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Fantasy The "Immortals"

Soteira, Lady of the Vengeful

As night approached the others all seem to leave the Palace of Rosalinda. Expressions of sorrow, guilt or pain on their faces, which for Soteira was a truly interesting sight, because She had not done something to bring those on, for once. When she heard Rosalinda calling out to her siblings she had no real way to respond other than standing up and walking towards the Palace. It seemed her sister had forgotten she was still sitting at the pavilion sipping on now cold tea and eating now stale cookies. It wasn't something new to be forgotten, a Goddess of her... skills was not usually welcome. It was only by the grace of Rosalinda that she was even here. Standing and walking into the Palace she wandered around for a bit, admiring the beauty of the structure, the architecture and paintings. Finally settling on asking one of her servants to tell her where their mistress was. Directions were nice, being led there... was ideal.

Upon seeing Rosalinda clutching to the table a piece of Soteira wanted to rush over there and make sure she was alright. Yet another piece just wanted to leave her. Settling on neither, she chose to just speak up, "I-I uh, have just been waiting outside in the pavilion and kinda lost track of time." She said holding one of her arms and rubbing it sheepishly, rather embarrassed she had yet to leave. Deep inside her darkened heart, Soteira hoped Rosalinda hadn't minded her having stayed as long as she did. Unlike her own realm which was just an ornate facade, much like the Goddess herself, Rosalinda and her realm were.... genuinely beautiful. "D-do you..." She hesitated because it was difficult for her, "Do you need help?" She asked quickly her voice sounding as if it wasn't her own. Such a foreign concept for Soteira she felt slightly sick to her stomach, offering assistance was not her forte. Soteira was determined to wait for a response.

Rosalinda Goddess of Beauty and Love

She could remember hearing Soteira asking her if she was okay but she was unable to answer. She had been sleeping for a while she assent sure how long it was but she finally woke up the first thing she did is go and look to see if any of her siblings were still there she came around the corner and seen Soteira sitting in a chair it looked like she had slept there. She went up to her and gently touched her arm when she didn't wake up she left her be and went over to the dinning hall and got some food, but she felt like she couldn't eat all that well, she never ate all that much to begin with she made sure that they had something for her sister when she wakes up. She was actually really surprised to see that Soteira stayed that assent like her for a long time she thought that she didn't even like her.

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Lizabeth was dimly aware of a kind voice. "Lizabeth, this is going to hurt but I need you to stay strong my dear." She opened one eye slowly to see a portly goddess directing a few human men. Fiorina. She groaned as the men gently picked her up. It wasn't just her general disliking of humans that made her flinch a little, but the pain was raging through her body. She heard Fiorina speak some more before she was brought through a wave of magic, most likely a portal. Lizabeth wondered lazily where they were going, only to remember that the goddess of water was also the goddess of healing.

"Tell your
God the others will hear of this." Fiorina hissed as she followed her servants through. Lizabeth whimpered, a weak hand stretching for Fiorina. It's not his fault, she wanted to say, something was wrong with him. It wasn't Ferrak... But she couldn't. Her lips moved silently and she shuddered again, sending ripples of agonizing pain throughout her body. She needed to rest. Titania would take care of her. But who would take care of Ferrak?

Lizabeth suddenly thought of another goddess. Her eyes squeezed shut and she let out another groan.
Satine had been with her. Had she escaped before Ferrak came? She didn't see the goddess near the Barrier, but that didn't comfort her. "S-Satine..." Lizabeth moaned. Was she alright? Lizabeth prayed that she was, and she couldn't call upon her powers to help her see Satine's future. She was too weak. Lizabeth cursed herself for leaving her in the first place, cursed herself for trying to do it on her own, and most of all, she cursed herself that she couldn't stop Ferrak. If Satine was injured, it was Lizabeth's fault.

Maven said:
Titania, Goddess of Water, Healing and the Alven Races
Titania sensed the breech in her barrier, jumping to her feet she could tell the guardians of her realm had sensed it as well. A small detachment was forming near the festival grounds of Alven archers with arcane bows taking up positions throughout the city on rooftops and in towers aiming towards where the breech had occurred. Not taking any chances, Titania summoned her trident and began flying towards the direction of the breech hoping that whatever or whoever it was, was indeed friendly and not hostile. It took a few seconds for her to sight what had been the cause of the breech. Liber... that fool. She thought to herself making eye contact with her fellow Immortal. Granted she thought, the barrier would no longer hinder or attack Liber for the time being. Coming to a halt in the air in front of him putting up her trident, pointing at him with it, "Liber, God of Slaves, Freedom and Sailors!" She called out her voice ringing louder than normal. "What business do you have in my realm?" She demanded slowly moving towards him, her trident still pointed at him. No matter how much she appreciated that he was the patron of sailors she didn't like someone barging into her realm. @Floodwater31
Out of breath, Liber replied "Someone's hurt, I was checking up on you, are you alright?". Liber knew this was how she would react, this was how she reacted last time. Liber took this chance to take human form. "I needed to make sure we didn't have a repeat of what happened forty years ago...". Liber used the tip of his finger to move the trident away from him, he knew what it did, and he did not like it pointed in his direction
Titania, Goddess of the Water, Healing and the Alven Races

Titania's face went from frustration to nervousness. Another she thought to herself growing concerned. She went from pointing her trident at Liber to holding it at her side harmlessly. Then a feeling hit her, someone or something was just outside the barrier to her realm. She looked at Liber, narrowing her eyes. "Were you followed?" She demanded. Not really willing to wait she signaled to some of her soldiers to meet her at the barrier as she took off in the direction of the barrier's alert. The barrier kept sending signals to Titania as if someone was testing it... waiting and then testing it again. She sped up breaking the speed of sound as she did so, faster, she thought to herself willing herself to go faster still.

Finally coming into view she could see it was men from Fiorina's realm. If they were here that meant their mistress wa- Titania stopped dead in her tracks Fiorina was bent over Lizabeth who looked to be in horrid shape. Titania shook herself out of a trance like state racing to the side of her sisters. Looking at Fiorina for answers... Ferrak was all she seemed to utter. Anger ran through her body, furious that one of their own would do this to another. Working on healing her sister, Titania had a team of eight healing masters surround the other Goddess and begin their process of restoring what was broken. After a few agonizing minutes she was stable enough to move and so Titania ordered her Master Healers to take her into her realm and to her above water palace where she could rest safely. Titania looked to Fiorina who nodded, she would be staying here to look after their wounded sister, Titania had business to attend to.

Titania reached into a bag one of her stewards was carrying and pulled out a beautiful white conch. She decided it was time to mobilize, and so she drew in a deep breath a couple times before on the third blowing into the conch making a deep but pleasant sound that seemed to ripple throughout her entire realm. Everywhere within her realm her Alven races gathered together and began marching towards where she waited. The call to war had been sounded. Titania looked in the direction she knew Ferrak's realm was in and smirked, "No one hurts one of our own without paying the price." She said coldly.

Fiorina, Goddess of the Harvest

Watching as Titania's barrier pulsated with the impact of the pitchforks that were meant to get her attention, Fiorina also held one of Lizabeth's hands, tears running down her face as she made prayers to the Immortals themselves, mainly Satine as she was the Goddess of Life. She refused to pray to... Ferrak she thought coldly. When Titania finally arrived, Fiorina erupted into a torrent of sobbing, tears soaking her dress, thanking the Heavens to which her brothers and sisters inhabited, for the blessing that Titania was in her realm. Needing to move, one of Fio's servants helped lifter her out of the way, holding her as she continued to sob. Eventually when Lizabeth was good enough to be moved, Fiorina understood what was to happen when Titania looked at her. Her place was by Lizabeth's side, not going with Titania. Stepping through a portal that Fiorina created, the Medical Masters carrying Lizabeth, Fiorina's men and herself all stepped through exiting in a room in Titania's above-water palace where her non-aquatic guests would stay. The Master made sure Lizabeth was comfortable on a bed, one staying in the room to monitor her situation while she rested. Fiorina just stood in a corner with her men.

"I need you to go back to my realm and rally what able bodied men you can." She said seriously staring at them. They all nodded in response knowing that a darker time was coming. Titania was hellbent on war, and now even Fiorina understood that she would move to protect not only her own but those she cared deeply for. It appeared to Fiorina, and likely to Titania that Ferrak may have been the one behind the death of Aeros. There would only be one way to figure it out and get the truth, a trial, one that had never been done before, but had been talked about between the Gods long before anything had happened to to them. A sense of Justice and Order would need to be restored and the easiest way to do that was to take Ferrak to the Spire where his powers were useless, under heavy guard to stand before his siblings and face their judgement. Beyond a portal her men vanished, leaving only Fiorina, Lizabeth and one of the Masters in the room. Fiorina took up a seat across the bed from Lizabeth just watching and fighting back another wave of tears.

Satine, Goddess of Life, Creation and The Beginning

Her body was failing her, but she had finally woken up from her unconscious state. She had relatively good self healing that would take place if she was critically wounded, though it was never going to be enough to repair the damage she had sustained from being slammed into a bookcase and then catapulted out of Chi's realm by the Barrier. She couldn't feel her legs or her right arm, with the only arm she could feel, it was in searing pain. Slightly grateful she couldn't feel the others, Satine cried for a while, tears wiping away dirt to mud, and blood some dried and some fresh. Her blonde hair looked more like some kind of deep brown-crimson from the blood pool and mud that it had been laying in for hours. At least she assumed it had been hours, who knew it could have been days... hours just seemed more likely as the sky had darkened. Someone she thought to herself. Anyone she pleaded with the darkened sky. Opening her mouth she coughed seeing a splatter of blood hit her arm, "H-" she swallowed only coughing up more blood. "Hel-" she tried again having to strain to take a breath, "Help!" She cried out her voice raspy. "Help m-" She tried one last time, "Help me!" She cried out the pain causing her to cough more blood up and begin fading in and out of consciousness again, but not fading out completely.

@Floodwater31 @Azazelin

((Note, Titania hasn't actually left her realm as she is assembling her army. At the same time Fiorina's men are assembling her army in her own realm though she is still with Lizabeth in Titania's realm.))
Satines broken and battered body is what was found outside of Chi's realm by the Nar'Shaggoth Laki'narshabbel. A smallish runt of a Nar'Shaggoth, looked down upon by his fellows for his lack of changing shape and rather choosing to retain the shape of a small goblin like being, Laki stopped when he saw Satine, turning his head to the side and letting out a small chirping sound at her, trying to get her attention. as Laki slowly hobbled closer it watched her cry out Help and let out another chirp, hopping up and down slightly before waddling over to her, kneeling next to her and picking up a small stick from a nearby bush she rammed through before she landed and poking her with it, letting out another chirp.

Eventually Laki noticed something "The boss told me...You's is the one that was hurt yes?" It'd say in it's high pitched whine, looking at her curiously if she can speak. When he gets nothing more then a sad groan from the half conscious woman he then opened up a telepathic link with his master, calling his name "Boss man! I think I found the goddess of life or sometin! Come quick Boss man!" Before cutting the link and moving to stand over her, still trying to wake her by chirping loudly and hopping up and down

Ither would get the message, quickly teleporting off into the area he was called too, looking at Satine and running over to her, dropping to her side and looking at her various wounds and damages "Well...This isn't good..." Ither would look over at his Nar'Shaggoth, who's looking at him worriedly "Will she be alright Boss man? Did Laki did good?" Ither would groan, before sighing to himself "Yes...Now go to Titana's realm and get her now!" With that Laki would chirp and poof off again, Ither turning back to Satine and beginning to try and awkwardly fumble and fix her minor wounds, not able to do much about her major injuries.
Ferrak Lost God

He took off into the air again away from the barrier, ignoring all who were outside of his home now. Theives and weaklings..all of them.

His head twitched to the side ever so slightly, a feeling creeping through him as he soared through the air trying to figure out what it was that was bothering him. He screamed out again, this time cut short as he realized what it was. His polar opposite. His sister. Satine.

He folded in his wings and plummeted towards the ground, disappearing into an explosion of black smoke just as he hit. One person on his mind. But even she was starting to become clouded by his anger..his rage...

He burst out of the ground in yet another, much smaller, explosion of black smoke, landing on all fours, his claws digging into the ground underneath him.

He heard someone try to cry out for help, ears twitching as he pinpointed the voices loaction. This had to be her.

As if running like an animal, he raced across the ground. Faster. Faster. And there she was, laying on the ground spewing blood out of her mouth. And a man kneeling beside her. A threat.

With one leap, he landed over the top of her, sliding a hand underneath the girls waist as he stared up at Ither with his bright eyes. He let out a hiss and clawed at the man in front of him, sending a bolt of red smoke flying from his palm in hopes of distracting him with the pain it caused whilst he made his escape. Whipping his tail around behind him and preparing his wings, he smirked a little as the bolt hit the man.His grip on the girl tightened and he jumped into the air, his wings shooting out to their fullest and flapping. He opened his mouth and started cackling down at the pathetic man on the ground, before dive bombing towards him.

Just before he hit, as before, he disappeared into an explosion of black, leaving a large cloud covering the man in his wake.

He and the girl re-appeared inside of his realm, just outside of his Halls. He placed the girl down on the ground and crouched down next to her, letting out a piercing roar which caused his eight blue robed Bearers, and even his green robed Bearer to come stumbling out of the Halls in a rush. They pushed eachother out of the way trying to get there first, afraid to disobey him in this form, though the green Bearer had control as with each of their pushes, he didn't flinch.

The nine bumbling buffoons gathered around, stiffening slightly when they noticed the broken body layed on the ground.

He growled at them, forcing an order to them without even speaking. Yet they understood. What else could he be saying?

The nine gathered in a circle around her, and raised their hands in the air above her. A light glow eminated from their palms, which soon began to irradiate from the girls body.

He sat still, watching them as they began to heal the girls body, a sense of calm washing over him as he stared down at her.

His tail whipped around beside him, swishing around in the air as if it had a mind of it's own. She would be okay. He wouldn't let her pass on.

Ferrak Guardian of The Faded Halls

Ferrak screamed when he saw Satine's body, and Ither crouched next to her,

"NO! DON'T YOU DARE HURT THEM GODS DAMNIT!!" He roared as his body shot forth a bolt of dark red smoke at Ither, "No! Please please PLEASE STOP!!"

But to his surprise, his body grabbed up Satine and...escaped? This wasn't usual. He was expecting a fight, now..this!

He was completely dumbfounded when his body called his Bearers to come and heal Satine.

"Th-thank you.." He whispered to himself, not even sure there was anything there listening to him. She was going to be okay...

He watched, almost as calm as his body seemed to be, as the Bearers cast down some of their most powerful magic into Satine's body, waiting for her to wake up..

@Maven @Ahzek Ahriman
Rosalinda, Goddess of Beauty and Love

Rosalinda stood out side soaking in the sun, she stated to think about where Liber was, she was feeling still a little off so she knew that whoever was hurt was still indeed hurt. She went back into her house and once again looked to see if Soteira had woken up. She passed the room that had her mirror in it and she could see it glowing. she never seen it do that before so she was a little hesitant to go near it. She continued on to where Soteira was sleeping and when she got there Soteira was gone, she looked around hoping that she was still here.

@Ahzek Ahriman @EternalRose
It wasn't long before the nightmares plagued Lizabeth.

As the goddess of oracles, her dreams were usually littered with future visions and possible outcomes. And sometimes, she was trapped in those dreams. Nightmares can't be escaped- they can only be
survived. In this nightmare, she saw Satine. The goddess was broken and tired, blood spilling out of her body and dirtying her beautiful face. Lizabeth's ghost in the dream stumbled to her and watched helplessly as her sister began to bleed out. Something was coming towards them... A Nar'Shaggoth. One of Ither's servants. It chirped and tried to ask Satine if she was the goddess his "master" was looking for. And sure enough, Ither arrived soon after to examine Satine.

"Now go to Titania's realm and get her now!" Ither's voice was warbled, and Lizabeth could barely understand it. As Ither attempted to care for their sister's wounds, a loud boom sounded around them. Lizabeth looked back to see that... That monster from Ferrak's Realm hurtling towards them. She screamed, trying to warn them, but the monster passed right through her and landed next to Satine. It roared, releasing a cloud of red smoke into Ither's face. The beast grabbed Satine and flew upwards, cackling madly. Ither seemed to be paralyzed or stunned, because he didn't move as the monster came barreling towards them like a bullet. Lizabeth pushed uselessly against her brother's arm, trying to move him. She threw her hands up around him right before impact.

But the monster was gone. She opened her eyes to see him, but the monster- and Satine- had both disappeared. Lizabeth collapsed to her knees. What was going on? And just as quickly as she had appeared beside Satine, she disappeared from the nightmare. But instead of waking up, she was transported to another place- a foggy, hard to see place. She realized it was Ferrak's Halls and she rushed forward, recognizing the crumpled mess in front of the beast. Bearers hurried out to the two and began doing something with Satine.

Healing her? Lizabeth wondered, confused. She looked over at the Beast and almost fainted. He was staring at Satine almost gently, growling at his Bearers to perform healing on the goddess. Lizabeth cautiously approached the beast and dropped down beside him. She could almost feel Ferrak beside her, but not quite. She raised a tentative hand and brushed it over the monster's cheek. Oh, Ferrak, what have you become? She circled her arms around one of his before dissipating into smoke and returning to her own, broken body.
Satine, Goddess of Life, Creation and The Beginning.

Barely noticing the creature that was poking her, she groaned in response before fading out of consciousness again. This time when she woke Ither was bandaging her wounds the best he could and she groaned trying to say thank you, only managing to cough up more blood in the process. Soon though a presence was over her, the eyes of Ferrak stared into hers. Satine felt nothing, Is this death coming for me at last. She thought to herself trying to grapple with the idea Ferrak might be whisking her soul off to the Faded Halls to be judged before crossing into the Realm of the Dead. As Ferrak hoisted her into his arms she could feel another round of pain and she screamed out into the darkened sky. Calm hit the Goddess all of the sudden. Her eyes seemed to glaze over, everything faded from her. Satine did not notice arriving in the Faded Halls once again, being treated by the Bearers who were frantic. She did not notice Ferrak and his form.

Satine awoke in a dream. Well she thought it had to be a dream. There was a light purple mist around her feet, gently hugging the ground. The trees were lush but their leaves were multicolored, the ocean or lake one or the other was stretching for as far as the eye could see. Water clearer than most places on Mundus, only rivaled by the realms of the gods themselves in purity. Satine was wearing her dress, her hair was long and straight. No pain, no blood, scars or wounds. Nothing, Satine thought to herself as she felt the breeze grace her cheeks, rustling her hair and the leaves alike, ever so gently. Satine turned and saw Ferrak standing nearby in some field of grass atop the same cliff she was on.

Satine smiled seeing her other half, his eyes as innocent as ever and his smile ever so slight. She removed her shoes and watched him do the same, as if knowing what she was about to do. Catch me if you can! She yelled, laughing and taking off in an opposite direction. Ferrak yelling something in response but she could not hear him as the breeze had picked up, and the rustling of the grass and leaves, the crashing of the waves and the brushing of her hair seemed to drown out everything around except for her breathing and her laughter. A hummingbird flew in front of her and she smiled at it, Hello pretty bird, Satine said as the bird reacted by seeming to smile ever so slightly, letting out a small squeal and doing a barrel roll out of excitement. Glancing behind her she could see Ferrak catching up to her, so she stopped dead and bolted right at him hoping to pass him.

Titania, Goddess of Water, Healing and Doctors.

The realm was prepared, the Guardians of the Sea had taken up their positions. Her army was ready. Titania glared at the officers of her Alven army, sizing them up and knowing some would not make it through the night. War between the Gods was always fatal for the mortal races involved. In the earlier years of the Universe following the creation of the Gods and their Realms, they had waged many wars upon one another to establish some kind of hierarchy, though eventually they all agreed to be equal rather than continue the fighting. Thousands of years had passed and only a few Immortal Wars had been waged but not like this in a very long time. Striking her trident into the ground and kneeling behind it, Titania summoned three portals in front of the three columns of her forces and those of Fiorina which had recently arrived. The Alves of the Watery Realm were dressed in their finest white adamantine armor, glistening in the soft glow of their torches. Readying their bows, swords and shields they gave a final salute before progressing into the portals.

One of Titania's High Guardians took over handling the Trident closing two of the three portals as he was not powerful enough to sustain them, but they were no longer necessary. Together with her Officers, she progressed through, summoning her trident and closing the portal. Before her were several thousand men and women, alves and humans dressed in their finest. The mages were at the back of the columns next to Titania, they formed up a square a dozen wide and a dozen deep around the Goddess a she made her way to he front, nearly twenty yards from the Barrier of the Faded Halls. Realm of Ferrak, God of the Dead. War had come to the doorstep of death its self.

Raising her trident, three blue orbs slowly grew on the tips of the trident, growing in size and indeed in brightness as they formed. Her mages did the same only with a single orb on their staffs. Without a word Titania casted the three orbs which grew to the size of a small tree as they slammed into the barrier. Her mages awaited her signal before they too would open up on the barrier. The impact caused small explosions of blue light and a plasma substance to run down from the impact site to the ground at the front of the barrier. Ripples could be seen fanning out and spreading over the barrier. Titania casted another spell striking the barrier again, and again. Quickly her mages opened up on the barrier as well, blue light rippling along the length of the barrier where they were. The army behind them watching in awe as a Goddess attempted to fracture the barrier. Something that had never been done. In truth Titania was counting on one of two things happening. The first being drawing out Ferrak or his Servants to fight outside the barrier. The second being that she could indeed fracture the barrier. Aeros, God of Magic had casted the spells that created the barriers upon their creation. His death had shown that the barrier around his own realm grew weak and eventually collapsed. While the remaining realms had barriers intact they drew passive energy from the Gods within and their servants. If one could... overwhelm a section of the barrier then it could likely be possible to form a breach. Of course it was a gamble that Titania was risking quite a lot on.

Fiorina, Goddess of the Harvest.

Fiorina had not left the side of Lizabeth since finding her. Unwilling to leave one so fragile alone in this time of need. Fiorina was glad she could stay with Lizabeth, she didn't have an apetite for waging war anyhow, though she was willing to have her people of her realm fight with Titania as the cause was just. When Lizabeth seemed to be having nightmares, it woke Fiorina from her nap as the others seemed to be uttering unintelligible things. Possibly dreams about the circumstances earlier in the day, they were horrible and Fiorina didn't blame her for having nightmares. Fiorina moved next to the bed and just whispered to Lizabeth as she slept, "I am here for you my dear," She said gently as she picked up one of Lizabeth's hands and gently rubbed circles on it, trying to calm her down. "You will not be alone," she said pausing briefly, "Not while I can help it." She said offering a smile, tears in her eyes as she just watched and was unable to do much in the way of helping.

@Azazelin @Floodwater31 @StoneyJr @Ahzek Ahriman
Ither would stand after Satine was carried away, sighing to himself and turning to Laki "Well...I guess we go to Ferraks realm and see what the bloody hells going on, this world is going insane..." He'd sigh, beginning to walk away, before stopping and turning to Laki "Laki, your coming with me" Laki would nod, walking over and clinging to him as they both teleport to the Gates of Death....And in the middle of a bunch of Titania's servants, looking at the group of them and then at the gate, which Titania was bombarding with magic "Well....Looks like I've got to the party of Ferrak anger a bit late....Laki! go gather my servants...This isn't good," Laki would chirp, quickly teleporting away. He'd look around, raising his hands as a bunch of swords are leveled at him.

Meanwhile within Ither's realm, Laki would appear within the great shadow city, running up the stairs of one of the huge spires left behind from the great Immortal wars, eventually reaching the top and falling onto his face panting, the large shadow being at the top of the tower looking down at him with four eyes. "What is the matter little one, what sends you up to see the guardian of the Horn of War and Chaos?" Laki would then stand up, looking up at the fifteen foot tall creature, saying in his tiny voice "Bossman says that we must prepare f-for possible conflict! Youz da oldest of the servants, you know what ta do when dat happens right?" At this the tall being lets out a deep bellow that makes Laki squeak and jump back, the large being eventually stopping his laughing and nodding, taking a hold of the huge horn "Of course my dear little one, let us see how quickly our people can assemble for regiment." And with that he blows the Horn, it's deep low groan sounding all throughout the Shadow city, the sound being taken up by the two other towers which begin to blow their own horns, the sound easily being heard for miles outside of the realm.
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Lizabeth's eyes flashed open and she gasped loudly. Her body still ached but she didn't care about that for now. She looked to the side and saw Fiorina, who was holding her hand. "F-Fiorina, we have to-" Lizabeth coughed, blood spattering onto her shirt. "Satine is okay." She tried to sit up but groaned, pain flashing up her sides and into her head. "We have to help Ferrak!" Lizabeth wanted to stand up, to go to him and find out why that monster was out.

She swung one leg out of the bed and repeated, "We have to help Ferrak." She muttered this as she stood, her head light. Her legs swayed and she gripped the edge of the bed. "Ferrak needs help." She whispered. Lizabeth tried summoning a portal to take her to his Realm, but she was weak. With a sob of defeat, she sank to her knees and clutched at Fiorina. "Please, Fio, we have to go to him. He didn't mean to." She pleaded with the other goddess, trying to make her understand. Ferrak wasn't the one who did it. He wasn't...

Lizabeth didn't have enough power to go on her own. She hoped and prayed that Fiorina would understand.

Ferrak lost God

He jumped up on all fours when he felt something attacking the barrier to his realm. He let out a deep hiss from the back of his throat and leapt into the air, spreading his wings and shooting forth towards the disturbance.

His home was being broken into, and he would stop at nothing to protect it.

More. More and more hits at the barrier, they would soon break through. He could feel cracks forming, chinks in his first line of defence. He roared at the top of his lungs, releasing the screams of thousands as he came crashing down to the ground in front of the threat.

Landing on all fours, he folded in his wings and looked out of his barrier towards the threat. So many weaklings. So many pathetic souls that needed to die.

His tail whipped around violently as any sense of calm vanished from inside of him, and he raised one of his hands in the air in front of him. From his palm dripped white smoke. As each drip hit the ground around him, it seemed to fight the darkness, leaving small specs of 'pure' ground in the sea of corruption around him.

He let out a surge of his power and shot a stream of white smoke at the cracks in the barrier. Slowly the cracks started to seal, though with each crack he managed to fix, another two took it's place. They would soon break through.

He stared through the ranks of mortals until his eyes met someone. Someone more powerful. A woman of blue.

He let out another roar, directly at her, and spun around taking to the air once more.

There was..something else...a smaller disturbance somewhere along his barrier. He skimmed against the edge of the barrier and soom came across another person. A man, standing outside of the barrier. With a smirk, he flew low and screamed at the weak man, and continued on towards his Halls. He would protect her.

It didn't take him long to land back down, where his Bearers were still tending to the girl. He crawled over to her and slid his fingertips underneath her, shooting white smoke underneath her body to move her. As the bed of smoke took ahold of the girls body, he raised his hand and the smoke did the same, raising the girl in the air. The Bearers continued their work as the group made their way inside the Halls, and he laid her onto the ground once more, letting the Bearers gather around her in a circle.

He walked outside of his Halls, and stared at the Halls. 'Not safe' he thought.

Raising his hands into the air once more, pitch black smoke started to slither up from the ground in the form of tendrils, reaching for the sky, hitting eachother only to form a larger tendril. Soon, they had all met above the Halls and formed a dome of black destined to protect all those innocents inside.

He turned around, and waited for his barrier to break.

@Maven @Ahzek Ahriman
(Sorry I've been gone for so long, I've been really busy, on here and Irl.)

Kelvara, Goddess of Fire, Machines, Inventions, and Humans

Kelvara ordered a drink at the bar, and sat back down. As she sipped her drink, four bright yellow dots flashed across her eyes, then disappeared. She leaned into Addarra, and whispered. "Something's wrong. Someone's hurt, maybe more. Can you find out who it is? From anyone?" The dots flashed again, and the tone of urgency in her voice increased. "I think maybe Lizabeth..." She shook her head to get rid of the dots, but they would disappear, only to reappear moments later. "Where is everyone? I need to get there, soon..."

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Titania, Goddess of Water, Medicine and Doctors

After a while a roar was heard in the distance. Ferrak, she thought to herself. "Stop!" She cried out to her men to stop hitting the barrier. Black wings in the distances grew ever closer until he slammed down just inside the barrier. His eyes scanned her soldiers before landing on her, offering one final roar, answered by another volley of attacks against the barrier. It was clear that cracks were forming but more power was necessary to break through. Seeing Ferrak retreat deeper within his realm rather than face her on even ground she chose to attempt to force her way into the barrier by entering her true form, the most powerful state available to deities. Lifting up her trident, Titania rose off the ground nearly two hundred yards before coming to a stop. Everyone in her army grew silent as they knew what was coming. Slowly the sky darkened and rain began to fall outside the barrier, the wind seemed to pick up turning into violent gusts. Lightning struck the trident and Titania's skin took on a blue hue as her eyes seemed to glow bright blue. A crack of thunder caused some of her soldier to take a few steps back, watching as the clouds descending into a swirling formation around Titania. A Maelstrom the ultimate power of the Goddess of the Water.

As the storm grew some of her soldiers were losing their footing getting sucked towards the storms, but the mages descended upon the battle lines putting up defensive barriers to prevent any soldiers from being pulled into the storm itself. Concentrating on a single point on the barrier, Titania pointed her trident and the storm, the clouds, lightning and all her might seemed to hit the single point all together. It looked as though the maelstrom was being shot from her trident as it funneled from behind Titania, around her as she hovered and was hitting the barrier causing large cracks to form. Ripples on the barrier turned to wide gashes where cracks had given way and pieces of the magical barrier seemed to fall into the realm, shattering as they hit the ground, much like glass. A massive explosion erupted sending Titania flying backwards and the resulting blast wave annihilated the first two lines of the army killing most and wounding many.

Once recovered, Titania held the trident close to her chest, watching as the storm dissipated but her blue eyes and skin remained. The barrier had been shattered and a cascading effect rippled along it's length as pieces larger than houses crashed to the ground. Clearing the dead and wounded it would be done only after the battle, for now, now was the time to attack. With Titania at the lead, her army began marching through the shattered remnants of the barrier, slightly stinging them but nothing more than that of an ant bite. The black dome came into view, and in front of it... "Ferrak!" Titania called out. "You will surrender and face responsibility for your transgressions against the Goddess Lizabeth!" She beckoned to him. His reply would determine if they would indeed need to fight.

Addarra, Goddess of Sleep, Dreams and Memories

Addarra leaned in to Kelvara, listening to her and growing rather concerned. Someone was hurt? She thought to herself as she looked at the Goddess of Fire. "How? Who?" She said thinking rapidly and trying to feel for someone. It was useless. Addarra had closed herself off for so many centuries that is was useless to try to feel for another deity. She couldn't even tell that others were near by. "I-" She began but stuttered, "I-I... I don't know." She said lowering her head as a couple tears fell. Feelings of uselessness clouded her mind, forcing Addarra to want to vanish and never be found by another living soul. Demeaning herself was one of her best skills, and now... she put it to use. "What can we do?" She asked Kelvara hoping she had a better plan.

Fiorina, Goddess of the Harvest

Fiorina was startled by the sudden mutterings of Lizabeth, more astonished that she woke up than anything. Help... Ferrak... Fiorina thought to herself. She was confused. Lizabeth wanted to help Ferrak, even though he had hurt her. When the other attempted to stand but nearly collapsed, Fiorina used her weight to catch her, hoisting her back into the bed and looking the Master Medic. Soon the other Masters entered and began to heal a few of the wounds that seemed to break when she stood. Fiorina looked at Lizabeth and sighed. It was too late to truly help Ferrak, "My dear," She said pausing to heavily weigh her words. "Titania has assembled an army and is at Ferrak's realm to attempt to bring him to justice." She said looking concerned at the reaction she got. Could this truly have been a misunderstanding? She questioned to herself. Not taking that chance she bolted from the room opening a portal in the hallway, leaving green marks on the floor and wall that would need to be fixed later.

Fiorina materialized just outside of the Faded Halls. She noticed that Titania's army was marching into the realm of Ferrak. Oh... my... Gods she uttered to herself. The barrier was falling to pieces and the drums of war had been sounded. Fiorina needed help, out of all deities she was too weak in the ways of war. Another portal opened and she vanished through it. She reappeared outside of Rosalinda's realm. Tapping on it to get her attention, she needed her book that showed where the others were, she needed Kelvara, Ira or another trained in war. She needed help.

Ither would begin, like some of the servants of Titania, to be sucked towards the malstorm until her mages put up barriers to stop that. Ither would quickly look at the soldiers around him, actually twitching when the malstorm hit the barrier and broke it, quickly beginning to shove through the crowd to where Titania was, looking at her and blinking "Titania, what in the blazes are you doing!? Are you insane enough to being about all out war to our Realms!?" He'd shove an alf aside as he tries to keep him away from Titania, walking over towards her his face actually rather angry "You'd kill and murder your own people and risk this very universe over a minor problem!?" He'd rear back his hand, moving to slap her across the face panting his face a mask of anger.
Fiorina watched in horror as Lizabeth's wounds broke and she fell to the ground. The other goddess caught her, set her on the bed, and called the healers. Fiorina looked at her seriously. "My dear," she began slowly, taking a deep pause before her next sentence, "Titania has assembled an army and is at Ferrak's realm to attempt to bring him to justice."

Lizabeth's face drained of color.
No... Her heart pounded inside of her chest wildly, wanting to break loose. She had to save Ferrak! Before Lizabeth could respond, Fiorina had bolted out of the room. With only the healers left around her, Lizabeth sank even deeper onto the bed. She looked at her hands. They were cut and bleeding. Her body was capable of being repaired, but it would take far too long to do it. She curled her hands into fists and pressed her nails into her palms. "Look away." She barked at the healers, who slowly backed away as the goddess's eyes shined.

Brown hair twisted and was colored blue, and her eyes shifted to a milky white. Her skin began to repair itself, mending each wound easily. Suddenly, the entire world burst into focus. So many paths appeared around her. She saw chaos and destruction, Titania holding her trident to Ferrak's throat, and... Lizabeth could barely focus on it. One, single scene amidst the darkness called to her. She could see herself, body once again broken, but Ferrak was
alive, and Ferrak was back to his normal self. This was the future Lizabeth wanted. Even if it meant putting herself in danger, she would risk it. For Ferrak. For everyone.

Lizabeth opened a portal and stepped through into Ferrak's Realm, ready to fight off whatever gods tried to harm him.
Kelvara, Goddess of Fire, Machines, Inventions, and Humans

Another dot appeared in first of Kelvara's eyes. This one was less bright, but it was still noticeable. "Addarra, I'm going to gather my army. Someone else needs help, and it feels like Fiorina. So I'm going to go look for her, and find out what I can. You can meet me here, or in my realm. Or we could meet in yours. Either one. But first, I'm going to talk to Theo, as his idea might be able to help us. Understand?" She stood up, and quickly shifted into her godly form, surprising many. She swept over to Theo, whos eyes were wide with awe. "Addi- I mean...um..." She grabbed his hand and pulled him outside. She talked to him for a few minuets before pushing him back in. He gathered his things, said good bye to Addarra and left. Mean while, Kelvara opened a portal outside the tavern, and stepped through to Rosalinda's realm, coming face to face with Fiorina. "Hello sister. I feel that you are in need of help?"

Rosalinda, Goddess of Beauty and Love

While walking into her parlor one of her servants ran up to her " excuse me madame but your sister is at the gate " she nodded and ran towards the guard for the gate and told him to open it, Fiorina came up to her " And to what do I owe the pleasure dear sister " she asked she haden't seen her in about 10 years they talked occasionally but not often enough

Titania, Goddess of Water, Healing and Doctors

Seeing Ither raise his hand as if to slap her, bearing her trident directly at her fellow Immortal she launched a blast to just get him away from her, before returning her attention to Ferrak. "Face me you coward!" She demanded. The first wave of her soldiers moved in orderly fashion towards the God of Death, all had already accepted their possible fate, to die in the service of the Goddess was the ultimate honorable death for her people. They surged forward moving in tandem with one another, the mages further back preparing spells of restraint, futile acts most likely, but they would indeed buy time. Titania herself prepared for what would be coming, Ferrak in this state was not going to hand himself over, a battle would be the only way. She didn't see that Lizabeth was just entering the realm.

Fiorina, Goddess of the Harvest.

In a rather frantic state, breathing heavily and clearly disturbed, Fiorina looked to see Kelvara. She took her sister by the arms the moment the servants of Rosalinda said they could enter making her way to the Goddess of Beauty. "No, darling it has been too long," She said her breathing seemed to cause her entire body to go up with the intake and down with the out. "I need you to find the other Gods, Titania is attacking Ferrak's realm." She said a little embarrassed that she had been helping. "He attacked Lizabeth wounding her gravely. She woke up not too long ago saying it wasn't intentional, that he has lost control of himself." Fiorina said more or less collapsing into a nearby chair and fanning herself with her hand. She watched as the other two Goddesses reacted to what information she had just given them. "Titania has her army, they are at the barrier. No telling if they have broken through or not yet." She said knowing full well that the barriers were weaker than ever before. "We need to get there, help her by stopping her." She said taking their hands in hers and looking them both in the eyes. "We need to go." She said still breathing heavily.

Addarra, Goddess of Sleep, Dreams and Memories.

Addarra just nodded as Kelvara seemed to need to leave suddenly. Something is wrong she thought to herself. She didn't really truly understand as it was all happening so fast. Honestly Addarra wasn't sure what to do... she wanted to help but she wasn't strong enough. She sighed as Kelvara left and wandered through the city for some time before deciding to pay Varus and his brother a visit before returning to her Castle not too far from the city that she lived in and spent most of her time at. Walking through the city the atmosphere was marvelous. People bustling around, at the markets, the temples, and other important places or shops throughout the walk. Addarra couldn't help but smile whenever she noticed her temple being the most prominent and largest in the city. Elyrios was the holiest city for those that worshiped her, and made it the focus point of her cult.

Soon she came to the home of Varus and Cato where she knocked on the door, no response, so she knocked again and Varus opened it. His face somber, pale even, red streaks where tears had gone from were clearly marked. A sinking feeling hit Addarra as she realized what had happened. Cato was dead was the only thing going through her mind. She slumped against the doorway needing the support lest she fall to the ground. "I-I" she stuttered really unable to talk. She instead stumbled through the doorway and into the arms of Varus whom she held onto tightly. "I-I will bring..." She began knowing what she was intending to do would be... paramount to breaking one of the few laws the gods had. "I will... bring him back." She said offering a small smile. Varus just cried, holding her tightly. She had revealed to him who she was a couple days prior, but he still called her Alexia in public. Thank you... was all he could say. She said for Varus to pick up Cato's now limp and lifeless body, together with them she teleported all three to Ferrak's realm.

The purple mist which had enveloped all three vanished revealing a destroyed barrier, the army of Titania. Ither having been cast back, Ferrak's figure could be seen and it became clear Titania was going to kill him. Fearing for the life of Varus and the body of Cato, Addarra cast them into her realm for safe keeping for the time being. She would fetch them once this situation was handled. Summoning up her staff topped with a Dreamstone (amethyst that's suspended above the staff and focuses magic), Addarra made her way to where Ither was looking him over for any wounds. "What is going on here?" She asked putting others before herself allowing her to overcome her normal social woes.

Rosalinda,Goddess of Beauty and Love

" of course follow me " she said she took Fiorina's hand and started towards the library, she walked up to the book and started looking for Titania in Ferrak's realm " she is almost through the gates "


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Ferrak lost God

He stared on as the ants moved forwards toward him. He crouched low on all fours, digging his claws deeper into the ground in preparation for his attack.

His face displayed a contorted grin when he heard the woman of blue shout something at him, baring his fangs for all to see. His tail whipped around frantically, to the point that it was starting to dig grooves into the ground behind him. His wings unfolding from behind his back as he leapt forward with all his might. He was sent flying as his claws ripped from the ground underneath him, and he raced across the ground like a cheetah.

Before he hit the ants in front of the woman, he opened his mouth, still smiling like a demon, and cackled loudly.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!" He roared as, with one final leap, he dove into the ranks of ants.

He revelled in their screams as his claws, wings and tail all worked in tandem, swiping, slashing and carving away at them. But they continued to swarm him.

He brought his claws down on one ant. Whipped his tail into three more. Dug the talon of his wing into another. But brute force was never going to be enough, even with his speed and strength. So he used his magic. He opened his mouth once more and imbued another scream with the magic of his very aspect. Those around him, and even as far back as ten, all fell down to their knees in unison, their ears spilling out black smoke.

He had space to move now.

He raised his hand into the air, forcing it down to the ground with enough force to rip through the walls of a castle. The shock wave sent some of the bodies surrounding him flying towards those of the living stupid enough to run at him, but that was the least impressive part of his attack.

A mere few seconds after his hand hit the ground, a pillar of bright red smoke shot up into the air and started swirling around until the very sky itself was red, casting a tinted glow down onto the battlefield below.

He roared something unintelligible towards the sky, and for a moment nothing happened save for the wind blowing past them. Then silence. Complete silence.

The screams of those around him ceased, and he simply looked around...and smiled.

From the clouds of red, darted what seemed to be bats. Bats formed entirely from his magical energies. From his darkest power. Corruption.

They flew down at the men and women below, dive-bombing into anyone they could get at, and exploding into a thick black mist on impact. Hundreds of men and women were under cover of this smoke, unable to be seen looking in, or even able to see their own hands in front of them. Unable to see anything at all.

The smoke attacked their eyes first, sizzling away at them before doing the same to their skin. Boils and blisters formed, before bursting, only to be replaced by three more until their skin had completely dissolved.

All around him was a ring of smoke and screams. And he loved it. He leapt into the air, this time taking flight, hovering over the carnage and looking around at all those ants that were left, then up at the woman of blue with his demonic smile still in place, as if challenging her.

Your move.

Ferrak Guardian Of The Faded Halls

Ferrak stared on at the poor souls that'd fallen to him.

"No...it..it wasn't their time...They shouldn't be here! THEY SHOULDN'T BE DYING GODS DAMNIT!!" He roared, pain in his voice.

But this time, he heard a response.

"Yes..they should die..." The voice growled with a gravelly tone, "We are Death. We are the end of days...AND FROM OUR DESTRUCTION SHALL COME FORTH A NEW BEGINNING. None of them can stop it...US.."

Ferrak couldn't speak. He didn't know what to say...what the hell was this..THING talking about?!

"Don't you see?! We're saving them! They're all corrupt..all broken. But we will fix them!" The voice roared happily, "Don't you get it yet?! WE were created for THIS! This is our purpose! OUR DESTINY!"

"Kill me...Do you hear me Titania?! KILL ME BEFORE I DO THE SAME TO YOU!!" Ferrak roared. Alas..once more the silence reigned supreme. Ferrak was alone inside the darkness...

@Maven @Azazelin @Ahzek Ahriman
As Lizabeth stepped into Ferrak's Realm, she saw Titania swirling in a mighty cloud. Her true form. Lizabeth's mind unfocused and more carnage appeared in the roads of the future. She gritted her teeth and touched her feet to the ground. She put up a shield near the mortals she was passing, hoping they'd take the sign not to look at her. Lizabeth's blue hair whipped around her and she approached the mouth of the Faded Halls.

Suddenly, the monster ripped out of the Halls and began to roar, slashing at the nearby soldiers. Lizabeth's fists curled but she didn't stop walking. Every part of her screamed to turn back. She had no power to fight him. She had no attacks, or magic to kill him. But she didn't need that. The future she saw showed her body on the ground, but Ferrak was standing. She refused to give up on him now, not after there was hope.

The beast stopped, whipping its tail back and forth across the ground. He launched himself into the air to face Titania as if challenging her. Lizabeth watched him as he suspended himself in the air. She crouched low and launched herself towards him, air aiding her and allowing her to ride on its back. Her true form was wearing on her, and she dissolved it, choosing instead to appear in a more normal state. Brown hair took over, and blue eyes stared with determination at the monster. She opened her mouth and shouted as loud as she could. "

With a graceful leap, Lizabeth crashed into the side of the monster and wrapped her arms around its body, dangling from it. She pressed her cheek into rough skin. "Ferrak, I know you're in there." She whispered.

Ither would grunt as he is blown back, on his feet around five yards away, growling as he rights himself. Before turning and walking off, shoving through the crowd until he ran into Addarra, who was looking rather out of place on what was effectively a battlefield "Addarra? What the hell are you doing here?" He'd sigh after she asked him what is going on "Ferrak attacked me and Satine, along with I think Lizabeth, not sure about that though...Either way Titania has rounded up her servants to invade the Faded Halls...I must be away and rally the forces of Chaos of to bring order to this madness...!" He'd stop, chuckling at what he said before looking at Addarra with a serious expression "Please...Go back to your realm and be safe, or come with me and help me!"

Meanwhile within the realms of chaos and the void thousands of Chaos spawn would be arming and armoring themselves, some riding Wyvern and other flying monsters, the Realm for the first time in almost one thousand years being called to arms, messengers being sent to the Dark Alven lords calling them to arms, though they would take time to prepare, unlike the Chaos beings/monsters, which could quickly arm themselves and muster within a matter of hours.

Laki would stand among the smaller skirmisher ranks, armed with small crossbows and in light clothing mounted on small boar like beings, numbering around 150 strong. The main force of the Chaos was made up a wide assortment of beings ranging from beast like to almost human like in their appearance, armed with various long swords and axes and shields. Clad in iron armor and numbering in around 500 strong. Behind them stands a group of around 200 archers with long bows clad in leather armor. Though the single most frightening sight to behold of the army is the group of forty or so mounted knights of Ither's personal honor guard, clad in black Adamantine armor with long lances entombed with the very power of the void itself, mounted upon beings of pure Chaos and power, Wyvern, Ither's personal Wyvern sitting upon a small rock on the cliff, waiting for it's master to arrive and lead the army, numbering 890 beings strong.
Titania, Goddess of Water, Healing and Doctors

Chaos, it was the easiest way to describe the front lines once Ferrak smashed into them. The bats caused great losses on the reserve sections though Titania had a smirk throughout the little assault mounted against her. When Ferrak appeared to be goading her into another wave of attacks she was more than happy to oblige. Summoning up another maelstrom, the swirling violence of the storm caused the bats to be torn from the air, vanishing as the spells sustaining them were broken, the storm's lightning also aided in killing the bats. There was a moment when everything seemed to stop... Lizabeth was clinging to Ferrak.

Lizabeth, Titania said to herself. It changed nothing as the assault continued. Her mages summoned up water titans, towering over them, and smashing all of the Faded Halls they could reach. Soldiers fanned out, breaking formation to assault what they could with many attempting to go around Ferrak and surround the black dome, in which they could only guess was some hellish summoning circle. The banners of the eight Alven Sovereigns fluttered as they all stood side by side at the rear watching as their armies marched for the Goddess. They had little power here, or anywhere for that matter. Their eyes watched as Gods battled one another. They knew the truth.

Seeing a chance, Titania hurled her trident at Ferrak, knowing what he would do. It was an opportunity to get rid of yet another inconvenience. Watching as the trident went through the air, she waited, and hoped he would do as she thought. He had the perfect instrument to bring about further anger, further grief, and only making her cause more just than it already was. It would be a matter of seconds, till Titania knew whether or not her mission from her Lord was a success.

Fiorina, Goddess of the Harvest.

"I need the two of you to come with me to the Faded Halls, we have to stop her!" Fiorina cried out to Rosalinda and Kelvara. They needed to stop Titania. This mess was a misunderstanding. It wasn't Ferrak who hurt Lizabeth, it was that thing. She opened a portal and looked back at her sisters before stepping through. She had to hurry.

Once she was through it was a hellish sight. The sky was red tinted coupled with a maelstrom by Titania, lightning shown in the distance as life seemed to be leaving many of those on the front lines nearest to the dark mass that had to be Ferrak. Looking around, Fiorina found the banner of her Generals. Walking as quickly as her legs would carry her, she ran up to them waving them off as she approached so they wouldn't salute her. "Tell the men to reassemble here, away from Ferrak and Titania." She said looking at their confused faces. It had only been earlier in the day when she had given the order for them to aid Titania, and now she wanted them to withdraw to a safe distance.The all simply nodded knowing that they could not refuse her. Once again she looked around making eye contact with Addarra and rushing over to her, thanking all the Gods, except for Ferrak and Titania, that Ither was there as well.

When she approached the pair she looked at them and sighed. "Kelvara and Rosalinda should be on their way as well." She said relived that matters were starting to look less grim. "We have to stop Titania and Ferrak from fighting." She said before a bolt of lightning struck nearby. Stumbling backwards and falling on her rather fluffy rump she lout out a grunt, before resigning herself to sit for a moment and attempt to catch her breath from all the running around and explaining various things to various people.

@ashlynn @Azazelin

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