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Realistic or Modern The Party of a Life Time ~Forever Accepting~



"you are so cute" I laughed a little, I felt bad cause I never really watched any of his videos. "Are you ready to watch Sinister" I was getting even more excited, I was excited to be able to watch the movie with him, finally the popcorn was done "yayyy popcorn" I got a bowl and placed it near the microwave and I went and grabbed the drinks​



I smiled at her and said "Yea let's go see the movie" I said grabbing the bowl of popcorn and walking to the living room and seats down next to Callie and Nina.



I put the drinks down and quickly ran upstairs to grab my movie watching blanket, I sat down and curled up next to Nick and waited for the opening scene​



I was watching the movie with the girls and and hour and a half has passed in it and Callie was all curled up next to me and Nina well I think she passed out. So it was just me and Callie watching the movie still. I looked at Callie and said "Looks like Nina is knocked out. I said looking at he and my phone started to vibrate and it was just Instagram stuff.



I was having a good time with Callie and Nick but like when half of the movie passed I was knocked out. I woke up a little and said "I am going to my bed to sleep and stuff I will see you guys later in the day." It was only 2 o'clock in the afternoon and I needed at nap. I went up stairs and went inside the me and Callie's room and went to my bed and lays down on my phone and tries to go back to sleep.



I didn't really realize that it was only 2 in the afternoon. I was really enjoying myself, by the time the movie was over I was practically sitting on his lap he didn't seem to mind so I didn't move I could feel his phone going off "you can check ur phone if you want" I looked at him​




"Ooooo" I went to go say something else but realized I had to go to the bathroom "brb" I kissed his cheek and got up and ran towards the bathroom​


I watched her walk away and said "Yea take your time" I said laughing and I grabbed my phone and I went throw my Instagram stuff and youtube as well. I love my fans but I also love my life.



I got back to the living room, he looked like he was busy with whatever he was doing so I sat towards the other end of the couch, I started looking through my phone trying to make sure I didn't get any messages​


I put my phone away and looked at Callie when she came back and she was all the way at the end of the couch. I looked at her and said "Why are you all the way back then Cal" I said walking towards her



Due to all the drama, I spent the day in my room watching movies, but I was bored now, so I went out to see what people were doing and saw Callie and Nick on the sofa, they looked happy together, though so I left, deciding to go swimming. I changed in my room and grabbed my towel, before walking to the pool.




"You looked like you were busy so I didn't want to bother you" It wasn't hard to figure out that he would have a lot of notifications and people that would want to talk to him​



I got up from a good ass nap. I got up and wanted to go for a swim. I got changed and grabbed my towel and went downstairs. Once I got to the backyard I saw Sebastian there I looked at him and said "Hey What's up Sebastian?" I said looking at him and going inside the pool.


I laughed and said "It was just social media from my fans on Instagram it's okay". Then an Idea popped in my head and said "Here watch this" I was holding down the lock button on my phone and it turns off and I said "See no more phone no more social Media" I said laughing



I started laughing, I'd never knew that you could do that. I looked at him "what are we going to do for the rest of the day" I pulled his arm so he was sitting next to me.​


I smiled at her and said "I don't know I mean we did confront each out and we watched a movie today, Nina just woke up to go swimming and we are just seating here wonder what to do next" I said laughing



"And it's not even late" I laid back on the couch and looked at the ceiling "you could go make a video"



I looked at her from upside down looking at her face when she lays down in the couch and I said "Yea I could do that but the editing is a pain in my ass but hell it's something to do". I looked at Callie and said "Do you want to help me with the video" I said looking at her.



"Yeah!" I sat up and grabbed my blanket, "like what exactly do you do" I stood up I held his hand and started walking towards the stairs​


I laughed and said "All you have to do is stand there and act pretty and do what you normally do just act like Callie" I said looking at her and enters my room and grabs my camra and sets everything up



"Otay" Not wanting to break or do anything that may mess up everything, I laid on his bed and started watching a video, it was so cute that I couldn't help but laugh at it "hahaha that doesn't make any sense" I tried to be quiet​


I got my camera and started recording and said to the camera "Hey guys Nick here and I am with my girlfriend Callie" I pointed the camera by her and said "We are hear at this lovely mansion as you seen on the news or on my Instagram I was going to the 5 day party for 50k. I know right they picked me because of my good looks. Well I will show you a tour of it but right now I am very hungry and I will be right back" I closed the camera and puts it down and said "Okay I am done with the first part the rest I will do later" I said smiling at her.



I smiled back at him, "That was fast" I giggled a little. It felt a little weird hearing him say girlfriend but I liked it, I sat up and started running my fingers through my hair, I got an idea, I got off the bed and went over to him "I wanna make cookies" I laughed, without waiting for him to respond I started back down to the kitchen.​



I hopped out the pool and went by my towel and I was walking in the mansion with the towel around my waist and said "Hey Callie what's up"

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