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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

@kamikazeweaboo21 "That's cool. Do you have a name for it?" Adilia asked always liking to know exactly what things are, "Do you think you could do a small constellation without taking too much effort." She questions wanting to see what she meant, 'I wonder if Hak knows what she means...' Scrunching her nose as her mind went immediately to him, 'Why am I thinking about him so much.' Focusing back on Aaren she used all her will to not look back at Hak, to her knowledge was still walking behind them.
Hak, after an immense secluded period of time, had came to continue following the two girls. Besides, the two loves-birds they left behind must've been playing around. Something he didn't know too much about. Shaking his head with disapproval, Hak raised his flashy gaze to examine Adilia. Chuckling , Hak found it cute how she scrunched up her nose. 'Cu~ No.' Hak began to find himself slipping. He mustn't think like that. Not here, not now. He was completely oblivious to the fact the two were even talking before he shook himself from his daze. Which resulted in a low grunt.
Aaren shook her head. "If I did have a name for it, I don't remember it." Small constellations... hm. She nodded, answering her second question. " Yeah. I'm able to summon smaller ones without much trouble."
"Do you think you could do one right now?" Adilia asked unsure of the answer, but she really wanted to see one. As it got colder Adilia shivered, hugging herself as they continued walking she thought about how close they were to the beach. 'I'll probably just check for people, stay for a minute and leave. Since it seems to be getting colder.' Hearing a low grunt Adilia turned around to see Hak, looking at him questioningly the corner of her lips turned up slightly. Turning around slower than before as she moved her gaze away from his and back to Aaren. Hugging herself tighter she bit her lip, 'Why did you turn around?' She asked herself as she waited, 'Staring at him every time he does something isn't-I know, but I can't help it.' Trying to look at Hak in the corner of her eye Adilia reprimands herself before shifting her muddy light green eyes to Aaren.
dusk was quietly yelling for he. trying to get the attention of anyone he began to consider using his powers.
Hak himself had found his gaze connect to Adilia's. Even if it were only mere seconds, he felt as though it was a lifetime. Grinding his teeth together, Hak brought himself back to a harsh reality. 'The wind was growing chilly, and Adilia could~' , Hak almost choked, before clearing his throat and correcting his own thoughts. 'It could end badly.' Hak then took it upon himself to take the necessary remaining steps forward until he was standing between the two girls. He had only one piece of help to provide, but to him, it made a huge difference. "Here." By now, Hak had removed his top clothing, leaving himself bare other than the bandages Adilia placed on him. His arms were extended outward so that they were around Adilia, only for him to drop his garment over her shoulders and retract his arms. "You'll be warmer." Hak then shifted his gaze towards Aaren and brought her to Adilia's side. "Stay close to one another."
Hearing him clear his throat Adilia gripped tighter onto her arms forcing herself to not look at him. Staring up at the sky wondering if Aaren could do faces or animals, lowering her head down to look at her, she was about to speak when Adilia heard Hak say 'Here'. Turning to look at him her eyes widen to see he was shirtless. Her eyes flashed with something she couldn't quite place, "Thanks." Adilia said nervously as he put the shirt over her shoulders, resisting the urge to breathe in his scent she bit her lip. Watching Hak move Aaren to her side she tilted her head in confusion, "Are you going somewhere?" Adilia asked not too fond of the idea of Hak leaving her-I mean them.
(OMG i picked the wrong day not to post xD sorry bout that guys!))

Alex woke up and looked around. He felt weak and dizzy. He faintly remembered cod steel on his neck but that was it. "Amaya..." He called. Where is she? He saw her nearby and relaxed but when he went to sit up he felt a pain in his side and fell back the groun
Amaya snapped out of her daze and looked over at Alex, whom had fallen back to the ground after he got up..."Alex!!!!" She ran up to him as quickly as she could, tripping right before she got to him and landing beside him, then she frantically sat up.."are you ok Alex?!?!" She frantically asks looking him up and down..
Alex looked up at Amaya and smiled a little weakly "Yeah, I'm alright. What about you?" Then he looked a little confused for a second and asked, "What happened? I hope shes alright...
Amaya shrugged and said blakly as if the thing happens everyday..."you got ra- sorry that didn't happen just popped out of my mouth heheh......um, we'll some guy dragged you off and tied you to a tree, then went back dragged me and then tied me to a tree.… then the guy that helped me and you brought us here while you were still asleep, and while the other guy went to sleep.. Now we re here.." She then smiles brightly and hugs Alex tightly before letting go and waiting for him t say something..
Alex laughed a little then looked around. He suddenly felt very angry. "Where did he go? The guy that kidnapped us? If he hurt you i swear..." He went to get up and felt a sharp pain is his leg and cried out and fell to the ground. Damn! It most be broken... I guess when he dragged me out of camp it must have got hurt. "You said there was someone else around... Where did he go?"
Amaya watched him with a concerned look then looked around for the guy whom had helped them..'aww... He's so nice....but where is Mr.Blondie......he never told me his name...' She then looks around more for him...

@The Unamed Character
Jin had dropped from the tree and put the ladder in place. He saw Amaya awake and came over to her "Ahhh youre awake now.." he said with a smile "Are you rested?"

He then saw Alex was up "You are both up now?" he said "Well come on... I just finished the Hut" he said climbing the ladder @Mahonasi @Am2aM
Amaya smiled brightly as she heard him, then saw him drop from the tree..."yes, I'm feeling great... " she then liked at Alex "this is the nice man whom had helped us!" She says happily then looks back at Blondie man, as he goes up the ladder.. 'Oh Alex, that's right he kept falling....' She then quickly snaps her head toward Alex. "Are you ok though Alex? You kept falling, and you sounded hurt!"

(I was to late to post! o(╥﹏╥)o )
((I just got rid of my post, yours works better with unamed character's))

He turned to the man who came out the tree. "Yeah i think my leg is messed up, not sure how it happened." He looked around, watching for the one who kidnapped them to come back. "Mind giving me a hand... Whats your name?"
'Oh....that's his name...coooooooolllll.... But Alex is hurt!!!' She then spaces out for a few minutes....
Alex didn't return the smile, still cautious of strangers but he took jin's hand anyways and let him help him up. "Nice to meet you" He started to test out some theories in his head. "Do you know who kidnapped us?"
Jin reaches on the ground and produces a makeshift splint. "Here hold on..." he said after helping him up. "He said his name was Dreamwalker...." he said as as he put the splint on him "You both are allowed to stay in the Hut for as long as you want" he said "i made it in the trees so no animals can get us"
Alex smiled and looked at Amaya I wonder if he knows what her power is. "A little late to keep animals out... right Amaya?" He laughed a little at his joke

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