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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Lumina said:
...☆Kaori felt Masahi relax a bit, am smiled up at him as his lips touched her cheek. These small gestures meant the most, really, and she was happy they were coming from him, so to her it meant that if he was doing them, then the awkwardness definitely would be gone, at least mostly. So when he hid half his face in the pillow, Kaori couldn't help but chuckle, poking his forehead with a finger as she responded☆...

"And I am so glad for that. I very much appreciate you, you know. You make me feel... like I'm not alone anymore."
...♝Masahi simply looked at Kaori as she spoke, turning his head so he could gaze at her with both his eyes. Her words made him feel the same way about her, and truly, he was a bit mad at himself for not learning she was alive sooner, the thought itself causing him to furrow his eyebrows a little before wrapping his free arm around Kaori and holding her a bit closer. If he had done research sooner or even just asked around then maybe the two of them wouldn't have spent so much time feeling or even being alone, and for that he blamed himself. Though for now Masahi simply looked at Kaori, not blankly or playfully, just with a look of content happiness, almost as if saying she was all he needed while he brought his forehead to hers♝...

"If only i had searched sooner, then you wouldn't have had to spent so long feeling alone.... but at least we have each other now."
Roman said:
Taylor blinked, and slowly raised his sandwich to his mouth. "Lucelia and Lucia... Do you both think alike? Because sharing a body with someone with the opposite mindset can be hard I bet." He said, before taking a bite of his sandwich. "At least in my opinion."
''lets just say, im the real deal...Lucelia and Lucia are only fragments...or just halves in this case..''
Roman said:
Talia smiled, and nodded in a enthusiastic manner. "I knew I could count on you…" she said, laughing lightly. She then looked down a little, "If I ever decide that I'd do it, I'll make sure to tell you. Especially since you agreed to help me." Talia said, looking over at Elora. "So thanks." She finished before the elevator stopped once again, and made it's ding noise. Once the doors opened, Talia waited for Elora to step out before she did anything. Looking at her surroundings, it was obvious Talia was amazed at how large the room was. She didn't hear anything Elora said, besides the fact she'd need training. This caused her to listen with some sort of intensity, "Training? I-Is this dangerous?" She asked, her tone showing signs of caution.
Elora Capistrano

Elora shook her head, "It's not dangerous, trust me. It's just better if you have a little understanding of what you're going to do then to just go into skydiving blindly and have no idea what you're doing." She explained. Honestly, the only way she could get hurt, was if she flew herself into on of the walls or went up high. There wasn't any potential of getting injured by the fans, seeing as how the were covered. "I suppose if you've done skydiving or something of the like, you wouldn't have to take a small prep course. It's only a couple minutes, not to long. I don't know if you have or haven't, I'm just assuming things."

HimeragiSeiker said:
''lets just say, im the real deal...Lucelia and Lucia are only fragments...or just halves in this case..''
Taylor rubbed his chin, "I see... What made you two become... Well two in the first place?" He asked. "Wouldn't it make sense just to be one person the whole time?"
Roman said:
Alejandro chuckled, "Death isn't as bad as you think. My dad is best friends with her husband... And her!" He said, nodding his head. "They're actually pretty nice people. And uh... Death is pretty.. For someone named Death." Alejandro said as he made Hyouinmaru glow brighter so Klef could see better.
"Oh, it's just the possibility of others being here besides us that seems weird to me. Your probably right, you would know more about Death than I do." Klef said, as the two approached another room, they put the pen in the hoodie pocket and closed their spellbook. This room was different from what they expected, it was large with long columns and had figures carved into it's wall. It appeared to be a chapel judging by the stone pews, several caskets lined against one of the walls and a large altar. " Unless this is some sort of underground church, I think your right about this place having dead people here..."
Roman said:
Taylor rubbed his chin, "I see... What made you two become... Well two in the first place?" He asked. "Wouldn't it make sense just to be one person the whole time?"
''its...some forbidden magic we did..''
...⚒Roland slept peacefully through the night, waking once to go to the bathroom, but besides that rather at ease for the first night back at his family's manor. During that small part of the night his mind had stormed up some ideas for the chance that him and Dakota were found, ideas that wouldn't be pleasant for the person whom found them. But that was for another later time of day, for now Roland was rather content to just lay in bed, cuddled up to and holding Dakota as the first rays of sunlight made their way into the room through the small crevice between the curtains on the window, causing him to slightly stir awake⚒...

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[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...⚒Roland slept peacefully through the night, waking once to go to the bathroom, but besides that rather at ease for the first night back at his family's manor. During that small part of the night his mind had stormed up some ideas for the chance that him and Dakota were found, ideas that wouldn't be pleasant for the person whom found them. But that was for another later time of day, for now Roland was rather content to just lay in bed, cuddled up to and holding Dakota as the first rays of sunlight made their way into the room through the small crevice between the curtains on the window, causing him to slightly stir awake⚒...

Dakota had fallen asleep rather quickly, which was a surprise to her, she thought she'd have trouble dozing off, assuming that she wouldn't feel comfortable in the new surroundings, she actually found the place homely once she had gotten over the amount of people living there all at one time, sure, she wasn't sure if she'd exactly 'fit in' to the ways of this family but that actually didn't bother her, they were friendly and nice towards her so she felt welcomed, though that didn't stop her dreams being plagued with the reminders of what was happening outside of the safety of where they were now residing for now. As morning was peeking its way through the curtains Dakota didn't budge until she sensed Roland moving to wake up, causing her to lazily open her eyes about half ways in response, her mind still not really awake.
Nonalaka said:
Dakota had fallen asleep rather quickly, which was a surprise to her, she thought she'd have trouble dozing off, assuming that she wouldn't feel comfortable in the new surroundings, she actually found the place homely once she had gotten over the amount of people living there all at one time, sure, she wasn't sure if she'd exactly 'fit in' to the ways of this family but that actually didn't bother her, they were friendly and nice towards her so she felt welcomed, though that didn't stop her dreams being plagued with the reminders of what was happening outside of the safety of where they were now residing for now. As morning was peeking its way through the curtains Dakota didn't budge until she sensed Roland moving to wake up, causing her to lazily open her eyes about half ways in response, her mind still not really awake.
...⚒Roland use to have a habit of getting up a first light, one that he had thought he had lost for whatever reason during his six months of training with his father and Ares, but as it seemed it was just a matter of where he slept as that was what he was doing now, waking up at the crack of dawn in the bed he had done it last. Now slightly opening his eyes Roland saw that Dakota had done the same so he offered something akin to a smile before moving to nuzzle his nose to hers as he whispered softly⚒...

"Hey there sleepy head~"
...⚅ Origami smiled at Paris as he took his food. What was she gonna do today? Well yesterday they were attacked so she wasn't sure what she was gonna do, what day is it? Saturday? Usually she went grocery shopping and just relaxed at home, she hummed at the thought and made her plate and sat down and started eating ⚅...

"Thank you, and well I'm not sure yet, first I need to take a shower and hopefully I can go grocery shopping"
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving](Sure whatever you want)
Myuki groaned tiredly when she woke up in the mourning and slowly sat up with a yawn

...⊹Kikuri was still sleeping, some drool escaping the corner of her mouth⊹...
WeirdPrincess said:
Elora Capistrano
Elora shook her head, "It's not dangerous, trust me. It's just better if you have a little understanding of what you're going to do then to just go into skydiving blindly and have no idea what you're doing." She explained. Honestly, the only way she could get hurt, was if she flew herself into on of the walls or went up high. There wasn't any potential of getting injured by the fans, seeing as how the were covered. "I suppose if you've done skydiving or something of the like, you wouldn't have to take a small prep course. It's only a couple minutes, not to long. I don't know if you have or haven't, I'm just assuming things."

Elora's words made Talia feel somewhat safer, but not much since she knewknew herself that it was some dangers about the situation. "Okay... I see. I would suggest training to someone new at this too if that's the case." She said, before listening to what Elora had to say. Once she finished talking Talia smiled a little, "You guessed correctly. I never went skydiving or anything like it... So in a way I'm thankful."
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Myuki looked over at kikuri and smiled as she rubbed her stomach

...⊹Kikuri soon began to wake up as she was rubbing her head⊹...
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...⚒Roland use to have a habit of getting up a first light, one that he had thought he had lost for whatever reason during his six months of training with his father and Ares, but as it seemed it was just a matter of where he slept as that was what he was doing now, waking up at the crack of dawn in the bed he had done it last. Now slightly opening his eyes Roland saw that Dakota had done the same so he offered something akin to a smile before moving to nuzzle his nose to hers as he whispered softly⚒...

"Hey there sleepy head~"

Dakota smiled softly as she nuzzled him back, it was pretty early for her, but awakening she had gotten was certainly a nice one so she wasn't grouchy, just sleepy. As she looked at him her eyes were still hazed over obviously not the same early bird as Roland, yawning a little one of her hands moved up as she began to gently rub her eyes in an attempt to wake herself up a little "Good morning~" she said sleepily as she smiled at him before nuzzling into him.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Myuki smiled down at her. "Good mourning my love." She said softly to her

''good morning baby''

...⊹She said as she sat up and rubbed her eye⊹...
Nonalaka said:
Dakota smiled softly as she nuzzled him back, it was pretty early for her, but awakening she had gotten was certainly a nice one so she wasn't grouchy, just sleepy. As she looked at him her eyes were still hazed over obviously not the same early bird as Roland, yawning a little one of her hands moved up as she began to gently rub her eyes in an attempt to wake herself up a little "Good morning~" she said sleepily as she smiled at him before nuzzling into him.
...⚒Roland simply smiled at her, amused at the fact that if he had slept anywhere but here he would probably be the same as Dakota right now, though he was pretty tired, Roland figured once he got up he'd be fully awake. For now though he just stayed close to Dakota out of loving being close to her, and the fact that he couldn't use his powers to keep himself and her warmer, so really right about now he was pressing against Dakota with his arms wrapped around her. Just noticing how cute she was to him just waking up made him smile more than he had been already before speaking once again in his quietly soft tone⚒...

"Sounds like you could use some more sleep~"
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