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Fantasy ~The Lords of the Magistone~

Warren was completely lost in his battle frenzy, tasting fighting blood he had not in a good while.

The enemy he had punched at had ridiculously durable armour, it breaking his rock on the fist whenever he hit and draining his energy to summon more. He didn't care now though. There was an enemy and he was going to kill it.

He grabbed the soldier who was still dazed and gave them an uppercut to stand them back up, then after covering his entire arm with solid rock, gave the hardest hit of a lariat he hoped that soldier would feel in their life. It knocked their head back swiftly from the sheer force.

He didn't stop there though. he continued the swing of the rock arm and smashed it directly into the helmet, it breaking the rock apart on his arm and the warrior still alive. The soldier slashed at him, which cut his arm a bit as he tried to dodge it, then punched his helmet again into the ground.


Another soldier charged with his sword, which Warren blocked with rock arms and after the rock broke away gave a minor cut to his arms. Most would be near killed, but he was not one scrap done. After blocking the slash in his rage, he grabbed the second soldier and slammed his helmet into the one of the other soldier. If he couldn't punch fire, then fight fire with fire.

He continued slamming their helmets together continually, then lifted them both up from the neck with his large hands.

"STILL ALIVE HUH?!" He then slammed them both into the ground again with full force, got back up and tossed them at the Shadow Warriors that remained, who noticed and were charging at him, swords out. He didn't know if he killed them, but he didn't care either. For now, that would hopefully distract the ones who charged him with their comrades flying at them.

He darted off seeing that the others had retreated and walked back. His body bulged from use and his breath was ragged and with several extra fresh cuts on him, which was nothing new for him. These cuts stung much more than usual blows though. God how he just wanted to crush their heads with his hands, he hated it when enemies were unnecessarily durable, even if he was much to talk.
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Skyre heard Desiree's call, but was already having to work his blade at the savage swipes of the Shadow Warriors, which were almost relentless and had him fighting on the back foot from the start. Thankfully, Warren's great strength was seeming able to repel them at regular instants, lightening the load, and whilst the bigger man pummelled, Skyre ended up covering his back in protection from the warriors, working in a sneaky tandem without him even realising. When the warriors were thrown, Skyre rapidly sliced down one of the trees and angles its fall down to the pile of warriors, at least trapping them long enough to give them time to get back to camp and think of a plan.

Running back with the others, Skyre yelled to the camp again. "Everybody up, we're under attack!" They had two things to do; discover who had disappeared and fight off the threat of the five warriors. With the sheer number of then, they surely would be able to distract them well enough to avoid injury, but they had to find a way of damaging them quickly. As quick-thinking in a battle as he was, Skyre couldn't handle both and do, turning to Desiree, he asked her a favour. "Would you mind taking a rolecall to find out who they took, whilst so figure out how on Valia we're gonna get out of this one?" Without even waiting for a reply, he looked towards the forest, mind whirring as he began to formulate a plan.
Desiree looked at Skyre's back as he turned around. Role call, is he kidding? she thought. I don't even know everyone who is supposed to be here, much less who might be missing. She rolled her eyes and started checking people off of her incomplete mental list.

Her first run through the names immediately discovered Ari's absence. Next time through, she added Helia and the other wind mage woman with the brown pony tail that was rescued from the river. Also, Ethan wasn't presently visible, so she had to count him as well. She returned to his side, issued her findings and added, "But there are a few, I think, who have been added in the last several hours when I was ... disinclined ... to make acquaintances. Sorry, but that's the best I can do."

Desiree desperately wished that she had some level of strength to add to the inevitable fight, but tempered her expectations. She could only do so much, and no more, so that's what she would do.

"So, what's the plan, fly-boy?" she asked with a grin. "I would lure them in to a kill box of sorts and let the ranged attackers have their way with them for a while before you set Warren loose on them again."

Then, with mirth, "Or we could just retreat back to the hut – the wolves seemed easier to deal with than these things."
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the cumbersome suits started to rise as Warren made his retreat glowing arrow shot out exploding upon impacts in a wave of blue flames to hold them off a few minutes longer. "That was really stupid." Rusar growled over to Warren as she headed back to camp
Helia leapt from branch to branch expertly, barely making a whisper in the air. So far as she could tell they weren't being followed by the rest o the group, which could be either good or bad. Noticing their pace had slowed slightly, Helia made to move closer to find out who had been taken when a very familiar, eyeless, furry creature landed in front of her.

"Oh bother... leapers..."

Or specifically one leaper, but something in the way it was waiting rang as odd to her. Instinctively Helia dropped to a branch below her as a leaper landed on the branch she'd just vacated, obviously having planned on sneaking up on her like the one from last time.

Then, landing on the branch next to the first one was a man with some sort of hold on wind magic, though how well his grasp of wind magic was was a mystery.

"So you're the troublesome apprentice of Tyreael. You should know, there are two sides and choices girl, and Tyreael has chosen his. Which means that we know you carry what we search for. But perhaps you've made new friends... So I give you five minutes to decide."

Helia couldn't believe it, her master was alive! But this mans words... Tyreael was working for the Shadow King...

Of course, it made sense now. She'd been the only person so far to know of leapers, and Tyreael knew how she moved and got around. These leapers were made just for her. And the odds were stacked not so fairly towards the group either...

Lowering her eyes, Helia launched herself onto the same branch as the man, moving towards him, and the leaper, apprehensively and submissively.

"So, the idea is to join you and Master Tyreael and the Shadow King... and I live, right?"

"Well, young one," the man smiled as he held a hand out, "You see I'm clearly alive. The Shadow King is not without his mercies, young Miss Heartstone. And for a maiden such as yourself..."

Helia watched the man's grin, understanding his implications that her features were desirable. He was right too, he was very much alive, obviously the Shadow King was keeping people alive for a reason. Reaching out her own hand, she placed the dainty appendage into the soft grasp of the smiling man, looking up at him through her eyelashes.

"And do you to share the Shadow Kings opinions of my visage? If so, perhaps you would grant me a favour?"

As Helia spoke she gave a slight pucker to her lips and watched as a lustful expression covered the man's face. He bent down to oblige her a kiss, and just as his lips were to meet hers, Helia's free hand came up and smashed a microburst into the his jaw and sending him crashing through the trees and then to the ground below, most likely dead.

She then immediately turned back and started making her way back to the group, two leapers hot on her heels.
"Hah! I needed to hit something. My fists were crying from all these enemies I couldn't hit. Im not sure if I even killed them though..."

He looked over at them ready to assault them again if they came over. These enemies were durable like a steel wall three times over, his fists were aching even more just thinking about it.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Skyre was too deep in thought to share in her mirth; these enemies were far more dangerous than the shadow creatures and thus he didn't feel like he was in a position to mess around. "A good idea in principle, but I doubt it would work given our enemy. The warriors would simply shrug off any projectiles, and whilst Warren could probably subdue one or two, leaving him with all five of them would cement his place amongst the dead. The only way to deal with them for certain is to blast them with an intense magic attack - that's the only way I've seen it done before. A village magician when I was fleeing the initial attacks, he blasted a small bunch of them with one of the most impressive thunderbolts I've ever seen. But there must be more to it than just intensity, I think."

Frowning, Skyre cast his mind back o the moment and tried to remember the specific details. He pictured the electricity rippling through the dark matter of the warriors, splaying in everywhere. He wondered...

Quickly scanning around camp to fix Desiree's uncertainty, Skyre nodded gratefully to her, his smile returning. "Helia, Ari and Lapis, yeah, thank you for your help." His eyes lit up with appreciation, and visibly a little more. He had been too sleepy the previous night to truly express his admiration, and now wished that he had said more. "I have a plan, and I hope that it will work, but it's going to rely quite heavily on my wind magic. Please don't scold me for playing the hero; it's only because my magic is at full captivity at the moment and I think my wind magic may be easier to use in this situation than fire magic for example. Please, trust me." He wanted to sideline her and make sure that she was safe, but knew by doing so he's only make her feel useless, and so swiftly plucked up his courage and gave her a short but reassuring hug, before quickly withdrawing and standing next to the smouldering remains of the fire to address the entire group.

"Alright, listen up! I have a plan, a simple plan, but a plan none the less. Archers and projectile users, stand guard at the edge of camp and alert us as the warriors approach. Then all those able to fight should pair off and work on distracting the warriors, luring them all towards the middle of camp, covered by the projectile users whilst the injured tale refuge at the far side of camp. Prioritise survival of others at all costs, and don't try anything risky, please. If you ever come into too much trouble, then Warren will come in and handle your warrior. When all the warriors have been lured to the middle of camp, you all need to stand back because I'm going to unleash a powerful wind attack to try and kill them. Hopefully this will succeed, but if not, pair off and scatter into the woods. We have a couple of minutes before combat." The main part of this plan rests almost entirely on my new theory. Let's hope it works. 
About five minutes past, and with everybody in position, the shadow warriors began lumbering through the forest towards them. "Here they come, brace yourselves to attack!" Skyre yelled. Here we go. Our plan must succeed!
Rusar stood on the edge of the camp bow dawn watching the tree line for any sign the enemy. Once she spotted the dark glow of the armor she started to fire.
As it usually goes with magicians, the dream was a vivid memory. But it hardly mattered what she'd dreamed about exactly because Ari forgot it just as soon as she woke up.

It was the stench that hit her first. She smelled it through the dream. Or rather, she smelled him. Ari jolted awake at the offensive odor and fell roughly onto the ground. Coughing and gagging at the unwelcome scent, she wondered how she could have fallen asleep in a tree and not have noticed. But Ari was quick to realize that her problems were bigger than that.

"Dammit!" Ari cursed out loud, plus a dozen and two more times in her head. Shadow Warriors! They were all around her -- an ambush! She reached for her knives instinctively only to find that they were missing. Ari mentally listed off a few choice swears, followed by one coherent thought: They must have fallen out! Breathing in a forced steadiness, Ari prepared to magically assault the Shadow Warriors. She braced herself to eliminate as many of them out as she could without dying. The rest of her group would have to take it from there. Ari's fingertips sparked with lightning in preparation.

But the Shadow Warriors were not attacking. Nobody was. Ari could not even hear the sounds of battle -- only the forest's complaints at being trodden on by Shadow Men on their march.

It was only then, a rapid few seconds since her harsh awakening, that Ari came to realize what was happening.

She hadn't slept in a tree. Her knives hadn't fallen out of their sheath. This wasn't an ambush.

It was a kidnapping.

Ari's thoughts diverted from alarmed to raged. Kidnap the short girl because she's easy to carry, sure! She glared menacingly at the Shadow Warriors, whose entourage she'd halted with her animated awakening. They stared forward with empty eyes. There were too many of them to take on, too many to escape unnoticed. Especially in her state. She was far outnumbered -- alone against these swirling masses of dark matter.

One of the soldiers prodded her in the back (how dare he!). The rest of the crowd was lumbering along in their unnatural solidarity. The one who had prodded her with his sword began to get restless as his company moved forward. It must have been the same Shadow Warrior who had carried her there (how dare he!). He poked her back again, a bit harder this time.

"I'm going, I'm going!" Ari began to walk forward, flanked on either side by the Shadow Warriors.

She scanned the troop, reverting to a strategic mindset. Ari looked for any possible escape route or, at the very least, her confiscated knives. Her eyes paused on another Shadow Warrior. It was carrying something...no, someone! She wasn't alone after all! Ari looked a second longer, deciphering a still-sleeping face on a listless body. Lapis! Oh, you have got to be kidding me! Kidnap two girls, very original! She clenched her teeth at the insult to injury. Sexists.

How could I have gotten myself into this situation? Why didn't I wake up? Ari was not typically a heavy sleeper. She supposed it was just the exhaustion that was catching up at her.

But wasn't that the point of being in a group? Someone has your back? Well apparently, whatever imbecile was on guard duty last night fell asleep. Can't trust anyone. What good was it to even be in a group if you couldn't have at least a little advanced warning? No good at all, Ari mused.

Then the scent hit her again. At that point, Ari had forgotten all about how she woke up in the first place. She wrinkled up her face in disgust. Her body tensed in anger as she thought of him. The rat-man. Pashan.

What a despicable thing it was for him to do! The coward had a legion of Shadow Warriors! What could possibly be his reason for a night ambush? Coward. Ari thought bitterly. Kidnapping Lapis and her, her (how dare he!), whilst she slept. Pathetic, cowardly swine of a man. She would slaughter him when the opportunity came. Ari bit back her rage, electricity jumping out from her clenched fists.

I'll kill you, first chance I get. Just you wait, you bastard.
Naraya bolted upright as Desiree initially flew past in a hurry after Skyre. Rederik fell back on the trunk of the oak he rested under, his body jolting from the surprise before lightly bumping his head. His companion paced between two trees, her eyes watching where the others had rushed while a low tone occasionally slipped through her throat. Something merited her concern, but she would not act without Rederik.

The pain in his chest was a powerful ache, but only due to how he had slept coupled with the manner in which he woke. Rays of sunlight filtered through the lush foliage in the East while sharp echoes of his comrades' calls reached the campsite. He felt disoriented in the amount of sleep he had procured, but his body needed the rest.

Rederik rose with some effort to a stand and gained his bearings after a moment of quick assessment only to have Skyre rush back into the camp. The others were not far behind them and carried expressions that caused his stomach to churn in anticipation. Naraya continued her pacing.

"Alright, listen up!" Skyre's commanding voice clicked in Rederik's mind. There was trouble to be had. His hands moved to the hilts of his daggers, removing them from their sheathes at his sides. Katara daggers were particularly interesting instruments to wield, but he was quite fond of their stability and utility. Two sidebars spanned the length from forearm to knuckles in tarnished steel carrying filigree accents and scars from battle. The blade was the width of his fist serving as an extension of his arm and came to a long, sharp point. They had always felt natural in his hands, and he took to it with ease.

As Skyre laid out his plan, he assessed his current state. Was he able to fight with his injury? With a roll of his shoulder, he still only felt an ache. He would need to act quickly this time so as to not over exert himself. If he began to breath heavily, it would further irritate his mending wound and slow him down exponentially. He nodded to himself and chose to partake in the coming storm.

Suddenly, Naraya stopped pacing, and she lowered her body as flat as possible. A low growl rumbled from her throat. The sound of heavy footfalls crescendoed cuing Rederik to ready himself behind a tree. Hopefully he and Naraya could catch a few off guard.
"Ah, good morning girlie, oh my!" Pashan turned to her with a maniacal grin. "I bet you are full of a lot of questions, but you're my prisoner now, nyes, my prisoner, ahah!" The way that his unnatural rodent-like energy contrasted with the silent strength of the Shadow Warriors was bizarrely unnerving. "I'm sure that we can both reveal many secrets, nyes, like the sparking magic I felt moments previously, but we must reach the safety of my safety, indeedy! Do enjoy the journey though missy, nyes indeedy, I like to keep my captives happy, so I do!"



(Run the battle up until Skyre's attack; I'll pick things up with a mini timeskip tomorrow morning.)
Helia was feeling quite foolish as she touched down on a branch and immediately sprung forward with her momentum.


Soaring through the air, she realised that she had to have walked into a secondary ambush of some sorts. Angling her feet, she made sure she launched into a spin as her feet touched down and then pushed off from another branch.


To make matters worse the leapers hadn't lost any ground. Even shadow hounds couldn't keep up with her, further cementing that they'd been meant to hunt her down. Reaching out Helia swung off another branch into a couple of backflips.


Up ahead she could hear combat of some sort, and the best guess was that it was her group. As she neared she saw a few shadow warriors making a point to harass her friends. Thinking quickly she touched down next to two of the shadow warriors. Just as the two shadow warriors turned to look at her the leapers came lunging out of the trees viciously. Using a microburst Helia darted to the side just in time to watch the leapers slam into the warriors. One lost its non-dominant arm and stood back up while another was rent in half. The leapers seemed unsurprised and unscathed as they stood and faced her again.


Attempting to take off again the leapers seemed to have been a step ahead of Helia and both tackled into her. They smashedthrough a couple branches, on of the leapers falling off in the process. The other was gnawing at Heli's back, trying to chew through her cloak. As she hit the ground she managed to push it off only for it to grab her leg in it's teeth and set to trying the same thing through her boot.

The second leaper came back at her, and Helia only just got her hands on the top and bottom edges of its jaws, pushing back just enough to have the teeth miss her face by a hair's breadth.

Looking bout desperately she realised she was back in camp and a couple of the group members were staring at her.

'Well, dear girl,' Helia chuckled mentally, 'You found the camp again. '
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Skyre watched from the centre of camp as the Shadow Warriors broke through the trees to reach the first line of warriors. He noticed immediately that Jerrick and Aladrien were struggling against theirs, and so indicated to Warren to proceed and take them out. Now he could only hope that his comrades would succeed on their part of the plan.
Ethan was sleeping still in the brush of the grass his mind fading from this world. He found himself in the ocean once more but this time upon an island. The roaring storm could be seen beating across the sandy beaches as the lighting roared. The clouds would take form with each strike revealing figures that seemed to march. The dark black clouds would twirl around the island as the lightning struck causing them to scatter and reform. His dream so vivid he grabbed upon a single tree for fear of being swallowed in this monsoon.

Suddenly the storm went silent and sky became blue, the sea started to fall and drain just like before. The once lonely island was now the peak of a mountain. The tree he once held was now the figured body of light. Shocked he released the figure falling to the ground. Its form was more detailed then before able to see the figure of a woman whose hair was long and flowing. Still only its form was visible as the rest was still a blinding light as if it was nothing but so. Trying to speak he felt his lungs where heavy. The figure pointed to the forest below where a vast of tree's suddenly became enveloped in a dark purple mist.

Ethan stood up his legs like lead as his heart raced at the sight, from the horizon the dark clouds where mustering and the lightning was slowly breaking through the darkness. The mist came rushing to him and while he attempted to guard himself hiding his face the light suddenly enveloped him. Upon opening his eyes he was once again in the room of white, no borders or horizons to be seen. The figure stood before him coming closer before laying its face upon his cheek. "They're taken! Go now!" it whispered as Ethan woke from his dream in shock.


Around him the wisp was swirling fast and pulsing, unsure what was going on Ethan did not take note attempting to regain his composure. The sudden noise of the camp from afar brought him worry as he threw his satchel upon his shoulder and rustled back towards the camp. Skyre and the others where in pursuit and Ethan attempted to follow stopping only momentarily to take note of something odd. With a rag he had wiped the edge of a rock; a dark purple residue powder stained the rag. Not enough time to figure it out he stuffed the cloth into his pocket and darted to catch up with the others.

The sound of fighting was in the distance as Ethan broke through the bushes to see Warren with hands of stone slamming into shadow soldiers. The others were scattered and for a moment Ethan worried another incident like the village would begin. Luckily he heard Skyre's voice and the group had retreated to a point in the forest. As they gathered Skyre had ordered the group to encircle and prepare, the hunters where poised with weapons in hand. Skyre had given the signal to Warren and with a small smirk Ethan thought "Time to see what a thick head and body like a mountain can do." knowing full well the muscular man was ready for a brawl.

Ethan however stood in the center of the group unsure of what to do. Counting heads and looking he noted with a worried face that Ari and Lapis had gone missing. Frantically searching the group in hopes he had missed them his heart raced when they were nowhere to be found. It was then the wisp came rushing to him glowing and pulsing frantically. The voice from his dream echoed from the back of his mind and it was then he realized why the group had moved so quickly. His thought circled to what he was doing seeing the group around him preparing to fight while he was hiding in the center. With the sound of metal moving from the tree's and the sign of the soldiers making their way Ethan began to panic before he recalled of the village and what had happen before. He was not about to let what happen then repeat itself here not least so with his cowardliness.

Closing his eyes and calming his heart Ethan began to breath slowly. When he opened his eyes Ethan was focused and stern. He wasn't sure how long he could hold out but with determination to find the two alive and be of use to the party he was no longer going to sit idle. Straightening his hat and removing his cloak he looked up to Skyre with a smirk "Think you can rough up any who get near me?" He knew with Skyre above he would be safe. Ethan knew the risk of what he was about to do and how vulnerable he would be, but he put his trust into Skyre's words knowing that this was a team. Looking over to Rederick and the others this rag tag bunch of misfits was going to survive this time together.

Ethan stood still putting his hands together. Slowly he began to count using the words as a way to focus and clear his mind. The wisp flew above him hovering a few feet from his head. Ethan's memories began to flood his mind, the two girls who he had met, a silent yet forward opinionated short hair whose eyes showed a world of pain, and a long haired hot head who felt the weight of her name upon her shoulders. These two were taken from them and the thought that they would fall victim of this shadow filled Ethan with rage. The wisp's light began to glow brightly illuminating the forest in a blinding light. The wisp started to separate first two then four. Their size did not shrink and the pulses where intensifying. Ethan's body was slowly enveloped in streams of spiritual magic. Reaching a point where he felt his body could collapse he stopped the gathering. The four wisps stood in a circle before spreading around the group.

When Ethan's eyes opened they where glowing blue like the sea, his vision was lost but in place was what the wisps could see. As the first soldier broke through the tree lines the first wisp rushed towards it with a violent hum as it dove into the body of the soldier's armor. For a moment it was dark then suddenly a loud and thunderous burst erupted from its frame as the wisp dissipated and the soldier was tossed several feet into the air before landing hard into a tree. Three wisps remained and Ethan spoke from the wisps his voice reverberating from all three "Let’s make this quick...our friends are waiting."

Though Ethan had exerted a great amount of his magic the signs of it failing where already starting to become apparent. When the first wisp had exploded a small amount of blood fell from his nose. Ethan was unsure if he could use all three remaining before his body would give out but he wasn't about to fall back...not now. Though he was unable to move he continued to picture the image of Ari's smile when she first opened his father's book, and the time Lapis spoke with him under the tree. These memories left Ethan determined to see them safely back no matter the pain or cost. The wisps continued to pulse intensely as they encircle the group waiting for the next attack, Ethan's eyes glowed, the blue circles moving back and forth mimicking the vision he gained from the wisps.
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Desiree huddled with the other injured at the rear of the camp and waited for the shadow warriors to arrive. Even though her magic had returned late last night, she had absolutely no strength in her to wield it. Hells, she cursed, I'm still useless. Her brow furrowed in anger at her inability to contribute to the inevitable fight.

She watched Skyre as he issued his strategy. It wasn't quite what she had suggested, but it had merit and she was pretty sure that it would work, although at what cost to injury she couldn't say. She recalled the ease with which Warren had attacked the warriors earlier but seemed to have less of an effect on them than his great strength should have had. If nothing else, this would probably be their toughest fight yet.

Desiree worried for those of their company who were missing. Some of them would have typically gone off hunting or ... whatever it is they did on their own ... but that was unlike Ari. The woman would still have remained close enough to the group that she should not have escaped Desiree's notice.

Ethan returned and had his own plan. With Skyre as his fore-guard, the healer summoned his wisp and in a bright flash caused it to split into several others. Desiree again wished that she were able to contribute as the Shadow Warriors emerged from the forest edge and started toward the group.

She sensed the air around them all and again tried to summon it to her. Light, gentle breezes stirred at her command, but it would never be enough to impact their attackers. Still, as sweat began to bead on her forehead at the exertion, it might be enough to deflect a sword strike or two? Desiree held onto what little air she could and focused her attention on Skyre. Whatever the cost, she would use her talent to keep him safe. She had already lost complete contact with her element once for him and even though she now knew the impact that had had on her, she was more than willing to pay the price.
"Sure," Skyre called over, though he was unsure of what the mystic magician was planning. A litle worried about his intentions, the redhead approached him and was about to ask what he was doing when Ethan's eyes flicked open with an intense expression of pure determination, an expression so intense that Skyre backed off, a little unnerved. A little sheepishly, he watched around Ethan as he performed his ritual, and was amazed when the soldier flew into the air. It's armoured body hit the floor hard, black liquid disipating around it, knocked out of its casing. So my idea was right.

Pleasently surprised, Skyre kept a watchful eye on Ethan whilst the first attackers continued to combat the remaining four warriors. If Ethan continued, then he wouldn't have to use his tornado after all, but Ethan would surely damage himself critically if he were to attempt to take out the entire bunch. And thus Skyre managed the situation, watching careful for any signs of a more dangerous injury emerging.
After a struggle and only just getting enough time by finally kicking the leaper trying to gnaw through her boot off Helia managed to wrap her hands around the head of the leaper that was trying to eat her face. Channeling a pair of vicious microbursts, Helia blasted the airwaves into the skull of the beast, powdering bone and destroying whatever rudimentary brain was stuffed in there.

Rolling to her feet, Helia made a break through the underbrush and came out about two metres away from Desiree. Before she could say a thing there was a snapping of branches and Helia already knew what the meant.

Letting her body go limp as to risk less muscular damage, Helia was ripped off her feet as the other leaper grabbed hold of her. This time, though, it seemed to recognise the cloak she wore as an issue and started to shake it's head back and forth furiously in an attempt to rip it from the girl's shoulders.

Helia only just managed to get a grasp on two knives when her body got jerked into a tree. Both knives slipping out of her hands Helia quickly realised that without someone's aid she was probably going to have her neck snapped by the leaper's struggles with her cloak.
Helia's sudden appearance and her pursuers immediately stole Desiree's attention from Skyre. Here was a closer threat. She had no idea what the thing was that was attacking the smaller woman, only that it was.

Sorry, fly-boy, she thought. You're on your own for now.

Desiree fully turned her focus on the creature thrashing Helia about. She knew that her talent had not returned to any degree sufficient enough to blast the thing. Suddenly, Desiree's studies about control with Professor Hagen came to mind. She smirked, if only the old man could see me do this now, she thought.

Desiree coerced the air she had gathered and sought out Helia's knives. The two the woman had dropped were in easy sight. With a grasping twist of her hands, Desiree caught the knives up in a small gust of wind and carried them within Helia's reach. The exertion and control was exhausting, but Desiree was determined to be useful.

"Helia!" she screamed at the woman. "Grab them quick before I lose my hold on them!"
Doing her best to concentrate as she was jerked about, Helia only just managed to wrap her hands around her weapons as Desiree passed them back to her. Rolling as she hit the ground, she pushed back and felt her back impact the leapers side. As soon as it did she plunged the knife in her right hand back into the stomach of the beast.

Its response was to leap over her, still holding her cloak, spin and release its vice grip bite.

The effect was instantaneous. Helia was jerked about and thrown past Desiree before hitting another tree. Trying to rise and reach for a new knife, having lost the grip on the other one Desiree had passed her, Helia realised with dread that her entire supply bag and knife belt had come off during her 'flight'.

This dread was only doubled as the leaper slammed itself into her again and bit down on her shoulder, four of its teeth missing the cloak and gouging deep into her skin.
"Hells," Desiree swore as Helia was once again tossed about like a child's toy. Desiree's brow furrowed in anger, not only at her friend's plight but at her inability to help with her talent. She grasped at the air, but it simply evaded her mage's touch.

With no other recourse, Desiree moved and grabbed hold of the creature by wrapping her arms around it from its back. "Get ... off!" she grunted as she pulled at the thing. She released one arm and started to beat it on the head with her fist. "I said, GET OFF!"

The thing let go of Helia and turned its attention on Desiree. A row of large teeth zeroed in on her as it contorted its body in her grasp. Desiree held on to it for dear life as it thrashed at her.

"Kill it!" she shouted at Helia.
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Shaking off the pain Helia stepped up and powered a microburst into the leaper's shoulder, destroying the bone inside. She then powered a second into it's stomach, hoping to imobolise the thing some how. When all she managed was getting back handed aside by the beast Helia settled for one more option.

Eyes locking onto one of the knives spilled from her knife belt, Helia emulated Desiree and tossed the blade towards the girls riding the leaper's back.

"Stab for the neck and watch the pop!" Helia yealled, hoping that Desiree would be able to catch the blade from her mounted position.
Desiree tasted the magic being used on the creature, but was unable to focus on it as her attention was fully centered on keeping the beast from biting her as it had Helia. The two of them struggled within Desiree's embrace, her wiry form showing more muscle than appeared on the surface. As they wrestled to a stale-mate, Desiree knew she would lose as she had not been trained in this kind of thing. Her physical strength, already lessened by the past week's escapades was fueled by adrenaline which was quickly running out.

Helia's magic hurled one of the woman's knives toward the pair where they struggled to gain the upper hand. Taking an instant, Desiree focused on the magic that enwrapped the knife as it came toward her and using her own, unique touch on the element, brought it firmly and effortlessly into her waiting hand.

She struck the thing several times as she tried to hit it in the spot Helia had called out. Each stab failed to penetrate her opponent, but the fifth try found it's mark. The creature ruptured with an audible POP! and bathed Desiree in a black ichor.

Exhausted from the order, Desiree fell on her back and used the sleeve of her knife hand to wipe the purulence from her face and eyes. "Thanks for the warning, Helia," she called out with an annoyed tone. Desiree heaved a great sigh. Her arm, with goo-covered sleeve dropped to her side. Her knife hand fell open and the small, weapon tumbled gracelessly out onto the ground.
Wiping ichor from herself as well, Helia couldn't help but sport a slight grin. Sure, she could have given a better warning, but as the situation was, she was happy they were both alive. Gathering up her knives and supplies as Desiree rested, Helia looked at her shoulder and realised that the bite wasn't nearly as bad as it felt, though would need looked at later. She also pulled her cloak off, having grown tired of it being used against her.

Moving to Desiree's side, Helia dropped into an exhausted sitting position and tossed the cloak to Desiree as a makeshift wash towel, lifting the knife the Desiree had used a second later to toy with as she spoke.

"Yeah, well, I did say watch for the pop. Thanks for the assist, the leapers like me in particular. Feel free to wipe off with that, I'm about done being lifted up and tossed around by it." Helia moaned, stretching her now slightly bruised neck. She took a few more seconds to toy with the knife before spinning it about and offering it hilt first to Desiree, noting that by some odd coincidence it was the same knife, scratched hilt and all, that was offered the previous night. "Care to take it now? Seems you found more use out of it than you thought you would."
Rusar maintained cover fire to keep the attentions of the shadow warriors. she caught a one of the shadow men vearing its coarse towards the fight going on with the leaper and targeted it firing a stronger charge arrow to catch its attention once more and keep the shadows on their path into the camp. She saw a ball of blue light shoot out towards one of the shadow men and glanced back at the camps watched as Ethan worked his mystic magic successfully against one of the shadow warriors. But it was only one and four more remained so she fired as needed managing her arrows and her magic level making sure not to use too much since they still had to rescue the camp mates.
Desiree sat up, took and used the proffered cloak and then looked at Helia. She wanted to glare at the woman, but she simply didn't have the energy for it. It had taken most of her reserves to manipulate the knives and then the physical exertion with the beast had taken its physical toll as well.

"Yeah, you warned me about the pop," Desiree said, "but not about this." She held up the cloak with the black ooze. "Next time, be more specific."

Desiree raked her hands through her hair and came away with yet more ichor between her fingers. "Really?" She said as she looked at Helia with sarcasm. She almost wiped her hands on Helia's shirt, but then thought better of it. The woman had been through her own brief, private hell and there was no point in adding insult to her injuries.

She looked at the knife – the same one from last night? -- and again declined. "Thanks, but it was way more luck than skill that finally bested that thing. I prefer to do my fighting at a greater distance."

Desiree then realized that it was yet another offer of friendship from Helia and perhaps an apology for the mess she had just endured, so she reconsidered. "Actually, Helia," Desiree said, and her blue eyes dropped their ire for a more casual tone, "I will accept it until my magic returns. We'll consider it ... a loan. How's that?"

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