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Fantasy The Old Age of Avaria

Rui said:
"I'm lost," she replied, "I'm Sel." She said simply, not wanting to give the stranger her full name.
They could recognize my name, realize what I can do...

I thought the blindfold would be a dead give away.

She sighed, "I can't see."

"I can escort you to the kingdom's faction if you wish" Cutane said
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Rui said:
"I'm not treated well." She murmured, and stood, fixing her shawl.
"I am a slave."

Cutane was disturbed and shivered a bit and said "Sounds like you really need to the kingdom, my tribe thinks slavery is a horrid practice. Let me liberate you"
hitman654 said:
In one swift motion Olivier swung his sword around with an almost inhuman speed, cutting the arrows out of the air. "And you should know that true power doesn't come from magic" he smirked, bringing a light whistle to his lips and blowing. As he did this 5 other men descended from the rooftop, engaging the kings forces. Olivier looked at the king and swung his sword rapidly towards him, forcing him back a few steps.
the king would stand his ground, blocking them each with his sword, his men moving forwards, attacking the five men
She allowed the woman to lead her, her hold on the dagger in the pouch around her waist loosening, concealed by the shawl.

Perhaps this will be what I've been waiting for...
Rui said:
She allowed the woman to lead her, her hold on the dagger in the pouch around her waist loosening, concealed by the shawl.
Perhaps this will be what I've been waiting for...
After a good twenty minutes, she got to the wall and called up "I HAVE A BLINDFOLDED REFUGEE HERE!"
Tonstad39 said:
After a good twenty minutes, she got to the wall and called up "I HAVE A BLINDFOLDED REFUGEE HERE!"
'alright, need us to open the gates or let down the ropes?' a guard would yell down

@Tonstad39 @Rui
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Tonstad39 said:
"Gates please, she wouldn't know where the ropes are" Cutane called upwards.
he'd call down something on the other side, after a few minutes, the sound of chains and men yelling 'Heave!' over and over again would ensue, men on top raising the portcullis in front of the massive reinforced gates, on the ground the men with chains would tug on the gates, slowly opening them.
Vorkaysus said:
he'd call down something on the other side, after a few minutes, the sound of chains and men yelling 'Heave!' over and over again would ensue, men on top raising the portcullis in front of the massive reinforced gates, on the ground the men with chains would tug on the gates, slowly opening them.
@Rui after the gates were open, Cutane escorted the blindfolded prisoner to the other side of the gate and into the kingdom's faction.
Tonstad39 said:
@Rui after the gates were open, Cutane escorted the blindfolded prisoner to the other side of the gate and into the kingdom's faction.
soldiers would rush past them, watching behind them, holding up crossbows, forming a line. 'Get inside quickly, they may have anyone or anything waiting to attack...' one would say, waving them inside

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Vorkaysus said:
soldiers would rush past them, watching behind them, holding up crossbows, forming a line. 'Get inside quickly, they may have anyone or anything waiting to attack...' one would say, waving them inside
Cutane pulled on the prisoner and said "C'MON, QUICK! LET'S GO!" Before starting to run.
Selene met her pace, albeit struggling somewhat. She hadn't run in....a long time, to say the least.

She was out of breath quickly.

"Please slow down a bit!" She winced.

@Tonstad39 @Vorkaysus
Rui said:
Selene met her pace, albeit struggling somewhat. She hadn't run in....a long time, to say the least.
She was out of breath quickly.

"Please slow down a bit!" She winced.

@Tonstad39 @Vorkaysus
Roghvar would run over to her, picking her up, oddly in a sense seeming gentle, running her back behind the gates as skeletons would pry out of the ground by the mist, running at the wall, the soldiers with the crossbows firing, slowly backing up as they'd reload and fire over and over
She instinctively wrapped her arms around him, clinging tightly to the person carrying her.

Who is this? Am I safe?

Her small cold body huddled to him, eyes squeezed shut beneath the blindfold.

Rui said:
She instinctively wrapped her arms around him, clinging tightly to the person carrying her.
Who is this? Am I safe?

Her small cold body huddled to him, eyes squeezed shut beneath the blindfold.

he'd stop, panting a bit. 'You alright?' he'd ask her, looking back as more soldiers would rush up to the walls or to the gates, shooting at the undead to keep them from ripping the men slowly falling back to pieces
Vorkaysus said:
he'd stop, panting a bit. 'You alright?' he'd ask her, looking back as more soldiers would rush up to the walls or to the gates, shooting at the undead to keep them from ripping the men slowly falling back to pieces
Cutane was also helping to subdue the onslot of invading dead by shooting them through the skull or through the spine.
Tonstad39 said:
Cutane was also helping to subdue the onslot of invading dead by shooting them through the skull or through the spine.
The soldiers would finally be behind the gates, the portcullis Bing dropped once Cutaneous was also inside, upon it dropping all the skeletons would suddenly freeze, dropping into heaps of bones on the ground
She nodded faintly, still holding onto him tightly.

"Yes...Thank you." She murmured, her head rising to 'look' at him.

"Who are you?"

Rui said:
She nodded faintly, still holding onto him tightly.
"Yes...Thank you." She murmured, her head rising to 'look' at him.

"Who are you?"

'Roghvar, just another Soldier....' he'd say, kneeling, putting her down on her feet
Vorkaysus said:
'Roghvar, just another Soldier....' he'd say, kneeling, putting her down on her feet
Cutane got up to the wall and asked "so, are you going to take off her blindfold?"

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