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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

Alex looked back and saw Amaya running after him. He was about to say something back to her before he tripped on a rock and fell down right in the way of Amaya. He realized she was going to probably fall too. Not the worst thing to happen... Wait! Don't think about that!
Amaya kept running, so fast that it would be hard to stop,-'oh me gosh!!! He just fell, and I can't stop!!!..... Well I can finally touch his beautiful ski-Shut up!!' Then with huge eyes she tried to stop but couldn't and fell/flipped and landed atop him with her head on his chest....

Alex was about to get up and then he felt Amaya fall on top of him. Her head was resting on his chest and he felt her breathing. He felt something stir inside him. He slowly put his hand on her back and relaxed wishing that this moment wouldn't end then he realized what he wanted to do next. I can't! Can I? He thought about Rebecca and how she comforted him. He thought about all he had been through and then he realized, the person he was imaging was with him wasn't Rebecca at all, but was Amaya! He relaxed a little then realized the implications. Can I really do this?
Amaya slowly picked up her head and looked at his face blushing..'w-what do I say!?!.....oh I never noticed how pretty his eyes were..' She then noticed she was laying on him, and that his was on her back... Suddenly her heart started beating quickly as she became redder..."uh.........."

He saw her look into his eyes and he looked back intensely as if they were the only people in the world. At that moment, he knew that it was right. Images of heartbreak and sadness crossed through his mind but he pushed it away. This time, it's right. He hesitated for a second and then leaned in closely...

@Am2aM ((Your move ;P ))
Amaya then saw his intense look and completely relaxed.... She then moved her head forward the same time he did..putting her lips on his... 'This feels so normal..... And relaxing....... His lips are so soft......................'

Alex felt their lips touch. It was electric. Powerful and at the same time completely natural. He tried to think, tried stay alert but instead her name kept going through his head. Amaya... He pulled her closer praying that this would never end. The sun set over the beach and the world fell into perfect harmony. Birds flew overhead and somewhere far away the others were out hunting. All these things registered but he ignored them. He felt as if acknowledging anything else would wake him from this dream, this moment of pure ecstasy. When the stopped for a second to breath he said quietly "I love you..."
Amaya felt ecstatic ... She just let him kiss her , loving what was happening.. Forgetting everything but his touch..then he said I love you...'awww I love me to...... Wait I shouldn't say that!!!' When they took another breath she said.."and I, you."

His mind was on fire! The emotions he felt were so intense and and he reached lower down her back. He quickly stopped himself. Too far Alex! He felt a chill run down his spine. He realized the sun had set, they had been out all day! He slowly pulled out of the kiss. "We need to go back, the others might be worried." He helped her up and the two of them held hands and walked back to camp. When he got there he kissed her quickly and found his sweatshirt. He put it back on then went to sleep.
Amaya was dazed as she walked back with Alex... But when they got back and he went to sleep, she instead of sleeping as well, went up to a rock and sat on it staring at the forest in thought...
Dusk stood up after sitting in the sand for half an hour and decided to keep walking the beach. He continued in his previas path to see if he could find other on the beach. He walked for three hours before sitting down to rest.

marko snuck up to the sleeping alex and put a makeshift knife to his throat with one hand, and covered alex's mouth with his other. "move and i will slit your throat right here." he said and he began to drag alex away from the camp site, keeping his knife firmly pressed against his throat the entire time.
Dxni said:
Jumping slightly at the breath she felt on her ear, tensing nervously while Hak was whispering,'Breathe Adilia' she nodded slowly her heart beating faster than usual, "Y-yeah, we are going now..." Gripping even tighter onto her bag she turned around, letting out a shaky breath she at the proximity looks over at Aaren, "Let's go?" Adilia questions more than states before taking a step back and walking to the direction of the beach. 'Why does he make me feel like that?' Adilia asked her self, 'I doubt he even-' Cutting herself not wanting negative thoughts she tapped her fingers softly on her arm as she walked.
@Mashiro Shiina @kamikazeweaboo21
Jin was laying face first in the sand. he looked up and spat out some sand in his mouth "Ugh..." he moaned as he sat up and looked around "Wh-where am I...." he said to himself "What happened.." he put his hand on his forehead
[QUOTE="Dusk Wolf]Dusk stood up after sitting in the sand for half an hour and decided to keep walking the beach. He continued in his previas path to see if he could find other on the beach. He walked for three hours before sitting down to rest.
marko snuck up to the sleeping alex and put a makeshift knife to his throat with one hand, and covered alex's mouth with his other. "move and i will slit your throat right here." he said and he began to drag alex away from the camp site, keeping his knife firmly pressed against his throat the entire time.

Amaya finally decided that she as tired and was going to check on Alex...... When she got to where he was sleeping he as gone.. "Where dI'd he go?.......a-am.......... I alone again......" She gulped and then looked around for him, in case he just had t go to the bthrrom or something.....but she couldn't find him, so she sat on the ground and stared off into the first blankly..
Dusk stood up and began yelling out "hello is anybody out heer" as he started walking again ocasanaly stoping and listing for people. Dusk was continualy looking left and right trying to find anyone.

Marco had dragged alex to a cave, tied him to a tree and gagged him then left to see if someone else was at that campsite. marco stuck to the shadows as he came to the edge of the camp site he saw Amaya then he stoped and wated to see what she would do.
Amaya just kept sitting there blankly not thinking of anything, as she stared out at nothing....the only word she knew than was alone......

(She has something about being alone.. Its sorta like a phobia...)
marco made his move he quickly stuck his knife up to her back and put his hand over her mouth "Don't move... if you do i will kill you so fast you wont even have time to scream" he said as he slowly began dragging her away.
Marko dragged her to the same location as alex and tied her to a tree near him (alex) and went into the cave to get some elk that he had hunted earlier that day. He also started a small fire so he could cook the meat.
Jin was crouched behind a thick bush and was peeking out of the top of it. "Why does he have those two..." he asked himself quietly "Who is that..." (Whispered)
Amaya finally snapped out of her spaceyness and blinked...'where am I.......OMG IS THAT ALEX TIED TO A TREE!? Oh wait so..... Am I?' She then looked around and saw some guy making a fire... ⊙. ⊙

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