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Fantasy The I-Told-You-Not-To-Mess-With-Time "Travelling" Agency


Junior Member
(To ALL visitors of this thread, we will, at some point, accept other RPers, but need to build a foundation first. We're three buddies who haven't RPed with each other for YEARS and are still working on the idea of this RP at the time of this writing.

Feel free to post in the OOC though, discuss stuff and so on.)

"MIIINAAAA, Are you done yet?"

He was getting impatient. Money's been a pressing matter lately, and hell, he needed it. Good thing he stumbled upon Mina at some point. Together with her and (Enter Eins name here) they came up with one awesome as hell business idea: Time travelling agency! She went on and on about patents and copyrights and how she wanted to be entertained in return for this sort of technology but hey, who cares? He didn't even listen to half the stuff she said!

He imagined the riches they could obtain, the artifacts, the gold, the weaponry. So much money waited for him. And moreover, tourism. He could demand a ton of cash for time travelling tourists! Heck, he actually thought about time travelling himself first to find some nice attractions or scenarios he wanted to replay with his costumers to ensure 100% costumer satisfaction!
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Your chances at success in any undertaking will always be limited by the strength of your confidence


Before her eyes lay the river Rubicon, a vast overflowing river in its younger days, and also the border between Cisalpine Gaul province and Italy proper. Judging from shrubberies on the river banks, she could tell they had successfully traveled back in time. Her machine worked fantastically. The three of them instantly arrived at their destination at a push of a button without smoke, flash, lightning strike, tick tock, explosion or any sort of special effects.

"Please, one must never rush time travel", Mina insisted.

Sitting on a steampunkish sophisticated chair, the petite Goddess of Craftsmanship materialized a few circular disks and sent them off. It didn't take long for the levitating magnetic disks to return with loose screws and machine bits scattered about. Such findings were unnerving, least to say, and Steve being impatient did not help.

"The last thing I need is a steel bolt lost in--she glimpsed at the overhead clockworks--49 BC. Losing a piece of plastic is out of the question. Better be safe than sued", she added.

"Alex, no matter how I look at this, there's nothing here. Unless you're telling me beholding natural beauty is a form of entertainment, then mind you I'm not amused. Not to mention..."

She shivered in the cold breeze of January.

"It's freezing...Oh Mina! Six centigrade at 10 in the morning. I'm turning on the heater", she whined and switched on the chair's heating, "If heating drained too much power, we would have to cut the journey short. Or, I can always leave one of you here. Maybe a contest to decide who gets to go back. I bet that's going to be entertaining!"

Iron is not forged in leisure. Neither is iron forged in haste.

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Viscount Alexander Etherpaddington IV

Alex couldn't believe his eyes. He had surveyed this terrain before. In military history books and wargaming manuals, they described Rubicon countless time in complete detail. From its delta in the Adriatic Sea, and up to its detailed contours of its meanders that flows freely along the Ravenna Region. Alex thought that he was completely prepared for what he will see: but he was wrong. No words can describe the beauty of the sacrosanct River in which his idol once crossed to ignite the infamous Roman Civil War.

"Aleia iacta est" Alex muttered. Turning to Mina, as she ranted, Alex did not mind her worries at all. "Indeed, Mina. We are about to witness the turning point of the Republican Rome." Alex replied. Taking a deep breath, Alex cherished the fresh morning air, despite of the cold. "Any moment now, we will start hearing stomping sounds. After all, an entire legion is about to take camp in this area" Alex explained. "By the way, Mina; do we have some sort of cloaking device? We don't want to stumble our Roman friends and get thrown pila at."








Your chances at success in any undertaking will always be limited by the strength of your confidence


"A cloaking device? What am I to you? A dorayaki-loving robot cat from the future? You didn't even listen to what I've just said, did you?" Mina snapped.

"There are a few solutions but they're copyrighted--she let out a sigh--except for one", the Goddess said and then she raised her hand. A block of glass materialized in mid air. And, with a flick of a finger, she neatly cut, shaped, and treated the glass into a stack of transparent lenses each had the diameter of a house door's height. The lenses floated before her seat and each had a metal joint attached to one side.

She yawned lightly half way through the stack.

"Lens inspection, meh. This bores me to tears. Republican Rome'd better be worth it or I'm with the Roman on pila throwing or whatever kind of fishes they'll be throwing at you two", she remarked.

From her hands, building blocks for two pairs of mechanical boots materialized and assembled. Mina clicked on one of the monitors, commanding a robot arm of her chair to scan and take measurements of her companions. Cogwheels inside the boots began to turn as metal plates enclosed them in the dusty brown casing.

"Voila! Rochester cloaking boots. I made one pair of G, which stands for Grand size. By default, it's in metric but if it doesn't fit Steve then I'll switch to Imperial. The boots serve as position trackers and controllers for sets of two orbiting Rochester cloaking lenses. Objects between the lenses are hidden from view. You're effectively inside a moving cloaking cylinder"

"Now what's left is...", Mina levitated one glass lens over to Steve's side, "Steve. This is ballistic glass. Or so it is supposed to be. Smash it!", she ordered.

Iron is not forged in leisure. Neither is iron forged in haste.

Viscount Alexander Etherpaddington

The Viscount gaped in awe as Mina finally showed some technological thingamajig to shroud their presence. Surely, he expects Steve to have some follow through after this---since this time travelling agency was his idea after all. "Everyone, keep quiet here they come"

And the Legion came into full view: from a distance, the march was slow, but still on full alert. As they near, the ground started to tremble, as if the land itself is in awe of the approaching army. "Wonderful, to see them up close like this... Steve, are you sure that $100,000 is enough for this? I think it's too cheap, especially if we are going to provide customers with these... equipment. We can't be causing paradoxes, y'know."
"Shatter it..?" He raised an eyebrow. "Uh, alright... If that's what you need me to do.." Steve looked at the hovering piece of glass, looking slightly nervous, heck, even doubtful for a moment, before he clenched his fast and took a boxing stance with both fists raised. "Here goes nothing!" His strong, left fist shot forward, bone and flesh connecting with glass. It cracked audibly and he pulled his arm back. "Ouch! Damn it!" The glass had several visible cracks and his knuckles began to turn red. This agitated him. A lot. Thus he pulled back once more and put all his weight into the next blow, his leading foot stomping down on the ground as his fist and the glass connected once again. Shattered glass fragments scattered all over the place and Steve grinned while rubbing his fist hurting fist. "Happy..?"

Just then Alex told them to keep quite, right before a truly magnificent event took place. Armed soldiers, what you would call a Legion became visible in the distance. They were still quite far away, but their disciplined march made the very earth shake.

"Uh. Yeah scratch that. Half a million bucks is more fitting." He looked at alex and mina nervously. "So are we just gonna watch..? Or join in on the fun..?"








Your chances at success in any undertaking will always be limited by the strength of your confidence


"Woot~ It survived da-Steve punch", she squealed. Watching Steve failing to break the glass the first time was a treat to her. Then he threw another punch of inhuman strength; he smashed the ballistic glass to smithereens.

"Un, I'm happy", she nodded and sent forth a drone to clean up the glass, "Quick, quick", she hustled the drone in low whistles.

The legion was fast approaching. The rhythmic footwork awed the three observers, the shiny steel helms and shoulder plates reflected halos. The legionnaires glowed softly in the dim sun. As if they were the heavenly angels and not mere men, the legionnaires paled even the sun!

There! Those were the semi-cylindrical shields, the red-yellow curve shields that once were the pinnacle of craftsmanship. Until the Russian invented angled reactive tank armor plates--the next armor innovation that drastically changed warfare forever--of course. What was the shield's name, Mina couldn't remember. A Latin word...

Bah, she was no god of linguistics,

"Time to take a selfie and tweet about the Legion", she handed selfie sticks to Steve and Alex,

"Have you guys ever played a Japanese game named "Shoot the bullet"? No? Too bad. In that game, you're...kind of like a war photographer. You have to get as close as possible to the subject and take a picture of yourself with the subject before you're shot at"

She smirked and suddenly dashed full speed towards the Legion with a selfie stick in her hand, shouting back at her companions:

"Put on your boots, guys! First person to break the universe with a paradox is an eggplant. Last person to take a selfie is a pumpkin"

Iron is not forged in leisure. Neither is iron forged in haste.

Alexander Etherpaddington

"Interesting, to see the Legion in its full glory... fascinating indeed." Alex gaped in awe as the legion slowly came into full view.

He saw Mina also observing the Roman army. It is perhaps that she is also admiring the craftsmanship done to their armor, weaponry and those shields. "Scutum" Alex said, as if he was reading her mind---or the player playing Alex simply ran out of ideas to write so he just did a meta in this sentence, hoping that someone will notice.

As it happened, Alex noticed that Steve broke another of Mina's Contraptions "of course you know that this is a bad thing. We have messed with the timeline enough by going here... and here you go breaking our only hope for stealth." He coldly remarked at Steve. "Mina, I don't think this is the right time for selfies... especially when the scouting party is upon us." he remarked, as a group of light cavalry zoomed from the flanks, to scout the place. "They are planning to make camp. Our dear dictator is about to roll the dice." Alex observed.

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