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Fantasy The "Immortals"

Ferrak lost God

He shot his gaze down at the girl who'd landed on him, he ready to attack. He raised his claws in the air, but stopped still. He stared down into her eyes, his smile fading slightly. His right eye started phasing between it's current bright form, and his human form's eyes. He shook his head, letting out a small growl, starting to...recognize her? He raised a hand to his head, growling ever so softly as he tried to fight whatever this feeling was.

His tail slid around her waist and he tried to pull her away.

That's when he felt it. A surge of energy coming from somewhere..from the woman in blue. His gaze darted up to her as she threw a weapon at him. His eye reverted to it's bright godly form, and he snarled viciously. Instinct took over once again, and with one hand he gripped the girls arm and ripped her from his waist, hoisting her up in front of him.

Direct. Hit.

The fork pierced through her stomach, but didn't reach him. He lowered his arm, not letting go of her, and stared over at the woman in blue, his smile returning. But not for long.

Why did he still have the girl in his hand? He tried to let go, but couldn't.

He looked down at her once more, and a sharp pain shot through him as his gaze was drawn to the wound on her stomach, and the fork sticking out of it. Without even thinking, he darted towards the black dome with as much speed as he could muster, landing right down next to the Bearers who were still healing the other girl.

He laid the girl with the fork sticking out of her stomach down near the Bearers, and pulled it out. He couldn't help but be gentle with her, just like the other girl...

With another growl, the green Bearer and four of the blue Bearers rushed over to the second girls aid, attending to the wound on her stomach straight away. As he looked down at the wound, his eyes glowed brightly, fangs growing larger. He gripped the fork tightly in his hands, and turned to walk away, slowly making his way out of the Halls, and out of the dome. His gaze met with the woman in blue's, and he simply hissed quietly to himself.

He started walking forward. Jogging. Running. With a leap he took to the air, ignoring all those puny ants around him. Flying. Faster. Faster. He let out another piercing roar and, pushing the fork in front of him, he hit her, digging the fork deep into her stomach and continuing until he'd pushed it through completely.

Having impaled her, he continued to push, taking her flying with him a good distance away from the army she'd built. The fork dug into the ground, the woman still attached, trapping her indefinitely. But he wasn't done.

He landed on top of her, staring down into her eyes, a deep hiss emanating from the back of his throat.

There was no smile across his face now. No emotion at all. He simply raised his hand to her cheek, an softly drew his claw down, leaving a small scratch behind it. And then he continued to stare at her. Waiting for her to cry or scream. He wouldn't be appeased unless he at least got a whimper from the pathetic creature underneath him.

Ferrak Guardian Of The Faded Halls

Ferrak was in tears as he watched Lizabeth fall prey to Titania's trident. He couldn't utter a word, every breath caught in his throat. Even when his body took her to safety, he simply couldn't speak. He was lost.

"H-how...could you...." He finally managed to stutter between sobs.

His cries only strengthened as he watched Titania fall prey to him next, watching in horror as he dragged a claw down her face. He was completely powerless to stop it..

"This is how it must be, Brother." The gravelly voice whispered with a softness that struck fear throughout Ferraks' very being, "And this is how it shall end."

@Maven @Azazelin @Ahzek Ahriman
Ither would appear out of a portal into his armoring room, looking at his servants who look at him curiously "Bring me...Bring me my armor, the time is now to bring fire once again upon the land, we shall smite all who oppose us, for too long have I been trying to keep the peace, my hand has been forced and so I will teach them the agony of the Void." He'd then stride forward and sit upon his armoring seat, his armor being brought forward, the inlay ed armor of Chaos, it's runes not only glowing with unearthly power, but the reverse side within the armor being razor sharp and in the shape of the runes above them, designed to cut the very runes of Chaos into the flesh, eventually his armor is donned onto him, his helm lowered onto his head, the small blades within the helm cutting into his head, locking into place, the nose guard locking into his cheeks. After this he stands, his long sword being buckled to his side and his long lance being handed to him, at that he looks down at his servants, nodding a farewell before turning and walking out onto the balcony near the rock outcropping where his Wyvern is waiting.

Ither is greeted by roaring and shield banging from his 890 loyal soldiers, raising his lance and all 890 Chaotic beings

suddenly going silent at his order, listening to him quietly as he lets out in a loud bellow " We are the Gods of the New world Order! We are the soldiers, the Legion of the Void! We are Chaos, the death of Order! Through fire and flame, we are one!" He'd lower his lance to the roars and shield banging from the crowds below, his Wyvern landing at the balcony, allowing him to mount up onto the saddle of the Wyvern, lifting off with a single powerful thrust of it's wings and soaring over the roaring army, meeting up with the forty other riders and forming a large 'V' formation, leading at the vanguard of the army of Chaos.
Rosalinda, Goddess of Beauty and Love

She grabbed the book and started looking for her brothers and sisters trying to get people to go to Ferrak's realm to help, she herself ended up with Fiorina and the others that had assembled there, as soon as she appeared " I brought the book " was the first thing she said as she came in.
The monster looked down at Lizabeth and prepared a claw to attack, but quickly stopped. Its eye color shifted, just for a moment, to the normal, calming green that Lizabeth was used to. It growled and wrapped its tail around her midsection, trying to pull her away. "Ferrak," she said. Suddenly, the monster's head whipped up, causing Lizabeth to look as well. A trident came hurling towards them. Lizabeth's stomach lurched as the beast's tail brought her up...

And to the front. She stared the trident in the face and gasped. As quickly as she could, she summoned a shield, but it was too late. The blue force field meant to protect her appeared behind her back. The trident's points dug straight through her stomach and stopped when they hit the shield. Lizabeth's breath choked off and a low groan replaced her words. She was so confused. Ferrak would
never do that. She was dizzily aware of being quickly flown to the ground and set next to someone else.

Satine? The blond goddess was resting on the ground, surrounded by Bearers. Oh, gods... The monster gently slid the trident out of its new sheath and Lizabeth groaned again, wanting to curl up and clutch at her stomach. Instead, a few Bearers hurried over and placed their hands over her body. They were healing her, just like they were healing Satine. She was right. Ferrak was still in there somewhere, and that meant-

The monster shot off into the sky and flew directly towards Titania. Lizabeth extended a hand, mouthing
no over and over again. She watched with blurry vision as Titania's own trident was rammed through her and she was forced to the ground. Lizabeth gasped, grabbing a handful of a Bearer's robes. She stared up at it with pleading eyes. "Go help him." She rasped, her body fading slightly. She would lose this form if she wasn't careful. When the Bearers continued to work on her, she pulled one down close and repeated, "Go help him!" She pushed it away, body screaming with pain.

Damn it, Lizabeth. You keep getting yourself almost killed for this man.
Kelvara, Goddess of Fire, Machines, Inventions, and Humans

Kelvara turned to Fiorina. "I shall be there in a moment." She stepped into a portal that had appeared in front of her, and reappeared in her realm, where her people were going about their day, busy as usual. She signaled one of the messengers rushing around the city. He looked up at her. "Yes mistress?" She looked back down at him, a dangerous mix of emotions swirling inside of her. "Get everyone ready. It has happened." Her people knew what it was, as she had prepared them for this day for forty years. She watched as he rushed off, and soon every soul in her city was standing in the large, usually empty area, that was called simply The Central Point. Around them the many inventors of the city were fitting each creature with a pair of mechanical wings and various types of weapons. She then opened a portal into Ferrak's realm, and stepped inside, her entire army following her. As she arrived, she was taken aback by the horrific scene laid out in front of her. The sky was a reddish shade. A maelstrom, due to Tatiana, was raging. Rows of men fell to a black blurr that she presumed was Ferrak. Tatiana was blue. Lightning rained down from the sky, striking down the many bats swirling around in the air. She stood, frozen, as Ferrak lifted Lizabeth into the air, and used her as a shield for the trident hurdling at him. As the trident sunk into Lizabeth, she fell to her knees, and let out a strangled scream.

Rosalinda, Goddess of Love

Rosalinda had set the book down on the ground and was still trying to find a way to find all of her siblings, she suddenly got a very strange feeling she stood up and tried to look for Kelvara she walked towards where she had last known she was, she could hear her scream, she felt to the ground reeling in pain she too let out a loud scream.

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Titania, Goddess of Water, Healing and Doctors.

She reveled in the fact that Ferrak was a loose canon like this. One to do her bidding for her. The risks were known, the chances were understood and the outcomes? Well, it was exactly on track. As Titania lay on the ground, held down and impaled by her own trident, the gold shimmering as lightning flashed off the sleek gold surface, drops of blood marred the beautiful site. Thoughts raced through her mind, as she stared up at her assailant, Ferrak, she thought to herself, knowing that this is exactly how she wanted to die. At the hands of this... this thing. Titania understood that her death would linger on his mind, no matter how justified it may have been, her death, she mused thinking that this was finally... truly the end. A faint smile touched her lips if only for a minute, blood ran down her cheek from her red lips, crimson rivers seemed to slowly spread from where she lay, on the cold stone of the Faded Halls.

"I-" She hesitated coughing up some blood. "I am" she said, choosing her words carefully. "I am... sorry." She uttered drawing in a breath, straining as the trident pierced deeper with each intake of breath. "He made..." another cough ripped through her, the trident piercing ever deeper into the once fair skin. "He made me do it..." She said putting both hands on the trident, a blue mist forming around it and slowly winding it's way up from her body forming a blue crystal like entity at the tip of the hilt. She turned her head and in the far distance could see some of the other deities, none close enough to hear, "Nous ne sommes plus immortel," She uttered in the language of the Days of Creation. Another smile crept onto her lips as the blue mist faded away, the blue crystal now inlaid in the hilt of the trident. Life had left the Blue Goddess. Death had come to the Immortals. A final exhale and her body ceased, no thoughts, no shade of her former self, nothing.

Fiorina, Goddess of the Harvest

The scream of Kelvara drew her attention to the new arrivals. Racing to her generals and seeing that her army had reformed, and not truly knowing the intentions of Kelvara or her soldiers, she ordered her men to about face, bringing them to line up in preparation to repel any kind of attack from Kelvara. Thousands of battle ready men, turned, locking their shields together to repel an advance. Spears leveled at the unaligned foe, archers and crossbowmen at the ready. The green and gold armor of Fiorina's army seemed to be hellishly tinted due to the red sky and the lighting flashes. The banners of her men fluttered in the insane wind, threatening to be ripped from their poles.

Fiorina looked behind her, seeing that Titania's army was making hasty retreat through several smaller portals through to her realm. The eight Alven Sovereigns all lay on the ground killed by their own hands. Shame and dishonor had a price, and within Titania's realm that price was to be paid with your own blood, taken by your own hand in the most honorable way possible. A grimace spread across Fiorina's lips, as she stepped in front of her soldiers to the no man's land that had formed between her army and that of Kelvara. Her dress fluttering in the wind, soaked through and through by the rain.
"Kelvara, Goddess of the Fires Eternal, Machines, Inventions and Mother of the Race of Man!" She called out to the deity on the other side. "There has been far too much death today, I beseech you to return your army to your realm." She said, knowing that now, it was too late to have any impact on Ferrak or Titania. Her recruitment of the others had been in vain.

Addarra, Goddess of Sleep, Dreams and Memories.

Addarra had moved to where Fiorina sat watching as the events unfolded before their eyes. Tears ran down her cheeks as she saw Titania's effort to kill Ferrak only to end up nearly killing Lizabeth in the process. The Dome... she thought to herself upon seeing that Ferrak had taken the body of Lizabeth to the black dome. She had to get there, she had to find out if Lizabeth would actually be okay, if things would be okay. Drying her tears the best she could, Addarra summoned up her power and turned into a purple mist in the shape her body, but clearly not solid. Her trueform, offered little in the ways offense, but she was nearly immune to physical attacks and it allowed her to pass through magical things with a great expenditure of her powers, but relatively unharmed.

Moving rapidly she made a beeline for the black dome. Passing some of Titania's soldiers who lay dead or dying on the ground. She couldn't save them... but could she save another? As she focused solely on the dome she had missed Titania being impaled by her own trident and Ferrak slamming her to the ground a good distance from where all others were. It was only the scream from Kelvara that drew her attention to what happened. No... she thought to herself thinking that things could only get worse from here. Regaining some semblance of a sense of where she was, Addarra continued in her true form to breech the black dome, dropping to her wispy knees and tears of joy raining from her clouded cheeks. Satine... Lizabeth she thought... she couldn't speak while in this form so she moved to Satine first. Cupping her sister's cheek in her misty hand, seeing no signs of life other than her gentle and labored breathing. Finally pulling herself from Satine she looked at Lizabeth who was clearly still alive and in distress. She moved in front of her, hoping her sister would recognize her.
Lizabeth groaned as she tried to sit up but the Bearers quickly pushed her onto her back. They said something in their language before continuing their work on her. She squirmed as an uncomfortable feeling pierced her stomach. At least it's not painful. She thought. Her body was still fading in and out, trying to overcome the damage that had been wrought on it. Suddenly, another feeling overtook her and she gasped.

This feeling was the same as when her brother died. That meant that another god had passed. She tried to sit up again and strained her neck to look over to where she knew Ferrak and Titania were. She breathed a small sigh of relief when she saw Ferrak was still there, but... The goddess Titania was no longer struggling. She had stopped moving.
Oh, no. Lizabeth clutched at the ground and her body shook with sobs. She didn't even notice someone approaching her until they stood right in front of her. She looked at the visitor and was surprised to see her sister Addarra. She was even more shocked to see the mists signaling Addarra's true form.

"A-addarra." Lizabeth wheezed. "What are you doing?" She furrowed her brow as another strange sensation washed over her. It was slowly diminishing the pain in her abdomen, but the pain of Titania's death still lingered in her chest. She looked to where Ferrak was again and rasped, "Save Ferrak."
Ferrak Lost God

He stared down at the woman for a few seconds, waiting for a movement that was never going to come.

Finally happy with the fact she was gone now, he stood and turned to look on at the forces that were still scattered around the place. He walked away from the body of the woman in blue, and started on over towards her ants. He pushed forward until he was running, then raised his hands into the air beside him and dove into the many hundreds of men and women around him, letting out a small laugh as they started falling.

His smile returned, along with his blood-lust. He was no longer trying to scare them away. Now he wanted them all dead.

He dug his way through them all with nary a drip of magic, his only allies were his very own weapons. his talon like fingernails dug into those in front of him, his tail throttling and whipping around those behind, as he spun almost like it was a dance to him. Round and round he went, cackling louder and louder as he ripped apart the weaklings as they tried to run away from him. He not only removed the head of the snake. Now he was determined to to destroy the body.

Ferrak Guardian Of The Faded Halls

Ferrak couldn't take it any longer. This was it. If he didn't do something now, he would lose himself completely to whatever had taken him over.

"Get out.." He started off with a whisper, building up any and all the strength he could possibly muster, "Get out..get out...get out....Get Out!"

"What exactly is it you are trying to accomplish here, Brother?" The voice started, "You cannot pos-"

"DO NOT..CALL ME...BROTHER!!!!" Ferrak released every ounce of energy he had in him, even going as far as to use up part of his very own life essence to push his way out of the darkness.

Ferrak Lost Guardian

He stopped still, right in the middle of everyone. Those around him fled, but he couldn't grab them. Couldn't even move.

He fell to his knees, feeling something...wrong.

The right side of his face started to glow a little, and what started off as a small patch, soon spread like a virus and covered the entire right side of his face and neck, with colour. Ferrak was breaking through, fighting for supremacy of his own body. With an explosion of black and white smoke bursting out of him, he and Ferrak both let out a scream. Ferrak's scream was alot louder, soon overpowering his scream entirely.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Help me...NO! HELP!! please stop..." His voice phased between the gravelly voice from before, and Ferrak's distressed wails.

As the two fought, their body was fighting also. Ferrak's form started to take a stronger hold as he raised his hands to his head, bowing down to the ground so he couldn't hurt anyone else. He needed someone. He needed help.

"SOME...someone....no...GET ME..to THE SPIRE.....no!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH....stop!.." He wailed, their voices phasing between each other.

If Ferrak could get to The Spire, his magic would be taken away, and maybe that'd weaken the voice inside him. Maybe...he could push it back completely.


The Bearers looked over at the figure that seemed to appear out of nowhere. They began to move between the figure and the two they were healing, staring intensely, though were calmed when Lizabeth seemed to recognize the figure. It was Addarra.

Two of the Bearers tending to Satine slipped over towards Lizabeth, as Satine's condition was significantly better now, damage only being the wounds on the outside, and started working on the hole in her stomach. A few of them had to hold her down so they could make sure there was no lasting damage, but healing wasn't something they were often ordered to do. They weren't perfect.

As three of the blue Bearers held down her arms and shoulders to stop her sitting up, the remaining four blue Bearers continued to heal the wound, and the green Bearer tended to the more intricate damage.

The remaining two Bearers attending to Satine continued their work. One of them set to work on a gash on her forehead, whilst the other placed his hands against her stomach. It flinched a little as it placed it's hands against her skin, but continued working, seemingly at a slightly more intense level.

@Maven @Azazelin
Addarra, Goddess of Sleep, Dreams and Memories.

Unable to respond to Lizabeth, she just looked at her and caressed her cheek with her hand before turning to once again look at Satine. Hearing another wave of screams she saw as Ferrak tore his way through the retreating lines of Titania's Alven Army. It was a horrid sight, and many many parts of Addarra wanted to turn away and hide in her realm.... but she couldn't do that. She had a responsibility, not to herself, Lizabeth or any of the other Immortals. She needed Ferrak's help... she had to save Cato's soul... she had to bring him back, restore him... she needed to save Ferrak in order to save Cato, to help Varus. It was settled, she darted off in her true form, once again passing through the dome and out into the maelstrom that had grown ever stronger with the death of Titania.

When Ferrak appeared to stop cold, arguing with himself, rising up before falling once again to the ground, pleading for someone to help... Addarra made her move. Soaring over the ranks of very angry Alven soldiers who had begun to close in on Ferrak, Addarra moved faster... she needed to reach him before they did. In a moment, a fraction of a second... dropping out of her true form and slamming into Ferrak, Addarra opened a portal to the Spire dropping the pair of them at the bottom of the steps.

Seeming to crash onto the Spire's steps Addarra slammed her head against the stairs, as Ferrak slid to a stop before her. There was no hope if that thing had possessed him like it had earlier. No weapons with her, no magic to save her... her fate rested in the clawed hands of the God of Death.
Kelvara, Goddess of Fire, Machines, Inventions, and Humans

Kelvara's hands covered her eyes as tears poured down her face. "None of us are immortal, really....this is going to be the end of us all. We are all going to die, aren't we?" She wiped the tears off her face. She stood up, a cold, unfeeling, and determined look crossing over her face. "I-I don't care how innocent Ferrak might be, he has been the cause of far too much death. He shall pay for his crimes." She quickly lit a fire in her hand, and set herself on fire, becoming her true form. She was about to charge him, to finish him, to make him pay, growing more angry by the second, as she saw him taking down the lines of Alven soldiers. She charged at him, her army following, until he stopped in his tracks, and fell to the ground, pleading, screaming, begging for someone to get him to the spire. "He's in there, somewhere..." she whispered to herself. She held up a hand to her army, stopping them. She watched the scene unfold in front of them. All of a sudden, Addarra rushed over the Alven army, twoards Ferrak. She dropped out of the sky, and slammed into him. Suddenly, they were gone. Kelvara too switched forms, and took on her favored mortal form. She then took a moment to speak to the general of her army, Tarakan. He nodded, then turned to his army. He made several gestures, and the winged soldiers began flying about the field, collecting the many, many dead.

Fiorina, Goddess of the Harvest.

Seeing that Ferrak was gone, and that Kelvara didn't mean to bring about more death, Fiorina, spoke to her generals and aided in opening a portal to the realm of Titania, the dead needed to go home. They needed to rest forever with those they had loved, and had loved them. Once she was satisfied that the bodies being collected by Kelvara's people and her own would be handled properly she looked to Kelvara. Walking the distance to her sister. "I have one final favor to ask," She said looking through one of the portals that had been created. "We need to find out if her realm is going to survive." She said her voice heavy with anticipation to what they might find in the Watery Realm. "Her people need to know we won't abandon them." She added. Difficult for the Gods to accept the loss of one of their own... but for her children? The Alven Races, she was their mother, their creator, their caretaker. She was their world and now she was gone.

Not waiting for a response, Fiorina began walking towards one of the portals to the Watery Realm, stepping through before casting a last look at the destruction of the Faded Halls. Once she was through, the sun shone brightly, the air was crisp with sea salt and some white puffy clouds hung on the horizon. Everything seemed to be in its place, all was well, everything looked normal. Fiorina thought to herself for a moment about what to do and how to go about it. She touched the barrier, poked it, nothing. She put a finger through, nothing... she felt no pain. Taking a deep breath she took a step through the barrier, no pain. Again nothing. It was as though the permission was still intact. To try it out though she would need to get another deity that hadn't been recently invited into the Watery Realm to attempt it... if it worked then any of the Immortals could come and check in on the people of the realm... though Fiorina knew she would likely be taking that task upon herself. A Guardian of the Watery Realm title sounded nice... only until they could find one of Titania's few demi-god children on Mundus to immortalize and place into the position once occupied by their mother.

Kelvara, Goddess of Fire, Machines, Inventions, and Humans

Kelvara nodded. She made a few arrangements for the bodies, then followed Fiorina into the portal. What she saw surprised her. It was warm, and sunny, almost happy. Everything seemed almost normal here. She saw Fiorina step through the barrier into Tatiana's realm without an issue. Almost as though she was still allowed there. She looked through at Fiorina. "Fiorina, I was never allowed here...why would I be now?"

She stepped up to the barrier, and reluctantly stuck poked it. She felt a shock run through her finger at the touch, and recoiled. She decided to try again, no matter what happened. She jammed her hand through, and felt a large shock, but it only lasted for a moment. Reassured, she stepped through. "
Somethings wrong with the barrier. It is almost as though she is still alive..."

(Sorry for the overly short post, I'm going between roleplays)

Addarra stooped to touch Lizabeth's cheek and moved on to Satine, whose breathing was steady, unlike Lizabeth's own. She flinched at the sound of a scream in the distance. She couldn't even worry about who it was, but Addarra bolted towards the sound. Lizabeth let her head fall against the ground and sighed, closing her eyes to rest. She hoped Ferrak and the others were alright. The screaming had stopped, so Addarra must have done something.

Lizabeth once again felt herself slipping away into nightmares, but she was far too tired to fight back. Her true form had drained what remained of her energy, and now she could barely move her mortal form. She rested her hands against the ground and sighed deeply. She was of no use right now, and it would be a while before she could be of use again. Her stomach hurt from the trident, her chest hurt from Titania's death, and her pride hurt piercingly from her uselessness.

She decided then that as soon as she was well enough, she would find out what was going on. But for now, she had to rest...
Ferrak Lost Guardian

"Nnngh....AAHHHAAHAHAHAH....hahah..." Ferrak struggled, his face in his palms, unable to fully take over.


He had no idea what'd hit him, and when he opened his eyes to try and look, he instead saw something that brought him more hope than anything else could. The Spire.

He could feel something trying to pull him back, frantically clawing at him. Whatever it was, it was scared. Ferrak stared up at The Spire, a small smug grin across his face.

"Y'know what..'Brother'?" He said with as much sarcasm as he could, "I think it's time to fix You.."

The gravelly voice screamed out, about to start screaming something when Ferrak ripped himself from the grip of the darkness, darting forward into the light.

As he passed through the magic of The Spire, his sickly, decayed body started to flake. His white skin fell away to dust, being replaced with more and more of his normal form. His hair's darkness faded to it's usual bright green colour. Everything except his eyes changed, until once more, he was Ferrak.

He crouched against the stairs, and turned to look at the person who'd saved him. Addarra. He felt tears start streaming down his cheeks as his bright green and blue eyes stared at her.

"Soon..." The gravelly voice whispered inside his head, fading fast, "The new beginning shall rise from the ashes..of this broken world..."

"Not..as long.....as I'm...............around..." Ferrak spoke softly through heavy breaths, his eyes fading to their original dark green colour.

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Addarra, Goddess of Sleep, Dreams and Memories.

A small smile touched her lips as she saw Ferrak truly become Ferrak... least the one she knew. Her heart swelled with joy as she knew that things were going to return to some kind of normal sooner or later. If you could call the loss of another deity, two seriously wounded and thousands dead... normal. Pushing the thoughts aside, Addarra stood and looked Ferrak in the eyes, determined to actually get something out for once. "I-" she said her voice relatively high pitched as she was more than clearly nervous. "I..." She attempted to start again, taking a few more deep breaths and walking around for a bit before coming to a stop. "I need you to bring someone back from the dead," She said spouting it out quickly. She needed this, and as far as she was concerned he now owed her something or another... this would be more than sufficient to pay his debt to her... least that's what she was thinking in her head, nervous as all hell about what his answer would be. "It's for a..." she scrambled to find the right word to describe Varus... "Someone special." She said settling with a smile flanked by cheeks of rosy blush.

Fiorina, Goddess of the Harvest.

She looked on in relative surprise seeing that Kelavara had been able to pass through without much of an issue. Cementing the belief that she had had, that the realm's barrier was intact per se, but not active. That meant other things, nastier things that wished harm upon those within the realm would be able to get in as well. "Appears that this barrier won't be offering any kind of protection to the Alves that live within this realm," She said looking at Kelavara with a concerned expression. To Fiorina, the Alves had done nothing wrong whatsoever, they followed their Goddess, their Mother, into a battle and thousands had paid with their lives thanks to it. They couldn't blame Titania for what she had done, for calling them to fight alongside her, they were fighting death anyways... it was always going to be a losing battle. Fiorina looked to her sister, "I will be going to inform Titania's Exarch of the situation, though I imagine she already feels her Goddesses' absence." She said opening an portal and looking back at Kelvara, "We need to catch up with one another after all of this," She said, a very solemn and weary smile on her lips before passing through the portal.

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Ferrak Guardian Of The Faded Halls

Ferrak stared at Addarra for a few seconds, a small smile crossing his face. He didn't take in a word of what she'd said, simply seeing her mouth move but no sound come out. He tried to get up and walk over to her, to hear what she was saying, to thank her. But when he did, everything went fuzzy. Addarra became a smear to him, and then...flew into the air? No..He was falling...the ground moving closer and closer, almost like it was in slow motion.


Darkness once again. But it felt different this time. Warmer somehow. And then there was a light, more lights, flashing past him. No..images. Memories.

As he lay there on the ground of The Spire, he could no longer move. If he was awake, he would've felt pain ripping through his entire body and an exhaustion that would've sent a mortal being into a thousand year slumber, from the amount of energy, both physically, mentally and even magically, that he'd used, and yet he was still smiling. Tears trickled down his face as the memories became clearer.

Aeros was there. All of his siblings, in fact. Lizabeth, Satine, Addarra, Chishiki, Rosalinda, Kelvara, Ither, everyone. He felt a surge of warmth run through him at the sight of them all so happy.

"I'm so sorry.." He whispered under his breath, "I didn't mean..to....please..forgive me..."

Ferrak's body started phasing as he lay there on the ground. Parts of his body started letting off a thin steam, other parts leaked a thick smog that dripped to the ground like a liquid.

His thoughts turned back to his brother, Aeros. Maybe he'd see him again..The very thought of seeing his brother after all these years was reason enough to let go, right? But he was torn. Because leaving, would mean leaving those he loved..

Was this his time? Maybe it was...everything had it's time, and everything died. Even Death himself...

"I'm sorry-" He started to mutter someone's name, but fell quiet before it left his mouth..
Kelvara (Ecterate Ecterate I've had to type this four times because my drafts keep getting deleted and I'm tired of typing the same thing so there you go)

Kelvara nodded to Fiorina as she stepped through the portal. As some of her winged soldiers carted the dead in, she spoke to the various Alves, in their respective cities, except for the underwater ones. She would have someone else deal with them, later. She explained the current situation, about how their goddess was dead, and how they weren't protected by the barrier anymore. "We are very sorry for your losses, and I wish you best of luck." As the Alves slowly went back to their daily routines, still a bit in shock, she walked to the portal, and stepped back into the Faded Halls. As she slowly walked the battle field, observing the many dead, and dying that laid on the ground, tears filled her eyes, and as she tried to blink them away, one slipped over the edge, and on the body of a dead Alve. As she tried to wipe away the tears, she felt a large hand placed on her shoulder. She turned around, slowly, and came face to face with Theo. she stared at him for a moment, before he withdrew his hand, and hung his head. "I...I'm so sorry Addie. It was awful." She looked up into his eyes, and suddenly wrapped her arms around him, her face pressed to his chest. He opened his mouth, about to say something, but decided against it, and hugged her back. To anyone watching, it would have been almost funny, considering how tiny she was compared to him. She let go of him after a few seconds, wiping the tears off her face. She took back. "Thank you for being here Theo, you have truly been a huge help to me. Now, I'm off to find Lizabeth, would you like to come?" He looked surprised for a moment, then nodded. She picked her way through the wreckage to where she had seen Addarra go earlier, and where she assumed Lizabeth was, and Theo followed behind. She approached it, and tried to get in, but couldn't. She decided to take Theo back to his home, and opened a portal to the plane of Mundas, before stepping through and reappearing in his hometown. She walked to his house with him, and as they parted, he reached out the door and hugged her.

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Lizabeth forced her eyes open. She had no nightmares. She had just drifted in nothingness, waiting for her body to disappear or heal. When neither appeared to happen, she cracked open her eyes to examine her surroundings. She was still in Ferrak's Realm and his Bearers were still hunched over her. She raised a hand to cover her eyes for a moment then looked down at her abdomen.

looked like it was healing up. She sighed and rested her head against the ground. "I need to sit up." Lizabeth groaned. She ignored the protests of the humble healers and propped herself up with her palm, the other cradling her stomach. Images flashed through her mind. Titania throwing her trident. The monster holding her in front of it. Falling to the ground. And blood. So, so much blood. She looked out of the dome to see the wreckage of the battle field. With a sigh, she inched towards it. How many had died? How many had fallen to Ferrak's uncontrollable hands?

Pain ravaged her and she moaned, almost slipping to the ground once again. She cast her eyes up and blinked. She would not cry, not after all that had happened. She had no reason to- there were others who should be grieving. Lizabeth squeezed her eyes shut and tried to focus on Ferrak and Addarra. She couldn't see their paths. The only thing that remained on her mind was the monster's hand around her, shielding itself with her body.
How are you still able to trust him? She asked herself. He wasn't able to control himself. It's not his fault. Lizabeth ran a hand through her hair and looked back at Satine. If she left now for her Realm, she wouldn't be hurt again. Well, not physically. But if she did leave, she would probably never find the strength to return and make sure Ferrak was alright. With another sigh, she rested her hands on her chin and closed her eyes again.
Addarra, Goddess of Sleep, Dreams and Memories.

Addarra watched as Ferrak smiled wearily before collapsing on the steps of the Spire. His breath was steady and regular, damn fool has gone and tired himself out... she thought to herself cursing him before detaching her cowl and laying it over his body as a kind of blanket before taking a seat and moving his head into her lap. Mindlessly she started playing with his green hair, gently brushing it between her fingers, picking away any dried blood or clumps of dirt she could. She would sit here however long it would be necessary to, she had to get Ferrak's help in restoring Cato to the realm of the living, to bring him back from the dead. Varus by now, with Cato's body would have been shown to her castle, where the body would be tended too by doctors to prevent decaying, while Varus was made... comfortable, if one in grief like that could be. Rather bored, Addarra decided to sing a melody that had been in her head since as far back as she could remember, she had no idea where it came from, or how she knew it. Never had she heard the melody on Mundus or from any of the other Gods, her voice bounced gently on the notes, entertaining herself all the while calming herself down as well.

Satine, Goddess of Life, Creation and The Beginning.

The pain had subsided, as had the dreams of a time long since passed. Slowly she opened her eyes, scrunching up her nose as a putrid smell hung in the air. Death, she thought, it smelled like death. Slowly raising herself up to a sitting position, she looked around, her vision somewhat blurred, her memories... not so intact as she would have liked. She only remembered hitting the barrier of Chi's realm before darkness had taken her. Some images o- blinking rapidly Satine squinted to get her eyes to work. Swinging her legs around and attempting to stand only to collapse onto the ground, breathing heavily and clutching her stomach, she let out a pitiful sound as she attempted to stand once again. Satine in her moment on her feet was able to see a couple of Ferrak's Bearers, who seemed to be frantically trying to have her sit down. She gently nudged them out of the way, stumbling her way out of the black dome and seeing the rain drenched corpses of hundreds of fallen Alves and not too far away the lifeless body of Titania. Tears filled her eyes as she made her way towards her sister, stumbling over a few bodies and offering many pathetic apologies to the deceased.

Collapsing to her knees next to Titania, Satine released a wave of energy that made the air itself seem to buzz. Her hands, shaking violently slowly pressed onto Titania. The cold skin was wet from the rain that had fallen. The blood pool was dark, nearly black as if having dried some what. Satine gently moved Titania's dark black hair out of her face and into a neater position, gently caressing her cheeks, and moving her hands to the trident. Faltering, Satine didn't notice the blue gem that was at the tip of the hilt of the trident. Nor did she notice the gentle sparkling light within. Letting out a desperate scream, Satine cried, slight tinges of pain around her heart as she began mourning the loss of her sister. The two bearers that had attended to her hovered nearby making sure she didn't get hurt again. The Goddess of Life, the mother of creation, and genesis of everything mourned the loss of one of her loves. A dark cloud seemed to slowly cover a section of her heart, cementing in that vengeance would be gotten.

@Tenshi Hinara @Azazelin @Scattered Ambitions @Ahzek Ahriman @Tsiwentiio
Rosalinda, Goddess of Beauty and Love

Rosalinda was still on the floor, the pain was slowly going away she could still see her book across the floor. She slowly moved towards it she grabbed it, she propped her self up on one arm and started to look for anyone the first place the book took her was to Titania where she was laying in her own blood and she could also see Satine next to her, She forced herself up she knew that she wouldn't be able to get to them but she was able to communicate with Satine, She snapped her fingers and a small mirror appeared on the wall, she looked right into it and said " Show me Satine ", the mirror showed her Satine and she started to call out to her hoping that she would be able to hear her

Sita Matriarch Of The Dead

Sita sat looking out over yet another beautiful city as the sun cast down it's radiant glow onto all the inhabitants below. Her legs swung back and forth, her boots clinking as one of the metal buckles hit the wall she was sitting on.

She couldn't help but smile as she watched everyone go about their daily routines. Each person having a goal to accomplish. A meaning to their existence. She often played a game in which she guessed what each meaning and goal was for each person, some happy, some sad, all leading to the same destination in the end.

She didn't know what city this one was, nor any of the cities she visited. She wasn't always welcomed with open arms, and was sometimes rejected completely. But when she was accepted, they were always ever so nice. Some knew who she was, some didn't, and that was half the fun of being her. If she needed to, she could just slip in and out of a city unseen. Just...wandering. Finding her place in the world.

Her duties always came first, but when she had time to herself, she often spent it in an area overlooking the city she was in. Just watching. That was more than she could ever ask for.

Her thoughts were often cast back to her family. Her own kind. They were far and few between now though, having been hunted over the years. They were considered predators because of their wolfen forms, though those that were left almost never changed anymore, too afraid of being discovered.

The hunters were only working off of legends now. Legends of a time long since past, when her kind were the hunters themselves. She couldn't blame them for being afraid though, it was only in the nature of anyone with such a short life. To be afraid of something that can cut that short life even shorter.

"The suns setting, Ferrie," She whispered up into the sky, sure he'd never hear her but speaking none the less, "Maybe I'll go for a walk.."


The two Bearers working on Satine's body continued their work, even as she started walking, until she saw Titania. Even they knew this was no time to bother the grieving goddess, and so bowed their heads slightly and waited by her side. Patiently.

The seven Bearers that were working on Lizabeth were making progress, the green Bearer having completed it's delicate work inside her body. Now it was only a matter of closing the holes in her stomach. Seeing as this was their masters order, they concentrated fully, working to the best of their abilities.

The green Bearer's bright green eyes flared up a little, and it looked up towards the large portal inside The Halls. His master was no longer in control of the portal, and so the souls that the Bearers were trying to help pass through, simply couldn't.

There was, of course, a whole realm for them to inhabit until the problem was rectified. But as it's master's second in command, it was it's duty to keep the situation under control until Ferrak returned.

The green Bearer squealed a few times at it's fellow Bearers, and then made it's way towards the portal where other Bearers had already started leading the deceased somewhere else. It stood in front of the portal, and started flailing it's arms to the left, right, leading the Bearers with souls down various corridors and pathways to stop a large group forming right in the middle of the Halls.

The green Bearer didn't show it much, but loved being able to be of help to it's master. None would know this at all, if they didn't notice it's eyes turn into what looked like little crescent moons on their side, as if it was smiling happily under that hood. And their it would stay, until it's master returned.

@Maven @Azazelin
Satine, Goddess of Life, Creation and The Beginning.

Satine mourned, the tears creating rivers on her cheeks. A hand was placed on her shoulders, gentle and delicate. Brushing her tears from her eyes, Satine turned to see... Titania. Her dark hair and blue eyes shinning, an astral form of some kind... her spirit. A simple, weary smile was on her lips, she looked past Satine and noticed her own body, the trident still impaled within her stomach, the blue jewel shone brightly. Satine moved her arm up, shaking as she did, to the cheek of Titania, feeling nothing but a soft warmth with little resistance from Titania herself, who took Satine's hand in both of hers and just held them at her cheek. A tear ran down Satine's cheek only to be met by the hand of Titania, the blue goddess placed a single kiss on Satine's forehead before a Bearer came and fetched the astral form of the former Goddess who was ushered down some corridor or another. Watching her go, and once she was out of sight Satine collapsed to the ground once again, riddled with sobs and tears. Unable to hear as Rosalinda attempted to contact her.

@StoneyJr @Tsiwentiio
As Satine is finally saying her goodbyes to Titania's spirit, a bunch of large shadows fly over the battlefield, the remains of the armies looking up from their gathering of the wounded, dying and dead. Any who looked up would see flying Wyvern's, monsters that are under the service of the God of Chaos, one of them landing on a small pile of dead Alf beings. The Wyvern would let out a roar, it's rider a black adamantine armor clad Ither, quickly dismounting and walking over towards Satine, his long red clock billowing behind. As he walks up towards Satine he'd bellow out "Satine, where is that bastard Ferrak!"

Meanwhile in the sky the Wyvern would be flying overhead, circling and landing on the various rock outcroppings nearby, the main body of his army marching down the pathway and waiting respectfully in formation observing the other two remaining armies moving and trying to remove the wounded, dying and dead, the Boar mounted Skirmishers would break off, riding up to the top of the hill and readying and rain down javelins and arrows, the rest of the body lowering their pikes and awaiting orders to either charge or stand down, carefully watching their lordship moving towards Satine in his armor.
The Bearers around Lizabeth had finished their work and were attending to other duties. They bustled around, chaperoning spirits of the dead in the Faded Halls, and left Lizabeth alone. She slowly stood up and looked around. Satine had left, and she hadn't wanted to follow her. Satine was close with every god and goddess and cherished their lives, as she was the goddess of life. Lizabeth had decided to let her sister mourn for the fallen Titania and she had stayed within the dome.

She cautiously stepped outside of the black dome and was surprised to see that bodies were still being cleaned up. Her heart sank at all of the life that was lost. She turned slightly to see where Satine was and startled. Titania's milky apparation was being led by a Bearer towards the halls. Lizabeth touched her stomach and watched her sister disappear into the halls. Titania's eyes were serene. It was as if she were at peace. The oracle goddess shook her head and looked up. Somewhere, Ferrak and Addarra were at the Spire. Addarra would take care of Ferrak for now, she thought. She couldn't face him right now. Her emotions were still confused and her head was reeling. She didn't understand anything anymore, and the most she could do was stay out of the way until everyone recovered.

"Goodbye." She whispered, not sure who she was saying it to. With a sigh, she retreated into the wind and was ushered away to her Realm. Everything was normal. Mirrors showed lives and futures, birds hopped around on the floor, and her throne was empty. She took a seat and tucked her legs beneath her. Lizabeth extended her hand and a mirror appeared within it. She gazed into it, hoping to see Ferrak. When his image finally graced the glass, Lizabeth blushed and dropped the mirror. The mirror disappeared before shattering, but not her spirit. Jealousy had plagued the small goddess. Ferrak and Addarra seemed close, and she tried to convince herself that she didn't care. That she didn't feel anything.

Lizabeth gave in. She curled up on her throne and cried. Tears streamed down her face. She cried for her wounds, for her siblings, for everything that had happened. She cried for Ferrak and his betrayal, one she knew she'd forgive even if she didn't want to. It was going to be just like before. Blinded by love, she would forgive every action and keep running back. But this time, Lizabeth refused to admit to herself what she felt. This time, she didn't want the feeling that was growing steadily and stubbornly in her heart.

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