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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]((( I mean, remember Thana was going to kill Marcus because he killed her sister or something, and Akira stopped her and fought with her then left. We haven't had Thana and Akira interact with each other since then xD )))

(now i want to send her xD )
BlueHawk said:
Fletcher smiles and nods at Taylor, and with one last pull from Celia the arm rips off with a small pop! Fletcher smiles wide and nods, looking at the clean stump. "Ladies and gentlemen we have a winner." He says happily, watching as the stump slowly begins to grow, breathing a sigh of relief. He looked at Celia holding his arm, laughing slightly. "That there is just about anything you want it to be... Except a living thing... Actually I've never tried that. That'll be a project for another day, anyway, just envision that arm as anything, and so it shall be." He explains, this being a time where he loved his powers.
Celia looked at the arm in her hands as she stood upright, "Anything?! That's so cool! Does the rest of your body do that?" She asked curiously. "Can that happen with your head?!"
Nonalaka said:
Dakota blinked "really?, who knew crafting teaches you how to massage aswell" she said before giggling
Roland chuckled "well, not exactly, it's just the fact that I've tried mastering as many crafts as i can, so once you have a few under you're belt you start drawing lines between them making it even easier." he said as he pulled his hands away.
shortyshot8 said:
Al roared before biting at Roman
(There are multiple Dragon God's for example this one (Also known as Deathwing) Is the Dragon god of Death)
Roman vanished, showing it was obviously a clone.

Roman appeared again and waved it this time.

"You're stupid." He said happily.


WeirdPrincess said:
Celia looked at the arm in her hands as she stood upright, "Anything?! That's so cool! Does the rest of your body do that?" She asked curiously. "Can that happen with your head?!"
Fletcher shakes his head and laughs at her enthusiasm, holding his head. "No, the head is the one thing that doesn't grow back. It would still change into something cool, but it would kill me. So I'm saving it for an extra special occasion." He says jokingly, looking back at the arm.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]daniel just laughed a little at her before he kissed her "whatever you say" he said to her

(if its the dragon god of death then that must mean it answers to a higher form of death being...... you know)

(No it is one of the Dragon Aspects therefore only answers to one form of being...A Sanctum)
Roman said:
"I thought." Takeshi repeated repeated. "It just seemed like we were. Anyways, what kind of food should we get this time?"
Violetta put a finger to her chin in thought.

"Hm... Italian sounds great, actually. I'm getting pretty hungry too. The adrenaline worked up an appetite."
WeirdPrincess said:
"Sir yes sir!" Asuka saluted him and laughed as they walked. "I wonder what kind of flavors there are..." She pondered over the thought and tapped her chin with her index finger. "Like blueberry or raspberry... or both!"
...♅Akira laughed lightly and replied♅...

“ There will probably be all flavours, as cakes have to tend to any and all of the customer's needs~ Also, we'll be looking at wedding cakes, which'll be the biggest, tastiest cakes available~ ”
Roman said:
Roman vanished, showing it was obviously a clone.
Roman appeared again and waved it this time.

"You're stupid." He said happily.


Al growled getting angry "Fine....We shall fight fist to fist" He growled as he began to shrink
WeirdPrincess said:
Celia looked at the arm in her hands as she stood upright, "Anything?! That's so cool! Does the rest of your body do that?" She asked curiously. "Can that happen with your head?!"
Taylor was just staring in awe. "What the-?" He asked. "Anything I want? Maybe I should take a arm too.." he said jokingly.

[QUOTE="Daniel reaver](but its also an aspect of death..... thana is death.....)

(Yes....But the Dragon God of Death handles the souls of DRAGONS not HUMANS)
Nonalaka said:
"Stop being a grump!" Yuna called from her room.
Wanderer sighed and sat down "I'll try!"


[QUOTE="Daniel reaver](but thana DOESNT handle just humans she handles everything that can die)

(That is not the job of Death)
Roman said:
Taylor was just staring in awe. "What the-?" He asked. "Anything I want? Maybe I should take a arm too.." he said jokingly.
Fletcher nods and looks at him innocently, before falling and landing onto his back. He raises his right leg toward Taylor. "Legs and arms take awhile to grow back, but they make the best things. So you can have a leg, and she has my arm!" He offers, shaking his leg. "Don't be shy!" He says friendly.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver](but its also an aspect of death..... thana is death.....)

((( If we're going by mythological Thanatos, she's the right hand of death, however we aren't, so Thana is death ;) . I'd say in this case, the Dragon God of Death is The Death of the Dragon Gods. For instance, we have Death, who deals with Human Souls, then you have the Dragon God of Death, which deals with Dragon/Dragon Gods' Souls, then you have the God of Death, which deals with Gods' Souls, then you have the Sanctum of Death, which deals with Sanctums' Souls. So basically, there's a different Death for each of the different species. Meaning Thana and all the other Deaths are equal -other than the Sanctum of Death. )))
shortyshot8 said:
Al growled getting angry "Fine....We shall fight fist to fist" He growled as he began to shrink
"What? I won't fight you seriously... If I do I'd probably kill you." Roman said smiling.
shortyshot8 said:
(Yes....But the Dragon God of Death handles the souls of DRAGONS not HUMANS)
((But Thana is Death it self, that means all aspeats of death are controlled by her, and no where on here character sheet does it say she's limited to humans or mortals, or even humaniods, right @Fukushima Akira @Daniel reaver ??))
shortyshot8 said:
Wanderer sighed and sat down "I'll try!"

(That is not the job of Death)
(one word DEATH most creatures DIE DEATH there fore she handles all of them)


SoulofTobi said:
((But Thana is Death it self, that means all aspeats of death are controlled by her, and no where on here character sheet does it say she's limited to humans or mortals, or even humaniods, right @Fukushima Akira @Daniel reaver ??))
(right... yeah.. wait let me see......... yes)

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