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Realistic or Modern The Fab Five

I feel like I'm taking unusually long with my CS. My character doesn't even sound like an artist. -_- And btw, @Amora Aurora, your kitties are FREAKING ADORABLE! They're very snuggleable. ^^ They look like my cats when they were babies.
@Miss Alice Thank youuuu! They're awesome sauce.

So just to give you guys a vague idea of time limit, I'll probably be contemplating decisions all day and then I'll update the Overview around 10 pm Eastern Time with the accepted characters. I'd appreciate everything being finished by then, as I've given quite some time. If you're a late-comer and didn't join us until recently and just really need an extension I can possibly hold off on accepting that role until tomorrow, but it'll take some sweet talking most likely, as I would ideally like to have the starter post up tomorrow.
Hey guys, I figured I'd ask because you guys seem to be really helpful, but could some of my post-highschool roleplaying friends give me some advice on college searching/visits? I'm going on my first major trip in the fall, and now I'm super duper nervous. Any tips or advice, because everyone has told me so far that everything will just "click", but I'm not convinced.
You know the quote "I don't want to belong to any club that would accept me as a member"? Yeah, that's basically me when it comes to college. I go to a school that's really intense about college, and lots of the graduates go to really good places, so I'm really scared that I won't get in anywhere I like.
@QuixoticKitten Dude honestly... you survived High School. It all gets easier from here. College is amazing, in my opinion. No one gives a fuck anymore. They don't care what you like or how you dress or if your hair is frizzy and you wear snuggies to class. Everyone at University is there because they want an education, versus high school where everyone's forced to be there. College is fun as hell. You choose your classes, you choose the times, teachers no longer give you shit for being absent: it's the best. TV and Movies and stuff like to hype college up as this huge thing but it's really just not a big deal once you get there. Idk if you're living in a dorm or what (I rent an apartment) so I don't know dorm life, but I know as far as classes (and my favorite: college parties) go, the classwork is the hardest thing you'll have to deal with. Going straight from high school to college was the strangest experience because it's such a different environment. You'll be fine, yo. You'll probably be better than fine. I'm the most anti-social sad girl around and college completely changed my life as far as opinion on myself goes. I think you'll love it. Don't be scared <3
@QuixoticKitten I'm not from America and the college system over here is completely different, but I'm in a similar situation here i guess? (not really, heh) Where pretty much when I go back to school in a week I have to prepare for all of my exams which happen next June which, if I don't get good grades in, prety much ruins all of my future. I hope you can take comfort in the fact that I'm scared too? Probably not, but hey, the majority of people your age are in the same boat as you and probably feel the same way so I wish you good luck dear!
@Amora Aurora Oh, Snuggies are the easiest thing in the world to make! The tutorial I used had you use one long cut of fleece for the Snuggie, and you cut rectangles from the bottom of piece of fabric to be the sleeves, and then you sewed the rectangles into tubes and after that sewed them into the armholes, which were just circlular holes cut out of the main piece of fabric. Really simple.

I'm a huge sewing nerd, especially historical Victorian fashion and costuming. I'm planning on sewing a complete Victorian ensemble, which will be super hard because it involves maybe a dozen different garments and that takes a hell of a lot of time and costs a hell of a lot of money, but I'm saving up.
Quilting's something I've always wanted to try, but I already have too many hobbies, and if I try to pick another one up, I'll never finish this darn Victorian ballgown. I actually have a friend who quilts.
Oh my fuzzylumpkins I haven't gotten a single notification for this thread and I missed out on so many good convos.

You know, I thought Selena Gomez would screw up A Cinderella Story, but she pulled that shit off! I love me some Gomez!
AlwaysYours said:
You know, I thought Selena Gomez would screw up A Cinderella Story, but she pulled that shit off! I love me some Gomez!
Yes... Yes it was. Not many can really pull it off but she was one of the few. Who are your other favorite Cinderella ones? I must admit that Drew Barrymore's version is my absolute favorite alongside Brandy's.
I've got the biggest crush possible on Selena Gomez, y'all. It's a guilty pleasure of mine because she's sort of universally hated for the whole Justin Bieber thing. But the girl is freaking stunning. I enjoy both hers and Hilary Duffs. I wasn't a big fan of Barrymore's and never saw Brandy's though
To those who know about my rp:

I just created the character sheets and character info(for the females). Keep in mind, I do know where I am going, there is a reason why I am being vague. And remember, I only made a base for the character. You get to turn it into a person. Now i've gotta create more lore. love you guys!

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