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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

[QUOTE="Jesters Court]
".... Ok then... One sandwich coming up..." Looking back to the kitchen, Fenris fully materialized his human figure before deciding that perhaps going with simple yet effective would be best. ((Serriously, irl this is a super delicious way to fix a BLT style sandwich)) Pulling a pan off the wall, he set it on top of the stove before pulling out a package of bacon he had seen in the freezer. Going back to the pantry Fenris dug around until he found a bottle of maple syrup. Coating the bottom of the pan in an extremely thin layer of syrup ((like no more than 2mm)) Fenris lit the stove and placed a few strips of bacon inside. Turning back to the fridge, Fenris pulled out a head of lettuce, and took off some leaves. Rinsing them off in the sink he laid them on a plate to dry. As he heard the fat from the bacon begin to sizzle, Fenris quickly chopped up an onion and slid the slices off a cutting board into the pan. ((Gives them both more flavor. Just be sure not to put the onion in to early, or you'll burn them.)) Turning over the bacon, Fenris sliced up a tomato and put lightly seasoned the slices with salt and pepper. As the bacon began to grow crispy, Fenris removed the slices and placed them with the lettuce. Then he laid the tomato slices in the pan for a few seconds on each side ((its hard to keep the tomatoes juicy so it really is just a few seconds...)) Next, Fenris pulled out two slice of bread an lightly buttered them before placing them buttery side down in the pan to toast them. After the bread had acquired a light golden brown, he pulled out the bread slices and placed the lettuce on them, followed by the bacon, then the tomatoes, then the onions, and lastly he pulled from the fridge a block of Swiss cheese, and cutting a layer from that, he placed it on top of the onions to allow it to melt, while he lightly spread a layer of mustard onto the other piece of bread before proudly presenting the sandwich to roman.
((Oh god, I made myself hungry just by writing this.))

Roman nodded before taking the sandwich and biting into it. He chewed the food before swallowing the piece of sandwich in his mouth. Roman then looked at Fenris. "Chef.... You would make a great chef..."
Demon said:
((sorry I keep missing your posts! @LOLMAN101 this rp goes so fast- could you tag me or something?))
Olivier laughed again, enjoying the girl's jokes and being glad for the distraction from the pain in his forehead. The other boy asked if he could stick with them.

"Yeah, me neither. I'm also pretty new too."

So far the people he had encountered were rather nice and courteous. 'I wonder what sort of beings they are,' he wondered.
LOLMAN101 said:
"Okay great!" Cole said joyfully. I'm surprised they haven't mentioned my eyes yet usually the first thing people who meet me talk about.

((He has a black sclera (the white part of eye) and irises look like this xD ))

Ilaani stretched a bit before hopping to her feet swiftly "Well, Im not that new...so I guess I am your tour guide for today" she said to both of them as she jokingly bowed "My name is Ilaani, nice to meet you both" she said offering handshakes to both of them.
Demon said:
((sorry I keep missing your posts! @LOLMAN101 this rp goes so fast- could you tag me or something?))
Olivier laughed again, enjoying the girl's jokes and being glad for the distraction from the pain in his forehead. The other boy asked if he could stick with them.

"Yeah, me neither. I'm also pretty new too."

So far the people he had encountered were rather nice and courteous. 'I wonder what sort of beings they are,' he wondered.
((Okay! Will from now on)) @Demon
Nonalaka said:
Ilaani stretched a bit before hopping to her feet swiftly "Well, Im not that new...so I guess I am your tour guide for today" she said to both of them as she jokingly bowed "My name is Ilaani, nice to meet you both" she said offering handshakes to both of them.
"You're full of jokes aren't you?" Cole said smiling as he shook her hand. "Oh my name's Cole." @Demon
Roman said:
Roman nodded before taking the sandwich and biting into it. He chewed the food before swallowing the piece of sandwich in his mouth. Roman then looked at Fenris. "Chef.... You would make a great chef..."
Fenris grinned before saying "Well I have had over 19 hundred years of experience. About all I've been doing during that time is sleeping, cooking, and eating, so I've picked up a thing or two."
[QUOTE="Jesters Court]Fenris grinned before saying "Well I have had over 19 hundred years of experience. About all I've been doing during that time is sleeping, cooking, and eating, so I've picked up a thing or two."

"You should open a restaurant one day. Your sandwich was amazing." Roman said.
Roman said:
"You should open a restaurant one day. Your sandwich was amazing." Roman said.
Fenris smiled sadly before saying, "I did, but it burned down in 1666. Been to lazy to open a new one since then."
Demon said:
Following the girls lead, Olivier stood up too. She offered to be their tour guide, bowed, and then finally introduced herself. Olivier accepted her outstretched hand, giving it a nice shake.
"It's nice to meet you too, Ilaani. I'm Olivier."

Olivier gave a friendly smile to the other student as Ilaani gave him a handshake next. Standing up had shortened the distance between him, and his line of sight was quickly drawn to the other's eyes. They were dark- black with a moving purple pattern. Oliver's mouth twitched down for a second before he caught himself. Completely unused to seeing anything like it, it was rather unnerving. 'What sort of being...?'

But not wanting to be rude, he simply held his hand out to Cole after Ilaani.

"Olivier, but you already know that now," he joked.
"And you know mine." Cole said shaking his hand as well. Turning towards Ilaani he said with a grin "So tour guide where will you be taking us?"
LOLMAN101 said:
"You're full of jokes aren't you?" Cole said smiling as he shook her hand. "Oh my name's Cole." @Demon
Demon said:
Following the girls lead, Olivier stood up too. She offered to be their tour guide, bowed, and then finally introduced herself. Olivier accepted her outstretched hand, giving it a nice shake.
"It's nice to meet you too, Ilaani. I'm Olivier."

Olivier gave a friendly smile to the other student as Ilaani gave him a handshake next. Standing up had shortened the distance between him, and his line of sight was quickly drawn to the other's eyes. They were dark- black with a moving purple pattern. Oliver's mouth twitched down for a second before he caught himself. Completely unused to seeing anything like it, it was rather unnerving. 'What sort of being...?'

But not wanting to be rude, he simply held his hand out to Cole after Ilaani.

"Olivier, but you already know that now," he joked.
Ilaani smiled at Olivier as she shook his hand. Before turning herself to face Cole laughing lightly "I suppose so" she saod before shaking his hand staring at his eyes briefly as she blinked a few times before averting her gaze, not wanting to draw attention to it incase he got offended.
((That would be good xD @LOLMAN101 @Demon ))

Ilaani placed her hands on her hips, pursing her lips in thought "Well, If you haven't gotten a tour of the school yet then I shall walk you around the grounds if you'd like" she said with a chuckle.


Demon said:
(( sure! ))
((Okay I messed the order ;-; *hides under table* oops))
Nonalaka said:
((That would be good xD @LOLMAN101 @Demon ))
Ilaani placed her hands on her hips, pursing her lips in thought "Well, If you haven't gotten a tour of the school yet then I shall walk you around the grounds if you'd like" she said with a chuckle.


((Okay I messed the order ;-; *hides under table* oops))
((It's okay just @Demon now then me then u again))
She didn't ask to be shoved into this place. Then again, the place was just filled to the brim with strange creatures and people, each boasting some sort of 'power' or crap like that. Even if it smelled like vapid, hormonal teenagers, it also smelled of power, of strength. Strength that she craved, and sought to prove herself against. She paced around the school courtyard, her eyes scanning the crowd for a suitable target. Her eyes landed on a young man with a mop of purple hair (@LOLMAN101) Even from a distance, she could see that he emanated some sort of power, some sort of strength from within him. She punched her fists together, and started off at a sprint. As she neared the young man, she reared back one fist, and punched towards his face. She was looking forwards to everything he could throw at her.
@Demon[/URL] who just posted))

Cole didn't understand why Oliver stopped mid sentence but after the warning Cole understood. However, he didn't bother turning around instead a portal opened underneath Cole's feet and Cole fell through only for another portal to appear against the wall of the school with Cole running out of it already ready having sparks of hellfire at his fingertips.
@Demon[/URL] who just posted))
Cole didn't understand why Oliver stopped mid sentence but after the warning Cole understood. However, he didn't bother turning around instead a portal opened underneath Cole's feet and Cole fell through only for another portal to appear against the wall of the school with Cole running out of it already ready having sparks of hellfire at his fingertips.
Ilaani had turned her head and was about to start showing the new students around Olivier's warning alerted her that someone obviously had other plans, her head quickly whipped around to see a figure rushing toward Cole and him then disapearring through a portal, she looked around to see him appear elsewhere "Jeez what is all this about??" She said in a confused manner.
LOLMAN101 said:
Cole didn't understand why Oliver stopped mid sentence but after the warning Cole understood. However, he didn't bother turning around instead a portal opened underneath Cole's feet and Cole fell through only for another portal to appear against the wall of the school with Cole running out of it already ready having sparks of hellfire at his fingertips.
Her target vanished from her grasp, diving into a portal at his feet. Her punch met only air, sending her stumbling for a moment, before she recovered, a grin illuminating her face. Now that was more like it, an opponent that was hard to get. And what's this? Fire at his hands? How interesting. She was right.

"Hahaha! Come on! I've never had this much fun! Face me!" She cracked her knuckles, and stomped one foot on the ground behind her, ready to meet whatever this being was going to throw at her.
((@LOLMAN101 @Count Alto @Nonalaka I Decided I might put in a singular post to spice things up a bit))

Everest grinned as he watched the group in the court yard below. He had already decided he was going to stay out of the fighting, but that didn't mean he couldn't have some fun. Yelling out below he said "Oi! Idiots! If any of you so much as touch a hair on the beautiful Ilaani's head I'll kick your ass!" And with that he picked up his guitar and amplified the sound as well as filling in the missing instruments, he played:


LOLMAN101 said:
((Just wanted to let u guys know if I stop posting suddenly I've fallen asleep as I'm in my bed typing on my phone and it's 2am lol btw it's @demons turn ))
((Its 3am here, so if anyone gets to pass out its me.))
LOLMAN101 said:
((Just wanted to let u guys know if I stop posting suddenly I've fallen asleep as I'm in my bed typing on my phone and it's 2am lol btw it's @Demon turn))
[QUOTE="Jesters Court]((Its 3am here, so if anyone gets to pass out its me.))

((Okay well its 10:06am here and I am fully rested xD ))
[QUOTE="Jesters Court]((Its 3am here, so if anyone gets to pass out its me.))

((Mmmm I don't think so I stayed up all night yesterday))

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