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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
''haha! daddy why are you upside down desu?''
*She said as she smiled while also trying to angle her body to where she could almost get her head upside down while still standing*



[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
''haha! daddy why are you upside down desu?''
*She said as she smiled while also trying to angle her body to where she could almost get her head upside down while still standing*



"I wouldn't drop anyone, especially someone so beautiful." Ken said, with a smile.

[QUOTE="Jesters Court]Fenris thought for a moment before saying "... Would you believe I'm a magical smoke fairy come to bring you good luck and fortune at the price of a sandwich?"

"Yeah.... No.... If you make a good sandwich, then we can talk..." Roman said, laughing.
Nonalaka said:
Ilaani let out a gasp as her eyes shot open, she quickly sat up to find someone face first on the ground. "J-Jeez you scared the heck outta me" she said as she as her red irises scanned this male who had fallen "Hey, you're alive right...you didn't hit your head or anything..." she said as she leaned over and poked him.

Amara giggled at them both "Arako said she wants to go play somewhere, You'll be joining us right?" She asked as she sat on the floor so their faces were at the same-ish level.
''sure, we can go to a playground or a park...or somethin like tha- whuuoaaa!!''

*He said before falling over to the side and landing on his side*

*Arako only laughed*

*Natsuru blushed a bit then started laughing as well*


Roman said:
"I wouldn't drop anyone, especially someone so beautiful." Ken said, with a smile.
"Yeah.... No.... If you make a good sandwich, then we can talk..." Roman said, laughing.
*Airi's blush grew darker as she looked at him in the eyes wide eyed*
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
''sure, we can go to a playground or a park...or somethin like tha- whuuoaaa!!''
*He said before falling over to the side and landing on his side*

*Arako only laughed*

*Natsuru blushed a bit then started laughing as well*


*Airi's blush grew darker as she looked at him in the eyes wide eyed*

Ken slowly came to a stop on a nearby building. "Is something wrong?" He asked, maintaining his smile.
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
''sure, we can go to a playground or a park...or somethin like tha- whuuoaaa!!''
*He said before falling over to the side and landing on his side*

*Arako only laughed*

*Natsuru blushed a bit then started laughing as well*


*Airi's blush grew darker as she looked at him in the eyes wide eyed*

Amara burst out laughing when he fell "Alright, let's go to the park then~" she chimed happily.
Cole walked into the gates of the school writing in a leather notebook. He wrote a checklist of the kind of people he wanted to meet and become friends on one side and wrote who he wanted to avoid on the other. Cole was almost always organised as he knew that planning would get him farther ahead faster. I need a way to efficiently get people to tell or better yet show me their powers to see if they could benefit me. Cole thought as he looked through the list. Cole's gaze on the notebook switched quickly to the sound of two students colliding with each other. I guess a good place to start. Cole briskly walked towards the pair. "Wow that was quite a hit! Are you too okay?" he asked with a worried look on his face. @Nonalaka @Demon
Roman said:
Ken slowly came to a stop on a nearby building. "Is something wrong?" He asked, maintaining his smile.
*Airi quickly shook her head*



Nonalaka said:
Amara burst out laughing when he fell "Alright, let's go to the park then~" she chimed happily.

*He said as he slowly got up*
Roman said:
"I wouldn't drop anyone, especially someone so beautiful." Ken said, with a smile.
"Yeah.... No.... If you make a good sandwich, then we can talk..." Roman said, laughing.
Fenrir laughed nervously before saying, "Why do I get the feeling this is sandwhich or death..."
LOLMAN101 said:
Cole walked into the gates of the school writing in a leather notebook. He wrote a checklist of the kind of people he wanted to meet and become friends on one side and wrote who he wanted to avoid on the other. Cole was almost always organised as he knew that planning would get him farther ahead faster. I need a way to efficiently get people to tell or better yet show me their powers to see if they could benefit me. Cole thought as he looked through the list. Cole's gaze on the notebook switched quickly to the sound of two students colliding with each other. I guess a good place to start. Cole briskly walked towards the pair. "Wow that was quite a hit! Are you too okay?" he asked with a worried look on his face. @Nonalaka @Demon
Demon said:
Wincing in pain from the fall Olivier nodded as much as one could nod with their face in the ground. He pulled his hands out from the pocket and under his body and waved the prodding hand away while pushing himself up into a sitting position. Next with a grimace he proceeded to spit a few pieces of grass out of his mouth.
"I'll probably be fine, thanks..." he adjusted his hat as he spoke, "sorry I tripped over you- I wasn't looking."
Ilaani moved her hand as she shook her head and laughed "Its fine, Id be a liar if I said I've never bumped into a person more than a few times" she said before turning her attention to the second person approaching "We're fine, thanks doc" she said as she gave a thumbs up jokingly "Well maybe he might have a bruise or two" she said.
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
*Airi quickly shook her head*



*He said as he slowly got up*

Ken's smile became a smirk, as he slowly put a hand to his chin before speaking.

"Is it because I called you beautiful? It's true though, so no need to feel embarrassed or flustered."

Roman said:
Ken's smile became a smirk, as he slowly put a hand to his chin before speaking.
"Is it because I called you beautiful? It's true though, so no need to feel embarrassed or flustered."

*Airi blushed more before looking away and slowly nodding*
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
*Airi quickly shook her head*



*He said as he slowly got up*

Amara smiled as she stood up.
[QUOTE="Jesters Court]Fenrir laughed nervously before saying, "Why do I get the feeling this is sandwhich or death..."

Roman sighed, "I don't kill without reason. If you can't make a good sandwich, I'll kick you out of my home and if you do make a good sandwich, I'll still kick you out, minus the pain."
Nonalaka said:
Amara smiled as she stood up.
''we'll take my car''

*he said before he stopped after taking a step*

''wait shoot its only a two-seater..''

''i have a van''
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]*Airi blushed more before looking away and slowly nodding*

"Most people would say thank you or something... You're reacting rather different..." Ken said, with a slightly confused tone. "Also, you're blushing a lot..."
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
''we'll take my car''
*he said before he stopped after taking a step*

''wait shoot its only a two-seater..''

''i have a van''

Amara looked at them both "I guess we'll take the van then?" She said with a smile.
"This is probably a bit sudden but uh.. do you mind if I stick with you guys? It's my first day and I don't really know what I'm suppose to be doing." Cole asked while stuffing the notebook into his back pocket as he totally forgot he was still holding it.
Roman said:
"Most people would say thank you or something... You're reacting rather different..." Ken said, with a slightly confused tone. "Also, you're blushing a lot..."
''sh-shut up...''

'what..?! im having my first crush now? dammit me...'


Nonalaka said:
Amara looked at them both "I guess we'll take the van then?" She said with a smile.
''k, il drive''

*She said as she went to the front door and Natsuru followed*

and ima go sleep, oyasumi~)))
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
''sh-shut up...''
'what..?! im having my first crush now? dammit me...'


''k, il drive''

*She said as she went to the front door and Natsuru followed*

"I'm just curious is all. I've never seen someone blush this much before. You've been blushing ever since I picked you up..."
LOLMAN101 said:
"This is probably a bit sudden but uh.. do you mind if I stick with you guys? It's my first day and I don't really know what I'm suppose to be doing." Cole asked while stuffing the notebook into his back pocket as he totally forgot he was still holding it.
Demon said:
Olivier chuckled. "Does this happen often?"
Someone else approached them- a taller boy with purple hair- and inquired about their health again. The girl gave a thumbs up, and joked, "Well maybe he might have a bruise or two."

Olivier shrugged. His face was definitely sore, but it wasn't bad enough that an actual doctor would be needed. "It'll be alright. Nothin' serious."
"What, where people fall head over heels in my presence? Oh all the time~" she said laughing lightly "Just kidding, I don't think that way, but I guess It does.. I have a habit of...getting in the way, for lack of a better word, perhaps I don't have much of a presence" she said chuckling a bit.

She turned her head back to the other male listening to his question before nodding her head "Sure, I dont mind" she said, smiling politely.


[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
''sh-shut up...''
'what..?! im having my first crush now? dammit me...'


''k, il drive''

*She said as she went to the front door and Natsuru followed*

and ima go sleep, oyasumi~)))

Amara took Arako's hand as she walked to the front door as well.
Roman said:
"I'm just curious is all. I've never seen someone blush this much before. You've been blushing ever since I picked you up..."
''i-i know..''


Nonalaka said:
"What, where people fall head over heels in my presence? Oh all the time~" she said laughing lightly "Just kidding, I don't think that way, but I guess It does.. I have a habit of...getting in the way, for lack of a better word, perhaps I don't have much of a presence" she said chuckling a bit.
She turned her head back to the other male listening to his question before nodding her head "Sure, I dont mind" she said, smiling politely.


Amara took Arako's hand as she walked to the front door as well.
*Natsuru had opened the door for them*
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
''i-i know..''

*Natsuru had opened the door for them*

Amara smiled as she made her way outside to the van.
"Okay great!" Cole said joyfully. I'm surprised they haven't mentioned my eyes yet usually the first thing people who meet me talk about.

((He has a black sclera (the white part of eye) and irises look like this xD ))

Roman said:
Roman sighed, "I don't kill without reason. If you can't make a good sandwich, I'll kick you out of my home and if you do make a good sandwich, I'll still kick you out, minus the pain."
".... Ok then... One sandwich coming up..." Looking back to the kitchen, Fenris fully materialized his human figure before deciding that perhaps going with simple yet effective would be best. ((Serriously, irl this is a super delicious way to fix a BLT style sandwich)) Pulling a pan off the wall, he set it on top of the stove before pulling out a package of bacon he had seen in the freezer. Going back to the pantry Fenris dug around until he found a bottle of maple syrup. Coating the bottom of the pan in an extremely thin layer of syrup ((like no more than 2mm)) Fenris lit the stove and placed a few strips of bacon inside. Turning back to the fridge, Fenris pulled out a head of lettuce, and took off some leaves. Rinsing them off in the sink he laid them on a plate to dry. As he heard the fat from the bacon begin to sizzle, Fenris quickly chopped up an onion and slid the slices off a cutting board into the pan. ((Gives them both more flavor. Just be sure not to put the onion in to early, or you'll burn them.)) Turning over the bacon, Fenris sliced up a tomato and put lightly seasoned the slices with salt and pepper. As the bacon began to grow crispy, Fenris removed the slices and placed them with the lettuce. Then he laid the tomato slices in the pan for a few seconds on each side ((its hard to keep the tomatoes juicy so it really is just a few seconds...)) Next, Fenris pulled out two slice of bread an lightly buttered them before placing them buttery side down in the pan to toast them. After the bread had acquired a light golden brown, he pulled out the bread slices and placed the lettuce on them, followed by the bacon, then the tomatoes, then the onions, and lastly he pulled from the fridge a block of Swiss cheese, and cutting a layer from that, he placed it on top of the onions to allow it to melt, while he lightly spread a layer of mustard onto the other piece of bread before proudly presenting the sandwich to roman.

((Oh god, I made myself hungry just by writing this.))
[QUOTE="Jesters Court]
".... Ok then... One sandwich coming up..." Looking back to the kitchen, Fenris fully materialized his human figure before deciding that perhaps going with simple yet effective would be best. ((Serriously, irl this is a super delicious way to fix a BLT style sandwich)) Pulling a pan off the wall, he set it on top of the stove before pulling out a package of bacon he had seen in the freezer. Going back to the pantry Fenris dug around until he found a bottle of maple syrup. Coating the bottom of the pan in an extremely thin layer of syrup ((like no more than 2mm)) Fenris lit the stove and placed a few strips of bacon inside. Turning back to the fridge, Fenris pulled out a head of lettuce, and took off some leaves. Rinsing them off in the sink he laid them on a plate to dry. As he heard the fat from the bacon begin to sizzle, Fenris quickly chopped up an onion and slid the slices off a cutting board into the pan. ((Gives them both more flavor. Just be sure not to put the onion in to early, or you'll burn them.)) Turning over the bacon, Fenris sliced up a tomato and put lightly seasoned the slices with salt and pepper. As the bacon began to grow crispy, Fenris removed the slices and placed them with the lettuce. Then he laid the tomato slices in the pan for a few seconds on each side ((its hard to keep the tomatoes juicy so it really is just a few seconds...)) Next, Fenris pulled out two slice of bread an lightly buttered them before placing them buttery side down in the pan to toast them. After the bread had acquired a light golden brown, he pulled out the bread slices and placed the lettuce on them, followed by the bacon, then the tomatoes, then the onions, and lastly he pulled from the fridge a block of Swiss cheese, and cutting a layer from that, he placed it on top of the onions to allow it to melt, while he lightly spread a layer of mustard onto the other piece of bread before proudly presenting the sandwich to roman.
((Oh god, I made myself hungry just by writing this.))

((I was literally drooling until u said he word mustard))

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