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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

@Wicked Jester[/URL]


~Yuna Yelil~

Yuna continued on her way, deciding to maybe go to that cafe she liked for lunch, yeah. That would do. While lost in her own thoughts she was pulled back to reality when something smacked into her, sending her onto the ground with quiet thud. Well that was unexpected, normally she could sense people coming quite a bit away. Huh, she guessed she just wasn't all there today or something. Laying on the ground and blinking a few times first as she processed what just happened. She heard a males voice which caused her to sit up, her small, fluffy bear ears popping out of hiding for a brief moment from loosing her focus before they quickly retreated back into hiding. "Oh, Yes. I'm alright." She said feeling the back of her head to make sure it wasn't cut or anything but it seemed to just have a small bruise on it. "Sorry, I guess I was in my own world there" she said with a gentle laugh.



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charleen said:
"Woah woah woah!"
Nico said when Moonstone got closer to her.

"Get out of my face!"

She said pushing them off slightly. Then she realized why they were doing that.

"OH! Oh oh oh!!!"

Nico broke out in laughter, and nudged them softly.

"You're too adorable honestly,"

She said, reaching up for their cheeks and squishing it slightly. Nico let go immediately.

"Sorry I couldn't help myself,"

She said, looking down at her kite.

"Yes we can have one kite with one hand, I've seen done it before!!"

Nico perked up again.


Moonstone scooted away after Nico's reaction to how they acted, and felt an emotional whiplash of sorts from when Nico pushed them away to when Nico squished their cheeks to call them adorable. "Uh... thanks?" they said, still a bit stunned from what happened. They decided to just go back to focusing on the kites.

They observed Nico as they managed the kite and how it works. Moonstone made sure they paid close attention, that way later on they could make their own kites and manipulate already existing kites to do what they wanted.

no slide
no slide
Extra Information

Location: As small part in France

Mood: Confused

Status: Watching Nico work with the kite

Interacting With: Nico

Character Sheet:

Nona said:



School grounds




On the ground



Interacting with:



@Wicked Jester

~Yuna Yelil~

Yuna continued on her way, deciding to maybe go to that cafe she liked for lunch, yeah. That would do. While lost in her own thoughts she was pulled back to reality when something smacked into her, sending her onto the ground with quiet thud. Well that was unexpected, normally she could sense people coming quite a bit away. Huh, she guessed she just wasn't all there today or something. Laying on the ground and blinking a few times first as she processed what just happened. She heard a males voice which caused her to sit up, her small, fluffy bear ears popping out of hiding for a brief moment from loosing her focus before they quickly retreated back into hiding. "Oh, Yes. I'm alright." She said feeling the back of her head to make sure it wasn't cut or anything but it seemed to just have a small bruise on it. "Sorry, I guess I was in my own world there" she said with a gentle laugh.

((Bears are adorable! I luv bears! xD ))

C4 groaned and stood up and held out his hand to help the girl up. Out of the corner of his eyes C4 noticed a pair of fluffy ears disappearing out of sight, but he was off duty so he didn't technically need to do anything and she was rather cute so he wasn't planning on doing anything to her. "Don't feel bad, I was off in lala land too."
@Wicked Jester[/URL]


~Yuna Yelil~

Yuna laughed a little "Ah, right. I'm still sorry though" she said smiling gently taking his hand to stand up "Thanks" she said as she dusted herself off a little "I mean, I shouldn't be that spaced out thinking about food..." She said, her voice trailing off ever so slightly along with her gaze, after all, it was a silly thing to be spaced out about really. A moment or so later, her gaze shot back in his direction again as she looked him over quickly "What about you? Are you alright?" She then asked.



Nona said:



School grounds




Standing up



Interacting with:



@Wicked Jester

~Yuna Yelil~

Yuna laughed a little "Ah, right. I'm still sorry though" she said smiling gently taking his hand to stand up "Thanks" she said as she dusted herself off a little "I mean, I shouldn't be that spaced out thinking about food..." She said, her voice trailing off ever so slightly along with her gaze, after all, it was a silly thing to be spaced out about really. A moment or so later, her gaze shot back in his direction again as she looked him over quickly "What about you? Are you alright?" She then asked.

C4 laughed and jokingly flexed a little in a macho man pose before giggling and looking back at her, "It will take allot more than falling down to hurt me." Then thinking back to her comment about spacing out over food he smiled and thought about how he could have just found his plans for the day. "If you want, I could take you out for a meal to apologize for knocking you over... My name's C4 by the way."


((Sorry about being kind of inactive))

"Now that I think of it, I might have of spotted the office on my way to school this morning... follow me! The way there is super twisty and turny, but at least we have some sort of clue on how to get there!" She giggled, grabbing Avatia's hand and pulling her forward towards the supposed direction of the office. Truth was, she barely had more of a clue than Avatia did, but it was a good excuse to get even more lost, or at least have some time to chat.
@Wicked Jester[/URL]


~Yuna Yelil~

Yuna giggled along with him as he joked. Tilting her head slightly as he offered to take her for lunch, she thought it over before smiling "Well, normally I'd say that its fine really, but I am quite hungry and I was heading off for food anyways, so I'll accept your offer" she said with a gentle nod of her head. "And...C4? That is what you said right? I'm not just hearing Seymour wrong or something?" She laughed a little "Seriously though, is that your actual name? That's pretty interesting...Oh, and my name is Yuna" she said afterwards.



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Nona said:



Outside combat arena




Talking with Eileen


Introduce herself

Interacting with:




~Rosalie Dalton~

Rosalie smiled at the girl, extending her arm to Eileen offering a friendly handshake. "I'm Rosalie, nice to meet you Eileen~" her voice sounded as she did so "So books, huh. Funny, one of the last people I was talking to, he had a power involving books too" she tilted her head some "Maybe they have names mixed up somewhere and that's why you're in this class?, my power is sound manipulation and creation, which is a more destructive than one might think so I have no choice but to be in combat class unfortunately".

Eileen shakily extended her arm before shaking the girl's hand with a now slightly more genuine grin on her face. The edges of her lips perked up, it intrigued Eileen to hear that someone else had somewhat similar powers to hers, it was rare for her to meet someone who weren't just elementals. Before Eileen could ask if she could meet this male that she was talking about, another thing sparked her interest, Rosalie had power over sound. It certainly explained why Rosalie wasn't moving her lips while speaking. She couldn't help, but to wander what was the deal with everyone she had met so far trying to communicate with her without using their mouth. Even though she wasn't necessarily the best at expressing her emotions properly, it still showed that she was excited to meet someone with a less common power who was sort of like her. " I-I'm p-pretty sure the school just mixed up my name with someone else, but I g-guess we'll be in this together for now. I-it's really too late too change it right now, I'll probably go to the office to talk about the matter later."
Nona said:



School grounds




Introducing herself


Accept C4's offer

Interacting with:



@Wicked Jester

~Yuna Yelil~

Yuna giggled along with him as he joked. Tilting her head slightly as he offered to take her for lunch, she thought it over before smiling "Well, normally I'd say that its fine really, but I am quite hungry and I was heading off for food anyways, so I'll accept your offer" she said with a gentle nod of her head. "And...C4? That is what you said right? I'm not just hearing Seymour wrong or something?" She laughed a little "Seriously though, is that your actual name? That's pretty interesting...Oh, and my name is Yuna" she said afterwards.

((this is C4's appearance btw:


C4 smiled and laughed, "Well C4 isn't my actual name, but that's been long buried under red tape so ya. As to why I'm called C4... well it's easier to just show you." Reaching into his back pocket and pulling out a quarter, C4 flicked the quarter away with a ping out into the air above the street where it exploded with the force of a small bomb. "No real way to show that off without seeming threatening so I just get it over quick. Anyway, was there a specific place you had in mind? I don't know many places around here and today's my one day off so I don't have much time to look around, so if you had a place in mind that would be great."



((Sorry for the late reply, just came out of a dance class))

Nico grabbed her heart shaped kite and it was already pre-ensemble, thanks to the dollar store! She gave Moonstone the spool part with the string. She held onto the actually kite.

"Okay, stay right there, and unravel the string slowly, and I'll keep backing up so there's space ok?"

She explained to them the initial steps.

"Good thing, there's a nice breeze out,"

Nico said, smiling back to them.
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HimeragiSeiker said:
Ken looked ahead of the line using one his powers, chuckling lightly. "This is one of the good slides. We have to go down with a tube thing." He said with a laugh.
((Please do not reply to this post, I will be unable to answer until Friday at 1 PM PST. However, if you want to wait, go ahead))

Here's the post

Roy and Wylie who have been studying for some time now, decide to go learn several tasks. Roy goes to practice his dark magic aiming at the archery practice area, and to spar against a dummy at the combat practice area; while Wylie heads to the gym to run laps to try to increase their accuracy/speed.

Wyle Nightgale:

Mood: Energetic

Location: School gym

Objective: Run laps and drink a smoothie

(No signs of Tags, or Interactions)

Roy Drake

Mood: Focused and Happy

Location: Archery training field/Combat training field

Objective: Practice aim/Practice dark magic against dummies

(No signs of tags or interactions){/slide}

They will stay there until irl friday or until night falls. When night falls, they head into their dorms. Wylie readies to go to bed, while Roy roams the school grounds.

Jittery to the school so he would be safe, Salvador looks out the windows, to see the school in the distance. The jitteriness becomes excitement. Here, he could learn alchemy. Once he arrives, he gives a quick and incorrect farewell to his parents for the time being.

He trudges to the front office to receive his room card, thanking the office person. When he arrives at his dorm (which coincidentally is right across from Roy and Wylie's), he plops down his luggage and sets up the room. The bed goes in the corner, alchemy stand next to the closet, as far away from the bed as possible, table goes between, couch goes in center, TV and coffee table in front.

When he is done, he observes the room with satisfaction.

Salvador York

Mood: Satisfied

Location: His dorm

Objective: Fix the room

Tags/Interactions: None
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[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]Ribbon turned and glare at him with a pout, "My names not Blondie! What kind of a nick name is Blondie?!?!?"

"Wait! It was because of your hair!" Perfect exclaimed. "I take it back though! I'll nickname you something else!" He said, waving his hands in a panic.
Nona said:





Happy, amused


Talking with Asako



Interacting with:




~Kenai Yelil~

Kenai looked back at her and nodded "Yeah, why else would I be here? After all, you know I'm not a people person and avoided them for my own reasons yet now I hang around with you" he said truthfully, a small chuckle escaping his lips as her face reddened "You make me happy. I'm glad that as gloomy looking as I can be I manage to make you happy too" he said smiling at her




...........................................................................~The Scarred Light Spirit~

Asako stared at him a bit before smiling and jumping onto him, hugging him tightly, "I'm not letting go untilmy arm's go numb" she said.

More Info






Hugging Kenai


Never let go

Interacting with: Kenai Yelil


Roman said:
"Wait! It was because of your hair!" Perfect exclaimed. "I take it back though! I'll nickname you something else!" He said, waving his hands in a panic.
Ribbon glared at him for a brief moment and licked her ice cream while still glaring at him. "So what are we going to do now?"

[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]Ribbon glared at him for a brief moment and licked her ice cream while still glaring at him. "So what are we going to do now?"

"Now that we have our statues and stuff.. Our decorations... We should take our break from killing I guess? Call up CROSS.... Do they have any jobs?" Perfect asked.
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Ballerina said:
((Sorry about being kind of inactive))
"Now that I think of it, I might have of spotted the office on my way to school this morning... follow me! The way there is super twisty and turny, but at least we have some sort of clue on how to get there!" She giggled, grabbing Avatia's hand and pulling her forward towards the supposed direction of the office. Truth was, she barely had more of a clue than Avatia did, but it was a good excuse to get even more lost, or at least have some time to chat.


Avatia let Candace pull her, and even made herself lighter to not stress out Candace physically. She even floated a bit as she ran, but made sure to not have herself float away completely. "There needs to be better directions in this school for certain." Avatia commented. She wondered about what time it was, and how late they were for their class, or classes. "We better hurry, or else we'll get to our class right when it ends." she joked.

no slide
Extra Information

Location: Fantasy High School

Mood: Happy

Status: Talking to Candace

Interacting With: Candace

Character Sheet:

Rubie stared around the school, her dark red hoodie zipped up. Her unnaturally red eyes roamed around, flicking over each student's face. She nervously scratched at her left arm, and parted her black and white hair behind an ear. The elf flinched as she heard a few footsteps behind her, and turned around, gazing up at the imposing figure of her big brother.

"Rub," Jek sighed, running a hang through his ruffled black hair. He winked at a couple of girls as they passed by, and then turned his attention back to Rubie. "You need to socialize, not haunt the halls like a freakin' ghost."


"I bet lots of girls want to hang out with you, and more then a couple of guys think you're cute-"


"So, stop being such a-"

"JEK!!" Rubie yelled, gripping her backpack. "Look, I appreciate you trying to help, but I have my reasons for not being so sociable." She huffed with a scowl. "So, please, just leave me be, all right?"

"But Rubie..."

"Jek! I'm FINE!" Rubie stormed off, her bright red nails digging into the strap of her backpack.
charleen said:
((Sorry for the late reply, just came out of a dance class))
Nico grabbed her heart shaped kite and it was already pre-ensemble, thanks to the dollar store! She gave Moonstone the spool part with the string. She held onto the actually kite.

"Okay, stay right there, and unravel the string slowly, and I'll keep backing up so there's space ok?"

She explained to them the initial steps.

"Good thing, there's a nice breeze out,"

Nico said, smiling back to them.


Moonstone did exactly as they were told and slowly unraveled the string. "How long should I be doing this?" they asked. They took note on what was going on, and how the kite was supposed to be uses. They even took note on the breeze and how Nico seemed to approve of it for the occasion. Moonstone figured that if they decided to go kiting again, they would try to change the weather to reflect this breeze.

no slide
no slide
Extra Information

Location: A small park in France

Mood: Happy, Observing

Status: Taking note on what's happening around them while talking to Nico

Interacting With: Nico

Character Sheet: Moonstone


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