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Fantasy ~The Lords of the Magistone~

Skyre focused on maintaining the Shadow Warrior's distance from Ethan, although due to the good fighting of the others up front he had barely any defending to do. The group were working together very well, covering each other in remarkable tributes of teamwork. Eventually, the battle began to head as he expected, and the close combat fighters began to lure the warriors towards the middle of the camp. Here we go, the risky part.

"You need to move back a bit, Ethan," Skyre spoke loud and articulated, trying to reach the mystic magicians through whatever state he was in. He was aware of some commotion behind them, but zoned it out to focus on the task he was about to perform.
Ethan was still concentrating the wisps where spinning around when one had caught Helia and Desiree. He was glad to see them settled but not so much on the shadowed forms that was fighting them. The stained cloak visible made for a good sign that these creatures where more easily handled then the soldiers and with Rusar giving cover fire the threat seemed more apparent to these things. The wisps noted the damage that was being caused and how the Shadow Warrior's unwavering movements seemed to push forward. Unsure if this was true it seemed he was not the only one thinking the same thing.

As another soldier started to break through Ethan's second wisp hummed to its direction. The ball of light once more dove into its chested armor before suddenly bursting throwing the soldier sideways before impacting hard into a rock. The same result as the first the soldier began to spew a black liquid that would fade into the night air. His vision was slowly fading from the wisps unable to keep them vivid. The circle slowed for a moment as Ethan coughed up a small amount of blood. The second impact was rough and felt intense as if the air was knocked out of him.

Unable to move he kept his mind focused when he had heard Skyre speak. With Ethan's body unable to keep up and with the effects of unleashing another blast Ethan agreed to his request. The two wisps dissipated as Ethan's body fell to the ground heavy and rooted. His eyes that where once glowing blue where now glowing a silver white like the moon. Ethan was unable to see around him unsure of what Skyre had planned. Though a part of him knew he had an idea now like Ethan on how to take out the remaining soldiers. Ethan wanted to speak out but with the connection cut it would take time for him to regain his voice and even longer for his eyes. Lifting his hand which felt like a sunk log he simply gave a sign of a thumbs up for good luck to the fiery headed boy before dropping it and gripping the ground.

Ethan felt weak to know this was all he could muster. He vowed to get strong and prayed to any godly spirit who listen to keep the two safe till they came. All Ethan could do now was hope for whatever was planned to work.
Rederik and Naraya remained motionless, even as Ethan's wisp performed its brilliant display of power. He kept his eyes forward, watching the man in the center as he listened to the commotion behind the tree. Whatever the wisp did took a shocking toll on Ethan as a trail of blood streaked down from his nose. Rederik hoped the man knew his limits.

Warriors clamored into the camp exacting their assault in violent disarray. Time seemed to have slowed for Rederik as the first of the wave entered, their swirling black forms all too familiar. Naraya leaped from the low foliage onto its back, her claws like scythes that dug into the crevices of the warrior's armor. The warrior stumbled forward from the force, but it appeared to be unaffected by her typical attacks. No, nothing was penetrating the void of a figure. The darkness was just like that of the shadow hounds, yet there was nothing tangible underneath.

Namoor fell to these warriors. Jnar had saved Rederik from them because he knew the boy would have no way of defeating them. This was why the great army failed to protect all of Valia. Shadow Warriors were unbeatable, and the notion struck fear in his heart. He had no idea how he and his blades could help win this fight. It seemed like a task only capable by mages.

Distract. Occupy. These warriors carried greatswords in their powerful arms. They wielded tangible objects to which he knew he could parry, and thus time continued. Rederik found his purpose and blocked the attack that swirled through the air towards Naraya's side. The feline locked her claws further in the armor and dragged the being downward with the strength of her weight, but was thrown aside by another warrior entering the fray. Naraya crashed into the oak, tumbling onto the roots before gaining her bearings once again.

They needed to focus on directing their opponents to the center. Rederik allowed his concern for the group to pass through him and fuel his focus. As Naraya reentered the fight, the two changed their position smoothly where the Shadow Warriors' backs were to Ethan and Skyre. Each parry and blow Rederik performed was followed by a calculated step forward. The ringing of clashing steel sounded in quick succession as their skills were matched. Pushing himself further to attempt to outwit his opponent would put Rederik at risk of rapid exertion. He had confidence in Skyre's tactical decisions, and would continue to distract until his leader was ready.
Skyre watched, mind whirring, as Ethan's second wisp destoryed another warrior, leaving only three of them left. That's marginally less now, I wonder, could I change my approach? He was cautious in his optimism; the one thing he had learnt from the initial chaos of the fall was never to underestimate the Shadow Warriors. The entire kingdom had, and had suffered a terrible fate for it.

"Thank you so much, your contribution has been brilliant," Skyre smiled to Ethan, ushering him to the back, noticing the terrible state he was in. Rapidly turning back, the fights with the remaining warriors were now on the brink of their small clearing. Do I risk it? Or do I go all out and weaken myself dramatically, with the same chance of failure?

"Now!" he yelled, indicating to the front line fighters to edge there warriors even closer to him at the middle of the clearing. One warrior however had noticed him before this and, striding with huge, heave footsteps towards him, Skyre had to make a quick decision. Face creasing into a snarl, Skyre bent his knees and took a deep breath. Just as the warrior was about to reach him, the redheaded boy lunged forward andcast his arms out intensely in both directions. An absolutely massive buffet of wind suddenly surged at the warrior, the trees behind it leaning backwards under the strain of the wind. But the warrior stood its ground, trying to plough on through the wind. His magic wasn't powerful enough!

Growling, Skyre stretched his arms out even further, his long limbs trembling as his breatjing rate increased. The wind howled painfully, and Skyre began to feel his body weakening already, but he wouldn't give in, and he stared peerlessly into the face of the warrior which was now jogging to avoid being blown away. Yet it still wasn't enough. So deep in concentration that he didn't even have time to rue his overconfidence in his own magical power, Skyre persevered. He had to make his attack stronger still.

The terrible gust picked up, and the some of leaves of the trees in Skyre's direction began to fall away from their branches, creating a cloud of green that sailed away from the clearing. Another warrior charged from the front and found itself caught in Skyre's onslaught. The heavy breeze began to circulate the entire camp, blowing hard against the other survivors. Skyre's cape fluttered manically against his back but he kept his arms out, shaking manically. The wind began to scream, and as he crouched lowered still, Skyre's pained cry joined it, the howling screech of pressurised air attacking the survivor's ears. As he yelled a final time, the wind intensified even more briefly, and both wariors were flung at high speed into the trunks of severla trees, their peculiar bodies making contact with painful cracks as the combined forced felled the trees.

At once the winds flittered out, and Skyre fell to his knees, breathing hard. In the distance, their was a faint sploop as the black matter splattered out of its armour. The world shook around him and his vision blurred, and Skyre grapped at the dirt below him for a desperate grasp back to reality. But he had done it, he had succeeded; the warriors were defeated.

The sound of heavy footsteps charging towards him. Skyre's heart sank like a stone as he came to the disasterous realisation that he had completely forgotten about the final warrior. He could hear it charging behind him, and could picture its heavy sword ready to swing, but was too weak to even attemptt to turn and fight. Well... at least... I went out with a bang.
Up until now Warren took quite a passive role. He was recovering from the earlier beat-up and took the opportunity of a support role to let his body relax from the onslaught. It usually involved him blocking a hit from a Warrior about to impale one of his comrades or similar. One instance for example an enemy was about to decapitate Rederick, when he brought up a stone arm to block the blow. It had broken the rock and grazed his arm and hurt from the strength, but it meant a head didn't roll.

This changed though when Skyre got his plan into motion. The wind picked up and he was using his wind magic. As it got further he moved to a safe distance from the enemies and made the rock armour cling to him and the ground, to firmly plant him to it so he didn't get blown away. If any of the other people were close to him, he would hold them too to stop them getting blown.

When the magic had finished, he saw Skyre collapse in exhaustion, then the approaching warrior.

He took the opportunity to ambush the Shadow Warrior fixated on Skyre and came in with a rock covered arm came in for a hard punch to the head. Knowing their durability he was going to show no mercy.

The punch caught them unaware and their head slammed down, which Warren followed with an uppercut back up.

The Shadow warrior swung his sword in rage, which Warren blocked with a crossblock, breaking the rocks away and hurting his arms. He then from the block with sore arms came in with a rock covered leg to the side of the monster, who had no way to back out from such a close distance.

The kick had them buckle to the side, but they swung their sword in retaliation at him. Not being fast enough to block with rock, he simply took the cut while dashing towards the warrior. It cut his left arm with not so deep but a long cut from elbow to shoulder. He gritted his teeth and continued forward.

He then came in with a punch to each side of the stomach like a pincer in hard. His left arm spilt some blood from the open wound. He would be using that arm well for a while.

Holding the left arm close, he then came in with a knee to followup to further bring them down.

He then with his right hand grabbed the soldiers helmet who had just bent down from the blows. Warren flung the head at a rock covered knee and gave it a crush between his rock knee and rock elbow, free from having thrown the head down.

The rock broke away, but he kept on. He gave a swift kick upwards, which had the soldiers head thrown back up, though got a sore knee from doing it. He then used a rock covered leg that was free to kick the back of the legs to continue their motion backwards, then did a rock covered body drop on them. All the rock broke away from him and he hurt like hell. Nothing would stop him now though.

Warren was on the warrior, the sword kicked away and continuously slamming his entire body weight on them with a hard stomp over and over again. It was not a pleasant sight. Muscle weighed more than fat they said and he was putting it to the test along with his leg strength, over and over again stomping them until there was no movement.

Warren stood there exhausted. His left arm had a long gash on it and he ached all over, but he did it.

His breath was ragged and his speech a rasp "I...need...a rest..." he said as he walked off.
The moment of impact never came. Skyre lay there on his hands and knees, panting as the world finally focussed for him. Something sickly rose up in his throat, but he swallowed in down and turned around. The set of armour lay crushed in the centre of the clearing, soaked in the black matter that it had once contained. He was breathless and beyond belief, but he couldn't resist breaking out into a smile. We did it!

With an audible gulp, Skyre rose to the crowd of the group and gave them a small wave of appreciation. "Well done, everyone, the plan.... worked." And to his relief, they had avoided any major injury, although he, Ethan and Warren would now be very weak. Catching another breathe, Skyre's smile grew even further as he thought about what they had just accomplished. By using teamwork and strategy, we were able to defeat five Shadow Warriors with relatively no loss. That must be a massive morale booster.

Skyre walked/staggered over to the crowd at the back, coming to Desiree and Helia. "Woah, what happened here?" Skyre's eyebrows rose with his grin as he noticed gloops of black liquid dripping from Desiree's clothes. "Did you fall in a rare oil pool or something?" He teased them, but his eyes glowed with appreciation even for the (from his knowledge) passive role they had played in the battle.


"Of course, we can't have sneaky little girlies like yourselves trying anything, well, aha... erm... sneaky," Pashan suddenly wheeled on his heels as the party stopped. "Nyes, we must take precautions. Good night, oh my!" Before either girl could react to anything, Pashan's smell suddenly intensified beyond belief, to an eye-burning extent, and the duo soon felt themselves lose conciousness.
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Desiree bit back a stinging retort to Skyre's jab. The beast's black ooze had gotten in her hair and felt as if it touched every part of her. She wiped her eyes again with Helia's cloak and, with a thought, gleamed mischievously at Skyre, "It seems I need another bath, wouldn't you say fly-boy?"

In spite of her best efforts with Helia's cloak, the gunk just didn't come completely away from Desiree's skin. She removed her own cloak and tried to wipe the ichor off of the overly large cotton shirt and her leather breeches. Flustered, she shot a glance at Helia and with the same, mirthful glint in her eyes said, "You really owe me for this one."

She returned her attention to Skyre and with concern asked, "How are you feeling after ... all of that? I'm sorry that I couldn't have helped, but it seems that the air doesn't think I'm quite ready to work with it right now." Although, she remembered, she had been able to catch up the knives for Helia and even grab the one tossed at her by using her very limited hold on the air. She wondered if her complete loss earlier was now being returned to her in a different, more powerful way.

Desiree silently cursed herself for not having studied as much as she should have at the university. If she had, then she might have had an idea as to what was happening to her. She had never heard of someone completely losing touch with their element as she had, but then she was an .... unorthodox ... case to the professors. Maybe her loss opened a new conduit to her element, or even a new understanding?

It was much like she had said last night, before her magic returned. Her talent was more of a communion with the element, as it if had sentience. When she remarked such at the university, the professors all scoffed at the idea. Elements were simple things: air, water, earth, fire and so on and as such had no intelligence.

But where her fellow students struggled, Desiree always excelled and found the challenges laid before them to be so ridiculously simple. She had felt her classmates grab and wrestle with the air and wind and fight the element to bend it to their will, oft times with limited or no success. On the other hand, Desiree's spirit communed with the air and together, they agreed on an end result. The relationship was mutually beneficial to them both, as if at some level they needed each other.

That was why, when the magic left Desiree, she was cut to the core of her being. She had lost a part of herself that had been with her for as long as she could remember. She had been broken. With the element's return, her talent was restored and she felt a better understanding now existed between them – as broken as she was without her contact with the element, the element was incomplete with out Desiree.

Desiree's eyes opened wide at the revelation. Of course! she thought victoriously That was the piece of the puzzle that had been missing! Now, she was complete, whole.

She closed her eyes and sensed the rest of the group around her. With the air currents, she knew where everyone was in the vicinity near her and could still taste Skyre, even though he wasn't currently using his magic. It was their tie to the same element that forged that bond with him and she wrinkled her nose at his acrid taste. Even so, it was a comfort to her.

Everything had become clear now. Desiree's endurance still needed much time to recover before she would be able to really work with her magic, but with this latest knowledge, she was content to wait.

She stood, black-goo covered and all and wrapped Skyre in a stong hug. "I get it now," she said as she pulled away and looked at him with her blue eyes filled with wonder, joy and most of all ... peace.
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"Apparently so," Skyre chuckled, "I hear from Helia that there's a river somewhat nearby, I'm sure she'd be very willing to take you. Maybe that can be her payment to you, judging by your remark. In all seriousness though, what happened? Did all the gloop from one off these Shadow Warriors gravitate towards you?" He laughed lightly at her comical misfortune, though clearly suspected that they had been involved in some other battle.

"As for me, I'll be fine, just trying to get my bearings a little," he explained. He still felt little dizzy, and physically exhausted, but he hid it very well. "My magic's going to be relatively useless for a while, but I'm still alive and breathing. More importantly, we succeeded, we pulled off the plan!" He watched for her reaction, but noticed she was deep in sudden thought. Erratic as always.

Skyre watched her face light up and change as she considered something very deeply, smiling with care at the beautiful display of emotions she provided. Then without warning he found himself clamped in an iron hug. He felt the warmth of her frame and smiled, but his smile drooped to a wry grin as he realised that some of the black goop had transferred over to him.

"I'm glad," he said in a tone that showed that he had not a single clue what she was talking about. "Also, thanks for the gift," he indicated to the black gloop on his front, "but it was a rather unneccessary gift and I think I'll be needing a bath now too, so cheers for that."

Then suddenly the circumstances that had started the battle returned to him. Pashan's got Ari and Lapis! His lighthearted frown suddenly dropped into a wide-eyed look of serious concern and he frantically turned to look off into the wilderness, his instant reaction to gather the troops and chase after them at once. But his calm, logical thinking soon kicked in. We need to rest and recouperate before we can go dashing into battle once more. Also, if he wanted them dead then he'd have just sent the warriors to kill them along with us, so whatever he has planned they should be safe for now. We can track them shortly.
The battle was over and the groups managed to take out all five of the worriers with very few injuries, surprisingly enough. Vast improvement from the skirmish at the village. Still Rusar didn't feel any sense or relief really triumph because two of the group members had been taken captive. What honestly bothered her more was that there was an army of shadow warriors out there. She glanced over the group noting how much the battle took out of everyone, she'd managed to conserve energy but she'd still used up a fair amount trying to keep the shadows attention.

She saw warren wander off to rest, noting the large gash in his arm. Eathen looked like he need rest most of all she she dug in her own pack retrieving her water skin and what little she did have in the way of first air which was mostly bandages a bit of salve to stop infection but even that was running low. Rusar made her way to Warren with a weak smirk. "That was quite the thrashing you gave."
She was happy that Skyre seemed to be ok after his large use of his talent, but quite honestly she half-heard his own self-assessment so enraptured as she was in her own.

Glad? Desiree thought at Skyre's less than enthusiastic response to her elation. That's all you got for me? 'I'm glad'? She shook her head but even his seemingly clueless reply could not erase the smile that brightened her face.

Desiree's eyes danced full of life and sparkle. She gently patted Skyre on his cheek after he remarked on her getting some of the goo on him. "What are friends for? I just wanted to share this incredible bounty Helia found for us," she said and laughed lightly – a sound not heard from her in some time.
Smirking, Helia couldn't help but chuckle along with Desiree's antics.

Still, outside of the missing group members, there were thoughts plaguing her mind. They all revolved around Tyreael, her former master. There was something important about the orb she was given, something important enough to force the Shadow King to not only hunt her down, but create a monster just for that specific purpose.

It was apparent even during the battle, the leaper, despite having Desiree on its back, specifically made a point to attack her when she drew near, despite her not having been the immediate danger.

There were too many questions right now that were in desperate need for an answer.

It meant she could only do one thing if she wanted the truth. She'd have to leave and find it on her own. Mentally noting her plans, Helia made sure she would fill eight of her ten skeins with water, and leave two behind filled with berry water as an apology for the abandonment she was about to commit.
"Feh, a thrashing that would feel much more satisfying if they weren't so goddamn resistant. They ain't even hard enemies, its just like hitting a sharp brick wall until it breaks."

It was true he despised them. Its not like they were that skilled enemies, they simply were over-reliant on their strength and durability. Wait that sounded like someone he knew very well...

"Well its done now. I beat three warriors to a pulp an' I'm like this. Pah. Jus' wish me fists were as effective as magic is against them..."

He sat down resting. He should feel happy for fighting, but for some reason it was just no fun. Then again, since when was it fun to beat up a brick wall? Hell, he could probably go through a brick wall sooner than these guys.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Rusar shook her head and started to take care of the gash on Warrens arm, last thing needed was an infection. "It's not quite over. Who ever was controlling those brickwalls has two of the group members. And I would be surprised if there are a lot more where those five came from..." she muttered irritation and anger seeping into her voice despite trying to stay calm. If things were as bad as Rusar figured after seeing the waves of shadow warriors from before getting Ari and Lapis back would not be as simple as bursting in and rescuing them.
"Well, sharing is caring after all," Skyre muttered jovially, laughing along with Desiree. It then struck him just how much more he had smiled and laughed since meeting the other survivors. Skyre wasn't exactly a man who relied on social interactions, in fact he often prefered gathering his thouhgts in his own company, but the presence of other living beings made him calm and lighthearted at all times. He truly was not alone, especially now that he had found Desiree.

"Well, come along then," he tapped her elbows lightly with a polite bow, "you'd better go and wash off first. Then I'll call everybody together and we'll try to follow after Pashan and his crones. I have a feeling we're going to discover something quite monumental when we find him."
Ethan was resting on the grass unable to tell if the fight was over. Sounds of a loud banging and thrashing could be heard towards where he saw Skyre, a sudden rush of wind could be felt and for a moment Ethan recalled the storms from his dream. Once more the clanging of armor was being pounded repeatedly the sound of crushed rock could be heard escaping between the trees. Suddenly everything went quite and Ethan gripped the ground worried. Skyre's words finally put him at ease as the young red head had boasted the success of the group's victory.

Ethan smiled to know they had survived but his thoughts shifted to Ari and Lapis. How soon could they move out to retrieve them, what was happenings to them, and why where they taken. Ethan's strength was returning and his body was slowly allowing him to move. Though his eye sight had not returned he attempted to stand. It wasn't the first time he was like this recalling during his master's teaching his lesson of magic and the negative effects it could have. That day when he learned how far he could push his young body, remembering how it was barely able to make two wisps let alone four like today. Ethan's hand fell upon the satchel's crest tracing it as he was day dreaming. "Thank you teacher..." in a soft voice as Ethan knew he would need to improve further if he was to use this power effectivly.

Unsure where to go Ethan simply stood there for a moment attempting to regain his loss strength. He could hear Warren in the distance and he sounded as thick headed as before. A small smirk rose from Ethan as he was thankful to have someone with his strong body and heart. Though Ethan never knew him personally he could tell the man was not all about fighting but had a heart to want to protect those he cared for. Rusar's voice could be made out among his and her words brought Ethan back to a stern thought. With only five soldiers the group was barely able to push back, if they had planned for a rescue there was going to be much more ahead to deal with.

Ethan sat back down unable to navigate hoping to regain his magic for now. Pulling the rag from his pocket Ethan took the time to attempt to study it. He knew it was purple but blind he could not see if it was mineral or pollen based. Carefully he put his finger around the cloth till he felt the substance. It was grain like and rough but coarsely grounded allowing it to easily flow with the wind but weighted down enough not to fly out above the tree line. He continued to let the purple residue mesh between his finger and thumb as he brought a small amount to his nose. He could smell a foul odor a sign of something rotted or mulled mixed in. Taking a small taste from the tip of his tongue he immediately spat it to the ground. The compound was made of Laburnum petals, snake oil and crushed snail shells as a binder. The amount was diluted and most likely used as a sleeping agent.

Ethan cleaned his finger and thumb then tossed the cloth to the side. Whoever they where facing knew their poisons and from their act was one who found joy in control of such things. Like a child with a shard glass teasing ants this inhuman individual was going to be trouble. Ethan felt through his bag. The bag rattled a bit till he grabbed the few glass vials. Removing them Ethan weighed each attempting to find which was full. He was finally able to locate what he was searching for and let it rest on his hands. Though he could not see it the wax seal was still unbroken from its lid and the feeling of its weight was no question the vial he wanted. Ethan could recall the dark green and silver swirl of the mix, a dangerous poison for sure but it was impractical for killing, its strong sent and vigorous color made it difficult to use. For Ethan it was a substance for researching decay effects and erosion of leaves or fruits.

His mind began to wander on the past as he recalled his master's studies of poisons. His teacher's stern and serious face as he looked down upon the young Ethan. His rasp and deep voice warning him why they study about the negatives of Alchemy. Ethan still a child laughed "With stuff like this you could take out an army with ease and be a hero!" but that smiled laughter was snuffed out when his teacher slapped him hard. The sound made the cabin go silent as the old man stood towards the fire place. His master spoke of the dark days and how cults would use the poison on families, farms, even rivers to wipe away life. His face turned to the boy who was scared and worried of another lashing. "Then why learn such things master?" the boy spoke in a timid voice. The elder reached for a plant that was growing near the window. Setting the pot between them he explained how nature used poison and how all things live or die. He then took his blade and gently cut a leaf from the plant. A small silvered sap escaped the leaf and from the tip of the dagger he placed a drop of it unto a rotten apple.

The little boy's eyes widen when he saw the apple bubble up furiously. The teacher smiled explaining the balance of all things and that even when death and decay should take hold that there are some things in this world that will fight back. As the bubbling slowed the old man poured a cup of water unto the apple revealing only the living flesh of the apple still remaining. Though it was uneatable all the decaying and rotting had been melted away. The teacher turned to the student inquiring if he was ready to learn. The young Ethan stood smiling and determined "I am..." he said with a boys foolish courage.

Ethan broke out from his nostalgia as he held the small vial. His teachers words echoed inside him as he felt the breeze of the night pass by. The cloth blowing away with the wind fading into the trees. Now there was someone who was doing what his master had warned. A man who used poison so freely and his control of these mindless creatures of shadows was both lethal and insane. Gripping the vial Ethan stood up as he took a deep breath. Slowly streams of small lights formed before a very small wisp had finally appeared. His strength was not fully recovered but this was no time to sit idly by. Putting the vial in a holding loop on his belt Ethan slowly began to focus on the wisp. Though its size was a fourth of its normal he was able to gain some vision back. Like looking through an eye piece Ethan was able to see glimpses of the area around him.

As the others where still tending to themselves Ethan smiled warmly at his new found companions before heading slowly and slightly staggering to where the first soldier was thrown. Ethan knew if they where to rescue Ari and Lapis it would not be by easy means and pushing so much magic would not benefit them if this journey was to continue. His silver eyes spread towards the forest as the small wisp kept close to him. His face looked serious as he examined the empty shelled armor of the soldier. His body was still shaky but Ethan wasn't going to let exhaustion be the better of him. He will find a way, until both the girls are back he would not rest in his endeavor.
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Swiftly, Rederik pulled away from his fight and ran for the nearest tree. Naraya caught on quickly, and the two made it behind a sturdy oak before Skyre's powerful attack. The fury of the wind whipped his hair in a torrential airy roar. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, and the adrenaline still lingered. In all of his travels, Rederik had never met so many powerful mages, and their many untold abilities were both exciting and fearsome.

As the danger subsided, he took a moment to calm himself. Naraya, on the other hand, found Warren's display of brutality particularly fascinating, and emerged from behind the oak to watch. It wasn't until Warren's final stomp that she approached the lifeless figure and sniffed it curiously.

Rederik turned back into the campsite and counted those present, taking note of their states. But as he studied, he found the numbers to be smaller. Concern struck him to walk briskly across the clearing to Skyre, Desiree, and Helia, his brow furrowed intensely. "Where is Ari and Lapis?" he worriedly asked. He wondered just how much he might have missed while sleeping, and began to hate that he allowed himself to do so.
Ethan's vision was blurry from the wisp but he could make out the dark metal but there was nothing left of what was inside. The metal was cold and no sign of any heat or sign of life existed inside. Placing his fingers on the hinge of the helm he could feel nothing but the coarse of the metal. Whatever occupied this armor dissipated quickly and minus the few black stained blotches on the armor there was no trace of whatever wore it. Ethan recalled how he thought they bled out a black dark blood but from everything around the armor there was no sign of such liquid.

Ethan was lost in thought when he heard the faint words of Rederick from the back. The wisp attempted to focus carefully for Ethan keeping his vision fixed to a single direction. Standing up his legs heavy and with each joint a sharp pain rang through them. Staring off to the soldier his silver eyes still unable to fully see he simply spoke to the hunter. "They where taken..." his voice was calm yet there lingered an almost bitter taste to his words. Ethan poked with his foot the empty metal shell below. "We where drugged with a toxin, even if we where able its effect would have rendered us immobile..." as Ethan recalled the purple residue he had discovered, biting his lower lip in disgust of the poison.

His face was stern but his silver eyes reflected his feelings of rage his hand in a tightly bound fist. The small sprite like wisp hovered weaken but holding its light. Ethan walked slowly stumbling on occasion from the grass as he attempted to reach Rederick. Skyre, Desiree, and Helia where to his left, Rederick ahead of him, with Rusar and Warren to the right. The wisp's vision though tunneled gave Ethan the needed sight to turn to Rederick. Looking to the hunter he simply took a breath "We'll get them back...but till then hows your rib?". His calm self had returned and he knew from the fatigue of the injury, the stern work of burying, and now the fight here if anyone was going to feel the strain it would be this pale man who stood before him.

Ethan reached into his satchel pulling some herbs bringing them up to his face. Putting his nose to them he picked several putting the others back into the bag. Putting his arm out towards the hunter unsure if he was pointing in the right direction guessing from the angle of the wisp "Crush these and boil them, it'll numb the pain a bit and help with the fatigue." as he held tight the dried herbs. "...we can't linger for long each second we wait is a second longer with him." Ethan's rage rose a bit but he wasn't about to let this foe gain distance this night.
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Skyre waited another ten minutes to allow people a little more time to rest; whilst nobody had sustained any injuries in their scuffle, they were undoubtedly tired and it would be no use rushing into battle and being unable to do anything. However, seeing how despite their weaknesses everybody intended to press on very sharpish, Skyre decided that it would be best to press on fairly quickly. "Alright everybody, we follow their tracks now and try to find a way to rescue those who were captured." he called, before quieting the tone down a little to something more reflective. "Nevertheless, I don't expect us to just be able to run in their and grab them. Where-ever they've been taken, I don't imagine things will be smooth sailing for us. Be on your guard!"

Skyre thought about asking Rederik to lead their tracking, but remembering how tired the warrior was, he decided against it; with a large group of heavy shadow warriors, their footsteps, combined with the combined tracking effort of the group, should be easy to follow. And thus Skyre began to lead the parade of survivors through the forest.

///////In an unknown location////////////

A small rectangular chamber, about ten meters long and eight meters wide. Completely bare in decoration, the walls of the chamber were made of a simple, cream colour brick, colour that was only visible because of the dancing flames that illuminated the room from a small selection of torches, one for each wall. At the far corner are two entrances, both long, curving corridors of similarly bland decoration. The ceiling of the chamber is low, and above the centre is a circular section that rises up to the ground above, where there is an almighty steel grate punctuating the earth several meters above, casting early morning sunshine down into the gloomy room.

In the centre of the room hung the unconcious Ari, now dressed in a thin grey dress. Her head slumped forwards as she lay suspended in the air by a pair of black metal shackles connected to her wrists, with chains leaning up to the ceiling. Her ankles too were shackled mid air by similar taut ropes, hanging her over a mysterious black cauldron. There was no sign of Lapis anywhere in the room.

Then, a quiet shuffling echoed through the chamber, accompanied by the unmistakably peculiar noises of Pashan. The ratlike man scrambled his way into the chamber, giggling with delight as he admired his captive. For a long moment, the strange man stopped in front of her suspended position. Then, with a rustle of his hands, he summoned a pink gas cloud that he wafted over her face to wake her up. As she began to stir, his chuckling stopped and was replaced by a much more sinister, silent grin. Oh what plans I have for you, nyes!


After about twenty minutes of brisk walking, the group finally came across something set apart from the seemly eternal mesh of foliage. Though the path did not directly approach it, they found themselves met by a huge wall made of grey stone, a wall that immediately struck Skyre as odd. "This wall shouldn't be here..." he muttered, running his fingers across the stones. Smooth, fresh and well cut, as if they had been built fairly recently. "Any settlement in a place such as this should be fairly simple, like the village we found yesterday. But this... it's like a thousand royal builders formed it." The wall stretched up for about five meters, making it tower over the rest of them. Somebody wanted this fortified, but why?

In any case, they were now met with a small problem; how would they traverse the wall? And what would be waiting for them on the other side? Skyre could have probably flown himself up there, but his magic was largely exhausted from his attack before, and although he still had his final magic potion, he wouldn't allow himself to use it for something as trivial as climbing a wall. Allowing the group to pile up and take a quick rest behind him, Skyre wondered if anybody else had any suggestions before he rushed them all in.
Desiree approached the wall as the rest of the group filtered through the trees. Tentatively, she reached out and placed her hand upon it, at shoulder height. The stones were smooth, as if they had been sanded to an almost mirror-like sheen. They were also cool to the touch ... like stones on the bed of a river.

She glided her hand over the surface of the wall, her fingers barely touching. Left to right, then up and down. She frowned at their obstacle and chewed on her lip as she pondered it. She wished for her quarterstaff for she was more able to focus on puzzles while absently tapping it on the ground. Instead, she had only the knife borrowed from Helia which she managed to secure on her leather belt.

Desiree withdrew her hand, stood back a pace, closed her eyes and reached out for the air around them. I just need a little help, she thought and felt the element come to her. She raised both of her hands before her, palms out and fingers splayed. What is on the other side of this wall? She asked

The air swirled in small eddys around her and her hair tossed lightly at its touch. Nothing like the avatar of the wind in the village yesterday, Desiree's face was calm and collected and the wafting breeze around her barely stirred her cloak.

She sensed the air currents on the other side of the wall. With her communion, she reached out farther and allowed the wind to touch whatever it contacted. She sensed a few, dilapidated buildings similar to those at the village yesterday but also movement.

Desiree asked the wind to gently buff against the moving objects and it complied. She counted ... three, four, five ... before her hold on her talent began to waver. Eyes still closed, she exhaled slowly and recalled the air to her. She thanked the element and it caressed her cheek as it dissipated back to join with the freely moving air around them.

She dropped one hand, but stumbled toward the wall as the toll of the exertion fell on her. With her other hand, she reached out and leaned against the smooth, cool stone for support. Another deep breath as she raked her hair back and she turned to Skyre.

"I wasn't able to do much," she said, "as my strength just hasn't returned yet. However, I was able to sense the currents immediately on the other side of the wall." She stopped for another breath and waved away his concern. "I'm fine," she said and her jovial eyes locked with his.

Desiree continued with her report. "I couldn't sense very far, but from what I could tell there are broken buildings much like the other village yesterday. Also," her look became more serious,"I was able to count at least five shadow warriors. I'm certain there were more as the currents were agitated more than with just those five. How many more, I can't really say."

She smiled and stood upright as she pushed off of the wall. "I'll be fine," she repeated.
Waking sluggishly for the second time that day, Ari found her eyes taking their time to adjust. Whatever had knocked her out was in no way natural; it had left her with a headache and a strange soreness in her arms as well as numb feet. Ari tried to wipe the tiredness from her face, but her arms would not move. She glanced upward, blinking her eyes hard to help them adjust.

"What the..." She squinted at her wrists. Trying to move them again, Ari heard a faint clinking of chains. "Oh no. Oh hell no." She tried to move her legs, but only felt a tugging sensation around her ankles. Startled, Ari looked down towards her feet. Her eyes stopped on a familiar but unwelcome sight.

"Pashan! What did you do to me?!" Smelly or no, Ari was revolted by the very sight of him and his hideous grin. She looked away for fear that she might just throw up on him(though he would have deserved it). The room came into focus as she glanced around apprehensively; it was bare and dimly lit by torches. Not much to look at, but better than the bespectacled rat. Where am I...?

Ari looked down towards the ground. Her heart jumped as she saw her...self. What the hell? What is this, a dress? Unable to contain her indignation Ari yelled out loud to Pashan -- "YOU CHANGED MY CLOTHES, YOU PERVERT?!" She struggled against the chains, intent on ripping his face off. Her steely grey eyes glowed with a menacing rage and the air around her began to grow sharp with electricity. Lightning sparked up the black shackles into the ceiling, sending a light shower of dust and rubble over her and Pashan. She experienced an overwhelming urge to exterminate the rat. Gathering whatever magical energy she retained from the outburst, Ari prepared to strike him down with enough lightning to kill an elephant. The air became dry and strongly charged, preparing to conduct a thunderstorm's worth of lighting in a single bolt.

And then...nothing. The charges abated without ever striking. Ari took a deep, shaky breath. It's not worth killing yourself over one rat. You don't know if you have all your power back yet. She looked down towards the floor, unblinking. You'll get your chance. Taking a few more increasingly steady breaths, Ari came to be glad that she didn't let her emotion rule her. Killing Pashan would not have solved her problem. Right now, as much as she hated to admit it, he was probably her only chance of getting out of this...prison cell. Ari doubted that the other group members would find her here. Or that they would even care to look. They probably thought she'd run off. She had presented herself as quite unamiable to them.

But no matter. Ari didn't need to be rescued. She would save her damn self, even if it meant holding off on vengeance for a little while longer.
Skyre watched Desiree's actions, a little concerned as she dropped, and half-cursing himself for not being intelligent enough to use what little wind magic had returned to him to do what she had done and relieve her of her burden. However, he quickly reminded himself that it was better to save his magic in case of an inevitable scramble. Using wind magic so proactively even to passively boost his mobility, he wasn't sure how he'd handle with only his blade to hand.

"I appreciate your efforts," he smiled, looking up at the wall. "However, I have a feeling that we'll be largely ok as long as we can be fairly stealthy. After all, though this place is fortified, I don't imagine they'll have too many troops on patrol outside - no normal survivor would be stupid enough to climb inside only for food, and Pashan's probably got some kind of building in which he's keeping them, so any major defences will likely be stationed there. So it's only how we get over this wall together..."


Pashan began to laugh more sinisterly, having withdrawn with a rodent-like flinch at her outburst. "Are you quite done with the useless shaking, nyes?" he sneered with a light-hearted grin. "I'm hurt that you, aha, misjudge my intelligence, oh my! Those wondrous chains that do suspend your beauty, hehe, before me are special, yes indeedy! Forged by the Shadow King himself, nyes, and incredibly sturdy stuff, oh my! In fact, both they and your charming dress negate any magic that you may try to use, nyes, so no escaping for you, thanks to my genius!"

He began to laugh once more, horrendous cackles echoing around the chamber. "Oh, how they like to insult me, nyes," his expression suddenly turned more aggressive, but with a chillingly calm half-smile. In a mocking tone accompanied by flimsy gestures, he sang, "Pashan, you weirdo! Nyes, pervert!". Shrugging it off, he continued. "So powerless, nyes, so weak, oh my! They do not realise that their petty insults will not harm me, no sirree, words don't affect Pashan! Believe me, I've had my fair share of insults over my many years, nyes, from those who judge and say 'he looks different, therefore we will hate!' And that is why I, nyes, Pashan, am always so polite to everybody I meet, indeedy! What say you, girlie?"
Desiree regarded Skyre, he faced beamed and her eyes were full of vigor. "No, it's fine – I'm fine. Actually, I'm better than I can ever remember being."

She moved back to the wall and lightly placed her fingertips on it. She bit on her lower lip as she thought for a moment. With her touch still on the smooth stones, she turned to Skyre and asked, "Why do we need to go over? With all of the talents we have with us, can we not go under?"
Ari held back the urge to spit in his glasses. She forced a smile, but there was no jovial light in her eyes nor in her words. "Well, if this is what you'd call polite, then I suppose. But it certainly wasn't because of your appearance that I take you for a pervert." The smile dropped from her face, having never really been there to begin with. "And if you're so polite, then would you mind terribly telling me where I am and why am I here?"
"Maybe," Skyre quickly scanned the surrounding group. To his surprise, there were no immediate earth magicians. "Though it'd need to be something fairly quiet. Of course, we could just have a good old adventure and try to climb over this behemoth." He indicated with a grin to the wall in front of them, before turning back to her. "Why, was there something in particular that you had in mind?"


"Ah, how nice of you to ask, indeedy!" Pashan exclaimed with an excitable hop. "Isn't it so muh better when you're polite, nyes, hmm?" He span around with outstretched trembling arms. "These are tunnels underneath the village above, tunnels I built myself, nyes, me, so I did, indeedy!"

"And as for why, oh my, is that an expression of wanting to hear my most brilliant plan?" he grinned and leaned in close to her face, lips trembling manically. "I say, nyes, girlie, your tune changed most sporadically! I'm not sure, ahaha, that you're in a position to ask questions, nyes, you are the captor and I, ahah, am the captive!" His face fell a little as he reconsidered. "Erm... nononono, rather the otherway round, oh my indeedy! But anyhows, nyes, I have the power here, oh my, and I will say what I want to say, nyes, and do what I want to do!" He began to chuckle a little once again.
Luckily, there were no restraints on Ari's neck to prevent her from pulling her face away from Pashan's maniacal grin as much as she could. He seemed to trip up over his own ideas. Perhaps, then, he could be fooled? Ari knew her best chance out would have to be with words, as force was not an option. But she'd made things more difficult with her reactions thus far; it would be no easy task to repair the damage. She supposed that her best chance would be to stall until she came up with a plan. And since he was so eager to share his brilliance...

"Ah, well," Ari's face returned to a more or less neutral expression, save for raised eyebrows. "I suppose, since I am apparently not one to be asking questions, that I am just to assume this plan of yours is brilliant. But you've really given no evidence as to why, so I can only believe otherwise." Ari made a show of looking around, down, up, and finally ending her comment with eye contact through Pashan's thick glasses. "Pity."

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