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Realistic or Modern The Orange Touches All Things Around

Carmen grit her teeth. “Am I hearing this correctly? If that is the case you are no daughter of mine!” She snapped at her. “Your brother was right. You are too passive for this life.” She muttered, turning away from her.

He smiled and watched her, sitting down at the table and leaned back a little. “How did you get started in all of this then? Cause I know you weren’t born into it.”
Rhaena gave a heavy and shook her head "No I'm not acting like Ivar wants us to." She muttered before getting up and kissing her brother's forehead. She then left without another word knowing arguing wasn't going to fix anything.

Max gave a sad smile at the memory "Definitely not born into it. I owned a floral shop in New York. It was in the Targaryen territory and I became friends with Carmen before that when she came to buy flowers. Bill was assigned to do my money pick ups for protection." She explained softly "One thing led to another and we ended up together."
Carmen sat in silence for a while until she felt a hand on her shoulder, reaching up and feeling aemonds hand there, glancing up at him. “Did you catch his doctor yet this morning?” She asked him quietly.

Jon smiled at her some. “Would you ever like to go back to New York for a holiday?” He asked her quietly.
Aemond came in and placed his hand on Carmen seeing the hurt on her face. It was killing him that he couldn't be there properly for her when she needed it the most. "No I haven't. But I caught his nurse and asked her about it. She said he should hopefully be here soon."

Max nodded smiling some "I'd love to. Maybe Christmas time, I always adored it there at that time." She said before looking at him "What do you think?"
He nodded, pulling his phone out to start making reservations, messaging his assistant back in Italy to get a plan together. “Sounds good to me.” He told her quietly, “come on, I wanna get my fresh air out the way and done with for the day. It’s meant to rain all afternoon.” He mumbled as they’d been told he needed to be moving about as much as possible.

Carmen frowned but nodded, leaning into him when he sat down. “You remember when he started school? How shy he was and how he would cry every morning when he was dropped off. And then again when he was picked up he’d start crying and telling us he thought we were never coming back.” She smiked a little.
Max put her bowl down and gave a small smile "Alright lets go." She murmured before going into the back yard giving a soft sigh seeing how badly overgrown her garden had gotten. She helped him through the pathways and around finding a small bench when he got out of breath "This used to be my get away space."

Aemond smiled some and laughed a bit "He was always the most emotional of all our kids." He said kissing her cheek gently "Remember the first time he had fun at school? Came running to us giving every single detail of the day." He said happily. On his good days his memory was as sharp as ever, thankfully today was one of those days.
She frowned a little and nodded, gripping at aemonds hand a little tighter when the doctor walked in, “he’s been the same this morning. when will you be pulling him out of sedation?” She asked, oblivious to the fact they already had but he just wasn’t comin around like he should be.

He smiled at her some, rubbing his hands together in the cold, “it’s a beautiful house. Have you decided what you want to do with if?” He asked.
His doctor frowned softly as he looked over Aemond's vitals "Mrs. Targaryen we took him off of sedation two days ago...he just isn't waking up. I want to run a few tests for brain activity." He explained.

Max shrugged softly and noticed him shivering "I think its best I try to sell it. Come on lets go inside." She murmured getting up and helping him back inside.
She frowned and shook her head. “What are… what are you saying then?” She muttered, “He just needs a little more time then.” She told him, feeling aemond moving to face her directly and place his hand on her knee, shaking her head. “I’m not hearing anything else.”

He smiled and nodded. “We can get some people in, get the garden sorted, spruce up the inside just a little. Not change it, just freshen it up a little.” He promised, stopping hee outside the back door and slipped his arms around her. “I love you, it’s gonna be hard. I know it is, but I knew all this was gonna be hard when you told me what happened.” He assured her
Aemond frowned gently and gave a small nod "We'll just talk to him more okay? Coax him back to us." He said quietly before squeezing her hands gently.

Max took a deep breath and nodded softly "If I got you by my side I know I can do this." She said softly before kissing him gently.
He smiled and gently squeezed her arm in reassurance as they made their way inside, “hey did you work out what food delivery is available round here yet? Cause I want Italian food but I don’t think it’s look too good if we went out for dinner right now.” He smiled at her.

She frowned and pulled away, moving closer to her eldest son, taking his hand in hers and frowning. “If you have to do those tests just make it quick.” She muttered, standing up and heading out of the room, walking down the hall feeling aemonds presence right behind her and finally turned around, burying her face into his chest. “I can’t…. I can’t do this.” She whimpered, shaking.
Max gave a small nod as she made her way inside with him "Yeah I found a place that isn't too far from here. We used to get it all the time, I just have to call it in." She said before sitting back on the couch

Aemond followed her out and wrapped his arms tightly around her as she turned to face him "We'll get through this together okay? He'll be okay and we'll get home soon enough." He whispered trying to be comforting in some way.
She just held onto him a little tighter. “We should have carved Ivar like a tree years ago. When he caused the death of Sigurd. That should have been the end of him.” She snapped, waiting for what felt like hours before they were finally allowed back in but asked to speak to aemond for a moment while Carmen went to sit by his side again

He nodded and smiled a little. “Sounds good to me for dinner.” He murmured, heading upstairs to get some work done on his laptop and start discussions with his men on how they were going to handle Tony.
Aemond frowned deeply as the doctor pulled him aside to explain the test results. He took a shaky breath and gave a small nod "I uh....let me tell her please." He said quietly before going to Carmen "They got the test results in....Carmen...they said there is little to no brain activity.."

Max ordered their food and let him go up work. She just hoped that they would actually do things right with how they handled Tony.
She had been in the middle of recounting one of the stories she would tell the three of them when they were kids but soon froze, not looking at aemond immediately, not until she felt hands on hers and she finally tore her gaze away from their eldest son. “So how long do we have to wait for him to wake up?” She asked, fully in denial that it meant anything other than waiting a bit longer.

He came down a few hours later, holding his side and sitting down carefully. “I forgot something important this morning.” He muttered, watching her reading through a magazine as he winced.
Aemond took a deep breath before squeezing her hand tight "Darling...he isn't going to wake up." He said gently trying to keep himself composed for her but inside he was breaking down about it all.

Max looked up from her magazine and raised her eyebrow seeing him sit "Pain meds?" She asked before going over and handing him one from his perscription.
He nodded and mumbled a thank you, taking it dry and leaning back, closing his eyes, “I’ve had Maria emptying the fridge today. And cleaning up the house so there’s nothing to do when we get home.” He mumbled. “I’m gonna be busy for a few days when we get back though so I won’t see you much.”

She shook her head and frowned. “No that’s… that’s not right. He’s gonna be okay. Hvitserk promised. He said he would keep him safe. He promised. My son… he promised!” She yelled, shaking and sobbing into aemonds arms badly enough she didn’t notice the doctor coming in on aemonds call to turn off the life support
Max gave a heavy sigh but nodded "Alright; whatever it is, be careful." She murmured before kissing his temple gently. She went to get the food once she heard the doorbell go off. She came back to sit with him but frowned seeing him on the phone looking upset "What is it?"

Aemond pulled her into him before calling the doctors over. He held her close letting out a small whimper of his own "I'm so sorry Carmen...I'm so sorry." He whispered as he pulled himself together for her.
Ubbe sighed quietly once he got off the phone and went downstairs to see Erik sat on his couch playing some game on his phone. “Erik… I just got off the phone with your father…. Your brother didn’t make it.” He told him as gently as he could.

Carmen eventually went quiet, holding Eivors hand in the one not attached to aemonds shirt, trying to keep it together.

Jon shook his head and frowned. “That was uh… that was hvitserk…. The kid didn’t make it.” He told her quietly. “We need to lay really low.” He told her, going to grab a drink and some cutlery for them.
Erik frowned deeply and took a shaky breath when he heard his uncle tell him the news "Its my fault....I should have said something sooner." He said as he let a few tears fall "Damn it I should have said something!"

Max frowned deeply and shook her head some "I need to talk to Carmen..." she said quietly knowing the pain she was in all too well.
Carmen stayed there with him for as long as they would allow her to before finally being coaxed out of the room and led to the car, still in shock “will ubbe bring Erik home tonight?” She asked aemond quietly, wanting her youngest as close as possible right now.

Jon shook his head and frowned. “Honey I don’t think that’s a good idea anymore.” He mumbled, passing her a glass of wine as he sat down.
Aemond gave a small nod to her as they got in the car asking Alex to take them straight home. "Yes, I've already spoken with him about getting him over to us." He explained quietly before kissing her temple gently as he held her close to him.

Max frowned deeper and shook her head "Jon...I mean no offense...but you have no idea what she is going through now. I do and I know I would have given anything to have someone understand...even if I was on the outs with them." She explained quietly before taking the wine.
Jon grit his teeth and shook his head. “And you’re clearly forgetting who you’re talking about. Her son is dead at the hands of the people you have chosen…. Whether it was to do with us specifically or not. It’s not safe for you to go do that right now.” He told her seriously. “I would feel a lot better if you waited til she cooled off first.”

She nodded slowly, just holding onto him tightly. “Oh! Oh his dog. She needs to come out of the kennels.” She mumbled. “Alex once you’ve dropped us off, I know you’re meant to get off in a minute but would you mind doing that first?” She asked him, wanting to make sure they had Eivors dog safe at home with them and that she was getting taken care of as well as he would.
Max frowned deeply but nodded "Alright....I'll wait a little longer." She said before giving a heavy sigh. She knew better, she knew after this Carmen would be on a war path, she only hoped that maybe she could get them somewhat out of it.

Aemond thanked Alex when he agreed and got out once they got home. He went to pay Alex a bit extra for getting the dog before heading inside with Carmen "Ubbe should be here any minute now." He murmured before leading her to the couch "Let me get you some water."
She just shook her head and held onto him. “No… just… come here.” She mumbled, pulling him to sit with her and wrapped her arms around him tightly. “I don’t need you to be a robot love. He is our son not just mine.” She murmured, running her fingers through the back of his hair.

Jon thanked her quietly, eating with her in quiet, groaning happily. “Oh they’re actually Italian. It’s good food finally.” He muttered. “I may just survive until we get home.” He told her

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