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Fantasy ~The Lords of the Magistone~

Ethan was lucky enough to clean his shirt before departing from the town but had to wait for it to dry during the journey. Though there was little time to gather the original bag of supplies he was at least able to retrieve his kettle before the group departed for the eastern path. For the most part Ethan kept to himself observing the group and tending to injured that where in need. Along the way they had stopped near the edge of a cliff, when the signs of shadowmen where discovered Ethan had dismissed his wisp for fear of discovery. The sudden rock slide and sounds of whispers made Ethan worried but unsure of what had transpired he kept to the back till the group started to move again.

When they had finally settled Skyre had positioned everyone who was able to hunt and prepare for dinner. Ethan had walked the surrounding forest but was not much of a hunter. Using his wisp for light he was able to find a few weeds, flowers, and roots but was disappointed that he could find no herbs or leaves to restock his pack. With only his satchel now as a means to carry Ethan found that being resourceful was becoming a tedious task. Returning to camp he had crushed the foliage, folding them gently in cloth before laying them into his satchel. The stockily fellow who called himself Warren had found a boar which made the night very special. Ethan had forgotten what the taste of boar was but the slender helping made his mouth water in anticipation.

Enjoying the meal he watched as the gathering was finally relaxing and those who where injured looked to be recuperating slowly but least active in their endeavor. Skyre had broke the silence of the meal when he discussed the current status and goal of the gathering. Their failed attempt at the village and their need to improve. He then asked something that made Ethan a bit worried. The idea of telling your secrets to a group while beneficial would also require a vast amount of trust. The very things that had made many survive to this day was now being asked to freely give. Still Skyre's voice and story was reassuring and part of Ethan felt that if he wanted to avoid another issue like the village then this was the right way. He smiled to Ari as he listened to Warren speak. Taking the que from the fellow Ethan prepared himself.

Cleaning his fingers and face with a piece of cloth Ethan stood up removing his hat and clearing his throat. "Greetings to you all..." calm in his voice as he looked them over "...As many of you might already know I am Ethan Faust." as he smiled warmly "...my skills primarily are in alchemy, my former teacher had taught me everything he could about the creation of elixirs, tonics, poisons while my father had taught me the generals of medicine." as he lifted his satchel to show his master's seal "...though I retained this knowledge my magic sadly was never attuned to the art of healing or nature itself." as he sat his hat down on the log below and began to clasp his hands together blowing into it till light emitted. A sudden burst and upon releasing his hands the wisp had returned.

"I am however skilled in the art of mysticism and have found myself with several unique traits from my training." as the wisp began to float to the center of the group hovering just above the fire. Ethan closed his eyes and kept his hands clasped, he stood silent for a moment, the wisp began to pulse faster and grow brightly nearly blinding before calming, then a faint sound came from the ball of light "...while this wisp can provide a blinding light it also is able to communicate between me and another from a set distance allowing me both vocal and visual perception that the wisp encounters..." as Ethan's hands began to unclasp and his fingers spread.

The wisp began to shake violently then suddenly break off into smaller sprite like balls no bigger then fire flies. The small balls of light spread through the camp circling and dancing as if they where each a living entity. The small lights started to glow randomly as they came closer to someone then fade and dim as the moved away. As Ethan's hands got closer the balls of light began to gather back up before forming back to the large wisp.

Ethan opened his eyes and looked back to the group "...and finally if I focus the energy to a single point and release it..." as his eyes looked to the wisp which its pulses radically started getting smaller but intensifying, he motioned his hands which split the wisp into four then Ethan sent it flying several meters into the air before each burst causing a small wave to be felt below. "...the only down side to all this is it takes me a lot of concentration to pull off the more I need to manipulate it..." as he put his hat back on "...and in battle where split seconds matter I know it is my greatest weakness to this group." as he sat down. Taking a breath from using his magic he looked back to the group.
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"Well, with movement," Skyre explained, purposely vaguely to return her jest. He hasn't intentionally been lacking in detail( if they were all to tell their entire life stories then they'd be there all evening. "To be honest, I just tend to go with the flow of battle. I use my wind magic to support others and boost my agility and movement, so that I can outspeed and outwit opponents. Other than that, I'd say I lack a distinct fighting style, other than being a man of close combat. I think I'm quite good at reacting to the flow of battle and changing strategies. So semi-front line, semi-support, if you want to put things like that. Forgive my initial lack of detail; I was perhaps forgetting that whilst I need to know the rest of your abilities for strategies, you kinda need to know mine too."

Settling down, and hoping his reimagining of his details were fine for Ari, who he noticed had tactfully not spoken up properly to the task, Skyre watched the others' shows, mentally noting down their abilities behind the mask of a smile.
Desiree stood with some uncertainty. If this group were to start trusting then she would have to really break the ice. She raked her hair back from her face with both hands and then stood as if she were giving a dissertation in class, with her fingers interlaced in front of her.

"Many of you already know," she started as her voice began to pick up strength, "that my name is Desriree Tanner. I completed three terms at the university studying the whimsical nature of air and wind." She paused for a moment, to see if her name registered for she had a certain ... reputation ... as a mischief maker and one who frequently broke university rules.

"I was the most proficient with my talent that my professors had seen in years," she continued. She looked up above the trees for support, but the wind was denied to her. "I surpassed many of the teachers' aides and assistants and was far and away the best wind mage of my class."

She unlaced her fingers and wrapped her arms tight around her body. "That was until the village." Desiree suppressed a choked sob, wiped her eyes and took a deep breath.

"You see, my ... talent ... had always been in my communion with the element of air. We would work in unison. I never really 'commanded' the wind; rather I would work with it and ask it for its help and then unleash it to perform or not as it saw fit."

Desiree looked around at the known wind mages in the party. "This was unorthodox to say the least, and the professors at the university studied me probably more than I studied my lessons." She managed a weak laugh, "I was their science experiment."

"But earlier today, something extraordinary happened," she said. Her tone became more flat and businesslike. "For reasons I have yet to comprehend, I over-extended my endurance and no longer am able to touch the wind."

She waited a moment for that statement to sink in. Then, she continued as she looked at Skyre, "I know some of you believe, as did our professors, that if such a thing were to occur, in time the magic sense would return; however," Desiree returned her gaze to the group, "I am an unorthodox case. Even at those times where I had exhausted myself before, I could always ... taste ... the element around me and I knew that it would eventually allow me to work with it once I had regained enough strength."

"This time, it is different. This time, I have lost all sense of contact with my element – the element that I live, breathe and almost willingly died for."

She wiped her tears again, and returned to her interlocked fingers stance. "So, out of everyone here, I am the biggest weakness for I have no power to use in the fight against the Shadow King. If any of you here are unwilling to divulge your weakness, I can respect that. We haven't known each other all that long."

Desiree panned the group and tried to lock her bright, blue eyes on everyone in turn, "I am a broken mage. I can only hope that my admission is enough to open the dialogue here with true honesty and trust."

She crouched back down at her place around the fire and stared longingly into the flames.
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(Essentially, write up until sleep-time; I'll catch up on reactions to events in the morning and then update stuff for the next objective! When people have finished their announcements, presume Skyre has dismissed everyone and press on with evening routine)
Rusar enjoyed her portion of the meal it might have taken a good deal of magic out of her but it was worth at the moment. The pork was delicious and there looked to be some bits leftover from the other catches to save for rations at least. She quietly listened to everyone's introduction finding Warrens a bit more interesting since she was never able to find out what happened after they split paths. Keeping up with life back home wasn't much of a priority during her time in the university. It seemed so far there was a two close combat fighters and a healer. She had an idea about the other from what she'd seen back at the village but the fight had been fairly short so not much had been learned. She did find Ethans use of mystic magic interesting, She didn't know much about the art and his use of it could prove useful in the future.

Rusar sighed inwardly knowing that if she didn't go along with the introductions Warren would no doubt prod her into doing it. She was going to speak until Desiree spoke up first. She had to admit she was curious about the erratic girl, her element didn't surprise Rusar one but in truth it was rather fitting. Then again most elements were strangely fitting to their magicians. When the village was brought up thing made a bit more sense. She would wake up in a panic as well if she couldn't feel the heat of her own magic. It was bad enough when she had over taxed herself at the university and she would feel her magic dimmed like glowing embers but to have that flame fully extinguished? Rusar shivered slightly at the thought and felt bad for She was hesitant to speak because it felt like she would just be rubbing it in that she still had magic while Des had lost touch with hers.
Helia listened in as everyone spoke their piece, and once Desiree spoke it made a lot more sense why she would be angry. To lose one's magic in such a way...

Hel had lost her magic many times via the over expenditure of energy. Though if anything, she would know how it was to be useless more than Desiree would. There was a good foot in height distance which meant that Desiree could actually be competent in a physical fight and not worry about being lifted up by her collar. That all said, Helia still needed to introduce herself.

"Soooooo... Helia Heartstone. I make drinks, and throw knives, and avoid tall muscular people in combat. I was a bit of a street rat for a while until a Wind Master Tyreael found me and 'adopted' me, taking me on as his personal student. I learned my magicks under him but he disappeared after the fall. I've been roughing it until I came across a new and particularly nasty shadow creature I've taken to calling leapers. My escape from them is what led to Rederick finding me, and later my joining with you lot."

As Helia finished she tossed down a her extra skeins, having readied for an other trip to mthe river later.

"Also, berry water, it's really good if anyone wants any."

Seconds later Helia made her way down next to Desiree and offered the hilt of one of her knives to her with an uneasy smile.

"You don't seem to like me, and there could be a lot of reasons for that, but you would fare ten times better than I would hand to hand. You can have this, and learn and stuff. For um, like, uh, I guess a peace treaty of sorts. I have a little experience fighting hand to hand, I just suck at not getting thrown around, so I could help teach you and stuff." sitting there as her words dangled lamely, Helia couldn't help but think that this could have gone better, never the less she waggled the hilt towards Desiree on last time, "So... friends?"
Ari had tilted her head slightly at Desiree's tale. No, it was more at her name. Desiree Tanner...it sounded familiar, but she couldn't place it in her memory. Maybe a neighbor from her days in Aliak? Or was it that Desiree shared a surname with an old friend of hers? Ari zoned out of Desiree's very tearful story in trying to remember where she'd heard her name.

She shook her head, unable to place the name. Ari resumed her focus on the group chat. Desiree was now seated and a lack of volunteers left an awkward silence in the camp. Ari glanced around, seeing if anyone else was willing to go. Rusar had sighed. She seemed unwilling to share, as did everyone else, save Helia. In looking around for those that would speak up, Ari's eyes contacted Skyre's. He'd seen through her ruse, the one she'd phrased as a question to avoid talking up. Ari broke her eye contact and looked into the fire. Fine, she thought, I guess it's my turn.

Ari stood, following the others' examples. She'd have preferred to do it sitting down, but whatever. She was too short to command any authority sitting anyways. Clearing her throat, Ari spoke. "Well, for those of you who don't know me," And I'm sure there's more than a few of you, "My name is Aur...i." Ari paused a half second in the middle of saying her name. Her university days had lingered with her in the desire to state her full name in front of what appeared to be the nearest thing to a formal setting since the Fall. Mentally slapping herself, Ari reminded herself that this was a chance to not use her full name. She hid the mistake discreetly and straightened up. "I am from Aliak. I fast-tracked though lightning magic. I am considered a master, but I would not say that I'm the best there is." She was careful not to look at Desiree when she spoke of her magic. "In any event, I began to study Light magic." Here, Ari gave a complimentary nod to Ethan. "The Fall occurred during my studies there and as a result, I am only able to heal minor wounds. As of right now..." Ari halted, figuring how she wanted to phrase what she was about to say. "...I cannot do much in the way of magic, as I...ah, overexerted a day ago." She instinctively looked at Desiree, but her eyes were lost in the fire. "But I'll be more than welcome to help you all with your injuries after I recover a bit." Ari pulled the corners of her mouth in at the little white lie she just told.

There was more to say and she knew it, but Ari had shared enough for the night. She sat back down, opening the stage for others to speak up. With any luck, Skyre would not question her as she had to him.
Rusar glanced around noting she was the few who still hadn't spoken up. Even the other girl Ari who had been more on the quiet side along side her had spoken up. "Guess its my turn..." She thought to her self before standing up like the rest feeling extremely awkward. It was bad enough when this had to be done in school, she thought the days of public speaking were far behind her but apparently not. "un... I'm Rusar Caldir. I've learned to shoot a bow and hunt since I was about seven so I'm proficient with hunting all kind of game, as well as fishing and a bit of forging. I studied at the university as well and managed to master fire magic. I guess you can say I'm more effective at range combat and channel my magic through my bow for an exact shot. I have some close range abilities but It's not exactly my strong suit." She sat down as soon as she finished not really wanting to draw much more attention to her self. She knew the practice of Dark arts wasn't one that was widely accepted, especially with the events with the shadow king. Rusar figured it would be best not to divulge her secondary studies, it was not an art of magic which she practiced openly.
Desiree acknowledged Helia when she came along side of her. She regarded the small woman with a neutral gaze. After she spoke, Desiree's eyes sparkled as they captured the light from the fire that bathed them both in a reddish glow.

"Helia, I have no quarrel with you, " Desiree said with sweet sincerity as she tried to put the woman at ease. "I just didn't know who you were or where you had come from. Please, sit, and allow me to explain."

"Prior to my ... incident ... at the ruined village," Desiree started, and she kept her calm, gentle voice, "I had taken it upon myself to be Skyre's guardian and protector, because as our leader he needed to focus his attentions elsewhere and trust that I would handle security."

"When the battle at the village ignited full force, " she chuckled over the word 'ignited' as if it were some inside joke, "I was separated from Skyre and he was in danger. I think it was my over-zealousness which has led to my ruin, for I channeled more of my element than I had ever done before."

"So, you see," Desiree concluded, "it wasn't anything you had done. Don't let it worry you further."

Then, she added, "However, if you are still so inclined, I may be interested in your proposal, but not tonight."

Desiree listened to Ari and did not turn to face her. The woman was starting to open up and Desiree didn't want to jeopardize things by a mistaken glance. She sensed earlier that Ari was a very tightly closed person and deemed it best to allow the woman her space and hope that, in time, Ari would understand the value of having friends in this group.

Rusar spoke next from her place across the fire from Desiree, but Desiree had returned her gaze to the flames in the fire pit. Things were starting to open up, and she wanted to coerce that a little longer.

To break the uneasy silence that had fallen after Rusar's introduction, Desiree spoke up and said, "Thank you everyone so far who has taken this leap of faith with Skyre. Your contributions will make this group stronger as we can better strategize knowing what assets are available."

She paused a moment before she continued, "I still respect all of you here, regardless of whether or not you share your various talents with us. All of us here have survived the Shadow King thus far, and that counts for something."
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The hour was getting late and the group stared into the fire silently. Desiree's words where truthful and from their reaction he assumed his light-show proved he lacked any use for combat. He felt hindered with the knowledge that others could in some way fight or had experience in combat. Taken back by their natural ability and skill he looked to his wisp a bit disappointed in himself, knowing full well that even with his knowledge in medicine it was only a temporary measure. Ethan smiled looking to Ari when she spoke of her training in the light. How his dad would be overjoyed to know someone could use his notes. Hoping that his father's hand writing wasn't a mess and readable Ethan could only ponder of her studies and practicing improving over time. "Time...Always changing..." he thought to himself.

Looking back at just the day Ethan realized even with Desiree stricken from her magic she was strong and in battle she would not hesitate to fight tooth and nail for her comrades and...as he gazed at the fiery red head...for him. His wisp floated down towards him giving off a faint glow, Ethan smiled towards it thinking to himself "...how childish am I?" as he got up and straighten his hat. The others where getting ready to rest and some seemed to already be enjoying the night's slumber. Ethan stepped away from the group simply bowing his hat to not interrupt or wake anyone. Throwing his coat around him he moved to the tall grass and began to scout the area his wisp following close behind.

The breaking of the grass below his feet felt like reeds upon the sand. Occasionally he would find a few flowers and the lonely shroom amongst the roots of trees. Slowly gathering and watching the dark horizon Ethan questioned himself and his purpose. Images of his teacher ran through his mind as he recalled why he joined. Thoughts of seeking him out and leaving the group still tempted him, but he scoffed at the idea knowing his best chance was with them. He looked to the emblem upon his satchel, the wisp light reflected upon its brass lining. He knew for now that his medicine was needed but a thought ran through his head, when the time came what good would it do them? When time would not allow for simple ointments and elixirs to do their work? His mind wandered realizing all he studied for was worthless when it counted. Sure his tonics could cure a simple fever or cold, or that his ointments could assist in healing wounds, but what happens at that precious moment when a life is kissing death's door. What then could he do?

The great elixirs and potions that could cure such fate where rare and the ingredients even rarer. Even so the making of such things required more then a week to ferment and create before they reach the level to cure what his father could do with a flick of his hands and focus. In a fit he tossed his satchel to the ground. "What good am I even with magic what good could I bring to them...I am no warrior" looking to the emblem as if it was his teacher "...all you taught me and still what good does it do old man?" as he stood their clenching his fist "...why was I not like him teacher?" as he pulled his hat down to hide his face "...why was I not gifted my father's skill and dreams?" as his legs finally pulled him to the ground the grass surrounding him and hiding him from sight.

Ethan cleared his head and picked up the satchel resting it upon his lap. His head was heavy and his body was exhausted. As the cool night air kissed his cheeks Ethan fell to the grass staring up to the stars. His wisp slowly floated into his view its pulse soft and slow as it rested on the brim of his hat as if to look down upon its creator. Ethan smiled a bit "At least we'll always be together right?" as his eyes grew heavy and Ethan fell to a deep slumber. His wisp stayed with him and gave a soft hum, its light watching over him never leaving its sleeping master.
Rusar wrapped up what was left of the meat and put it away cleaning up what was left of the skin and bones. Exhaustion weighted heavy on her as she packed her stuff back up noting how a stop by the river would be necessary come morning if only to fill her water skin for the next leg of their journey. She shifted slightly to stay with in the camp but also have a good view of the horizon leaning back against a semi-comfortable rock she pulled her knees to her chest and leaned back. She knew she should rest, get some sleep for a change since the next day would just be long. But she couldn't bring herself to relax enough or let down her guard. She was still aware of the threats that lured in the darkness both natural and unnatural. Not only that she was always aware of the darkness in her self, something she had been fighting and running from since even her time in the University. She had shown promise of being a strong magician and had even tried experiment on ways to merge fire and darkness together but that was part of the reason she had also avoided people for so long. The few times she had slept deeply and gotten a good nights rest were usually filled with nightmares not only of trying to flee the raids and seeing her class mates slaughtered, but also of being the one to draw blood and part take in the murder spree. Part of her felt a bit guilty for keeping that part from everyone, but she couldn't bring her self to tell them. It was no secret the dark art magicians were all twisted in some way, some more than others. Such is the nature of the magic. The stronger you become the more you loose what light you have.

Rusar had been fighting a losing battle between ambition and need to be stronger vs essentially trying to keep true to herself. thought at times the two seemed to blur together. Rusar lucked out in that her studies had been cut short by the shadow kings invasion, it was probably the only thing she had to be thankful for. Seeing such horrors and pain the power dark magic could bring, how all consuming it could become... She hadn't used her dark magic since and planned on keeping it that way though she could feel the urge to use it now and again. The even on the cliff side with all of those shadow men marching in time had reawakened her hatred and anger, it still smoldered even now and it fed her dark thoughts and tendencies.

Needing to calm her frantic mind Rusar shifted to look up at the stars as they flickered in the sky. One of the few silver linings to this whole wrenched event, it really did make you appreciate the little things like a good meal or watching the night sky, something most people would take for granted and not even give a second glance. The night sky had been on of the few comforts to get her through some other wise terrifying nights, the one thing that didn't change even after the take over. And oddly enough it did represent their situation. When all seemed bleak and dark there would always be some stubborn spots of light peaking through the black shining brightly refusing to go out. Upon hundreds of thousands more seemed to appear as the lights from the villages went out. Survivors wandering among the inky black of night.The collective group that gathered around the dwindling camp fire was proof that there were more survivors out there some where.

The huntress glanced over at the group feeling slightly better about staying with them. Things weren't perfect but they showed signs of getting better and gave her some sort of purpose which made it easier to cope. For better or worse she had grown something of a liking for them made worse by the addition of Warren. The last person she'd ever expect to see again but was probably the most grateful for despite his determination it irritate her to no end.
Skyre's pulse raced as Desiree began to announce her weakness to the rest of the world, to announce her loss of magic. He willed her desperately to stop - logically, losing magic like she described was impossible. Then again, he had never known anybody to be truly exhausted from magic as long as she had been, and this made him doubt the knowledge he knew. However, he soon began to see what she was doing - by stating aloud the very fact that had made her a complete wreck earlier, she was providing the ultimate openness to the group, a little like Skyre had to done her with his kiss earlier.

The impact of her action hit him like a forceful blast of mountain wind, and the sad eyes that he observed her announcement with welled up with respect. That somebody would do such an honourable and honest thing just amazed him, and perhaps made him cement his love for her further, realising the reasons why he felt that way were far beyond pathetically clinging to her kiss from the previous night. He wanted to do something, anything, in order to make her feel more useful and less weak. But he knew that now was not the time. So inside, he promised that as she had wanted to protect him, he would recipricate the action back to her. The leader he may have been, but that would not stop him from caring for her.

Skyre watched with a vacant yet appreciative expression as all of the others came forward to explain themselves. He noticed that some were more willing to be open than others, and thus was really grateful for everyone's contribution. When everybody was done, he stood up. "I understandthat this was not an easy task for some of you, so thanks truly for your contributions. I hope that you can rest safe in the knowledge that we will use this only for good, and only for the safety of the group. As for tonight, I suggest we call get some sleep early - we can decide in the morning, depending on injuries, where and how far we will travel. So once again, thanks for everything, feel free to take your leaves.

As the group disbanded into a tired mess of tidying up and preparing for sleep, Skyre wanted to comfront Desiree and thank her. But, seeing how she had been, and knowing that she knew he thought that her magic would return eventually, he figured that his presence might have undermined the courage of the argument she had presented. Thus, after his accustomery collection of thoughts through staring deeply into the fire as the camp moved groggily around him like a poll of newly-born tadpoles, he set up his sleeping quilts a few meters from Desiree's. He wanted to make sure that she was safe and be there for if she woke up from another horrible dream again.

It wasn't very long before Skyre fell asleep.
Desiree kept her position by the fire throughout the evening. Its warmth did little, if anything, to soothe the cold void within that once was a well-spring of joy. She barely heard Skyre take command of the discussion and then his advice that everyone should get some sleep. After being unconscious for a good part of the day, and dutifully carried here by Warren (she sported a short grin at that), Desiree wasn't sleepy despite all of her exhaustion.

The meal that she had helped Rusar prepare was the best that she had eaten for as long as she could remember. Desiree paced herself and made a determined effort not to eat too much and thus make herself sick. Her portion had been enough; she was certain the woman had seen to that for her and she was very grateful for it.

Desiree sighed as her new life without her magic continued to remind her of her loss. She wiped a stray tear and promised herself that come the morning, she would no longer dwell on what was – rather she would look forward and deal with what is and what was to come. But for tonight, she wrapped herself against the chill of it all, drew her knees up and buried her head in her arms.

She felt guilty as the pain of her magic loss had impacted her more than when she had discovered her family, slain by the forces of the Shadow King. At that time, she buried their loss with grim determination that she would avenge them even if she didn't then know how she would do so. But when she lost her magic earlier today, there was no entity or force on which to seek revenge and her core being became hollow.

Desiree wept silently for a moment with her head buried, her hair gifting her with some comfort of concealing her tears and muted sobs. Tomorrow would be another day – another day without magic – and she wasn't confident that she would be able to survive without it.

Everyone else began to shuffle around and find places in the cramped area to sleep. Desiree lifted her head and quickly wiped her tears, lest anyone see them. She managed as cheery of an expression as her fatigue would allow and searched for a suitable resting place.

Desiree lay and listened as the noises of the camp settled and fell into a droning of assorted gentle snores. She rolled up on her elbow and looked over at Skyre. The day's events had finally taken their toll on him as he had succumbed to sleep rather quickly. She smiled as she recalled his kiss earlier and hoped that, starting tomorrow, as broken as she was that she would be worthy of it.

She lay back and sighed once more. A light breeze wafted through the camp which caused the flames of the fire to dance a bit more wildly. Desiree cringed; even as the light wind caressed her face, she could not commune with it.

Desiree closed her eyes and started to fade into sleep when she smelled something ... acrid? She abruptly sat up and inhaled again. Yes, there was definitely something acrid and familiar about the scent. Then, she gasped and held her breath in complete astonishment. It wasn't something acrid that she was smelling – it was something she could taste in the air!

Was it possible that she could once again touch the wind? She shook her head in disbelief, but there was no doubt anymore. It was in the air and she was tasting it and she knew what it was.

Quickly, Desiree scrambled across the camp and violently shook Skyre awake. Wide, blue eyes filled with wonder and a happiness that would not be denied greeted him as he woke.

"It's back!" she exclaimed in an excited whisper. "Skyre, I can taste you again!" She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him with abject joy!
Skyre was suddenly awoken from a blank sleep, finding himself violently shaken. In his groggy state, he figured that something was attacking him, and his eyes shot open only to see a very exciteable looking Desiree. She said something which sounded a little distant to him, and then he found himself crushed in a tight hug once again, his arms actually finding her back this time. "I'm glad, I'm truly glad," he said quietly with a slight yawn, though he did sound genial. "Which reminds me, I never found the chance to thank you for standing up to the enitre group earlier. What you did earlier was... really something, and you've given me even more respect for you than I... already had." He then returned her embrace in silence, knowing that words and conversationg would not be able to express the elation she felt.

In the early hours of the morning, the entire camp were soundly asleep, lost in the world of their own dreams. From amongst the trees, a small figure noticed only one person on guard, somebody who he hadn't seen earlier and who seemed very tired.

Oh my, this group is fantastically big, nyes! thought Pashan from the foliage, crouched like an animal behind a tree. I wonder how, nay, what fortunes brought this bunch together, indeedy! But... we must be quick, nyes, if we wish to carry out our plans, aha! We only need a sparce few, nyeheh!

With a twist of his shaking arms, a cloud of purple gas appeared, and carefully, quietly, Pashan steered it behind the lone watchmen. Before he had a clue what was going on, he fell to the ground, unconcious, and Pashan let out an exciteable squeak. How polite of them, nyes, to leave themselves so undefended, eheh!

Slowly, with his standard high-pitched grunts, Pashan crept his way into camp, marvelling once more at the amount of survivors. Nyes, this is a most delicate operation. Let's see what we can do, oh my! His head span erratically from one camp member to another as he crept quicky-but-quietly between them all, observing them all, letting out little giggles as he did so. Soon, he found his way over to the sleeping figure of Ari, where his sniggering increased. His head span rapidly around, and he notioned into the trees. Out from the darkness strode a pair of Shadow Warriors, who stomped their way through camp to pick up the girl.

Continuing his search, Pashan's eyes fell on Lapis, who was also asleep. His mouth spread into a grin, and he signalled to the other warrior, who picked her up effortlessly as if she was some kind of rag doll. Grin evident, he beckoned the Shadow Warriors into the trees.

Unaware to him, Skyre and many of the others were just beginning to stir as they prepared to leave and, getting to his feet, Skyre quickly brandished his sword, and yelled. "Everybody up, Pashan's returned and has grabbed a few people." Without giving any time to respond, he was away and rushing into the forest.


Objective 3: The Walled Village

(rescuing Pashan's captives!)

SkyGinge updated ~The Lords of the Magistone~ with a new update entry:

Objective 3: The Walled Village

This objective will focus on reverting the events that occur in the opening post - the group must track down Pashan, and find and rescue the hostages that he took. First, the group must give chase and then face off against the Shadow Warriors that he will leave, then they must find a way to Pashan's village base and sneak in, slowly discovering what he's up to and how they can save the others. The people who have just been captured, you will have a meeting with Pashan as you discover what he...
Read the rest of this update entry...
Helia smiled as she lay in her tree.

Desiree seemed to be of good sorts earlier that night, or morning if one was technical, and had been quick to show that to Skyre. The pair really did make a cute couple, and they seemed to support the other well. Giving a silent yawn, Hel took a swig of leftover berry water, idly realising that she really needed to refill the skeins. In all truth, it would be best to do it sooner rather than later, what with everyone mostly still asleep.

Making sure she had them all, Hel was about to get up when she caught glimpse of the self same shadow warriors she'd tracked the prior day sneaking into their camp. Wrapping her hands around knives, Helia nearly let fly until she realised that outside of Skyre and Desiree, no one else was awake. Helia sheathed her blades again and could only seethe as she watched the group grab a pair of their members be lifted and taken.

Eyes narrowed and fists clenched, Helia decided that she'd take it upon herself to track them for the next twenty minutes out before returning, that way she would atleast have a direction to report back to the group about.

As she left she could here the group awaking behind her, and maybe she wouldn't have to track them as far in that case.
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"Thank me?" Desiree was taken a bit back. "Skyre, all I did was tell the truth. This group needed to hear someone speak openly and honestly and with my ... situation ... there was no better candidate. How that equates to a greater respect, I honestly don't know."

She waved away his thanks with a casual hand. "None of that matters anymore," she said with blue eyes dancing and full of life and vigor. "I have been granted a second chance by whatever gods deemed me worthy of it. There must be a higher purpose for me; otherwise I wouldn't have been born with my ... unique and unorthodox talent." She grinned at the words.

"I don't know my exact purpose," she continued, "but I can feel that our meeting yesterday could not have been completely by chance. Or the rest of this lot." Desiree looked around the camp. "Perhaps you, and Helia can teach me more as my time at the university was .... " she trailed off.

Desiree dismissed the thought. "That's for a later conversation." She grinned from ear to ear and her face glowed with her inner radiance. "For now, it is enough that my magic has returned. Please stay near tonight. I want to ... sense ... you when I drift off so that I know that this isn't all a dream?"

* * *

Desiree was rudely awakened with the rest at Skyre's cry to arms. She scrambled up and ran off after the red-haired wind mage as he had taken off without any support. Support? Desiree considered. I can touch the wind again, but I have virtually no energy to do so. I hope he comes to his senses soon or else I might end up using whatever tenuous hold on my magic that I have to help him.

She continued running after Skyre and cursed herself for not having accepted Helia's knife the night before. Weaponless and with no real ability to work her talent, Desiree had no idea what she could do.
At some point during the night Rusar had given into her bodies need for sleep despite her attempts to keep watch. Her sleep was for the most part peaceful and dreamless her restful sleep was interrupted however by Sky cry that someone had been taken by a name she didn't recognize. She jumped awake and curse grabbing her quiver and bow, leaving behind the rest of her belongings as she followed sky's lead in tracking down the culprits. Another morning on the run but this time she was chasing something instead of the other way around. She managed to catch up to Skyre. As soon as she caught a glimps of the dark aura around the armors men she realized who it was that had kidnapped the camp mates and her temper roared back to life and it was made obvious by how bright her bow began to glow.
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Warren was up and awake from his sleep and hitting the ground hard at full speed, catching up to the running group. Because of his lack of ranged combat, he attempted to close the gap by training speed as well as strength. He may be heavy footed, but those steps hit hard on the ground and propelled him forward in his dash.

He ran beside Rusar and called "What the hell is going on?! I was having a nice sleep and suddenly everyone is runnin like mad!"

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
His actions are going to get him killed yet, Desriee thought angrily. Running off after captured mates is heroic, but what good is being heroic when you're dead?

"Skyre, stop!" Desiree called after him. She noticed Rusar ghosting through the trees and Warren just bashing through them as they ran along with him. "All of you. It could be a trap! We need to stop and think about what we're doing or else the entire discussion last night was moot. Hells, they are leaving a trail that even I could follow!"
In the pack ahead, Pashan turned back to see that he had woken up the group in his efforts. With a maniacal cackle, he stopped and clapped his hands, and before Skyre had the time to react, a group of five Shadow Warriors emerged from the surrounding foliage to attack them. Skyre cursed how stupidly he had charged after them and, drawing his sword, watched hopelessly as Pashan and his flanking warriors disappeared into the forest ahead. They would have to some how fight their way out of trouble.
((Wahey he finally gets to show off his fighting skill))

Warren grinned exclaiming "FINALLY!!" as he stretched his arms and rocks flew to those arms and clung to it from his hand gestures.

He was quick to the chase from tension of not fighting, immediately going in with a stomach blow to one soldier He put his arms together in a boxing type manoeuvre to guard his chest and body, as his arms already protected his side. He did a fast step forward that had him drop low, then rise with a powerful half uppercut, mindful to weave and guard from the attack.

Hoping that worked, the rock would probably break so he would go with another arm for a side on punch, pivoting his entire body at full speed for a high powered side blow, which aimed to knock another Shadow Warrior over. Regardless of the outcome of the 2nd soldier he would block any further assault and deal a swift knee to their stomach again to keel over for a finishing punch.
Desiree slid to a halt and wrapped her arm around a modest sized maple tree to arrest her movement. She called out again, "It's a trap! We should fall back and get the others!"

Warren appeared to ignore her pleading as he weighed in against the dark soldiers with zeal and enthusiasm. With no wind ability at her command, there was nothing Desiree could do but watch.
"We can't hope to fight them off properly, try to withdraw!" Skyre yelled, backing away from the circling warriors. As it stood, there was very little they could do to properly fight off the warriors. Skyre wondered whether they were purposely out to kill them or whether they were just out to protect Pashan's escape. As one swung towards his face, he figured that it was probably a mixture of both.

The only thing known to definitely harm these things is an intense burst of magic, Skyre fingered the last remaining magic potion in his pack, a potion that he suddenly realised he had forgotten all about. He had planned to save it for a special occasion and, if he were forced to, he would use it to destroy, or at least weaken the warriors.
Finally, some sense in the boy, Desiree thought. She caught a glimpse of Rusar on her left flank and called out to her, "Rusar! Give the boys some covering fire so that they can disengage. Just enough to get them out should be sufficient – no need to overexert yourself."

Then, to the other fighters, "Skyre, Warren, get the Hells out of there! Withdraw, back toward my voice! We need reinforcements!"

Desiree waited to see if her plans would be played out. She called to the wind for a one-shot burst if necessary, but it was denied her. Not yet, she thought in frustration. Hells, I had hoped ...
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