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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

Alex breathed a sigh of relief. He took a better look at the people around and his eyes lingered on Amaya for a just a second longer. She looks like Rebecca he thought. He turned to face her and said. "My name's Alex. So um..." he wasn't really sure how to phrase his next question. He decided to just be blunt. "Why the hell aren't you freaking out? Anyone else who saw me do that ran or tried to attack me!" Well most of them. Then he decided to follow up on a hunch. "Can you do anything? Anything like... that thing i mean."

Amaya smiled brighter "Sure! I'll show you." She says, moving closer to him... She then turns into a deer and walks up to him then when she is in front of him, she turns into a leopard, then back into her human form...she then blushes as she looks at him again.. "I can turn into any animal I've seen before...modern time that is." she says putting an arm behind her head.

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Dusk continued to wander the beach looking for any signs of life. still walking away from the camp. he put his hood up over his beanie and continued to look around.

He looked at his hand and whispered to himself "why do they hate us."
Alex smiled back at her and laughed a little. He suddenly became very aware of the scar on his face. "That's awesome!" he said. "I can just run fast and then i get hurt. He laughed a small self deprecating laugh. Then he became aware that they weren't alone and he got a guarded expression on his face, uncomfortable around too many others. "Erm... how many others are there?"

Aaren smiled when she noticed the sun setting. My time is almost here. She loved night time, especially since she learned she could hold the constellations above her head in her hands. When Adilia said there was someone coming, she looked forward again, setting there was a boy. Her eyebrows shot up in surprise at the boy, called Alex, outburst. Well, at least he remembers his past life.
Fay's stomach grumbled as she sniffed along the jungle floor looking for some kind of food. At the moment Fay would prefer meat but since she was an omnivore, she could also eat plants. Catching the scent of a deer, Fay very stealthy tracked it till she could snatch it up. Holding the deer in her claws she wondered how to cook it seeing that she couldn't breathe fire. Fay then caught a whiff of smoke and deer on the wind. Maybe if I bring this they'll let me cook it. Fay then picked up the deer and headed to the fire.
Amaya smiled, then blinked as he suddenly became guarded…"oh... Uh just from my group is me and those three people and on the Islam itself... I have no idea! But there is a lot..." She then smiles kindly at him again....

Dusk stopped and sat back down on the beach and looked twords the sun set compleatly ignoring the rest of his suroundings "well at least i can sleep on the beach tonight" he said laying down looking at the sky.
He relaxed. Four people isn't too bad. And if they all have powers then I should be fine. He smiled back at her. "Alright. So..." He addressed the whole group but was still mainly talking to Amaya as he didn't feel comfortable with the others yet. "Why don't you tell me a bit about yourself. I assume that we won't be getting out of here anytime soon so I mine as well know who I'm here with." Then he realized. He didn't know where here was. "Also, what is this place? Why are we here?"

Amaya sits on the ground then gestures for him to as well.."ok! So what I know, is that we were sent here by humans.... And this is a island that I think only has supernatural.....but that is all I know.... Also I like purple, and sweet things!" She smiles and blushes again..."so tell me what your favorite color is!"
Adilia moved her gaze to Amaya as she appeared from the trees, "Oh, I guess we have food covered." Adilia said before glancing over at Hak who hasn't spoken yet, raising her eyebrow in question as to why he was so silent. Returning her gaze to the situation she bit her lip, watching Amaya go up to the guy who moved out from behind the trees she let her mind drift to her thoughts. Letting Amaya converse with Alex she turned around to Aaren and Hak, "Do you mind if I go to the beach?" She asked switching her gaze between the two before keep no her eyes on Hak before turning in a circle stopping to when she was facing Amaya and Alex.
Alex sits on the ground also and leans back on his hands. His hood fools down and his hair falls loose in a tangled pile down to nearly his shoulders. His scar is obvious on his face and he pretends to ignore it. He laughs when Amaya says sweet things for some reason. "My favorite color is orange, can't you tell?" He then makes an exaggerated gesture at his black and grey outfit.

Amaya then smiled again "This is Adilia by the way! Isn't she pretty? I know someone thinks she is..heheh" she says eyeing a certain someone feet as to not give it away to adilia...she then smiles evily yet playfully then laughs..."bwahahha!"

@Dxni @Mahonasi
Dusk used the fading light from the sun to read his book a forlorn look came across his face as he reached the page about his parents. he then shut the book and began trying to recall the first time he used his powers, but he remembered nothing.
Alex was a little confused, not sure who Amaya was referring to but he shrugged and let it go. "Hey Adilia!" He was going to say something along the lines of your right, she is pretty but couldn't bring himself to in case she took it seriously so he left it at that. He turned back to Amaya and was about to say something when he was interrupted by a yawn. Ugh I'm exhausted. He "Hey Amaya, mind showing me where the beds are?" He said then he realized that could be taken the wrong way and quickly doubled back. "Err... not like that! I mean... I'm tired and... Beds are where you sleep... And errr..." He gave up trying to fix and and blushed, feeling embarrassed.
Aaren shakes her head to Adilia's question. "I don't mind." I should provide light for her, too. It's night. "Do you mind if I come along?" She looked at the sky, from what she could see, and picked a rather bright star to summon.
Amaya giggled and slightly blushed.."heheh I know what you mean... I don't think we have any beds.... But I can make one for you!" She says excitedly and then tuns off to go find some supplies...

Fay stopped walking in the bushes as she neared the fire and changed back into human form. She didn't want to scare the poor people with her dragon form. "Um excuse me, but do you have a place where I can cook this?" She asked, her back facing the camp, dragging the limp deer into the circle. For something that's dead, this thing is heavy. She grunted.
Dusk pulled a pen out of his pocket and flipped his book open to the nearest blank page and began righting in it. He whispered quietly to himself about how people don't under stand that he never meant to hurt that old lady. He rote about the soldiers that broke into his grandpa's, and how they hurt his grandpa as they took him away. when he was done he put the book away and looked up at the stars, beginning to fall asleep. he said "good night dad" then curled up in a ball and went to sleep.
At the sound of her name she turned around looking for the source. Smiling she waved at Alex, "Hi!" Adilia called out before turning back to Hak and Aaren. Nodding her head she shrugs, "No, I don't mind at all." Looking over at Hak she bit her lip, "Do you want to come with us?" Adilia asked gripping her knapsack tighter anxiously.

@Mashiro Shiina @kamikazeweaboo21
Hak had be peacefully scanning through his thoughts, until he heard what Amaya had said to the newcomer. 'Way to blow my cover~'Hak grit his teeth and turned his back to the crowd of people, while doing his best to maintain his usual brick wall. His gaze remained placed flatly upon the ground, until Adilia made an announcement. 'The beach?' Raising his brow, Hak was caught off guard once he was handed an invitation to follow along. Seeing as though he wouldn't be completely alone with Adilia, he saw no reason to truly object. After all, he wouldn't want to be left behind observing the newly made love-birds. "Sure." Pushing himself off the tree and straightening his posture, Hak grabbed his weapon and positioned himself to stand behind Adilia, just seconds before he lowered his lips to her ear and spoke in a hushed whisper. "Are we leaving now?"
Jumping slightly at the breath she felt on her ear, tensing nervously while Hak was whispering,'Breathe Adilia' she nodded slowly her heart beating faster than usual, "Y-yeah, we are going now..." Gripping even tighter onto her bag she turned around, letting out a shaky breath she at the proximity looks over at Aaren, "Let's go?" Adilia questions more than states before taking a step back and walking to the direction of the beach. 'Why does he make me feel like that?' Adilia asked her self, 'I doubt he even-' Cutting herself not wanting negative thoughts she tapped her fingers softly on her arm as she walked.
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Dusk was tossing and turning like crazy as he drempt about the day he was taken. He sat up with sweat covering his face and as he did he yelled "GRANDPA!" He stayed up staring out over the water.
Still a little embarrassed, Alex stood up and said, "I'l come help. I should pull my weight around here and besides," He smiled a little, "I bet i can put together a whole house in the time it takes you to make a bed!" He ran off past Amaya and slowed down as he passed her to say "Catch me if you can!" He laughed again and threw his sweatshirt off to the side leaving him in an old band shirt with a few holes in it.
Amaya listened to him then pouted as she ran, because of what he said then pouted more after thinking..'awww....I wish he took off both of his shirts.....W-WAIT WAT AM I THINKING!?!?' She then runs faster after him with all of her might..


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