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Realistic or Modern The Fab Five

Oh my god, those kittens are the cutest thing I've ever seen. I'm so jealous right now. You're so lucky!
I just made the most absurd high-pitched squealing noise. Seriously, those kittens are just the most adorable little things!
I'm so excited! Still coming up with names for the female, and seriously stressing out about the decision for some reason. It's like....a life long thing! She's going to have to live with this for the rest of her life! I know she's not going to care but what the fuck why is this such a hard choice!

ANYWAYS, got home and gonna get to sending little reviews on everyone's character sheets who requested some tips. Talk to you (individually) soon!
Thanks...cause I only got to one...well, two technically.


(nice kitties)
I will be sure to keep you guys with many updates and pictures! I've never loved anything as much as I love these furbabies. (Which is a little sad, because i've lived with the boyfriend for two years now) BUTIFTHEHOUSEWASONFIREANDHISLEGSWEREBROKENI'DSAVETHEKITTIES

omg those kitties are so adorable, do they get along?? my friend's two kittens play-fight all the time, it's so fun to watch :)
@Semblance Yeah! Well, for the most part. They're brother and sister so there's that natural jealousy there. They refuse to allow only one of them getting attention, and she likes to pounce him quite often, but otherwise, they're pretty loving towards one another. I can't get enough of watching them hop around. So tiny!
Oh, my. I saw the kitties and my heart just died. (That's totally normal when I see something cute XP.) I want some! Though ... *clears throat* I'm not the type to have pets.
I was so excited to get that picture! The female is un-photogenic as hell but the male, which is the one in the second, is all about posing for the camera so far and he's so dang lovable, I can't even contain my excitement incase y'all haven't noticed since we been talking about these heathens for a solid three pages hahahaha
omg your adorable little kitties make me miss my dog when he was still in his cute puppy days :( he used to be so small and literally acted like a little toddler, it was precious

and having pets who love the camera and are photogenic is such a blessing ahaha
What kind of doggy is it!? I love me some doggies! I had a pit for about a year until a rather nasty break up and I wasn't 'granted custody' so to speak lolol
aww i'm sorry to hear that :( hey at least you have your cute little kitties now!

and he's half labrador half Australian cattle dog :) he has these ears that flop up up and down when he walks, it's adorable
Psh it's fine. I needed that break up so bad! And it was a long ass time ago anywayyyy

Ohmygod! Floppy ears! And Australian cattle dogs are always so dang cute as puppies! They always just look so happy?! I envy their cheerfulness, really, haha!
[QUOTE="Amora Aurora]Psh it's fine. I needed that break up so bad! And it was a long ass time ago anywayyyy
Ohmygod! Floppy ears! And Australian cattle dogs are always so dang cute as puppies! They always just look so happy?! I envy their cheerfulness, really, haha!

ahaha then i'm glad you got out of it :) yeah my dog is so energetic it's ridiculous... there's been countless times when i need some of his energy so badly
My best friend has a labradoodle and it is the cutest thing ever omfg it's so tiny and adorable and I love her so much.

But you should totally name the kittens cute little matching names c:

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