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Realistic or Modern The Party of a Life Time ~Forever Accepting~



I pulled my towel over my head, I could feel my face getting a little red. Plus I hated that they we're yelling.​




"Hey Mari...Mari wake up."

My older brother Jessie called out slowly stiring me awake from my sleep.

"Jess, fuck off will you."

I grumbled, not ready to face the day. But Jess being the early riser he is, refused to take no for an answer so he tore oppen my curtains and let daylight quickly spill in from the balcony, invading my once comfortable dark room.



I groaned pulling my pillow over my face before turning over and slowly cracking open my eyes as Jess leant on the balcony frame,

"Come on Mar. It's after 8, and I want your ass out of my house so I can start my luxurious week with out you."

"Puh-lease. Like you can survive a week let alone a day without me bro."

He laughed and walked over to me as I sat up, giving me a quick peck on the forehead and a big bearhug as he plopped down on the bed beside me,

"Your right because I can't cook for crap, but now is a good time as ever to learn so hurry up, grab your bags, and lets go so you can grace that mansion with your messy colorful paints splattering on their walls rather than mine."

"Yea yea yea, now poof and begone so I can get dressed you big grizzly bear."

I smiled as I playfully pushed Jess off of me finally ready to start my day. Even though it didn't officially start until two hours later, when my phone screen read 10:08 a.m. My brothers storm grey Ram1500 pulled up in the driveway of the massive mansion that stood proudly before me.

"Woah, This place is huge...."

I whispered as Jessie and I began to unload my 2014 gold and white kawaski ninja. It took another 20 minutes before Jess happily rolled away in his truck speeding off towards I-95. I smiled and shook my head trudging my luggage along inside the mansion.

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I looked at her and then said "Aw poor Manda, her hut is broken" I said looking at her. I went over to Callie and said "You okay"




"Yeah" I quietly said through the towel, I was still kinda in shock that Nick said that he had feelings for me, "I'm gonna go watch a movie" I lifted the towel up enough so I could see and I walked back inside. My face was just a little red still.​

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I walked with her to the living room and said "Are you sure I mean your tuning a little red I see" I said looking under the towel she covered her face with



I rolled my eyes and went inside the house and I went to see Callie and said "Callie can I talk to you real quick alone". I said looking at her.



"I'm good it just kinda throu..." I was saying to Nina before Nick came up to me "yeah" I said to him​



I walked upstairs to talk to Callie. I really didn't know what to say to her about what happened outside I was just saying that came out of my fine mostly. I went up to her and said "About what happened outside with Amanda" I said looking at her and added "I..I.."



Going back upstairs I tried to think of what to say to him, I have feelings for him, I kinda wanna see what he has to say. Once he seemed to start talking, he seemed to get a little nervous so being myself, I hugged him, "Is it true what you said" I said smiling a little, I hoped it was​



I rushed upstairs and peeked into a few rooms before I found the one Mandy was staying in. I smiled and walked into the room dropping my bags on the bed on the opposite side of the room next to the window. I climbed up on the bed and couldnt help but jump around on it for a while, to help get rid of some of my energy. While I was jumping around I spotted everyone out back by the pool so I decided to ditch the room and join in at the pool. I pulled off my tee-shirt and jeans and pulled on my bikini and a hoodie before darting out the room and dashing down the stairs and outside only to see that everyone except for Mandy was gone. I looked at my besties face and all excitement and hope I had faded away,

"Hey Mandy, are you ok? What happened? Where'd everyone go?"

I know Mandy and Nina got along like oil and water, and Mandy still had hard feelings towards nick, and all feelings of hatred shared with Nick and Nina was also shared with Callie due to association but I thought that maybe things were getting better seeing that they were all together by the pool a few moments ago...

(@Amanda Cromwell)

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When she hugged me I smiled and said "Yea it is true, I really do like you" I said smiling at her. In my mind I was like going crazy tell Callie that I had nothing else to say to her.



I had a huge smile on my face, I was still hugging him, "yayyyy" I finally looked up at him " I really like you too" I continued to smile at him. I still felt like I was in shock over the whole thing​




I rolled my eyes when Nina and the others left, I hoped right back in the pool and I turned and saw my bestie. I turned around and said "Shit is what happened here." I grabbed a smoke and sat down by the pool.



I looked down at her because he'll she was short and smiled and said "Really I never knew that what a surprise we both like each other" I said laughing



I giggled, I realized how much I liked hugging him, especially now knowing exactly how he felt about me "What happens now" I finally stepped back from him, so it was a little easier to see his face. I was also getting cold so I wrapped my towel around myself​



I looked at Callie and said "Honestly I don't know their is only two options. Staying as friends or we just go out and have even more fun with each other" I said laughing



I look at Mandy and smile,

"We're in a bitchy mood today aren't we...But this shouldn't last for long."

I sing with a mischiveous glint in my eyes as I flung my jacket to the side and walked over behind Mandy. I wasted no time in pushig Mandy into the pool.

"How's the water?"

I ask with a playful smile.

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I nodded at he and said "Yes you right I am in a bitchy mood today" I said laughing. Before I could say anything else I was pushed in the water. Once I got to the top I said " The water is great" I said laughing and grabs her leg and drags her in the water and says "How's the water, feels good right"




"Well I do like to have fun" I laughed a little, I remembered something which kinda made me sad "What about Amanda, she may try to kill me" I was terrified of Amanda, she really didn't yell at me earlier and it still freaked me out, a part of me didn't care what she thought and I don't want her to effect Nick and I's relationship​




A scream escaped from my lips before I found myself sumerged in water, I swam to the surface and laughed looking at Mandy.

"You liar it's not great. It's perfect! Especially for cooling you down! I can see the steam escaping from your ears."

I told her before splashing her lightly with water.




I looked over at Callie and said "Don't worry about her since her best friend came to this trip I think she would leave me alone and won't kill you I promise" I said smiling at her
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I laughed at her and said "I knew you was going to say that". When my best friend is around I forget about everyone else and all the bad things that happen and hell Nick is never in my mine. I looked at Marietta and said "Hey want to hit the beach later because I am in the mode to surfer later"




"I going to go change, I'll come visit you later" she smiled and poked his side and ran towards her room yelling "NINA" I got to my room, I fell onto my bed and screamed into the pillow, not a bad scream but a happy one.​




I was on my phone looking throw some stuff and I then head Callie scream my name. I ran up the stairs and went inside my room and said "What's wrong Callie" I said laughing





I replied before leaning my arms on the side of the pool,

"In the meanwhile, wanna destroy the kitchen by making a pizza? Brother bear was so ready to kick me out this morning he forgot to let me eat, and the more i think bout it the bigger the emptiness in my stomach gets..."

I say, Im not much of a foodie but when I'm hungry, I need food or I'll be all out of whack. My stomach began to speak for me causing me to bite my lip.

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