• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern The Fab Five

Announcement Since our heavy advertising of the roleplay, I've received a ton more attention and requests than I originally expected from the interest check and most requests are from very respectable writers and it's obvious that the story could use some colorful additions/we could use more minds for the destruction of the Fab Five so I'm in the process of typing up summaries for another character or two and will add them to the overview and tag everyone when they're up. It is of no difference to you guys, really, as I've already got the players for them lined up, but I like to keep everyone updated on things like this anyways just to avoid any confusions. Y'all are my favorite <3
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Wait a minute, did I miss something? Was the Outcast supposed to be bi? Because I just read the one application for the Artist, which seemed to say so, and maybe they noticed something in the OOC chat I didn't about the Outcast's sexuality...?

@Amora Aurora
No, I didn't personally state the outcasts sexuality anywhere other than once, in Heidi's character sheet I mentioned one of her secrets being that the outcast was her first kiss, but Heidi's straight and I meant it as more of an embarrassing 'we're eleven year old best friends and want to learn how to kiss' type thing.

Once characters are accepted, we'll get all that relationship stuff figured out don't stress it in your CS right now
Ah, gotcha. I just saw that much of the Artist CS was built around the Outcast being bi, and I wanted to be double-triple-super-ultra sure I didn't mess up. Thanks, though! :)
So, just for the record y'all, I'm a creature of habit: stuck in my ways and refuse to accept change or anything new, so I still mainly listen to songs from my middle/high school days that I already know the words to and isn't popular anymore. BUT shoutout to @QuixoticKitten for her theme song because I've been binging on Twenty One Pilots for hours now, (I know I'm late) and I'm in love.
@QuixoticKitten[/URL] for her theme song because I've been binging on Twenty One Pilots for hours now, (I know I'm late) and I'm in love.
omg i love twenty one pilots! i actually first heard them in concert at a music festival last year :)
I've never actually listened to them before. What genre are they? Hard rock and metal are my favourites. Punk is good too sometimes.

School is starting on the 2nd of September for me. D8
Ktulu said:
I've never actually listened to them before. What genre are they? Hard rock and metal are my favourites. Punk is good too sometimes.
School is starting on the 2nd of September for me. D8
Wikipedia has them listed as alternative hip hop and electropop ahaha, I love them but recently I've been in a big EDM phase
Meehh, I'm not too big on hip hop or electronic music. I'll check them out anyway later, out of curiosity.
Okay...I'm just gonna go off of history with her and say that @QuixoticKitten usually makes a character, then drops in the middle of nowhere. It happens every time, I've read some stuff of my friends' and it just seems like a concern.
@AlwaysYours sorry that I actually have a life outside of the internet. I don't appreciate the rudeness. It happens when I lose interest or get busy with things like being a freaking captain in band. It does not happen "every time" and will definitely not happen with this roleplay.
Naw....it happens every time. Far too often, actually, and I have a life too. But this is a commitment. As an author and a decent human being, I don't drop out of boredom--I make things interesting.
I like reading tea leaves as much as the next person, but Dusk and the Sea Monster are right. And I have three laptops to fix today.

Catching my head and such.

How's everyone's morning/evening/afternoons?
I'm just back from shopping, so tired as hell. I'm in the mood for some more high fantasy roleplays, so I'm probably going to go search for one that I'll be able to manage. I'm awful at stopping myself from applying to everything that sounds cool. </3

How about you?
Just woke up and it's raining. Perfect weather for something dark and mysterious to be written. I'll simultaneously be repairing a fan, changing out a display chip, and coding out a virus the hard way. Fun times, yo.
It's the one skill that I'm good at that is lucrative. I'd write all day if I could get paid for it.
Well, since you asked, my afternoon is alright. I feel better than yesterday. Not dizzy anymore. And my fictional characters are scaring my friends away. XP
I'm fantastic actually haha. I have back to school night tonight though, so that sucks.

Also, now that we have brought up the commitment issue, how often will we be expected to post? A lot of the roleplays where I quote unquote "drop every time" are because I forget after waiting eternities for a reply to write off of. I don't want to come off as rude about any of this, but now I'm just really frustrated.
@QuixoticKitten Hush, child. It's alright. We'll let @Amora Aurora answer. Here. Have a kitten.


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