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Fantasy ~The Lords of the Magistone~

Rusar sighed when she saw Des appear from the middle of the plaza thankful none of the shadows were near her. She saw everyone make their way underground and bit back a groan. She carfuly slid down from the roof she was perched on stumbling a bit when she reached the ground. She just hoped there was another way out of the town cause the soldiers could only be stuck for so long. She navigated around most of the struggling shadows and made her way to the stairs to catch up to everyone else.
Skyre nodded, and took a deep breath at Ethan's words. He was right of course, though Skyre hadn't intended on hanging around. As more of the group flooded in behind him, he was particularly glad to see Desiree fine, and smiled sheepishly at her remark. "I've a feeling you're not going to let that go for a while, are you?" he joked. "More importantly, thank you so much for that escape. I hope you didn't hurt yourself too much in that effort. So yeah, words cannot express my gratitude, erm..." He blushed a little and stood a little awkwardly in front of her.

Behind them, Cyril rolled his eyes, though not just as the redhead's obvious affections. He felt around in his pocket at the potion he had borrowed from the rapscalion who had manhandled him down the staircase, shaking his head. Was he really that ignorant?
Desiree grinned back at Skyre. "No, you'll probably hear about this for a while." She chuckled and playfully punched his arm. "And don't worry about it, fly-boy, it was my pleasure to save your skins. It was the least I could do after what all I've been through."

Her eyes still sparkled with an inner glow; however, the dark circles of fatigue around them clearly showed even in the low light of the stairwell. Desiree, despite her weariness, still managed to have a slight gentleness to her steps and her face radiated ease and contentment.

She paused and sensed the air currents that wafted lightly from ahead of them but detected nothing other than Skyre's acrid scent. She wrinkled her nose at him and winked. "Shall we go on?" she asked. "I'm sure the that ladies would be happy to see us."
Skyre feigned great pain at her punch, moving his arm backwards in slow-motion before breaking into a wide grin. "Yes, of course. Let's try to find the girls." Making a quick headcount, Skyre scanned over the present group. "We should probably split into two now, to cover ground quickly. For all we know this place could be a literal maze." And conveniantly, the path was slipt into two identical tunnels that lead away into the depths of the base. Similarly, only splitting into two would give the groups a decent amount of defence for the likely incident that they would encounter more Shadow Warriors down here. Sure, the situation was risky, but they were treading on thin ice now anyway; now they had to focus on speed.

"If nobody has any objections, I suggest that we go... Warren, Cyril, Rusar and Ethan go left, and me, Des, Gregor and Rederik head right. Let's split, I don't want to think of the girls suffering any longer." With that, he began to lead his group down the right corridor. Cyril was about to voice a protest about being seperated from Gregor, but decided against it, the potion having distracted him. Turning to those going left, the prince narrowed his eyes and grinned a little arrogantly. "Well, go on then, lead on like the boy said."
Ethan took heart of the group that had formed but wasn't all to happy with being placed with the spoiled noble. Still he felt it best not to dwell on such things focusing on Ari and Lapis took precedence. Cupping his hands he forged another wisp keeping its light dim but bright enough to see the tunnel ahead. Cyril's comments felt like the sound of a knife scrapping glass and did nothing but annoy Ethan.

Turning to Rusar and Warren he was at least glad to have an agile group to back him up. "I'll send the wisp ahead a few meters to scout, Rusar you'll take the rear while Warren will be the the front guard behind me. If things get hectic we'll attempt to use the narrow tunnel to our advantage." as he straightened his hat and forward the wisp. His face was more serious now and he zoned out any further annoyances only keeping to his goal at hand. As the group darted into the tunnel his mind could only hope on the two being okay.

"Where on our way girls hold out a little longer..." he thought pushing forward.
Rederik nodded at Skyre's command. He did not feel comfortable splitting the group, especially when no return point was established. How would they know the other team had found something or were in trouble? He did not dispute his decision, however, remembering that the magic they wielded had multiple applications.

Following behind Skyre and Desiree, he kept his hearing alert and his feet light. Indoor tracking was often not as obvious or completely nonexistent. The best he could do is prepare for the worst and listen past any conversation that may take place.
Desiree followed Skyre's lead as they separated from the others and assaulted their own, unknown tunnel. Her energy continued its steady trickle as it returned to replenish her. After her invisibility trick, it would take a great deal of time for her to try anything nearly as elaborate. Still, the constant flow warmed her spirit and she smiled with contentment.

"So, what's the plan now?" she asked with her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know about you, but I'm about tapped out after that last blast."

"Still," she added after a few heartbeats, "I'm not completely without options. Just don't count on me to bail us out of the next one, ok?"
Warren laughed raucously to the boys comment as he walked beside Ethan like he said. At least Ethan had s good brain between his shoulders, which he sure didn't.

"You're a funny lad! You sure you should be the one calling him a boy? You got less meat on yer than a stick on legs! Look at this way, at least these guys seem to know what they're doing."

As they walked he kept a lookout for any enemies and the kidnapped girlies. He checked for wounds, which only seem to be grazing ones from that melee, which he didn't mind. He also let this walk be a good time to recover his stamina and breath.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
"The plan?" Skyre gave her an affectionately lighthearted glance as they strolled through the endless twisting corridors of Pashan's underground base. "Simple. Find the girls, rescue them, tank our way out of this mess." He gave her a wink, clearly elated in confidence and trying to somehow repay her efforts for their escape with an extra show of his affections. His nature constantly told him not to be so upfront, but everything was in the light anyway; he often had to remind himself that he had kissed her. And Desiree was an intelligent woman, not at all somebody who was likely to miss an obvious hint like that. He just had to make sure she was always aware.

But right now, they had more pressing matters to deal with. They had already been walking for a few minutes, and the pathway had simple continued twisting and turning down identical scenery. Whichever architect built this place should be sacked. It's a mess, although I wouldn't be surprised if Pashan likes it that way.

Then quite suddenly they stepped into a small chamber, and Skyre smiled at the sights of a conscious Ari hanging on the middle. They had finally found her, and Skyre felt that Lapis was surely nearby. Now to get them out of here.


"Oh that's polite," Cyril muttered at Ethan's plan, "It's alright, not as if I wanted or needed to be a part of this at all. Not like I specifically just gave up my freedom to help you all, no, not at all. Just flood me with appreciation don't you?" Sadly, and rarely, he found himself with no power, and forced to go along with the man with the stupid hat's ideas.

"Meat?" the prince spat incredulously at Warren's remark, "You make me sound like food. But then again that's probably all that matters to a big, simple chap like you." Cyril continued grumbling to himself as they travelled, though his exact words were indecipherably mumbled. Stuck in the middle of a bunch of disrespectful simpletons, he withdrew the potion and began to examine it. I wonder when these boneheads will figure out what this does?
Warren chuckled. There was the saying that 'Some men may be intelligent, but not clever.'. This man was a prime example. He may have his head filled with a dictionary definition on many things he was unfamiliar with, but at least he saw his priorities straight.

This kid looked like he couldn't see left from right in a fight. He wondered how long he was going to last, because he will have to shape up or end up with a miserable death, since there was only so much Warren was capable of.

Hopefully the kid may be more sensible when it comes to conversation later too. If this kid was always so irate, he may end up with a hard slap and a scolding, and not just from him from the looks of it. If he wanted to keep from having red cheeks and possibly a broken body, knowing some peoples temper, Warren knew this child would need to learn fast.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Tyreael smiled as Helia left the room to change into the armour he'd offered her. Their talk had been enlightening for both sides, letting Tyreael know of Helia's budding kinship with a group of survivors as well as informing Helia that the tree hounds were never meant to kill her, simply responding to a loophole in their programme. Granted she'd turned down joining him in favour of her friends, who he had promised not to order the harm of regardless of her choice, and the offer for an entourage of tree hounds, but she took the armour, which had its own uses. Clean and perfectly normal, Cappie walked up to the elder mage and spoke clearly.

"So she decided to help?"

"No, Cappie my friend, she did not," Tyreael smiled, "But one has other ways of getting what they want. Do not worry yourself. Oh, and do be a good friend and start drooling on yourself again. Also bring Sasha and three other tree hounds. You did manage to programme Sasha specifically for protecting Helia and remaining loyal to her, yes? You do know how I want my adopted daughter protected from those crazed rebels."

"Yes Master Tyreael!" Cappie nodded enthusiastically before again donning his guise of a nutter and bouncing off after four tree hounds in particular.

Seconds later Helia strode back into the room.

She wore a crimson leather duster with gold trimmings over a similarly crimson leather vest with a high set collar that also bore gold trimmings and a stylised version of a tree hounds head. New belts, black as night, held her multitude of throwing knives, and a long whip with razor sharp red crystal shards embedded along its length wrapped around her waist. Adorning her legs was a leather kilt of the same colour and trimmings as her duster and vest that was coupled with knee high leather boots. Finally, settled upon her head was a golden circlet with a glowing black jewel in the centre.

"Master Tyreael, if it would so please you, would you be willing to impart to me an entourage of tree hounds? I would very much be displeased with myself if I were to refuse such a generous gift from a finger of the hand of the Shadow King." Helia spoke monotonously with a bow.

Tyreael simply grinned wolfishly as Cappie returned with four tree hounds.

Minutes later Cappie regained his standing and stared at Tyreael in awe as a massive shockwave emanated from just outside.

"As I said, dear friend, one has other ways of getting what they want, whether Helia realised it or not."
Ethan didn't care for the boy's whimpering complaints simply stating "I trust those two and considering we have no bricks for you to toss I don't know what you have to offer dear prince." as he smirked "...besides I thought you would be use to having escorts and not needing to lift a finger." as the wisp was continuing further down the tunnel. Ethan did not know if they girls where safe and wishing he hadn't wasted some of his magic to allow a wisp to follow Skyre.

Still pressing on he looked over to the boy who preoccupied, which for a moment seemed a blessing till Ethan noted what he was so interested in. The wisp continued forward but Ethan turned grabbing the boys hand that held the vial. He knew the boy had searched his satchel but never expected him to actually take anything of his. Knowing full well which one he had Ethan felt this boy's curiosity and attitude annoying. "Not only pompous but a thief...so help me if we make it out of this..." as he removed the vial from the prince's hands. The vial was a golden mixture made of Mala seeds fermented in Goza sap. Used as an acidic solvent to clean alchemic tools it was not easy to make. Still due to its semi-rare mixture it was highly sought after for traders who could make a pretty coin with it in the capitol.

"Don't know what you wanted with this solvent but I doubt you have the need for it like I would." as he safely put it back into his satchel ensuring the seal of the bottle was not damaged. Rechecking his satchel as he continued to catch up with the wisp Ethan wanted to make sure nothing else was stolen. Cyril was starting to whittle down Ethan's patience, if not for the pressing time and the unsafe predicament they were in he would have left him to his books and servant. As they continued down the tunnel the group had entered into a dim lit room, the wisp the only source of light other then a few candles. A chill ran down Ethan's spine as he looked to see any sign of the girls.
Rusar had no complaints over the split up, honestly she was too tired to really care or argue. She followed the others down the hall studying the new comer for a few minutes already able to tell he was going to be annoying and judging by the boils sticky figures not exactly trust worthy. He looked familiar but couldn't really place his face she wasn't really surprised since magic interested her more than people ever did. She just quirked a brow at the exchanged between the three finding it mildly amusing. Despite the banter she kept her bow ready and her eyes focused for anything sign of the girls or any shadows which she desperately hoped there would be none. Everyone was exhausted as it was and barely had enough energy to fight the weakest of the shadow creatures let alone more warriors.
Desiree saw Ari's predicament when she and the others discovered the small chamber. The woman was dressed in a drab, gray outfit of sorts, chained and suspended above a black cauldron. If the sight weren't so bizarre, Desiree might have laughed at the absurdity of it.

"Wait," she cautioned the others with a whisper and a light grip on Skyre's shoulder. "Something isn't right. This was too easy." She glanced around the room. The torches flickered, but appeared to do so with the natural currents of the air within the small room. She looked above Ari and spotted the metal grate in the ceiling. Desiree's face scrunched as she puzzled over the purpose of the grate, but then relaxed as she quickly dismissed it in favor of simply helping to rescue Ari.

"I think I can cut the ropes holding her legs from here," Desiree suggested quietly and she readied herself to call for to the air for aid once more, "but it won't be easy in my current state. The chains holding her wrists will be ... more challenging."

"The grate above," she continued in a whisper, "isn't congruent with the rest of the room, and Hell's only knows what's in that cauldron."

Desiree repeated as she still sought the answers to the puzzle before them, "Something isn't right."

She called softly to the imprisoned woman, "Ari? Can you hear me?"
"You really are a bumbling idiot, aren't you?" Cyrilc spat, stopping still and staring down at Ethan. "To think the potion that works as one of the only things able to destroy a Shadow Warrior is a mere solvent... But then again, I suppose you don't need a 'pompous thief' to explain that to you, dearest escort." Their insults stung him like a swarm of hornets, but he had realised earlier that no matter how much he shouted and complained, the stubborn mules would be ignorant. So seeing as their own mockign sarcasm was so effective, he had decided to adopt it for himself. I wonder how the potionsmaster feels about getting a taste of his own medicine?
"Huh?" Ari looked up and saw her rescue party at the entrance. Yawning, Ari cracked her neck on either side. She probably would have cracked her knuckles too, had they not been restrained. It was by nature that Ari hid her relief at being rescued; in all honesty, she was at wit's end with new plans. Luckily, her last hope had held out and she was thankful for that, but she didn't allow herself to begin breaking down in tears of relief. Not while there was work to be done.

"Sorry, I was concentrating on something." She yawned again, determined not to show any signs of weakness. "Well, it took you a good long time, but I appreciate that you're here and not too late." She glanced upwards at the grate. Sunlight was just reaching its edge and glinting harshly off the metal. "Though if we don't hurry, we might be too late after all." She looked back at the group, making eye contact with Skyre and addressing him directly. "Pashan is in a separate but probably similar room with Lapis. It can't be too far, but he might return soon. You must get to him before he realizes you guys are here." Ari paused, wondering whether or not to say her next thought --don't kill him. I want to do it. She decided against it. Ari figured she would get her chance, one way or another.

She turned her head back and spoke her next words to nobody in particular: "And by the gods, would somebody please tell me that they found my clothes!"
"Well, thank the gods you're alive, Ari," Desiree sighed in relief. "Sorry, though, I haven't seen your things."

Then, Desiree had an idea.

"Skyre," she said. "We probably can't get her down without whatever keys go to her shackles. You and the others find that little bastard and get the keys." Desiree turned to face Ari. "I'll stay here with Ari. I have enough strength to sever the ropes that hold her legs and then I can support her for a while to give her shoulders and wrists some relief until you return."

Desiree held up her hand to dissuade any arguments. "Skyre, it's about all I can do now anyway. Might as well not let what little I have left go to waste." Her cheeks blushed slightly red against the bright blue of her eyes as she quickly leaned in and kissed him. "There." she said with certainty. "Go. Find the keys and hurry back."
Skyre's cheeks bloomed crimson once again as he recieved her kiss. Of course he had been about to object to her plans, but now he couldn't refuse. Such a simple way to make him act it was, that Skyre, who had inadvertently donned a stupid wide grin and appeared in a momentary daze, wondered for a brief second if she had done it only for that purpose. But he quickly shook off those thoughts; the woman who had sworn to protect his life surely wouldn't you with him now.

Focus, Skyre, you idiot the redhead have himself a mental slap around the face, and stepped back from Desiree. However, before he could speak and lead the others down the other corridor, Gregor, who had remained impassively silent before, strode up to the chains above Ari and gently ran his chunky fingers over them. He made a perturbed mumbling sound, and then turned to the others.

"This is a magic-proof chain..." he muttered ceremoniously, and Skyre, having seen him around the Castle of Light before the fall, understood the slight tone change to mean he was making an announcement. Skyre began to speak: "You're familiar with..."

Quite suddenly, the chains, and the bricks they were attached to on the ceiling, suddenly dropped, and Gregor caught Ari before she could fall into the cauldron. There was an awkward silence as everybody tried to figure out what had just happened. But Gregor seemed unlikely to give an explanation; he was already wrapping the heavy chains around his chest as he carefully lowered Ari to the floor. Skyre was sure that he would explain later, but right now they had to remember Lapis.

This time it was his turn to tap Desiree on the shoulder. "Shall we see to Lapis now?" he asked with a caring smile.
As the prince's voice spoke out with his sarcastic remarks Ethan ignored them not wanting to be distracted in his search. That was until his words spoke about the potion being useful against the soldiers. The wisp floated to Ethan's shoulder and for a moment he was silent as he removed the vial. The golden vial was acidic in nature but to be used offensively was beyond its design, however considering the unique ways the soldiers would fade when struck harshly would the effects of this vial create a volatile reaction. He never had samples of the soldiers remains to test with any dead turning to smoke or any living attempting to kill them.

He turned to the boy looking a bit more curious then before. Though this prince was a pompous arse and would be in much needing of a beating he was not spewing just nonsense here. Clinching unto the vial Ethan took a deep breath before speaking attempting to gauge if this was worth the question, but should what he said be true the benefit would out-way the constant exertion the group needed to take down the soldiers. "I will say this clearly so you understand...I don't enjoy your company and from your attitude neither do you..." as he gave the vial to Cyril "...but if you feel this has an effect on the soldiers I'll call a truce to listen to your theory." as his eyes relaxed and attempted to stay calm. "...but if you continue this spoiled act again I'll be sure to escort your highness as fodder for the soldiers." as his face turned serious.

Ethan was tired of this game and whether this boy was willing to work with him or against was now in the hands of Cyril. The tunnel grew silent as he waited for his reply.
Ari stood uncertainty, having not been properly grounded for a good long while. She turned to the one who'd caught her, a man with whom she was unfamiliar. Ever so eloquently, Ari voiced her graditude --"Um, thanks." She gave him a polite and slightly awkward nod as an expression of friendliness, though she neglected to ask for a name out of bad habit.

She crouched down and freed her ankles from the chafing rope. Unknotting the leg restraints might have been a simpler task, but the chains would not come off as easily, Ari noticed as she analyzed them. But once they did come off, they could come in handy some day, as could the magic-inhibiting dress. First things first, though -- they needed to get out.

Ari walked carefully to the others, stumbling a bit as her legs grew used to movement again. The chains on her wrists dragged with a slight clang when she moved. "The sooner I get these and this godforsaken dress off, the better." Ari muttered.

She looked back up at where the chains had come off the ceiling. If that had happened maybe ten minutes ago, I wouldn't be in this mess. She thought, shaking her head. And Ari was quite certain that she could have handled things herself after getting loose from the chains. After all, magic was not her only tool. But she brushed it off, convincing herself that she was glad to have the extra help in getting out.

Ari noticed Skyre and Desiree being all cutesy and adorable with their cordial smiles, planning to find Lapis. She wondered for a moment how much of their romance development she'd missed in her absence. In fact, it briefly crossed her mind that she'd been unconscious for longer than she realized, but that didn't matter much. She was not Petrified and she would be getting out very much alive.

Barring these circumstances, however, Ari wasn't going to be much help sneaking around with heavy chains trailing behind her. And yet, she didn't much like the idea of waiting around and generally being unhelpful. But she saw no other option, at least not until she was freed from the chains. Ari cleared her throat to speak.

"Well, shall I just wait here while you two..." (here she resisted the urge to say 'lovebirds') "ah, go find Lapis? Do hurry back with the keys." Ari jingled the chains and smiled in mock politeness.
Gregor nodded back politely, and wrapped the ends of her chains around his body. "If you don't mind ma'am, I'll carry these..." he said in his unique mumbly manner. "'course, you'll have to be close by but it's only a side affect..." his voice trailed off, and he stared blankly into the tunnel behind them. The man lacked any charisma or presense; he was just there, and only seemd to appear when he spoke, which was rarely.

Skyre felt for Desiree's hand and smiled at Ari's request. "Of course." He squeezed the hand once, and then began to lead her down the corridor. Only, no sooner had he began than they arrived at a similar chamber, hidden just around the corner, where Lapis lay, in an indentical dress to Ari's, on a small, wooden bed. She was out cold, in a very deep sleep that it seemed she would not wake from any time soon: Pashan had held true on his word to keep her unconcious, and perhaps it was much easier for him to do that anyway, rather than rigging up another chain system to hold her. In any case, it was fantastic to see her at least at peace in capture. Approaching the bed, Skyre was torn on whether to be the man and carry her limp figure, or whether to continue enjoying the warmth of Desiree's hand.


"Attitude, you say?" Cyril's thin lips curled into a snarl, "My dear gosh, you are a man of hypocricy. Even when you get past the issues of rightious respect which you all seem intent on desicrating, you can hardly criticise my attitude if you intend to treat me with the most pathetic patronisation and simplisticly predictable sarcasm that you can think of. Even if you exempt yourself from royal treatment, being addressed as a fellow surviver wouldn't be too much to ask, sir."

"Nevertheless, I'll accept this truce, if not for a break of this enterage of disrespect," he forced himself into an ungenial smile, though his cheeks were still blood red in anger. Stretching out his hand, he politely waited for Ethan to hand him the potion. "I'm not going to 'theive' it this time, just trsut me for a few seconds. One prefers a visual aide for one's explanations, you understand."
Rederik stayed behind with Ari and Gregor. The entire situation had him on edge more than usual, and it began to dissipate his calm demeanor in the form of pacing. When Skyre and Desiree took their leave to find Lapis, he hesitantly approached Ari. "How are you feeling?" he asked. She looked strange in a dress to him as it rested more closely to her typically hidden girlish frame. He cleared his throat after realizing he had been staring her over, which was quite rude in his mind.

"I will search for your clothes," he quickly said before walking away. His direction was randomly chosen, and he kept close by to Ari and Gregor just in case he was needed. He kept his grip tight around his daggers as his movements took on a more rigid gait. It was a possibility that her clothes were hidden in another room or burned away, but Rederik searched the room for trunks or boxes none the less. It gave him something to do.
"Don't forget the knives." Ari called quietly after Rederik for fear that something unsavory might hear. If she wasn't able to change right away, then at least she would have some defense. Though admittedly, it would be tough fighting in a dress. For her, at least.

Just until you can use magic again. Ari promised herself. It wouldn't be long now, no. Not long at all until that rodent of a man got what he deserved.

All the same, Ari strongly disliked being left behind due to her inability to help. She didn't know whether it was better or worse to be alone than with a silent near-stranger.

It was too quiet in this place. Suspiciously so. Normally, Ari enjoyed some quiet, yet this was a different kind altogether, not in the least enjoyable. But, being both too on edge and too unfriendly to engage in small talk, Ari did nothing to break the silence. Instead, she found some small comfort in pacing back and forth, trying to move without disturbing the chains. Occasionally, she looked up to check for someone's return, be it ally or enemy. But with each unreturned glance, Ari found herself more unsettled. She continued to pace, increasingly disturbed by the sinister silence.
Helia sighed contentedly as she lounged against Sasha's side upon the wall.

Upon her arrival she ordered the quartet of tree hounds, or leapers as she called them for some reason she could only vaguely remember, but Sasha seemed to be unwilling to go more than three or four metres from her. So, obviously, she settled for sending out the other three and petting Sasha.

So far as she could tell from her leapers there seemed to be a large force of Shadow Warriors surrounding a hole in the floor. It was more than likely that they were surrounding this for a reason, and since they were facing the hole it wouldn't surprise her if the survivors were down there. Which meant she needed to go down there.

Standing, with Sasha mirroring here, Helia hopped a good ten metres, coming down very close to the Shadow Warriors. One or two turned to look at her as if trying to figure out if they were supposed to attack her or not.

Without pause Helia lifted her arms as if in surrender and walked forward, not stopping until her palms touched the cuirasses of the beings. The effect was instantaneous, and twin blasts of wind ripped straight through them, absolutely demolishing their torsos' armour and sending head, arm and leg armour flying in random directions.

In reaction to her attack the entire group that waited outside turned to face her, only just now deciding she was a threat now that she'd attacked them.

Somewhere the pure logic in her head failed to understand why she'd even attack them. They were on the same side. But in that foggy area of her mind she was somehow sure that what she did was right. Giving up thinking about it Helia grabbed a hold of twelve knives with her magic and sent a third of them into three of the closest warriors. As the blades embedded themselves Helia's magic took over. At the tip of each knife a microburst went off, exploding outwards and blasting massive holes in various pieces of armour. Unable to support itself with the shadow body now naught but wisps the armour left over clattered to the ground.

The remaining Shadow Warriors made an attempt to surround her with their only ten strong force when the other three leapers set upon one each. Smirking to herself, the woman grabbed hold of her whip, about two metres, or seven feet, long and whipped it out. The end lashed around one warriors 'neck', the shards cutting deeply into the metal collar below the helmet. A simple tug was all it took to perform a decapitation. Despite this the not quite defeated body continued to draw near, but Sasha backhanded it into some nearby rubble where, in a puff of smoke, the animated armour fell apart as if its pieces belonged there since the fall.

On the backlash Helia used her magic to manipulate her brutal lash around, and the next swing powered straight through a second warrior, rending the cuirass two and leaving it's separate halves spewing shadowy smoke as it fell apart.

Down to five warriors, Helia briefly pondered whether they recognised that they were in trouble. She believed they either didn't, and couldn't, or did, and couldn't do anything about it.

It didn't seem to matter as they came forward anyway. Two of her smaller leapers pounced on of the men, the other leaper pouncing on a second. Wrapping her whip back around her waist idly, Helia watched as Sasha, being a somewhat larger than average tree hound, leapt upon and decimated two of the other warriors.

As the last remaining warrior charged Helia she but stood there until the sword came arcing down toward her face. Sending her hand up at the last moment she shattered the beings gauntlets, sending the sword flipping into the air above them. She then delivered a brutal and wind magic backed roundhouse to the warriors side, cracking the armour. It flew a couple metres before slamming it a wall with a disturbingly loud clang. Then, just as it began to fall, Helia coerced the falling sword into a frightening launch that punched through the Shadow Warrior's helmet pinning it to the wall behind and leaving it alone as the rest of the armour crumbled beneath.

Pleased with her work Helia picked her way over the pieces of metal that littered the ground, giving Sasha's head a loving pat as one would do for any faithful hound, and made her way down into the tunnel flanked by her entourage of tree hounds.
Ethan simply kept quite with the boys remarks as all their actions was due to his attitude and survivor or not he provided no sincerity to his actions other then to benefit himself. The wisp kept the tunnel lit and the room they where in didn't seem to have anything but a few scribbled books and a rotting stench.

One book however looked unique among the rest, its bindings though tattered looked to be carefully taken care of, the pages where fresh with ink and there was residue of powder similar to the camp site. While the prince was busy toying with the vial Ethan slipped it into his satchel for further research hoping it would come in handy in the future.

With the tunnel being a dead end he simply walked back to meet up with Skyre and the rest motioning the group to follow. Hoping the other group had more luck then them on finding the girls Ethan could not speak a word worried for their safety.

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