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Realistic or Modern The Party of a Life Time ~Forever Accepting~

Enoch Hendrix


The car was shining and I was driving about forty miles above the speed limit down the road. Yes, today was going pretty damn good. And it would go even better when I arrived at the party. Fifty grand for getting smashed and letting loose? It was almost too easy. I tightened my fingers around the steering wheel and my lips curled into smile. It would surely beat college classes and mechanic work. Of course this was a big gamble. If I didn't get the money and skipped out on work for a week, well bad things can only come from that.

There was already tons of cars and hardly any spaces for parking. I decided to do what had to be done and stole someone's space. Yeah I saw them pulling in but my car was a lot faster than their little Prius. A simple tap of a button attached to my key ring and I was heading inside. The house was a lot nicer than I was used to. It disgusted me and impressed me all at the same time. I was tempted to take some of the lovely items home with me but I was not that kind of man. There was people screaming and laughing, the air itself was intoxicating. So, with that I got myself a drink and found a nice piece of coach to lay back on and relax for a bit. The party wasn't going anywhere and neither was I.



I laughed and said "Good joke Nina good one but I am in room 4 which is across the hall from your room" I said smiling I knew we were going to have a great time here for 5 days, I mean parties everyday starts tomorrow and I can't wait to just party and hang out with Callie more even though I do have a crush on her I just don't know how to tell her that I like her but I plan on telling her on this trip with her and the others.



I liked our room, it was really nice 'The beds are so comfy" I said loudly into the pillow, I got up and looked through everything. Once I heard that Nick's room was right across the hall I got an idea "You know what would be fun, if we did the can and string between our rooms, that would be so much fun" she kinda laughed at her own idea. She also wanted a good reason to talk to Nick, I have had feelings for him and I still do, he's adorable and the fact that he's so nice to me just makes it better.​


Lilly Brooklyn McClain

It was about 7:45 when I finally a wakened. My brother had woken up before I did. "Oh my God, were going to be late for that stupid party thing!" I yelled as I rushed out of bed. "No, your going to be late!" He yelled in response. "I'm already, ready!" I narrowed my eyes at that comment. "Fuck you." Said under my breath. I hurried my self up and did my morning routine. I finally was ready. We weren't the riches of families, but we weren't the poorest either. We were able to afford two cars on for my brother and I and one for my parents. I got into the front passages seat of our convertible and Kenneth started driving.

Kenneth Andrew McClain

I was up abou 45 minutes before my sister, Lilly was, but I could leave her we only had two cars to work with. It's a good thing we packed the day before. After exchanging a few yells we were in our shared convertible. It was a 15 ride from where we were. After parking we marveled at the mansion for a while. We went inside and walked down the hallway where the rooms were I stared at the art on the hallway walls. "Your such a fucking dork." I her may sister say from behind me.




I woke up late, which was routine for me, and forced myself out of bedd so I had time to shower. It was lucky that I live so close to this party's venue, really, or I'd be late getting there.

Once I finished in the shower, I let my hair dry naturally whilst I got dressed into skinny jeans and a nice-ish button up shirt. I styled my hair quickly, before grabbing my pre-packed bag -I'd anticipated lateness- and my IPhone, and running downstairs. Then I ran to the kitchen, where I grabbed an apple and a croissant to eat on the way.

At last, I got into my car, turned on the radio and began to drive.



I laughed and said "Yea we should do that it would be cool, or we can just use our phone that we have today" I said laughing




I went inside my room and said "This is so cool to be in this room right now" I said smiling at Callie when she had her face in the pillow. I then heard Callie's and Nick's comment and said "Wow you guys are just crazy" I said laughing I then looked at Nick and said "I saw your videos and stuff are you making one today" I said looking at him.



I rolled my eyes when I heard that Nicks door is right next to mine. I got up and said "Hey can you guys shut up I am trying to sleep here" I said and closed the door and tries to watch my videos




"It feels like we are at one big sleepover, we should totally have a movie night!" I was trying to calm down but it really wasn't working, I could hear other people getting to the house "yayy more people" I started down the hall looking for familiar people​

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I looked for familiar faces and noticed a pretty girl I recognised,"Hey Callie, I didn't know you were here," I greeted, smiling.




"hiiiiii Sebastian" I smiled and gave him a hug, I give hugs to all of my friends so this is nothing new, I really hadn't seen him in a long time. "how are you"​




"Oh I be good" I said " follow me" I walked back to where Nick and Nina were. "Who wants to do something fun" I said to the three of them.​




I looked at Callie while I was talking to Nick and said "Totally!" I said smiling at her

Sorry wasn't geting notes​



I turned around and I saw Sebastian. I knew him throw the classes we were in together and will the football games. I turned around and gave Sebastian a hug and said "Hey how are you" I said smilingat him




"Yayyyy umm lets go swimming" I went into my room and started looking through my stuff while they were talking




I smiled and said "Hell yea let's go swimming" I went inside my room and I went into my bags to find my bathing suit and towel. I changed into my swim wear and I put some short and a shirt over it. I grabbed my towel and my flip flops and I went out the door and said "Who is ready to swim"



I was getting bored and tried so I got up and I went to the backyard to the pool I had my bathing suit on already under it so I took off my top and jeans and I jumped in the pool. I was swimming and enjoying myself.



I was talking with Nina until Callie came back and said,Swimming I looked at her and said "Yea sure time to swim" I said smiling. I went inside my room and closed the door and started to change. I went out the room with my shirt on and some swim shorts and shoes. And said "Yea I am ready now"
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I quickly put on my cute white two piece bathing suit and grabbed my flip flops and my kitty towel andwent down to the pool​




I laughed and went downstairs with Nick and Callie down the stairs and went to the backyard. Once I got there I took off my shirt and short and flip flops and hoped in the pool.. And then I saw my sister and said "Amanda what are u doing here you see I am trying to have fun" I said to her.



I rolled my eyes when I heard Nina come and said "Can't you be a bitch somewhere else, Maybe talking to your red head and my ex' I said looking at her.




"That's not very nice Amanda" I said a little bit nervous so my voice was a little more high pitched than normal.​



I looked at Amanda and said "Look Amanda tell me what is wrong with you because I have no idea what is your freaking problem"



I looked at her and then said "Amanda please tell me why you are such a...". Nick cuts me off and I looked at Amanda and said "What he said"



I stood up in the pool and looked at them on by one right in his eyes and said "You don't get it do you, red head I know you like my ex okay no stop acting like you have no sense". I looked over by Nina and said "Nina my ugly ass bitchy sister I just don't like you". Then I looked over at Nick and tilt my head and said "Nick,Nick,Nick... I just don't have time for a guy who can't catch up with me and who is not on my level and I know you still like me." I said looking at all tree of them.

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I started to laugh at Amanda and said "You got to be kidding me here, why would I ever still have feelings for you even though you did beak up with me, okay two I have feelings for Callie not you and three hell I am over your limits" I said looking at her

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