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Fantasy The "Immortals"

Lizabeth cautiously stepped away from Ferrak and sat down besides Satine. She had to crane her neck up to look at the god, who stood quite a lot taller than she. Lizabeth smoothed down her robes and looked around. Sadly, she hadn't been to visit the others in a long time, and it had certainly been a good while since she had seen the Faded Halls. She remembered the faint chill, but she didn't remember how beautiful they were.

"Ferrak tell me, what Realm your Domain is within. Let us see if your memory is intact." Satine said as she leaned back. Lizabeth looked over at her, a small smile on her lips. It was beyond Ferrak's abilities to bring someone back to life, if that was his plan, and even if he could, there was obviously a price. Lizabeth wouldn't let anymore of her siblings get hurt, especially while they were trying to unravel Aeros's mystery. She looked back up to Ferrak and offered a slight smile. She was warming up to the idea of being around other gods, and already she felt as if she and Satine had never been separated.

After the incident with the human, Lizabeth shut herself off from the others. She refused to visit Mundus and only spoke with her siblings when required. The human had made her throw her defenses up so she wouldn't be hurt again. It only grew worse at the death of her brother. His magic went hand in hand with her oracles, so they had been close. She had forgotten the feel of a healthy relationship. Satine made her feel better, and less anxious. And Ferrak certainly helped. They were both already being drawn into her bubble, and for now, she wasn't afraid of that.
After Rosalinda's... attack, Liber had seen the fear in the groups eyes... all that coming together at the meeting was just hasty renforcement to a crumbling building. Cracks were spreading, dividing the gods. What was the first thing they did after 'coming together'? Split into three groups, one to work, another to play, another to be left out!

When Rosalinda retreated to the house Liber hastily followed, "Is there anyone you need me to check up on, I can check a couple of realms to make sure".
Rosalinda walked into the large library it was one of the biggest rooms in her house ( second to her master bedroom ) she walked over to the book and started to flip trough it, the book it self was a little tricky to figure out, you cannot just open a page and say a name and it will show where they are but you have to go to the section to where they are defined so she immediately went to the ( God/Goddess) section and started to look into everyone's name " yeah that would be good, thank you Liber " She smiled at him and turned back to the book, she felt drained but kept going through the book
And with that Liber was gone in an instant, appearing at the realm of the first deity that came to mind. Unfortunately this was Shearantos. Liber strode right up to the barrier and walked through it without breaking pace (while most deities needed permission, Liber did not necessarily need it, he could go into any realm at the cost of a fair amount of energy if he wasn't welcome). It took a few seconds to realize there was no drain from the barrier. He smiled, Shearantos had always wanted him here, not for friendly reasons but it suited Liber's need.

Just then a hand of justice rounded the corner and stopped dead in it's tracks when it saw Liber. "Is Shearantos okay?", the angel like being only stared in shock before coming to it's senses and charging at him, sword drawn. Liber was gone before it even got close, if Shearantos was okay Liber would hear from him very soon (it wouldn't tickle his fancy that Liber had been in his realm). Next would be Titania...
Titania, Goddess of Water, Healing and the Alven Races

The Goddess of Water had been listening to all those that wished to speak and respond to one another at the Council meeting. A roar of laughter had come from her when Addarra had tripped over the fruit Fiorina had generously brought. Titania couldn't help it, she just found Addarra's scurrying hilarious. Of course she had been glared at by Satine for it, but a good laugh didn't hurt anyone... usually. Once Satine had taken Lizabeth, hot on Ferrak's trail, Rosalinda had taken a group to tea, and some of the others had departed as well. Titania decided to go to her realm as it would be best. Grabbing her trident, Titania walked gently down the steps her heels clacking as she went, her pace slow and steady as she was in no hurry. A simple sigh as she reached the bottom, snapping her fingers vanishing into a watery portal revealing her realm on the others side. Once through she discarded her shoes in her palace preferring to be barefoot underrwater as she swam through her underwater city, where the Atlosi (mer people) lived before visiting the Alves that lived within her domain on the surface. Each of the eight alven races had a city here of varying size in locations common to their race. Some lived by the coast, others in desserts, mountains and jungles. Though they were each a unique sub-race she had spent thousands of years working on, crafting. It was only by the grace of Satine did they actually breathe life. For that she was forever indebted to the Goddess of Life. After surveying her realm, Titania noticed that the High Alf people were putting on a summer festival and she opted to watch from a hill nearby as they paraded through their small city, reveling and enjoying their lives.

Ferrak Guardian Of The Faded Halls

Ferrak thought for a moment, then realised what Satine was talking about. A red blush forced it's way across his face like a tonne of bricks had just hit him square on.

Crap! Idiot Idiot Idiot! How could he have missed a blaring great detail like that?!

"U-uh...heh..this would be The Realm...Of Life, huh?" He tried to laugh it off.

He stood still, awkwardly staring at the ground for a few seconds before looking down at Satine.

"Sorry.." He chuckled, "I didn't even think...about that.."

Ferrak really had no idea what to say in this situation, so he started to slowly walk back up the path to the Halls,

"I'll go get back to work whilst you two rest up!" He yelped, smiling a little more and taking off at a running pace to grab up the book he'd dropped of the Oracle's life.

It didn't take him too long to find it, and flipping through to the back he started working on a body for her spirit to occupy. A body lightly based off of his Bearers. A body that could actually hold inside of it, a spirit that could not only go through the portal, but come back intact.

With the help of all eight blue robed Bearers, and even the green robed one, he crafted a hollow shell that could be possessed by the spirit.

It looked almost like another Bearer, except obviously feminine, along with human coloured skin. The body's head was covered with a hood like usual, and Ferrak made sure it couldn't be pulled back.

He stood back and looked at his creation, thinking to himself and making sure he hadn't let anything out.

@Maven @Azazelin
Ither even would head down to his normal tavern, sitting at a seat with a few of his higher priests, glancing around quietly his eyes settling onto Varus, who is singing quietly. His attention snaps back to his High Priest Victus, his voice a hollow deep sound, a blessing given by Ither for his willingness to mute himself (Along with blinding and deafening himself), Victus's intoning voice bring him back to the task at hand "My Lordship, what brings you here to our humble undercity and this quick gathering of your leaders in such a....Public place?" The other two high priests would nod, leaning in and looking at him so others wouldn't overhear them speaking, once they are sure nobody will overhear then Ither would say quietly "Well...As you know I had to leave the temple due to the gods being called, the gods are divided..." The table would fall silent, the priests remaining quiet, a waiter walking over and filling their drinks again, before hurrying away due to the simple dark looks from the three priests as he tries to make small talk.

"S-sir..." Says the youngest of the three high priests, a short man in his 30's, his left eye gouged out and filled with a follow dark 'light' "Sir...His Lordship Areos is dead...? So that is why then anyone following him unable to do magic without their lives being ruined...?" He'd look at him, his eye wide, looking down quietly as Ither responds "Yes...It hurts to have to tell you my dear servants, I have reason to believe that many of the gods will be tearing the pantheon apart and form two groups of warring gods..." Once again this brings utter silence to the group, Victus eventually speaking up quietly "Sir...That'd mean all of life on earth could be wiped out, even if we worship you my lordship, god of chaos and the glorious void, this is terrible for all! I hate to say it but we must try and restore order as quickly as possible within the pantheon and the gods servants before this war can begin...How does Ecaos feel about this?" "Well..." Ither begins, sighing as he takes a long sip of his coffee. "Well, we must do as we can, failure to do so will result in the possible annihilation of this universe, and I will not let Eldraxes and his schemes come to fruition, Dammit why couldn't that animal be put down rather then Areos..." Ither would then look down, sighing softly, running a hand through his hair before saying "The black gates...They stand yawning for us...We must be in agreement, I want to save this world, no matter how silly you little folk are..." That would gather a small collective chuckle from the three of them, before the high priest speaks up with a dread filled tone "Where you march my Lordship, we will follow you, in infinitum, we serve."

Ither at this would raise his head, smiling softly and nodding "Then we are decided my dear servants, Karl, Maximus, go spread my word to all the churches, this is an order form my personally." At that the two lower priests spring up, bowing and running off, one bumping into varus as he hurries off, shouting "Sorry!" as he sprints away, both Ither and his high priest face-palming at him "Bloody hell..." Ither would grumble.

@ashlynn @Maven
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Chishiki, God of Wisdom (aka The One That Hates Titles to the Point Where All That Try to Bestow One to Him Fear Him)

Chi's eye twitched throughout the truly beautiful words Satine used in chastisement, surprised at how broad her vocabulary had become and quite stunned, wishing half of it was censored if not just a bit. But at least he got to hear her one last time... As he looked over the domains he passed, all beautiful in their own nature, he caught a glimpse of Aeros's domain. His owl eyes blinked for a moment in memory of Aeros, one of the only gods that had listened to his advice... All of it.

He curved his flight path before morphing back into his human form, ignoring the pain he experienced as a barrier caught him, forcing the link he had opened with Satine to include Ferrak and Lizabeth as well, pouring some of his last power in to maintain it.
'You have no need to meet Aeros's oracle, Lizabeth. I already know most of the answers you would seek and have answered by her. I have been listening through the link that Satine and I established, which she thankfully forgot to close. I think you all have missed one, very, very important fact throughout the meeting that I have just lately confirmed.'

He took a moment to catch his breath, sounding a bit labored, before resuming the push of his link. 'Aeros is -'

Before he could continue, he winced and grabbed his side. 'Crap... He's onto me... I didn't expect it this fast... Quick, find my priest and get him to my library before He gets to him too. The library guardians will protect him once he's -' Before Chi could continue his hair and eyes turned platinum before he simply dissipated, with no sign of his existence left behind.

@Maven @Azazelin @StoneyJr
Satine, Goddess of Life, Creation and The Beginning.

Satine smiled and laughed lightly at Ferrak's embarrassment, and thankful he had finally realized what he was about to do. As he wandered off to go finish the vessel, Satine just sat next to Lizabeth, breathing steadily and attempting to give herself some time to rest, especially for the next part of the process which would involve Satine giving the soul of the Oracle a Shard of Life which went into all living things. It would require Satine to use what little power she had left as it was a true process to undertake, especially considering this soul would be coming back from the Realm of the Dead. She opened her eyes lazily upon hearing Chishiki talk, laughing lightly has he said she forgot to close the link. Did she though? No, but she would let him have his triumph, especially after the scolding she had given him earlier, parts of which she seemed to regret. She listened intently as Chi spoke about this mysterious man who had dealt with Aeros. It changed all things currently thought at this point about what had truly transpired to the Immortal God of Magic. He's not dead? She thought to herself. It was an interesting point to be made, one that unfortunately had little basis other than the fact that Aero's soul had never crossed into the Realm of the Dead as all souls seemed to do. Satine looked at Lizabeth and her reaction to the news as well. A slight smile stretching across her lips that all might end up wel- but before she could finish her thought Chi seemed to be in pain of some kind demanding they find his oracle and take him back to Chi's realm. Then nothing. Satine's eyes grew wide as she was frantic to find out what happened. "Chi..." she said her voice wavering momentarily. "Chi..." she said again. Not another, not now. She thought to herself. She looked at Lizabeth. "The Oracle. We need to find Chi's Oracle." She said standing but still feeling dizzy.
As Ferrak rushed off, embarrassed, Satine breathed deeply. She certainly needed the rest. Lizabeth looked around again, watching a few of Ferrak's servants rush around. They were strange things, but useful. She wondered what Ferrak was doing when Satine said something. "Chi..." Her voice weakened. She repeated what she had said and Lizabeth stared at Satine, suddenly afraid.

Satine stood. "The Oracle. We need to find Chi's Oracle." She said. Lizabeth hurried to stand beside her and catch her should the other goddess fall. Lizabeth placed a hand on Satine's arm with concern.

"Satine, what's wrong?" She asked, panicked. "Is he okay?" She didn't like the tone of Satine's voice and didn't wait for her to answer. "Wait here, I'll be back." Lizabeth left Satine and ran as fast as she could in the direction that Ferrak had taken off in. She looked around wildly, trying to spot him. A Bearer shuffled across her path and she skidded to a stop to grab its shoulders. "Where is Ferrak?" She asked with a frantic voice. "Ferrak! Something's wrong!" She left the Bearer and stopped again at a split hallway. She wavered, unsure which way to go. On an impulse, she took a right and continued to run.

Lizabeth didn't know this Realm. For all she knew, she had gone in the completely opposite direction. She just hoped that Ferrak would be here somewhere, and she hoped that Chi was alright. But she didn't have time to think. Lizabeth hurried through the Faded Halls, getting more lost with each step.
Satine, Goddess of Life, Creation and The Beginning.

Before she could answer Lizabeth, the other goddess ran off in the direction that Ferrak had disappeared in. The situation was dire, Chi wasn't responding and clearly he had been onto something. Satine couldn't wait for whether or not Lizabeth and Ferrak would return. Searching her mind she pondered quickly as to where the Oracle would be. Did, Chi have a chief Temple? Maybe... but where, Satine thought seriously considering where he would be. She needed Lizabeth to use her abilities to locate that oracle. That might take too long. Due to their friendship Satine was welcome in Chi's realm whenever until he stated otherwise, fortunately for her that meant she could enter upon her own will. Gathering herself and what energy she could muster she summoned her staff, banging it against the floor once readying herself. Whatever happened to Chi could have altered his permissions for his barrier. She was going to teleport within his realm, and if permission was still granted there wouldn't be an issue, however if she was wrong and there were no longer permissions for her to enter, she would get in side and be completely crippled by the barrier's pain, before being thrown out of the realm and landing outside, though this time her body would be killed and she would need to reincarnate in her own realm... a feat she hated but was a commonplace for all the Immortals. That would take time though and that was clearly something they didn't have. Taking a deep breath Satine banged her staff on the ground once again vanishing in an all consuming light and speeding towards the realm of Chi. His attendants would likely know where his Oracle was... she hoped.
Just as Liber entered Titania's realm, he felt the familiar drain of not being welcomed, he cringed, he did not use power in big consuming amounts, but this much power leaving at once was still painful. He quickly transformed into a gull and flew off in her general direction, all I have to do is check up on her, than pop out, quick and easy, she won't even know I'm here, of course she knows I'm here, maybe she'll meet me half way, who knows. Liber then realized he was being historical, he was afraid someone else had died, but what where the chances of that. I mean a god disappearing forty years to the day after the first one, if that happened there would be pandemonium. He calmed himself with these thoughts
Titania, Goddess of Water, Healing and the Alven Races

Titania sensed the breech in her barrier, jumping to her feet she could tell the guardians of her realm had sensed it as well. A small detachment was forming near the festival grounds of Alven archers with arcane bows taking up positions throughout the city on rooftops and in towers aiming towards where the breech had occurred. Not taking any chances, Titania summoned her trident and began flying towards the direction of the breech hoping that whatever or whoever it was, was indeed friendly and not hostile. It took a few seconds for her to sight what had been the cause of the breech. Liber... that fool. She thought to herself making eye contact with her fellow Immortal. Granted she thought, the barrier would no longer hinder or attack Liber for the time being. Coming to a halt in the air in front of him putting up her trident, pointing at him with it, "Liber, God of Slaves, Freedom and Sailors!" She called out her voice ringing louder than normal. "What business do you have in my realm?" She demanded slowly moving towards him, her trident still pointed at him. No matter how much she appreciated that he was the patron of sailors she didn't like someone barging into her realm. @Floodwater31
Rosalinda, Goddess of Beauty and Love

Rosalinda woke up on the floor in the library and slowly started to stand up and looked out the window and realized that it had gotten darker. She closed the book and walked over to her bedroom and tried not to pass out again, her servants came up to her and helped her into her room and helped to put her nightgown on and she laid down in bed. She only slept for an hour, she needed to try and contact any of her siblings to see if they were okay. She thought again of Satine, Lizabeth and Ferrak. " Please answer me " She said staring into the mirror
Satine, Goddess of Life, Creation and the Beginning.

Satine heard as Rosalinda called out, poor girl must be really focusing her energy, Satine thought to herself. She saw Chi's domain coming into view on the horizon. "Rosalinda, darling," She said trying to focus. "I'm going to Chi's Domain, we need to find his Oracle. Something happened to him as well." She said not yet revealing the information that Aeros might not be dead. Speeding back up, Satine smiled to herself seeing the realm grow ever closer. "I will le-" and with that Satine hit the barrier. Her worst nightmare had come true. The barrier sent waves of pain into her body as she came crashing into a bookcase, bouncing off and onto the floor. Whatever happened to Chi had caused his permission for her to be there vanish. The pain continued to grow in magnitude causing Satine to cry out for help, anyone was all she could manage, curling into a ball trying to get through the pain. That wasn't the end though, the barrier used it's own magic to lift Satine and hurl her outside the barrier, ejecting her from the realm that she was unwelcome in. The pain had already caused her to go unconscious, and her limp body was hurled hundreds of yards from the barrier itself, the force of the impact causing a small cracter and a loud thump as Satine rolled to a stop smashing into a tree breaking it. There was a small trail of destruction from the original point of impact to where her unconscious and bloody figure lay. Her body was broken, and she was likely going to bleed out. Not an issue for an Immortal as she would just revive in her own realm in a similar body, but the problem was, was she wasn't dead, meaning that the information she knew wouldn't be known to others until she was revived, which could take time. In her mind, as she lay there, slowly dying, she hoped, in the back of her mind she hoped that Rosalinda had heard her say where she was... it was her only chance...
Rosalinda, Goddess of Beauty and Love

She could quietly hear her, then she once again fell to the floor. She screamed out she new instantly that something terrible happened to Satine. She started to repeat herself " Chi, Chi, Chi, " Slowly she was able to move and get up and stood in front of the mirror again she held her chest and yelled into the mirror " CONTACT CHI " She tried to steady her breath and tried really hard to focus on her brother hoping that he would answer her in time, not for her sake but for Satine.
Ferrak Guardian Of The Faded Halls

Ferrak listened intently as Chishiki spoke to the trio. The oracle was no longer needed but...something was wrong..

"Chishiki!" He yelled out, but he'd already disappeared.."Damnit!" He hissed, spinning around and running out of the room. He ran down one of the corridors into a fairly sizeable room in which there were Bearers at a table. They were each writing in a book, and didn't seem to be swapping them out. They were writing in the books of the gods.

Ferrak ran over to the Bearer that was writing in Chishiki's book, and just like Aeros, it'd simply stopped writing. It stood completely still in front of the book. His eyes widened in shock,

"N-no..." He whispered under his breath. He ran out of the room, only to fall to his knees, a horrifying sensation running throughout his body. He recognized the feeling as the same as before, the itch in his head, but on a much larger scale, "S-Satine?!" He screamed, "No..no no.....not again..no no no No NO!!!"

His eyes twitched a little, their colour fading to complete black before a new colour replaced them, with an outer layer of dark blue, mixed with a dark green inside. Pitch black veins rippled throughout his eyes, seeming to infect the area around his eyes, travelling throughout the veins of his body..

His skin faded until it was a sickly white, his hair darkening until it was the polar opposite, a pitch black. Some of the hair atop his head was parted as a pair of horns pushed through his skin, reaching out as if grasping for the roof, finger nails doing the same as they scratched into the floor below him, muscles all up and down his body growing slightly larger.

A pair of large, bat-like wings burst out of his back, ripping the skin around their base and merging with the gaping wounds.

He raised his hands, ripping off his suit, leaving only a few rags as he stood on his feet, his head bowed. Silence. Sizzling..Scratching...

The area under neath his left eye began to burn..something seemed to be carving symbols into his skin, travelling down his body. Burning. Carving.

Ferrak looked up and let out a roar as loud as he could, revealing his canines that'd also grown out, just like his fingernails. The sound could only be described as the screams of a thousand men, women and children all at once.

As soon as the carvings all down his left side, arm and leg ceased, so did his scream. He stood still for a few seconds, smiling to himself.

"Ferrak! Something's wrong!" Someone yelled. Someone in his Halls.

"Heh.." He chuckled ever so softly..

"Heheh...." His smile faded slightly as he chuckled. He let out a burst of his power and took of flying down the hallway.

His wings scratched away at the wall as he went. Flying faster and faster, his power seeping out of his body in the form of black smoke, filling the hallway's as he went. A black meteor flying closer, and closer to the voice.

After hearing their masters roar, a few of the Bearers who were closer to Lizabeth flew over to her, trying to push her out towards the exit. To get her away from what they knew was coming..

They squealed and grunted frantically as they tried to force her away from the danger, pleading her in their broken language, almost trying to swarm her.

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Rosalinda, Goddess of Beauty and Love

Rosalinda focused all of her energy and tried to listen for Satine, but she could hear Ferrak screaming. It was so loud that it pierced through her head and made her ears ring. It stopped so he must have stopped, She started to once again look into the mirror and focused now on Ferrak. It was a little tricky for her because she wasn't all that close to him, She closed her eyes and started saying out loud " Ferrak can you hear me, are you okay, do you need any help "

She also tried to listen for Chi who was probably ignoring her. but still tried to contact him

She repeated her self many times, she waited for a response from him. It felt like forever she held on to the table underneath the mirror and tried to stay awake. She knew that she couldn't focus much longer. All she could do is wish that Ferrak is with Satine
Lizabeth heard something in the distance. She whipped around to locate the noise as a few Bearers rushed towards her. They started to push and pull on her, as if trying to warn her. "What is that?" She muttered to herself when the roar echoed down the hall. She spotted something... Something coming fast. "O-oh my gods. Is that..?" She stepped back in the direction the Bearers were pulling her. Ferrak. She moved faster, terror ripping through her body like a knife.

Oh gods, oh gods, oh gods! Lizabeth began to run. The Bearers flew beside her screeching in their language. They had warned her. Something was wrong with Ferrak, but she couldn't help him. Shit! She looked back to see him gaining on her. She choked back a sob as she tried to travel faster. The wind was not with her, at least not in this Realm. Tears started to roll down her face.

"Ferrak please," she whispered, "please be alright." Lizabeth's toes caught on the tiles and she gasped. She crashed to the ground with a scream and quickly rolled onto her back to face Ferrak. He was so close she could see his dark eyes glinting. "Ferrak," she sobbed. She threw her hands up in a futile attempt to force her shield to go up. "Ferrak, listen to me. Please, don't..." Lizabeth held her hands up and stared at him. "We have to find out what happened to Aeros. We have to Ferrak. Please, you're going to be alright." She watched him get closer, and her heart beat faster.

It was wrong to trust, it seemed. Wrong to put her life in the hands of another.

Ither, god of Chaos, the Void, and Space

Ither would twitch, his high priest glancing up at him "Sir? Is something wrong?" Ither would reach up, touching his head gently, sighing "I...Feel almost like I did when Aroes died, I...I know this feeling, this is the feeling when a God loses a body...I wonder who it is..." He'd sigh, leaning back and shutting his eyes, before opening them and focusing, trying to feel out who was hurt, sadly not being able to feel who it is just the raw emotion. "Dammit, they are too far away and in a different realm closed off to me to even detect where they are..." Ither would glance around, standing and looking down at Victus "Victus, I'll be back I have to go and try to see who knows what the hell is going on. With that he'd walk out, stepping into a dark shadow cast by one of the torches, vanishing into it and appearing within his realm.

It now was much more clear, the obvious agony and pain along with the raw emotion of suffering. It even made his face twitch, looking around quietly "This isn't good....Who is it dammit who!? Then he heard Rosalinda's faint whispers, saying something like "Ferrak...Hear me....any help?" and something like See, or Chile, or Chi?! Wait...What's wrong with Chi? Or...This could be about some form of Mundus food... Ither would shrug, putting his head into his hands and look around, before yawning and standing up, looking at the various Nar'Shaggoths standing around "All of you! go about to the edges of all the realms and find out where that agony is coming from! With that all of the twenty Nar'Shaggoth disappear and fly off to begin to travel to the edges of the various realms, in the no-mans land that is, beginning to search around and look, normally not being allowed into any realm but Rosalinda's.

The two Nar'Shaggoths gently touched the barrier, not feeling any resistance they'd enter, eventually coming across one of Rosalinda's servants and asking them in their broken guttural voice to take them to Rosalinda as quickly as possible, the three of them beginning to hurry up towards where Rosalinda's room is.

Rosalinda,Goddess of Beauty and Love

Rosalinda suddenly lost her balance and fell to the floor, thankfully one of her servants came in right in time to catch her before she hit the ground. They carried her up to her bed room and placed her in her bed. They called upon her sister Titania to help her.

This had only happened to her a few times in her life, and the usual happens, depending on who it is happening to she starts to get visions and she can see where they are and who else is there and what happened to them. But unfortunately once she wakes up she can't remember what she seen.

This also happened when her brother was being killed she could see and hear who it was that killed him but once she woke up she was unable to remember any of it. This dream was about Satine, Ferrak, and Lizabeth, she couldn't particularly see where they were, but she knew that Chi was close to where they were. She also could see Ither and that he had a concerned look on his face, she couldn't tell what about but she had a feeling it was either about her or about the others

She could sleep for days maybe even weeks and with all of the energy that had been drained out of her she looked a little older, but to her it was worth it she would do anything to help her siblings, even the ones who didn't want her help. She could hear everything that is going on around her but she couldn't speak. The longer she slept her abilities would strengthen and in a few days she would be back to normal, But with this case she had never used as much power in one day so she wasn't sure how long she would be out
Gelio, God of children, innocents, and family.

Gelio reluctantly left his sisters side as one of his imps used their telepathic link to contact him and remind him that it was time to go down to Mundas and call the spirits of the children and reassure them until they passed on. It was a thing he did every night and tonight was no different. I hope Rosalinda and the others are alright.

Taking his spiritual form as he entered Mundas he began using his lyrical sleep abilty and found himself slowly pulled into a peaceful feeling. It was a side affect of the ability as how could he calm the children if he was not calm himself? Once the last child past on, it was thankfully a small group this night, he hurried back to his realm and felt a tight feeling of dread and anticipation coil In his stomach as he stopped using his ability. Something was off. Something had happened while he was gone. But what was it?
Ferrak Lost God

He saw the girl fall to the ground and try to save herself with some failed magic...weak magic. Weak girl.

He flew up a little, then fell down at her and dug his claws into the ground either side of her. Not a second after landing, he opened his mouth and let out another roar, thousands of men and women's screams all coming together into a thunderous wail that pierced the minds of any poor soul close enough to hear it. His hands clenched, his claws scratching chunks out of the ground, and he stared down at her. A look came across his face, a look of pure animosity and hatred, as he leaned in closer, his bright eyes still fixed on her.

He raised his right hand, and ever so softly placed it against the girls throat, and leaned in until his face was right next to hear ear.

"...get............OUT!!!!!" He roared once more, his grip on her tightening as his legs pushed him upwards into the roof above them, wings spreading to their fullest length.

He started cackling as he shot through the air, the girl still in his hand..

"Hahah.....Hahahahahahah..HAHAHAHAH!!" He was flying full speed towards the edge of the barrier, ready to get rid of the filth that had dared to enter his home.

And so he did.

He flew high into the sky, folded his wings back into his back, and fell down to the ground like a bullet. Just before he hit, his wings shot back out, and he threw the girl out of the barrier,

"STAY.........OUT!!!" He yelled as he started flying back in the direction of the halls. He seemed to be struggling with the words he was speaking...

Ferrak Guardian Of The Faded Halls

"NO! LIZABETH!" Ferrak roared as he watched in horror. All he could do was watch as his body attacked his sister, "Lizabeth!....It's..it's not me..." His voice cracked. But she couldn't hear him. No one could...he was trapped inside his own mind.

Ferrak tried with all his might to take control of his body once more, but it was if he was lost. Something else was in control now..

Ferrak- no, the monster- landed in front of Lizabeth and slammed his arms on either side of her body. She couldn't move. Couldn't breathe. He opened his mouth and roared, filling the silence around them with screams of lost souls. She cringed, squeezing her eyes shut as her body shook with sobs, but forced herself to look at him. He'll see me. Ferrak will know who I am. The monster dug his claws through the ground and shredded it before placing a hand to Lizabeth's neck. She quivered as his face pressed in against her.

OUT!" He screamed at her and she whimpered as his hands held her tighter. His wings snapped out and his legs pushed him into the air. Lizabeth let out a strange sound as they whipped through the air and towards the Barrier. Crazed laughter ripped from his throat as they shot into the sky. No matter how much she struggled, Lizabeth was trapped as the beast of the Faded Halls plummeted towards the ground before snapping his wings out once more.

He tossed her like a doll outside of the barrier. She screamed when the pain hit her- it was nothing like she'd ever felt before. Her body shuddered, unable to control itself. Lizabeth watched as Ferrak's demented body went back into his Realm. She had to help him. There had to be a way.

Crunch! Lizabeth crumbled to the ground, her body broken in a thousand different places. She was too weak to move. Blood seeped from her skin and onto the ground around her. She rolled her head to face the Halls and saw the beast disappear behind the Barrier. She whispered something incoherent, and weakly called out with her mind. She didn't have powers like others did of telepathy, but she hoped he would hear her. Ferrak... You'll be alright. I promise. And I will, too. She closed her eyes and let the pain overtake her, washing over her like an ocean.

At that point, Lizabeth wasn't sure what hurt worse: the physical pain of her body, or the betrayal of the man she was beginning to trust.

Fiorina, Goddess of the Harvest.

It took the Goddess of the Harvest some time to figure out what she would like to do, who she would like to see and when. Sitting on her throne at the spire she watched as the others left, one by one going and doing their own thing or leaving in groups as they had done with Rosalinda. The tea sounded like a nice idea and if it weren't for her lack of desire to move from the oh so comfortable throne of hers she would have gone with them. The Goddess had some extra luggage that wasn't the easiest to move about whenever she wanted. One would think she would have chosen a body that was lighter... well when you are constantly tasting the various foods of your realm and that of Mundus, coupled with the Bacchanalia she was constantly host, the weight just seemed to come back no matter what she did or how much time she spent walking around. To be quite honest Fiorina was tired, and this throne of hers was comfortable, opting to 'rest her eyes' for only a couple minutes turned into many hours. Darkness had come and all the remaining deities had left. She was alone at the Spire, the Council area illuminated by the braziers around offering a soft glow on her tired eyes. "Yes, a few minutes," she said sarcastically to herself as she heaved her weight off the throne to stand, feeling slightly dizzy. Stretching and letting out a satisfied squeal when her back popped, Fi as she went by sometimes looked around lazily she needed to talk to Satine about some matters of creating a new crop, but some essence was needed to deal with it. Satine had last gone to the Faded Halls as far as Fi knew. Shuddering she picked up her basket of peaches that poor Addarra had knocked over, poor girl she thought to herself briefly as she slowly made her way down the stairs to the bottom where she vanished into a portal leading to just outside the Barrier.

Stepping through she looked around. A small group of Bearers were standing just inside the Barrier looking at something... Lizabeth. The moment Fiorina's eyes made contact with the crumpled mess the peach basket dropped rolling in the direction of the Barrier. Rushing as fast as her feet would carrier she ran over to Lizabeth, surveying the damage. It was bad, not life threatening but she would either need master level healing or a new body. We may or may not still be immortal, Satine's words rang in her mind. Shit. "Lizabeth, this is going to hurt but I need you to stay strong my dear," Fiorina said in a sweet voice. She summoned a portal and out came four humans from her realm each with a surprised expression on their face, they hadn't see another deity wounded like this before, few mortals had.

"We need to go to Titania's realm, one of you go ahead and get there, hit the barrier, anything to get her attention." She said and opened another portal, this time to the Watery Realm. One of the men disappeared into the portal. He had a pitchfork with him as he must have been working in the fields when he was summoned by his Mistress. When he arrived at the Barrier to Titania's realm he just kept jabbing it with the pitchfork attempting to get the Goddess of Water's attention and hoping that would be enough.

Turning her attention to the other three men, all of whom were quite large and rather burly, clearly men that were working in the butcher or miller's service. "You three lift her up gently and carry her with me to the Titania's realm. She needs healing now!" Fiorina barked tears filling her eyes. As the men lifted up the broken goddess, Fiorina started singing, mainly to calm her own nerves. Before she herself walked through the portal to the Realm of Titania, she glanced back at the Bearers, furious and scowling at them. "Tell your God the others will hear of this." She said as a stark warning. Transgressions like this were rare among the Immortals, and while they were previously handled with mainly a slap on the wrist, now that they didn't know if they were truly Immortal or not, if Lizabeth didn't survive and they weren't Immortal it would be Aeros all over again. Punishment now... would be more severe. With those last words, Fiorina walked through the portal after the men and Lizabeth, shutting it behind her.

@Azazelin @StoneyJr

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