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Fantasy The Mansion of Neko

Akio went back inside, at least he had gotten the dogs off him. Today was just becoming confusing. He wondered if Aurora was still up there with that guy, honestly he didnt like the idea more then he'd like to admit but it wasent his business. Besides if he could help her he'd be grateful to him.
Kolbe nodded, relieved that Ana hadn't thought he was weird. "Yup, we turtles are a delicacy in many countries. Absolutely delicious." He paused. "Er...not that I know from experience, but I've heard that if you gut the turtle first, while it's still alive, and remove its organs to boil in a separate dish-" Stop. Now you're really going to scare her.

Kolbe listened obediently to himself, and stopped in his cannibalistic lecture. He smiled weakly at Ana.
Fane almost felt defeated.


He froze when he saw Aurora's fake smile. Instantly he knew what was wrong. Though she may not have wanted to talk to him about it he knew she was in need of something. Now Fane wasn't cold hearted- he could recognise when someone was reaching out for help and often tried his best to reach out and be there at least halfway. He was unsure of what to do on this instance.

It had been so long since Fane had seen anyone. He honestly had no idea how to comfort anyone other than that of his family members and each one required a different way of showing that much needed affection. He thought long and hard (okay maybe about two seconds) then he sparked an idea and eithout warning threw his arms around Aurora and hugged her tenderly.




These words would not have been anyone's first choice to describe Fane normally they would put these words as him being out of character, but who really knew him and the face he put on every day to shovel through the constant avalanche of every day pain he endured. He had learned this face for a long time and built it well. Along with his walls and barriers he was perfectly content on his structure.

Aurora however in a matter of two minuets alone exploded his walls tore off his grotesque face and this ricocheted making him finally break through the years of faking it, pretending and lying, he held onto her hoping she would cry some more- it was healthy.

Knowing her for such a brief amount of time he had recognised two things about her. First. When someone was hurt emotionally a physical affirmation was her way of almost coping it seemed. Second. She acted like Coyoty to the finest detail. His cousin, the only hybrid he had ever seen that was ever capable of being a full blown wolf and do nothing but attract cats. It was almost a shock to him.


He hugged her loosely looping his fingers through her hair stroking it as well as holding her. Almost as if he was preventing her from being able to show her fake face- her fake smile- he was.

{NEVER- EVER- catch me to respond at five am on ANY day. This is only half of what I can do- also... Anyone think I should add Farubah or Coyoty to my roster?}


"Huh," started Akahana staring to groom her tail as she took the last gulp of her milk. Her tail fur was long and divided into spots of tan and grey long stripes. As she cleaned it she listened to Kolbe's speech intently. Until he cut himself off. She glanced up a little wide-eyed now that she had fully recognised what he was saying.

She swallowed.

"Ah-" she started with the nervous stutter filtering through her fake calm exterior. "I uh- um, well isn't that interesting," she said at last putting aside her fears. "It's always good to know how you as a species is killed for lesser humane nature than to eat you. In many cases It had saved our lives in cultures where they do practice that."

Akahana felt almost empowered with her own sprang and so continued with a huge smile. The only thing signalling she was nervous was the almost irritated twitch at the end of her tail. "Take me for example," she grabbed her ears and played with them. "I am a cat- the species of cat I belong to has often been worshiped as gods or prised in certain countries as bigger than gods, perhaps signing them off as good luck tokens. Even in countries like the USA for prime example everyone will define black cats as bringers of bad luck and more often than not will call a cat that had silky black fur and green eyes a witches cat. Oh? Right," she paused and readjusted herself to not droll over her now empty cup of milk.

"Japan is a prime example, instead of praising cats like their sister countries they saw them as by thing more than a meal. Often they would smoke us, pull our flesh apart with forks and lace them in what is commonly cat soup- but we're not the only ones in that country that are treated this way, it was found a few years ago that dogs meat was better. In the end besides the fact we are supposed to be bringers of good luck to that country in the form of a maneki kouneko. We are victimised for the utter pleasure of food that will only last for five minuets before being consumed.

"At least make my species into a purse or something. I think it would be better than eating us..." She trailed off at last. "But we cannot always have it our way... It's the way of the sick humans and their utter horrid cultures." She finished and started to trace around the rim of her milk glass.
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Aurora was surprised when Fane hugged her. She tried to hold back for as long as possible, bit that only made it worse. Starting yo shake, she wrapped her tail tightly around her waist. Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't... She couldn't take it anymore. She broke down. Throwing her arms around his neck, she started sobbing into his chest. It was uncontrollable. She tried to stop, but she couldn't.
Kolbe sat through Ana's speech, a relieved smile twitching at the corner of his mouth. She wasn't frightened at all. Great, I still have a chance at making a friend here. As she finished talking, he noticed her fingers were tracing around the rim of her empty glass. Oh, does she want a refill? Maybe I should ask, first. "Do you want another cup, Ana?"
Ritsuka kicked and swung her legs in satisfaction while filling her tummy with breakfast she made for the others. She chewed and swallowed with a little smile. Her legs didnt reach the ground so she hopped off the seat to get herself a glass of juice from the fridge. Unfortunately, the carton was unreachable. She could reach the shelf it was on while on her tippy toes, but it was pushed back a bit, and her finger tips could barely touch the cold juice. A small growling noise came from her throat as she pouted with her hands on her hips, it wasnt very threatening, it sounded like a pup's growl, trying to act tough. She looked around, searching for something to help her. "Oh!" Her white ears perked when she saw the chair she was sitting on. Suka ran over and attempted to lift the solid wooden chair. Since she was small, it was a little big and heavy for her petite hands. She gave it all she got with a,"Hnnngggg..!" And her tongue sticking out. But it was no use.... So she went for plan B. Walking to the other side, she pushed the seat to the fridge, her ears flattening and body cringing to the screeching sounds as it scraped the tile kitchen floor.
Fane could almost feel the girl breaking down. Even before the tears and before her hands went around his neck. His soul was being torn at the very core. Seeing this- feeling this, being the one she broke to, it more than just made him nervous.

But he clung to her.

He was not sure if it was because she was crying, perhaps she needed to be hugged and he just didn't want to diss appoint her. Whatever the case was whatever that reason so happened to be he just sat there and

Hugged her.

Finally after letting her cry for a second or two he slowly picked up the kitten setting her on the back of the couch and then picked up Aurora holding her in his lap flicking his tail around her as she seemed to enjoy tails. He held her laying her head on his chest almost silently whispering something he thought he would never say.

"Shh, now the tears will stop flowing and even if they start again I will be here, to hold you, to cuddle you through it. Shh now, you are not alone."

He hugged her running his fingers down her shoulder and arm starting to humm his German lullaby. A lulu by taught to him since he could remember. It was a smooth tone that varied in different rates making it a beautiful chorus of sounds. On top of that he felt a small rumble in his throat- not one totally noticeable but actually that of what felt like the kitten whom had curled up by his neck...



Akahana looked at her cup and breathed a sigh added with a calm smile flashing her pearly whites and slightly elongated canine teeth. Her eyes lit up turning almost a honey gold colour. "YES!" She said almost too excitedly. "How I would so much!" She added starting to flick her tail back and forth again.
"Its so big!" Aisling squealed as she surveyed her new room, her luggage already delivered and set up, she had only taken two steps into her room before she had tripped and fell flat on her face "Ow..ow....What was I...OH!" Aisling said as she jumped back up and ran to the desk and pulled out her pen and paper and started writing ' Dear Mother and Lisa, I just arrived at the mansion I've been writing about in my last letters, its even better than what I expected, I'll send some souvenirs when I get the chance! -Love Aisling
Kolbe smiled. He picked up the glass and walked back to the fridge. Opening it, he paused and turned to Ana. "You want anything to eat? I can cook if you're hungry." He paused, wondering if he was being too pushy. Besides, what do cats eat? Birds? Mice?
Aurora slowly calmed down as she listened to him speak. She took a deep, shaky breath and let it out slowly. She tightened her grip on him and silently pet her tail. She let out a low growl and reluctantly let go, keeping her eyes down. She couldn't even force herself to look up as she spoke. "I watched my parents get killed because of me," she said simply, unable to go on.
Aisling sat on the large fluffy bed, "What now...I dont know anyone, Maybe...I''ll...just...slee" she said as she passed out on the bed
Akahana was smiling a little to hard to focus on what Kolbe was saying. Her ears and tail twitched without stop. "Eh?" She asked at last and then blinked. "Eh, ah no, I'm not hungry as of yet, I had tuna, but thanks!" She smiled and then hopped up. "We should go to the gardens and sit in the setting sun!"

All nervousness had completely flown out the window.


Fane swallowed looking straight at the wall in front of him unable to do anything. Not a sound not a movement. Nothing. For a moment it seemed as if his already fragmented heart had completely been crumbled to bits.

Once he could stifle anything it was a movement. He reached over tracing Aurora's face softly with his fingers and then wiped a tear off her face as tenderly as he could manage.

Then he spoke, "Scars," He started softly starting to flick his tail again. "Whether mental or physical are just the evidence to our strength that we have survived through something that had tried to kill us." He blinked and pulled Aurora closer to him.

"I never knew my father and my mother Geminia was taken from me when I was an infant. I grew up with no one but a sadistic girl whom tried killing me every chance she had and had her father wrapped around her finger. My pain can never compare to yours and not will it ever come to the point in which I make it a competition,"

He froze again once more crying but not wavering in his speak or doting anything more than comforting Aurora. She needed it, he knew it and if he could provide it- crying or not- he would. Without question.

"I know there is more," he finalised his speech. "But life is too complicated to expect it all at once,"

"I am here,"

He repeated comforting Aurora even still.
"Uh...Alright?" Kolbe finished pouring the milk, then closed the fridge and followed Ana out onto the lawn. He rubbed his eyes with his free hand, wondering if she'd find it rude if he fell asleep. Well, don't fall asleep then, idiot! But the fresh air smelled so nice, and the grass was soft and warm...
Ari got bored with the guy and the beautiful girl and decided to find something to do. She walked outside and climbed a tree. She started humming in the breeze.
"All anyone sees of me is the happy, don't-give-a-care-in-the-world side of me. No ones see. Me cry or get angry often. Only because I put on a fake smile everyday and act like everything's okay," Aurora said with a shaky voice. Her ears laid flat against her head as she got up. She made her way to the top drawer of her dresser and pulled out a necklace. It was a guitar pick with both music clefs formed into a heart, and it was on a simple black cord. Sitting back down next to Fane, she stared down at it. "My mother gave me this when I was three. I've loved music since I knew what it was and every time I saw a guitar, I'd freak out and get all happy and whatnot, so she got me this. I haven't been able to wear it since...it happened because it brings back too many memories," she explained, unable to look into his eyes.
Akahana settled on the grass sipping her milk. The sun was warm and the grass emanated this heat. She pushed her tail along the grass sipping her milk a lot more slowly than previously. Finally the milk was starting to take its toll on her. She yawned once took a gulp of milk, yawned again and then looped her hand around Kolbe's arm. "Sleepy," she whispered before closing her honey coloured eyes and relaxing. Her hand started relaxing quickly causing her to spill the milk.

Milk and her as with most cats, plus sun and even in some cases plus grass equaled sleep. It was like a lure. First the milk, then the sun and last a place to lay. Akahana on the other hand was already pretty weary of the sleep taunts. She had a saucer of milk this morning and thanks to Aoi no time to sleep it off and her cup with Kolbe and then this cup. Sleep was inevitable.

{last post for the night- have work in the morning}


Aoi rested against a tree not too far from where he had almost lost his cool. He was angered to the point of attacking those boys and he had only known Ari for a max amount of time since this morning.

A leaf fell.

He tried to convince himself that it was madness to want to protect Ari. He stopped trying to convince himself it was because of his wanting to protect children mentality.

A few leaves fell this time.

In the end Aoi was just majorly confused. As a few more leaves fell on him he found this was a sign that he should sleep this off and in the tree seemed to be his calling. Climbing up the tree he found it to be empty and so changed forms back into a fox circling a bed of moss and leaves a few times before flopping down. Just before he closed his eyes he saw Ari.

His yellow-gold eyes went wide. "E- eh-" she was right there in a joining tree laying there like he was in his tree. His jaw nearly dropped but this time he could form sentences instead of the inauspicious babble that had dribbled from his lips a second earlier.


{last post for the night- have work in the morning}


Fane nodded and watched Ari get up. He felt the kitten shuffle slightly under his longish hair but nothing more happened after that. He listened as she explained not able to comment until she was finished.

"I think-" he started mentally gathering his words and putting them into a single fist to be able to speak right. "I think it may hurt now. After it's done hurting you will feel nothing but want to wear that necklace," he smiled slightly and then decided to address her fake happiness.

"We all have a face we put on. We have trained ourselves to feed off this and in a way make it real to shut away our emotions as to not deal with them, nothing is wrong about this except maybe the fact you will snap- one of these days. I don't want to see someone-" he took a long consideration to say the word he was thinking without creeping her out. "Someone as beautiful as you needing that burden on your shoulders- I really don't."

{last post for the night- have work in the morning}
(And I have 7 hours of camp. Welcome to the busy club)

Ari looked down at Aoi who had magically disappeared earlier. "Hello. Fancy seeing you here." She said, stretching. She stopped humming and jumped down from the tree.
Aurora blushed at his comment about her being beautiful. Deciding to put it on, she hooked the necklace around her neck before getting up and going to her closet. She looked through her clothes and turned back. "I'm gonna go clothes shopping. Feel free to join if you want," she said with a small, hopeful smile.
Aoi perked his ears- "eh? Where are you going?" He questioned turning his head slightly. "Also, sorry. I didn't want to be involved in any kind of battle. I didn't want to get hurt." He lied flicking his tail dropping it over the side of the tree he sat in. He also yawned signing that he was tiered. In reality he was just majorly bored. Then he struck an idea.

"Hey Ari, do you have the ability to hide your ears and tails?" He wondered aloud. "If you can do you want to go to the beach with me?" It was a little later in the day probably to late to go to the beach but Aoi loved the beach- even in the dark. It was the best the to stargaze and listen to the rolling waves. Knowing him- he would be chasing seagulls all the way down the beach as his fox form. Regardless of who was there.


Fane smiled. Cloths shopping was not his favourite activity to do but he wanted an excuse to play with the cat. "Can we take (forgot the cats name) With us? I will happily accompany you in either choice.

Fane just wanted to get out and not be all cooped up inside the building for too long. It was magnificent yes but he was onto simpler better things and he had fallen completely in love with the way Aurora was. He didn't want to leave her for a moment in fear someone would snatch her up.
"Yes we can take her," Aurora said with a smile as she picked up her money and opened the door, she walked out of the room and went downstairs, walking straight out the door. She stood on the sidewalk and waited on Fane.
Fane had some trouble convincing the kitten to come but once he fiddled with her whiskers a few times she sneezed and started to purr allowing him to take her off the couch. He cuddled the cat and then put her in his jacket pocket just to see the reaction from Aurora.

He joined her soon after that.
Aurora noticed Aphrodite in his pocket and looked at him. "Whatever makes her happy," she said calmly as she started walking to the mall. Once they got there, she immediately went to Hot Topic and looked around.
Fane stood idly by flicking his invisible ears. Every sound was intensified by his large fox ears, girls walking past him laughing high pitched hurt his ears. He let out an accidental whimper just as a girl walked up to him, obviously seeing the cat who was now chilling in his arms.

"Awww, how cute!" Said the girl reaching for the cat. Fane was unsure if Aurora even wanted anyone to touch Aphrodite so he pulled back and quickly thought of an excuse as to why he had done that.

"Sorry ma'am the cat is strictly therapeutic," he said nodding his head. The girl gave him a sickened look before walking away. His invisible tail started to lash- he hated humans.


"Great!" Hollered Aoi springing from the tree and taking his human form. He frisked his green and almost black hair patting down his matching to his hair ears and then flicked his tail till it became invisible. He would never hide his ears as they did not work as well for him hidden and covered. Just covered was good for him now. He took out a white bandana and tied it around his head smiling towards Ari.
Aurora watched the ordeal and walked after them. She grabbed the girl's arm and spun her around. "Maybe before you start touching someone's pet, you make sure it's there. The best thing for you to do is back off," she threatened, her ears perked straight up.

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