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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy The Order [Reboot]

Abigail was delighted when she saw her sister making jazz hands, Abigail did the same and made jazz hands. "Whoa! this is so much fun!" Abigail giggled, enjoying herself doing her jazz hands. "Great idea sis!" she continued with her giggling. When their new friend Pandora asked about Charlotte's possible wolf identity Abigail's giggling transformed into louder laughing "Don't be daft" she chuckled, she waved the comment away in disbelief "Of course she is a human...i hope..." Abigail took a careful look at her sister, making sure her face hasn't changed "I better take a better look later, her teeth do look a little bigger today..." she muttered to herself. Abigail jumped back to smiling, and she continued with her jazz hands, but she started to add more jazz to her hands. Abigail was so enthralled by her jazz hands, looking down and both of them in awe, she completely missed her sister calling for the girls to enter the guild and Pandora running to the guild, all up till Pandora said for the sisters to enter the guild. With that, Abigail skipped past her sister whose hand she held onto to bring her sister with her and she took both of them inside the guild. Before Abigail saw any of the mess inside she let go of her sister and spun around to face Pandora, where she curtsied "Thank you my lord!" Abigail said, putting on a joking posh tone, which broke when she stood up and giggled some more.
Magical Squid Senpai Magical Squid Senpai Lotusy Lotusy


"'Just ignore them Charlotte. They are just being weird.'
She said to herself as the two wondered if she was human or not. As they got closer and closer to the guild she started to smell smoke but no one else mentioned it so she just ignored it.
When she saw that it was actually the guild that was on fire she seemed unamused. She wasn't surprised at this at all. What did surprise her was that the guild wasn't just a pile of ash right now. "Come on, it isn't that bad." She said to Pandora, "I looks fine. Just a little darkened." She grabbed onto Pandora's arm and dragged her inside too. "See, it's fine! Everything is fine. Except for a few of your traps but otherwise..." She looked around the guild seeing as there was almost no one there at the moment. "Hey, let's go to the infirmary. I bet That dumbass Ryder burned himself and that's why the guild was on fire! Even if he isn't there, we can still go and laug-uh...help out the people who may be hurt! Now let's go." She marched her way to the infirmary, making sure Abigail and Pandora were following.

When they got to where they needed to be, Charlotte noticed that there were in fact people in there and sadly that Ryder was not the one in the bed. She told Abigial and Pandora to stay back so she could get in and get out.
The atmosphere was...tense as fuck! Charlotte was almost tempted to turn around now.
But this is Charlotte we are talking about, so instead of leaving or waiting, she opened the door a tiny bit and peeked in. "Uhm, Ryder? Just wanted to say that we are back from our mission. And that we will be going on another one, with Pandora this time." As she said this, her eyes scanned the room. 'Ok this is definitely not from a fire. Hehe.'

metalcity metalcity Lotusy Lotusy
Loony_Bin Loony_Bin TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity HTCOR HTCOR DVationz DVationz

Jayn sighed as she looked around and realized that nobody was rushing to her aid despite how plausible she thought her situation was, and so, as her consciousness quickly faded, Jayn simply resigned herself to her fate and awaited someone to drag her body to the infirmary.

What she did not want however, was for the anyone, especially the dude who just shot her to pick her up bridal style.

As soon as Alister picked her up, Jayn ignored his calls for her to be quiet and began to kick and scream multiple expletives, showing allot of energy for someone who'd just been shot. Seeing that her kicks and screams were doing nothing, Jayn grit her teeth and reeled back before headbutting the hell out of Alister! As Jayn fell out of his arms, the woman got to her feet quickly and stumbled a bit, "Don't you ever pick me up like that again! Do anything else, put my arm around your shoulder and carry me like that, piggyback me, fuck just grab my arm and pull my up the stairs while I hit my head on each step on the way up! But do not carry me like that ever again, or I will end you!" Jayn breathed heavily and stood tall for just a few seconds...then she stumbled forward once again wrapping her arm around Alister's shoulder in attempts to stay on her feet as she spoke in a tone that sounded significantly more dazed than a few second before, "Gosh the ground is zooming in and out really quickly...Alright, I'm ready to head to my white, sterilized throne now doctor..."

TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity HTCOR HTCOR



  • Tagging: Loony_Bin Loony_Bin
    Jayn. No one else exists for now.



There was a brief moment of irritation- then pain. Much pain. Enough pain to make thinking a bit hard, on top of the pure scrambling thoughts as he couldn't-

It wasn't more than a moment before he just fell backwards, slamming into the floor like a sack of bricks. There wasn't much of a response from him, as one of his hands reached up, before just dropping to the floor. His eyes closed, not even bothering to move. His breathing even, not even moving much. Swimming in and out of conscious, as he'd already burnt some of his mana, making it harder to keep coherent, let alone dealing with someone headbutting him.

And so the one known as Alister just laid there, before slowly retreating into his soul. The world slowly fading away, as to ignore the pain for the most part, as everything was a bit fuzzy.

So his soulscape awakened, leaving his mind in a winter wonderland. The snow swirled around him, before flickering and shifting, each motion a heavy blur. His appearance wasn't clear either, consisting of just blurs as his mental focus was currently horrid. And so he tried to trudge through the snow, sometimes stumbling and falling back to his feet. But he just continued on, trying to find his cabin.

Zane O'Conner
Zane spent awhile within the forest gathering fire wood. The axe was dull with made him resort to using brute force to get the job done. Finally finish, Zane's arms are tired and his stomach his empty. "Gaaaaah I really hope Gurak actually cooked something good." Zane started to gather the fire wood in a pyramid type faction right outside along the back wall of the guild. Right before he stepped foot into the guild, Zane's nose was attacked by the scent of blood, gun powder, and the most disgusting of all...BURNT FOOD. He opens the door filled with anger and grips thenaxe in his hand even tighter. He looks over at the table closest to the door, seeing the disgraceful piece of burnt meat. He grabs the plate and marches over to the very table Gurak was sitting. He drops the plate onto the table, then swings the axe driving it into the meat and plate. "Gurak what the hell is this?!?! CHEF MY ASS!! Damn I thought someone of your kind would at least know how to not fucking burn meat when they cook it! Shit I guess I played myself huh!? Gaaaaaaaaah! You my friend is a sad excuse of a damn Chef!!!" Through Zane's angry rant his eyes resembled that of a dragon. Zane began to leave Gurak to reflect on his sad life as a chef and stomp to the kitchen "Guess I gotta make my own damn food, since SOMEONE HERE CAN'T FUCKING COOK" Lotusy Lotusy
"This is the reason why new recruits keep leaving," Ryder complained, crossing his arms and letting out a loud huff. "Who the hell would be willing to stay in a guild that has its own members shooting each other full of bullet holes, huh? I don't remember a time where aiming to kill your peers was in the rules, y'know." Turning on his heels he faced Alister, who was now slumped onto the ground. "It isn't your job to break up fights, Alister. The situation could've been solved without having to shoot Jayn, especially when you didn't even try reasoning with her, or learn about the context."

With his frown deepening after every one of his own words, disappointment and disdain riddled his features, like a father learning that his son vandalized a house or something along those lines. "Maybe I was wrong entrusting the guild in your hands while I'm gone," he'd say regrettably. "I'll have Oden be in charge. I won't be gone for too long, but I can't trust you with the lives of this guild anymore. Not after this. Once you've thought about what- And he's out cold." Holding a hand to the bridge of his nose, Ryder shook his head. He hated taking the role of leader, especially at these times, but it had to be done.

"Serena," he'd say suddenly, looking over to their one and only healer. "Take care of these fools, alright? I'm heading out. Make sure to notify me how things are going when I come back. Their lives are in your hands." Walking towards the door, he would push them open, only to find the young Charlotte standing right before him. She had just started explaining their situation. As if to make matters worse, he could tell that she was highly uncomfortable with the situation she just witnessed, her words light and quick. With his intense stare switching into that of a much more warm and welcoming look, Ryder palmed her hands into his, a coy smile spreading from his lips.

He had to defuse the tension, so the best way to do that was being himself. Leaning close to the side of her head, whispering into her right ear, his silky voice rang out, "Do you really have to leave so soon?" he'd ask, his grip becoming more firm around her hands. "How about the three of you accompany me downstairs? I'm just heading out, so I can take a look at this quest if you have the document on you right now. I'll give you my two cents as an experienced adventurer." Letting go of her hands and gesturing to his arm, he'd wait for her to lock arms with him, taking his suggestion of 'accompanying' to heart. "Pandora, Abi, you two follow, as well. I want to hear more about this excursion of yours."

Tilting his head back, he'd get one last look towards Alister, who was still resting on the ground. He might've been a little harsh, but there was a fine line between responsibility and feelings. Ryder knew it himself since he has experienced it before time and time again. If Alister ever hoped to take after Ryder's footsteps, he couldn't be making mistakes as serious as these. Not if he wants to better both the guild and himself. So, without further delay, he turned his attention back to the three girls, giving them a bright and lax smile. "So, what's this adventure all about?"

HTCOR HTCOR DVationz DVationz Loony_Bin Loony_Bin Lotusy Lotusy Magical Squid Senpai Magical Squid Senpai metalcity metalcity
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"Kay!" Abigail sung, responding to Ryder asking for the two girls to join him and Charlotte. Abigail skipped closer and wedged herself in-between Charlotte and Ryder, not realising what was going on between them. She had her arms by her sides but about 5 inches away from touching her sides, splitting up the two. She continued skipping instead of walking. "We don't have a plan Mister Sir!" Abigail cheerfully said, before entering thought on what type of quest they should actually take. When all of a sudden a torch lit up above her head, she stopped the group from walking any further and turned to face both Charlotte and Pandora "I know what we must do!" She exclaimed with a smile "I know what we are missing!" She continued, then raising her hands above her head she made a shape of a hat on her head "Hats!" She chirped "We don't have hats! And you never know when you might need a hat or two! or maybe three! Or possibly seven! No matter what quest it is, we must get hats out of it!" Abigail said with cheerful confidence, knowing that hats would make the girls lives ten times better! And with that she continued to skip forwards.
Magical Squid Senpai Magical Squid Senpai Lotusy Lotusy TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity

Julie and Isabel


Away from the guild




Dagger, bag of rocks, and sack of sliver


Vance was quiet as he rejoined Isabel and Julie; Since Isabel hadn't mentioned him not bringing back the girl, he wasn't going to either. Though when she said they were done with 'this place', he decided to speak up.
"So, does that mean we're going back to hell? Or are we going to find something else to do?" Vance didn't care too much which one it was, mostly because he didn't have a say in the matter either way. "Also, just a quick tip. If I take a weapon off of someone, it's probably not a great idea to give it back to them" Vance shrugged and stepped behind Isabel, using her shadow to create a chair for himself, which he promptly sat down in. "So, how long is the ferry gonna be?" He leaned back in his chair, wanting to relax for a bit, since almost being shot surprisingly wasn't that pleasant of an experience

Gee I do so love having all this empty space in my posts

Despite the destruction before her, Pandora couldn't help but laugh at Charlotte's posh-playing antics, folding her arm behind her back and gesturing indoors like a butler. "Of course, miss," she replied, letting out another laugh of her own as she felt all the tension from the previous moments dissipate as Charlotte decided to lead the charge in with a comment about her traps. "Yea, yea, my poor traps... wait, how did you know they were my traps?" As the porcupine girl's form only retreated further into the guild, Pandora only shrugged to Abigail and pulled out more sticks of dynamite from the wall, bringing the total to a dozen. "She's a strange porcupine, isn't she?"

Following the other girls to their destination, Pandora had to stifle a gasp once she saw how packed the infirmary had become. One particularly young , unidentified girl sat in the back, tended to by Serena, while another untagged woman and Jayn showed gunshot wounds, making Pandora wonder if there was a shooter on the loose. Th-there couldn't be, could there? This isn't a shooting range, is it? The girl strained to see if any of the victims had targets painted on them. Maybe they're getting executed?

Unfortunately, she didn't have the luxury of worrying about other people, as a certain hard guild leader saw to the three girls before Pandora even had a chance to react. Thankfully, the porcupine was the one currently accosted by Ryder - but all the same, Pandora couldn't help but feel sorry for her, especially as Ryder started dragging her downstairs to his dungeon ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) meeting room, to discuss whatever their "quest" would be. Watching Abigail skip forward to help her poor sister out, Pandora tried to chip in too, grabbing Charlotte's free hand in a reassuring way, and folding a stick of dynamite in her hand with a slightly-less-reassuring look of "just use this if you have to" written across her face.

Soon afterwards, Abigail's mentions of the hats gave her further inspiration to try and lighten the horribly creepy mood, and she left the dynamite in Charlotte's hand with a pat as she skipped forwards to match Abigail's pace. "That's a great idea, Abigail!" She said, stopping the group in a similar fashion. "Imagine what kind of safety a hat could guarantee you! You could get a hard hat for falling objects, something wide-brimmed to protect your skin, or..." Pandora paused for a moment, before taking a stick of dynamite and lighting it, placing it above her head. "Aha! You could even get a top hat, to store all your explosives! Nifty, right?" Blowing out the fuse nonchalantly, she urged the party to move forward once more. "Aren't hats awesome?"

metalcity metalcity Magical Squid Senpai Magical Squid Senpai TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity


Gurak nodded quietly in return as Natalia gave her two cents on Ryder's bold(ish) idea. "That's a tall order for us, though. Things keep going like today, and we won't have any new recruits left within the month. As she left, talking about getting clothed for a storm, the orc followed suit, gathering up the empty mugs and heading back to his small kitchen. Maybe they'll make good meat, he mused, or good weapons. Too bad it'd just discourage other new meat in the long run...

Speaking of storms though, the hairs on the orc's neck quickly rose to as if to an incoming lightning bolt as a particularly hungry owner of a dragon's soul busted his way back through the kitchen's back door. Silently jerking a thumb towards the plates left on the counter, Gurak focused more of his attention on scrubbing the mugs clean. Mead certainly wasn't something to come out easily, and with a lack of water, he just had to add a ton of elbow grease to shine it back to normal.

Thus, he wasn't prepared to hear screaming and a cracking plate.

"The hell's wrong with you, boy-" Gurak didn't have much of a chance to whirl around before Zane launched into a profane spiel, only rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly as he grew more and more confused with the man's words. Played himself? What's up with these kids and their slang nowadays? As confused as he was with that, however, the orc was more confused with the phrase "Chef my ass". What exactly does he mean by that? Do I...? Grabbing a large knife, still confused, Gurak looked between Zane and a certain hindquarter cut on the man, giving him an expectant look. "So, you want me to, er..." The orc paused for a second, still trying to comprehend what he was facing. "Bud, you don't have to, uh, slice off your own hind shank here. The food's not that bad, I'd say." Looking between Zane and the plate he'd called "burnt", Gurak gestured for him to eat. "Why don't you just give it a taste?"

The Elder The Elder

(Maria post tomorrow, tell me if you want an Arnold post Loony_Bin Loony_Bin )

Ryan Silverthorne
Ryan Silverthorne.png
After the fire and other various issues had been resolved, Ryan took off, finally on his way to slay wyverns while he sorted things out with himself. He had enough of the guild's self destruction, and he wasn't in the mood to deal with any more strangers. He ended up stuck with Bell, which was disappointing, but not much he could do about it now.

[Just gonna put Ryan and Bell on the back burner for a while]

Serena Scarlet
Serena Scarlet.jpg
There wasn't anything she could do for the girl healing wise, so instead she'd help by making sure she had a meal when she woke up. Although she was no chef in the slightest, she had learned a few recipes for such occasions. Adding in natural medicines that would help reduce any fever or stomach aches. Normal herbs that wouldn't harm her more than she had already been put through. The stew was fairly simplistic, and easy to cook up in a short time, since she was only making enough for the two of them. Putting the two finished servings into separate bowls, she placed them on a tray and took them back to her new work space in the infirmary.

Setting the tray down on her desk, she walked over to the girl and lightly shook her, "Wake up dear, you need to eat something. I made some stew, easy to eat, but take a few moments to sit up. You're still recovering from someone over healing you, so you might feel dizzy or sick, there's not much I can do about it, but you'll get over it in a day or so depending on how bad it is." Walking back over to the tray of stew, she set her own bowl on her desk and brought the other one to the girl. Sitting down beside her, Serena held the tray with one hand and lightly shook the girl again, "Come on, you seriously need to eat. Doctor's order."

That was when Ryder came bolstering in loud and with two more injured. Gun shots, and to top it off they had been shooting each other. "If you come here with false illness I'll be sure you leave with a nasty headache Ryder." Unlike usual, her tone was restrained and an obvious frustrated look was on her face. "As for the two who were shot, I'll take care of them as soon as I can get this girl to eat." Looking to the one he'd helplessly tossed onto the other bed, she could see a bloody knee, but she'd check her over when thing were less serious. The other individual though was obviously bleeding, and so that would need to be tended to. The man who shot her however seemed to be irritated with Ryder, what a surprise.

"Look, I'm new here and I don't know how you guys tend to do things, but from now on you need to refrain from trying to kill each other unless you plan on buying me alchemical ingredients or finding them yourself. As well as bandages, splints, and just about anything I'll end up needing." She looked at the man who seemed to have shot the third of her three patients and gave him a glare, although not out of anger, "As for you shooting one of your colleagues, it better not happen again, or I'll have you working under me for a week. This job isn't as easy as anyone would assume."

Then everything started getting worse. The man who shot the one girl fell over and seemed to go unconscious, the girl with the obvious bullet wound was about to pass out herself, and Ryder had left, leaving her to tend to not one, but four patients. "Maybe it was a mistake becoming a healer... hopefully things don't go too crazy anymore..." Now she had to switch gears and deal with priorities one by one. She set the tray of stew at the edge of the girl's bed and dragged the bleeding girl onto her own cot, taking a rag and pressing it against the wound, the man would have to remain against the wall until she got this girl stable. Luckily she had reorganized the room to suit her patterns and movement, so she quickly found bandages and grabbed the second healing potion she had. One left, but the girl had gone out cold which meant she had lost a lot of blood getting here. Of course there was much more to the process than just merely bandaging the wound and giving her the health potion, which was what made time the enemy now.

First she had to take off the woman's armor and any clothing obscuring the wound, which she promptly did with some effort. A limp body is much heavier than you'd think. That out of the way, she cleaned as much as she could around the wound and it seemed to be a clean shot, went right through. That saved a step in the process, so she wrapped the bandage around the woman to start reducing and eventually stop the bleeding. By the time this was done, 10 minutes had passed at the least. Taking the health potion in her hand, she pulled out the cork that sealed it shut, and poured a small portion of the vial down her throat. That would be enough to kick start her physical healing and hopefully stop her from loosing too much blood. She'd have to inform the chef to give her a steak or two to regain the lost blood. Now that she had been dealt with, it was onto the next two.

The other girl who was unconscious didn't have any wounds other than a bloody knee, and most likely a shattered kneecap. She wouldn't be able to walk as easily for a very long time, and Serena would be the one who'd have to break that news to the girl. Once again, she repeated the process she had just done, and gave the girl another small portion of the already open health potion. Now there was enough in the vial for one last dose on a minor wound, which hopefully she wouldn't have to use anytime soon. Once the second girl was tended to, she covered the two girls with a light blanket. Nobody needed to see their bare bodies, bloody and mangled. Especially not Ryder, he was already an obvious pervert that would be tended to in private and away from any other girls who may need similar medical attention as these two. Finally after a grand total of 30 minutes, she could tend to the last unconscious soul.

After getting him into a cot of his own, with great difficulty due to his armor, she managed to do so, as well as take off his armor, putting it off to the side while he rested. There wasn't much of anything she could do for him. It seemed he passed out from stress, and self induced causes. Finally she could take a moment to sit down and eat, if her food wasn't cold by now. She hadn't quite checked yet, but once she sat down to begin eating her lukewarm food, she took a glance towards the young girl's bed to see if she had woken and was eating.
If you come here with false illness I'll be sure you leave with a nasty headache Ryder.

Lotusy Lotusy TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity Loony_Bin Loony_Bin HTCOR HTCOR
If I missed any details, I'll fix them later, for now this is what you get.


As the fire was finally put out and everyone spread out from the guild hall, Arnold breathed in a sigh of relief and wiped beads of freezing sweat from his forehead. Impressive displays like this certainly weren't getting easier in his age, and it certainly was a strain, fighting the oppressive Cuban heat like this everyday. Putting another puff of freezing air into his ice box, Arnold resolved to get some rest before the even hotter sun hit noon.

And then a frightened goblin boy shot past him, aiming for the exit. The old man's brain immediately shifted gears, checking back behind Su'tal to see if someone was chasing before freezing the goblin's legs once again, right next to the front door. "Now where do you think you're going?" He asked, letting a chokingly thick mist fall over fall menacingly over Su'tal. Walking calmly in pursuit, Arnold took his time in reaching the goblin's position, letting the mist take a couple to seconds to pass.

Finally banishing the cold air as he reached Su'tal, Arnold could only click his tongue in disappointment. "Sorry, my boy, was that too frightening for you?" Pacing around to the front, the old man locked eyes with the goblin boy. "I though we were making a good impression, eh? What happened to keeping your cool?" Finally breaking eye contact he could only shake his head sadly. "You've got to take your chance and make that good first impression, son. I've known my compatriots here for a while. They're certainly a quirky group, but don't you think that even they deserve a good introduction? Wouldn't that be the ice thing to do?" Unfreezing Su'tal's feet after another eternally long stare, Arnold opened the door, letting the warm air outside counteract the cold oppression he exuded. "Now, are you still sure you want to join us?"

Loony_Bin Loony_Bin


After being unconscious a bit too long for shot knee, Maria finally stirred when the blanket was laid on her. For a second, she felt disoriented - however after watching a woman with a robe a few sizes too big walking away with a health potion, it didn't take long to figure out that this was the Order's glorious infirmary. Shifting in her cot, Maria quickly realized she was barer than Natalia, and her eyes quickly roamed the room to see if any man was around. (Thankfully) not knowing about Ryder, the swordswoman settled down, slightly uncomfortable beneath the blanket, but fully awake.

Of course, after the initial shock was over, Maria knew she had to take inventory of the situation - or in this case, check out the throbbing pain she felt in her left knee. Curling forward as far as she could, the swordswoman grit her teeth through the pain as she ran her hand over the now barely-bloody area. A small bit of blood stuck to her fingertips, but the wound was largely closed now. More worrying than the blood, however, was the slightly lumpy portion to the very left edge of her knee. It felt jagged, stung to the touch, and... flared up instantly as she tried to bend her knee, stinging as the few fractured shards of bone dug into her skin.

Instantly, panic shot through Maria. This... this isn't the end, is it? My glorious career... shall it end before it could begin? Adrenaline coursed through her, but she tried her best to stop the oncoming wave of fear. This isn't the worst thing that's happened to you, she reassured herself. And besides, haven't you seen worse? She remembered, ages ago, when Leon fractured a knee falling down the stairs, and even in his age and failing health, he'd recovered in a good six weeks. Besides, big-robe woman's taken good care of me, hasn't she? Did she give me a healing potion, too? With that bit of reassurance, Maria lay back with a less-worried smile. The swordswoman would be out for a week, maybe a bit more, but thanks to Serena's quick response and potion, it'd heal faster than before. Though I do feel a bit bad for making her waster her potion, hah...

Finally finished worrying over her own wounds, Maria scanned the room, wondering if she was the only one alone with the baggy-robed healer. Fortunately - or unfortunately, in Maria's eyes - in one adjacent cot lay the sagely Jayn, seemingly passed out from injuries obscured by her own blanket. Oh no, Miss Jayn... what happened to you? The swordswoman moved to reach out to her "mentor" or sorts, but decided against it, as her already pale face seemed drained of blood. Even wisdom needs rest, I suppose. With that, she turned to scan the bed adjacent to her, and as she did, her eyes widened, and any word she could have said immediately caught in her throat...

Twenty years ago, as another summer day drew to a close, Leon Guerra whipped up another one of his glorious bedtime stories, perched at the end of his daughter's bed as he always was. His story was heating up, as it usually would, and Maria would smile every time - watching her father's face light up during his stories as it never would otherwise. "... and so, the princess sat in her castle, with nothing but the dragon's scaly hide and blazing breath for company." Leon raised his arms, boxing himself in like a prisoner in an ever-shrinking box. "She feared that no knight would come to save her, and finding the hero she deserved was so unlikely-"

"That's so sad, papa!" The young Maria piped up, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes as she kicked Leon angrily. "That poor, poor princess! She must be so lonely, and sad, a-and..." the girl struggled to find another word to describe the princess's plight, shaking her head in the end. "I-I'm sorry. This is all a... a story, right?" More tears came to replace those shaken away. "Nobody's ever that lonely for real, are they, papa? Say it isn't so!"

In response, Leon could only force out a sad smile, somehow carrying an even more melancholy tint that made his daughter shake a bit in surprise. "I'm afraid it's true, dear," he muttered, patting the foot that kicked him with the same defeated calmness he always carried. "But it's not even princesses, either. Friends, neighbors... even the stranger you pass on the road may have his own 'dragons' to slay, or a tower they need rescuing from." This caused Maria to tear up again, and Leon quickly changed his smile to comfort his daughter. "Besides, you didn't let me finish my story, did you? The knight will save everyone in the end - I promise. A true knight can save everyone, in any aspect they must be saved from - even strangers with their problems. Like the princess, remember? A knight can not only rescue her from the dragon, but also from the sadness and loneliness of that dark, scary tower." He pantomimed a dragon falling over with a sword in it's head, causing both father and daughter to double over in a fit of much-needed laughter. "Besides, Maria," he said, giving the girl a reassuring nod. "Since you care so much - I know you can be a great knight if you want to. Save everyone for me, won't you?"

The swordswoman didn't exactly understand everything her father said, that day, but the sight before her made all those memories flood to the surface again. In the cot net to her lay someone almost familiar to her from her father's stories - a real princess. The fair skin, innocent look, and, more worryingly, the was she tossed and turned fitfully in her sleep all brought Maria back to the princess of the story she'd worried about so long ago. It looked like she had her fair share of problems, and even through the pain in her knee, Maria managed one though - help the girl. Even under the watchful eye of Serena, who watched Celica and her bowl of soup from afar, the swordswoman tried to best to softly rouse the girl beside her as the healer had before, trying to figure out how to help her through the pain in her knee. "Excuse me, miss," she whispered, lightly tapping the table. "The healer seems a bit worried about you... do you need help with the soup?"

TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity (I got you the promised eight bby)



  • Tagging: None



    The Road

"You bitch!" was the initial words said; before the back of a metal plated hand slammed into the man's jaw, knocking him off his feet. A boot slammed into his chest a moment later, causing the behemoth of muscle and flesh to wheeze. His onyx hair fluttered out of his face, a strong jaw upon the man. Beside him was a battleaxe, its handle inches away from his grasp.

But it was not to be, as a blade whipped across his throat in a smooth motion. It was barely an inch of steel that ripped through him, but an inch was enough. The man's blood began to pool up. The man struggled to say something, anything, truly, but no words emerged and just faint gurgling as the boot removed itself from his chest. The pair of exquisite boots stepped past them, a lunge followed by a series of jabs to take down his brother. It wasn't long before the second corpse fell to the ground, a series of gashes across the chest.

And so the woman knelt down by the first body, wiping her blade off on the man's clothes. Overall, she wasn't anything special; sure, she was good-looking like almost every woman out there in this world with a lick of magic, but that wasn't the point. To most, they would notice she certainly didn't have any mana radiating off her, let alone any within her core.

And so her footing was steady, as she looked over the forested area. Another quest completed, and she'd have to turn it in to the people who hired her. "Of course, I have to deal with those fools again...but no better way to get silver. Unless...no. I refuse to do that," her face twisted into an ugly scowl, before she shook her head. "Fuck that man, and everything he stands for. Half-breed heretic." after the hatred dripped out of her mouth, she pulled out her camera, allowing the ambient mana to draw into the device. Then she took a picture of the two corpses, each face up. Her features would still remain stormy, before the woman just walked on.

It wasn't long before she got to the town of Morten, a place upon the island of Cuba. She was fully aware of her previous boast, and if one was thoughtful, she would have to live up to her word- or lose her integrity. Many people did make such a boast without thinking, but they were arrogant children most of the time. She was in her mid-twenties, being someone of experience. She fought bandits, mages, and many others to get to this point. If only her blasted talents weren't wasted without any mana to back it up, as that was always an issue for sword users- they had to have some form of ranged attack. She didn't, other than her wit and skill.

Adults watched her, a faint smile on their face, as children swarmed her, asking so many questions. From how she took the bad bandits down, to how many there were. For now, she was more modest. "There was only two of them, but they put up an extraordinary fight! From the bigger one with an ax the size of you-" she pointed at one of the older children, who was already gaining in bulk "to the smaller one who looked kind of like a bandit from tales of old! He wore a leather coat, and held his own sword, much bigger than mine. I confronted the two, and beat them both to the group with sheer perseverance, outlasting them both in a contest of energy!" she gave them a bright smile, kneeling down to ruffle one of their hairs. "And so they both fell, and won't bother you all anymore. So don't worry about them scary fellows, alright?"

The children all nodded cheerfully, before starting to pester her, and ask how she kept herself so pretty (such made her blush slightly), to why she wore no armor. The latter was easy- she had no need for armor if she was never hit. Simple as that. And so she walked over to the local sheriff's office, showing the two pictures to the man, and getting her reward.

After she spent a night in the town, talking with the villagers, repelling the flirtations of the locals - of both genders, surprisingly- and drinking a bit, she took her rest. In the morning she went off after a hearty breakfast and a restock of rations.

It was time for her to test her skill, after all of these years.


Just All he had to do was just say 'ok' why didn't he just give them a normal answer!? No, he had to grab her hand and whisper to her with that sickening smirk on his face. She didn't know what to do and she silently cursed herself for blushing. All she could do was stand there and allow him to talk as her hand practically melted in his. When he had let go her hand fell to her side. "We haven't found a quest yet. We were just going to look for one..." Staring down at Ryder's arm she slowly went to lock arms. 'Ok Charlotte just do it. Don't make a scene just lock arms with him! Wow...I've never done this with a guy before. I'm about to lock arms with a guy! This is so rom-'
She was pushed out of her thoughts by Abigail wedging herself between Ryder and her, knocking Charlotte's dreams arm away just as she was about to do what Ryder wanted.
"Damnit Abigail." she mumbled. It was then she noticed that Pandora had left a stick of dynamite in her hand and she was tempted to blow herself up.
But instead she had to quietly walk by herself, looking ahead and angrily biting into another roll she had gotten out of the basket, replacing the dynamite with it and making sure to avoid eye contact with Ryder. Abigail may have just bothered her but the mention of hats caught her attention. Fashion was one of the things that Charlotte loved the most. She loved to buy clothes, make her own clothes, accessories and just look good in general. "I agree that we should all find hats but I don't know how a mission would help with that...ok now I can't stop thinking about hats!"

metalcity metalcity Lotusy Lotusy
TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity

If there was ever a moment that Ryder regretted his passion for women, it would be right about now. It was the only thing holding him back from punching Abigail right in the face after her little 'intervention'. With a twitch of his eye and a silently burning rage, Ryder listened as Abigail changed the topic to a tangent on hats, of all things. Even with his optimistic nature at its best, this was a bit much for him, the extreme contrast catching him off guard. "Wh-What are you on about, Abi-" Before he could finish his sentence, the other two started piping in by voicing their agreements in practical unison.

Trying to get off the topic before it took over his mind, he'd try to derail the newest threats to his plans of capturing the young Charlotte's heart. "The three of you are planning on heading out without a plan? It pains me to say this, but the guild isn't doing too hot with the amount of work it has to offer. You'd be lucky to get a decent paying job around here, considering how - usually - peaceful it is in town. If I, er, had to recommend anything, then I'd go for something along your skill ranks? A D-Class mission is the best when it comes to those, so maybe helping an old woman cross the street is a decent start?"

Crap, he thought, looking back to Charlotte, noting the light tinge of a blush on her cheeks. He was so close, too. A shame, for sure, but he always had next time to make an impact on the young maiden's heart. For now, he was in more of a need to find out where his one and only damn S-Class had disappeared off to. Without delay, he'd swivel on his heels, facing the three once they reached the mission board. "Pick something that complements each of your abilities. Just, uh, be aware of your limitations, sisters." He was referring to their soul mana and with Alister's latest downfall still fresh in his mind, he didn't want the two experiencing the same fate.

"Hope that helped. I've gotta go look for Sede, so I wish you all the best of luck." With a wink to the trio, he'd brush past them, hoping that he made a good impression. No, of course, he did. He was the Ryder. Why wouldn't they love him? There was nothing there NOT to love.

That's when he bumped into Sede- or, at least, his chair. That was a surprise and a half. Why wasn't the man in his- Oh, right. He was the one who threw the man out of it, let alone being the one who dragged him away from it afterward. Well, since he needed the man anyway, perhaps he could smoothen things out by getting his chair to him, at the very least. Without further delay, Ryder began to push the chair, trying his best to remember where it was he left the poor sucker. Then, he saw the almost completely naked man in all his glory, lying face first on the floor.

"Sede, you bastard! We're heading out. Got a meeting to go to, and you're coming with," he said, referencing to the chair as he pushed the furniture towards the man. "Get off your ass and actually do your job for once," he'd follow up unironically. "We have a long trip ahead of us."

metalcity metalcity Lotusy Lotusy Magical Squid Senpai Magical Squid Senpai LokiPokie LokiPokie
The constant murmur of voices filled her head to the brim, the sheer amount of them overwhelming and nauseating. Something must've been wrong with her. If she listened closely, it almost felt like they were calling out to her, chanting her name in an ominous and systematic way. If she didn't know any better, they were edging her to perform some sort of act, but everything was too dark to see, let alone act. As time went on, they became stronger, and so did her animosity towards the entire situation, their voices thundering inside her skull until. . .

Her eyes fluttered open suddenly, the first thing to see being black blotches that hindered her right to sight. The voices became much more clear and distinct now, a soft, yet upset women being the closest. They were telling someone off, or maybe it was her they were scolding? Something about needing to eat, which would've been a great plan if Celica could even see where exactly this food was. Turning her head to the window, the light peered into the now bustling room, blinding Celica with a gorgeous view of the Cuban landscape. Something worthy to wake up to, to say the very least.

A pair of eyes bore a hole into the back of her skull, accompanied by a voice, Celica was forced to tear her eyes away from the view, only to see something just as beautiful in terms of imagery. It was a woman, someone who was in a similar situation as her, yet they seemed more worried for Celica's well-being rather than their own. Something about the air around her gave this person a sense of justice and a (foolhardy) passion for adventure. Finally being able to register the woman's words after a second or two, Celica's hands gripped at her own sheets, pulling them up to her face with an embarrassed frown.

"O-Of course I can feed myself," she squeaked, her voice not completely back just yet. As if to prove this point, Celica scanned for the bowl that Maria was referencing towards, locating it on the nightstand next to the infirmary bed. With puffed cheeks and an angered expression, Celica reached out a shaky hand towards the dish, only to miss it completely. Her vision was not back, nor was her strength. Staring at the air that she just grabbed for, the situation began to take its full effect on Celica, fear overtaking her for what felt akin to an eternity. "Why can't I-"

She choked on her own words, small droplets of tears streaming down her face. What idiocy possessed her to risk her life, anyway? What was she trying to prove by just causing a nuisance to everyone around her, and ultimately wasting all of their precious time? Withdrawing her hand back to her chest, her heart felt heavy and her feelings strained. For a patient just waking up, the toll was simply too great on her tiny being, everything rushing at her instantly, her own actions re-enacting in front of her eyes until she was finally back to where she was residing currently.

Turning to face Maria, she sniffled, her eyes puffy and her nose red. "D-Did I do the wrong thing? Does everyone hate me now?" She had no answer as to why she was suddenly asking this woman, but the questions slipped out of her mouth before she could stop, now holding eye contact with the naked woman. Sliding her palms over her blubbering eyes, she laughed apologetically towards Maria. "Sorry, you don't have to answer that," she quickly followed up, her gaze becoming distant. "I'll gladly take up your offer if you wouldn't mind. I don't seem to be able to feed myself, after all."

DVationz DVationz Lotusy Lotusy Loony_Bin Loony_Bin HTCOR HTCOR
Voices drew her from her daydreams, her pale mare trotting along as she had been for months now on a dirt path that never seemed to end from her cottage in the forest through villages and towns, and now, to this fine establishment. The red haired girl was hungry enough to eat the very horse she sat on, and due to the impracticality of that, her morals, and the fact that she loved that mare like family, she decided to stop in for a bite to eat. Her horse's walking slowed to a halt, and she dismounted, tying her to a post by the reins lest she wander off. Isla stretched, drew up her worn green cloak around her, and approached the door. Her wild red hair, the thickness of which only accentuated by its unkempt state, was drawn back in a braid over her shoulder, ending near her waist. Small orange curls framed her heart shaped face, smudged with dirt and smattered with freckles. Her green eyes were soft with exhaustion as she opened the door, only to be greeted with the most handsome face she'd ever seen. Her complexion suddenly matched her hair, eyes wide, mouth open in stunned silence. When she finally got her wits about her, her mouth quickly shut, eyes averted, and blush deepened. She, being a smooth vixen of the night *cough, not* gave a suave greeting to the mystery hunk:
TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity
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Ryder was in the middle of dragging Sede back onto his chair when an innocent voice shattered his concentration. Standing at the door was an adorable young lady that looked to have been on the road for a long enough time to bring worry to the perverted guild owner. Dropping everything, which was basically just Sede, Ryder would stroll up to the elven goddess in a single motion, grabbing a hold of her hand and resting on a single knee. "Why hello there. The name's Ryder. How may I be of assistance to you?" Pressing his lips to her hand, he'd close his eyes.

Something was itching at the back of his mind. It had to do with him being a guild leader or something along those lines. Maybe it had to do with cleaning the dishes for Gurak, or perhaps he had to sneak a peek on watching Oden as he was getting changed. Either way, it was something that would need to wait. If there was ever a moment for Ryder to stop doing what he was doing, it was now, while this damsel called upon him. Ah, yes, this was, indeed, a paradise for the going-on-to-thirty-year-old man.He couldn't mess up his chance now, not when such a specimen was within his grasp.

Looking at her face, he'd shift from his kneeling position, standing upright in a fashion that was now towering over her. Placing a gentle thumb to her cheek, he'd wipe away the smudge on her face, gazing intently into her sexy green eyes. If she had said anything, he definitely couldn't hear her now. Enraptured by her beauty, a coy grin filled his expression. "You must be signing up to join the guild, right?" he would ask, his other hand still firmly around hers. "I'll give you the honor of a special tour with the defacto guild leader of this place. You'll have the Ryder exclusive view of the place."

Now, any normal person would think to themselves: 'Hey, you just met this random girl and now you're taking her into a guild without any real questioning or a definitive answer on who they are. Hell. you don't even know their name, but now you're getting all smitten with her.' Well, to hell with normal thinking. This is Ryder we're talking about. This is the man who is in charge of the worst guild in the entire world, let alone the band of misfits he has gathered over the years. Does anyone truly believe that common sense comes naturally to this man? If so, they thought wrong.

Pointing towards the second floor with a mischevious grin, Ryder would tug gently on Isla's hand, pulling her just a bit closer to himself. "Up there is where we have the dorms, you see. I can show you where you'll be crashing- Unless, of course, you want to stay with me for the night," he suggested, the thought steamy even in his own mind. Without further thought and complete neglect of the fact, Sede was on the floor next to them, Ryder yanked her along, any resistance met with a foolhardy shout of glee. (The poor girl.)

"Oh, and, uh, if you need a bath, the best we have is the ocean around us," he'd mention, leading her up the stairway and towards the dorms. Actually, now that he thought of it, that was a great idea to bring up with Alister. They needed a mixed bath. Something specifically made for him and every other girl in the guild. You see, the most important part of this divine idea is that Ryder is the only one allowed to mix with the girls- Oden being the only exception since Ryder was still unsure what exactly the man was. Scratch that, the Pactborn was, at least, 75% sure that Oden was actually a woman. They had to be, right?

Stopping abruptly, he'd stand before a vacant room, peering in to see if any of the new recruits happened to call ownership of it yet. Sure enough (for plot convenience), there was nobody there. Even if Isla had no time to grab her stuff, Ryder would make his way into the room, pointing out the obvious furniture placing and everything. It was a ploy to spend some more time with the woman. It would've been a miracle if she still saw him as a normal human being since he was anything other than it, but he had his heart in the right place. Well, his heart only had room for women, but that's a different story.

Turning to her, Ryder was grinning ear-to-ear, his hands now resting nonchalantly on his hips. "I hope you do enjoy it here at The Order. We've been needing more, uh, recruits, so I'm sure you'll fit in just fine." He then remembered something dire, practically dying when it came to mind. "Oh God, I almost forgot!" he exclaimed, resting his hands on his face to obscure his embarrassment. "S-So, uh, what's your name, anyway, lil' lady?" he would finally ask, looking up to meet her gaze once more. Depending on whether or not she was horrified or just plain disgusting in him, the demon simply gave her a weak chuckle.

LokiPokie LokiPokie Rui Rui (Eight paragraphs is hard, man.)

Out of all the things Maria expected to see in the girl's eyes, a smidge of defiance wasn't one of them. Her squeaky reply and embarassed expression, while charming, took the knightly swordswoman by surprise. Sure, she'd been rejected before when she'd lent a helping hand out, but somehow, this princess's words stung a bit more. Don't get flustered, Maria, she thought to herself. People want to work by themselves - and that's fine by me. Just make sure she doesn't cause trouble for herself on her own, that's all. Despite all these reassurances, the swordswoman couldn't help but worry a bit...

Until she watched as the "princess" girl paw at empty air as she reached for her soup. Turning away to stifle a (slightly impolite) giggle, Maria looked back at the girl only to feel immense guilt at her prior amusement. The tears streaming down her face, the choked up speech - it all brought the image of the sad princess back to the front of Maria's mind. Her heart clenched up once again, and her father's stories stuck in her head once again. This is the time the knight extends a helping hand, Maria.

"Hey now," she whispered, as calmly as she could. "There's no need to cry. We all have off days, don't we?" Maria's idea of "comforting" Celica was rudimentary at best, as the swordswoman was more used to taunting and digging away at her targets' mental health, not building it up. "Look at this way," she said, leaning as far over as she could to Celica's cot while making firm eye contact. "You're probably exhausted now. I don't know what's wrong, or if you really did anything wrong, but I won't judge, promise - and I'd be happy to lend you my own strength for now. There's no shame in that, is there?" Suddenly realizing that some of Celica's embarrassed reaction came from what the swordswoman was lacking under the blanket, Maria let out a little bashful laugh. "Just give me a second."

After straining to reach the shirt near the edge of her bed and finally slipping it on, Maria shifted to a sitting position, blankets and all, as she doubted she wanted to slide anything over her leg while it was still healing. Giving the still-unintroduced healer a little thumbs-up to say, "It's all good now," she then reached for the bowl of soup, holding it - a bit precariously - in front of Celica. Dipping the spoon in the slowly-cooling liquid, the swordswoman held Celica's first spoonful in front of her. "Here we go, miss."

As she held out subsequent spoonfuls of soup out for the distant-eyed girl in front of her, Maria tried to pass the time, shoot the breeze - generally hold small conversation for the time being. "Has anyone ever told you you look like a princess?" She blurted out, before realizing she was the only one who probably made that connection. "Er, I mean, y-you seemed like one of the status this venerable guild would employ-" Utterly confused and embarrassed at getting flustered talking to a fourteen year-old girl, Maria took a deep breath, steadying her shaking bowl hand. "Sorry about that - why don't we start over?" Leading up her re-introduction with an awkward chuckle, the swordswoman extended the last three fingers of her soup hand as a sort-of greeting for the smaller girl. "I'm Maria Guerra, knight of this glorious island of Cuba. Humbled to be in your presence, my lady." Making a motion to tip her hat, Maria quickly realized that she netiher had the hands nor the hat to perform the gesture, following her slip-up with another laugh. "And you would be...?"

TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity (I got you)
The first thought that went through her mind during this ordeal wasn't: "my god, he's crazy!" Or "I should go." No no, more along the lines of: "He's touching my hand. Like, really! It's kind of painful, but he's so beautiful...Do you think he likes me? I wonder if he's single. I bet he sparkles in the sun..."
She realized half way through, due to her aching stomach, that her initial mission had been forgotten, and what was all this about a guild? She'd never really had a group before...a family. Maybe this is what she had been looking for down that endless dirt road.
When he asked her name she was stunned, star struck even, but quickly recovered.
"I-I'm Isla...and I'd love to stay here."
...with you.
TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity
"Exhausted?" Celica mimicked, looking to her shaking hands for a moment. She was definitely tired. In fact, there was nothing better to do in her mind other than fall asleep right then and there. Well, besides maybe actually getting something to eat. From what she could recollect, she hadn't eaten since the day prior, which meant that the last thing she had was a mediocre sandwich at best. Glancing back over to Maria, who was now holding the spoon before her face, the young teenager couldn't help but take her words to heart.

Just as she was wrapping her lips around the silverware, she heard Maria call her a princess of all things. Coughing on the food and having it spill out of her mouth in a not-so-princess-like way, Celica would cover her mouth with an arm, trying to get her breath back. "M-Me, a princess?" she asked, as if to make the statement seem absurd and out of place. Did she ever give off the impression of being such a fair and respectable person? Hardly. If anything, Celica was just very needy and yearned for the attention of a select few people in her life.

Celica was now staring holes into the ground, her face as red as a tomato. "A-A princess? What are you, crazy? I-I'm not like that at all," she squealed, wiggling under his sheets in a perplexed manner. Taking another look over to Maria, she could tell that the woman wasn't kidding about her bold outburst. She meant what she said, even if she covered it up poorly afterward. "What about you, anyway?" Celica huffed, taking a spoonful of the food and gulping it down before speaking up once more. "What does that make you, my knight?" she joked, not trying to stifle her laugh.

Then, it hit her. How did this woman get her out of her funk, anyway? Celica had just been crying moments ago, yet now she was cracking jokes with the person feeding her. If she didn't know better, she'd say it was a fateful encounter. Something that was written only in the stars, but then again, how often did those things work out? After traveling for so long, she wasn't even able to talk with her own brother. Instead, she was stuck in this guild, alone. Being treated for, of all things.

"I want to leave," she muttered to herself, her brows furrowing forward. Subconsciously going for another bite off the spoon, she fell deep into thought. Was there any other way to get into contact with Vance? Even if there was, she wasn't in any state to be doing so. No, if anything, it was much safer to stay in the guild. Actually, now that she was wracking her mind on it, why did she stay there? It was about time she moved off. Once she healed, she'd be rid of this place, despite their kindness and hospitality. She simply couldn't leave Vance alone. Not with those two girls.

It was at that moment Maria introduced herself. Celica looked over to her, the title of "M'lady" shocking her a bit. Maybe this woman really was a knight in shining armor? No, that couldn't be. The fairy tales that she read were all made up stories, a person's fantasies of what could've been. Shaking her head furiously, she stared Maria dead in the eye. "My name is Celica, Celica Hendrickson. A pleasure to meet you, Ms. Guerra. I, um, hail from a distant land. I traveled a long way to get here, and once I'm all better, I think I'll be heading off, too."

Why was this woman so persistent? Or, more importantly, why was she being so kind? It was making it harder for Celica to look at her with a straight face. For some reason, this swordmaster was giving off a vibe that radiated (to Celica, at least) a true knight's soul. One filled with valor and content to protect their lady from harm. Did that make her a real princess? If so, why her? What was so special about this young, frail girl to make someone risk their life for her. If Maria was expecting money, then she was sorely mistaken. Celica had none of that on her, hence why she was on this island in the first place.

"Tell me," Celica would say suddenly, a quizzical interest driving her sense of judgment. "Why do you think I'm a princess? Is it because I'm weak? Do I look like someone you need to protect from harm since I can't do anything myself?" By this point, she finished the entire bowl of soup. Placing a hand over Maria's, Celica leaned closer towards the woman, a waver evident in her eyes. "Well, what is it?"

Lotusy Lotusy (Eight paragraphs AGAIN. I'm on a roll.)
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Even this worked up flirtatious demon was at a loss for words. The afternoon glare shone through the single window of the bedroom, perfectly lighting the fragile beauty with a blaze that burned similar to his own heart. Scratching the back of his head, he felt a bit derailed, not very much expecting that kind of answer. Typically, after his rambling and constant advances on a girl, they would simply leave or spit at him in disgust. Or, if you're Natalia, beat the shit out of him. So, when this girl did none of those things, Ryder was simply stunned into submission for a second or two.

Of course, good things die fast. Now that he was thinking with his head (rather than some other unnamed body part), he realized that this woman could've simply shown up to give a quest to the guild. Was it him, or was she looking at him funny? That usual glare or view of disgust didn't seem to register in the woman's eyes, as they were much softer and appreciative. If Ryder hadn't mistaken it, he could've sworn she had feelings for him. That couldn't be the answer since it had never been before. In order to get off this little mind tangent, Ryder decided to ask something that had relevance to joining the guild.

"So, uh, Isla," he'd begin, raising a brow at them. "Tell me, what exactly are you able to do, and how can I make it so that you're as comfortable as possible living in this guild?" Considering the alarming rate of patients that were taking up the infirmary, Ryder was wary of the answer that might come next. Serena was being overworked to the bone, and the guild's stash of limited ingredients for potions and the like were dwindling faster and faster by the second. If this woman was some kind of berserker, then it was a matter of time before the poor Serena would eventually walk out on the guild, too.

"Ah, by the way. If there is anything specific you want to ask about the guild, or about how we run things, now is a perfect time. I know how strange things can get around here, but I hope it's to your liking." Standing stationary, the man waited patiently for her answer, a somewhat more lax composure taking over his previously manic demeanor. Despite all of the statements of what a vile creature he was, a blemish to the world, he did have a semblance of sanity to him, especially when it meant looking good in front of a beauty such as this one.

Rui Rui
Isla was quiet for a moment.

"I'm an archer, healer, revivalist, chemist, and I have limited magical abilities," she began, "I-I don't know if that's good enough, it probably isn't...should I go? I don't want to burden you. You've been very kind, and very beautiful...d-did I say beautiful? Oh my, uh benevolent, yes the other B-word...n-not to say you aren't beautiful because you are very, very attractive-" she paused, her eyes set squarely on her feet, her blush the shade of a pomegranate.

"I'm babbling...forgive me."

She twiddled her thumbs before anxiously twisting her braid.

"I-I've never been a part of anything before. I'm not sure if I'm cut out for this." She looked up at him, eyes glittering, Jade depths full of innocence, open and mystified.

"Please, tell me what to do and how I may join you?"

TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity
"A healer, you say?" he asked, placing a hand on either side of her shoulders, confidence exuding from his person. "That's just the type of person this guild has been looking for! You'll fit right in, I'm sure of it." It wasn't typical of Ryder to miss a compliment when someone gave him one, in fact, he was the type to hold them to it for the rest of their life, but when he heard it from Isla, it felt more like a privilege, rather than a simple attempt at flattery. Covering his infatuation with a well-timed cough, the guild leader would have about fifty light bulbs go off at once inside his head. It wasn't every day a woman asked to please join your guild, let alone how. Not with the twenty-sixth, at least.

"Now listen to me closely, my delightfully young Rui, for this might be the most important bit of information I can give you. Take it from an experienced veteran when it comes to guilds and how they function. The MOST important thing to do is to fall helplessly in love with the guild leader, which is, coincidentally, me. Once you've got that down, then you've pretty much got the entire world in your hands. Yes, remember this until the day you die. Love the guild leader." Truly a masterful plan. There was nothing that could mess this up, nothing at all. It was only a matter of time before Ryder built up his own personal harem, and he already had one of the best candidates in his arsenal.

Shaking his head, as if to disagree with her prior statement, he'd stay firmly locked into place, his face much too close to hers by now. "It doesn't matter what you've done before, my dear. It's what you can do now. If you put your all into this guild, then the same will be returned right back to you, full throttle. This guild truly is one large, big family, and it's up to us to keep it running that way. This is why it's so important to fall in love with your guild leader. Consider him the light to your darkness and never let go of him, ever. Ya hear me?"

Moving his hands off her shoulders to intertwine his fingers into hers, the 'stoic' Pactborn gave her a light laugh. "How 'bout I lead you to the infirmary? We've already had a few accidents recently, and our current healer is the only one on the job. I'm sure that'll make a good impact. Don't worry about a thing, Isla. We accept everyone with open arms. It just depends on whether or not you embrace them."

Rui Rui
The young hybrid nodded, hanging on his every word.
'Done and done'
She hugged the guild leader tightly, her plush breasts pressing into his sternum.
"I'll do whatever you ask of me, sir..." she smiled, stepping back from him shyly.
"I will do what I can for those in the infirmary. Please lead the way, sir."
'Could this place be any more perfect?'
As if on cue, her stomach growled.
"And perhaps stop in the kitchen, if you'll permit it."​
TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity
A true mastermind. That was what Ryder thought as Isla embraced him. Was it ever this simple to deceive persuade a girl into falling helplessly in love with him before? There was a high probability that this was all simply a dream, or to be even more cruel, a prank being pulled by Sede from the earlier pummeling he gave the man. Either way, there was no chance that Ryder was going to be giving up this chance, not after constant failure after failure countless times before. Before wrapping his arms around her, however, Isla's stomach let out a loud rumble, rooting Ryder back into reality.

Stroking his goatee, the flirt gave a nod to himself. "Well, you did just get here, after all. Sure, let's head to the bar first. Can't have one of our healers on an empty stomach," he'd say, silently giving his regards for Serena's hard work as she slaved over the patients in silent suffering. Just wait a little longer, he thought, taking Isla's hand and leading her back down to the main hall of the guild. Soon you'll have help, and I'll be the one to be grateful towards. With a perverted glow, Ryder kept his dirty thoughts to himself, not exactly certain where to go from here.

"Ah, by the way," Ryder would say, facing back towards Isla. "Where did you travel from? Cuba is sort of secluded from everywhere, so I'm amazed you've been able to get as far as you have on a single horse. Did you get attacked or anything? If so, I'll make sure to take care of those punks as soon as possible. Nobody hurts the love of my li- one of my guild members and gets away with it." Finally stopping before the kitchen, Ryder would lay his eyes on Gurak. It seemed the chef was getting into a fight with one of the newer recruits, so maybe it'd be best for him to step in, anyway.

"Oi, Gurock! This new recruit is practically starving over here. Mind setting her up with some of your best meat? It's on me!" While there was no point to saying that he was going to pay the tab, especially since the chef took out the cost of meat out of Ryder's slim wallet, to begin with, it made him sound that much cooler, so why not? Beaming back to Isla, he'd hold up a single finger. "Just wait one moment. You're gonna love Glucose's cooking. It's great stuff."

Rui Rui Lotusy Lotusy The Elder The Elder

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