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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

(Here let me put it this way Dragons do not have the same cycle of death that Human's do as Human's die only able to be returned by Death itself or another form of it.....However Dragons are outside the Human cycle of death...They live and they die however they only die if killed as their age is not actually determined therefore they can only die by a being that is strong enough to take their soul and obliterate it otherwise they would just come back...Thana is not a being strong enough to do that)

@Daniel reaver
BlueHawk said:
Fletcher nods and looks at him innocently, before falling and landing onto his back. He raises his right leg toward Taylor. "Legs and arms take awhile to grow back, but they make the best things. So you can have a leg, and she has my arm!" He offers, shaking his leg. "Don't be shy!" He says friendly.
Taylor shook his head, "Nah, I can't possibly take your leg for my own needs. That's not really all that cool if you ask me. So you can keep it."

shortyshot8 said:
(Here let me put it this way Dragons do not have the same cycle of death that Human's do as Human's die only able to be returned by Death itself or another form of it.....However Dragons are outside the Human cycle of death...They live and they die however they only die if killed as their age is not actually determined therefore they can only die by a being that is strong enough to take their soul and obliterate it otherwise they would just come back...Thana is not a being strong enough to do that)
@Daniel reaver
(bro...... she handles more than just HUMANS shes death..... so intern everything that dies is in her jurisdiction.)
Roman said:
"What? I won't fight you seriously... If I do I'd probably kill you." Roman said smiling.
Al shrunk down to a Human size and glared at Roman the presence of the monster he was a moment ago still there


Roman said:
Taylor shook his head, "Nah, I can't possibly take your leg for my own needs. That's not really all that cool if you ask me. So you can keep it."
Fletcher rolls his eyes, laughing slightly. "Oh come in, it'll grow back in a few hours. Besides, you're engaged, that's a big deal. So take my leg!" He insist, pushing his leg a little closer to Taylor.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver](bro...... she handles more than just HUMANS)

(Death is entrusted with handling the souls of the dead and placing them in....Wherever the hell she puts the....However a Dragon does not die the same way as when it dies it's soul is obliterated and only by a being strong enough to do so such as the Sanctum's or Sanctum level beings)
Lumina said:
Violetta put a finger to her chin in thought.
"Hm... Italian sounds great, actually. I'm getting pretty hungry too. The adrenaline worked up an appetite."
Takeshi patted his stomach. "It did... Italian sounds fine to me." He said with a nod. "I'll take us." Takeshi then held his hand out to Violetta and smiled, "Ready when you are."
Roman said:
Taylor shook his head, "Nah, I can't possibly take your leg for my own needs. That's not really all that cool if you ask me. So you can keep it."
Celia was still holding the arm before a sly grin appeared and she hit Taylor with it. "Hehe... I made Fletcher hit you even though this arm isn't apart of his body anymore." She giggled before asking, "Can I make this into balloons?! Or a stuffed animal or or a tiny chibi stuffed version of me? So many ideas..." @BlueHawk
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]((( If we're going by mythological Thanatos, she's the right hand of death, however we aren't, so Thana is death ;) . I'd say in this case, the Dragon God of Death is The Death of the Dragon Gods. For instance, we have Death, who deals with Human Souls, then you have the Dragon God of Death, which deals with Dragon/Dragon Gods' Souls, then you have the God of Death, which deals with Gods' Souls, then you have the Sanctum of Death, which deals with Sanctums' Souls. So basically, there's a different Death for each of the different species. Meaning Thana and all the other Deaths are equal -other than the Sanctum of Death. )))

(See this....This actually makes sense....Thank you for making this more clear to the others Akira xD )
shortyshot8 said:
(See this....This actually makes sense....Thank you for making this more clear to the others Akira xD )
((( I'm not gonna lie, I came up with this on the spot xDD But yeah, all Deaths can kill each other, they just can't reap their souls, meaning they will eventually come back. )))
shortyshot8 said:
(See this....This actually makes sense....Thank you for making this more clear to the others Akira xD )
(that moment when one argument makes it so the way youve been playing a character cant be played as any more)
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]((( I'm not gonna lie, I came up with this on the spot xDD But yeah, all Deaths can kill each other, they just can't reap their souls, meaning they will eventually come back. )))

(Exactly....Also not gonna lie all the stuff with Dragons I came up with on the spot as well)
shortyshot8 said:
Al shrunk down to a Human size and glared at Roman the presence of the monster he was a moment ago still there
Roman flinched, "So scary... Hey... I won't use my full strength at all! Remember hand-to-hand combat!"
WeirdPrincess said:
Celia was still holding the arm before a sly grin appeared and she hit Taylor with it. "Hehe... I made Fletcher hit you even though this arm isn't apart of his body anymore." She giggled before asking, "Can I make this into balloons?! Or a stuffed animal or or a tiny chibi stuffed version of me? So many ideas..." @BlueHawk
Fletcher nods approvingly, a friendly smile on his face. "Anything you can think of! Make it a baseball, or a table, or a dress! Anything you can imagine!" He says enthusiastically.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver](that moment when one argument makes it so the way youve been playing a character cant be played as any more)

(Well it's not that Thana can't reap souls that is what she does but only souls that are of Humans as that is what Death does)
SoulofTobi said:
Roland chuckled "well, not exactly, it's just the fact that I've tried mastering as many crafts as i can, so once you have a few under you're belt you start drawing lines between them making it even easier." he said as he pulled his hands away.
"oh right" she then sat up once she noticed his hands move away "how many crafts have you mastered exactly

[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]daniel just laughed a little at her before he kissed her "whatever you say" he said to her

(if its the dragon god of death then that must mean it answers to a higher form of death being...... you know)

She pouted lightly as she hugged him.
(( And I'm just here like 'I have no idea what's going on so I'll just smile and watch'

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.3b728fe02e6955dec01dcde8f4c5c09c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69471" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.3b728fe02e6955dec01dcde8f4c5c09c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> ))



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shortyshot8 said:
(Well it's not that Thana can't reap souls that is what she does but only souls that are of Humans as that is what Death does)
(exactly what i mean.... that one argument that turns your character that youve played a certain way from the start into some thing else)
Nonalaka said:
"oh right" she then sat up once she noticed his hands move away "how many crafts have you mastered exactly
She pouted lightly as she hugged him.
"dont you go pouting" he said playfully to her
BlueHawk said:
Fletcher rolls his eyes, laughing slightly. "Oh come in, it'll grow back in a few hours. Besides, you're engaged, that's a big deal. So take my leg!" He insist, pushing his leg a little closer to Taylor.
WeirdPrincess said:
Celia was still holding the arm before a sly grin appeared and she hit Taylor with it. "Hehe... I made Fletcher hit you even though this arm isn't apart of his body anymore." She giggled before asking, "Can I make this into balloons?! Or a stuffed animal or or a tiny chibi stuffed version of me? So many ideas..." @BlueHawk
Taylor rubbed his head, "Ouch...." he muttered. He then looked at Fletcher and shook his head again. "I'm not gonna take you're leg, I'll rather have you walk home than crawl."
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver](exactly what i mean.... that one argument that turns your character that youve played a certain way from the start into some thing else)

(I guess I'm sorry you didn't research enough?)
shortyshot8 said:
Al glared at him "You have sewn your own fate"
"I'll finish you..." Roman said with a shrug. "Maybe you forgot, Al, but I'm smarter than you. It's not all about strength ya know."

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