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Fantasy The gods have left and a new world Must emerge.


damn i almost forgot' grabs another ball of clay and creates the form of lillin, places her next to myunelle and waits for her towakeup


A small pile of gemstones began growing from the ground like flowers after rainfall. They shifted and moved, grinding and crunching noises could be heard. They began to form a shape reminiscent of a female, although with large horns. The shape was still jagged and undefined for the most part. Cords of silver snaked from the ground and up the shape of gemstones, tying them together, further showing a shape. Then clay molded by the hands of Cale himself slowly flowed up the shape, giving it a defined curve. A breath from the father of the new gods and the shape became sentient. She opened her eyes and took a breath as black hair began growing from her head and fell around her face. She inhaled sharply as knowledge flooded her. Somehow she understood she was to rule of the Underworld. Somehow she understood she would be a warden of sorts. Somehow she understood the fire coursing through her veins was her companion. Shadows fell over her like a blanket and covered her naked body. She stood before her creator and examined every inch of bare skin before looking up at him. "My name is. . . Lillin?" she asked tentatively, testing out her voice and tasting her own name on her tongue.

lets out a breath, a breath that causes his children's hair and clothes all flow slightly in the empty space, this is the first wind or any change in the world since they'd been born

'' hello Lillin.....''

places a hand on her shoulder, steam rises from beneath his hand and the skin starts to grow blister that pop and swell, but he doesn't seem to notice the pain.

'' you are my daughter and one of the family of the Gods, now stand up, no one has ever made themselves great by showing how small they are, so stand and show the world how you yourself will be great along with your brothers and sisters''

holds out his other hand for Lillin to hold 
trying to go for a bit of more dramatic person, tell me if this doesn't work, also sorry i haven't been on recently i've had some things to do before i could get online)


Lillin could only blink and nod at her creator, her father. She took the hand he offered before she yanked it away as heat poured from her palms. "But I'll hurt you!" she said in worry. She clasped her hands in front of her in an attempt to quell the heat that issued forth from them but to no avail. As she was about to speak, flames erupted from her mouth and changed into the form of a large serpent that coiled around her. It was obvious it wasn't going to hurt her, but that it was her guardian of sorts. Lillin was confused at first, but nevertheless held out a hand to the creature of fire and accepted it. Like that it was gone, flowing into her fingertips in the blink of an eye. Though the heat no longer emanated from her pores, she could feel its presence nestled into her very being, like her lifeblood. "All right," she began. "I'm ready." She took her father's hand and waited for what came next.

OOC: Super disappointed this role play kind of died. :c Also, dramatic posts are great! (Or am I looking for the word dynamic?) And characters. It has so much more shape. :3 But I love it~
its not going to die im going to bring it back) 

lifts her up with his left hand

'' its okay my Child, it doesn't hurt'' shows her his other hand, the burn already gone.

''now lets see you stand with your own two feet, okay'' releases his grip, but stands close looking wary in-case she needs help
When Cale showed her his other hand, Lillin gave a nervous smile. "Now let's see you stand with your own two feet, okay?" he said to her as he released his hand. At first, she thought standing on her own would be easy and simple enough, but she stumbled and would have fallen on her face if it weren't for the columns of pure gold shooting out of the ground to catch her. She used to two objects she subconsciously called to herself to regain her footing. She held her arms out beside her and took a step, wobbling slightly. She repeated this process until she could run on her own. She laughed in delight and flames licked her teeth when she did.

Lillin walked over to her father and looked up at him. "What now? Since the world hasn't been populated, and none have died in the mortal realm, who am I to rule?" she asked, somewhat concerned. She didn't want to be lonely in her home in the Underworld.

''you have no need to be concerned, many mortals along with the animals will join you in your own realm, so you'll never be lonely, and i will always be here for you, ill create your own realm for you''

holds out his right hand and a ball of clay left the group floating around the new world, he stretched into a new disc and placed a wall between the two '' this one is your own world lillin, it is the world of the dead, the wall will keep the two worlds from colliding''
Lillin was mesmerized by the spinning disc that was hers. She let out a low whistle. "A whole world to myself. It's so big! I can't wait to decorate the place," she said with a giggle. She stooped down and scooped a rather large ball of clay into her hands and began forming different pieces that didn't quite go together. She arranged them in a shape that seemed humanoid, but still didn't seem right. Lillin sucked in a large breath of air, then blew flames over the clay, baking it and burning it. But the flames didn't dissipate. Instead, they remained and gave life to an atronach. "I need something to guard the gates. I don't want the dead living me and the mortal sneaking in," she explained with pride. She smiled at the beast as it departed into its new home.


''in my own world the gods left the mortals to their own devices, they didn't tell the mortals they were there, and it produced wars upon wars, i think we should let them know that we are here....but one rule. i do not want death, i don't want you to go down and kill mortals for pleasure, they are living creatures''

puts both hands out on either side and holds them there.

''i am going to make it possible for us to shrink down and walk among the mortals, we will be different but i hope you will respect them''

Frowns as if she was concentrating, holds out one hand and in the palm a single green gem floats out and stays in the air an inch from her palm, vines start sprouting from her fingers, the wrap around the gem and take the form of a humanoid creature. it floats in the air above her hand then floats down towards her hand and stands in the centre of her palm.
(Well if im correct that is mi signal...sorry for not responding early)

It opens its 8 eyes as they are in a circule formation and would fall on its Bottom and sit In her palm and then look up and sees a Giant Creture not knowing,as she would stare at her with his head Tiltid wondering,as it then looks around seeing multiple Cretures as he did not know what were they yet as he was like a child,as he would then look back at Freya and Chirp and would try too stand up but fall back on his Bottom,as he would try again too stand but once again fall down and sit,as he would look at Freya and Chirp again

Smiled as she watched her child try to stand, Reached out her other hand and held its small hand in hers as she helped it stand. She listened to its chirping and replied in a soothing chirping as she kissed it on the forehead.

(should they speak English or a language they only speak?)
(What ever you what him really xD )

Sol would stand and then see her Kiss his forhead as he would tilt his head and look at her and would be curius of ho is she...is she her Mother?...So many questions,as he would take a few steps on her palm making sure he dosent fall,as he would stumbel but wont fall,as he would keep walking around her palm geting use too walking

Smiles again as sol accepted her kiss, she watched as he walked around her palm and wondered if sol had any questions for her.

'are you okay, if you have any questions for me then ask away'

this sounds like chirps to the other gods, only sol can understand her
Sol would look up at her and would tilt her head and say 'Yes Im Ok....Um...are you mi Mother?"he ask in a chirp as that was his First question really and he was curius and hade some question but he better start with the main thing first,as he would be looking up with his head Tiltid Curius of her

smiled and kissed him again

'I am your mother, the goddess of all plant life'

causes leaves to grow on sols head and laughs as he grows an afro of leaves

'first I think we should choose you a name....what about sol?, do you like it?'
Sol would smiel at her wen she Kisses him and would say "Thanks Mama.......Sol...Like Sun....I like it"he says in a happy chirp as he smield as he wonderd why he was so small....maybe he needed too grow ho knows,as he would sit on her palm and look up at her as the Goddes of plants Life....so that was he was a plant
Golau sat still in it's claimed cavern where only it's empty white lights for eyes and mouth can be seen. Outside of the cave scout the original owners a family of massive winged blue dragons towering above the arctic biome. It's amazing that these creatures still haven't noticed Golau skulking in the back of their cave even studying them in their sleep. Golau stepped onto a deer-like creature's cadaver and hopped forward near the light, dragging part of it with it. Stepping up behind the dragons it switched view up to the sky. It knew that creatures of all kinds were down here, but what was up there. Golau's thought was rapidly interrupted by a roar that had become far too familiar. The eldest dragon had finally spotted Golau and pulled all the attention the poor creature. A rapid snap fetched for Golau's head, but was a miss. Golau instantly slid under the dragon and seemingly disappeared into it's on shadow making it smack it's face against the floor.

Not a millisecond later Golau was at the World's tree, falling. It hadn't used that skill before and shadow stepped itself to a place completely unknown. Golau was accelerating far to fast to catch itself. The void walker watched as the enormous tree came to an end and the view be blocked by natural stone walls. Golau wasn't too far from the ground now, it had to think fast.
Freya: 'I'm glad you like it sol'

Looks down at the disc and puts her head to one side, 'son?......you have never been down there have you?, because i think its time we went down, together'
Sol would craw towards the edge of her palm and look down at the disc,as he was resently creatid so he has never bin down there or even knew,as he would look up at Freya and chirp "Hooo would like too mama"he says as he would look down at the Disc as he was curius of what was down there

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