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Fantasy The gods have left and a new world Must emerge.


'i have never been down there sol, and i don't know what it would be like but i know there are mortals down there, and plantlife'

she smiles as she talks about the plantlife

'i grew all that plantlife myself, but i have never been to see it up close' bites her lip

'father did say we could go......,so ye lets go son' smiles, she jumps into the air and shrinks along with sol onto the disc, she shrinks to about 15 ft high while he himself is only 10 ft high. they land in a clearing on a cliff overlooking a small town next to a river
Sol would stand as he would look around as this place was Very Interesting,as he would see a little flower on the ground near him,as he would lean down and touch it as he would tilt his head and would say looking at Freya "You made them?"he says full of curiusiti,as he would be looking at that small flower

Smiles and kneels down next to him, 'i grew them, then left them, so that they could grow themselves, so they could be free to grow and live as they wish, see over there' points over to the town 'those are living things just like the flower here, they were designed by your uncle, Kruphix the god of evolution, he designed all the animals, while i designed the plant-life'
"I see........So many things too know here.....are those things smiler too plants act"he says as he would take a Final Glimps of the little flower as he would then look at were she points as he would tilt his head and would sit down on the edge of the clif looking at the Village in thought of what might theas cretures be....as he has not yet met his Uncle and wonder

the plants and the mortals are very different, and don't be so cautious, that flower isn't the only one on the disc, there are endless amounts of them, and i don't think we should go down to visit the mortals, i'm not sure how they would react, there are a few strange creatures on the disc, they may know we are gods, but otherwise, they might not like us'
Sol would nod and would look at the village as he would wonder the cretures there how are they,as he would think for a moment as a thought comes too minde,as he would look at her and say "so you created all theas plants.....are they mi Brothers and sisters?"he says as he was a plant and so were the normal Flowers and all and made him wonder

'they are your family, i could talk about photosynthesis and the ovary's in plants and etcetera, but i don't think you would like that'

looks out towards the town with a strange expression, as she sat next to sol she puts one arm around his solder protectively.
Sol would nod as he would look towards the village and as he feels her hand and then would look at her and say "Whats Wrong Mama?.......Somthing wrong?"he says as he would look at the direction she is looking and its only the village....wonders why

'the mortals do know in some way that there are gods, like me and your aunts and uncles, but they may not know about children of the gods like you sol'

shakes her head then frowns

'no, im sure they wouldn't do anything to hurt you sol...' her voice trails off as she keeps talking
Sol eyes open wide kinda confused and would say looking at her "What do you mean they would hurt mi Mom?.......They would not........would they?"he says as he thinks for a moment wondering why will the Mortals Hurt him....he would not hurt anything creatid from The gods

'they are a very different set of creatures, there are some who are nice but then there would be others who are.....less so, i'm just wondering if we should go down and talk to them or should we go and make you a new home?'
Sol would think for a moment as he looks at the village,then would look at Freya and say in chirps "I think its better till mi aunts and Uncles are here.....i really dont know of the mortals......and about home...No i dont need a Home Mom i can Live with the other plants and act like one"he says as he would seem too be smiling as he dint have a mouth

smiled and hugged her son,

'just you wait this will be a place where you can live with all the plants. it will be a place where i will keep my son safe, i don't think we should go down with all of your aunts and uncles, some are a bit ..... darker than you and me' takes his hand and leads him towards the middle of the forest
Son would go with her as he would start too see large trees and would look at all the plants everywere,as he would admier the plant life that he was made and would say "what do you mean they are darker?.....and....you made all this...all theas...plants"he says in amazement

never mind about them being darker, and yes these are your brothers and sisters, they will keep you company'

stops in the middle of a forest on the west side of the disc,

'ok now stay right here, im going to make myself a tree, it will be part of myself, and it will be a place to keep my sol safe'

she stands still on the ground with her hand on sol's shoulder, the ground starts to rumble as freyas feet go into the ground and turn into roots, the roots come out of the ground each 15 feet thick, close to a hudred of them form beneath their feet, they form a platform for the two as they are lifted into the air, the roots then become the branches spreading out towards the sky as if they were so close they could touch the moon, the branches grew leaves and greenery, once it had fuly grown the tree amounted to four times the size of the empire state building.
Sol would be amaze as he looks at the masive tree,as he would aproche it and place his hand on the Trunck of the Tower size tree as he would look back at Freya amazed compleatly,as he would say "Mom......this.....this is amazing....I dont have words too describe it"he says as he would look up and see the tree tower over everything as it was masive in scope

Smiles and hugs him, squeezing him.

' this is going to be our home, here follow me'

she walks up to the bottom of the trunk and phases through it until she is almost fully submerged, all that was left was her hand open ready for sol to hold.
Sol would grab her hand and would see her Phases through the trunck as he was amazed even more as he imagens what will be inside so many questions in his head as he whanted too know and aswell get too see later if posible his Uncles and aunts

Takes hold of his hand and brings him through the wood, they come out on the very top of the tree below the branches, there is a clearing with wooden furniture, along with two beds, one for freya and another for sol.

'well what do you think' she asks as she wanders around the room with her arms out on ether side as if she was showing it all off
"Wow....I like it Mom its perfect really and in the forrest were it is calm...I like it"he says as he would follow lookig around as he was quiet imprest and aswell happy too see this as his mother made it for them and he wonders what his Uncles and aunts can do as he was supre Curius at this point,as he would look around the place amazed

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