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Fantasy ~The Lords of the Magistone~

Warren had a bandaged up arm which he had Rusar to thank for. She knew her stuff for sure when the resident medic was resting.

When they saw the wall, he considered punching it, but then thought otherwise of it. It was a thin wall it'd be fine but his fight left him still recovering and he didn't know how thick the wall was. What was he to do in a scenario like this?

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Ethan had slowly followed the group hanging in the back trying not to stumble. It had been a quick rest but the wisp's size was already half its normal now. His vision had not yet returned keeping his silver eyes fixated on the wisp for sight. As he caught up with the group they had stopped towards a large wall. Both Skyre and Desiree looked over and spoke about their current situation. Resting on a tree trunk Ethan just took a breath, the cool night air was calming and knowing they where close left his heart restless. Unsure of whether they where alive or not Ethan felt this as just another delay.

Desiree had suggested to go under and looking to Warren as the only earth mage he knew sent him in disappointment. The man was strong but with his damaged arm and lack for tact we wouldn't be able to dig under quietly. The wisp looked over the party unsure if there was anyone who could pull it off but with the rest of the group silent the plan looked to be a no go. The wisp floated close to the wall, from what he could see through the ball of light, it was nothing but endless stone stretched from either end. Looking to Rusar he recalled Rederick and her where great huntsman. An interesting idea came to Ethan with the dark of the night as their cover.

Getting up from the trunk Ethan spoke out "No matter which way we go stealth and silence is key here..." as he slowly put his hand to the cold stone wall staring blankly up "We can climb up using rope..." as he wisp fell to Rusar, Rederick, and Narya "...I know currently some of us are to weak to do that climb but if its your three we should be able to get over to fashion as pull system." as he motioned over the wall's texture taking his dagger and slamming it into the stone. The blade stuck through creating a small crevasse. Then looking having the wisp go to the tree "If you three silently leap from these tall trees to the top of the wall and fashion anchors on the other side we can use rope to slowly climb over." it was the best he could think of with all he knew from the group as he removed his coat and offered it to Skyre "...and as for rope we use what cloths we have." as he removed his dagger and offered it as well to the man.

His wisp started to pulse slowly "I can't do much but you can get an early warning system of the patrols with this..." as the wisp slowly broke up into small specks of light as if young fireflies and nothing more. Spreading them thin they reacted lightly brighter then the other when they came close to someone. "If there is any movement down there they'll give you an early warning to take cover, its our best bet if we want to do this quietly and quickly." as he kept his hand on the wall. With the wisp currently spread out like this his vision was gone but it at least provided a service and keeping it in the larger form would only draw attention if they did get over. Looking to the others or at least to their general direction he simply kept a quite and stern look. His thoughts on the two trapped inside made him furious, he wasn't about to let that rat like bastard touch another hair on them again.
"Alright, sounds like a good plan!" Skyre grinned at Ethan's suggestion, swiftly removing his own cloak and tying it to the one offered to him. Their new plan would solve all the issues of getting over, and also provide safety. However, Skyre was still a little worried for Ethan's state - after his excirsion earlier his magic must have been all but dried up, and he had just used whatever was left for the sake for the sake of the team. "If sustaining those things ever becomes too much of a task, then just say and we'll get people inside to keep watch."

Turning to the entire company, he made a quiet, brief announcement. "If anybody can spare a coat then please do, we're going to use a rope system to climb over." Gathering together the coats that were presented to them, he took them to Desiree and began to weave them into a rope, albeit rather badly; he kept on getting in a tangle and messing up the pattern.


"Evidence, you say, ahah?" Pashan spluttered with glee, with a joyful hop. "I can provide the evidence!" With a step back, he coughed twice into his hands. "Now, ladies, and gentle ladies, I am about to perform a very complex magical trick on you, nyes. Ah, nyes, I am a very good magician, and a very good one indeed at that, haha! I trained in the art of mystic magic, a magic for all sorts of wonderful tricks! I can use my, nyes, wonderful tricks for many practical purposes in this new world, indeedy. Hence the cauldron, nyes, indeedy!" He pointed with twitched arms towards the item in question, although presently it was empty.

"Now, what am I going to put in, hmm, nyes? Eye of next? Tongue of bat, oh my! Nononono, nosenses! For my brillaint, nyes, fantabulous plan I shall use this!" Striking an exciteable pose, he retieved a small shard of onyx-black crystal from his pocket, a rock that shined almost unnaturally in the dim torch-lit cavern. "This, indeedy, is no normal rock, nonono, rather a special type of magic embued rock, of mysterious origins, nyes! Want to know more?" He leaned in once more with a sinister sneer.
She was disappointed that her plan was, again, defeated. She considered that the next time she would defer her ideas unless it was absolutely necessary or if no other options were available. How this lot would scale over the wall, in stealth no less, was something she would have to see for herself.

Desiree took the clothes from Skyre and with a warm smile patted him on his hand. "Here, fly-boy, let me handle this," she said. "You're just making a mess of things."

She accepted any other useful help that was freely offered as the stack of clothes began to resemble a serviceable rope. As she worked, Desiree's face glowed and her blue eyes danced merrily. "All I need now is to get clean again," she mused with a chuckle. "Then I might start feeling more like myself."
Ethan smiled hearing their joined agreement. Feeling the wall's cold surface he was worried for Ari and Lapis. With Skyre's approval he sent off the fireflies one after another in random order so not to draw attention. Slowly they spread from over the wall to the surrounding structures. Some landing on bushes others on edge of broken roofs. from eye level they would seem like nothing but bugs but from above the wall it was a system of lights and provided a net of warning. When Skyre offered him a break Ethan smiled "I can muster this much for them...when we're all back together I'll rest fully."

Desiree was teasing Skyre and her comment of cleaning up was one even Ethan could agree. The day was rough and this night was worse, if they made it out a good bath would be a blessing, laughing a bit at the thought he could enjoy a good cup of tea and some finch eggs for morrows breakfast. The moment was broken when he felt something echo in his head, like a dark whisper it was inaudible but filled Ethan with worry. He looked to the wall, the sprites where not showing alarm but something unnatural could be felt and Ethan could only hope it was not directed to their friends, walking blindly to Warren he sat on the ground to regain some strength while the others worked to make the rope, biting his lip and hoping they made it in time.
Ari nodded, trying to appear interested. But she needed the information. This could help them against the Shadow King when the time came and this might be their only chance.

"I've never seen anything like it!" Ari said in her best earnest voice. "But, again, you've proven nothing with this pretty rock. You say it's special, but for all I know, it could just be a rock. And I still have no inkling on whether or not I can believe your plan will actually work." Ari tilted her head sideways in mock questioning.
Rederik toyed with a cloth pouch as Skyre and Desiree fashioned ropes out of jackets. Inside the pouch were the herbs Ethan had graciously given him, though due to time constraints he was not able to boil them in water. A fire would draw needless attention to them so close to danger, and so he sat in contemplation.

His chest felt like it were on fire during their journey. The severity of what has happened quickened their steps and put a strain on his injury. He did well to keep up, but as they neared the wall he held back toward the tree line to catch his breath. While he was open and honest about his state, he did not see a reason to cause concern. He could manage it.

He scanned the viewable length of the wall as he sat closer now to the rest of the group. It was tall, but the stone was apparently soft enough to thrust a pick through. Climbing with only his arms would be a slow trek for him in his condition, but he knew he could do it quickly none the less.

Naraya lounged next to him, though she was more attentive than usual. Her ears moved often as she honed in on various sounds, though her eyes remained forward for the most part. She was no longer particularly interested in Ethan's whisp, only now regarding it in a glance as it broke into smaller pieces. Rederik stroked the fur on her neck, his gaze lowering to the grass before his feet. He knew Naraya would not be able to follow and wondered how this would affect her.
Rusar followed along with the group keeping an eye out for any more surprises but it seemed the only unexpected thing they would come a cross is the large wall surrounding the city. She was curious as to how long it had even been there or was built. She was more curious as to what was on the other side, possibly the army they had seen before? She looked over as the group tried to figure out away around the wall. Rusar scanned the surrounding areas noting some of the trees were at least high enough before she could voice her idea Ethan spoke up first with something similar but more thought out. She offered what cloth she did have although it wasn't much.

Rusar scanned the tree trying to figure out the best way up that wouldn't draw attention. It would be a slow climb towards the top where the branches were more brittle. She contemplated using an Arrow to anchor the rope but there was no telling if it would even hold. She looked over to Rederik who was injured "I'll head up first and find a safe path up." She said before starting to climb the tree closest to the wall. Tree climbing was possibly one of her less favorite activities when hunting but she could do it well enough. She just hoped she didn't find a weak branch when she reached the higher part of the tree.
Rederik nodded to Rusar. The way Namoor had been built made him very comfortable when climbing trees, but her gesture was appreciated and he did not wish to disrespect. He scanned the trees and studied the branches that reached toward the wall. His weight could possibly be an issue since the limbs did not reach over the wall. There were a few, however, that could support his weight at a distance enough for him to spring onto the ledge.

He looked down at Naraya once again before standing. She quickly rose with his action, her complete focus on him as she waited for what he would do next. Calmly, he put out his hand to her as if to halt her steps before he moved toward the tree where Rusar climbed. The feline followed making him stop once again, his hand to halt her once again. This time she complied, but uttered a reluctant grumble.

He crouched and scratched her cheek before pressing his head against hers. Rederik had no other way of letting her know he would be back, and he hoped it was communicated.
Rusar carefully climbed up the tree trying to be as quiet as possible, she stayed closer to the main trunk of the tree since most of the branches there were thicker and could support weight but as she continued up she found more of the branches growing weaker. She grunted slightly as she pulled her self up onto thick branch that was just above the final height of the wall "Careful a lot of the branches are weaker up here" She warned down to the other hunter. She new he was injuries which only added to the difficulty of the climb she just hoped that the way up was safe for him since he was heavier than her smaller frame.

Rusar looked over the wall spotting the town "Almost..." she muttered to herself as she balanced herself on the branch now was the hard part getting to the wall which was a fair distance away. She figured she'd have to try to use the branch as a jump point some how. She grabed the branch above her for stability and crossed the branch to get closer to the wall, she'd only made it half way across before an ominous crack made her stomach drop. The branch she was on was starting to give way. "G'damn it" she cursed under her breath and tried to jump the last chink of distance praying she'd make it or someone caught her. Rusar ended up landing on the wall but only half of her made it, she grunted and coughed abit as the edge of the wall duck into her stomach knocking the wind out of her. She managed to dig her nails into the wall to try and pull herself up.
Skyre gave her a comedicly sheepish frown as he released the materials, glad to have somebody else do a much better job than he was clearly doing. He watched her work with a caring glance, chuckling a little at the sight of the part clothing/part rope construction that they had just created. That such an adept group would have to resort to making such primitive things was a humours fact for him. More importantly though, he was pleased to to see Desiree happy too, especially after her outbursts the previous day. Her glowing face warmed him up and gave him a minor burst of butterflies once more.

As the sun began to break through the cover of the distant mountains, the group remained outside the wall. When the rope was finally finished, Skyre made sure that Rusar got into position safely. When she was there, he too climbed the tree, occasionally having to unpick his cape from the tange of twigs and spring leaves, and avoiding the lighter twigs, propelled himself safely across with a tiny burst of wind magic. Catching the rope from below, he vaulted over the other side of the wall and landed dynamically inside the village.

Brushing himself down, he straightened up and examined the sight of the village. Much larger that the previous village, this settlement seemed far longer in every direction, with row upon straight row of organised houses, built neatly as per the structure of many central villages. To his dismay, all of the houses seemed wrecked; windows were smashed in and some of the houses were missing roofing tiles, although none of the houses were in complete ruin like the ones previously. Standing on the white gravel village surface, Skyre felt a rush of mounrful sadness; the village was almost a graveyard in its organised silence. At least there's not a single Shadow Warrior in sight, he thought, scanning once more. The houses seemed almost identical, and there was no sign of any larger building where Pashan would be obviously concealed in.

Spotting a rocky outcrop on the side of one of the nearby houses, a house built only a few meters from the wall, Skyre turned back and looekd up at Rusar with a grin. "Are you ok getting down?" he asked.
Rusar looked out over the eerily quiet dark town and sighed. She looked over to sky when he spoke up. She wasn't quite sure how he could be grinning and so... chipper. "Yeah, much more solid ground this time." She replied with a nodded. She perched herself on the edge of the wall before leaping for the out cropping which went much better than her attempt for the wall. She jumped down to the ground rolling as he hit the ground to disperse the energy and avoid injury.
"Very dynamic," he teased gently at her landing, keeping positive and cheery despite the eerieness of their location. After all, somebody had to be upbeat; in Skyre's eyes there was no point in overthinking things and getting yourself down about the state of theire world, otherwise nobody would have the motivation to do anything. Of course, he understood the importance of mourning and remembering his kinsmen, but he saved that for evening time, where he could stare into the fire and gather all his thoughts. He had to keep calm and focussed, otherwise everything would fall apart.

He reached up and handed her the end of the rope. "Here, help me to tie this up," he said, and set about beginning to tighten it to the outcrop. We can't travel through this town together - we'll need to split up to try and stay stealthy.


"Ah, but this plan will work, nyes, my plans always work!" Pashan jumped from leg to leg. "The stone, nyes, my special, magical stone, indeedy, is used in a process I call 'Petrification', a technique that I, in my wondrous intellect, nyes indeedy, me, Pashan, concocted! When sunlight begins to stream through the grate above you, nyes," he indicated above her head, "that is when the true magic starts, oh my! Sunlight will hit the rock, causing it to emit an alternative type of magic energy, nyes, advanced indeedy!" He was trembling perhaps even more than normal, the excitement and pride he had for his plan clearly very visible.

"Now, I have dubbed this energy 'negative energy', nyes, although admittedly its title is highly inappropriate, oh my, ahah! Normally, this negative energy is harmful to human touch, nyes, I experimented fervently with it and found it so, indeedy! But, and this is the ingenious part, when I use my special magic on the emission, it creates a wondrous gas that literally freezes a person in position! And hense the cauldron, ahah, to avoid leakages." His movements began to become more accentuated and his voice rose to a squeaking cressendo. "There, once you are frozen, I can admire your beauty forever, nyes-indeedy-oh-my! Isn't that just wondrous, hmm?" He cackled loudly, his laughing fit quickly interrupted by an unfortunate cough which felled him to the floor. When eventually he had stopped pluttering, he climbed to his feet with a much more menacing expression on his rodent-like features. "Now, any final words, girly?"
Rusar helped tie off the end of the makeshift rope, tugging on it a few times to make sure it was grounded securely. "Should hold mostly, not sure if Warrens going to get over so easily but the rest should." She muttered before looking around at the town, it all appeared so empty so why were the walls needed? They was no damage on them so they have to had been built after the invasion. Ru looked back to sky. "I'm going to keep watch from above in case there are anything making rounds. Also see if I maybe I can get a hint as to where to start looking." She said before climbing onto the ruined homes that was mostly intact and had a decent vantage point while still being close to everyone. It wasn't nearly as high up as the wall but it would work fine.
As the morning sun was break the small sprites started to recede back to Ethan, he could feel their small presence reforming back to the original wisp. The sound of Skyre and Rusar on the other side gave him a sigh of relief. Unsure of Rederick he could only hope he wasn't straining himself. Small breaks of light was returning to Ethan, his silver eyes slowly turning to a gray blue. A small smile as he felt his condition improving. The ball of light finished gathering and was now back to its original size. For Ethan till his vision had fully return and to keep from staggering he reestablished his connection with the wisp.

Looking to Warren his arm would make it hard to climb but with the bandage he looked to be able. With Rederick in the tree and the others over it left just Warren, Desiree, Naraya, and Ethan to begin the trek up. The small beams of light that broke from his returning eyesight left him distracted for a moment before he spoke. "Desiree when they have finished crossing you should go next it'll be best if things get shoddy to have your strength with them, magic or not I doubt anyone can take you down with ease." as his semi-blue eyes fell to Warren "You'll follow her encase the rope can't hold while I'll take up the rear with Naraya." as his face felt the brisk of morning light coming. While Ethan would normally feel comfortable with the sunlight over the darkness of night this sun gave an ominous red glow. The old fisherman use to warn of such sunrises and Ethan couldn't help but feel there was something needing them to hurry.

The wisp pulse was beginning to return slowly as the light was getting brighter from the ball slowly hovering over his shoulder, Ethan's magic may be slowly returning but his body was still recovering, gripping his satchel he watched for the rope to tighten and Sky's signal to cross. Not knowing what to expect he could only leave a thought running in his head "Be alive..."
Rederik stretched out his arms before attempting the climb after Skyre. He followed Rusar's path upward, using more of his legs in the endeavor and kept closer to the thickness at the trunk. His movements were smooth and quick, almost as if he had climbed the tree before. He was just quick at mapping out his path in a tree such as this and knew what would support him. Eventually, he came upon the branch he had studied from below. It was a bit thicker than the rest and jutted out far enough that he was even more certain now that his weight would not be an issue.

Methodical steps led him across the branch, his arms stretched upward to hold onto another for support. The limb below him began to bow with his weight before he ran out of the branch above him. From where he stood, the distance looked much further than predicted, and he contemplated his retreat for further investigation. He wasn't keen on taking the chance of falling at this distance without preparation. The way he would jump forward would not be conducive to landing on the ground.

Testing the malleability of the branch, Rederik determined that the spring could likely aid in getting him onto the wall. Within a few bounces, he released himself forward and grasped for the wall. He had no intention of landing on his feet, for the momentum would cause him to tumble forward. His chest rammed into the stone forcefully, and he fought back crying out in pain. Pushing himself to crouch on the wall's top, Rederik scanned the desolate town before he looked down at Skyre and Rusar. He grit his teeth as the pain continued to rip through him. It likely wasn't the smartest choice for his injury, but his role was not entirely up for discussion. He would see to it that the rest of the group made it up and over safely and without being noticed.
Ari's eyes flashed in concern when Pashan had finished his spiel. She was terrified, but she forced it down. There was no way that she'd let this creepy rat have the satisfaction of knowing her fear. Ari maintained a calm facade, though her mind raced to find a new solution -- stalling Pashan would not stop the sunlight.

"Well, I can't say I'm not flattered..." Ari searched her mind for something else to say to deter his plan. "...but I'm also slightly offended. Am I really just a pretty face to you?" She had no idea where she was going with this, but a plan already started to form with her words. "You see...I'm also a powerful magician." Ari paused, waiting for the reaction that would dictate the course of her plan, if you could call it a plan.
"Ah, hello up there!" Skyre nodded breezily to the crouching Rederik. "Would you mind giving the signal that people can start coming over?" He was glad to have Rusar watching their backs, and also simply to be able to marvel at the teamwork they exhibited. The last of the human race, working in perfect harmony against their worst threat yet; a giant wall. Despite his joviality, not once did Skyre sideline the direness of their situation. He wanted to rescue the others as quickly as possible.


"That's all very nice, nyes indeedy, but you must be honest. Magician or not, methinks that you would be a dead girlie walking by the Shadow King's decree, oh my!" His excitement fell a little briefly, as if he were doing something that he shouldn't have been. "So I think, in a way, nyes, you should be a grateful girlie! Better that you remain in perfectly moulded beauty for all of eternity, nyes, than end up dead to my masters dogs, oh my!"

"But a pretty face? Nyes." He reached out a shaking, hairy hand to her cheek and touched it likely, before withdrawing quickly with a brief titter. "With your short hair, you like to masquerade as a little boy, nyes, in denial of the beauty you were born with. And thus it is harder to find, indeedy, and much more rewarding. And firstly too, oh you are a fine specimen, ahah!"
Ari swallowed her disgust at Pashan's touch. Her initial plan had failed, but she had emergency plan B to fall back on. She glanced up briefly to check the sun's progress. It looked like she still had some time before she could really classify her situation as an emergency worthy of plan B. In the meanwhile, it seemed as though she could get Pashan to unwittingly spill some details.

"But what about you then? You said you were in the Shadow King's council."
Desiree patted Ethan's cheek with a gentle touch. Her eyes still danced with mirth and she smiled at him. "It's nice to see that chivalry isn't dead, yet," she teased. "And I appreciate your confidence in me. As for our rope, you need only trust me: it'll hold."

She gripped the make-shift, multicolored line, placed one foot on the wall and looked up at the top. She took a deep breath and exhaled so that the few strands of hair in her eyes were brushed aside. No time like the present, girl, she told herself.

Desiree was never a strong girl and her talent with the air element allowed her to ... simplify things in life. It wasn't often that she needed to lift heavy objects, but when required she would just use her magic to do so. Physical strength was never a requirement for a wind mage.

Like a drunken spider with only three legs, Desiree scaled the wall. As beautiful of a woman as she was, she made the ascent look dreadfully ugly. In actuality, it was downright embarrassing. Nothing about her technique, speed or ability was pretty. However, amidst plenty of whispered curses, she managed to reach the top and work her way over to those waiting on the other side.

"I would have had an easier time going under," she complained to Skyre with bitterness, but her eyes still sparkled with the new-found life that had come when her talent had returned.
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Rederik gave the rest of the group a small wave to signal that it was time to move. He kept his attention skillfully divided between watching for potential threats, insuring nothing was creeping up on Skyre and Rusar, and aiding those climbing the wall. The rope was sturdy, but there was always an unpredictability with makeshift rope. Desiree looked to put up a struggle in her ascent, so as she came into arm's reach he aided in her arrival up and over. Once safe on the other side, Rederik looked for the next to scale the wall.
Ethan looked to the other two as the wisp focused on Warren and Naraya. Unsure of the sturdiness of the rope he felt it best to cut ahead of Warren "Apologies my friend if I do cut ahead of you..." as he grabbed the cloth and began to pull up slowly. His body was sluggish and he wasn't the best at climbing. As he got higher the wisp was attempting to stick with him till finally with a grip of the top of the wall he was finally able to get up resting his knees on the stone. Winded he looked to Rederick patting his shoulder with a small smile. Though the wisp was providing him some sight his eyes was beginning to see shapes now and had turned a light blue.

The wisp began to guide Ethan towards the other side where not so gracefully he slid down the rope before falling to the ground bottom first. Not the most graceful entrance he stood up and dusted his clothes. Looking back up he hoped the rope would be strong enough to hold Warren and felt curious on how Naraya would get over but figured it best to leave such matters to her partner Rederick.

Slowly having the wisp look to the abandon town Ethan was not happy to see it deserted and in rubble, no trace of the soldiers and no signs of a make shift base left Ethan worried as to where they could be hiding. As the sun continued to rise Ethan felt eager to move out not wanting to delay any longer then needed in the search even if it meant splitting up to cover more ground. Keeping his satchel and dagger close Ethan was stern, his light blue eyes where straining to regain their vision as the wisp's pulse was slowly growing stronger again.
Warren just did a gruff sound and stood up towards the climbing rope. He didn't enjoy having an injured left arm, but hopefully he could compensate for it.

He made his left arm a solid rock pickaxe to dig into the wall. This way it wouldnt bend the arm and the injury shouldnt spring up too much, as it didnt rely so much on his arm strength than the rock pickaxe. With his other arm he held onto the rope to climb up.

With his feet he made something similar to claws on them to get a better grip on the wall like the pickaxe. If cats can do it, so can he.

"Here goes nuthin'."

Warren dug the pickaxe into the wall and pulled himself up with his shoulder strength, which was not connected to the wound. He then grabbed his hand onto the rope higher and dug the clawed feet into the wall. Seemed stable enough

It then continued as a repetitive motion of using the pickaxe arm to climb higher to grab a hand up, then using the held hand to bring the pickaxe up, all the while walking his clawed feet up higher. He may be heavy, but sharing out the weight with his pickaxe and feet meant not too much weight was on the rope and his strength meant he didn't have much trouble. He had done enough pull ups in his training life to be able to do this. It did look a bit clumsy though in the odd manner he climbed.

Eventually he reached the top in his own time, which wasn't actually too long, then climbed down. At that point he let all the rock on him fall off and relaxed, having to no longer have the magic sap off of him.
Desiree became worried. While waiting for the rest of the group to manage the large wall, she looked around and wondered where the shadow warriors were that she had sensed earlier. She knew that her ability at the time was limited, so they could not have been so far off – unless she miscalculated and she had reached out further than she knew.

Still, it was eerily silent and serene within the confines of the wall. She wanted to cast out her net again to see what things she could now find in the currents of the air, but then discounted the idea as she didn't want to tax what little strength in her talent she had left.

Desiree was actually surprised that she had been able to perform the feat at all the first time. She contemplated this (and again, silently cursed for not having her quarterstaff to use for her concentration focus) and wondered if her reunion with the element had grown significantly stronger due to their earlier absense from each other. Perhaps the element was gifting her with more ability and control than before because it, too, realized how much they needed each other to survive?

The exercise in thought, however, was academic. Desiree had no evidence to her theory and was not willing to test it for fear of losing what little remained of her hold on the air. She filed this puzzle away with the many others that had accumulated since she had met Skyre and the rest of the group.

If this keeps up, there won't be any room left in my head for anything else. Desiree giggled at her own, internal joke. She looked apologetically to Skyre as her display caught his attention when it echoed slightly among the nearby, deserted houses. She shook her head, Nevermind, she thought to him and she returned her focus to the empty streets before them.

She worried for Ari and Helia and the other mage who had been stolen from them. Stolen, she thought and she mentally tempered her anger. She desperately wished that she wasn't as exhausted as she was, for she wanted to rip this village apart brick by brick to find and return those who had been stolen from them.

Whomever took them, she thought and her eyes narrowed with singular focus, had better hope that this lot gets to them before I do.
"I did say that, nyes indeedy!" Pashan nodded rapidly until he dizzied himself with his erratic movements. "One of three, oh my! But that's enough questions from you now! I shall return soonly in eminant expentance of the sun, nyes! Farewell, friend!" And before she had the time to ask anything else, the strange man had scuttled away down a corridor leavin Ari to collect her thoughts in the dim torchlight.


"Never mind, at least you're in now!" Skyre smiled wryly to Desiree as she arrived. Standing at her side, he watched as the group ferried their way in, their contraption working surprisingly well, although not exactly providing a confortable ride over. Nevertheless, he began to grow edgy with impatience - what if Shadow Warriors were to arrive? For once, they were fortunate, and no warriors presented themselves, but Skyre had a feeling that it would only be a matter of time before they did so.

"We need to split up into smaller groups, maybe threes or fours," he announced quietly when everybody had arrived. "Otherwise we'll be in too much danger of being seen. So let's organise that and get to quickly searching this town for somewhere where Ari and Lapis could be hidden. I'm sure the rest of you hate the feeling of this town as much as I do." As if to emphasise his point, he shuddered slightly, looking around once again at his surroundings. Through the wind he had heard something move, but it had turned out to be a bird knocking a bit of tiling off of one of the distant roofs. Getting jumpy, Skyre, focus.

"Rusar, Warren, Rederik, go together and head that way," he indicated left on a street alongside the wall, "and try to cover that part of town. Jerrick, Vaelem, Aladrien, and Magnus stay around this area, guarding our exit and searching these nearby houses. Clara, Modrin and Ein head right, and Desiree and Ethan follow me to the far side of town. Meet back here in twnety minutes and try to give an obvious signal if you hit trouble. Let's go!"

Initiating the split, Skyre started to walk his group towards the centre where, currently unseeable, there stood a huge set of stairs leading down into the earth...

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