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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

marko "calm down... i'm not going to eat you... ither of you" he said staring into the fire as the food was cooking "would you like any elk?" he asked he poked a stick into the fire to shift some of the wood around.
Amaya then starts to get uncomftorable... 'Ugh, it doesn't feel right...oh I know! I can just escape if I turn into something small!' she then heard him speak... "Nope! Thank you for asking though..." She then tries to shift into something small, but from her position its impossible to shift, and she screams in pain as her bones pop loudly..... Then when she bites her lip, and forces her body to stop trying to shift, she breaths heavily hanging her head.. She noticed that her screams muffled someone saying crud...'I hate this owowowowo!! Why can't I shift.........stupid ropes.....'
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marko smiled at the sound of her bones popping "you didn't need to scream to tell me that hurt" he said pulling his knife out of his pocket and started juggiling it in his hand "why don't you come out of the bushes so that i can see you?" he said into the darkness "there's plenty of elk to go around."
Amaya looked at the guy with the knife and smiles kindly with tears in her eyes "I'm sorry....I don't mean to be loud..." She says happily then looked at the bushes where the other guy was hiding.
Marko throws his knife and cuts the ropes that are holding Amaya to the tree and played around with the fire some more. "you can calm down i'm not going to hurt you." he pulls a sigeret looking thing out of his pocket and lights it with the fire and starts to smoke it.
Amaya then folds her legs in and rubs her arms... She then looks at the guy again and smiles... Before staring off into space again looking at nothing.... Where it just looks like she is staring at the fire...
Jin walks forward into the light of the fire "Ok...." he looked about 18, had goggles around his neck, blond spiked hair, and blue eyes. He sat down "May you tell me who you are?" he asked the man sitting at the fire across from him

@Dusk Wolf
"just call me dream walker" he said sitting back using his hands to suport himself, and he looked up at the stars "what about you... whats your name" his voice was coarse and cragally.
Amaya snapped out of her spaceyness again and started listening to the two guys talk... As she kept glancing at both of them than back at the fire....

(I gtg be on later)
Marko pulled cigar out of his mouth and blows out a puff of smoke "it seems the millitary has upped the power of there knock out drops" he said sarcasticly "your on a previously uninhabited island" he said puting the cigar back in his mouth.
Marko "because your one of the others... just like everyone else on this island" he said pulling his elk out of the fire "so tell me whats your worst fear." he asked nonshelontly.
marko "I have been on this island for two years... i know what and where everything is" he blew some smoke out his nose then contiued "you tell me your fear and i can tell you arias to stay away from"
"well..." Jin thought "I cant really remember much about anything really...." he said with a shrug "but i think.... big bodies of water.... like deep ponds and all that... Its a weird fear but I cant remember why I have it..." he said, acouple of very small sparks came from his hair
marko "i see." he said stroking his peach fuss and taking a bite out of the elk "do you remember the rest of your name then or any fammily from before you arived?" he asked offering jin a peace of elk.
Jin shook his head "No.. I do not...." Jin takes the elk and eats. he finishes off the elk and looks up "I cant remember anything except my first name" he said shrugging
marko "then that is your name now" he said putting out his cigar bud "as for your fear the only large body of water around here is the sea that surrounds this island" he said looking over at jin.
marko "well it sounds like you could do with some more sleep" he said standing up "and sleeping is something i think i'm going to go do right now" he then just walked into the cave and layed down on a pile of dried grass and was out in a second.

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