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Realistic or Modern The Real World

Daphne Alice Morgan


Daphne arrived at the party and she looked around. Everything was as she expected it would be, there were lots of drunk teenagers and loud bad music. She walked past people and grabbed a cup, filling it with vodka and with her mouth she opened a red bull and poured the liquor in. Leaning against a wall she started chugging the drink and finishing it.”I will need this” she thought loudly and started to look at the other people around her. She saw a few people from her school and she laughed of how drunk they were and how they behaved but she recognized one person in particular. It was the guy from the class, the one she jokingly flirted with and he started taking wobbly steps toward her. His eyes was unfocused and she noticed that he had drunk much.

”Eeeey you there, Daphneee” He shouted with a drunk voice, making the less drunk people turn their attention to him. Daphne looked away, trying to ignore him. He only wants a reaction. But she felt a thight gap around her arms.

”C-come here, I know that you are very-y interested in me” The guy said and pulled her towards his body. Daphne tried to move away from him but he held her tightly but she pushed her elbow hardly towards his stomach and turned to him.

”How could you imagine me being interested in you” Daphne said with a cold voice and she looked at him with a gaze that made her brown warm eyes a dark tone.

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Pamela Mondoux

Pam and Kiara continued drinking and chatting, eventually exchanging numbers. She looked out of the corner of her eye and saw Talia had returned to the kitchen drunk as hell and throwing her skanky ass all over Nate. She blew out smoke and rolled her eyes, annoyed that this girl was all over him. Then Pam heard Talia talking smack about her and Pam's eyes lit with rage. Nate told her off and walked over to Pam and Kiara, taking a hit of Pam's cig. "The nerve of that slore" Nate said to both of them. "I know, but don't be too upset, that ho will jump on anyone with a pulse like a fly on shit." Pam said loudly, knowing Talia would hear her. Talia looked over and eyed both Pam and Nate. "Hey hun, why don't you take a picture for comparison, then maybe you'll see why I prefer her." Nate snapped, Talia leaving the kitchen. Pam laughed. "Fuck that bitch, next time she even look over here I'mma knock her teeth out, then maybe she can suck a dick right." Pam huffed, eyes lit like wild fire, her body shaking, itching for a fight.

@Scarlet Fox @Tola

Reina took a sip of her drink as a tatted girl. She was pretty.

"If you're a rum and coke kind of girl,"she replied,"but something tells me you're a little wilder than that." Ray was surprised.Maybe this party wouldn't be that terrible.Just as that thought entered my mind, a drunken girl came in the kitchen. She started to loudly flirt with him. Ray didn't what was worst the fact that this obviously STD infested girl thought she had a chance or the smell she had brought into the room.

@RIPSaidCone @Scarlet Fox



Kiara Vox
Kiara watched the girl take the cigarette. She learned that her name was Pamela. "It's ok, I'm Kiara" She said. "Oh my dress I don't know where it's from, my sister got it for me" She said. She poured herself a drink and saw ore people appear. A girl with pink hair and a girl with a bunch of tattoos. As she took another sip of her drink another guy appeared. This guy was familiar, she's seen him around the school but she never talked to him, especially because of the rumors. Soon a girl came up to them and started a fight. Kiara stood by and watched until the girl said, "Fuck that bitch, next time she even look over here I'mma knock her teeth out, then maybe she can suck a dick right." Kiara eyes widened and turned to Pamela. "Wow and people think that I'm desperate and thirsty" She said taking a sip of her drink.

@simkimchild @Scarlet Fox @SuperUnicorn @RIPSaidCone

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Nathaniel Nash


He laughed lightly, having a light buzz, "Before or after you get drunk?" He teases, staking a rather large swig of his drink. There as a sudden commotion in the living room. The sound of glass breaking and people yelling. Nathan ignores it, figuring it was just a typical fight and Damon had it under control, he was the host after all. Nathan takes a drink of his drink, and laughs at Kiara's remark. "I have a blunt in the car, want to come and smoke it with me?" He asks the girls, curious. He could use the illegal herb right about now, and it wouldn't hurt to leave the house for a moment.

Once he gets his answers, Nathan pushes past a few more people within the kitchen, making his way to the living room. He finally comes upon the scene, someone had stopped it but the slore from earlier was bleeding profusely from her nose and lips. Nathan rolls his eyes, and keeps walking. He exits the building, and walks down the steps. He walks across the street to his black Mustang. He unlocks it and halfway sits int eh driver seat, grabbing the blunt and lighting it.


Moira Darter

Moira looked the girl up and down, she seemed like the type to like a party at least from first glance. She laughed and shook her head, "I'm offended that you'd even bring up rum and coke, but you'd be right in assuming I'm a "little" wilder than that." She grinned happily, looking over to where the drunken girl and the guy were having a bit of a "disagreement" if one could call it that, it was amusing to say the least. Until it was over and the guy had left, Moira leaning against the kitchen worktop and taking another puff from her blunt, looking to the pink-haired girl again. "So, may you be a lady and hit me up with a drink?" She asked feigning poshness jokingly.

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Pamela Mondoux

Pam laughed at Kiara's comment, finishing off the rest of her drink, now pretty buzzed. She giggled at Nate's joke and continued to smoke her cigarette. "Yeah, let's all go smoke, need to get outta here for a minute anyway." Pam agreed with a wide smile, following behind Nate closely, eyeing him up and down as he strutted through the crowd. She was feeling frisky, and Nate was looking pretty good tonight. She saw Talia bleeding on the floor and giggled behind a tight lipped smile, happy that she got what she deserved. She headed to Nathan's black mustang, and sat on his lap sideways with half her body out of the car. She took the lit blunt and inhaled heavily, taking a big hit. She exhaled white clouds, the smell of bud permeating the outside air. "That's grade A, Nate." Pam laughed, coughing a bit.

Mentions: @Scarlet Fox @Tola

Nathaniel Nash


He tenses as Pamela sits in his lap, and smirks as she takes a big hit. "That's a perk to being in my situation, I guess." He chuckles, gently taking it from her grasp and inhaling heavily. He allows the herb to burn his throat and lungs, before exhaling. He twists the blunt in his fingers as he takes a drink of his alcoholic beverage, allowing it to soothe his throat, before taking smaller hit and handing it back to Pamela. He sighs and watches as a young lady tells of some drunken guy. He watches closely, he disliked males attempting to harass females in general, especially after what happened to Delilah. He would never admit it but he blames himself fully for her, and his child's death.

He pushes his thoughts to the back of his mind, allowing his high to numb his memories. He looks up at Pamela, "So I'm guessing I get the honor of taking you and Caity home, huh?" he sighs exaggeratedly, as if it was a hassle and smirks. He enjoyed teasing her, she was a pretty good sport for it.


Pamela Mondoux

Pam giggled at Nate, "Only if you want to, I can get there by myself." Pam protested playfully, now drunk and high it was apparent she was out of it. Just then Caity walked out of the house, her hair a bit of a mess. "Hey guys, how's it going?" Caity said with a drunken smile. "Smoking," Pam responded, holding her hit in her lungs before exhaling in Caity's face. "Well, I'm about ready to get out of here." Caity said confidently. Damon walked out onto his porch with his shirt off and pants sagging. "Caity, baby come back! I didn't mean it, girl!" He protested. Caity turned back to him. "Uh uh, not a chance! I saw those texts, you hitting up that puta while you with me, I do NOT think so!" she sassed waving her fingers. Pam laughed, coughing some more. "So you need a ride or what?" Pam asked, slurring her words, and wrapping her arms around Nate, digging into his lap and leaning on his chest. "Yeah but I can't go to my house, Drianne and the baby are asleep," Caity explained. "You can come to my house! Yay sleepover!" Pam exclaimed, waving her arms up. She leaned into Nate's ear and whispered, "And you can sleep over too," she kissed his cheek before passing the blunt to him and lighting up another cigarette.​

@Scarlet Fox

Reina Ellis


Reina giggled at the girls comment as she took another swig of her drink.

"Of course,"Reina answered. She poured the rest of her drink down the sink and poured them both something harder. Ray handed her drink with a smile. She hoisted herself up on the counter top and dangled her legs.

"I'm Reina by the way,"Ray told her.

She was startled by some noise in the other room.She decided to ignore it.It was none of her business anyway.​


Nathaniel Nash


Nathan chuckles softly, taking the blunt and hitting it. He watched Caity and Damon and chuckles, always making a scene. "That's fine with me, I'm sure you guys need some baby sitting done anyways." He teases, hitting the blunt once more before handing it to Caity. He pulls his keys out and starts his car, the machine roars to life and purrs beneath him. Nathan drinks the last of his drink before tossing the cup in the grass nearby. He bounces the knee Pam is sitting on a tad bit, watching as other people begin to leave as well.

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Pamela Mondoux

Pam giggles as she feels Nate's leg bouncing under her, getting up off his lap and walking around to shotgun, still smoking her cigarette. Caity kills the blunt and gives Damon the finger before climbing into the back seat of Nate's car. Pam fiddles with the radio until some Drake pumps out the stereo. She leans back, giggling quietly, having the spins. She runs her fingers through her hair, exhaling smoke through her nose and lazily hanging her arm out the window, hazily watching the people leave the house.​

@Scarlet Fox

Nathaniel Nash


Nathan smirks as Caity gives him the finger, once both girls were in the car he pulls away from the curb. "So where am i going? Like direction wise." he asks, cruising down the street going average speed. He slows to a stop at a stop light, tapping his knee with his free hand. He wasn't even tipsy, just a little high. He glances toward Pamela, not knowing if she was even coherent enough to know her way home. He unlocks his phone, clicking on a few applications he hands it to Pamela, "Put in your address, please." he says, watching the light turn green. He continues to drive the average speed, not wanting to make the girls throw up by driving to fast or reckless, his car was new after all.


Moira Darter


Moira's playful grin persisted as Reina poured both of them something that was stronger than the usual beer that was scattered all over the place. She took the drink gratefully and proceeded to hop her backside up onto the kitchen worktop next to Reina, both pairs of legs now dangling off the side as they spoke. "I'm Moira, pleasure to meet you." There was some noise in another part of the house which Moira was interested in but couldn't be bothered going to check out so she kept still, looking to Reina as she continued. "So, enjoying the party?" She asked casually, taking a sip from the drink.


Pamela Mondoux


Pam typed in her address as the car drove down the streets, neon signs whizzing by at what seemed like lightning speed. Pam was giggling and having fun. "You, you're so fast," Caity moaned from the back, suffering from the spins, she opened the back window and stuck her head out, sighing, clearing her head. Pam flicked her cigarette butt out the window, slowly laughing to herself. She looked over at Nate, and began tracing up and down his arm with her finger as she sat there. She moved her hand up to his shoulder and began rubbing it as he was driving. "Ya know, I think Caity isn't well, maybe you should stick around my house and babysit, in case I need some help." Pam said suggestively with a smile.

@Scarlet Fox

Nathaniel Nash


He clears his throat as Pamela drags her fingers over his arm and rubs his shoulder. He smirks, "right, kind of how I'm going to have to babysit you also?" He raises an eyebrow, taking a right and continues driving down a public street.


Reina Ellis


Reiana took a good look at Moira.She seemed really comfortable here. "It's not really my scene, but it's not as bad as I thought." At least she wasn't wasting the night arguing with her family. Maybe it was the booze but she was actually having fun. Plus she had met decent person.​


Moira Darter


Moira was a bit surprised to hear that parties weren't really Reina's thing, maybe she had just jumped to conclussions with the way she looked and all. "Well I'm glad you're enjoying it anyway, could've gone a lot worse right?" She said with a smirk, pushing herself back further onto the kitchen worktop making it more comfortable to sit as she spoke.


Pamela Mondoux

Pam laughs, "Yeah," she admits sheepishly. She wasn't so far gone that she didn't know she was drunk. She looked as Nate turned down the street. "It's the next right, Building C," Pam managed to explain coherently. She looked back at Caity in the back seat, who seemed to be passed out. She rolled her eyes, annoyed but not really. Pam reached back and slapped Caity's thigh. "Hey, we're almost there, wake up," Pam commanded, her voice still slurring.​

@Scarlet Fox


Reina smiled sipping her drink. She could tell the party was dying down./but she wasn't ready to go home yet. She giggled and looked at Moira. "Yeah, I could've not met you,"she said.
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Moira Darter


A fair amount of the people at the party had already drank themselves to oblivion, not that Moira had expected anything different from such a party. It was the kind of thing she knew about parties, when and why they would eventually die, experience had taught her. Reina's giggle on the other hand seemed as if it could never die down if she didn't want it to, it brought a smile to Moira's face. "Why I thank you for the compliment, it would've sucked not to meet you as well." She grinned playfully.



Reina checked the time on her phone for the time. She cursed at how late it'd gotten. Hopefully her stepdad would be asleep.She jumped off the counter top and turned to Moira. "I have to go but I'll see you around?"

Moira Darter


Moira had been taking another sip from her drink when Reina had hopped off the kitchen counter, looking over to the other girl as she said she had to go. It bummed Moira out obviously but if Reina had to go then she had to go. "Aww, oh well yeah I'll see you around. Been nice talking." She smiled.

During the entire party, Alex kept to herself and just watched everyone get more and more out of it. She wanted to talk to other people, but it seemed that everyone was already friends with everyone. She sighed, standing up to go outside, where it wasn't so hot. She was thinking to herself about whether she should leave or not... 'I mean... I think I'll just go home... This was kinda boring...' She sighed once more, looking up at the sky boredly.

Daphne Alice Morgan

Daphne walked to the other rooms and sat down on a couch. She grabbed a cigarette from a pack that laid on the table and fumbled in her bag after a lighter but couldn't find one. Disappointed she looked around and saw a familiar figure. It was the girl from school. Moira? She waved to her with the cigarette in her hand. @RIPSaidCone

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