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Fantasy The Mansion of Neko

Ari flicked her ears and tails, all of them disappearing. She smiled and pulled out some cool shades, putting them on.
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Fane blinked totally silent. He didn't know Aurora was so into her cat, not that he would not do the same if this was his cat. And even so since he loved the cat and Aurora he protected her by backing up and even lying to save her.

While he was deep into thought he failed to notice the fact people were starting to stop and stare at Aurora. When he did notice he approached Aurora whispering in her ear that people were staring at her. Panic filled his voice and filtered through his body. Humans always did nasty things to creatures that didn't look completely like them.


Aoi smiled and reached for Ari's hand guiding her to a convert able Pontiac just beside the big mansion. It was old but the way he took care of it, you couldn't even tell. "We will kill a lot of time with this girl." He said knowing the trip would be about an hour. Even in the car. He opened the door for Ari and gestured her into the white leather seats of the sky blue convertible with a wide front and a long boot.
"Back the hell off," she said to anyone staring. She turned and went back into the shop and started looking around at the clothes. She noticed a black dress with skulls on it and smiled picking it up.
Aoi smiled pulling his Keats out and shutting the door. Then he walked around whispering something "Sorry Akahana. I'm stealing your car," he stepped into the car closed the door and turned the ignition on. The beautiful classic sports car roared to life. He drove off the mansion property and took to the highway westward.


This time Fane went in with her and looked around. He saw this beautiful jacket and wondered if this would have been Aurora's style. Wondering hard he grabbed the jacket and walked over to the girl hoping she wasn't heated enough to snap at him.

"Wha- whatcha think of this?" He asked holding the jacket up beside his head.

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Ari enjoyed the ride, her hair blowing around. She tied it in a side ponytail to keep it out of her way.
Aurora inspected it carefully and smiled taking it. She slid it off the hanger and tried it on before going to a nearby mirror and looking at it. "I love it," she said with a side smile.
Aoi's driving was superior. Normally people of their background had no experience with cars. Aoi even less since he was actually born a fox and raised as a fox. However it was in their family's nature to fit in with humans and doing so meant learning how to drive, sometimes they even learned to get jobs and in rare cases go to public/privet school. The ride was over just as the hot sun was beginning to creep over the waves looking like the ocean was to envelope the gas ball.

Aoi parked right on the beach and immediately went around the car opening the trunk. "Yes!" He whispered seeing Akahana's jet black two piece and his swim shorts. There was even an inflated beach ball left with towels. He remembered that Akahana and him used coming to the Neko mansion as an excuse to go road tripping. Akahana hated Aoi driving her car and he knew that.

"You don't mind wearing Akahana's bathing suit... Do you...? He asked realising the girls were about the same size.


"I'm glad," started Aoi also laying eyes on a pair of boots (no I don't have these but GODS I wish I did!) he took them off the shelf along with a corset looking belt type thing. "These would look good with your dress." He said bravely and noticed a small glass case filled with piercings. Upon looking at them a dirty thought enters his brain but he quickly shovled that away and walked away form the belly button rings towards Aurora with his new items.
Smiling, Aurora took them and quickly slid them on. She stood up and looked in the mirror, grinning widely. "I love it!" She said enthusiastically.

Paisley walks up to the enormous building timidly, not sure she quite fits in here. But the guy at the bus station said it was the best place for "her kind". She shrugs to herself and adjusts the bag on her shoulder. The inside is like nothing she's seen before. Certainly no place she's ever lived. But this was it. There didn't seem to be anyone around, the mansion being quiet as a library. I'll just see myself to my room, then. She thinks to herself.

Or did she mumble it out loud? She heads up the stairs, taking in the scenery of the place. Her black clothing and boots seem to be out of place. And there were so many rooms, how many people lived here? And how could they all be this quiet?

The first thing she imagines is how soft the beds must be in this place. And then about how long she'll sleep once she finds hers. But a stronger need kicks in, and that's to shower.

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"It's more for Akahana and her love for birds." Aoi pointed out as the edges looked like that of blackish blue feathers. "She made that for herself before we left home." He said and walked behind a huge rock changing into his swim shorts emerging once more. He felt uncomfortable. His face twisted and he almost gaged it seemed.

He had a wedgie thanks to his tail.


Fane stretched a the thumbs up sign towards her whilst thinking to himself. "You look prettier in that," he said wondering if it was possible for her to get any physically prettier. He passed off as something that should have been against the law and tried to direct his thoughts away from liking the girl like- that. She wasn't probably looking for a relationship anyway.
Ari had walked behind the other large rock and changed, coming out in the swimsuit. It fit like a glove, and didn't look half bad. She flipped her hair and looked at him, her tails perfectly concealed.
Aurora smiled and went back in the dressing room and changed back into her clothes. When she came back out, she put the clothes in the basket before looking around some more.

After a shower, Paisley can't help but smile at the freshness. She's worn the same dirt on her for a week now. In a fresh pair on clothes, she looks around the room. She's going to be staying a while and white just isn't her color. With one quick movement, she grabs some money out of her bag, shoves it into her pocket, and skips out the doorway.

The mall isn't that far from the mansion, she'd seen it on her way there. So instead of taking the bus, she walks. Her leather jacket is too short for her to tuck her tail into, especially since her tail is only a few inches long. Her ears twitch, still wet from the shower as she walks. They're usually the last thing to dry.

Once inside the mall, she hunts out stores that she might buy something from. She almost misses one playing rock music with band tees all around the walls. A bright red dress catches her eye immediately. She scurries up to it before anyone else in the store has a chance to beat her there.

"97 dollars?" She scoffs out loud, not caring if any employee heard her. "It's not that cute."

She turns down an isle of hats, trying them on as she goes.

Ritsuka got the chair to the fridge and reached the juice. Holding it in her hand, her wolf ears bounced at the sound of someone coming in through the front door. She peeked and watched as a girl tried to quietly sneak in,"Is she new?" She whispered to herself. Ritsuka herself was new, and since shes never seen anyone else but Tanami, who was asleep, she couldnt really tell. But the girl was carrying some belongings so she assumed she was new. She followed her quietly, using her silent wolf stalking instinct to not be noticed. The girl went up the stairs and soon took a shower, so Ritsuka went back to mind her own business. She finished her breakfast, cleaned her dish and sat back at the table. The front door closing again. She turned her head towards it, waiting for any more sounds. "Maybe she left..."Suka shrugged and sat boredly at the table.

After purchasing new clothes so she wouldn't have to wear the same outfit again, Paisley headed back to the mansion, noticing how light her pocket now was. Malls are expensive. She'd never really shopped at one before, but this was all she had at the moment.

Just as she entered the mansion again, her stomach rumbled loudly. She sighed and took to searching for a kitchen. There had to be one, right?

Suka had laid her head on the table for maybe longer than hour now. She fell back asleep and it was well into noon. The door opened and shut once more, making her shoot straight up and sit up. Her eyes half open and snow while locks a little messy. She rubbed her eyes and looked back toward the entrance of the kitchen. She could hear and smell them coming closer. She got up and panicked. New people scared her, and just like she shy wolf in the shadows, she decided to go with her animal instinct....hide. She didnt know where to hide so ducked under the table instead.

Paisley looked around for a few minutes before her nose picked up the slight smell of food.

"Hello?" She called out, hoping someone would be around to assist. She entered the kitchen slowly, not knowing if it was limited to staff or something. She sets her bags down next to the door before spotting the plates on the table. A quick glance around is all she needs to start searching for something to eat. Her stomach protests the slow pace.

Fane held the cat playing with its paws while she started to chew on his fingers. He stood beside a rack that had various bracelets and one necklace that caught his attention. It was a pink diamond skull that had black diamonds as eyes. The chain was actually a leather type strap. There were also earrings directly below it of lightning bolts. His tail flicked a few times and he glanced at the girl. Then he decided something might be better- provided he got to know her better. He snatched something off the shelf and approached Aurora quietly. Once close enough he took the necklace and looped it through a black and pink polkadot bow and punched the earrings through the ends of the bow. Then he gathered up half the girls hair and pinned the newfound desgined hair piece. He smiled and took her hand in his. "I like the style," he smiled not telling her what he did to her hair.


"Looks good," said Aoi stepping out from behind his rock. His skin slightly glowed of a tan and his chest was tightened rather almost moulded into a set of six pack abs. "So you want to swim or sunbathe?" The beach was littered with people here and there and even in the distance there seemed to be a photo shoot going on. Aoi turned his head, his heightened senses allowed him to see it was a contest for the hottest girl on the beach. It was just starting and Aoi decided Ari was pretty enough. Without warning he picked her up bridal style and smiled.

"I think the whole world should see how beautiful you are. You are much to pretty to hide it," he said and ran across the sand towards the sign up tent. "I'm not too late am I?" He asked holding his catch still bridal style.

The man behind the counter shook his head and passed a clipboard over to him. He grabbed it with his teeth and took a seat on a white couch beside the counter settling Ari on his lap. "So, want to sign up?" He looked over the paper and suddenly saw it was actually the cutest couple. Competing for a modelling job.

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Ari was about to say something when she was picked up all of a sudden. "ACK!" She said, looking at him. He carried her over and sat her on his lap. She saw the sign up. "Sure, I guess." She said.
Aurora jumped slightly when she felt her hair being messed with. She laughed as the words left his lips, and she reached behind her. "What exactly did you do?" she asked, curiously getting the best of her being.
(Oh god there's a ton of people and posts and I feel super lost but I'm gonna do this.)

Xena walked up to the front door, sighing and looking around. She had walked, how far? 10 miles at least..she had left her home to..She wasn't completely sure. Maybe to just be away from it for a while? It couldn't be permanent, as she was responsible for the place. No matter what, this stay could only last so long before she went back. She had responsibilities.

Xena gripped the backpack she was carrying with her. She was here, she might as well knock and get it over with instead of just standing here and staring at the door like an idiot. She scratched her ear before knocking on the door firmly. It wasn't too early for everyone to be asleep, right? She hoped so, otherwise she'd have to deal with a bunch of angry, sleepy people.
(I know how you feel) Aisling woke up from her long awaited nap and grabbed the letter she wrote and headed down to the front desk to mail it,"I wonder how fast the mail service is?...." she to herself, halfway down to steps when she heard knocking on the large door, the bell hop didn't seem to be present so she decided to open it herself,

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