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Fantasy The Mansion of Neko

He actually WANTED to help her! Someone actually cared enough! Then again, she came to home where there are those like her, they understand the struggle. 'What better place to be than here?!' She thought as she looked up at him, eyes following him while he came around to help. Her thought snapped away, like a rubber band being pulled too tight and ripped, when his hand brushed hers. She gasped and turned bright red, letting go of the handles. She followed him inside.
He walked upstairs, making sure she followed and looked around. "Bad news... There aren't any more rooms." He looked at her with sorrow. "So you can bunk with me, or the new girl."
The foyer was beautiful! It was stunning! Never in her life had she seen such aristocracy in just a home! Blue eyes scanned and wandered in awe as the two climbed the stairs in the hallway with many, many rooms! Nearly bumping into him, they came to a stop as he delivered some troubling news....

She wasnt sure what to pick, he seemed nice, and knew him before anyone else, but she didnt want to seem like some creep, oh what to do?? She looked up at him,"Would it be a problem if i bunk with you for a few nights...." She twiddled with the hemming of her skirt,"a-atleast while i get to know the others?" Her head sank into her shoulders the way a turtle hides in its shell, and her eyes tried to avoid his by looking in all directions but his. She took a quick glance at him, just to see his reaction to this request,"of course if its too awkward, I'll understand..." Her small voice had a hint of disappointment but she spoke with sincerity.
He smiled warmly and patted her head. "Of course you can!" He lifted her head up. "Didn't catch your name, though. I'm Tanami. I'm not exactly the owner, but I'm close to it."
A light pink powdered her cheeks as he patted her head in reassurance. She bowed a little,"Im Ritsuka...you can call me Suka if youd prefer that." She offered. It was the least she could offer since he was giving up half of his living space to her for a while. She was a little excited and happy he agreed to it, her white wolf tail wagged but slowed to a sway as she tried to control herself. She gave him a sweet and happy smile, ears perked and all, as a thank you to his generous gesture.
"Suka sounds good... pretty." He nodded to her and opened the door to his room. "I try to keep it tidy... I have a bit of OCD." He looked her up and down. Yes, she was a dog, he was sure of it now. But... she was beautiful...
She giggled, but not loudly, as she was aware of the hour,"I promise not to be messy. I may be a canine but i assure you i like things tidy as well!" She rummaged through one of her bags that he was kind enough to bring into the room for her. She pulled out a framed picture of her parents and set it on the night stand near the couch in the room, hoping he wouldnt mind. Since he claimed the bed (it is his room after all) a couch was more than what she needed.

Going through her things again, she pulled out a brush and ran it through her hair and tail quickly before settling in. She took a seat on the couch,"Im sorry for coming at a time like this...." She broke the silence,"I had been putting this off for a ling time now and it was a spur of the moment kind of thing. I just packed my things and ran before i could talk myself out of it again..." She explained briefly.
"Well... I'm really glad you came..." He smiled at her then shook his head. "You get the bed..." He pulled down the covers for her, motioning for her to get in. "I'll sleep on the couch." He didn't say it, but he wanted her ta have the bed... badly. He wanted to make her as comfortable as possible, for hope that she wouldn't change roommates. "And you didn't interrupt anything... you came at a perfect time."
Ritsukas ears bounced, making sure she heard right. He....wanted HER to have the bed?! She was taken by surprise but laughed it off,"D-dont be so silly, its your room, im the intruder. Its only right!" She smiled, really not minding at all,"B-besides, thats such a big bed for a small girl like me, i dont need that much space." She giggled once more. She smiled at him and admired how sweet and generous he was. But she quickly shook the thought out, after all she just met the guy! But she could already feel like she could trust him. And she was content about that.
He wrapped his arms around her and picked her up, placing her on the bed. "You sleep here..." He smiled at her. "I want you to have it!" It hurt him when she referred to herself as an intruder. "N-No! Don't think that! You aren't an intruder! You're a guest!"
He got closer, and she was curious as to why before he picked her up. Since she was small it was easy to do so. He set her on the bed and she blinked those blue orbs at him with curiosity and tilted her head ever so slightly the way a dog does. "A guest...." She echoed and thought for a moment, she felt bad but didnt want to hurt him further by resisting, so she gave in,"A-Alright...." She was too tired to change into her sleep wear, so she slipped under the covers just the way she was,"B-but tomorrow we switch," she stated. She was a little afraid she sounded too demanding so she added,"i-if youd like..." At the end. White hair sprawled along the pillow, some locks draping off the side of the bed a bit.
He shook his head. "You always have the bed. You're beautiful-" He stopped himself and froze in place. He just went over what he had said in his head. No... He pinched himself... yup, it was real. "I mean... um... your personality... ngh..." His face turned a dark ruby read and he sat down on the couch.
"My personality?" Was all that she caught from what came out of his mouth. She lifted her head a bit to look at him and lifted an eye brow,"I like your personality too." She returned the compliment. Laying in such a comfy bed made her realize how tired she actually was. She yawed a little and pulled the blankets up to her chest,"Um...T-Tanami?" She was a little hesitant toward using his name for the first time with her small voice.
She mustn't have noticed. Thank god... "Yeah, Suka?" He liked her name... short and sweet! He wondered what she needed... He waited for her to respond.
Call her childish, but Suka had a kitty stuffed animal in her arms that she pulled out from her belongings when searching for her brush. It was her sleeping buddy. Since she doesnt like loneliness, it provided the comfort and company she needed for a good nights rest. She continued,"Um..." She paused,"Thank you...." Was all she said. She was genuinely thankful he opened the door, that he helped her with her things, that he shared his room and was a wonderful host, she was thankful for all of it! She gave him one last sleepy smile before rolling over, her back towards him,"Good night..." She called out to him before shutting her eyes and cuddling her companion in her arms, into the journey that is sleep...

(Its 2 am for me ._. I need sleep xP)
"I feel kinda back words," said Fane with a slight nervous curl in his lips. "I always howl at the moon... It's a problem I have. And honestly I blame my sister," said the boy. Them he paused took in a breath and flicked his tail. "Thanks to her mother she's part wolf but is a really small fox... Her howl is like a melody," continued the boy describing Farubah.
Aurora smiled, listening to every word as her tail snaked around her leg. She ignored the soft purring that was emitting from the kitten and trained all her focus on Fane. "Sounds beautiful," she said, her smile not faltering. She suddenly looked dome, remembering her past, but quickly shook her mind of it. She couldn't think about it now. Not yet.
(Yay good morning! Big post alert sorry!)

The small chirps of cheery morning birds filled the fluffy white ears that sat ontop of her matching white haired head. Dark, thick lashes parted and fluttered to reveal luminous eyes. While her vision was clearing of drowsiness, she realized that the ceiling she was facing and looking at, wasnt hers. The bed and sheets were unfamiliar aswell. The scent that filled the room wasnt hers either! This wasnt her room... She sat up quickly, scanning the room. Suka spotted Tanami, quickly remembering where she was. She let go a sigh of relief.

Turning her body, her legs hung over the bed. She hopped off, sock covered feet touching down she stood up. She quickly turned and made the bed, setting her stuffed animal in the center. She fixed her skirt and long sleeved shirt that she wore yesterday and slept in. She gathered her thigh long wavy hair into a high pony tell, tying it with a ribbon. She silently turned the knob to the bed room door and stepped out, making sure her footsteps didnt thump in the hallway.

Climbing down the stairs, she didnt know which way was the kitchen. She stopped in the foyer and sniffed her way to her destination. How could she miss the scent of sweet food! Eventually she found her way. The coldness of the kitchen tiles found its way through her socks and woke her up a bit.

"Okay, time for breakfast!" She spoke to herself. She wanted to thank Tanami by making some breakfast but thought it be rude if she only made it for themselves so she chose to make a lot for everyone who lived with in. Unfortunately she didnt know how many people lived there so shed nust have to guesstimate by the number of rooms.

In the pantry was an apron hung on a hook, she grabbed it, tied it around herself and opened the fridge. Eggs, bacon, and sausage were taken out. Turning on the stove, she hoped the sounds of sizzling and clanging wouldnt wake anyone up, she doesnt know anyone else so she assumed people woud be bothered by the sounds. She peeled potatoes and diced them up, seasoning then with herbs and then frying them, for anyone who does not eat meat in place of the bacon and sausage.

Once the sides were done, next came the pièce de rèsistance. Mixing flour, pancake batter, milk and water in a bowl, she prepared herself for a whole lot of pancake making. She poured, flipped, added a few strawberries that were found in the fridge and repeated for about thirty minutes until two high stacks of strawberry pancakes were steaming on the counter. She sighed and put her hands on her hips looking at her creations. She was tired but would rather make a good first impression on the others. She washed her hand and untied the apron, unaware of a patch of flour powdered on her nose and a smidge of batter on her cheek. One by one she moved each plate of food to the big dining table, which wasnt far from the kitchen space. She took a seat and served herself after relocating.
Ana reached for the milk and sipped it happily. Kolbe sighed, glad that he'd made the right decision. Suddenly, the girl stopped drinking and blinked, jumping down from the counter and padding silently across the room to sit next to him. She stammered a thank you to Kolbe, who shrugged, his mouth full of food. Swallow, then talk. Swallow, then talk.

"I, uh, love milk. I-I'm a uh, um, I'm a tortoiseshell colored Turkish angora." A what? Did she just say tortoiseshelled? She's a turtle from Turkey? Kolbe shook his head. Maybe he was hearing things again. Ana was definitely a cat. The girl leaned in slightly, "What are you?" A turtle. Just tell her you're a turtle. Don't be a smartass.

"I'm a...soup ingredient." Kolbe mentally slapped himself.
Skylar awoke, the sun already high in the sky, peaking through his window. He looked around the room, he saw a new suitcase in the corner and remembered his new guest. "Good morning." She was still asleep, but he didn't mind. Skylar got comfy and watch his fan go round and round, content with his life.
"Is something the matter?" Fane observed Aurora's facial expressions like she were a book. He flicked his tail back and forth drawing his knees into a crossed position as to try and lighten the mood.


"Eh- ra- um? A soup ingredient...?" Akahana was incapable of knowing what exactly to make of this boy. He smelled like a Neko and yet also had hints of something that smelled as if it belonged in the sea- not here in a mansion. She didn't judge- she couldn't.

She was way to nervous to say anything more, sitting there was already giving her an anxiety attack as it was.
"Eh-ra-um? A soup ingredient...?" Oh, fudge-sicles, look what you've done. Good job, you insensitive turtle-head! Ana seemed nervous, her tail was twitching again. She looked like she was about to have a panic attack.

"Sorry, sorry...I meant, like...I'm a turtle, and you can eat turtles, so..." No, stop, Kolbe. Just shut up.
"Oh I'm fine," Aurora said nervously. "I was just thinking," she decided to add as her ears perked up and her tail swayed. She gave a smile before petting her tail, growling softly.
"You.... Can?" Akahana was intrigued. She had never in her life heard of someone eating a turtle- it was a grotesque way of going about things. She valued every creature out there and though scared of bears and other things larger than her self (or more poisonous) she did not think eating a turtle was possible.

"How interesting," she finished with a smile.

{uhhahhhg Trignome, can you PM me?}


Fane was taken aback. His hyper sensitive ears twitched in almost a fear. "Eh?" He started but wondered if he was pushing it too far by asking her for her personal information. Was that rude to ask what he had observed?

He hoped not
"I'd just rather not talk about it right now," Aurora said softly. Tears started forming in her eyes and her voice was shaky. She quickly wiped them away before putting on a fake smile for Fane.

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