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Realistic or Modern The Orange Touches All Things Around

She scoffed at that. “You lost bill because you told him about Matthew. If you had just kept it from him a little longer he would still be here.” She spat. Max had told her when it first happened. When she had called Carmen for help and Carmen had turned her away.

He muttered under his breath and headed back downstairs, frowning when he saw tears coming down her face “Hang up. Max… hang up.” He told her. He knew this would happen. It was why he didn’t want hee making the phone call
Max took a deep breath and gave a small laugh "Do you just thrive at being a loathsome bitch? Your son died because your fucking brother let it happen. Where are his condolences for having him put the hit out? Where is he Carmen? I lost Bill because your fucking brother decided it would be a good idea to switch his medications by paying off a nurse. I bet he had a hand in finishing off your son too." She spat down the line before hanging up and looking at Jon shaking her head some "Just....leave me for a minute please.."
She sat there shaking for a minute until she heard aemond coming out of the bathroom, turning to face him. “How bad are you feeling?” She asked him gently. As furious as she was it wasn’t going to help being hard with him. The last thing she wanted was to make him worse or to ruin what time she had left with him. “More specifically. Do you need me here today?” She asked him gently

Jon frowned and sighed quietly, walking back to the kitchen and sat down, booking them a flight for the following morning. Injured or not he needed to get them home as soon as possible. He would have his men pack up the rest of the stuff in the house for hee but he wanted hee safe and back in Italy.
Aemond came out of the bathroom and frowned seeing the look on her face "I'm feelimg good today...who was on the phone?' He asked as he went to get dressed.

Max frowned deeply as she sat in there for a while thinking over her past. She came out to find Jon in the bathroom and took a deep breath "I'm tired Jon...I'm tired of all this." She said softly before resting her forehead against his shoulder
He frowned and nodded, pulling her in close with his good arm. “I know honey I know. Listen… I know I’m not supposed to travel for another few days but I’m not waiting around. We’re going home in the morning. I’m gonna send some guys up next week to finish clearing this place up. You make a list of whatever you wanna keep and we will sort it out okay? But we’re going home.” He promised, kissing her head. “What happened?”

She frowned and set the phone down, running her hands through her hair. “Max. It didn’t go well.” She muttered, standing up and making her way over to him, slipping her arms around his neck once he had his trousers on, just swaying quietly with him. “I was rude. I’m not sorry.” She muttered, “If you need me to come home, let me know. But I need to go run an errand.” She told him quietly, pecking his lips.
Max took a deep breath and gave a small nod letting a few tears fall "I called saying I knew what she had been through and that I was there for her. She said it was my fault Bill died because I told him about our son..." she explained still keeping close to him "I don't ever want to come back here Jon....once we're in Italy I'm never coming back."

Aemond pecked her lips back and kept her close for a few moments "Carmen...don't do anything stupid." He said in a serious tone while he watched her "Do not start a war."
He nodded and just held her to him as much as he could. “She’s had a reputation most of her life with the job. When she retired a lot of people were relieved but I want you safe. Come take a nap with me then we can pack to go home.” He told her, kissing her head repeatedly.

Carmen frowned and shook her head. “I’m going to see Hvitserk. I have a couple of Eivors things I’m sure he would want his uncle to have. And I want to speak to Floki about the funeral. He might be crazy but he will know how best to prepare.” She told him, frowning when they heard the front door open and Rhaena voice coming into the house. “Did you call her?”
Max gave a small nod and went with him up to the room they were sleeping in "I want a dog, I'm going to look for one when we get home." She murmured before kissing him gently

Aemond felt his heart drop to his stomach as he looked at her "Shit...no I....I could have sworn I did." He said quietly
He smiled and nodded. “What kind of dog do you want?” He asked her quietly, having her lay with him while he gently rubbed her arms and up to her shoulders to soothe her.

Carmen frowned and shook her head some. “It’s been a lot to handle aemond.” She mumbled, looking up when Rhaena walked into their bedroom and asked why everyone was home. “Rhaena… your brother… he’s gone Rhaena.” She told her. “Yesterday.”
Max shrugged softly and cuddled close "No idea, I want to adopt but I'm unsure as to what kind of dog. Maybe a pit bull or something." She murmured softly

Rhaena frowned deeply when she heard her mother "What?! Why did no one call me sooner?!" She said glaring at her mother the entire time.
She frowned and sighed a little, getting Aemond to sit down when she noticed he’d started holding his head again, “because it was all very hectic and we thought we already had. It wasn’t on purpose darling.” She told her.

He smiled and nodded. “You tell me what you want and I’ll get it for you.” He promised.
Rhaena shook her head some and frowned deeply "Right...well I um...I guess I'll give this stuff to Erik and be on my way.." she said softly not wanting to even look at her mother's face at that point.

Max smiled some and gave a small nod "Sounds like a plan." She murmured before slowly drifting off against him.
She rolled her eyes a little and shook her head. “So now you know you’re just going to leave anyway?! Typical of you Rhaena.” She muttered, going to get aemond a couple painkillers.

He lay awake most of the time just watching her and gently tracing patterns on her back, pressing his face into her hair. Just wanting her close and for her to be happy
Rhaena turned and frowned deeply at her "I just find out my brother is dead and my mother completely forgot to tell me. Excuse me for wanting to take a moment to myself to process this information and grieve privately!" She spat back

Max woke up a few hours later groaning softly as she heard the shower going. She got up and knocked on the door loud enough for Jon to hear so she didn't spook him "You mind if I join?"
“Oh please Rhaena you’ve been wanting a moment to process things your whole damn life! And there you go, blame it entirely on me again why don’t you? Of course it’s my fault like everything else around here!” She spat at her, hearing aemond trying to break it up quietly but she was tired of Rhaena always having such a huge chip on her shoulder when she had only ever known privilege and love and care.

“Come on in. I haven’t actually got in yet.” He smiled as she opened the door and reached for her. “How you feeling?” He asked her quietly
Rhaena frowned deeply and shook her head some "Can you ever just except the fact that I am not fucking you?! Get the fuck over yourself and the fact you didn't make a carbon copy of your cold hearted self!" She screamed about to say worse before she heard her father's voice

"STOP IT THE BOTH OF YOU!" Aemond yelled as loud as he could glaring at the two of them. He stood up and took a deep breath shaking his head some "We are all grieving and now is not the fucking time for fighting! I will not have it! Rhaena go see your brother and have a moment to yourself. Carmen, leave her be for now and when our tempers have gone down we can all come back and speak to one another." He said seriously not taking any kimd of answer except for agreement.

Max smiled softly and wrapped her arms around him "I'm doing alright now, how are you?" She asked before kissing him gently.
Carmen grit her teeth, for once disagreeing with aemond but the way he was shaking she didn’t want to press it. “I need to go talk to hvitserk. Rhaena don’t leave Erik alone to help your father.” She spat, grabbing her keys and leaving the house.

He smiled and nodded. “Ready to get home. Lord knows how much has happened while we’ve been gone. Part of me doesn’t trust that Tony has got a handle on things since getting back either.” He muttered, getting in the shower
Rhaena frowned deeply and rushed to her brother's room wanting to be away from her mother now. She sighed heavily and knocked on the door "Erik? You okay?"

Max got in with him and nodded softly "Yeah I got a bad feeling about it too." She murmured while wrappimg her arms around his torso placing kisses randomly on his chest.
He frowned as she walked in, “you weren’t there…. I don’t know why you can’t just get on with mom right now when she’s just lost her son. He might be our brother but you haven’t even spoken to him in three years unless necessary.” He muttered. He was sat on his bed, staring out the window having heard the whole thing. “Our father is dying and princess Rhaena can’t find it in herself to show a little more compassion for our mother who is trying to parent and mourn and look after her husband. You weren’t there Rhaena. You didn’t watch him bleed out. You didn’t…. He was gone before the ambulance arrived. I’m sure of it. I had to watch him die.” He muttered, getting up and brushing past her to go check on his dad.

He sighed a little but slowly relaxed as he held her under the water stream “I love you. Very much.” He murmured, smiling at her a little. “This time tomorrow we’ll be in our own bed again.”
Aemond looked up when he heard steps coming down the hall. He frowned some seeing Erik and quietly beckoned him over with his hand "Help me to the lounge yeah?"

Max smiled widely and started relaxing under the water with him "Mmm yes I cannot wait." She murmured running her fingers through his hair.
He nodded and frowned, going to help him up, walking slowly with him. It was painful to watch his father deteriorate so rapidly when he had always been so physically strong. “You shouldn’t be getting worked up.” He scolded him gently.

“Careful now… don’t be try a start things you don’t intend to finish.” He smirked, grabbing at her butt and yanking her as close as he could get her.
Aemond chuckled softly and nodded softly "Yeah but I don't need their fighting." He murmured as he walked down with him "How are you doing?"

Max smirked and giggled softly "Mmm who said I wasn't going to finish?" She asked before kissing him lovingly
He shrugged. “Rhaena is a Targaryen. She reminds mom a lot of grandma. Eivor and I… we are lothbroks. We got modirs side a lot more. And with the exception of you and uncle daeron, the Targaryen trait is selfishness.” He muttered, sounding like Carmen. “Have you taken your meds?” He asked him

He grinned and gently pushed her up against the wall. By the time they were done he was cleaning them both up and getting out the shower carefully, going to sit on the edge of the bed to try and catch his breath. Still not as up to scratch as he would like to be
Aemond gave a small frown but chuckled softly "You sound just like your mother." He murmured before groaning softly "I took them early this morning...pain meds might have worn off by now." He muttered as he sat down.

Max dried herself off quickly before following him out to the room. She held his shoulders gently as she stood infront of him and gave a small frown "You need me to get you anything?"
He shook his head a little and sighed, going to sort him out some painkillers, “try to just relax dad.” He told him sighing a little.

Erik struggled through the next few days before the funeral trying to make sure aemond wasn’t being stressed out too much but Rhaena in particular was making it difficult. Carmen at least had made an effort.

She stood next to aemond, holding onto his arm tightly and wanting to be anywhere else except at the funeral for her own son.

Jon walked downstairs early in the morning and smiled at max stood in the kitchen. “Mmm that’s a sight for every morning.” He murmured, stepping over and holding her to him. They’re ere finally home after so long and he was finally getting back to work after the long break

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