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Fantasy ~The Lords of the Magistone~

Ethan's concentration was broke when something flew past him. The wisps faded as he was slowly attempting to figure what had happen. The gust of wind was not natural and not sure if it was Skyre or Desiree Ethan looked to the jumbled figured next to him. When Desiree spoke Ethan knew then the noble child had attempted to assault him. A boiled rage filled him but not so much as the sound the object had made. Their silent search was now likely blown as the echo spread around the buildings. Taking a deep breath it was time Ethan straighten out this boy before Desiree beat him, though the thought did amuse him a little.

Walking slowly to Desiree he put his hand on her shoulder. "Its okay thank you for my defense." as he put himself in front of the boy staring down at him. Removing his dagger from his satchel he handed it to the boy looking to him sternly. Ethan could make out the trace of the young man's face and though it was still blurry he was able to see his flushed red face. Looking careful with the dagger's handle to the boy "Go ahead and take it...see if a child like you can handle the burden." as he stepped closer to the boy unmoved and showing no emotion "...you are but a coward and with your display of childish rage you may have alarmed the enemy of our location." as his shadow slowly loomed above him "...So show me what a fallen broken prince can do." as he forced the dagger into his hand "...your father failed this kingdom what right would you have to claim power with a family name who could not hold back the darkness?" as Ethan walked closer having the blade tip rest on his chest lightly "...I am going to find these girls and if you feel your pampered treatment means more then this stop me...boy." Ethan stood still his eyes finally turning back to their natural blue as the boy's face came into full focus.
Warren heard a crack against a wall and ran towards its source, as he had found nothing looking around. He cam across Ethan, Desiree and Skyre with some brat who looked far too young to hold a sword and should rather be at parties acting pretty and wooing girls. The polar opposite of him essentially.

He walked over and raised a questioning eyebrow with his arms crossed as he walked. He noticed a smashed brick against a wall and a very pissed off group of people. He walked over and let his arms rest to his side (As like this, being an accurate representation of height and build) asked "What's been going on here? Laddie 'ere seems to have ticked off all the group. He threw a brick at yer or summat?"

In honesty, he had no idea what kind of person he was with zero impression of his personality. Warren hoped he was not some idiotic pompous kid who saw his own ideals as the word of the gods. he had enough of them before the world went to ruin. He didn't need more after it.
Cyril suddenly found himself surrounded by angry faces, more people who seemingly didn't understand how importance worked. He almost shook his head, if not for the fact that he was clearly in danger of harm from the new crowd around him. He had no doubt that Gregor would jump to his aide, but nevertheless wanted to avoid conflict through fighting. And yet he wouldn't back down, not from the unruly peasants that now threatoned him. I see how it is! The boundaries of the world wall and so they take it upon themselves to break the laws they followed before. What nincompoops! He couldn't think of a single thing to say in reply, however, and so simply stood there.

Then, to Skyre's worst fears, a small bunch of Shadow Warriors marched into sight, drawn in by the sound of the smashing glass. For a moment they simply stared at the survivors, an awkward tension of realisation between the two of them. Then they began to charge.

"Everybody, weapons out and run, we're under attack!" Skyre yelled. There was no point in trying to fight them, because although once again there were only about four shadow warriors in the pursuing group, they would be a nightmare to fight,and they couldn't afford to waste time with a scurmish. No, they would have to dash around the village in a more desperate attempt to save the girls. Only speed would save them now.

"Follow me!" Skyre yelled over his shoulder, and began to sprint away down the street behind them. Confused, Cyril followed, finding himself without a weapon to help.

Warren with his good arm slammed his arm across the wall and grabbed the brick wall with his magic and flung it magically letting it go towards them and mid-spin from the swing ran behind them. It wasn't much, but hopefully a volley of bricks would slow them down.

Warren ran with them and ensured their tail was covered, using the walls to the right of him to continue the same activity a few times in the vain hope it slowed. Them. He so wanted to punch them out, but his previous fights showed him that was the worst idea possible. One recovering arm for him was enough, he didn't want two.
Rusar heard the smashing of a window and turned with an arrow drawn spotting some kind of tense stand off between some of the group members. She wasn't quite sure what was going on but only that what ever stealth they were trying to maintain was pretty much gone. "Well plan B, Distraction" She muttered her bow starting to glow red then yellow as she focused more energy into her arrow. She waited until everyone was clear before she fired at the shadow warriors went to give chase exploding into a fire ball of fire large enough to engulf one of them.She knew it wouldn't do much damage but enough to give them a more threatening target to find. She used her perch to her advantage she would for the more part remain unseen or at least harder to get to so long as she remained on a roof of some kind.
Damned little piss-ant, Desiree thought. There's just no penetrating that stubborn aristocrat-mentality of an overly pampered royal.

She released her hold on the air when Warren took over scolding the boy. She turned to Skyre, winked and raised her hands in a half-shrug as if to say, I gave it a shot; he's all yours now. Her attention followed his as the group of shadow warriors appeared.

Hells, she silently swore. Then, with a mischievous grin, she looked to Skyre and nodded at the prince – tempted to make good on her threat. However, she already knew that he would say no, so she shot Skyre a quick grin at her jest.

Once Skyre gave the order, she turned and bolted with the rest of them, although she hung back and tried to encourage Gregor to drop his heavy load and run faster.
Letting out a groggy murmur, Helia lifted herself off the ground.

The last thing she could remember was letting about ten leapers get the slip on her, and them them practically dog piling her. Placing her palms against the cool marble the woman pushed herself up and twisted into a seated position. As she looked about she found herself in a small yet plushly decorated room littered with silks and other fine wares. Her clothes were muddied and dirtied, but someone seemingly took that into account and had laid out a fine silken robe.

Checking every nook and cranny before having changed, Helia found herself standing in a comfortable set of robes with a note that read 'Please ring for service.'

With no other option, she moved towards the wooden door and gave the bell a ring. Already questioning her sanity, it didn't help that the door swung open to a leaper, about a metre tall, dressed in a tuxedo top and a top hat tied to it's head with a rope, bowing to her. Seconds later it turned about and started down the hall before stopping about two metres away and turning to 'watch' her, as if waiting for her to follow.

'What the fu...' thought Helia as she cautiously moved forward, 'Did I get into some herbs or something?'
As she expected, he wasn't so approving, and shot her a lighthearted shake of the head as he ran, before concentrating fully on leading them away from the warriors. He was aware that a couple of people had began to try to distract the warriors, but wondered how much success they'd have; nobody knew quite if the Shadow Warriors were actually alive in the way that most organisms were. Sure, they could see and hear, but seemed to act purely as vessels commanded by the Shadow King and his crones. Surely, in all his brutal efficiency, he'd have made the warriors completely focussed. Hearing heavy footsteps somewhere behind him, Skyre didn't want to turn back and find out.

Very soon however, they finally found it: a wide plaze in the centre of the village where, hidden by the horizon before, was a visible set of wide stone steps heading down into the ground below. And in the middle of it was a large iron grate, a grate which they wouldn't have time to look down in their chase. That must be where they are then, underground. I imagine Pashan only constructed these walls out of his own jittery fear; he probably thought they'd scare off any survivors from entering his domain. So Skyre dashed on towards this opening in the earth; maybe they could allude the warriors through there.

Suddenly a large group of Shadow Warriors emerged from the steps, immediately sighting the survivors and rushing in to attack. Skyre slid to a halt and turned, but to his dismay they were surounded. Gritting his teeth, he drew his sword. They had a real fight on their hands now.
Ethan's stance on the boy was interrupted when his worst fear was realized, grabbing the dagger back from the boy he scuffed at this turn of events. Their discovery by the soldiers gave him a grim look at the outcome. Knowing full well this was going to be a difficult issue to escape Ethan took confidence in the thought they where at least in the right area. As Skyre ordered the retreat Ethan followed behind glad his vision had returned enough to not have to stumble on any rubble. Rusar and Warren kept to distracting the group but as they ran Skyre turned to a section of the city, when Ethan's eyes fell to what Skyre saw a calculative smile rose. His thoughts where right and the stairs looked newly made. Wanting to dash in for the search he stopped at the sight of the warriors that had surrounded the group.

Ethan stood calm watching the soldiers for any sign of a break away, these shadowy creatures didn't seem alive or react other then a basic form of combat. Surely controlled or motivated to a task he knew that fighting them would only draw out what little reserve they had. He didn't have time to conjure a wisp and not wanting to provoke the soldiers he simply spoke keeping his back to Skyre "Any bright idea then...?" as Ethan was rushing to think of any possible options available for the group.

"What a clown." She murmured to herself watching as Desiree rounded on the new face with her normal temper. Eyeing the boy that had exited with Skyre and the others Clara concluded that he'd be worthless in a fight, he didn't have a muscle on him that would help him hold his own against any sort of enemy. "Who do you think that is, grandpa?" They had kept mostly to themselves after the fight in the village that had nearly gotten everyone killed. Clara deciding to keep herself at a safe distance from the others and her grandfather following after her without a complaint. He hadn't so much as uttered a question regarding the shape that they had all been in when he had returned, following after one of the wisps that Ethan controlled. Clara knew he was curious though, waiting for her to tell him in her own time. She would eventually but at the moment she'd keep quiet and say only what had to be said.

Clara had taken up the duty of silent protector, or at least she called herself that. Seeing as if she got to close to them it was most likely their plans would fail, she had watched and fought away from the pack. In every situation she had done this, speaking to no one and allowed her grandfather to be the messenger between herself and the large group of survivors. Even at night when camp was set up she would move away and sleep in a tree somewhere separate from the main pack.

"Not a cl-" There wasn't much time for him to finish his sentence, not when Shadow Warriors were upon them within moments. Clara hissed, drawing an arrow that she notched and fired quickly. It stuck a soldier in the shoulder, his attention pulling to them at once. Some had stayed behind to distract them as the main group fled, Clara and Magnus being unable to follow were forced to stay in the straggling group. Her wound had yet to heal all the way and her magic was still not at full strength but Clara did what she could. To make up for it Magnus was finally allowing a glimpse of his magical abilities to show. He had done well in the time they had traveled with the other, not showing his magic was just as easy for him as calling a shower of acorns to fall onto Clara's head. She noticed that the less he had to use his magic the more energy he had, something she was glade to see as it had become easier and easier for the older man to keep up with the younglings.

"Clara." Her grandfather's voice drew her attention from the battle, a branch from a nearby tree snaking around her to lift her high above the fighting. From there she could clearly see it, they were outnumbered in the little clearing they had fled to. With none of the other's around it was her grandfather against to many and he quickly fell.

"G-grandpa!" Clara stammered, struggling against the branch that held her. "Wait, stop! GRANDPA!" It was to late, Magnus had been struck over the head. All Clara could do was watch in horror as he dropped like a sack of potatoes, whether he was dead was unknown but the Soldiers didn't take a chance. Unable to reach her, they left Clara dangling in the tree and dragged the limp form of her grandfather off.

"Grandpa! Wait you good for nothings!" She screamed, "I'll kill you. I'll kill all of you! Stop, or I really will! Stop! STOP.... stop... sto.." They were gone, disappearing into an opening in the ground. She could do nothing, her body fighting helplessly against the branches.

(Sorry, It's sloppy and not the best but I had to jump in somewhere.)
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The first warriors charged, and Skyre swung his sword to parry a sword swipe. His blade clinked loudly as metal his metal, but Skyre had successfully deflected the attack. He had no time for celebrations however as another blade snaked towards him. Normally Skyre would have tried some kind of wind barrier to force the warriors back and give them time and space to think of a more perminant solution, but he found himself completely drained of magic energy. This also had an affect on his fighting; normally he would constantly use small bursts of wind to help him with mobility and aid his relatively weak power. For once he had to fight raw, and on instinct alone. He was constantly swinging and backstepping to protect himself, but even if he could keep up his miraculous defence, he woul soon did himself tired. And then he knew he'd be a goner.

"Working on it," Skyre grunted back to Ethan, trying to keep fully focused on his battle efforts. Also in the centre of the pack, the weaponless Gregor and Cyril stood, watching the tide of warriors ebb and flow against their new comrades. Gregor seemed perfectly calm, although his face was so emotionless that it was always hard to tell what he was thinking and feeling. Cyril meanwhile was more alert, and out of the action, his mid was whirring in search of a plan.
Ethan attempted his best swerve from the blade of one of the soldiers his hat slightly cut from the tip of the sword. Holding his dagger out he sighed at the remark of Skyre unsure as to how they would make it. With no time to summon his wisp the best he could do was dodge as even a burst from this range would do little if not concentrated. His mind wandered on any possible solution though the sight of the servant not showing or responding with any emotion made Ethan ponder if the man was even alive to care. The spoiled brat seemed focused but what he was thinking Ethan could only assume was useless complaining or fear.

A sharp blade was falling towards the boy and without thinking Ethan dove in front releasing a burst of pure magic back to the soldier. The blade was redirected and with the help of his dagger it only cut his arm slightly and nicking his claps satchel having it fall to the ground. The battle was intensifying and with barely time to focus Ethan saw this rescue ending into a slaughter.
With no weapon other than Helia's meager dagger, Desiree opted not to even pretend to fight against these warriors. Completely on the defensive, she ducked, dodged, whirled ... whatever it took to avoid getting hit. Several strikes managed to find their mark on her unarmored body, but she bore the injuries without complaint.

She heard that Skyre was out of options and knew that their situation was dire. Desiree held one last card and concluded that now was the only time to play it.

"Skyre," called out as she dodged another stab at her head. "I can do this. I can give you the window you need to escape." She spun and avoided two more jabs but the third gashed her thigh above the knee. "Do not look back for me. Put your trust in me." She dodged again. "I can do this."

Desiree's voice was brimmed with confidence. It will work, she told herself. It has to work.
By the time Clara had wiggled her way out of the tree branches the shadow warriors, and her grandfather, were long gone. Falling to the ground, Clara hit the dirt with a loud thump before groaning and slowly sitting up. She had landed squarely on her backside with enough force for her tailbone to ache. She'd have to walk it off, which ended up being a painful waddle as she headed in the direction that the warriors had gone. "Ouch... ow..." She grumbled, rubbing her butt. "Note to self, be more graceful." Not that telling herself to be graceful would actually make her be that way. She wasn't like Desiree, Clara didn't have wind magic that could make every little movement she did as graceful as water dancing. She didn't even have the silent stalking walk of a hunter. Clara was loud, graceless, and downright clumsy. She admitted it and embraced it.

If I'm going to be that way, might as well put it to use. She thought to herself, coming upon the clearing that the others were in. Lets see... explosion or maybe a house fire? She ponder the best one to draw at least some of them away and grinned when she made her decision. "Explosion." She said with a laugh. She hoped it would draw enough of the warriors that she could follow them back to where her grandfather was afterward. In the meantime she'd help the others. She trusted that her grandfather could take care of himself. If he's not already dead...

She shook away the thought and disappeared in a collection of buildings that appeared empty. Patting one of the walls, she nodded her head and looked around. It looked like it would work well enough, now all she needed was a big enough explosion to make it collapse. It would make a huge noise if Clara timed it right, a domino effect of falling houses. She'd just have to find a place that would give her a good advantage to shoot fire into the rows. Somewhere without any risk of something falling on me. Her eyes caught hold of a clearing between two ruined builds. That should work.

Clara readied herself in the clearing, her eyes closed as she steadied her breathing. Her grandfather had been teaching her how to control her fire since she was a little girl but to make a big enough explosion she'd need to do the opposite of what she was taught. She'd been to let loose everything she had. "Just hope this works..." She mumbled, allowing everything she had to build up in her chest. Clara could feel the heat already engulfing her, bubbling as it readied for the grandest of all realizes. Clara then sucked in a large breathe.

With a scream she threw her hands outward, all her energy going with it. It was like a flash of bright light as the orb built up in her chest rippled out of her body and shot like two pillars of fire from her hands. A cloud of smoke forming a small mushroom shot into the sky, the heat washing outward in waves of power before the buildings finally collapsed beside her. Coughing, Clara staggered as she looked around at the fire and smoke.

Gods, maybe I didn't think this through. She thought, her vision going black momentarily from the overuse of power. She needed to get out and as far from the clearing as possible before she collapsed from exhaustion. I probably have about a minute... She thought, pushing her way through some of the flames so that she could flop down next to one of the fallen walls. She prayed they wouldn't find her there, it looked hidden enough but even if she could find someplace better there was no way she could make it there. Her legs already refused to listen and her mind was to dizzy for her to think straight.

"Rest... and escape later." She mumbled. Just hope that pulled some of the pressure off of the others....
Out of the corner of his eye, Skyre could see Desiree getting a reasonable beating and his blood boiled at the uselessness he felt. Already he was failing to protect her, although in fairness he was taxed enough in protecting himself. He grunted in approval of whatever she had planned, his sword blade flying around in front of him.

In the centre of the group, Cyril was running out of options and spotted Ethan's bag. I wonder if that oaf has anything of use? Besides, he hates me anyway so I shan't be opening any more wounds. So whilst the alchemist fought, Cyril squirrelled around in his pack, fishing out and briefly examining its contents until he came across a potion of golden liquid. His jaw dropped, and he suddenly appeared very angry. Yet the fight raged on.
Warren wasn't really sure what was going on, but kept himself plentiful busy with shadow warriors.

He began weaving left and right, dodging sword blows or blocking them and attacking them with his good arm or legs while shouting various expletives. He tried to keep his left arm covered in rock to avoid further injury as he kept fighting on.

Warren hoped it would end soon as there were more than even he could confidently deal with and while he was getting good blows in, there were just too many of them and they wouldn't go down fast enough. He wished they would just bleeding die already and hopefully that someone pulled something out of their rear end to get them out of this mess.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Desiree grinned with determined confidence. Her face and eyes glowed with rapture as she called the air to her. She knew that she had only one shot at her plan so she mentally checked her list as she moved and surveyed the meleé around her and waited for the exact moment.

"Get ready to run," she hollered above the din of the combat. "Don't hesitate when I give the word, and don't look back. Just run."

Infused with the essence of her element, Desiree felt calm, cool and collected. Light wisps of air teased at the ends of her hair, but aside from that there was no other outward sign of the power she held. Protect them, she asked of the wind and protect me. As one, both Desiree and the air around her coalesced into a singular purpose – to win.

The moment arrived. "Run! Now!" she shouted to the group as she doubled over. She dropped to one knee and curled herself into a ball and suddenly stood up with her arms outstretched and her fingers splayed open wide.

For a heartbeat, nothing happened. Then, an explosion of wind burst from Desiree. It carried dust and debris from around her as it instantly expanded in a powerful gust and obscured everything within its diameter. In a twenty-five foot circle around her, everything was pushed back beyond the edge of the burst, however, her allies were untouched by the detonation.

The effort drained Desiree badly and her hold on her talent threatened to elude her. Not yet, she pleaded – no, demanded. We're not finished!

With a strained effort, Desiree pulled the element back to her and wrapped herself within it like a cocoon. The air bent and formed tightly about her and she focused her full concentration on it as she caused the winds to bend and distort the light that passed through it. As the dust from the explosion began to settle, Desiree was hidden from sight, cloaked within a chrysalis of air.

This was her rare talent that even the professors at the university never learned that she knew. It took almost all of her effort to remain invisible, so much so that she could only perform the trick for a very short period of time and even then, had to concentrate so fully that she could do nothing else but remain in place.

Normally, she would not have had the strength at this point to attempt her light-bending trick, but ever since she regained her contact with her element, and had begun to understand the symbiotic relationship between her and the air, it seemed that she gained more strength with each use of her talent, not less. It was as if the element itself was fueling her magic endurance as it sought to ensure her survival; however, whatever strength that she had was quickly draining through her effort to remain unseen. Desiree fervently hoped that she had enough to keep hidden until the shadow warriors departed.
The run had caused Rederik's lungs to sting with every inhale, and his breathing once again had become ragged. The fight required his attention in predicting the moves of the Shadow Warriors surrounding him. His thoughts kept breaking to the pain that shot through him with every parry, or missing Naraya. In trouble such as this, she always had his back, and they had a great synergy as a team.

Blade against blade crashed and whirled in a dance of silver. Being surrounded as they were, the odds did not appear in their favor. Rederik spared a glance to the rest of the group before blocking another blow meant for his shoulder. Desiree had a plan, and as soon as she gave the command to run, he did so.

The feeling of her wind ignoring his form and pushing forcefully past him was an odd sensation. It merely only lapped his white bangs about as it billowed into the enemy. Rederik looked back to see if she planned to follow, only to watch her completely disappear from sight. Such a clever plan, and one that could offer them all another day to live. But had the others followed suit?
Ethan cupped his arm a bit from the sting of the blade. Desiree looked to have endured worse but with no time to bandage her he had to rely on whatever plan she was thinking. His body felt drain and though the small burst of pure magic was great to redirect attacks it was impractical, with no focus the magic inside would simply drain and be inefficient.

As the soldiers continued their attacks Ethan could see the boy rummaging in his bag. Annoyed yet not able to stop him he simply let out his frustration "Stooping to thievery before we all die boy?" as he forced another blade away its heavy force causing him to be winded, their strength was something that Ethan could never predict surprised he was even able to dodge them so close.

A sudden gust of wind appeared crashing around the group throwing dust and rock all around them. Ethan was surprised to note they where unharmed from the gust as if it had only focused the enemy. As the burst ended the air receded giving him time to glance seeing Desiree vanish almost like the wind itself. Not sure of what had occurred but knew this was their only chance Ethan grabbed the boy and his satchel dashing down the stairs hiding between a crevice from the caved walls. Covering the boys mouth for fear this impudent spoiled brat would alert the soldiers once more from his fits he simply whispered in a harsh tone "Keep quite..." his heart raced as the dust started to settle.
Rusar gritted her teeth as she tried to figure out the best way to help but anything she could do would but the rest of the group at risk for her flames. She heard Des call for everyone to run, it wasn't until a large dust cloud was brought up that she figure out what the clever wind magician was doing. The shadow warriors were pushed just outside the clouds and out of reach of the group members which made things much easier. She Drew and arrow and fired it at the feet of one of the soldiers but instead of exploding it simply continued to burn. Rusar focused on the flame causing it to grow in intensity turning blue then white before she manipulated the flames to form a ring which touched the feet of every warrior. The flame didn't have any effect on the enemy but that was not her goal.

The huntress shut her eyes tightly as the flames spread seeping into the ground supper heating the ground around the heavy soldiers causing the solid rock quickly become molten and the soldiers to sink like quick sand. Rusar shut her eyes tightly focusing on keeping the heat up a few moments longer before letting out a heavy breath stopping her efforts to retain some energy, they still weren't out of the woods yet. She took in a few shaky breaths feeling light headed but was pulled her senses together as she peered up seeing the ground had pulled the soldiers waist deep into the cooling molten rock.
Startled by Desiree's sudden call to run, Cyril quickly pocketed the potion and braced himself. Suddenly she unleashed a powerful blast of wind magic that knocked the warriors flying. Skyre smiled gently to himself; he'd have tried something similar had he had any magic energy left in him. In the aftermath of the attack, he quickly yelled, "Everybody after me!" and dashed into the stairwell, hoping the others would follow suit. In respect to her words, he didn't turn back intially, only glancing over his shoulder as he fled down the stairs, wondering and praying that she would follow and not endanger herself too much. Because Skyre knew just how strongly she intended to stick to her worf of protection for him; if she were to die he'd take it as his own fault.

The stairwell spiralled as it descended, a long minute of similar plain brick walls decorating only with dim torches, until finally they reached to bottom, finding themselevs in similarly bland tunnels. Stopping for breath, Skyre turned and noticed that not everybody had followed. Sighing, he allowed everybody to collect themselves for a minute before they pressed on.
Having followed the Butler Leaper to a large pair of doors, Helia couldn't help but be shocked at what lay past them.

It was a room absolutely littered with Leapers of all sizes, and beyond that, sitting at a chair at the far end of the room, was Tyreael. The elder man looked up at her and smiled widely.

"Oh Helia, lass, you have no idea how much it pleases me to see you alive and well. Come now, don't just gawk at the door like a bairn in a sweeties shoppe for the first time, do come in and make yourself at home!" Tyreael smiled as he gestured to a small table with tea.

Unsure of the best course of action, and without any 'normal' choices, Helia did as asked, both confused and some what elated to find Tyreael safe and well despite the... odd circumstances.

As she took her seat, Tyreael sta opposite of her.

"So lass, how have you fared? Well I'm assuming, as you are clearly still alive. I'm happy my tree hounds managed to bring you to me this time. I've had them out searching for you for ages. And, before you ask, I'll tell you why. The Shadow King has allowed me to experiment with my magicks in a way I never could before, and he tells me he's trying to make the world a perfect place. Obviously a perfect place would be wonderful, as it would mean that families could live without fear, and there would never be poor street orphans! Besides, what wouldn't be amazing if the world was perfect?" the man gushed.

Helia couldn't help but let her imagination think up her ideas of a perfect world before pushing them away with her logic.


Cutting off what she was about to say a somewhat foolish looking man came in, tittering and cackling madly. He wore a large, oversized top hat and spoke a series of nonsense words to Tyreael, who for his part just smiled.

"Ah, thank you for that wonderful information Cappie, no, why don't you go along and teach that new batch of tree hounds for me?" pausing as the man left, Tyreael frowned slightly and turned to Helia again, "Take Cappie for example. Wonderful man, quite an intellectual. I saved he and his sister Hattie when all this started. Sadly someone murdered his sister while she was out searching for you. A shame really, as Cappie was driven fairly mad by the turn of events. Anyway, all that past us, I wish to extend an invitation to you. Feel no way obligated to accept it, as we all have our own paths, but, if it would please you, lass, would you care to join me in my home once again? Together would could help build this world better than before!"
As the dust cleared Ethan noted the red headed Skyre flying by quickly down the tunnel. Taking not he grabbed the prince and pointed to follow him quickly and silently. The stairwell was rough and for a moment there was nothing but brick till they found the tunnels. With Skyre ahead Ethan stopped to catch his breath while attempting to look if they where followed.

Silently he spoke "We don't have the luxury of time here to wait Skyre if the others don't catch up we will need to press on for the girls." knowing full well that at the very least to those who didn't make it to the tunnel would at least gain distance from the soldiers and buy time for a distraction. Restringing his satchel and tossing it back over his shoulder he waited in the dark damp tunnel only his heart and their breathing could be heard and felt in this dim lit area.
Desiree poured her concentration into remaining unseen. As far as she could tell, the others had scampered away toward the stairs down that had been discovered earlier. She would wait as long as she could to allow the shadow warriors to disperse before following Skyre and the rest.

A sudden, searing blast of heat surrounded Desiree and she chanced opening her eyes. A white-hot ring of fire had erupted amongst the fallen shadow warriors which melted the ground? She was uncertain as to which of their group was responsible, but the sinking armored men soon found themselves mired in liquid rock which was rapidly cooling and sealing them in place.

Desiree let out a weak laugh at their expense. This was not part of her plan, but she was grateful to whomever now held the shadow warriors in check. She turned her head and realized that all of the warriors that she had blasted away from her were half-submerged in the ground. With great efforts, they appeared to immediatly attempt to dig themselves out.

Run! Her mind screamed. Or, was it the air that spoke to her? The voice sounded familiar, and all this time she thought that it was her own, but now in full communion with her element ... ?

There was no time for her to dissect this latest revelation. The warriors were strong enough and would not tire easily. Soon, they would free themselves from their molten earth trap.

Desiree reluctantly released the air that surrounded her. She thanked the element for its help and shook her head dismissively as she thought that she felt some of that same gratitude echoed back within her. She made for the stone stairs as even now she felt a trickling of her magic talent returning to her.

She descended without preamble as she used the wall for support against the fatigue of her exertions. She found Skyre and the others waiting below.

"Someone melted the earth," she stated, "and the warriors sank into it. They're held for now, but they won't stay put for long."

Desiree glanced around the stairwell, then looked at Skyre. Happiness still danced in her blue eyes as she, with a mirthful smirk, said, "I guess we should have tunneled under the wall from the beginning."
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Rederik changed his course as Skyre called out for them to follow, though he nearly ran into the group with the momentum of his run. The pause allowed him to take a moment to even his breathing and check to make sure they weren't being followed. "What is this place?" he asked. The tunnel system was odd to him, and the unfamiliar setting took him a moment to understand. Its purpose seemed likely to bring them either to the kidnapped or to something just as sinister. His hands gripped the hilts of his daggers tightly in anticipation. Their tactics would need to change if they faced another wave of Shadow Warriors, for they no longer had the room to blast them away and escape.

He still managed to carry Ethan's satchel on his back with fresh bandages, little food, and that vial of red liquid. His thoughts turned to the vial and its uses, and he remembered the alchemist's words. "Its made from a flower that grows on the ridge, drink it and you'll find yourself brisk as a fire, you'll need that energy if we are going to journey back." Rederik took a moment in the brief interlude to assess his state and found he could still manage. The mages tended to lose their energy more quickly with the use of their abilities, and so he silently designated the vial to the next mage in need of a boost.

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