head, "wait! wait. I-I can give you the names. I can give you the ones who put the hit out." Nathan slides his finger off the trigger. "Who?" Javier exhales with relief, "His name is Chase, he and Keaton put a hit out on your family. He said to kill of of you, you were supposed to die too! He killed two of the guys who jumped you right in front of us for not doing their job."

Nathan nods slowly,
"Maybe this will switch you up. You try to attack females and I've seen you do it twice today. Next time i'll kill you and everyone you're with." Nathan lifts his gun and slams the grip against Javier's face twice. He stands up and kicks Javier in the head and ribs one last time. Nathan pants softly, Javier lays at Nathan's feet bleeding profusely from his face but his chest heaves with breath.

Nathan looks toward Pamela and Caity. His eyes dark, but gentle now.
"I'm sorry you had to watch that, He's a bad man who got what he deserved." Nathan tucks his .45 into his waistline. "Do you guys need a ride? This area is dangerous especially after i let those kids go." His eyes rest on Pamela, no hostility only care.


Pamela Mondoux

Pam is shoved aside and falls into Caity as Nate swoops in and begins fighting off the gang bangers. Pam just stares wide eyed as Nate takes them down, pulling Javier out of the car and pistol whipping him to a bloody pulp. She still felt the rush of excitement from fighting Javier off, and she really got off watching Nate take him down and putting him in his place. She breathed heavily, adrenaline surging through her veins. Caity stared in horror as Nate bloodied up Javier. When he was done, he turned to them.
"Do you guys need a ride, this area is dangerous especially after I let those guys go." He asked in a gruff but caring voice.

"Uh, thanks for saving us, but we're just going down the street to a friend's house." Caity answered hesitantly, unsure of who this guy was, and after witnessing his violence not wanting to get in a car with him. Pam turned back to Caity, her voice bringing her back to reality. "No, this guy's cool, Caity. Don't be rude." she said quickly, energized. She turned back to Nate and smiled. "Thanks for jumping in to help, we were lucky you were here." She said with a grin, half friendly, half flirtatious. "We're going to her friend Damon's house, it's 76 E Roslyn St." Pam explained, moving closer to Nate a bit, inches away from him. Caity interjected, "Oooookay, so what are we going to do with the half dead cholo?" She said, looking at what remained of Javier bleeding on the sidewalk.

@Scarlet Fox

Nathaniel Nash


"That's great, I was just on my way to Damon's place. I'm guessing you are going for the party he is throwing." Nathan looks toward Caity, "I'm Nathan, by the way." He tenses slightly as Pamela gets closer to him, he looks down at her, his eyes were dark and gentle, unlike how he looks while at school. "Come on, lets get there before Javier's boys show up." Nathan begins to walk back toward his blacked out Mustang, the sun was beginning to set over the trees. As he approaches his driver door he looks toward Caity. "Leave him here, his boys will come back for him. If we're lucky the dogs will eat him." Nathan contemplates ratting him out for him ratting out his crew, but decides against it.

He swings open his door and gets into the driver seat, he pulls out his pack of cigarettes and puts one between his lips. He starts the Mustang and she roars to life, purring beneath him. He lights his cigarette and checks his phone. 7:20pm.
"Do you know that guy?" Nathan asks before inhaling his cigarette and watching the girls climb into his muscle car. Which is surprisingly kept clean and beautiful, unlike most guy cars.

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Pamela Mondoux

"Yeah, we hooked up a few times a little while back, it wasn't anything serious. He was a jerk, a boy tryna be a man, so I dumped him. Then he hooked up with Pirus." Caity reminisced coldly, fixing her makeup in the back seat. Pam sat in the front. She slyly grabbed Nate's pack of smokes out of his hand. "I'm fresh out, hope ya don't mind." Pam teased coyly, before taking one and lighting it with her pink lighter. She exhaled smoke out her nose, eyeing Nate with a mischievous smile. "Wait, how do you know Damon? We've been friends a while I've never met you." Caity asks suspiciously. Pam turns back to Caity with a pouty face, clearly annoyed by Caity grilling Nate. "He rolled with Damon's crew for a little bit, he was going to join up with his gang I think," Pam answered for Nate, looking over to him and ashing her cigarette out the window. "I remember seeing you at a few meetups, but you never showed up to your beat in." Pam asked, raising an eyebrow.​

@Scarlet Fox


Reina got home in record time. She had at least thirty minutes until the chaos arrived. She quickly showered. Standing in her closet she realized depressingly she didn't have many thing to wear. Most of it was paint stained or things I wore to school all the time. But I doubted anyone looked at my outfit once they saw my hair.

Reina sighed and contemplated not even going. But then remembered what she would endure if she didn't go. Ray shuddered involuntarily. Pulling on the most decent thing she could find, she checked my phone. I only ten more minutes. She quickly brushed out her hair before darting out the door. Reina had just made it around corner when she saw her step dad's white Toyota pulling into the driveway.

She smiled to herself,another clean getaway.

Nathaniel Nash


He laughs as Pamela snatches his pack of cigarettes and lights one. He takes the pack back and places it in the center console. Nathan meets Caity's gaze through the rear view mirror as he drives, she had touched a very touchy subject with the young man, his gaze only hesitates for a moment before he looks back to the road. Nathan smirks as Pamela attempts to tell his explanation. "That as close, but not exactly." He sighs ;"I was looking into Damon's gang for a little bit, i had told someone i thought was close to me." He inhales his cigarette and exhales the smoke, driving the average speed limit. "I got ratted out by the guy I told and Pirus jumped me. They ended up killing my son and girlfriend. After that I murdered one of those Pirus dogs in front of Damon, then I didn't need my 'beat in' ." He flicks his cigarette and keeps driving. It would have been a pain in the ass to walk especially now that Pirus will be looking for them.

Nathan glances toward Pamela, eyeing her slightly. "What about you? You're not in the crew but you still roll with us?. Where do you stand through all of this?" He asks, his eyes back on the road.

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Pamela Mondoux

Pam continued smoking her cigarette, shrugging her shoulders. "Eh, I rolled with the crew while I was with Raul, but he's no good. Ever since then I've mostly been a hang around, to be honest I haven't seen Damon in a while so it'll be nice to catch up. Caity's closer with Damon than me." Pam explained, flicking her cigarette butt out the window. She fished through her purse to find a flask, opening it and taking a big swig. She coughed a bit. "Damn, what is this?" Pam laughed. "It's vodka, you lightweight," Caity teased. She looked up, meeting Nate's eyes in the rearview mirror as Pam passed back the flask. "Damon never told me that story." Caity said, staring at Nate as she knocked back the flask. The car pulled up to Damon's house, the lights flashing in the windows and bass could be heard from outside. " Here we are!" Pam said with a smile, nearly jumping out of the car. Caity followed behind her, eyeing Nate before she walked ahead.

@Scarlet Fox

Nathaniel Nash


Nathaniel parked his car on the other side of the street, and watched as the girls got out quickly. He raises an eyebrow as Caity eyes him. She was beginning to make him feel uneasy and almost suspicious. In the type of game he runs with, acting suspicious or shady will get you killed. He climbs out of his car, shutting the door and locking it. His phone and keys are tucked into his pocket, his gun tucked on his waistline. He follows behind the girls as they enter the house. People are all over the place, and Nathan looks around. He towers over pretty much everyone given his height, when he feels a firm hand on his shoulder. He turns and sees Damon standing with a few other guys, and few girls. "Hey man!" Damon yells over the music, Nathan smiles and they slide their finger tips over one and others hands before lightly fist bumping their knuckles together. "I see you came with Pamela and Caity." he says, a tad differently than he usually would. "Uh, yeah I just picked them up on the way here." Nathan pushes his suspicion out of his head and looks toward Pamela, "I'm going to go get a drink." He then turns and walks toward the kitchen. Squeezing between young ladies dressed in skimpy outfits and guys grinding on those skimpy girls.

He finally gets to the kitchen where there are less people, more decent people. He pours himself a drink and rolls her eyes as some girl bellows about her haters, as if she had some. Nathan chuckles and sips his drink

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Pamela Mondoux

Pam eyes around the party, smiling and laughing as she continues knocking back drinks from the flask. She hears Nate tell her something and leave. She's feeling high from the excitement of the party, and also already tipsy from drinking so fast. Caity goes to flirt with Damon, who is more than happy to flirt back with Caity. Pam follows Nate into the kitchen, shooting dirty looks at the girls in skimpy outfits. She enters the kitchen, seeing Nate pour himself a drink. "That looks a little weak there, thought you went harder than that." Pam teased, taking a swig from her drink. She smiled and placed her hands on her hips.

"Y'all don't even know, my haters ain't know what deyz talkin bout, I'm da realest!" A drunk girl yelled from the other side of the kitchen. It was Talia, a trashy girl that Pam did not like at all. "Why don't you put your money where your mouth is, Talia? You so basic you don't even got haters." Pam yelled back, Talia frowning and leaving the room. Pam just laughed, feeling loose and happy. She giggled looking at Nate. "That girl is so trashy, I can't stand her." she complained, sipping from her flask.

@Scarlet Fox

Nathaniel Nash


Nathan chuckles, and leans against the island in the kitchen, sipping his drink. "Usually I would be drinking harder drinks, but I have to drive back to my place, and probably take you guys home." He says sincerely, he shrugs. Not many people got to see his more sincere side, especially given his notorious past to deny females to their face and refuse to associate himself. He sips his drink as Pamela tells the snobby drunken girl to shut her mouth and she retreats out of the Kitchen with her pack of slores. Nathan laughs and looks down to Pamela, "Hasn't she got with almost every guy at school?" he asks, chuckling and watching her sip her flask.

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Kiara Vox
Kiara finally put the last of her makeup on. She looked at herself in the mirror. 'Hmm I look presentable" She thought. She turned around and got her keys and walked to her car. When she got in she entered the address into her phone and drove to the party.


Kiara finally drove up to the place, to see it already pact. She quickly found a place to park and prayed that her car wouldn't get vandalized. She walked into the house and immediately smelt the smell of alcohol. She made her way to the dance area. After a while dancing she felt a hot body behind her that grinding on her. Usually she'd be ok with it, but she pushed him off and walked away to get a drink.

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Pamela Mondoux


Pam laughed as she gulped down the last of her flask. "Oh yeah, she's a total skank. I could totally mop the floor with her, but I'm too classy for that." Pam laughs, flipping back her black hair. She walks over and wraps her hand around Nate's cup, touching his hand for a bit. "Mind if I have a sip?" she asks him softly, raising an eyebrow. Before getting an answer, she takes the cup from his hand and takes a sip. "This is good, you a bartender or something?" She asks playfully, winking before giving the cup back to Nate.

@Scarlet Fox

Pam went into her purse to grab a cigarette, before realizing she had none left. She looked around the room for Caity to ask for her pack back, but Caity wasn't in there. She was likely in the other room dancing with Damon, or some other guy. She then noticed a girl from school walk in. She tried to remember the name, Lyanna, Tiana, Mara? She ran through her head. She walked up to her, "Hey, you got an extra cig?" She asked bubbly.



Alex had been home for about 2 hours after going grocery shopping when she heard the music from the party a few houses down. She sighed, 'I mean... I guess anyone is invited... I heard some people at school talking about it...' She thought as she put on her outfit for the party. She walked down the sidewalk as she watched a ton of other teens walk in. 'Hmm... Seems crowded...' She sighed, fixing her hat. 'Make new friends, I guess.' She thought as she walked up to the house with a small crowd of other people.


Kiara Vox
Kiara looked up to see a girl asking for a cigarette. She didn't look so bad. She thought about it and said, "I don't really smoke but I should have one" She checked to see if she had her purse. "Shit I forgot my purse!" she said out loud. She quickly thought of anyone place it could be. Then she quickly dug in her bra and found one. "sorry it was the only place" she said handing it over.


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Reina Ellis

After a short bus ride Reina followed the street signs to where the party was suppose to be. Reina thought she would get lost being in a unfamiliar neighborhood, but you could see the party a mile away.Cars were lined up and down the street and music was booming from a nearby house.

Ray took a deep breath before entering.It was completely crowded inside.People were everywhere and it reeked of alcohol,smoke and cheap perfume. She could feel anxiety rising up in her chest at the sight of the crowd. Shrugging it off, she made her way to through the house to get a drink to calm her nerves. It wasn't that hard being that their was a girl throwing up outside the kitchen.

Grimacing Ray stepped around her and into the kitchen where a girl was rubbed up against a guy.

@Scarlet Fox @simkimchild

I smirked and a laugh to myself how much of a cliche this party was.She poured herself a drink, ignoring two.​


Pamela Mondoux

Pam smiled, "Thanks girl," she replied, taking the cigarette in her mouth and lighting it, exhaling a cloud of smoke in the small kitchen. "Now, I know you from school, but I'm totally blanking on your name, sorry." Pam confessed. "Not sure if you know me, I'm Pam." she added rapidly after. She walked with Kiara over to pour herself a drink, then the two of them stood in the corner near Nate. "I love your dress by the way, where did you get it?" Pam complimented, with a big smile. She sipped her drink, the combination of her ciggy and the drink making her feel good. She looked over as a pink haired girl went to make her drink, chuckling to herself. She seemed like she didn't want to socialize, so Pam soon turned back to Kiara, blowing her smoke up towards the ceiling.

@Scarlet Fox @Tola @SuperUnicorn

Moira Darter

Sometime after her after-school and pre-party drinking session Moira had fallen asleep, much to the girl's dismay to find out that the party had already started by the time she'd woken up a few hours later. She wasn't terribly late but Moira was never one to miss out on these kinds of things and so she wasted little time in hopping up from the bed, stuffing her pockets full of blunts and small packets of green. Grabbing a few beer bottles for good measure and throwing a jacket on, jogging down the stairs and shoving her boots on as she left the house in her pick-up. She didn't live in an area full of traffic and neither was the area where the party was being held and so it gave her certain freedoms in how careless she was in driving and how fast she was going. Smoking on the way over, ten minutes later and she was at the house, unceremoniously stepping out of the truck and closing the door behind her.

The party itself was nothing special, nothing she hadn't already seen but in a way that was what Moira liked. Now that wasn't to imply that she would mind if someone spiced up the party, in-fact she'd be all for that but parties for the most part were somewhat predictable regardless of how chaotic they could look at times. Someone like Moira figured that kind of stuff out after a while and numerous parties to show for it. The house itself was full of drunk people and adrenaline filled dancers already, it put a smile on her face. Entering the kitchen on a mission to see what goodies were to be found she noticed there was already a group in the small room, looking around as she took a puff from her blunt. "Anyone know where the good drinks are at by any chance?" She asked with a big, bright smile and a raise of both brows as she looked around. Turning her attention temporarily to the pink-haired girl pouring herself a drink. "Well you look fun, that drink good? The one you're pouring?" She asked the pink-haired girl with a curious look and a playful smile now.

Mentions: @simkimchild @Scarlet Fox @Tola @SuperUnicorn

Nathaniel Nash


"Yeah I don't mind." He said as Pamela took a drink before going to find a cigarette. Pamela eventually came back with a cigarette in hand and a mixed girl trailing behind here. Nathan sipped his drink, and was going to approach Pamela and Kiara when the slore from earlier stepped in his way. She was clearly attempting to irritate Pamela, and Nathan didn't want anything to do with it. "You tryna' dance?" she asks, her words slurring as she bats her clumped eyelashes. Nathan would have cringed but he was trying not to be rude. "Actually, I was just about to go over-" "So you with that bitch or somethin'? I thought men chased kitties not rats." Nathan nearly chokes on his drink, he clears his throat and smirks. "You must be sadly mistaken-" "Come onn, Fuck dat bitch!"
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/20160707_192034.png.97cbe8e4bcbdbcea1415df7062a52d9f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142155" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/20160707_192034.png.97cbe8e4bcbdbcea1415df7062a52d9f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Nathan with losing his patience with this girl. "I'm not really interested, sorry." he mumbles, his body beginning to feel hot with irritation. "Wat's wrong? You scared to have actually good puss-" Nathan had heard enough, "Back off bitch, Go suck someone off under a table." He snaps, pushing past her. Nathan approached Pamela and Kiara, his face twisted with irritation.

Nathan swipes the cigarette from Pamela, taking a hit and exhaling the smoke out of either corner of his mouth. "The nerve of that slore." he growls under his breath, feeling almost insulted she even attempted to come onto him. He hands the cigarette back to Pamela before taking a sip of hid drink, looking over towards the girl and he notices she is staring at Pamela. "Hey hun, why don't you take a picture for comparison, then maybe you'll see why I prefer her." he snaps, the girl quickly turns and walks out of the kitchen. Nathan wasn't one to usually verbally abuse a female, but she was attempting to harass him and corral him into her games.



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