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Realistic or Modern The High School for Society's Rejects


Life happens
In the real world, if you don't conform, you are rejected from society. Rejects usually end up as convicts in prison, but what if society was wrong about them?

What if these people are "special"? Things happen to them for a reason. Bad things, like fires spontaneously starting, or things ending up missing. They're labeled as pyromaniacs and thieves, freaks and well..everything else to put them down.

These people are special, and not in just any way. They have abilities unlike anything else, and some might call them powers that could be used for evil.

This school will teach them how to use their powers without hurting others, as well as give them a new lease on life, a fresh start, to do something good. The only obstacle? Themselves. And of course, the classes~.
"But I don't feel like it... Ugh..." The flame-headed man groaned, meting his clock beneath his palm in his tired frustration, eyes opening slowly. It was his senior year and he was to spend it with a bunch of crazy people 'like him'. He got dressed and woke up his brother, though he dare not touch the cold boy, as his skin was layered with an icy cold frost.

"Oh, morning already?" The boy mumbled, ice falling from his body as he sat up, "Mmkay, you go, I'll catch up in a sec..." His body temperature rose slowly as he got ready for school, grabbing his bag and rushing downstairs to eat breakfast, as usual is brother cooked toast with his hands, "Did you wash your hands?"

"I told you the bacteria burns off! So you didn't? NO! I DIDN'T! Ew... That's gross." The boy shooed his older brother away as he poured milk into his cereal, mmm, Fruity Pebbles.

Before long they'd left in the elder brother's car, a red Lamborghini, this was one of his many cars that were transported from their home to the homes near the school, theirs being the largest, of course.

"Is that it?" The man said, sighing, public school looked like shit.

(Doorman is opening the door and giving the opportunity to begin with this~)
Elizabeth heard the sounds of her alarm and turned it off. She slowly got out of bed and rubbed her eyes. She yawned and finally got up. As soon as she started walking, she tripped over the book she was reading last night. She groaned and got up, mornings made her very clumsy. She got dressed and headed towards the kitchen. She ate cereal while reading the last few chapters of her book. She got up and entered her car. She soon arrived to the school and groaned again
Xavier glared at the school like it had offended him, and in a way it had. He didn't want to be there at all. Hell, he'd rather dig his own grave then to be forced into a building with a thousand other kids. He sighed and glanced around, seeing no one and closing his eyes. Focusing on his powers, he made his hair look like a dark brown and his eyes a matching mud colour. Shouldering his backpack he huffed and started walking towards the main entrance, checking his arms under his hoodie sleeves just to make sure he hadn't made any other looks change. One time he'd gotten zebra stripes by accident, and couldn't get them to go away for a week. Luckily he was fine now. All he had to do was leave a little part of his focus to his power, and he'd look normal for the day. Xavier laughed dryly, mumbling to himself, "First day here and I'm already worried about what others will think. Oh joy."
"Ew... Is that a rat? Rat? Where?!" The younger brother had hid behind the elder as soon as he heard 'rat', oh god, did he hate those filthy little... "Oh, are those the other students?" Honestly, he wondered what these not-so-rich kids did, he was told they were the only ones coming from a private educational background, which was fine with that, no competition for the Ahn brothers.

"This place... Didn't they say it was... Clean?" Perhaps his idea of clean was just different? Likely so, it was why he always got sick in the fall and in the summer, he hadn't been exposed to much bacteria early on. As he walked in he saw other people, they seemed friendly... Well, everyone had always been friendly to him, no matter their appearance, but he knew not what to expect from those who didn't work for his family.
"Oh for the love of-" Berial growled as her alarm started buzzing rather loudly. It always annoyed the heck out of her, and she felt like smashing it to bits. It would've been..what, the 13th one at least? She got up and fixed herself up, got dressed, grabbed breakfast and her things and left. She could walk to school since it wasn't that far.

Once she was there, she noticed the other people there and smiled to herself. Lots of cute boys here..this should be super fun.

She flicked her hair out of her face and adjusted her shirt so that it was just a little low and brushed past two boys in particular, one with reddish hair and the one standing next to him. They're cute..ooh who's that one over there? She smiled and again brushed past someone else, this time a boy with brown hair and brown eyes. This year is gonna be great. But everyone looks so normal. Boorring.
Jeremy slept on the couch of the high school's teacher's lounge, kindly offered by the school due to his homelessness until something permanent came up. His watch alarm blared steering him awake, he stretched out in a vain attempt to alleviate the back pain due to the sleeping arrangement. Couldn't say that this was the worse sleep he had, in fact ranked in his top ten. He sat up seeing some fresh clothes on the chair near the table infront of him, nothing special but jeans and a tshirt with a stupid comment on it. Again he could complain, it was clean. He changed hearing some of the students walk into the school so he thought he should make himself known, he steeped out of the room to the hallway.
The alarm clock on Amanda's desk rang so loudly that Amanda jumped off her bed, still half asleep. She got up and slapped her alarm, but her eyes widened when she realized it was her first day of school in her Sophomore year and she was about to be late. "God, no!" she screamed, then rushed off to the bathroom and got ready.

When Amanda arrived at the school gate, she sighed. Well, I hope this year's gonna be good. She thought, then she walked into the school building. On the hallway, she met a boy wearing a t shirt with a comments on it and blue jeans. She knew he's a Senior but she never knew his name. Amanda only stared at him while fastening her pace; she just wanted to be in class soon.
Elizabeth got out of her car and closed the doors. She walked past two guys near a red Lamborghiny and opened her eyes in surprise.

"Why would anyone bring that type of car to a public school?" She thought to herself.

"Nice car" she said to the boys near the Lamborghini
Xavier had been daydreaming -about what was hard to remember- but he was brought back to reality when a girl brushed past him. He almost yelled at her to watch where she's going, key word there 'almost'. She was cute, so he couldn't just yell at her. Plus she helped him out by making sure he didn't just stand there all day. Glancing at his watch he saw it was getting close to the time for school to start and started walking toward the building, checking his hair and eyes in a pocket mirror to make sure he hadn't turned purple.
"See anything you like, luv?"Jeremy commented seeing the girl stare at him as she approached him. He watched her watched her walk past him and smirked cheekily."I certainly have."


Eleanor walked out her bedroom to the kitchen, dressed in jeans, white suit shirt and black cardigan caring her satchel. She saw her husband there having breakfast and in a rush prepared a some toast

"Liz left yet?"She asked him quickly eating her breakfast.

"Come and gone, like ghost. Said not a word to me."He replied before smirking."Not sure if i should be glad for her independence or disappointed by the lack of chatter."

"She is teenager. You know how she was when i suggest we go to the school together."She said smirking herself before walking over to him and giving him a quick kiss."Not to mention us at that age."

"An't that the truth. You are going to give her some space?"

"I am shocked you even have to ask." Eleanor replied with mock offense."Of course i will....Mostly. Bye, dear."

"Bye, Mrs Malcolm."He replied shaking his head amusingly as his wife disappeared instantly and hearing the front door closing.

Eleanor materialized outside the school, slightly out of breath from her run. She noted Elizabeth admiring a car of another students.

"Don't doodle, kids! Bell is going to go off soon!" She called out getting into the school.
Amy woke up and lay there for a moment staring up at the ceiling. "Just out, and straight back to school." She muttered to herself as she got up got herself ready for the day. As she walked to school with her head down she wondered if it would be any different that maybe this would be the school where I wouldn't lose my cool, and end up nearly killing someone. She looked up as she got to school, noticing a older lady. "Must be a teacher." She thought to herself and then noticing three people around a lamboghini. She just continued into school without a word to anyone. She could sense everyones blood coursing around in there body.
Elizabeth turned around and saw her mother telling the students to her to class. Elizabeth tried to cover up her face a bit so her mother wouldn't notice her. She started to enter the building as fast as she could
Eleanor held the door for Elizabeth, smirking at her attempt to hide from her.

"Have a good day, Lizzy."Eleanor said as she passed her, resisting the urge to embarrass her for a laugh.
Amy walked into the school slowly looking up as one of the teachers talked to a student in a pretty casual way. "They must know eachother." She mumbled to herself before putting her head back down following the girl.
The flame headed boy noted the compliment on his car, giving the girl two thumbs up as he was dragged by the hood of his jacket into the school.

The boy flinched as the girl brushed past him, her hair was almost as red as his brother's, was it real? He watched for a moment out of curiosity as he entered the school building and let go of the other boy's hoodie, they had separate classes, which meant they'd have to associate with the common folk, which to him sounded... Well... Okay.

The bell would ring shortly if he'd read his schedule correctly, good thing his first period was so close to the entrance. "See you later, brotato~" He said as he walked backwards into the room.
Amanda immediately looked away, blushing lightly that the boy noticed her stare. Did he just talk to me? Amanda didn't look back, but she muttered "No".
He rushed up next to her keeping her pace.

"Ouch...Really? that was cruel."He said jokingly making as if being hurt by the comment."Ah, but that rose on the cheek says otherwise."
Once in side the school Amy stared down at her schedule and then looking around, completely lost on her first day. She would have preferred to go back to her old school at least then she wouldn't have been lost but she had been expelled after her incident with a boy who had gotten a little grabby. Her eyes going from her schedule to up and looking around standing still in the corridor.
Elizabeth entered the building ignoring her mother completely. It was hard enough to have her in the school all day but now her mother was trying to embarrass her? Elizabeth wondered if her mother saw her trying to hide her face from her.
Eleanor decided to let Eleanor be, sighing a bit not getting the smallest bit of acknowledgement. She saw another girl seemingly lost in the school corridor and approached her.

"Are you lost, miss?"She asked.
Amy stood there and looked up at the teacher she had seen before. "Y-yes miss. It's my first day here and I have ni clue where to go, I'm really nervous since I've never been to a school like this before." Amy said rambling on a tiny bit before stopping herself.
"Deep breaths dear. Relax, its fine if its your first day."She said kindly placing a hand on her shoulder."What class are you meant to be in?"
Amy stood there quietly for a moment just breathing quietly. Closing her eyes calming herself. She shys away from the teachers hand being placed on her shoulder. "It says that my class is in room 9." She says speaking quietly now.
"Well...That is were i am heading myself. "She said using the rejected hand to form a small ball of light." I would offer to lead you there but i know you kids dont want to enter with a teacher. Its the forth room on the left."

As she finished the sentence, the ball of light flew on its on to the indicated room and stayed there in front of the door.

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