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Fantasy ~The Lords of the Magistone~

After a brief pause, Skyre turned to Desiree and said, more for his own benefit than his: "We should probably pick her up and get moving out of here."


"Thank you!" said Cyril curtly as he took the potion back from the alchemist. Holding it up in front of him, he continued his explanation. "Now, there is a certain property in this very potion that resembles magic energy, like that found in standard magic potions. And for whatever reason, perhaps due to the purity of its magic energy, this potion dissolves straight through Shadow Warrior matter, making them considerably easier to deal with. So I suggest you apply it to your weaponry immediately, if you want an easier ride out." Handing the potion back to Ethan, he added: "You can get autographs later, thank you."

The familiar tramp of heavy footsteps reverberated down the corridor, as a fresh bunch of Shadow Warriors, a larger company, began to stream down the corridors around them. "And speak of the devil, now might be the perfect time to test out your new toy." the prince remarked, placing himself in the centre of his companions, eyes darting between the warriors.
Ethan kept calm during the explanation letting the young prince explain, though his lack of words where a bit annoying Ethan accepted that what he said could be possible. If what he said was true then the soldiers themselves would be based on a energy as well either through magic manipulation or imbued magic on the metal armor. Then could the substance of the potion act as a form of negative reaction canceling the two forms and providing substance...his mind wandered for a moment till the sound of heavy metal feet came down the corner. Not wasting time he broke the wax seal from the vial putting a small amount on his dagger before handing it to Rusar and Warren.

"Apply these on your arrow tips and Warren if you can whatever is left use to coat your arm." though he worried the solvent may leave a rash on his skin due to its acidic properties. Still a rash can be cured death was much harder to come back from. Ethan's wisp lit up bright to give the group enough vision of the approaching group. Ethan needed to test the prince's theory and the safes bet was with Rusar's arrow. Directing her to take aim near the neck joint he only hoped this solution was right.
The most she listened to the two bicker and insult each other the more irritated she became. Something happened to put Ethan and this uppity new comer at odds with each other but this was not the time to bicker. The dead end didn't do much to improve on her irritation. Talk of one of Ethans potions having the potential to assist in taking out the shadow warriors interested her the threat of such opponents finding them was more urgent. She looked down the hall when the sound of heavy foot steps started and she cursed under her breath. "I hope this theory works" She muttered applying the mystery potion to the tips of her arrows. She refrained from heating the arrows not sure how it would react to the substance. She drew and fired for Ethans suggested spot hoping what ever magic the potion had worked.
Warren was about to lose it with the runt and smack him a good one. This kid thought himself way too highly than he was and it was getting to his nerves. Just before he did give him a good whack though there was the development to the potion, which he listened to in silence.

"Easy enough." he formed rock arms and covered these rocks with the acid, so as to avoid getting it on his skin. He then went straight for the kill and punched the Shadow Warriors in all the vital points with a tremendous force. Hopefully these potions would make it a helluva lot easier too. If it didn't he would send that kid into the closest wall and straight through to another one for nearly throwing his own life away.

"COME AND GET ME!" He swung hard towards them with force and precision. Now to see the results.
Desiree looked at Lapis sleeping peacefully. She turned and whispered to Skyre, "Nah, she's fine. I say we leave her here."

After a moment, Desiree broke into a grin. "Oh, of course we're going to take her out of here. Seriously, Skyre, sometimes I wonder."

She walked around the bed as she looked for any traps or hidden things that might prevent them from taking Lapis. Finding none, she looked up at Skyre, and asked, "Well? Are you going to carry her or shall I?"
Ethan kept the prince back for now as the arrow flew into the neck of the soldier. Sure enough there was a reaction as it dug deep into the warrior. The small course of black liquid was seeping from its wound and it looked to be in pain. It would seem the theory was correct and it caused a reaction to the magic inside the soldier's palpable body. It was then Warren went to test with brute force using a majority of the potion to soak his rock fist. When he blow landed the sound of the metal bending and warping from the sheer force echoed into the hall. Like Rusar's arrow the effect of his punch was not negated but taken in its full force. The metal's protective properties had severely diminished and the solder was sent flying back seeping the black blood into the air.

Though the potion did not cause an instant damage like he was hoping the potion provided them an edge by evening the playing field. "Go all out now guys..." as he turned to Rusar "...once you strike you can release your fire that potion should hold once its reacted to the soldiers." With the shadow warriors now vulnerable like any normal being it was time to go all out and catch up to the group. Ethan simply spoke out to the boy not facing him as he watched the halls "When we get out of this I am interested to know how you figured this out..." as the wisp flew forward sending a micro burst to push one of the soldiers to the wall, Ethan drove his dagger into its neck forcing it deeper till the soldiers inner dark magic bleed out and faded. Ethan was glad to see a solution but how the boy knew of the soldiers properties and makeup was another story. That answer would have to wait as the team pressed on towards Skyre and the rest.
Cackling at the cacophony of crunching, clanging, clattering metal in the cavernous tunnels and crawlspaces, Helia was cutting a swath through any and all Shadow Warriors she came across. Inside the narrow tunnels she made a point to use her magic, but whenever she found a room she would exercise her newfound abilities with the whip.

Alongside Helia was Sasha and two of the three tree hounds. The third had died along the way after getting into a scrap it couldn't handle. Despite this the three larger tree hounds were tearing their way through the shadow warriors ranks with frightening ease. It pleased the logical side of Helia to see how seasoned and trained her new team was, but for some reason she couldn't fathom it unsettled her.

Regardless she pushed on, and faintly hearing the words 'come get me' echoing from down the way only spurred on the fact that Helia knew she'd reach her targeted destination soon.
Warren grinned wildly, in a manner that would probably frighten most people.

Because of the properties of the potion the rock around his hands did not break after hitting into an enemy. The damage it caused delighted him. It was payback time.

"RAAAAAAHHH!" He growled as he swung heavily and at high speed against them. Now that he could do full damage, they were of little match to his speed, power and expertise.

A flurry of fists came from Warren which hit with a great force at the crowd of soldiers. With their defence broken they were nothing more than peons to crush.

His fists crashed from the temple of one soldier which sent them full speed to the floor with a "crack" and then a lariat which took another two down which he piled on top of the previous soldier. He then sent down a vicious right hook into all three soldiers with his entire weight into the floor, hearing the satisfying sound of their bodies breaking.

A sword came flying towards him, which he with a block deflected, then with his other fist sent an uppercut which with they floated in the air from the sheer force, then a consecutive punch to the stomach which had them crash against the wall.

His fists were once again effective, which meant these soldiers where in his territory now. This was a territory he guarded for more years then he'd care to admit, and he was darn good at it. Puzzles? No. Long range warfare? No.

But up close and personal? His speciality.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
"Well, suppose I'd better be the gentleman and do it," Skyre mock grumbled, breaking into a relaxed grin. Thank goodness they had all been alright, and relatively easy to track down too. He couldn't help but wonder if the journey back would be as simple though. Leaning over, he lifted the unconscious girl into his arms, arms which trembled slightly under even her fairly light weight. He wasn't too physically strong at all; in fact, he relied mainly on his magic and especially crafted light sword to even fight properly. As a child and student, Skyre had never been particularly bothered about fitness, though he had always been proud of his stamina and endurance. But now he regretted not training that little bit extra as it would have made his life a whole lot easier.

Turning to lead Desiree back out of the room, there was the sudden sound of peculiar grunting from another corridor at the side of the chamber. Unmistakable noises; Pashan. Quickly, Skyre lead Desiree out of the room, but it was too late; the mystic magician had arrived. Skyre was in no mood for a fight, and so arriving in the other chamber, yelled "Run!". He, however, was unable to follow his own instructions due to being inhibited by Lapis' body, and so awkwardly waddled down the corridor. After all that they had been through, he expected somebody to ignore him and attack the man, but hoped they would at least see sense: he was, after all, a 'member of the Shadow King's council', and that must show a certain level of power.


Cyril watched over his battling comrades with head tilted upright; in his own egotistical way he was proud of them. Look at the power, the power that I have granted them. Even though they were now weakened however, the Shadow Warriors were still very valiant fighters. Their lack of emotion was evident in the way they faught, and their alien strength and agility were still terrifying. So all this just went to show how much of a good warrior the punching muscle-lump was, Cyril thought, as the stranger smashed hisway through the warriors. Yet to his eyes, the stream of warriors continued to grow, and the prince noted that even with their newfound power they would surely not have the endurance to fight through all of them. Therefore, when the warriors were a suitable distance away from the group, he closed his eyes and extended both arms.

Immediately, a bubble of white energy encased the group, the sounds of the stomping and swordplay outside muffled. Wide arms trembling, Cyril nodded with a frown to the others. "Story to interrupt your sport, chaps, but thought it would be a jolly good idea to toodle-pip out of here before we find ourselves drowning in a marsh of evil warrior, hmm?" He began to gingerly walk down the corridor, the warriors attacks simply bouncing off of the bubble with little pyoing noises, every hit making Cyril grimace. "This is a master-level light magic ability, the ultimate defencive manouvre." he explained a little boastfully. "So don't try to interfere, thanks."
Desiree took a stance as the rear guard while the others fled the room. "This is becoming a bad habit," she tossed over her shoulder as Skyre struggled while carrying Lapis.

She called for the air, and the element instantly responded. A flurry of wind raced down the corridor through which the others had escaped. Her blue eyes flared as she accepted the communion with the air.

With as strong of a push as she could muster, she balled the air and unleashed it against the cauldron over which Ari had been found hanging. She had hoped to throw it at their pursuer, but her strength was barely only enough to tip the thing and cause it to roll haphazardly in Pashan's general direction. It clanged against the stone floor in protest of her action.

Desiree's hair whipped about her face as she turned and ran into the corridor to catch up with Skyre and the others. She didn't spare a look to see what, if anything, spilled from the cauldron or whether it had impeded the rat-like man's progress. "I doubt that will slow him much," she called toward them as she closed on them in her own flight from the room, "but it's about all I could do right now."
They where making progress through the hall way when suddenly a white light encircled the group. The shielded light seem to repel the warriors with ease which made Ethan look to the prince a bit confused. If the boy had this power why not use it when it mattered during the gather versus forcing us to fight our way in. Ethan's wisp was left outside of the barrier and with the force of magic it cut his connection to it causing it to dissipate to nothing.

Unable to act Ethan simply kept quite. It annoyed him that this boy was doing such skills with ease and with little strain. It annoyed him he had knowledge of the contents of the potion and even seen a solution for its use beyond its design. But worse for Ethan it annoyed him how much it proved to him how useless he really was to the group. There was no question the boy was intelligent and though his attitude was worse then a boar's arse there was no doubt in his skill and ability. Ethan's face did not show any emotion but he kept his hands gripped tightly on the strap of his satchel.

He could tell from the form and the power emitting from the shield that this was light magic, a pure and enhancing skill of protection and rebound. If the kid Cyril could conjure such a shield then this means his healing would be just as good or better. The thought of his father fell to his mind as they rushed down the tunnel. "Would father have been able to do such a thing? Would he have mastered this at such a young age if he was noble and access to the finest teachers." Then his thoughts fell to his father's journal then to Ari who seemed so excited to learn. He was sure if she could get pass this prince's attitude she would love to apprentice under him.

As the group continued to travel through the tunnels they where able to hear a familiar voice. Unsure if it was Skyre and the rest Ethan could only hope they where okay. A bit excited to know of their safety he fell back from his thought as he realized that they would make it out of here not by a miracle but by the strength these individual possessed. He wasn't sure what to expect but his promise he made to himself the night before was looking harder and harder to accomplish.

Unable to act or doing anything then to follow the prince in the shield he removed a parchment as he wrote down the mixture of the potion, what to look for in the ingredients, and instruction on how to make it. He handed the piece of paper to Rusar smiling warmly "When we get out be sure Skyre gets this. We'll need to start making more as soon as possible if we're to cross blades with these in the future." as he looked to the fading soldiers in the back who seemed to be retreating unable to keep up with their pace.

Ethan turned to Cyril and realized that with the prince's knowledge and skills the group would be in good hands so long as his ego was handled, and with the instructions on how to make the potion it would be easy for the group to get an equal grounding with their foe. He knew then there would be no need for him anymore other then a glorified torch light. So he decided that for now he would stick with the group and when the time was right and they where all safe he would seek out his teacher alone.
Rusar followed Ethans advice using a much weaker spell on her arrow before firing. The arrow pierced into the warrior and explode sending the dark ooze splattering. The archer smirked feeling a lot more confident in their ability to get out, until she spotted the large group that kept coming. She glanced at her quiver seeing she had only a hand full of arrows left, definitely not good. She was startled by the bubble of light that enveloped the group. One that pushed against the shadow warriors out a mixed blessing as far as Rusar was concerned. It kept the shadows from chopping them to bits but the light also effected her, to a much lesser degree than something made of darkness. She could already feel a headache forming but tried not to show it or at least play it off more like exhaustion. The arrogance and pompous nature of the light magician only made it more irritating to be around him. As helpful as his abilities might be she hoped he didn't stick around very long.

She looked over at Ethan as he handed her the parchment and nodded slipping it into one of her pouches for later. "So... who exactly is this guy?" She asked quietly to Ethan.
Ethan listened to Rusar's inquiry and keeping to not provoke he kept it simple "The former prince of this land. King Lyram's son." He didn't feel to explain more seeing as it was enough to explain the boys attitude and why his skills looked refined. A figured could be made out from the shield of light but unsure as to what it was Ethan kept to observing and keeping silent till the group would meet up with Skyre. He only hoped that Ari and Lapis where safe and the group was not harmed.

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With still wobbling arms, Cyril focussed on the path in front of him, wading through a sea of warriors as he waddled down the dark, dank corridors of Pashan's lair. His face was a picture of pained concentration: partially due to the power of the ability, partially due to the fact that he hadn't exirted himself in such a long time. His bubble barely fitted in the corridor, though it seemed not to mind, melding itself to fit the dimentions and in the process often crushing Shadow Warrior's awkwardly against the sides of it, sometimes splattering their dark matter in dark stains on the brickwork. Never mind. This ghastly place was in desperate need of some premium decor anyway.

Sadly though, Cyril found himself weakening; he would have to find somewhere safe fast, and there were still a fair number of warriors in front of them. And so, when he came to a large wooden door at the side of the corridor, he barged through it and, with a throw of his arms, moved the bubble away from them to block the doorway. In doing so he landed painfully on the cold marble floor, breathing heavily, and turned to face the room.

And even the prince was horrified.

A huge chamber, perhaps the size of the Castle of Light's courtyard, dimly lit by similar torches than before. And filling it, innumerable numbers of young girls, each in tatty grey dresses. All of them stood freakishly still, lined up to face the doorway, their faces perfectly still and eyes wide open. For a moment, Cyril wondered if they had happened upon a hidden congress of some bizarre fashion society. Then, reaching out to feel for a pulse, he realised that every single one of them were dead, frozen like living statues. As if they had all seen the same ghost at the same time. Petrified.


Pashan was already jumpy: there were a bunch of naughty survivors infiltratig his lair! And so as the the cauldron clanged down beside him, he literllay jumped out of his skin with a hilariously high-pitched 'MYEEHRRPEEHH!!!", and threw himself as the brick wall, his bony body clattering to the ground. By the time he had climbed to his feet, the survivors were gone.

His face fell, and his lip hung over in total horror. Swiftly, arms shaking, he drew a circle in the air, and a weird, azure gasious substance appeared. "Hello, nyes, this is Pashan, aha!" he quivered, "We have a group of intruders approaching the stairway, oh my! Please, stop them!"


Skyre sprinted down the bland brick tunnels, tunnels that looked identical but thankfulyl seemed to follow the same snaking path. Once or twice he looked back to check if the others were following, but he was so tired by now that he had to dedicate everything to simply keep going. Soon the reached the bottom of the stairwell, when suddenly Pashan's words echoed through the air. Scowling, Skyre looked down the other corridor. "The others must still be down here. Do we go after them, or trust them to make it out alive without us?"
Noting the literal light at the end of the tunnel that appeared through the throng of Shadow Warriors Helia allowed Sasha and the other two tree hounds to hold off warriors whilst she snaked out a ropelike channel of wind down the middle of the tunnel until it was a metres or so from the illuminating bubble. Then, with terrifying force, the channel of wind cycloned outward destroying the shadowy beings and flattening their armour against the walls and ceiling.

Only a few select warriors still stood in the space between Helia's decimating spell and the light that stung her eyes in the dark tunnel, and Sasha was already leading the pair of generic tree hounds down the way to destroy them.

As for Helia she took a slower approach, not necessarily in a hurry at all. She wanted to smile in affection at Sasha for her work, but it was part of that fuzzy unclear rationale she couldn't understand. After all, logically Sasha was but doing her job as an attack beast.

Upon getting close enough Helia walked around Sasha and into the doorway that the light was emanating from. Once inside the doorway Helia immediately realised that someone had been living here. There was food and beverages of all kinds in one corner, a collection of books in another and a absolutely inviting looking heavy metal door riddled with padlocks and chains.

The obvious answer to the question of what next was checking the door.

Moving closer Helia began using microbursts to smash locks and break the chains until the door swung open to a disturbingly dungeon-esque style set of stairs. Following them down, Helia was treated to an absolutely macabre sight.

All around the place were corpses of girls, some frozen in twisted displays with fear, pain or anger clear on their face, some rotting and left in piles her or there. Even more disturbing though was what Helia found as she continued on. Deeper in the twisted room was two girls being force fed by what almost appeared to be shadow warriors, though wearing much less armour.

The pair seemed resigned to their fates, one only moving her neck and head as if she couldn't move her body, and the other with manacles on her wrists and hunched over at her waist, as if she couldn't relax her stomach. Without words Helia destroyed the shadowy administrators and closed on the girls, her fuzzy brain in an uproar. As Helia entered the girls' sightlines they both seemed dead inside, practically looking straight through her. Then one spoke.

"Mister Pashan? Mister Pashan, I'll do anything for you, you know I would. Please let me go see my sister now, please. She would be so very scared without me, and she doesn't know to keep her yellow sundress out of the mud."

Faintly Helia remembered seeing a young girl, probably eight, frozen with her torso twisted three hundred sixty degrees, absolute agony frozen on her face, even in death. Then the partially frozen girls eyes went unfocused before locking onto Helia again.

"Mister Pashan? Mister Pashan, I'll do anything for you, you know I would. Please let me go see my sister now, ple-"

Rather than leave them down here Helia did the only things she could. Enacting sub-microbursts Helia snapped the girls' necks and turned to leave.

Momentarily the fuzzy part of her mind became clear, and she was certain that if she found this Pashan character, she would ensure he died in agony.
Ethan watched as Cyril pushed the remaining soldiers away collapsing to the floor. It had been several minutes and to see he had sustained the spell for so long was enough to note his capability. With the door secure Ethan looked to the others who seemed to be in shock of something. It wasn't till his eyes adjusted to the room that Ethan's heart sank. All around him where girls all frozen in fear. Their eyes show their last moments of agony and pain. None had survived and where but statues of lifeless corpses.

One of the girls looked familiar and in horror her face brought with it a rage to Ethan. It was a local girl who would come to visit the cottage. She would come twice a month for medicine for her father who worked at a mine. Her eager smile and red hair where always an image of sunshine that brought his teacher joy. Now she stands here frozen, her once youthful eyes filled in fear, an almost wary voice could be heard echoing in his head her quaint voice laughing now silent.

Ethan summoned his wisp and scattered it across the room into small sprite-like orbs each laying upon the head of one of the girls. Seeing the sick twisted form this rat had made these girls Ethan could do nothing but be sick in his twisted vision. In the center of the room he looked to each girl burning their face into his mind. His eyes slowly glowed a light blue as he shut them gently. He did not know any prayers but softly he used the only

he knew promising them to rest their spirits and leave their burdens to him and the group. The wisps lights started to bathe the frozen figures in a bright blue light as they started to spin. The pulses where reverberating from the walls as the wisps continued to spin releasing pulses faster and faster.
Ethan had planned to bury this room and with his eyes opened he looked to the group "We can't linger here...let their spirits rest knowing we will bare their pain." as he walked to the door on the other side. The wisps started to spin faster and faster creating a large circle of light raising slowly higher and higher towards the ceiling, small amounts of

was spreading as the circle was reaching its point. The humming was echoing from the walls as cracks slowly started to form. His light blue eyes tried to hold back the tears as the glow reflected what had pooled at the bottom of his eyes. The group would meet with Skyre and Ethan only hoped they had found Ari and Lapis safely. That they avoided this horrible fate that lay before them. There was no more time to waste and with the information they gathered making it out of here alive was the only task left.
The room was illuminated in blue light as the circled above continued to spin its high pitch sound spreading across the walls bouncing like a perpetual echo. Though the room was large its pillars where the only thing holding it up. With a strong enough force the roof would collapse leaving the entire room buried never to be viewed by the eyes of Pashan again.
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Rusar followed the group into the room not really sure where they had gone into since the catacombs were far more complex a simple split path. She saw the prince fall back and sighed softly just glad they all managed to make it this far alive. She caught sight of a figure in the corner of her eye and drew her bow ready to shoot until she saw the figure still and unmoving. She moved closer gasping softly as she realized just what the statues were. "What... the hell..." She muttered seeing various girls of all all kinds frozen in fear. She didn't know what could cause such a horrible thing to happen and moved along the outer edge of the group feeling unnerved but also angry and what kind of monster would do this? To make a collection out of the innocent. She looked over at Ethan as her performed a ritual confused at first but slowly realizing what he was doing. She smiled slightly seeing the lights lift up from the frozen forms and lift up into the air. Rusar saw the crack starting to form and followed Ethan out realizing the room would collapse soon.

Rusar waited for everyone to clear out of the room and up the stairs before drawing another arrow and releasing it striking the weak spot int the ceiling with a small explosion just strong enough to give it the force needed to collapse. Before the arrow even struck she ran out following the rest.
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If it wasn't for Gregor helping with the chains, Ari probably wouldn't have been able to run at all. As it was, the weight of the restraints put the pair of them far behind Desiree and Skyre. But they would still make it out. They had to.

"Rederik, come on!" Ari yelled as she ran down the corridor. She hadn't seen him since he left to find her things and she could only hope that he was close at hand. Still, she glanced left and right into rooms lining the tunnel, looking for Rederik. Many of the rooms were eerily similar to hers, but Ari didn't have time to dwell on this.

As she passed one room, Ari noticed something about it. She ran past the room, not fully processing what it was. Suddenly she stopped. Gregor nearly ran into her as she turned to him. "Wait," Ari said, running back to the room. She looked inside again, at what had caught her eye. There was a colorful mound in one corner.

Her clothes! Ari ran to the pile, dragging Gregor after her. As she approached, she noticed that her clothes sat atop a mound of others. She wasn't Pashan's first victim, not by a long shot. "How many others were there?" Ari muttered quietly. She could only hope that this small pile represented the entirety of his victims, but she knew it was a vain hope. Ari picked up her things. Lapis's outfit was underneath hers, as well as both their weapons. At least he'd kept her stuff together. She knew it would make running more difficult, but Ari couldn't just leave Lapis's things.

Scooping up the kimono and the blades, Ari nodded to Gregor. They'd spent long enough inside the room. She threw the clothes over her shoulder and ran out into the tunnel.

As she continued, she glanced backwards to see if she could spot Rederik. If he hadn't found that room, then he could only be behind them. "Come on, Red, please hurry!" Ari willed under her breath, as if the force of her will would pull him out of the depths of the tunnels.
He didn't want to leave before finding Ari's clothes, but it seemed as though time had its hold once again. Rederik heard her call out for him to come coupled with the sound of steps and clanging chains. It was time to go, and he made off in the direction of the noise until he caught up with Ari and Gregor in another room. The sight of the pile of clothes was odd to him, but he noticed hers were present and guessed perhaps she would like to change. He waited just outside the door out of sight just in case.

The tunnel system and its corridors were still so odd to Rederik. How long does it take to build such structures deep underground? His fingers brushed against the stone wall thoughtfully from his hold around his daggers. He still had not sheathed them, and did not intend to do so anytime soon. Threats lurked about and could appear at any given time, though their presence would be far more predictable with the way their steps would reverberate through the halls.

Ari and Gregor quickly ran out of the room, clothes in hand, at a quick pace. Rederik turned about as she called for him to hurry, and followed after. His footsteps were barely audible even at a fast pace, and so he spoke to announce his presence to the two. "Did you hear the commotion earlier? I do not think the others are where they had originally gone anymore." He took the time to look into each room they passed and listened through the footfalls and chains to try and figure out where the rest of the group had gone.
Outside the doors of the petrification chamber, the Shadow Warriors had moved on, leaving them in peace for whatever reason, and allowing Cyril to drop his light shield. Now he was almost completely drained of energy, and lay panting on the marble floor, not even daring to look at the girls that filled the room. It was a nightmarish scene beyond comprehension of the passive experiences he had endured cooped up in the Castle of Light, and he hadn't quite been prepared for something as truly evil as this. In a way, that was why he had allowed himself to live caged up in the ruined house with Gregor; that way they would not even run the danger of bumping into such things.

Yet the scene that he dared not look upon had quite the effect on Cyril. He had all but given up hope, and had decided instead to live out the rest of his days in secricy, without even thinking about the world. Within the peace of his brick prison he was able to blot out the travesties that had destroyed their world, and bide the time absorbing knowledge from his extensive texts. The arrival of Skyre and the others had brought back his fathers last words to him before his dismissal, and provoked him to join their efforts. But now, as the rightful ruler of Valia, he had a duty. This kind of foul act cannot go unpunished. For the sake of morality, we must clench back our kingdom.

Cyril watched from the ground as Ethan began to bury the dead, and in that moment of honour, the prince forgot his hatred of the alchemists rude comments, and watched, dull-faced, keeping the respectful silence. As the ceiling finally began to collapse, he crawled to his feet and joined the others in departing the room. He presumed that the Shadow Warriors had been drawn off somewhere else, potentially after the other group, as the corridors were now bare as they had once been. So Cyril journeyed up the stairs to the surface above, where hopefully they could finally escape a village which now provided so much pain.


It hadn't taken Skyre long to make a decision. "We can't chance trying to fight our way through a horde of these things only to find nothing," he quickly announced, "we have to presume the best and head back up. Everybody, after me!" Behind him, he saw that Ari, Gregor and Rederik were lagging a little behind, but they would all make it surely, even if there had been a direct request for Warrior back-up.

Mounting the staircase felt like a mammoth task compaired to their decent, but Skyre did very well to hide just how tired he was. Hopefully... this is the last time we'll have to run for a little while... and the last we'll see of these kind of threats. We really deserve a rest.

But Skyre had been too hopeful. As the group finally hit the overworld, fresh, bright sunlight showing down on them, they walked out straight into a circle of Shadow Warriors, warriors that had clearly been waiting for them. Quickly scanning the horizon, Skyre was glad to see that the others were watching carefully from their wall escape path, but clearly there was no way to get to them. The warriors numbered about thirty, maybe fifty: they surely had no chance of escape this time. But Skyre refused to give up hope, and drew his sword, chest rising and falling as he gulped down heavy breaths.

Behind them, Cyril lead the other pack straight into them, the prince's expression falling from a familial semi-smile (as much as he was capable of managing anyway), to a dejected frown. The Warriors held their ground, and time seemed to stop, as if their enemy was somehow toying with them in their own, menacing way, and both groups stood still.

Silence, bar the sound of nearby birdsong. Then, in horrifying unison, all of the warriors drew their swords, and Cyril moaned aloud. "Fight... 'til the end," Skyre panted, eyes burning with determination. "We cannot let them end us this way." The world swayed before his eyes, and a plethora of thoughts suddenly ran through the young man's head: unanswered magical questions, regrets on being unable to succeed in saving the kingdom, lament on never finishing his studies, a last pondering if Desiree truly loved him back. He would have turned around right then and truly confessed: there is nothing to lose when everythign is already lost. But he felt obliged to maintain his duty as leader, and keep his ever-present focus.

The soldier charged, and Skyre barely found the energy to lift his sword to ready a parry. This is it. Our final battle.

"Stand beside me, all of you!" Gregor's voice, unmistably mumbly yet filled with an unfamilair power, pierced the thundering of boots, and Skyre felt obliged to do so. But before he could move more than a few steps, he tripped as the ground began to shake beneath them. He didn't even have time to wonder what was going on before suddenly a cocoon of yellow stone protruded from the ground around them, rising with powerful speed around them. He quickly span around to see Gregor stood strong, arms rising to meet above his head, as the rocks clapped together and the group were sealed in a new, dim cave, finding themself unlikely survivors once more.

Many may have been confused with what was going on, but Skyre climbed to his feet with a knowing smile. Earth magic. What a shake-up.
Gregor's shielding magic erupted around them with the unmistakable stench of death. At least, that's what Desiree sensed in the air. Like with Skyre's magic, earth magic was one of those sorceries that she would always taste and a flood of dark memories at the university washed through her.

She clasped her arms around herself and her bright, blue eyes shot daggers at the old man. Not only had his power conjured their salvation, but she had tasted it and now felt the impurities that she had purged those years past return. If she could retch to rid herself of it, she would gladly have done so.

I would have rather died at the hands of the shadow warriors than to taste this foulness again, Desiree thought bitterly. Her brow furrowed and her nose wrinkled at the man's talent that surrounded them.

Like a caged panther, Desiree paced around the area with her arms tight around her body. She was clearly, overtly agitated and kept passing stern, hateful glances at the king's royal butler.
The group had rushed upwards following the sounds of voices before finally the bright light filled their eyes. It took a moment for Ethan to adjust but his sight fell to the warrior surrounding them. Before he could react the earth itself clasped around them protecting them from the sheer force. It was dark and for a moment all that could heard was the heavy breathing of the group. Summoning a wisp he was able to provide the group with light. Ethan scanned the caved room ensuring everyone had made it out.

It was then his eyes fell to Ari and Lapis. He quickly checked on Lapis noting that she was in a deep sleep but in no immediate danger. Turning to Ari he noted the chains around her but that tempered eyes was still vibrant and resolved. Coming up to her he simply lightly bumped her head a bit "...How long did you expect us to wait for you." his voice soft and shaky attempting to humor before suddenly wrapping his arms around her glad to see she and Lapis where alive. Small amount of tears fell from him as he let her go quickly realizing he let his emotions take the better of his actions. Still a relief had been lifted from his heart even if their situation wasn't the best "...Welcome back Ari.".

Looking to the chains Ethan realized the material's properties. A form of bonding meant for mages it would disperse magic from gather and prevent the use of heavy casting, its metal was from a rare mineral and was took careful treatment to temper. Ethan sighed as he removed the vial of the golden liquid noting but a few teaspoons left. Gauging whether it was best to use to break the bonds or to coat a few weapons he waited to gauge their options. Working his dagger on the runic pins he attempted to distract himself as the tall servant Gregor looked to have a plan or something of importance to say. Ethan was curious as there was now more questions than answers building between the prince and his servant. The biggest of them is their knowledge of these creatures and their weakness. Careful to tend to Ari's chains and sores on her wrist and ankles Ethan listened carefully for any insight from this estrange savior.
Though Ari was generally unappreciative of hugs, Ethan's unexpected hug was not altogether unwelcome. And she sort of felt that it was more for his sake anyways. Regardless, it was a nice break from the adrenaline of the moment: a kind of reminder that she didn't need to be so on edge all the time. "Thanks" she said quietly to Ethan as he checked her chains, trusting he would understand that her thanks was meant for more than just the wounds. "I'll be fine," She told him, "It's just a few sores. I can heal those on my own. It's these chains I need to worry about."

Ari analyzed them again. Pity she couldn't get the keys from Pashan, but they would come off one way or another. She shook the chain slightly, trying to get used to the extra weight. After all, she didn't know when they were going to come off. Ari looked at the cuffs, at the keyholes. It would be entirely useless and a hassle to try and change without first getting them off. She gave a disconcerted look to her clothes, the ones she'd dropped in surprise when Ethan hugged her. It looked like it was going to be no magic for a little while. Crouching down, Ari searched through her clothes for her knives. At least she could arm herself in some way. Her fingers closed around the sheath and she pulled it up, along with the attached belt. She was about to draw her weapon when she remembered -- she didn't just carry potions and knives around with her.

Haha! Ari thought as she searched the pockets of her leather accessory, I forgot I had them, it's been so long since I used them! She unhooked the clasp over one of the pocket and pulled out two very thin and oddly shaped metal sticks. A lock pick. Ari grinned slightly, almost feeling the heavy chains lifted off her wrists already. She wouldn't have much time and, of course, she would prefer to have both hands at her disposal, but this was no time for luxuries. Ari placed the lower bit into the keyhole on her left wrist and held it in place with her teeth as she did the actual lock picking with her right hand. It had been quite a while since she'd used the tool and she'd never had to do it without both hands, but sure enough the lock made a successful click and the cuff fell to the floor with a clang. "Yes!" Ari exclaimed, feeling the weight fall off. She twisted her wrist a few times, enjoying the proper range of motion before setting to work on the right hand. It took a bit longer, as Ari was not left-hand dominant, but the right cuff too clattered to the stone floor.

Grinning, Ari stood and stretched her arms. They felt weightless and she could sense the magic, the electricity in the air. It was eager to return to her now that the sinister metal's grip was lost. The grey dress would still act as an inhibitor, but now was not the time for a wardrobe change. Ari decided she could wait a while longer. She slipped on her belt and cloak over the dress so she would at least have less to carry. Rubbing her freed wrists, she looked (naturally) to Skyre for their next plan of action.
The light of day would have been a promising omen for Rederik. Being freed from the catacombs was relieving, and the fresh air was welcomed in his lungs with a deep breath. His breath was shortened by the pain of his wound, causing him to jolt his upper body downward. His red eyes held still on the Shadow Warriors that surrounded them, and he slowly straightened. He began to pray for his soul to prepare it for the afterlife, and reflected on fond memories. He hoped Naraya would move on and live a long, content life.

But their lives were spared by the magic of an earth wielder. Gregor's rock manipulation was definitely unexpected. Rederik fell to one knee as they were placed into another cave, his body and mind reeling. He thought he was a dead man, and he have himself a moment to collect himself. Rising, he grunted and sheathed his daggers before walking over to the mumbling man.

"Thank you for saving us," Rederik said to Gregor with a low inclination of his head.

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