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Realistic or Modern The Neko Estate

While walking up the stairs she heard Denaki's talking to the other two. Jeez him actually be nice that's a laugh. She went into her room and changed. She then walked back out of her room to the bathroom and started brushing her teeth. Bad dreams huh. She thought to herself. Jeez that's the last thing I need. She finished brushing her teeth and went to bed.
Denaki looked outside amd notice it starting to thunderstorm, he walked outside and sat down in the rain watching the light in and listening to the light pattering of the rain on the ground he sighed and stayed there most of the time just thinking of the past and what would hap pen now, he did this a lot and seemed to just not sleep. Denaki was thinking of what he would do now more then anything would he wondered if he should just leave this place, he just made everyone grumpy like him, he felt like he should just leave...
Ace giggled as she hit Char with the pillow again. "For me~" She said happily. It's been a while since Ace had a pillow fight. Then she thought of an idea. She did a "Be quiet" signal and her eyes went to the Panda boy. She was pointing at him and their pillows saying "Lets get him at the same time.
All of a sudden there was a loud crash of thunder and Ariana jumped up from sleeping. Oh no I hate thunderstorms. Then she hid under her covers but then lighting stroke scaring her. "Oh man there is know way I'm staying in here by myself. She got up and tip toed out her room and down the stairs. The others should still be down there i'll just go to the couch and sit down and wait for ti to pass. When she got to the living room she saw Ace and Char talking. Bet there planing to attack someone. She then saw Denaki. "Oh shoot I forgot he was in here. There is know way i'm letting him know I hate thunderstorms. I'll just ignore him and pretend he's not here." she said to her self. She sat on the couch and pulled the blanket on the couch over head.
Denaki just sat out in the rain, he loved storms...they just made him feel better and he just loved sitting out in the rain, it was so calming, another very loud boom of thunder was heard as lightning struck a nearby tree as Denaki entered the living room again seeing the dumb flirty girl there again, he was suspicious now. Denaki looked at everyone as the light flickered from the last crack of thunder "Supposed to be a really bad one....gonna last a while..." Denaki says sitting down on the couch and glancing at Ariana every once and a while
Ace shook a little when she heard the thunder. I-It's fine. As long as the power doesn't go out I'm fine... She tried to ignore the thunder as she was counting down to 5 to attack Darian. The lightning struck and Ace curled up to a ball, covered her ears and started to count. "O-One.... Two... Three.... Four... two miles... Six... Seven... " The thunder finally came and Ace whimpered as she snuggled her pillow behind the couch. "Th-The sound was a-about th-three miles behind the lightning..."
Denaki came from out side and said "Supposed to be a really bad one....gonna last a while..." Are you kidding me! I'll never be able to sleep. She yelled in her head. Then another lighting crashed and she laid down and and curled up into a ball and pulled the blanket over her face.
The lightning stuck and then the sound came later. "SHUT THE FUCK UP THOR!" As he threw pillows at the window. (Forgive me if we aren't allowed to cuss). Darian grimaced as the lightning struck again. He hates bad storms. It annoys him. He turned around as he heard someone whimpering. He didn't see anyone but Char with a pillow. He knew it wasn't Char whimpering.
Another lightning struck and Darian yelled out and threw the pillow at the window. Ariana continued to lay like until the lights went and she screamed. She then yelled "are you kidding me!? This is so not cool!" She stayed in her curled up ball under the covers and didn't move and inch.
Darian heard someone scream over the thunder. That scream was pretty loud. He didn't know where it came from though so he stood up and looked around. Someone was yelling after that. Sounded like a girl named... Amy...? Or was it Ariana? Nahh.... He honestly doesn't remember.
Denaki stood by the window, as soon as the lights went out a flash of light flashed behind him from the lightning "Seriously you all are afraid of thunderstorms.....or hate them..." Denaki says to the panda guy looking at Araina and laughing as she screamed "I love thunderstorms....dont scare me one bit....everyone okay?" Denaki asks pulling out his phone and turning on flashlight, it was a very bright flashlight he looked around the room, 2 out of 5 scared and in balls....how great he noted one was Ariana, he wanted to laugh but as well he kinda wanted to help her and Ace because he did not want to be a jerk, he walked over to the 2 that were near the couch, another loud boom was heard as the house slightly shook...
She was blocking everything out so that the storm wouldn't scare her as much until there was a loud boom and the house slightly shook. "Oh come on what more could freaking happen." she said. She sounded like she was going to cry but she wouldn't dare. Not in front of people anyway.
(I'm a little lost now. I didn't get any alerts that people were messaging but I read through and am hopefully caught up enough.)

Xena came from her room downstairs originally to find out what all the noise was about, until the lights went off when she was halfway down the stairs. She stopped sharply and glanced around, waiting for her eyes to adjust to the sudden darkness, then walked the rest of the way down silently.
Denaki walked over to Ariana generally concerned now "Jeez...Ariana...calm down" He says bending down to look at her curled up in a ball, he would not dare touch her, she would flip if he did, Denaki just sat down in front of her "I am here if you need me...." Denaki says not calling her sassy now, he stayed a bit back as he sat but he was still close enough, it was getting worse outside...Denaki looked at Ace as well too, he would help them both if he had too, he could be comforting...I guess....
She peaked out from her blanket when she heard Denaki speaking to her. He told her to calm down and that he was here for her if she needed him. She didn't know why but her face went red. She quickly covered her face again. Guess I should be nice she thought to her self. She didn't come from under the blankets but she said "thanks"
"Yes! You heard Denaki! Me and co pilot Denaki will comfort those who are scared and will serve moose meat for those who need it!" There had often been storms at the mansion where he used to live, and he learned that it helped him to pretend and imagine things. Char took the moose meat and handed it to Ariana first, smiling.
She peaked from under blanket. Feeling a little better she sat up with the blanket still over her head and then took the moose meet and smiled "Thanks" She glanced around and noticed Xena coming down stairs. She then looked at Denaki who hadn't said anything yet. She really wasn't feeling that hungry so she put the plate on the table. Looked at Char and said "I'll eat it later ok" she smiled.
Denaki was starring at her with a serious expression, he seemed to be trying to be nice...but it was hard for a big cold hearted guy like himself. Denaki sighed and stretched looking back at her "Don't mention it...." denaki says sitting down on the couch next to her but leaving her some space as a couple more booms seemed to occur, it seemed to be getting worse, they should really get in a place with less windows but at least they were all together. Denaki looked at Char, he never said any of that but who cares, they were goofy adult...kids or whatever....they could do what they wanted "Help Ace and can you find Xena for me...." Denaki says remembering how he had not seen her for a while..or the Bowing girl.
Denaki finally spoke and sat next to her on the couch leaving some space. The wind seemed to be picking up. Then all of a sudden she saw someone appear behind Denaki. She then calm down when she realized it was Xena.
"Hey! I make the orders around here. I'll get some more food for everyone. You find a safer place to be!" Char did a salute and then started walking in the kitchen.
"God chick...don't scare me like that..." Denaki says flinching a bit when she spoke "Well we are all here and so far it seems to just be getting worse...I do not really know what to do right now.." Denaki says looking at Ariana she seemed to be doing better, if she needed like a hug or something he was all for that even if he would not admit it, he loved hugs so much and was willing to give them to girls who needed comfort, except maybe Xena, she did not seem to be very nice...she reminded him of himself which was odd.
"Hey! Wolf boy! Get on it! Find somewhere safe!" Char said, now looking directly at Denaki. "Go! Unless anyone else wants to go for him."
It was getting later and later and Ariana was ready to fall asleep. She was use to staying up considering all the parties she use to go to. But it had been a long day and she was tired. She hated thunder storms they usually gave her nightmares about her father. But she was so tired she didn't really care at the moment she almost fell alseep but then char yelled out and it woke her up. "Ugh"
Denaki thought for a moment and looked at Ariana and sighed she seemed really tired and he wondered if she hated lightning as well because his room, he made sure to cover all the windows to the point where it was pitch black in there, she could chill in his room for the night along with anyone else who wanted to but he said nothing, he stayed up all night so he would not be there more then likely he looked at them all and thought "Ugh....my rooms all dark and boarded up so...I guess if we want to go there we can...we also have the basement...not sure if it has beds and also a couple other places like the attic...." Denaki says, now he really thought about it....maybe he wanted to sleep as well, another loud crack of thunder was heard the house shaking

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