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Fantasy The "Immortals"

Ira, Goddess of the Earth, Craft, and Beast Kin

"Adohl I'd advise you not to speak to sister like that or I may have to get aggressive" She scolded as she jumped out from her seat due to her brother's outburst that was childish beyond belief. She then have her brother a stern look before quickly changing her attention over to her sister Satine "I hope your not suggesting we work together in the matters of our brothers death...as you can see us "Gods" get along with some and others well they hate eachother, though I do believe we could work something out" she looked around cautiously at the other gods, most she didn't even really know except for Satine. "To clarify my opinion on this ordeal" She cuaghed to draw attention to herself "War isn't something that shouldn't even exist between us, and we shouldn't be hating eachother" she gave Adohl a nasty look. "We are not children, we are immortals that have lived since the beginning, our wisdom and knowledge will always be stronger than humans." She looked around she didn't often have outburst, but when someone talked rudely about Satine she could get rather flamboyant. "Will you "Gods" come down to the stupidity of mortals and fight a war that could end us all. I think not we are rulers, we are all equal here and in the mortal plain if it wasn't for everyone of you earth would be in ruins" She camly finished her dramatic little speech before sitting down and relaxing waiting for the other gods to reply.

She then looked of to her small brother who sat next to her before giving him a huge smile for his wise way of saying things the way he did.​
Ecaos turned his attention towards Adohl, the God of Famine. "Children, even inexperienced ones, can be more useful than some full-grown species. In fact, I myself have a human child as my oracle, albeit only been a month since she started." He replied, and turned to Gelio. Despite before his change Ecaos would have an attitude with him, not to mention outright call families and children to be useless, Ecaos was thankful that Gelio didn't seem to care that they would technically be allies. Bowing his head for a moment, he apologized for his past behavior, which even the god found awkward and felt strange. "I am very sorry for being rude to you before, and now understand how unfair it was to judge your ideas." Ecaos rose his head, and made his way towards Ira. "While I am speaking of my oracle, she thought it best to aid beast-kin against the human idea of slavery towards them, however the only response your people would give was to ignore it. I was curious if it was anyway possible we could arrange some kind of alliance to fix this, or at least, convince her to.....calm down on the matter, and let you resolve it. Physically she is weak by even human standards, so I am worried about her safety as she could get attacked by slave-merchants or even beast-kin who ran out of patience for her."
Ither, God of Chaos, the Void, and Space

Ither would have glanced around, finding the foolishness of some of the darker leaning gods rather amusing, eventually clearing his throat and thumping his walking stave onto the marble floor "My fellow deities, though I give about as much of a damn about the little mammals scurrying down on their dusty rock Mundus. I have to remind you the last time we had a minor fight, that resulted in my hurling of a asteroid at mundus and...Well let's put it leaving dear Satine and Ecaos cleaning up for a good hundred years and quiet a bit of scorn towards me. If we are going to fight like this, the scale could ruin this entire universe, though some of us of the darker ideals would be fine with that, remember that the very realms and ourselves are not safe from whatever killed my brother."

At this he'd stand, walking over to stand before all of them, his onyx walking stave clicking gently on the marble floor before he comes to a halt "Though we feel the need to draw lines in the sand and point fingers at one another there are some of those here, myself included, that would quite enjoy leaving the universe alone for now. We can fight if one of us somehow found out how to kill other gods, until then we must stand as a group not as single entities. If we fail to do so then you fools will tear apart this damn galaxy and I'll have to spend years building the fucking thing back up so you can throw your damn hissy fits in it once again or move on." He's glance around at them, his normally apathetic face now sporting a very rarely seen deep frown on it, a very rare sight indeed. "Now, can we stop acting like damned children, even the damned God of fucking children is acting more adult like then some of us, I mean come on the god of fucking evil! He's acting more civilized then us, drawing lines in the sand like children on a beach!"

At that he'd grunt, turning and walking back over to his seat, sitting in it and resting his walking stave on the table. "Think and act accordingly to what you think is right, I don't give a damn but if you ruin this damn planet and galaxy with your squabble then I'm not bloody well remaking it!"
Gelio, God of children, innocence, and family.

Looking at Ecaos as he spoke Gelio's eyes widened slightly as he turned toward him and bowing u is head apologized. That was not a move I expected but I can not say it was unwelcome. However I am glad to find that my brother is learning. Face relaxing he smiled at him and nodded. "Your apology is of course accepted. One must learn about those they judge before they can truly stop and I am glad that you have taken such a step. "

Watching Ecaos leave Gelio turned his attention back to the meeting shifting his form as he did so to that of his older male self, his clothes grew with him shifting into his usual black tank top and baggy black jeans though he still remained barefoot. It was strange to act so serious while looking like a child. As Ither stood and began to speak Gelio found himself amused. I do have to agree that some of my sibling have acted rather childishly which is very bad when it is coming from myself.
Ira, Goddess of the Earth, Craft, and Beast Kin.

Confusion was spread upon her face as she listened to her brother. She gave him a questionable look before replying with a simple "No". Ira really didn't care for this idea of slavery, nor would she stop it from occurring. If her people needed her, her own oracle would speak to her about it, and even then she might have shrugged it off. "Though I do admire your child's kindness, I will have to refuse." She gave the god a small uncaring smile before explained herself "I have no intention of helping the Beast Kins, I may be their God but I will not give them everything. They themselves must learn to fight for themselves, though my people don't live long they have power, and they must use said power to fight their own battles. So tell your oracle to stay out of my peoples affairs...I wouldn't want a human to screw things up for them" She said with respect to the other God, but malice could be noticed in her voice as she said the word human. She herself was not worried for her race, due to the fact beast kins are physically stronger then humans, but due to their life span not many of the greater soldiers live long to teach the younglings. Giving her race a sense of barbarism to them due to the fact they have to use brute strength in battle.
Ferrak Guardian Of The Faded Halls

Ferrak stood leaning silently, and patiently against the wall, watching as his brothers and sisters filed in and took a place in their respective seats. He accepted a peach from Fiorina with a kind smile, speaking ever so softly and caringly to his sister,

"Thank you, my Darling." He smiled, taking a small bite into the succulent fruit, "Simply delicious! Heheh." He chuckled warmly.

It didn't take too much longer for the rest of his siblings to arrive, most walking straight for their seats without as much as even a word. But at least they were here! If only Aeros were here as well...He let out a small breath of air through his nose, smiling to himself as he recalled some of the more fond memories he had of his brother.

"Happy days.." He whispered to himself without fully noticing he was speaking aloud.

Ferrak continued to watch in silence as the gods and goddesses conversed, bickered, spoke both kindly, sarcastically, bitterly, to eachother. It was quite a spectacle to watch as these most powerful of beings argued like nothing more than children. But could they really be blamed? Sure, they were ancient in they eyes of the mortals down below, but what more were they really, than scared children, suddenly thrust into a world they knew nothing about, with powers they didn't understand. A being could live for an eternity, but would be nothing more than a baby if raised alone, with nothing more than other children by his side.

He took another few bites out of the peach as they talked, argued, shouted and bickered, and finally chose a moment of silence as his que to speak up.

"You know..I was so happy when I got the letter informing me that we'd all be getting together again. I though...surely, THIS will be the time we come together!" He walked into the centre of the ring of thrones, turning to speak to each god and goddess equally, "We lost someone dear to us...and we do not know who, or what it was that ended our dear brother's life. And what do we do? We push ourselves further, and further apart. We argue, destroying any bridges between us."

Tears started to form in the usually happy gods eyes, one trickling down his left cheek as he spoke with all the passion he could muster.

"I never got to say goodbye to Aeros...he never passed through my Halls..but I have hope, y'know! Hope that somehow..he made it to the other side!" He smiled a sad smile, more tears starting to flow as he spoke, "But what if he could see us now? He'd surely be disgusted! He was our BROTHER! Some of you can't even respect that.."

The teary god lowered himself to his knees, falling back slightly so he could cross his legs, holding his staff across his lap.

"I really thought that maybe..this would bring us closer...that Aeros' death wouldn't mean nothing. And it didn't! My brother..OUR brother, didn't die for nothing! I don't know what in the hells did this awful thing to him, but I refuse to let it pull us apart! Because if it destroys us anymore, then what are we really? Frightened children forced to play god! Yes I'll be the first to admit it, I'm afraid! I'm afraid that I might lose you all! That I'll have to say goodbye to you all one by one, and be left all alone..I couldn't bare that! I am terrified to my very core at the thought of losing ANY more of you! Because without you, I'd surely wither away into nothingness.."

Ferrak sighed a little, looking down into his lap and raised a shaken arm to wipe away some of the tears,

"I don't want to lose you..." He whispered softly, his voice shaky as he looked back up at them all, forcing a smile, "Because I love you all! I love you all so very..very much...so please...PLEASE don't force us apart anymore!..please..."

With tears still in his eyes, Ferrak placed his staff against the ground underneath him, and forced himself to stand. His legs were a little shaky, but he took a few steps back outside of the ring of thrones, placed his back against the outer wall, and slid down into a sitting position. He hadn't felt this much emotion in quite a while, and hadn't cried in even longer. He felt slightly embarrassed at his outburst, blushing slightly as he recalled his speech.

"Damn.." He chuckled lightly.
Shearantos, Lord of Justice

As Ferrak fell quiet a slow clap echoed around the spire drawing all attention to Shearantos as he climbed to his feet. A smirk was spread across his face as he walked slowly towards the centre. "Look at all of you!" He spoke, his voice full of enthusiasm. "So noble, putting Mundus before yourselves." He spoke firmly, turning to look at each god in turn. "But you all seem to have forgotten something important. Aeros. Is. Dead" He half shouted, pumling his right fist into his left palm to punctuate each word. "Sentiments of nobility are all very well but our brother, our dear Aeros has been taken from us. And justice must be carried out." He spoke somberly, drawing his great sword from his back and thrusting it into the ground, the point striking the floor with a dull ringing sound. "I will not strike where the cause is unjust, as I never have, but I will do everything in my power to ensure Aeros' passing is paid for in full." His face was serious, he understood the damage that could come from this but he could not let the death of a divine go unpunished. He once again sheathed his sword and turned to walk back to his throne, looking back to depart one final warning. "If Mundus needs to burn in order for justice to be exacted, so be it." With that, Shearantos fell back into his throne, silent.
Ither, God of Chaos, the Void, and Space

Ither would sigh, putting his head into his hands and groaning "With words like that Shearantos, I'm going to have to pick up the pieces of your damned warpath, keep it on a non global scale if you would? Aeros was close, very close to me...I understand the pain as well as you do but we cannot simply be flinging our weapons and power around like deranged animals..." At that glancing to his left at Eldraxes "Sorry to all the deranged animals present..." Before glancing back at the rest "Look...You know I'm happy to stay in my realm and listen to my Nar'Shaggoth babble and mess with tiny star clusters all day but I do agree we need to do something about this, but I HIGHLY doubt that the little furry mammals, both animal and alven and or human, have figured out how to kill a God. I mean, why pick the God of magic? We have evil things like Eldraxes that literally serve no reason but to be...Evil Incarnate.

With that he'd sigh, leaning back and looking around "Something can and will be done, but once again...Last time Gods fought me and Satine had to pick up your damn toys, I don't want to spend three hundred years building a fucking star cluster again!
Rosalinda, Goddess of Beauty and Love

" no matter what happens to this planet it effects us all, we have to work together because I know I don't ever want to go through the pain I went through when our brother died, either we are all in or all out "
she looked around to see what kind of response she would get they all stared at her " you all may think I'm not that important but I am your sister and I have a brain and I can think for myself so wipe that stupid look of your faces " she hated knowing that the others never took her seriously so she had to throw it back into their own faces
Nysa Proteus - God of Fear/Pain/Grief/Misery

Nysa was being dragged by one of his hounds. "But-" He whined. The dog growled. "If you read the message more thoroughly it is important! You may not even be immortal now!!!!" He pouted like a little kid. "I know it's kinda important. But i guess if my immortality may be at stake." Nysa was dressed in a Praetor roman robes. So it made him look sophisticated. Well that's what his dogs said. He just actually felt he seriously need to go about their immortality... "Ugh. At least i can see them after forty years or so. Damn dog. Let me go and be gone." The hound did and ran off. He fixed himself before entering. He gave a huge fake smile to all of them. "Hello. I was planning not to come. But i heard my immortality was at stake." He sat at his throne in the circle of all of the other's thrones. Black and red mist would surround him but not cover him. Nysa noticed Addarra. He gave her a real smile. "Hello~!" He said softly. He once again announced, "I'm leaving immediately rafter i find out what's going on." He sighed, Laying sideways on his 'throne'.

( I didn't know what to post.. so here's this. ;3 )
Addarra, Goddess of Sleep, Dreams and Memories

Seeing her siblings respond to one another the way they did, warnings being delivered, everything being so... terrible. Addarra couldn't handle it, she wasn't used to most of them and eventually she was sure her opinion would be asked for on something or another. Her faced turned pale at the thought of being at the center of attention, she then ever so silently stood and walked behind the thrones finding her way past the Gods and Goddesses moving so as to draw as little attention to herself as possible. Of course it wouldn't be that simple for Addarra, with her eyes fixed on the other Gods as she attempted to avoid their attention she didn't notice the basket of peaches placed behind Fiorina's throne. Knocking it over and sending peaches rolling into the center of the gathering she was sure all eyes were now on her. She turned a very dark red as fear and embarrassment settled in. In a high pitched tone she nearly squealed, "Sorry," she said hurriedly as she scurried picking up each of the peaches into her arms before gently placing them back in the basket. If they hadn't noticed her before, surely they had now. Once all the peaches were returned she looked to Fiorina, "S-sorry, I-I am sorry," she stuttered before really moving quickly towards the balcony. She offered a single look to Satine and mouthed yet another apology before quickly descending the steps, jumping over the last few when she was close to the bottom. Once there she immediately vanished to the one place she wanted to be right now, the Plane of Mundus. To the Undercity of Elyrios, a great city beneath which the Assassin and Thieves Guilds resided in a massive underground city. She loved it there, and quickly found her usual tavern. Having discarded her normal clothing for leather armor bearing the mark of the Assassin Guild. Sitting in her usual place she ordered a hot spiced tea... soothing her spirit she sighed, and just relaxed, this was home.

Satine, Goddess of Life, Creation and The Beginning

Satine stood at the center of the representation of Mundus, watching and listening as the others voiced their various opinions. When Ferrak spoke she couldn't help but feel guilty for letting the whole situation get to the point it was away from the death of Aeros. With the outburst from Adohl she just shook her head in complete disappointment. Childish doesn't even begin to describe the level of selfishness that he exhibited in front of all the others. How could one take him seriously after that kind of outburst? Counteracting his job, Satine was rather amused. "Actually Adohl, I create life, not heal it. I believe you are more interested in directing your anger for that at Titania, Goddess of Water as she is responsible for doctors and healing as well." Satine said casting a glance at the goddess she had mentioned who glared at Adohl threateningly, her trident in hand. One would do best not to mess with the Goddess Titania, her temper was well known and she had a divine hatred of all things ill.

Following the chastisement from Ira whose attention turned to Satine, the Goddess of Life walked back to her seat before responding to the Goddess of Earth. "Actually Ira, yes that is precisely what I am suggesting." Satine said a weary smile crossing her lips. Working together with this many Immortals would be impossible as some, like Adohl or Soteira would likely not offer any kind of assistance. "In reality Ira, as we both know, and surely all those gathered know-" she was cut off by peaches rolling into the center of the gathering, and Addarra offering a very sheepish and embarrassed apology before hurriedly picking them up, returning them to the basket behind Fiorina's throne, a final apology before making her way from the gathering to the steps. Satine nodded as Addarra mouthed her apology.Choosing to continue talking to Ira, "Not all here would help." She finished her voice full of disappointment at the idea of some Immortals choosing not to help out of selfishness, though it could be dangerous to investigate the death of Aeros for the closer they got to finding out who kill him, it would put them as risk potentially.

Turning to Ither, Satine looked from where we sat. "It is the opinion of myself that whoever chose Aeros chose him due to the fact he was magic." She said pausing for a moment. "We, our powers they are magic. On Mundus we are subject to the laws of Magic." She said continuing. "Those have been corrupted with the death of Aeros. No longer are we free to use magic without paying a price, same goes for the mortals that once depended on it." She stopped letting it sink in. "Whoever, or whatever killed Aeros did it to weaken all of us." She said looking around at all the faces of those still there.

As Rosalinda spoke, Satine felt sorry for the Goddess of Love and Beauty. She wise like Chi, the God of Wisdom, Fair as fair could be, and gentle. Making a mental note, Satine thought to herself that she would need to spend more time, which meant any time, with Rosalinda, to get to know her and make sure she felt welcome. Focusing back on all those assembled, and ignoring the blatant interruption by Nysa Proteus, Satine stood once again. "I ask those that are willing to make it known, those willing to work together not for their sole benefit but for all of us, and those down on Mundus." She said taking her seat and hoping to bring this mess to a close.
Liber, patron of slaves and sailors, scorn of kings and lords

Liber agreed with Shearantos, as much as he hated that, we needed to figure out what happened. But no one knew what happened, last time we discussed it everyone left in a rage. "So if we are working to find what killed Aeros, let us start by pooling information. Did anyone talk to his Oracle, is his oracle even alive? Most of the mortals think he is still alive, if anything he has gotten more praise in order to 'appease him'. What should we tell them?". Liber had purposefully left the hardest question out, what would happen if one of us was the killer? Would they be killed too, if that was the sentence, the gods would split. Every god here had at least one ally on this council. Liber thought about an idea he had awhile back, "Do you think his realm still exists? I mean, does a realm die with it's master?"
Satine, Goddess of Life, Creation and The Beginning.

Satine looked towards Liber, musing over his questions. Fortunately she had answers. "His Oracle unfortunately was killed a few years after Aeros died. A rioting crowd in the city burned the temple to the ground with most of the city itself. She unfortunately was killed in the process." Satine said offering a brief moment of silence to the woman's memory. She had met her on a few occasions though never enough to get close to her. "As for the realm. It still exists and his servants seem to still be going about their business as if little has actually changed. Our realms are eternal, much like us. Though they do begin to decay." She said thinking of how she had waltzed into his realm without the barrier doing so much as a tingle against her. "There is no barrier to his realm anymore. Anything and anyone can enter now." She said believing this was a decent situation to be in at this point. Everything had seemed to quiet down somewhat. It had been several decades since she had last checked on his realm though, so by this point it could have relatively devolved into chaos per se. "Aeros had an assistant..." she broke off attempting to remember the man's name. "He was in his seventies when Aeros died... I'm sure he died sometime ago, but I haven't been able to find any trace of him whatsoever." She said feeling rather helpless about giving the information. She had some answers, but not as much as she would have preferred.
It was then that Lizabeth spoke up. "I-if I may, Satine," she said a bit louder than she expected. The eyes of the gods turned to her. "I am the goddess of oracles. I don't have power over the dead; that's Ferrak's job. But I loved Aeros, too. I think, maybe, if Ferrak could find the girl in his halls, I can speak with her." She twisted her hands nervously. "I'm not sure though.

She paused before continuing. "I see the future, not the past. All I see is ruin for
all of us. Rosalinda is right. We have to work together. We've been gods, we'll continue to be gods. We have to take care of each other, and unfortunately, Mundus as well." Lizabeth took a few paces towards Satine. "Satine, normally I wouldn't, but I wish to visit Aeros's realm. It might help me to find out what killed him. I don't know if Ferrak could do it for me, but I would like to visit it with Aeros's oracle." Lizabeth looked down at her feet before meeting Shearantos's eyes. "I find your need for justice appropriate, brother, but we have to know who- or what- killed Aeros. Only then can we begin to think of punishment."

Lizabeth extended her hand to Ferrak. "Will you help me find our brother?"
Satine, Goddess of Life, Creation and The Beginning

Satine turned her attention to Lizabeth and nodded, though her permission was not needed. "If you will have me I will accompany you to that Realm, who knows what kind of state it will be in," Satine said watching the others. "I spent time there several years after the death Aeros, our brother." She paused. "But it has been nearly three decades since I last visited." She said a bit sheepishly. It was rather embarrassing to state she had been spending time in the realm of a dead god. "With the barrier down it will be impossible to say what or even who might have wandered in at this point." She finished. She looked around and sighed as she settled her eyes on the now vacant seat of Addarra. "If Addarra was willing we could really have used her." Of course that statement is exactly what Addarra had left, though Satine could only have guessed at that. "She is the Goddess of Sleep, Dreams and Memories." Satine said emphasizing the and. She looked from Lizabeth to Ferrak waiting for his response before deciding fully what to do.
Ferrak Guardian Of The Faded Halls

Ferrak stared up at Lizabeth, slightly dumbfounded by her question. It was preposterous...not even he had actually BEEN to the other side! Last time he tried, it ended..badly was putting it nice.

He shuddered at the thought.

"I.." He started trying to let her plan down gently, but then another thought came to his mind. His Bearers went in and out all the time, and seemed relatively un-phased by the journey.

"Maybe it is possible..But I've never tried to bring someone back. For all I know, the journey could destroy them.." Ferrak wasn't looking at anyone in particular as he spoke, falling further and further into a trance of sorts. Thought after thought, possibility after possibility shooting through his mind, "How could we even locate her?.."

As he continued to think to himself, a small smile started making it's way across his face as a plan formulated in his mind, soon turning into a large grin,

"I think I can do it!" He yelped happily to himself "I CAN do it!" He jumped back up onto his feet with his staff in hand. He wrapped his arms around Lizabeth and swung her around in circles,

"Oh you little gem, Lizzie!" He yelped, placing her back on her feet and, forgetting to look back and inform the others of his plan, he rushed down the stairs, two, three at a time, flying off high into the sky in a swirl of black and white smoke, and simply faded away until his trail ended the helix he'd created in the sky, heading straight for his own realm.
Ferrak shouted, wild with excitement, and leaped out of his chair. To Lizabeth's surprise, the cheerful god picked her up and spun her around. She gasped, her face turning redder by the second. Before his action had even fully registered, Ferrak was bounding out the door and down the steps. She took a few paces towards the doorway, but stopped, confused. She glanced back at Satine.

"Is that... He can do it?" She blinked a few times. "Should we follow him?" Lizabeth shivered a bit. She wasn't used to being touched anymore, and certainly not by another god. She was eager to follow him because the interaction made her feel
warm but the thought of visiting the Faded Halls sent a shudder down her spine. She walked back to Satine and stood beside her sister. "I think I'll just wait for him. Until then, what are we going to do?" She looked around at her siblings, waiting for one to speak up.
Satine, Goddess of Life, Creation and The Beginning.

It was an interesting sight to see Ferrak so thrilled by the prospect of such a thing. Satine couldn't help but chuckle at the expression of Lizabeth's face. Once her fellow Goddess approached and spoke it dawned on Satine."Shit." She muttered beneath her breath. He was going to be dabbling in some very difficult stuff, even partially restoring the Oracle of Aeros would mean bringing her to the Faded Halls from the Realm of the Dead. That would require Satine to bestow the Essence of Life upon the spirit of the Oracle. Otherwise the cosmic balance would require some kind of sacrifice of blood to do so. "Come with me," She said grabbing Lizabeth's hand and bounding for the door. Stopping cold on the balcony and looking back to those assembled. "This is adjourned. Do as you all will." She said looking back at Lizabeth and vaulting down the steps as quickly as possible. Enveloping both Goddesses in a white flash, making break neck speed for the Faded Halls. Ferrak should have known better than to dabble in something that would require life... but this was likely something relatively new to the God of Death.

Upon arriving at the Faded Halls, Satine stood with Lizabeth at the entrance to the Realm. They would require permission to enter or face the wrath of the Barrier which protected all realms. Something that could destroy their bodies, causing a God to have to be reborn in their own realm. That's what happened when a God's body was damaged beyond repair or if they spent too much time on Mundus their body would age. Their bodies could and would die, but their soul would just reform and reincarnate themselves in their Realm back to a pristine form. Satine looked at Lizabeth, "I apologize for dragging you here. Our brother is being careless and it could cost him dearly." She said standing silently.
Rosalinda, Goddess of Beauty and Love

Once Satine and Lizabeth everyone kinda just looked around really not sure what to do next, Rosalinda stood up " Well would anyone like to join me for tea " She really hadn't seen them in over 30 years so inviting them to tea seemed like a good idea, even though she knew that most of them would not come but she thought it was a good first step.
Liber, patron of slaves and sailors, scorn of kings and lords

Liber knew the meeting was pretty much over, now that some had left to do things, the others would be sated and would leave to do their own business. Which also meant that it was time to exit stage left, if Shearantos got out first he would wait to grab Liber on the way out. As he left he tossed his peach to Titania, as patron of sailors it was in his best interests to keep her happy. He needed to do something constructive, like visit Aeros's realm or calm the mortals... I should return the heads of Ither's statues, it's been awhile since he threw that meteor...

Rosalinda then stood and offered tea to the remaining immortals, Liber knew that the first answer would decide whether or not anyone showed up. "I'll come, it'll be nice to talk instead of nearly killing each other", he actually had no taste for tea, but it might calm down the other immortals.
Oh, dear... Lizabeth started as Satine grabbed her hand and towed her along. Before she could open her mouth to protest, the two of them were engulfed in a bright light. Lizabeth squeezed her eyes shut and opened them again when her stomach stopped turning from the motion. She stumbled back a little and paled slightly. Before them were the Faded Halls, Ferrak's Realm. Forms scuttled around beyond the Barrier. Lizabeth took another step back and looked at Satine.

"I apologize for dragging you here." She said, eyes forward. "Our brother is being careless and it would cost him dearly." Satine waited patiently for Ferrak to come. Lizabeth always knew when someone was approaching her Realm, and she assumed it was the same for Ferrak. She wrung her hands and sighed.

"As much as I'd rather be at home, it feels nice being useful for once." Lizabeth whispered. She was not a major goddess like Satine, or even like Rosalinda, who was ignored mostly by the other Immortals. No, Lizabeth was oracles and air and fleetness. She was never called upon much, even before her bitterness for Mundus developed. For the first time in many, many years perhaps her gifts would be put to use. And hopefully they could locate Aeros's cause of death.

She continued to peer into the Faded Halls, hoping that Ferrak would receive them soon.
Gelio God of children, innocents, and family.

Gelio hopped up from his seat as the meeting was adjourned and turned back into his child like form. Now that the meeting is over I can go to Mundas and check on some of my charges. However before he could get much further he heard Rosalinda offer them all an invite if tea and hesitated. Should I accept or continue on my way? By accepting I can spend time with my sister and brother but by declining I can watch over my charges. Already knowing the answer he turned to Rosalinda and smiled up at her brightly. "I'll come as well. It will be nice to reconnect with you two." My imps can watch over them for now.
Soteira, Lady of the Vengeful

Soteira watched as everything unfolded sighing a breath of relief once Satine had left. It was nice of Rosalind a to offer everyone tea and it was tempting. Even Soteira got lonely and needed company. She stood and walked over to her sister, "If you will have me I would like to join you three." Sure there was not a single reason for Rosalinda to say yes, in fact Soteira would understand if she was told no. It would be on the goddess' good will that she would be allowed. The whole situation made her feel uncomfortable. She was Vengeance, she was corruption and malice, deceit, discord and greed and yet she wanted, actually wanted tea with three other Gods... What the hell have I sunk too? She thought to herself. Soteira decided to chalk it up to her ongoing identity crisis.
Ither would sit back, blinking quietly after having watched his sisters rush off to the Faded halls to try and bring back Areos's oracle. "Well....This I guess has fixed itself slightly, alright then, relax time folks?" Looking around quietly, standing and walking over to Soteria, talking with Rosalind "Well...Rare to see you nicely talking with your fellows my dear sister, I've not seen you in a while how are you?"
Satine, Goddess of Life, Creation and The Beginning

Satine frowned a little looking at Lizabeth. "Darling, you are useful quite often. Without you none of our Oracles would be able to contact us. It is you who has the link between our beings" She paused for a moment trying not to sound too pathetic. "You, Lizabeth are argueably one of the most important." Satine said with a reassuring smile. She knew it probably didn't help much, she and Lizabeth talked rarely and Satine had never honestly visited her realm. Yet another thing Satine was saddened about. "I am most grateful to you for allowing us all to communicate with our Oracles." She said finally coming to an end of her most pathetic speech. Satine was getting a little agitated with how much she cared for the other Immortals but how little she had done to get close to most of them. She looked back at the entrance to the Faded Halls growing impatient she walked over towards the entry way, the barrier revealed itself as she was unwelcome at this time, no invitation after all. All God's domains would do the same thing. If one entered without permission the barrier would inflict unimaginable pain upon the trespasser before expelling them. Feeling as though she was running thin on time, and that Ferrak might attempt to bring the Oracle through to the Realm of the Living, Satine looked at Lizabeth. "Darling stand back." She said watching as the other stood just a few steps back. Satine gently tapped the barrier ever so lightly sending ripples in all directions. Nothing she thought to herself. Knowing that would hardly be enough to garner Ferraks undivided attention, she reached through the barrier with her arm... a serious mistake. Screaming in pain, Satine's eyes watered as a truly horrific pain spread from her arm throughout her body. As she sunk to the ground, unable to stand her veins on her arm began to turn black soon all the veins were growing black throughout her body, presumably as the pain spread. She looked at Lizabeth, her eyes full of tears and her face twisted in pain. Within seconds of making eye contact the barrier had reached its point of expulsion. With a sudden burst of energy Satine was repelled nearly four yards away from the barrier. Slamming into the ground with a very audible thud, rolling to a stop. The black veins disappeared as the pain left her. She slowly forced herself through her now tired state to come to her knees looking at the entrance of the Faded Halls, hoping that had been enough, "That..." she said nearly out of breath still on her hands and knees. "I will not be..." needing another breath, "Doing a-again... anytime soon." She said with a ridiculous smile on her lips. Moving from her position to reclining back a little she focused on breathing. Waiting for Ferrak to come and hoping she hadn't scared Lizabeth too much.

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