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Fantasy The "Immortals"

Satine, Goddess of Life, Creation and The Beginning.

Satine heard the wyvern and anger grew in her chest. Swelling with the grief over the loss of Titania, she stood on her feet and looked at Ither. "Safe," She said hoping she was indeed correct. "Send your army home Ither," She said looking him in the eyes. "There has been far too much death today and you needn't add to the loss of life." Satine was furious and anger seeped into her words. She looked past Ither, and towards his army seeing that they were taking up some kind of rediculous battle positions as if Kelvara or Fiorina's armies were going to fight them. Using a little assistance from the two bearers Satine open a small pouch sized portal to her realm and pulled out some armor, the Bearers assisting her in putting it on. Her staff that shone with warmth and life went from scepter sized to a full length staff. Using the staff to support her weight she asked the Bearers to take Titania's body back inside the black dome where it would be more safe than if it remained outside. They did so gently.

Turning her full and undivided attention to Ither she looked at him, watching his mannerisms and growing ever so slightly more angry. "I will not stand idly by and watch you start or finish a war Ither." She said the cold and callous tone that Satine was known to rarely use. It would need to be dealt with appropriately and following the last Divine War, the Gods had decided to handle these matters in council at the Spire. That was what Satine had pushed for so as to avoid any kind of bloodshed or to get justice when blood indeed fell. "Ither," she said looking as a wyvern had landed on some dead alven bodies, "Show respect for the dead." She said chastising him

@Ahzek Ahriman .
Ither would look at her donning her armor, before turning back to his army and waving towards one of his officers, motioning to call off the army, his second flying near them and landing, it's Wvyern letting out a small screech as the rider looks down at the two "Your orders my Lord?" The being would intone, it's voice cold and monotone. At his words Ither would glance up at Satine and sigh, looking back at the rider "Assist in the removal of bodies, it appears that we must deal with Ferraks actions later, Satine is right this is no time for more useless bloodshed...." At this the rider would lift off into the sky again, blowing a horn twice, the order for the Units to stand down and lay down arms, before riding over and giving Ither's orders to the beings, who begin to sheath their weapons and move over to begin assisting the in the assessment of wounded, and the gathering of the dying and dead.

Ither would then turn to Satine, removing his helm, the cuts into his head easily visible from the helms inner spikes and blades "I hope you are right Satine, I don't want to be taken a fool over this, Ferrak will pay for his actions, wither you think he was innocent or not, he's done things that are absolutely unforgivable! He must be brought to justice...But you are right, we cannot simply throw him in chains now, we need a trial...Though I hate to say it to someone who has appeared to murder one of our own..." He'd run a hand through his hair, throwing his helm to the ground and sighing "Dammit! I told that woman this wasn't good, I warned her I tried...And I failed...Even if we didn't get along well...She was still my sister...That man of death...If he killed her he is no brother of mine...!" He'd look up at her, his face a mask of sadness, something almost unknown to the normally apathetic and uncaring God.
Satine, Goddess of Life, Creation and The Beginning.

As she watched Ither's army disarm and move to assist Kelvara's and Fiorina's a small sigh escaped her otherwise calm demeanor. Her nerves were soothed and as she listened to Ither she couldn't help but be thankful he was listening to some kind of sense. "Murdered would be the wrong assumption." Satine said looking Ither in the eyes. "He defended his realm, Titania breached our laws." She added knowing that in the end, Ferrak was always a loose canon when his emotions ran hot, and on a day like this, the side effects were great. She continued speaking, "Any kind of guilt would be decided by the Council though I do recommend that we clean this mess up first, and give the families and ourselves time to mourn for our losses." She said watching Ither. With a snap of her fingers a portal opened and on the other side was the monastery in her own realm where she enjoyed meditating and talking to some of her closest advisers and servants. "I am going to go meditate for a while, if you need something all Gods are welcome in my realm." She said offering a slight smile, transforming her armor into her normal white dress. "Good bye Ither," She said casting a final glance at the carnage in the Faded Halls before departing to her realm.
Ither would move to stop her, holding up a hand "May...I join you for a bit, I need someone to speak with about...The matters at hand" He'd sigh, looking at her almost sheepishly "Well...Your as close to ferrak as you get without letting him plow you, so I want to know your opinion on the matter....Even if I'm the god of Chaos it doesn't mean I'm completely irrational!" He'd sound defensive, looking down quietly before glancing up, looking at the three armies gathering up the bodies and armor of the dead and wounded, before turning back to her and saying quietly "So...May I join you Satine, I'd be in your debt to have me." He'd rub the back of his neck, waiting for her to answer.
Rosalinda, Goddess of Beauty and Love

After walking around for a while trying to regain her strength and she started to think about how little she knew about her siblings, right now she had no idea what was happening. She wanted to know because she did care, but no matter how much she tried it seemed like nothing worked. " Maybe letting them figure all of this out is probably the best way " she said to herself. She went back to the library looked at the book and locked it in the cabinet, then she went over to the mirror and covered it " I'll just be what everyone thinks of me, just a pretty little face "
Sita Matriarch Of The Dead

Sita pushed back and stood up on the wall, holding her arms our by her sides and walking along it trying not to fall. The sun was still high in the sky, but soon it would dwindle into it's daily slumber, making way for the silver moon.

She started getting more adventurous, jumping a little, trying twirls atop the brick structure, and soon she was halfway around the entire city, laughing and giggling to herself.

She kept herself amused, running and dancing around the city all day, right until the setting sun left it's trail of oranges and reds all across the sky. Sita sat herself down on one of the many benches around the city, and just stared up at the sky as those around her started packing up their stalls or shops, and heading home.

She didn't really have anywhere to stay in the cities she visited. She could stay at her temple, but it wouldn't feel right for her. And so she would do what she always did, sleep under the night sky.

A couple people stared at her as they passed, but that was pretty normal. It didn't bother her much, as she showed by smiling at them all and humming happily to herself.


The two Bearers near Satine retreated once she and Ither started conversing, content with the fact she was okay now. They made their way into the large black dome around the Halls, to meet up with the other six who had finished attending to Lizabeth.

The eight blue Bearers made their way into the Halls and each started down a different corridor, looking to help with the efforts to give the many souls pouring in a home.

Ferrak Guardian Of The Faded Halls

Ferrak's body continued fizzling away, shedding it's solid form and fading to a black smoke that started drifting away. His body wouldn't reform until it, and his mind, had rested. A defence mechanism of sorts, to keep him safe when he was unable to do so himself.

The black cloud would simply drift between realms, between the many gods and goddesses homes, even through the mortal realm.

Satine, Goddess of Life, Creation and The Beginning.

Satine stopped and turned to see Ither, she smiled a little when he asked if he could join her. In truth Satine much enjoyed the idea of being alone for some time to consider the ramifications of what had happened and how to move forward with the others. Though company... couldn't be helped. "Yes," she said motioning for him to come with her. She stepped through the portal emerging at the steps of her castle. Drawing in a breath of fresh air she smiled as the birds sang and the sun shone gently. Her servants were flying about tending to their tasks as if nothing had happened, she would tell them later though when things were a little more at peace in her heart. "This way," She said looking back at Ither and again motioning for him to follow her. The pair proceeded to walk along a very nice path towards some steps on the side of a mountain, Satine chose to stay quiet rather than talk as to allow herself to calm down. The steps were numerous, thousands as they proceeded towards the top, above the cloud line their destination became visible. A monastery with grand architecture, a beautiful courtyard garden and a meditation chamber that allowed for all natural light, be it sunshine or moonlight, to enter through a large oculus and multiple windows. They were showed into the chamber, the door being shut behind them. Only mats were on the floor, the walls were decorated with many designs but nothing particularly forming a picture. Satine sat on one cushion and took a few deep breaths, waiting for Ither.

Hypatia, Exarch of Life.

Hypatia stood on the steps to the Grand Temple to Satine in the city of Valtheim. A city of white stone, partially built into a mountain, overlooking a green field tucked into the Fiore mountains. Beyond the mountains however was the Great Desert, barren wasteland, dunes of golden sand, tribes of the Sun Alves, the Ta'dori. The sun was harsh and the land was relatively dry even in this oasis valley. Valtheim was the Prime City for those that worshiped Satine, Goddess of Life, Creation and The Beginning. Many making a pilgrimage here over their life, some making it more than once. The city was cosmopolitan in culture, religion, and races but humans were in the minority among the Alven Kin here. Even the ruling Council headed by the elected Sovereign were mostly Alves. Hypatia however was only Half-Alf, the beauty she had and her long life would be that of her mother, her human appearance would be from her father. Both succumbed to a disease some decades past, since then she had served as a priestess in the Temple, until recently Satine had chosen her as her Exarch.

Muffled cries and screams could be heard coming from the direction of the city's main gate. Soon the wails and cries made their way to the very steps of the Temple, war had come. Thousands of Sun Alves were apparently on the march into the Northern Pass. Hellbent on laying siege to Valtheim and purging all "non-believers" of the Goddess Titania. This was to be a war of the religions. A war that could easily spill over to affect many other nations. With Valtheim and the Ta'dori, going to war it meant that soon, within a week the Sun Alves would be at the gates, siege would be laid and it would be a matter of time before the endless assaults on the impenetrable walls began. Only help from another place could save the people of Valtheim from the swords of the Sun Alves... the Ta'dori.
The bird perched on the gates of the white city. It cocked its head and jumped closer as it heard strange mortal sounds. Screaming? Yes, that's what it was. Curious, the bird flew closer to investigate the commotion. It landed close to a small group of Alves who were shaking. One said something about "war" and "religion." The bird grew closer and screeched as a careless foot almost caught its tail. It flapped away to find another group, this time humans. A woman was sobbing and a man shooed her away to her home so the men could speak.

"Sun Alves are approaching the city." One of them said. "We
have to prepare ourselves if there's to be a war. You two come with me. We need to check our weapon storage." Three of the men split off but the bird remained to listen to the fearful whispers of the others. "What are we going to do? This city is peaceful. I don't know how to fight- I'm only a shopkeeper." One of the men was younger than the others and had terror in his eyes. The bird didn't understand what was happening, but maybe the pretty lady would. Maybe she'd even give it some bread for coming back with mortal news.

The bird hopped a few steps away and took off, searching for a mirror.
Ither would nod a quick thank you as he follows her, entering into her realm and glancing around, his armor turning into a black and white robe with red highlights. When they entered Satines realm, Ither would also remain silent, walking along after her walking up the steps after her, groaning to himself quietly. As he makes his way up the steps "Bloody steps...why always with the steps..." he'd mutter to himself as he walks up the stairs to the monastery. As they enter the monastery he'd glance around at the simple beauty of the building, eventually entering into the room, sitting upon one of the other mats, taking a deep breath and sighing "I...Thank you for letting me join you...I need to relax this...Past few hours I've been...So..So worried about what's going on, I don't want to be like this anymore...It's not fun to stay evil and insane all the time, I love being calm and collected also.


Venia, Goddess of The Arts.

Watching as the people of her realm assembled the stages for the performers, setting up the stalls of the various games and food booths, Venia smiled to herself thinking of how this year the Festival of the Eternal would be one for the record books. Clapping her hands together, twenty-two finely dressed page boys, some alven, some human, some beast kin, stared back at her. Another clap and each disappeared into a portal destined for each realm of the Immortal Gods, an invitation in had, finely written by the Goddess herself on some the most exquisite paper bought from Mundus. Within the invitation's fine envelope read,

To whom it may concern,

You have been cordially invited by the Goddess Venia, Patron of the Arts, to attend this years Festival of the Eternal. This year the Festival will take place in the Grand Forum within the Realm of Ars Fabrica, the Realm of the Goddess herself. Please be sure to bring these invitations you have received as they are your entry requirement for passing through the Barrier. The Goddess would also like to remind you that should you not bring your invitation and attempt to pass through the Barrier she will watch and laugh, pointing all the while you writhe in pain and are cast out. Of course she will then let you in, but a piece of dark comedy is always welcome in Ars Fabrica.

We look most forward to seeing you this evening,

The Realm of Ars Fabrica,


The Goddess Venia

The page boys were gone, and now Venia turned her attention back to the realm before her, finishing preparations and that the final touches on most of the work was done. Hurrying about like a busy bee, Venia seemed to take on an unnatural appearance as she danced about attempting to make sure that everything was as close to perfect as an immortal could get.

Satine, Goddess of Life, Creation and The Beginning.

Satine nodded in response to Ither's comment about this day. It had been long, to say the least. Moments later, while Satine was still thinking of what to say, one of her servants brought in two envelopes, clearly bearing the seal of Venia. "Oh," escaped Satine's lips, "That's tonight..." she said to herself though it was audible. She remembered that it was that time of the year. Running her fingers over the seal gently before slipping them underneath bringing the seal up enough to open the envelope without actually breaking the beautiful craftsmanship, Satine took out the invitation and read through it. A small smile slipped onto her lips before being replaced with a slight frown. It was clear that Venia didn't know about Titania, but even if she did, her voice could be heard in Satine's head, The show must go on my darling sister, she would likely say, of course once everything was over she would no doubt put on one hell of a funeral for Titania. The pair was exceptionally... close.

Satine now looked to Ither, "I believe it in all our interests to go to this Festival." She said wondering what exactly she would wear. Satine pushed the thoughts of Titania and all the tragedy of the day behind her, really trying to get herself into the mood to go to the Festival. A small but important piece of her hoped Ferrak would be there, she knew he wouldn't and he likely wouldn't be seen by any other Immortal for a long time, as he mourned for his own loss of control. It was to be an interesting night.

@Ahzek Ahriman @Tsiwentiio @Azazelin @StoneyJr @Abyss @Scattered Ambitions
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Ither would take the small envelope, glancing at it before ripping the seal and taking out the small paper, reading it over and sighing "So....A festival, at a time like this..." Glancing up as she says "I believe it is in all our interests to go to his Festival." Grunting softly and running a hand through his hair, before folding up the letting and slipping it into his robe "Well...I don't know, Venia is an odd one, I like her well enough beautiful painter, but I...Think with the current well....Situation, we should also inform her of the sad event of our sisters death along with this." He'd sigh, leaning back and looking up at the ceiling "The worlds bound to be torn apart right now, my beautiful Chaos running rampant throughout the world that was normally very calm and boring...But at the same time a beautiful place all the same, makes me almost sad to see this peace being shattered by the death of Titania...She didn't deserve this, not at all, but...I agree, a Festival would be nice, but a Festival in Titania's honor would be even better in my opinion." He'd glance over at her, smiling at her lightly "I will go with you if you'll let me escort you Satine, I wish to go not for myself...But for my sister, this will be something to remember her by, and I'll be dammed if it's ruined by anyone..." He'd stand, looking down at her and smiling more widely now, almost seeming to be a bit overjoyed "Yes...Yes I must speak with Venia right away, this Festival is not only for us alive, but for the beautiful and sadly now lost Titania!"
Rosalinda,Goddess of Beauty and Love

Rosalinda stayed in her room and really didn't leave her bed, she finally found out that he sister had passed. She received the invitation from Venia, she looked at it and a first was against going, she was still to weak to go any where especially to go to a different realm. She kept looking at it and kept thinking about the others and how they are feeling, if I go then I can talk with my siblings, but if I go I may still be in to much pain to even try to return home after a little while she decided to go she went over to her bath and got in, she spent longer in their than she normally did, all of this pain had drained her so much she looked a lot older than she normally looks. Once she got out she went over to the mirror and took the cover off of it and looked into it and looked for Satine, Thankfully the mirror didn't take as much energy out of her than the book did. She could see Satine and Ither discussing whether or not to attend the festival. The mirror can show her in another mirror where ever the mirror shows.

Kelvara, Goddess of Fire, Machines, Inventions, and Humans

Kelvara leaned into the hug, then pulled away, and said her goodbyes. She turned, and opened a portal to her realm, and stepped inside. She walked through her city, sighing at the empty streets. All of her citizens were still in the Faded Halls, cleaning up the dead. She arrived at her palace, and slipped through the double doors, and into the hallways. She practically ran down the hallways, until she came to an abrupt stop outside her bedroom door. She poked her head inside to see is anyone was there. Relived none of her handmaidens were here, she quickly stepped inside. She sat down in her favorite chair. As she was just about to get relaxed, and possibly take a nap, she heard a sharp and quick rap on her door. She jumped, then stood back up, and reluctantly walked over to, and pulled open the door. Outside was a young boy, holding an envelope. She sighed, knowing immediately who he was, and what he was here for. She then took the letter, and shooed him off. She again closed the doors, and opened the envelope. Inside was a letter inviting her to the festival that Venia held in her realm, every year. She flipped open her closet doors and pulled on an all black dress, so she could look nice, and still mourn. She then quickly pinned up her hair, and pinned a black veil on the top of her head. She then opened a portal to Venia's realm, and stepped inside, awaiting her sisters and brothers.
Satine, Goddess of Life, Creation and The Beginning.

Satine looked at Ither and nodded slightly, choosing not to really say anything. Standing and thinking of a lovely white dress that had a hoop skirt, heels, and a hair style that was popular at the time, Satine snapped her fingers and a puff of white smoke enveloped her changing her style into that of which she had pictured in her mind. A small smile of triumph sat upon her crimson lips, her eyes gently scanning the room as she made sure everything was in its place. Finally settling on the opinion that everything was, Satine turned to Ither and offered a small smile, "I do apologize dear brother, but I don't need an escort to the Festival." She said making sure he was getting the gist that she was about to depart and that he himself needed to be leaving. "You will be able to open a portal outside on the landing so I will see you later." With that she opened a portal offering a small smile, invitation in had and disappearing into it and thus into Venia's realm.

It truly was a sight to behold. The music, the excitement of the people going about, the scurrying around making sure preparations were complete. A true buzz of joy and innocence. Making it all the more painfully clear to Satine that she needed to warn Venia about the death of Titania so her flamboyant attitude didn't accidentally rub another deity wrong. It was clear who Satine was, her white dress mixed with her pale blonde hair would make her stand out in most places, especially as finely dressed as she was. "Satine!" came the oh so familiar sing song voice. She turned but clearly not in time as the full weight of Venia was upon her, enveloping her in a hug.

Venia, Goddess of The Arts.

A small flash of light revealed a woman clad in a elegant dress and pale blonde hair. Venia squinted her eyes to see who it was, Satine? She thought to herself, deciding it was most certainly her sister. "Satine!" She called out making her way through the crowd of workers, festival goers and other people. As she reached Satine, it was clear she was only then recognizing Venia. Feigning some kind of insult she spread her arms and took Satine into them, giving a hug that slightly lifted the smaller goddess off the ground briefly. Once she was satisfied that she had made the other recognize her, Venia set Satine down letting her compose herself a little. "My dear, it is an absolute pleasure to see you!" She said her voice changing between normal(ish) and singsongy. Venia smoothed out her black and white half-and-half dress that also had a hoop skirt making sure everything was in order. A smile on her lips.

@Tsiwentiio @Scattered Ambitions @Ahzek Ahriman
Lizabeth looked up from her throne to see a young boy knocking on one of her mirrors. He waited patiently as she approached him. He was a young beast kin, and the only person who would send such a cheerfully dressed page would be one who didn't know about Titania- Venia.

She breathed out through her nose and peeked out of the mirror into the entrance of her realm. The boy quietly held out an envelope and whispered, "My lady," before trotting away. Lizabeth examined the envelope briefly before carefully opening it and reading the contents. Oh, the festival. Lizabeth thought. She had completely forgotten about that. She sighed and set the envelope down. She glanced into one of the idle mirrors and saw the tear streaks on her cheek. She swept the back of her hand across her face and altered her appearance slightly. No one would know she had been crying.

Lizabeth changed her clothes quickly and took another deep breath. She wasn't certain that she wanted to go, but it was her obligation to show up at her sister's festival. A bird flew in through a mirror and cawed at her, but she ignored it. She ran a hand through her hair and looked back at the bird. "Whatever it is, it can wait." Grabbing the envelope, she walked over to a mirror leading to Mundus and crossed into the mortal plane before her wind took her. Venia's Realm was beautiful, certainly, but Lizabeth wasn't here to admire it. She would make an appearance, then she would go home. That's all she was capable of doing right now.

Rosalinda, Goddess of Beauty and Love

Rosalinda moved over to her closet and started to look for something to wear, she picked a light blue dress and quickly fixed her hair and went through the portal to Venia's realm, " Lovely little place " she said to herself as she looked around, she still wasn't feeling all that great so staying to long was definitely not a good idea, she loved going to parties but not at a time like this.

Kelvara, Goddess of Fire, Machines, Inventions, and Humans

Kelvara heard and unusually cheerful voice. "Satine!" She turned to see Venia practically leap onto Satine. She walked over to the two. "I assume Venia hasn't heard the news yet? Well, she should find out soon, some of our sisters and brothers would not be horribly happy to see anyone with such an attitude, at a time like this." She turned away, and saw Rosalinda arrive. She nodded to her sister, then walked twoards her.
[QUOTE="Scattered Ambitions]Ok, goodbye maven! I hope the wedding goes well....

Thank you darling. A nice long post will greet you all Sunday morning :3

((I know I'm not really supposed to write today, but this just kinda happened. It doesn't affect the story in any way, but is just something nice I wanted to share..sorry for the minor rule break there, but I hope you guys don't mind.))

Sita Matriarch Of The Dead

Sita finally managed to wear herself out come nightfall, falling onto her back without any concern for what, or who was their, claiming the area as her own for the night. She looked around, wondering where she was, and was rather surprised as to the area she'd wondered into. On one side of her, their was a small cottage, just on the edge of a forest, down the hill from her. It looked like it'd been a while since anyne lived their, but would've been a real nice place to settle down with family..On the other side of her was nothing, the ground simply ended.

She crawled closer to the edge, and looked down at the pure white rock face that seeped all the way down into the calm waters of the ocean that softly brushed against it. The sun was just disappearing, leaving it's trail of crisp orange, and red throughout the sky.

Before Sita had the chance to settle down properly, she heard a crackle coming from...the sky?..

She looked up to see what looked like a meteor falling from the sky, leaving a trail of black in it's wake. The meteor flew ever closer, until finally it came crashing down a little ways away from her, beating up a patch of grass around it.

"Ferrie!" She yelped happily, running over towards the fair sized crater in the ground, looking in to see the beat up body of her master. Her best friend.

Ferrak Guardian Of The Faded Halls

Ferrak started coming around, regaining some of his senses. His vision was dizzy and blurred, and all he could smell was a very strong scent of apples. He had yet to regain his physical form, but managed to take back control of his misty body and start searching for the one person in all of creation he was sure didn't want him dead.

And so he found her. And came crashing down into the ground near her, unable to stay in the air any longer.

"Oohh just my luck," He groaned softly to himself, feeling the pain throughout his physical form that, out of all the times, would reform just then, "Ow..oww..."

"Ferrie!" He heard a girls voice. It must've been her.

His suspisions were confirmed when a girl jumped into the crater and landed right on top of him, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck and shaking intensely.

"Sit...a.." Ferrak choked, trying to get her attention.

Sita heard his chokes and coughs and sat up, her smile not wavering for a second as she stared down at him with childish glee. She hopped off his stomach a few seconds later and dragged his wrist, forcing him to his feet, out of the crater and towards the cliff edge so he wouldn't miss the sunset.

"Look!" She yelled, "Isn't it pretty!"

Ferrak couldn't be mad at her. Sure she was quite...intense, but that's what he loved about her. He stared up at the sky, Sita still holding him tightly, and couldn't hold back the small smile that made it's way across his face past all the pain.

He fell down into a sitting position, barely able to stand, and looked around at the..strangely familiar setting. He knew this place. It was an old couples home, in their final days.

"Well...I'll be damned.." He whispered, remembering that day very fondly.

Ferrak had met the old man many years ago, when he in his mere twenties. Now though, the old man was laid in his bed, his wife and children surrounding him. Ferrak had personally come down to the mortal plane to lead the old man's soul after his final minutes, but something happened that he wasn't expecting.

When he arrived, the old man welcomed him like an old friend, his wife leading Ferrak to her husbands beside. The two talked to eachother for hours, the wife and family listening quietly as the two spoke of the old days.

He wasn't used to being treated so kindly, especially at a time like this, but they were all so understanding. And when the time finally came for the old man to pass, Ferrak was even more surprised to hear the wife speak up.

"I would like to travel with you, please.." She spoke in a fairly frail voice, yet kind, "I am too tired to stay here, and I could not live on without my dear Henry by my side...so please.."

Ferrak was stunned, looking around at the family who didn't look surprised at all. When he looked back at the elderly couple, they were simply staring into eachother's eyes, tears streaming down their cheeks past two very bright smiles. He nodded, swallowing a lump in his throat, and stood up with his hands held out to each of them. Ferrak lead two souls, that day. A memory that would stay with him for the rest of his days.

He never did see the rest of the family again, though he knew in his heart that they hadn't passed, and that they lived on happily together, which was good enough for him.

Ferrak walked down to the lonely looking cottage, and through the front entrance. It looked exactly the same as it did that day, except the bed was made, and it looked abandoned. But he saw past all the webs and dust, taking a seat next to the empty bed. He rested a hand on the edge, a pain dwelling deep in his heart.

He would stay here for a while. Stay here with Sita, and hide away from the world. Hide away from all the hatred and the death, and just for a few hours let the world know peace.
Satine, Goddess of Life, Creation and The Beginning.

Satine smiled and embraced Venia. The flamboyancy of her dress coupled with her naturally bubbly attitude was a sight to behold. The woman was a walking combination of comedic personality but tragic apparel choices. It wasn't till Kelvara came over that a dark little cloud hung in the air once again. Satine frowned and nodded to Kelvara. "Yes, my dear" she said really having to come to terms with her own emotions at the time was... difficult. Satine turned to Venia but taking one of Kelvara's hands in hers, stroking it gently with an idle finger. "Venia..." Satine said hesitating and really quite nervous. It wasn't every century that she had to be the one to tell another that they had lost not only one of their own, but one that they were so close too. Satine looked into Venia's eyes, watching as the excitement slowly faded from them. Her smile was replaced with a slight frown. The general atmosphere seemed to change from joy and anticipation for the Festival to something of dread. A slight chill was in the air. "Titania is dead." The words seemed to shatter the air itself.

Venia, Goddess of The Arts.

and dead were the only two words that registered. Kelvara had come clearly depressed to the Festival, something that had slightly rubbed Venia the wrong way. It was also known to the Goddess that two others had also arrived but were not within eyesight it appeared. Her expression had faded, the joy of seeing her sisters vanished. Those words... they didn't penetrate deep enough, for soon the a smaller smile returned, and when Venia went to speak her voice cracked, "I-" she was cut off by a small fit of coughs. Nerves? Am I really nervous... Gods help me. She thought to herself, slowly recovering. "I..." another pause. "I see..." she broke off choosing her words and thinking to herself on how to move forward. Dusting herself off a little, plastering that small smile indefinitely on her lips, looking form Satine to Kelvara and uttering her normal slogan, "The show must go on!" She beckoned hugging each quickly before disappearing in a puff of multicolored smoke, leaving the two there amid the crowd.

Reappearing in her own castle that overlooked the city where the Festival was being held, Venia collapsed to the ground in her gardens tears flowing as if they were rain. A searing pain was felt in her heart as she mourned for the loss of someone so close to her. The pair along with Fiorina had been constant companions with one another, adventuring from time to time, exploring and enjoying their company. Truly they were the definition of sisters, the trio were nearly inseparable except for when they needed to attend to their various duties. Fiorina had been the most level headed, Titania the firebrand and adventurous with Venia being the goofball, the bundle of fun, three peas in a pod. Now that wouldn't happen anymore. Shaking and unable to stand, Venia just crawled her way to a pillar and leaned against it for support as she continued to cry.

@Tsiwentiio @Azazelin @Ahzek Ahriman @StoneyJr @Scattered Ambitions
Lizabeth watched quietly from afar as Venia walked swiftly to her home. She didn't need any future vision to know that the goddess was in mourning. Lizabeth tucked her hair behind her ear nervously before it fell out as she began walking over to Satine and Kelvara. She cast her eyes around briefly. There were no signs of green hair or a bright smile. With a resigned yet obviously grateful sigh, Lizabeth joined her sisters and looked at Satine awkwardly. "Um, hi," she said. "I'm... Are you okay?" She looked at both of them. Neither was happy, but they seemed unharmed. She was grateful for that.

((Super short post but wasn't sure where to head !!))
As Satine disappeared into her portal Ither would turn, walking out onto the balcony and summoning his own portal, stepping through and into the Festival. As Ither appears he'd glance around, looking at the various people moving about happily in their brightly colored clothing and happy tones, Ither setting out to search for Venia. As he makes his way around the Festival, eventually heading up towards the castle, getting stopped by some of her guards at the gate, not allowing him into the castle but sending a messenger to ask if Venia was within the castle and Ither was there to speak with her, a quote "Matter of Life and Death." While Ither waits outside, he'd change his clothing to a more soft and warm black with white, gold and red highlights and trimming, his head being adorned with a onyx circlet.
Wardens of the Festival

The Wardens clad in their intricate yet flamboyant armor walked throughout the realm guarding the citizens within, greeting the guests that were arriving and making sure that the out of control... didn't get too out of control. Two in particular, Warden Flavius and Warden Bacchus were chatting up a storm with a couple "friends" while standing guard at the entrance to the great amphitheater. The two women they were talking to seemed on edge almost as if their father's were nearby, and surely enough they were. The two fathers, friends since childhood watched as their daughters talked to the two Wardens, deciding whether or not to walk over all macho and intervene or just let it go and see where exactly it went. Either way the two men watched. The Wardens chatted up the girls, not noticing as a grey haired, red eyed teenager passed by them wearing a fine suit. Though to be fair no one had seemed to notice him... yet. His entrance would come later.

Satine, Goddess of Life, Creation and The Beginning.

Satine watched in silence as Venia went from cheery to clearly disturbed. She moved her hand back and forth directing the smoke away from her face, attempting to not breathe it in. She looked to Kelvara and sighed, "Well that is Venia." She said offering no smile but a content expression on her face. It was the most they could have expected from the Goddess who seemed to be eternally happy. Satine looked around and spotted the amphitheater where events would be held later and Venia would officially open the Festival, it was to be a spectacle. In truth Satine actually was glad to have a distraction from the events of the day, as it allowed her an escape from the torrents of emotions she knew would hit her later. She graciously accepted a glass of wine when offered by a server. Looking to Kelvara, "Darling you really should have brought Theo, I'm sure he would enjoy this, especially the exhibition by some of the inventors," She said pointing to a weird sign that pretty much said Inventions! On it.

When Lizabeth came over, Satine moved to give the other a gentle hug and a brief kiss on the cheek.
"I'm as well as one could be," She said breaking off and thinking to herself for a minute, "Given the circumstances." It was to be an interesting Festival, officially it would go on for a week but the Gods were only expected for a day, though Satine tended to do the week since it was always an event to remember. She looked around a bit nervous that the other two would be moping and depressed throughout no matter what, "Uh..." she hesitated trying to be sensitive but also trying to pick the mood up, "What would the two of you like to do? This place has just about everything." Satine said with a small smile.

Venia, Goddess of The Arts.

As Venia sobbed, one of her page boys came in and told her that Ither was outside the castle waiting to see her, and before she could just wave him off he spoke the quote, Matter of Life and Death. Venia wanted to be alone for a little, to mourn as clearly the others had already done. Not wanting to ruin her dress, anymore of her makeup which she quickly and delicately fixed, Venia resigned herself to give Titania the proper sendoff at a later date, the Festival was her top concern now. Standing up on her shaking legs Venia plastered on her normal smile, took a few deep breaths and walked to the entrance of the castle.

Once at the entrance and making brief eye contact with Ither, Venia spoke,
"Ither if this is about Titania, I already know." She said her voice rather dry and not its usual joy filled. She didn't want to have anymore of this dampening of the atmosphere during her Festival, this was supposed to be a happy time and Titania had always gone out of her way to make this event went off without a hitch and she would be cursing from the other side if her death had ruined it. "So if it is about Titania, since I don't want to hear it go back to the Festival and try to enjoy yourself," she paused waiting for a moment, "If it isn't about that then please speak," She said standing before the God of Chaos clad in her beautiful dress and wearing her golden leafed circlet beckoning back to the ancient days on Mundus.

@Ahzek Ahriman @StoneyJr @Azazelin @Tsiwentiio @Scattered Ambitions @That Guy Over There

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