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Fantasy The Nexus Project

Sensei Fox

Eater of Goldfish Crackers
Status Report Entry #1 - 11/21/10

This is Dr. Aedidab of the military research and development department. I was commissioned by Commander in Chief Mr. Uoyerawontramsoston (I always have to look up that name. Backwards) to engineer a sort of “Wonder drug”, if you will. He wanted to know if it was possible to create a medicine that cures all illnesses and even increases the subject's physical state. I said it was probably possible, and I was put at the head of this project. I dub it the Ad Finem Vitae Project. (I always have to look that up. In Latin.) My progress will be recorded in these progress logs.

Status Report Entry #2 - 11/22/10

It’s a regular Christmas miracle. On Thanksgiving. The answer came to me in a dream. I think I have a good idea of what components I should use to make this project a reality.

Status Report Entry #3.14 - 11/30/10

After numerous models and experiments, it is safe to say..... I was hopelessly incorrect. The elements I had thought I would be using proved to be too acidic - and too unstable. There have been 3 small explosions, 2 large explosions, and one total facility meltdown. Before tests can continue, I have to meet with the safety committee. It seems that we have had too many casualties. Those 40 workers and 2 janitors will be fine! Except for the 2 janitors. They’re dead. If only we could finish this project.

Status Report Entry #4 - 02/24/11

After proving our methods are safe (whichtook some convincing) we’re back at work. I discovered that by using several combinations of unstable isotopes of particular elements(found in my lab notes) we were able to turn them into a surprisingly stable compoundwith yet unseen peculiar effects. More testing must be done.

Status Report Entry #4 and - 03/01/11

Apparently, the state is concerned for my mental health. Of course I’m mentally healthy! I only devote approximately 142 hours per week on average to this project. How else am I going to get work done? Their concerns should be spent elsewhere.

Status Report #5 - 03/01/12

Released from mental hospital. Dreadfully boring. Best not to talk about it. While I was... incapacitated, my team was able to move on with surprisingly positive results. Must have been my excellent lab work, like this:*Unintelligible lettering* Muffin *Unintelligible lettering*. Anyways, the compound which I discovered (which I have named Fata Dator) has been vigorously tested and proven to be the next step in the project.

Status Report #6.66 - 06/16/12

Good news! My team and I have successfully taken the Fata Dator compound and formed it into a prototype drug, ready for animal testing. Progress of this development will be coming in the next few weeks to months.

Status Report #7isntaluckynumber - 11/11/12

It’s working exactly as planned! Injured test animal cells duplicate at a rate at least 3 times faster than normal. Even when uninjured, deoxyribonucleic acid changed a little so that muscle mass increases. An about 20% increase has been noted in speed, strength, endurance, and even basic intelligence. However, there is some bizarre (and worrying) mental activity happening, but it must be nothing. Dr.Erehenotramsylnoehtmi offered to perform the necessary modifications to allow human testing to begin, but I want to do it myself. Alone. Without anyone to change it but me. All by myself.

Status Report #13 - 11/22/12

Human testing has begun! Sadly, now that the Ad Finem Vitae Project has reached it’s peak, I must rename it to a more practical name: The Nexus Serum. Sadly, the Nexus Serum project is a military project, and as such, is top secret.

You awoke with a splitting headache.

“Ooof. That really smarts..* What had happened? It was all so.. hazy.. you tried to get up, but realized you couldn't. you were restrained on an operating table. Quickly turning your head side to the side, you got a good look at his surroundings. you were on a grey operating table underneath a single dim overhead lamp. You couldn't see the ceiling. To your left and right, hundreds of similar operating tables had occupants restrained as well. Although there were a lot of lights, the room still wasn't lit very well, and there were shadows across most of the people’s faces.

“...How did I get here?” In fact, you didn’t remember much of anything except for your name. Then, you felt something. It was...different. Not normal. Not that you could remember what normal felt like, but you knew this was somehow different. It was like some other power that was never meant to be wielded by human hands flowed through your veins. You heard a yell behind you.

“Where am I??” It was male, and deeper than your's. The sound seemed to activate something in your mind, like an old run down machine finally starting up again after a long time. Although it was different, it wasn’t normal, it felt natural. It was a part of you.

“I don’t know.” If you could have moved your hands, you would have moved them and covered your mouth. The voice you spoke with had sounded like the other man’s.

“Who was that?” You sounded a little scared, then a little angry. “This is some freaky shit going on here.” Behind you, you heard the sound of metal bending, then snapping. The noise sent shivers down your spine. Suddenly, a square-ish face popped out above your face. “Was that you who sounded like me?”

“Uhh yeah?” Again, it was the other person’s voice from your lips.

“Okay, that’s just messed up.” They both turned their heads to your left, where someone off in the distance was groaning as they woke up. “Enough messing around.” The guy walked around the operating table, and grabbed the clamp holding your left arm down and bent it open. He was rippling with muscle, and he proceeded to break the other three restraining devices. “Come on. We have to get out of this place.”

There was a bright light to your right.

You turned your head and saw someone literally on fire, melting the metal that kept him on the operating table, but leaving his clothes and skin unscathed. He looked at his blazing hands, and then blasted fireballs at other people’s shackles. You heard all sorts of other noises coming from all around. You realized that they were all breaking free, either themselves, or one another.

Suddenly, a loud noise sounded from an unseen intercom above.

“To all test subjects: stand down or face the consequences. Remain on your tables and await further instruction.”

“That doesn’t sound good,” said the brute of a man next to you. They looked around for an exit, and finally saw a set of double doors. As they ran towards it, a small group of men armed with guns and wearing some special type of black armor came out the door.

“Down on the ground! Spread your hands out and keep them where I can see them,” said the soldier in the front. He must be the leader. When neither of you two followed the instructions, the other soldiers aimed their guns at the two.

“Insubordination will not be tolerated! Down on the ground!” The leader aimed his gun at the ceiling and fired three rounds, showing that he wasn’t afraid to order his men to fire.

“Step aside, gentlemen.” You turned around and saw someone wearing purple. He lifted up his hands and a nearby table picked itself up from the ground in a purple glow and hurled itself at the soldiers, leaving the way out open. An alarm blared. Other people heard the sound of the gunshots and the alarm, because everyone who could move and wasn’t helping someone else was running towards the door.

“I don’t want to stay here.” The purple guy ran out the door, and you followed.
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These medical white walls now contained chaos. Fire reflected off the meticulously shined surfaces of untouched wall panels. The main holding area of the test subjects had been mainly cleared of the guards and scientists by this point. To clarify, cleared meaning cleared of life. The bodies of guards were scattered about to room. Some subjects had also fallen in the initial fray. A set of double doors, seemingly the only exit, had been blasted open and some fighting was still taking place in the outside outside halls between test subjects and uniformed security guards. Back in their initial chambers, other subjects were just now freeing themselves or being freed by others.

Fox pulled himself off of a table that he had been strapped to. The table was flipped but thankfully not heavy. It was easy enough to break the compromised restraints. However, trouble came when he stood. He had assumed the room was dark or that he couldn't see anything being in a face down position. But really, he couldn't see at all. He took a stumbling step and suddenly it was like sight, but different. It was the outline of the world around him. The outline faded and he took another step. The step generated the world again. He pushed that to the back of his mind for a moment to try and figure out where he was. At the moment he didn't even know how he ended up here. Everything was blank, except for a flashing image of a girl. It wasn't helpful. A sound of explosive combustion jogged him out of thought and he could see much further out of the room, through the corridors. There was all types of fighting and odd occurrences happening. He also found that there were more than him in this room, aside from what he assumed were dead bodies. "Hello? Who's in here? What's going on?" He coughed out. This was challenging his mind to comprehend as every motion and sound outlined in his mind the form people and things. He wondered if anyone else was experiencing something like this.
"You'd better stay back! I'll kill you stay back!" Ruby yelled, her voice cracking towards the end of her sentence. Ruby stared up at the man who had walked into the room. She took on a fighting stance but kept near the walls. Ruby looked both afraid and really angry. "G-Get out of here. I'm warning you. If you come any closer I'll kill you and I won't think twice about it." She was going to continue speaking when she suddenly clutched her head. A foreign thought entered her mind. No. A memory of sorts? She saw herself fight another girl. They had knives and the other girl had the killing intent in her eyes. The memory suddenly seemed to vanish and she was staring at the floor, clutching her head even tighter.

She stayed like this for a few more seconds before looking up at the man. She took a moment to really look at him. He seemed to know she was there but he didn't seem to be looking at her. She came to the conclusion that he couldn't see her. These people, whoever they were, made him blind? That's just cruel. If he could see before than that cruelty was only amplified. She began to feel a little sympathetic but she was still, very, very cautious of this man. "W-Who are you anyway?" She asked, unsure why but she felt she could trust this blind man.

@Sensei Fox
Yelling from somewhere in the room had made things much clearer in the direction of the noise. The details were extremely fine. The louder the noise, the clearer he could make out the girl it was coming from. She had quieted down from her panicking. The only reason Fox hadn't done the same was because he couldn't feel anything in the room moving. He tapped his foot a few times just to make sure. As far as he could tell, the threats were in the halls outside this room. The gunfire and other blasts highlighted that area well. He turned to the outline of the girl and tried to look at her as best as he could. "I'm..." That was the next kicker of the day. He was blind, in the middle of what appeared to be a war zone, and he didn't quite know his name. His breath stopped for a moment as images flashed through his perception. Was he finally seeing? No, this wasn't a war zone. This place was serene. There was a girl there, but one older than the one he had seen. Images of her lips and a piece of metal hanging from a beaded chain repeated through his mind. She was saying a simple single syllable word with a smile. The pieces of metal flashed again with imprinted lettering. Finally, he worked it out. The image of the girl and the metal tags faded and his vision returned to outlines. He gasped and looked around for a moment. Why? He was blind. At least, now he was blind. "I'm Fox."

Ruby stared at this man for a moment. He claimed his name was Fox. Ruby decided not to call him out on it but she figured she'd introduce herself as well, her name having come to her during her escape, before ended up in this room. "M-My name is Ruby...I don't know what I'm doing here and I don't know how I got here...I can't recall anything prior to waking up. The only memories I seem to have are my martial arts lessons, my name and something else I'd rather not talk about." She realized she was talking a little too much and not to mention fast. She stared at the ground for a moment and cringed slightly at the sound of gunfire. "What about you? Do you know anything?!" She asked, her voice returning into it's panicked state.

@Sensei Fox
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'She can see everything that's going on. And to be so young. Probably young anyway. This whole experience will probably traumatize her for life.' Fox started wandering the room as his thought wanderer his mind. Thankfully, the fight still remained outside, even though the screams and sounds of gunfire still breached the room. The room mainly consisted of tables. Some were overturned and others were still in what used to be a line. Most of the room was stainless steel and ceramic from what he could feel. There was a single difference near the table that he previously been restraining him. A heavy, long black coat made out of a rough material was at his feet. There were two weights wrapped inside. Out of curiosity, he picked it up and put it on. The two weights fell and turned out to the twin knives with hooked blades. Fox put them into two sheaths at his waist. He finally realized that he wasn't wearing something he identified as ordinary. There was a harness as well as a belt contained several items. His own clothes felt designed to be worn through combat. Why would anyone give a blind man the appearance of a soldier? That was it. That was the answer to this girl. "We need to leave." Logically, no matter what side he was on in the obvious conflict outside those doors, a blind man wouldn't be of any assistance. A girl being caught in the crossfire would be a fiasco as well.



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"A-Alright, Let's get going." She agreed. She quickly looked around for a moment. She was looking for a weapon of sorts and then picked up a long metal stick. It was a little heavy but light enough for her to swing and cause enough damage. She took a few swing, making sure she was careful enough not to hit Fox. She seemed content with the weapon and she seemed to know that it wouldn't really last that long and she would have to replace it with a better weapon when it's usefulness has run out. She took a few steps towards the door where Fox had come in. She gritted her teeth and took a deep breath.

"I'll....I'll lead us." She spoke, her voice slightly confident and slightly worried. She was worried for her well being as well as Fox's. While she didn't know him, he was just as much as a victim as she was alongside everyone else that was in the room everyone had previously escaped from. Whoever put them here must have anticipated this seeing that their response to the escapees being almost instant. She wouldn't falter however. She needed to get out of here and not to mention alive.
Viktor looked up and around, the entire place was chaos. But then again, where was he? He struggled to remember, only coming up with memories of a rainy night. He decided to leave it alone and instead focus on getting out of whatever place he was in. He lifted himself from the table he had been strapped to, the restraints broken off by who knows what. When he looked at himself he saw his right arm was almost completely split open and blood was leaking everywhere. As he tensed up his arm from the fright, the blood that was leaking out hardened and retracted itself into his arm causing the wound to seal up. What the hell was that!, he thought to himself. He would have to figure out later, for now his main focus was to escape. Viktor heard a girl yell and he followed the voice till he came upon two others, a guy not much older than himself, and a young teenage girl. He ran up to them and exclaimed, "Anyone have any idea what the hell is going on here?"

@Sensei Fox @NetherLightGod
Someone else had joined this little group. He felt him approach long before he heard him. We're leaving." Fox smiled knowing that he could trust his instincts based on the fact that this guy didn't stab him in the back. "That's brave of you, but you better let me take the lead." Fox made his way to the door and placed his hand on Ruby's head as he passed. "Chances are-" He was cut off immediately after exiting the door. A hail of bullets ripped through the hall and into Fox's flank. The coat he put on moments before rippled with each shot as Fox fell on his side. His breathing quickened in the moment, he believed he was dead. However, seeing he outlined hallway and the shooters at the other end told him otherwise. The bullets ceased filling the hallway and Fox jumped to his feet. The click of an empty bolt carrier from each gun was his cue. He charged the men at the end of the hallway and drew both knives. He held them in a reversed grip purely on instinct. He manipulated the weapons of the black clad security guards with the curve of his knife and severed their jugular arteries. It was swift and bloody. Fox twirled his blades on the rings to loose the blood on it and turned back to Ruby. "Let's go."

@NetherLightGod @ShadowedNexus
Ruby jumped at the sound of another persons voice and once they came close she swung at them. "Get back!" She yelled, fury and fear emanating off her body. She missed and was about to swing again when she saw they he looked nothing like the people who were killing them. Not to mention that he did ask if they knew what was going on. Perhaps he was another victim? Ruby was still very cautious of him however. "N-No, I don't know what's going on and he doesn't either. Given that you asking us, I can safely say you also have no idea what's going on." It was as they spoke did she hear Fox tell her they needed to leave, followed by gunshots and falling Fox.

She screamed, believing him to be dead but he suddenly rose to his feet as if the damn thing didn't happen. He then proceeded to mercilessly kill the 'security guards' She took a deep breath and while most people would have thrown up at such a ruthless way of ending someones life, Ruby felt this wouldn't be the last time she saw it and somehow believed she herself would take a life. She looked at the man who had joined them before looking back at Fox. "A-Are you alright?!" She asked in a panic, clutching her metal rod tightly, ready to swing it.

@Sensei Fox @ShadowedNexus
"It seems someone gifted me with a bulletproof, or at least bullet resistant coat." Fox couldn't see the blood, but he knew it was there he felt the frantic and then slowing beat of hearts ebbing away and the blood spurting out to splash on the ground. He kicked the guns that now we're laying on the ground empty and useless. Surely the guards had ammunition, but was use was it. "It's a shame I'm blind. These guns would be useful." More gunshots and fighting mixed with the clash of boots against tile outlined the corridors. He turned to the opposite end of the hall and began walking. The route he was seeing would be littered with corpses, but free of bullets. "Follow the dead body road." He mumbled.

@NetherLightGod @ShadowedNexus
Viktor watched as the man charged down the hallway, slaughtering the guards. The entire ordeal filled the hallways with their blood. Viktor followed soon after, stopping when he got near the guards lifeless bodies. Whoever that guy was, he knew what he was doing. Compared to him Viktor was just normal. Viktor reached out towards the pools of blood, something seemingly just pulling his hand towards them. When his finger tip touched a pool, the blood snaked up his arms towards the wounds over his body and closing them. What the heck? Something strange is going on here, He thought to himself. He really didn't want to know why this was happening, but he knew he had to leave. Viktor ran after the other guy, who had gone on ahead.
Ruby nodded and followed Fox alongside this other man who seemed to be in his own world. She simply ignored his presence for now while she became trapped in her own thoughts. Just where was she? Why was she here? Who brought her here? What is her purpose here? Why were these people trying to kill them? Why can't she remember much of anything? She was so confused and scared but she wouldn't learn anything by cowering in fear. She had to at least get out of here before she started hunting for answers.

@Sensei Fox @ShadowedNexus
Kyo awoke to sounds all to similar to that of his only memory. Though there were differences he recognized as he gained his bearings. His first thought was to escape and he acted upon that thought. He sprinted out into the hall though he was in the hall faster than he'd thought he'd be. He saw both ways of the hall were filled with fighting but one way was filled with less fighting and he decided to go that way. Kyo new he saw himself blur this time as he experienced another moment where he moved faster than he originally thought. He knew he had to escape and thought he has to get something that'll allow him to fight his way out and that's when he saw a vault door labeled armory.

As he approached two armed guard pointed their guns at him. He knew he would be dead now or atleast thought he would be. But when the guards opened fire the bullets passed right through him. He quickly ran forward towards the vault door and phased right through. His eyes were met with the sight of tons of gear and weapons. He walked through like a kid in his first time at Toys R Us. He was so lost in amazement he collided with sign and tripped. When he stood up he saw a suit of armor along with a bandana and a sword. He heard the guards frantically trying to open the vault door. He quickly managed to ditch the clothes he was in except for the under clothing and put on the armor and the sword. He wrapped the banada around his head and drew the sword waiting for what would come through the door.

@Sensei Fox @ShadowedNexus @NetherLightGod
Fox progressed down the hall. Each step revealed corpses in greater detail around him. Some fell by bullet wounds, other through blades, some through explosions and other unexplainable means. Most wore the same uniform as the security guards hr had killed previously. The light plating and helmet gave it away. Still others were different. They had different materials on their bodies. Some even conducted vibration differently. He could only guess that these were the two opposing sides. The guards against whoever wasn't a guard. Fox stopped at something new in the hall. It was metal but seemed to be a quadroped of some kind. It was still struggling to operate. Fox felt the repeated click of a firing pin inside what he assumed to be the head. This had to be some kind of K9 unit. It was robotic, so he gave it no sympathy. "It's a dog, right? A robot built to be a dog." It was probably best to confer with one of the two that had eyes. Another disturbance caught his attention. Something off with vibrations during a full sprintvof someone nearby. "Try to get some proper weapon off this thing." Fox turned his attention to the anomaly after having instructed Ruby.

Ruby looked at Fox and raised a brow at his instructions. "W-What does that mean? Get a proper weapon off this thing?" She asked. She was terribly confused at his words. Did he know something about her that she didn't know about herself? If so why doesn't he tell her. It would be really beneficial right now if intended to give her instructions about 'getting a proper weapon off this thing'. She shook her head and hid behind Fox for the moment as she was unsure if they would survive this encounter considering they were up against a mechanical K9.
"Relax kid, it's disabled. For the most part. It's main gun won't fire and the movement centers are pretty damaged." Fox spurred her toward the robotic K9. "Just see if there's a knife or something strapped to it that's more useful than your pipe. Maybe even a map or something." Fox sighed. He had to remember that this was just a kid. H didn't even know where his own thoughts were coming from. Searching a robotic dog for equipment? He didn't remember anything but he knew that wasn't a basic human instinct. Dispatching guards like it was a walk in he park wasn't normal behavior either.
As they approached the half-dead k9 unit Viktor spoke up, "Since we have a small break here, I don't think I got either of your names. I'm Viktor, and that's about all I can remember at the moment. Do any of us have an idea of where the exit to this place even is, or are we just walking around aimlessly?" He asked. This place was just too weird and Viktor pretty much knew none of them wanted to be here, so finding an exit would be a blessing.
Kyo was ready when the vault doors opened and the two guards of Nexus Security shot at him. He ran at them this time accustomed to this new speed of his but wasn't expecting to run right through the guard. But he moved fast turning around as he turn swinging his blade to behead the guard. He used the body as a shield against the other guard's fire then threw the body onto him and stabbed both guard through the heart. He tore off a piece of the guard uniform to wipe his blade clean he had taken a liking to for some reason it just felt at home in his hands.

He then set off walking through the halls as he turn a corner carelessly received a blow from an armored fist which sent him flying. He felt himself picked up by the throat and thrown into another hall. He slid to a stop near a group gathered around a disabled K9 unit. As the Riot Officer raised his gun Kyo made sure to roll right out of the path of its fire. He immediately rose to his feet and on pure instinct threw his blade which pierced the neck of the Riot Officer killing him. But then another guard came around the corner and Kyo charged him with a mighty shout and found his sword flying through the air back in his hand. He impaled the guard and whispered to himself "Telekinesis?" He then turned seeing the trio around the robot dog. "Two questions. Where's the way out? And have anyone else been doing weird stuff like that?" he said to them.

@Sensei Fox @NetherLightGod @ShadowedNexus
Eloya quietly scurried through the long hallways, looking for well anything. Her hands alone wasn't exactly the best thing to protect herself with. She grabbed a short chain that was abandoned on the floor slung it over her shoulder then ran, dead people, more dead people knife, dead person, wait! Eloya turned her head to the knife then blinked in disbelief. She dropped the chain and grabbed the knife then scurried down the hallway, flipping over things blocking her path.

She turned her head slightly when she heard voices, check it out or nah? she quietly made her way over to the corner and peeked past it, seeing a couple people, she popped back behind the safety of the wall and tried to take a step back, well that is tried until she nocked over a plaque on the wall sending it crashing to the floor, "Wait when did that get there?" she muttered quietly, silently cursing.
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Alexia poked her head out of a room to check if there was someone in the hallway. What she saw scares her. The dead bodies on the floor and there were many broken pieces of machines everywhere. There was no one around, well, no one who's alive anyway. She stepped into the hallway then looked from left to right, deciding on which way to go. The loud chaos sound seems to be coming from everywhere, so it didn't matter which way she choose. When she finally made a decision she hurried down the hallway on her right. Images flood through her head, making her knees goes weak. She stopped and used the wall as a support. The images of cherry blossom tree and the silhouette of two people kept flashing into her head. When she finally get her strength and vision back, she realised that they weren't just images. They were the fragment of her memory.

Ever since she had gain consciousness, her mind were full of questions. The questions that she couldn't answer because her mind was blank. The only thing she could remember was her name, Alexia Treasure, but knowing only her name had not help her through the many questions left unanswered in her head. She frowned then turned right into another hallway. Instead of seeing only dead bodies, she saw a mechanical dog, Nexus K9 Tracker, stood in the middle of the hallway, facing her. She swallowed her fear then croaked out the words as if she was talking to a normal dog.

"Good doggie stay," she said as the mechanic dog took a step closer to her, "Stay."

The machine did the opposite of what she told it to do and the fear began to rise in her stomach. She bit her bottom lips and scolded herself for thinking of something as stupid as this. She should have know that a machine don't and can't understand people. She kept her eyes on the machine as it move closer with almost double amount of speed. She looked around rapidly for something that she could use for a weapon, but there was nothing that she could use. She turned her attention towards the machine and try to figure out how to kill it.

"I don't have to kill it...right?" She mumbled to herself and saw an opportunity as the machine leaped towards her. She let out a scream and duck at the same time. The machine landed behind her and she she didn't waste anytime to take a run for it. She ran as fast as she could down the hallway, but of course she can't outrun it. She was just a kid.

The K9 machine caught up and jumped on her, making her fall on the ground with it on top of her. Her eyes widen as the the K9 growled, showing the vicious metal teeth, and activated the gun. She put her hand on the two front legs with the thought of stopping the machine. As if it has been shut down by someone the machine collapsed, landing next to her, luckily. Her breathing became audible, after running and almost getting kill by a machine dog had took a lot out of her.

She slowly stood up, wiped her sweat then continued down the hallway. Her legs were shaking but she knew that she have to keep going. She mumbled to herself, "okay, this isn't normal right? Machine that looks like dog just chase and jumped on me, not to mention that it pointed a gun at me. What on earth is this place?!" She turned left into another hallway and saw a group crowded around a machine that look exactly like the one she had faced. She stood where she was, not wanting to go close to the dreadful thing.

@Newtype @ShadowedNexus @Sensei Fox @NetherLightGod @Aelin
"Fox." He was already distracted by nearby fighting. There was at least one heavily armored form that had fallen and made significant vibrations. Then there was the anomaly. The anomaly had eventually come up to make itself known. It was nothing more than a person at the moment that seemed to be just as confused as everyone else here. "Everything here is weird." Another vibration highlighted a girl around the corner. At least this one wasn't a child. She wasn't armored like guards so it stood to reason that she would fall on his side, given the judgement based off the bodies around. He decided to call out to her. "If you wanna get out of here, come on." And that was when he noticed another child. She had slipped past his perception momentarily while focusing on the other girl. He had to focus to the area more. A mistake like that could cost them everything. "You too, kid. We're going."

@Newtype @Joka
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Solarex was trying to blend in with corpses as the soldiers passed quickly, with armed guns in their hands. The teen stood in the same position as the one dead guy on the right. Blood was stained on Solarex's clothing and caked on the hair and skin. Waiting for the right moment to rise and escape, somebody stepped onto Solarex's back and a yelp came from the teen's lips. Pausing for a moment, Solarex turned slowly turned her head to see a group of people trying to escape like her.

@Newtype @ShadowedNexus @NetherLightGod
Oh, they noticed me. She popped out from behind the wall with her knife in hand and jumping over a corpse in the hallway, she didn't exactly know how to use one so she just held it out, " uh, Can someone take this, I prefer not to kill someone by accident." she said, it sounded kind of ridiculous but she really didn't want to do that. She heard a yelp, then turned around and saw some soldiers mixed in with corpses, she froze, eyes going wide. She whipped her head back at the small group, then at the fully armed soldiers, Fight or flight? then she remembered the whimper and took a quick assessment of what was behind them, there was a girl, Fight it is. She grabbed the chain she had ditched behind the corner then ran back over, there was about 4 of them in total and she didn't have a clue what to do to beat them.

@Newtype @Joka
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"Security, four of them" Fox tapped his foot a few times to make sure. "Small caliber weapons." He felt confident in his abilities to take on at least a few guards. Hopefully the other man that had joined the group was competent as well. He shed his jacket and rounded the corner toward the guards. He draped it over the girl who had previously been afraid to hold a knife before charging at the guards. The guards opened fire immediately. His coat would protect the girl he had draped it over, although she would have some bruising. The rest of the group had enough distance and bodies in the hall to find cover. Fox intended to draw their fire anyway.

He dropped into a slide with both his knives drawn he angled his heels down and his body shot head first past the guards. His blades severed the tendons in two of the guards legs as he passed. The two guards fell and Fox shot up a thin wire that wrapped around one of he standing guard's guns. With a hard pull, he directed the barrel to cross over the other three guards. Bullets ripped through each one, leaving one final guard. Fox twisted his body and slammed his legs into the back of the guard's legs, sending him down into a knife piercing he back of his helmet. The guards were dispatched and Fox stood up slowly. Once again. This killing came all too naturally.

@Newtype @Joka @yumiyukifan1

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