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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

Dusk whispered "i don't have a choise if i stay out here any longer i will freeze to death" he slowly sat up and tried to concentrate on crating a sandstorm with his powers, to keep himself warm.
Relishing in the feeling of Haks body heat she layer her head on his chest. Turning her body to look at Aaren as Hak released her, Adilias face lit up with amazement, "Wow...that's so cool!" She exclaimed as she moved closer to Aaren to get a better view. Nodding her slowly she looks over at Hak, "Yeah, let's hurry to the beach isn't very far, less than 4 minutes." Glancing at his torso he stare lingered, looking back up to his eyes her face grew slightly hot, "Uh, you might want this back...it's getting colder and I'm warmed up now."
The sionic sand storm continued to grow larger and larger at a surprising rate. as it did Dusk's memories began to fade and he was losing control of the storm as it spread.
Raz laughed, "Your still a kid, mutation or no, still a 13 year old kid." She sighed, cutting off her laughter as she shook her head. "I'm gonna have to pass, the idea that out here.... No. That just seems weird.." She laughed, before pressing her eyebrows together, "Besides we've just met not long ago, I still have morals from my past life.."
Am2aM said:
Amaya then sits next to Alex as he slept from exauhstion.... She later fell asleep with her head on his chest.....
(I gtg Byez)
Amay started stiring in her sleep. ...and then woke up, but looked around to make sure Alex was okay. ... but he was still under her head, and she sighted with relief. ..'I hope he is going to feel better when he wakes up' she says to herself, cupping his cheek and admiring his he looked in his sleep. .. On the calm beach...

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"I..I dont need your protection....I just...wan t to go home" she said knowing that she wouldn't go home, wherever that is.

Taking a deep breath Selena bent the life around herself making herself invisible and ran away.
Hak's brow raised once Adilia offered him his shirt back. Hak didn't require its protection, and thus shook his head. He'd rather her keep hold of it until they made camp and created an acceptable fire for warmth. Dropping his brow, Hak returned his gaze to Aaren. He had to admit what she did was pretty unique. With what one would call a slight smile, but was titled to be a real smile to him, Hak placed both of his hands behind his head and continued walking forward.
Rose thinks why do I have to be here I have no powers. I'm going out to hunt.

Rose gets up to find some food and water.
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James watched as the girl ran off and said to himself,"At least you know what home is. Home is a place that I have never known." James then sighed as he sat at the beachside, alone once again.
Máv̱ros sat quietly in the dark chilled air while waiting for the tell tale bark and then yelp as his plan was set into motion, he closed his eyes and concentrated on his hearing listening for any abnormal noises. Opening his eyes again as he heard it, heard the bark and then the rustle of leaves he stood and readied his makeshift knife before the deer burst from the foliage infront of him and almost trampled him, Máv̱ros jumped out of the way before grabbing onto the deers leg and cutting it so that the deer toppled to the ground "Bye bye stupid animal" He whispered to himself before stabbing the animal twice in the neck until it stopped struggling.
Alex felt a touch on his cheek and he slowly woke up. He opened his eyes and say Amaya looking down at him. He smiled and thought She is so beautiful... Then pulled he closer and softly kissed her...

The Unamed Character]"Hm?" Jin said looking at the sky. He could see a lot of stars and constellations and was listening to her [/QUOTE] (( [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15822-the-unamed-character/ said:
@The Unamed Character[/URL] yeah sorry.))

Fay slightly fidgeted in the silence that filled the air. I guess I'm kinda lucky then if most people here can't remember anything. "So what is your favorite consultation? You seem to like the stars as well." Fay waved a hand towards the sky.
Jin smiled "Orions Belt" he said looking up "For some reason it is..."

Moonflight said:
(( @The Unamed Character yeah sorry.))
Fay slightly fidgeted in the silence that filled the air. I guess I'm kinda lucky then if most people here can't remember anything. "So what is your favorite consultation? You seem to like the stars as well." Fay waved a hand towards the sky.
Fay nodded. "The belt is a nice one." Her eyes searched the sky till she found the one she was looking for. "Mine is amdromida. The story of how the girl was chained to a rock and stuff." Fay pointed out the constulation.
"Okay so if I remember correctly, the story goes that a girl, the princess maybe, was chained to a rock for some reason. So some how a person found out and rescued her. " Fay explained. "...At least I think that's how it goes." At that moment Fay's stomach began to growl. "I guess I'm hungry." She laughed. "Well i'm going to go hunt. You're welcome to join me if you wish."
"Um I normally turn into dragon form and let the heightened senses help find something." Fay shrugged. "You may wanna back up when I shift. Dragon me is pretty big." Once Fay was sure he had moved back far enough, she shifted. It wasnt painful just kinda weird to watch.
Máv̱ros smiled as he lifted the deer by the small opening in its neck and began to drag it along, back to the beach, back to where his brother had left him. Máv̱ros continued for a few minutes until he stopped and continued dragging the large animal across the shoreline, his wolf had finally caught up to him most likely following the small trail of blood that was still coming from the deer. Máv̱ros looked down at the panting wolf and smirked at his creation, he dumped the deer down in a small alcove and drew the rock again before running the blade across the deer's skin.
Im sorry, im sorry...sorry...no choice

Who was sorry? The voice seemed to drift out of earshot or grow louder inconsistently. Elina could not recognize the voice- in fact she actually forgot what her own sounded like. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't concentrate. Everything was spinning in a blurred whirlwind of confusion.

Images flashed in the scenery of her fitful dream: a cloaked man, a snake, daggers in the shadows, until finally she was trapped under the weight of the dark depths of the sea. She clawed vainly at the water as she sank downward, her lungs burning for air as the inky water began to fill her throat and nostrils.

Sand skittered away from her face as Elina coughed and gasped in the sweet air. Lifting her down turned face, she realized two things; she was on an unfamiliar beach and it was dark. The thought that she had no idea how she got here did not frighten her nearly as much as the shadowed vegetation lurking on the edge of the starlit beach - who knew what could be lurking in there?! She had many an idea, but did not wish to bring any of them into mind.

She sat up.

Squinting her eyes in the half light, Elina soon spotted the unconscious form of Faraday laying partly submerged in the creeping tide just a couple of feet to her left. Forcing her sluggish body into a crawl on her hands and knees, she made her way over to her sister. Well she felt like this girl was her sister. As she dragged Faraday away from the water and got a better look at her face and dark brown hair, she almost doubted herself. Her "sister's" hair was not the same gold-tinted hue as her own with a more sharper chin and almond eyes.

Elina thought of this, along with how she got here, as she sat under the protection of a weathered rock situated between the two and the looming forest.

(i think it is night right now... if not then just throw a book or fridge at me)
(*Readies to throw fridge* No its night....)

Máv̱ros looked up at the 2 figures laying on the beach a few hundred meters away, looking back down at the deer he finished skinning it before cutting a few large chunks of meat of out it. Standing up he dragged the remains of the carcass to the water and heaved it up and then into the water, sighing as he watched the blood spread across the murky, silt ladened water. Slumping down in a cross legged position Máv̱ros wiped some hair from his face and squinted at the salt air that stung his eyes. He looked again at the two that had magically appeared at the beach and stood, not knowing what to do he eventually walked over and stared down at the 2 his eyes shining an unearthly black colour as he stared.

(@Juju and whatever your sister's name is)
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Rose sees a deer. Rose gets a little closer to get a good look. Rose sneaks closer for a kill. Rose gets ready to strike the deer in the heart.

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