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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

Am2aM said:
Amaya raised an eyebrow, and then hugs him tightly.. "Of course I'm okay!… I'm with you..." She smiles happily, then sits up and smiles brighter as she stares at his face.. And wiggles her toes, that are underneath her, into the sand..
(Just gonna...crawl back to this RP....)

Éden sat by the waters edge, her finger sizzling a bit as it touched the saltwater, then calming as it got used to it. @anyone
The Jackal]([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10048-juju/ said:
@Juju[/URL] I'm confused as hell as to what the second text is)
Áspro shook his head "Not just that.... I can also do this" He said before standing and then kicking up from the rock, sending him up into the air slowly "I can manipulate gravity as well" He smiled before clicking his fingers again and he flew back to the ground "But only around myself and when other people want their gravity to be manipulated" He said before standing and rubbing he back of his head.


Máv̱ros' shadow wolf froze and sniffed the air, growling as it smelt something. It turned and ran over to his master and began nudging him in the shoulder. Máv̱ros groaned and slapped at the wolf's nose "Go away" He mumbled in an irritated tone before rolling over.

(Sorry for the short Máv̱ros post)
A shimmer in the air slowly moved towards where the shadowed wolf was urgently nudging its master, leaving no hint of the threat save for a few sandy footprints. It stopped behind the wolf and for a moment hovered there in the silence. Then, as quick as an adder, two hands seemed to appear out of thin air and clamp down on the wolf; one boney hand wrapped around the beast's muzzle and the other pulling at it's hide. Muted grunts and growls followed as sand shuffled under the two wrestling forms, both slowly fading back into the surrounding landscape in a shimmery veil.

Not long after, a growing shifting sound seemed to resonate from below the sleeping figure.


Elina looked up at Aspro in awe as he floated gracefully in the air,"Manipulate gravity!?" she exclaimed in disbelief. "You-you have so much powers... and you don't look even half as exhausted as I do." she wasn't sure if she was jealous or uneasy of this display of power. "You must have had your powers a lot longer than I, to master them I mean." The white cobra flowed onto her lap and she scratched it under the chin like some household pet. It was a comfort to know that she had one at least one loyal companion, although it seemed to her that she might be able to trust the pale-haired boy.

(sorry, got busy with life)
Aspro shrugged "Its not much" He stated, cracking his knuckles before coming crashing down to earth "I need to work on landing though" He said as he stood and brushed the sand from his shirt. He glanced at the snake again and rose an eyebrow as she pet it much like a dog or cat which made him snicker slightly before looking over his shoulder at the rocky pier where his brother resided.

Mavros only shifted as his construct was slowly dragged into the wood behind him but slowly opened his eyes as a rumbling shook him from an actually peaceful dream. He slowly rose and looked around, the shadows writhing in his wake as he glanced at the shape of his brother in the distance. He growled lightly in annoyance before staring at the ground below him, something was wrong.

The sand began to hiss and shift slightly as the sound grew louder. A moment later the ground suddenly began to slant downwards in a earthy whirlpool of white grains, (hopefully) dragging Mavros to the center area.

It only lasted a few moments, however, because once (if) Mavros had reached the center of the sinkhole, a burly form shot out from below and sent the trapped figure into the air with a blast of sand and black earth. The bulky attacker then landed heavily on meaty feet as he peered at Mavros with beady eyes and a toothy sneer, "Wakey Wakey, sleeping beauty... don't worry, ol' Grosh won't hurt you. Not much."

Brandishing thick tortoise like paws each tipped with yellowed claws, Grosh began to hiss at Mavros as he stepped closer. Moonlight glimmered off of the scaly plates growing off his shoulders and back and illuminated the grotesque features of his face.


Elina grinned lightheartedly accompanied by a soft chuckle when Aspros landed clumsily on the sand before quickly trying to hide it, not wanting to be rude or hurt his pride. She was careful with her tone when she agreed, "Yeah, with a bit of practice you'll be a master in no time."

Tilting her head she followed his gaze curiously and squinted her eyes towards the pier. She would have asked him what he was looking at until she saw the burst of earth from the ground and a silhouette emerge beside it.

"What the..." she said while watching with wide eyes.

@The Jackal
Mavros took a few steps back, growling lightly as he looked around. It was still night he was at his strongest "Your fucked" He murmured, flicking his wrists as the shadows around him writhe before they shot forward like a wave of shadows, engulfing Mavros and then moving onto the beast. It swallowed the beast up before basically spitting it out and sending it along the rocky pier.


Aspro glanced at the thing "He's in trouble... Uh I gotta go" He said as he drew his cane sword and began running towards the pier, floating slightly as he ran.

(Sorry Aspro's is short... Not much to describe.
Grosh had enough time to spit out a curse before he was flung towards the pier by the animated shadows. He landed face up on the rocks with a loud thud and skidded to a halt, claws dug into the stone to slow his momentum and caused an unpleasant scraping noise.

"Oi ye bastard, too scared of fightin' up close?" the mutated figure shouted while he heaved himself back to his feet.

Not really waiting for an answer, he rolled his scaled shoulders before punching the rock pier with both fists and caucusing a tremor to move towards Mavros. Cracking sounded as it neared Mavros until the tremor intensified into a rocky fissure about half way between the two, sending a spray of rock fragments and sand as it torpedoed along the pier.


"Hey, wait!" Elina called after Aspro as he dashed off along the beach. It was no use, she soon realized, for he was already on his way towards where the shaking earth and dust clouds were. She had half the mind to go with him and check out what the commotion was, but she still didn't enjoy the fact of willingly going near Aspro's brother and that shadow wolf.. not to mention she would be leaving her sister unattended. And So she stayed.

As a precaution, she dragged Faraday into the space between two rocks so that if anything happened she would at least be hidden.While she had been moving her, Elina also noticed how her sister's skin had become hot and feverish to the touch. Elina frowned in a worrisome manner as she thought of this and looked at her snake construct absentmindedly, as if it knew what to do. The cobra merely gazed back at Elina with glowing orbs as it awaited orders.

(Yeah, don't worry about short posts like that, I don't mind it at all. There wasn't much else you could have put there anyways xD )
Mavros was usually quite cocky about things but even he was contemplating the chances of flight instead of fight. The twin in black was so caught up in thought that he hadn't noticed the mutated figure had stood from his attack and was now readying himself for another attack, sending a large tremor towards Mavros, forcing him jump out of the way of the tear line as it neared him. He quickly stood after his forced jump and whipped his wrists again, sending a wave of shadow tendrils towards the beast which took hold of the mutated figure, wrapped themselves in coils much like a snake and then flung it into the air before another flick of the wrist sent a large wave upwards into the beast's back.


By the time Aspro had made it to the pier it looked like his brother was already kicking the things ass but he had still received a glance and then a yell from his twin in black "Gravity !" Mavros yelled, Aspro nodding before raising his hand and sending the beast down to earth with a crunch of gravel being crushed by a hard shell. With that Mavros quickly flicked his wrists again only to send a wave of shadows from underneath the beast which began to protest against his brother's gravitational pull.

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With a sound that seemed to be caught between a human's cry and something else, Grosh roared out in pain when the shadowy appendages flung him into the air before slamming him into the ground. He could both hear and feel the crack in the scaled armor of his spine as it a jagged crease formed, but was far too stubborn to let the worry and pain show in front of an enemy. A crushing pain soon gripped the entire deformed mess of his body as the twins decided to tag team him. "Y-ou.. GAH" Grosh managed to hiss out before his lungs became useless in the pressure. Thick limbs convulsed in vain as the force continued to press on the floating mutant.


Now, Slim wasn't stupid. He knew that this wolf thing was not some organic creature; it must have been created by that black haired boy on the beach. Therefore he was not sure if he could knock it out with the poisons he had with him... although it was physical enough. His theory was to drag the creature far enough from it's creator so that hopefully it would lose some of it's "oomph" and be weak enough for him to knock it out or if he needed to- kill it. In the end he had to sit on top of it, as it was struggling too much, and gave it a good dose of some sleeping poison he had with him. (if it is immune to poison, he would instead try and knock it out bluntly. If none of these worked than he killed it.).

Slim, as he had been nicknamed by Grosh, often prided himself on his speed but arrived only moments before the snow-headed newcomer showed up.

"Not another one..." he thought to himself while under the cover of his invisibility, "Grosh, you idiot. Always having to make a show.".

Quiet as a shade, Slim coated a hooked barb with his favorite brew of poison: a wonderful substance that muddled the mind of the victim and much to his delight, could cause illusions and blind aggression. While Grosh was helplessly pounded around like a doll, Slim crept up behind Mavros and with a deft movement pressed the barb up against his jugular while extending a bony arm over his chest for a more secure grip.

"Now, now..." Slim said coolly while reappearing, "How about you both release that ugly bastard, and I won't give this pretty face no body to sit on."
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As Mavros was crushing the creature he found himself laughing which made Aspro roll his eyes at his brother's fondness of killing things. They continued with their little game while Mavros laughed hellishly and Aspro simply pushed down as hard as he could, his eyes dead as concentrating on keeping the gravity of the beast to a negative number. This concentration was cut short when Mavros came to a halt and the only force on the beast was Aspro's gravitational pull which by now was weakening along side Aspro, Mavros lowered his arms to his side as he moved his eyes in his sockets to look at the barbed blade at his neck. He glanced up at Aspro who was now lying on his knees while he tried to gain his bearings "Brother... assistance" He called to him only for Aspro to glance up with dead eyes and slowly try to stand. Now with no force on Grosh the beast was now free from his invisible bonds and could move freely had his bones not been broken in the process.

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With nothing to support his weight, Grosh fell to the earth in a heap of cracked and battered shell. At first it almost seemed to Slim that the brute had really done himself in this time, but when he heard the coarse gasping and coughs a few moments later he knew he didn't have to say his farewells just yet. Now came the part Slim hated sorting out.

Shaking with the effort, Grosh slowly punched down one fist into the earth and pulled himself up onto his hands and knees. There were raw cracks in his armor and blood gathered in red globules on the corners of his mouth and nose, yet he just stared at the ground with blood-shot eyes. He bared his teeth and growled maliciously before finally getting up on his feet, hunched over and swaying with every ragged rise and fall of his shoulders. Narrowed vision rose to find the first thing within his line of sight; a kneeling figure with pale hair.

"Grosh, don't do it. Hey! don't you dare... look at yourself you oaf, you are in no condition to fight!" Slim snapped at his partner while still holding the blade up to Mavros' throat.

The hulking creature didn't seem to hear or care as he flexed his claws and began to lumber towards Aspro.


"what is going on? I can't see them anymore" Elina said to pretty much herself really, as she squinted her eyes towards the pier. She had climbed on top of the rocks to get a better view of the shadowy mass that had formed in mid air over the horizon, but it had mysteriously vanished only moments ago. The sand serpent glided around the beach below her and kept watch towards the forest, at her command, ever since she had seen that tall figure sprinting towards where Aspro had gone. He heeded her nothing but a glance in which she and the man had met eyes for only a brief moment before he continued on his way. If she didn't have to worry about anyone attacking her sister, Elina swore she would've tried to warn Aspro about the figure. Still, she hoped that the figure didn't have ill intentions.
Aspro glanced up weakly and slowly stood, reaching for the orb that was now in his pocket before slowly slipping it out and throwing it weakly into the air, then catching it as the sword now appeared in his grasp, drawing the sword out of the cane and then readying himself to dodge or block. Mavros glared at 'Grosh' clenching his fists as he glanced at his brother weakly trying to ready himself to defend himself, with a few mental notes Aspro glanced at his twin in black and nodded before returning his gaze at the lumbering beast, lowering his sword to the ground and then leaving it lying in the sand where the shadows crept towards it and enveloped the blade completely.

(Can I kill Slim or Grosh ?)
Slim eyed the shadows gathering on the sword with alarm... things were not going well, it would seem. "Hey- I see that sketchy shit over there! Don't you dare move or I'll gut this bas-" Slim yelled sharply before cutting himself off when Grosh was getting too close.

"God dammit Grosh, would you listen to me for once?! Oh fuck it... Josh! Joshua Gornick! Yeah that's right look over here, you oaf." Slim shouted desperately to the glowering giant. If only these two hadn't have been twins, then it would have been acceptable to just bring them back dead to The Lady.

At the mention of his name, Grosh whipped his head towards Mavros and Slim and just glared. After a moment the rest of his body turned too, and he stood fuming with anger while a fresh thread of blood traced its way across his eye.

Slim flicked his eyes between the shadows and his partner. "You gotta focus! Remember something! Anything?! We got a mission you know!" He said before adding in something he hope wouldn't backfire on him. "Catelyn... You rememb-"

"FUCK CATELYN... ALL OF THEM CAN GO TO HELL!" Grosh roared before wiping the blood from his face with the back of his hand. "She left us to them..." His eyes were no less bloodshot but the brute's shoulders had sagged down as if the pain from his wounds had suddenly took effect for the first time.

(They are killable, yes of course but who will you pick >:3 if you kill one the other (if he gets away or doesn't die too) will want revenge of some sort. Or you could wound them or not kill them and see what happens. Or kill them both.

It's your choice, after all you are the man with the sword)
(Goddammit you and your mind games)

Aspro, who was now able to stand without passing out, glanced at Mavros as he returned the stare. They both paused before Mavros nodded and the shadows shot forward from behind Slim, grabbed hold of the hooked blade, ripped it from his grasp and then threw it away. As soon as the shadows shot forward Aspro scurried to the now squirming sword, picked it up and then swung it through the air aimed at Grosh. The shadows from the sword leapt forward and crashed straight into Grosh, knocking him a few feet back before pinning him to the ground in a shadowy web. Both the brothers nodded at each other and Mavros took Slim by his now empty hand, glanced at him as the same unearthly blackness appeared in his eyes before shadows crept up his arm and took hold of Slim with an iron grip "Leave" Mavros muttered, the shadows shimmering with his words.

(Is your sister OC going to wake up ? Or is the person who made that character quit RpN ?)
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Lilly sat at the edge of the water, her feet in the cool shallows. Her journal sat open on her lap as she sketched the horizon. She hummed lightly to herself paying no mind to the flowering vines that grew out of the water wrapping around her legs as she hummed. She was quite used to plants responding to her emotions when she wasn't intentionally controlling them.
("true courage is not about knowing when to take a life, but when to spare one." )

When he saw the shadow tendrils appear behind Slim, Grosh took a step forward and raised a paw to strike at Mavros but was pushed sideways by the sword's blast. Pinned down in some web, he clawed and punched at his bonds while growling like some beast.

The barbed blade was torn from Slim's grasp in a blink of an eye by the shadows and skittered across the sand. He cursed at himself internally for letting himself be disarmed so easily. Unfortunately he didn't have much time to scold himself before Mavros's hand shot up and took hold of his arm in a vice like grip and warned him to flee. Weeks later, Slim could still not shake the feeling of those shadows crawling on his skin and those burrowing eyes that meant business.

He tugged halfheartedly with his arm before going still and glaring back, "As you say...."

(as for sleeping beauty... no she said she isn't coming back. On the second day after we joined she said, "yeah, im probably never gonna RP" AFTER i had added her in xD . So I was going to make her either get sick and die, or slowly waste away or be killed by someone by either pity or bloodlust.)
(You could always ask her if you could take control of her character... Like my friend who quit Rping he put all his OCs up for 'adoption' I took 2 of his characters and now they're mine)

Aspro slowly lowered the blade to the ground, glancing up at his brother as he took hold of the slim mutant and commanded him to flee. After a moment Aspro stood and took his sword weakly before watching as the shadows retracted from the slim mutant's arm and scurried up Mavros' sleeve where it slipped out of his neck hole and perched itself on his shoulder in the shape of a praying mantis. Mavros turned and looked at his brother before walking over to him, offering him a hand and then hoisting it over his shoulder. "Back there" Aspro murmured, pointing to the rock formation that Mavros had visited before as they began walking in the general direction of the formation.

Mavros slumped his brother down on the soft sand once they reached the formation, glancing down at the conscious girl and then the 'dead' girl before walking over to a small rock formation which he sat on and closed his eyes. The shadow mantis scurried from his shoulder and at the sight of the sand-snake let out a low clinking sound as the shadows crept towards it, absorbing themselves into it's being and increasing it's size. This all happened without a single glance from Mavros who didn't care at all.

Without looking at the two, Slim pocketed his dagger and walked over towards Grosh to help him out of the shadow net. He lent a hand when the brute had difficulty getting up and helped to steady Grosh (not without a tad bit of a struggle) as they walked back towards the forest. After they had made some way into the trees, Slim began his chastising, "You idiot, what were you thinking? You almost had us both dead there... if only that other one didn't show up."

When Grosh remained silent instead of his usual grumbled retorts, Slim knew he really needed to get his companion back to The Lady.


Elina watched quietly as Mavros propped his brother against the rock before sitting down nearby. Noticing how drained the other looked, she glanced between the two worriedly before dropping her gaze politely and toyed with a pebble in her hand. She couldn't help but feel ashamed she hadn't helped them and at the same time angry at herself for being so uneasy around the darker twin. Finally she blurted out, "Are you okay? What happened over there?" directed more towards Aspro, although she wasn't sure he was really in the mood for explanations.

Sensing the unease of its creator, the serpent eyed the shadow mantis as it delicately moved from its master's shoulder and then scuttled closer. Although it had already begun to coil up defensibly, when the shadow insect began to increase in size the snake reared up its head and let out a warning hiss.

(yeah i guess that could work, although I've never been a fan of controlling her characters. they always have a "je ne sais quois" I can't replicate.)

@The Jackal
(Explain what a "je ne sais quois" is.... I'm very confused)

Aspro simply slumped to the ground and closed his eyes, letting out a half hearted groan as an answer to her question. "Stuff happened" Mavros piped up, now opening his eyes and staring at the shadow mantis as it recognized the threat of the sand-snake that had some how been summoned. After a moment of thinking Mavros' eyes darted up to Elina as the look of worry plastered itself on her face, sighing out of a sympathy that was being forced by his brother before leaning down to the mantis and whispering in it's ear. "Go find my wolf" The shadow mantis seemed to nod in reply before the shadows exploded from it's being and it was back to it's regular size. Mavros watched quietly as the mantis scurried into the forest and began looking for his wolf before turning his attention back to Elina, flashing her a grin before standing and walking back along the beach. Aspro, who had watched this through half closed eyes, chuckled lightly. "Awww, he likes you" He said, sarcasm evident in his voice as he made a heart shape with his fingers and pointed it at Elina then at the fast fading shape of Mavros.

(oh sorry! it is french for 'I do not know what" and is a term used to describe an elusive quality, usually a good or pleasing one. i use it sometimes because I love using loanwords borrowed from French :) )

It was hard for Elina not to flinch as the mantis suddenly burst apart its additional shadows and skittered off at an uncanny speed. Her momentary panic quickly subsided into mild anger, however, when she saw the arrogant grin on Mavros's face.

Elina frowned after Aspro commented on this, "I don't care if he likes me or not." she replied tartly, "Just as long as he keeps the wolf and that... other thing... away from me."

She sighed as she reached over and gently swept away a lock of brown hair that had fallen across her unconscious sister's face, which to her dismay had become increasingly warm to the touch. Flicking her gaze back towards Aspro, she tried to put the embarrassment of her jumpiness aside while she asked, "did you two get into a fight? I saw a man run through the woods towards where you went..."

she added in quickly, "I would've warned you or something, but I had to stay here with my sister!"

(you know I just realized that i don't think Elina know's Aspro's name xD )

@The Jackal
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(Oh okay, now I get it :D )

Mavros wandered off quietly with his head in the clouds, his mind elsewhere as he sat down at the edge of the water and ran his hand through the salt water. He mentally ran over what had happened today before smirking at the thought of the giant turtle thing and it's spindly little friend. This look was soon replaced by a look of annoyance as he remember that they had woke up on this exact beach with nothing but Aspro's stupid sword. While thinking he remembered the meat he had stowed in a bag, slowly standing and beginning his way back to the pier in hopes that it was still there.

Aspro sighed and looked at the glowing eyes of the snake serpent. "He's not a bad guy y'know... He just has trouble talking to people." He murmured as he looked down at the unconscious girl in front of her. "I don't know, when I got there Mavros was already beating the hell out of a fat turtle thing... I helped a little bit before a thin little person put a knife to his neck." He explained tiredly. "It's fine... I get that, now if you don't mind I'm going to get some sleep" He said, laying back into the sand and turning over.


(A. No Elina has no clue, B. You can tell I really want a Mavros X Elina ship xD )
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zen woke up lying on his back in the sand. he could hear a helicopter flying off in the distance.."what..the hell?" zen sat up blinking..."where?" zen slowly stood up in this new unfamiliar landscape that surrounded him he let out a small laugh and twitched "stranded in an unfamiliar place...i wonder what i'll find here...i guess i'll have to explore and see!" zen kicked his left foot forward and flung himself backwards falling into his shadow and sinking into it crossing over to the shadow realm he began to walk. the distance was distorted in the shadow realm compared to the human realm making it much easier to traverse large distances in the shadow realm

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