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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Nonalaka said:
Amara meanwhile sat outside still holding Arako as the incident was being cleaned up.
''mommy? are you okay desu..?''


Roman said:
Ken rubbed the back of his neck, "Alright~" he said before picking her up, in a bridal style way. "I find it easier to carry people this way... Unless you wanna be thrown over my shoulder." He said jokingly.
"Friends? You were planning on bringing people?" Asuna asked.


"Funny to you, and humiliating to me." Taylor said with a laugh.
*Airi blushed as she put her arms around his neck*

''well..i think this way is embarrassing enough but...this should be fine..''
Demon said:
(( sorry im a lil distracted! wow, this rp moves fast. um, idk where everything is. if school is in session, olivier will be around there. ))
((Aha yeah, it does but you get used to it after a while, don't worry, so classes aren't on at the moment from what I can tell I dunno xD anyways let's just say he's in the courtyard of the school okay?))

Ilaani was laying on the grass under a tree with her arm over her eyes to shield the sun from them as she let out a small sigh.
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
''mommy? are you okay desu..?''

*Airi blushed as she put her arms around his neck*

''well..i think this way is embarrassing enough but...this should be fine..''

Ken slowly descended towards the ground and stopped when he was close to the ground. "Is this to high or should I go a little closer to the ground?"
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
''mommy? are you okay desu..?''

*Airi blushed as she put her arms around his neck*

''well..i think this way is embarrassing enough but...this should be fine..''

"Huh?" She looked at her and smiled a little "Oh..yes, Mommy is fine" she said softly.
Roman said:
Ken slowly descended towards the ground and stopped when he was close to the ground. "Is this to high or should I go a little closer to the ground?"
''j-just do whatever..!''
WeirdPrincess said:
"You should go find him then, to make sure it's not anything to messy or bad." Mizuki said with a nod.
Everest grinned before saying "well if he had a theme song, it would be "The Flood" by Wilson so I can already guarantee its going to be bad"



Roman said:
(( Continue xD ))
"This is a big house.... Maybe they have a garden you can play in... It's not like you'd harm any of the plants anyways..."
Roman said:

Ken chuckled, "How do you prefer to be carried?" He asked with a smile.
Beginning to hum the song Everest had just brought up in his head, Fenris hoped there wasn't anybody home. He couldn't do that sonar thingy Everest could, so he had no idea what was around each corner... Coming to a stop in a kitchen, Fenris began seriously debating whether or not he should make himself a sandwich...
Nonalaka said:
"Huh?" She looked at her and smiled a little "Oh..yes, Mommy is fine" she said softly.
*Arako smiled at her as her tail wagged*

''that guy was a meanie desu. can we play somewhere desu?''
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]''j-just do whatever..!''

Ken snickered, "That sounded dirty.." he said. "I would but you're scared of heights...."


[QUOTE="Jesters Court]Everest grinned before saying "well if he had a theme song, it would be "The Flood" by Wilson so I can already guarantee its going to be bad"


Beginning to hum the song Everest had just brought up in his head, Fenris hoped there wasn't anybody home. He couldn't do that sonar thingy Everest could, so he had no idea what was around each corner... Coming to a stop in a kitchen, Fenris began seriously debating whether or not he should make himself a sandwich...

(( Let's see what happens if he makes a sandwich ))
Roman said:
Ken snickered, "That sounded dirty.." he said. "I would but you're scared of heights...."

(( Let's see what happens if he makes a sandwich ))
''th-then let me be scared of heights.......just dont drop me..''
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
*Arako smiled at her as her tail wagged*
''that guy was a meanie desu. can we play somewhere desu?''

"Mhm, he was..." she said quietly before smiling at Arako "Yes, we can but first I'm going to see if your Daddy is okay then we can play" she said as she stood up and smiled.
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]''th-then let me be scared of heights.......just dont drop me..''

Ken nodded and began to ascend into the sky again. When he stopped they were pretty high. "Whoa... That's high."
Nonalaka said:
"Mhm, he was..." she said quietly before smiling at Arako "Yes, we can but first I'm going to see if your Daddy is okay then we can play" she said as she stood up and smiled.
''k, il go with you desu!''

*She said before tailing behind Amara*


Roman said:
Ken nodded and began to ascend into the sky again. When he stopped they were pretty high. "Whoa... That's high."
*Airi held tighter onto Ken*
Roman said:
Ken snickered, "That sounded dirty.." he said. "I would but you're scared of heights...."

(( Let's see what happens if he makes a sandwich ))
((Oh dear god... I think that floods a comin...))

Figuring that in a mansion like this, they must keep a fully stalked pantry, so he doubted some bread, lettuce, tomato, roast beef, onion, cheese, mayo, ketchup, mustard, and avacado would be sorely missed. Shifting into a more humanoid like shape yet still made out of smoke, he began pulling out the ingredients and fixing the sandwich.
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
''k, il go with you desu!''
*She said before tailing behind Amara*


*Airi held tighter onto Ken*

Ken slowly began to fly. "If you hold on any tighter you might kill me..." he said jokingly.
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
''k, il go with you desu!''
*She said before tailing behind Amara*


*Airi held tighter onto Ken*

Amara then went back to the room and slowly made her way in "...Natsuru? Is everything okay?" She asked quietly.
Roman said:
Ken slowly began to fly. "If you hold on any tighter you might kill me..." he said jokingly.
''just dont drop me okay..?!''

*She said as she burried her head into his shoulder*


Nonalaka said:
Amara then went back to the room and slowly made her way in "...Natsuru? Is everything okay?" She asked quietly.
*Natsuru was upside down on his chair as he looked at Amara and smiled*

''ah, yeah im fine. its not like im...really traumatized by it''

*The body wasnt there anymore*

[QUOTE="Jesters Court]((Oh dear god... I think that floods a comin...))
Figuring that in a mansion like this, they must keep a fully stalked pantry, so he doubted some bread, lettuce, tomato, roast beef, onion, cheese, mayo, ketchup, mustard, and avacado would be sorely missed. Shifting into a more humanoid like shape yet still made out of smoke, he began pulling out the ingredients and fixing the sandwich.

Roman stepped into the kitchen, his Sharingan activated searching for any forms of energy.


"Is it me... Or is that a smoke man... or a man made of smoke?"
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
''just dont drop me okay..?!''
*She said as she burried her head into his shoulder*


*Natsuru was upside down on his chair as he looked at Amara and smiled*

''ah, yeah im fine. its not like im...really traumatized by it''

*The body wasnt there anymore*

Ken held on to her tighter, "Is that reassuring?" He asked. "My grasp on you is pretty tight..."
Roman said:
Roman stepped into the kitchen, his Sharingan activated searching for any forms of energy.

"Is it me... Or is that a smoke man... or a man made of smoke?"
Beginning to laugh nervously Fenris said, "Technically I'm not a man at all... I don't suppose these sandwich fixings happen to belong to you do they....?"
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
''just dont drop me okay..?!''
*She said as she burried her head into his shoulder*


*Natsuru was upside down on his chair as he looked at Amara and smiled*

''ah, yeah im fine. its not like im...really traumatized by it''

*The body wasnt there anymore*

She smiled at him "Ah, good" she said happily as she looked over at him.
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]''th-this is fine..''

Ken smiled, "Alright. You don't need to worry anymore then. As tight as I'm holding you, you shouldn't fall..."

[QUOTE="Jesters Court]Beginning to laugh nervously Fenris said, "Technically I'm not a man at all... I don't suppose these sandwich fixings happen to belong to you do they....?"

Roman put a hand on his sword, "Yeah... Who are you and why are you in my home? Eating our food also..."
Nonalaka said:
She smiled at him "Ah, good" she said happily as she looked over at him.
''haha! daddy why are you upside down desu?''

*She said as she smiled while also trying to angle her body to where she could almost get her head upside down while still standing*


Roman said:
Ken smiled, "Alright. You don't need to worry anymore then. As tight as I'm holding you, you shouldn't fall..."
Roman put a hand on his sword, "Yeah... Who are you and why are you in my home? Eating our food also..."
Roman said:
Ken smiled, "Alright. You don't need to worry anymore then. As tight as I'm holding you, you shouldn't fall..."
Roman put a hand on his sword, "Yeah... Who are you and why are you in my home? Eating our food also..."
Fenris thought for a moment before saying "... Would you believe I'm a magical smoke fairy come to bring you good luck and fortune at the price of a sandwich?"
Demon said:
(( that's fine by me! ))
Olivier was wandering aimlessly through the courtyard of the school, hands stuffed into the pocket of his light gray hoodie and head tilted towards the clouds. As a fairly new addition to the student population, he was unfamiliar with his surroundings and therefore beginning to feel bored out of his mind. A destination-less walked had seemed to him to be the cure for both those things- and it was! The sky looked lovely, and-


As he passed under a tree, Olivier's foot collided with something soft but unmoving, and he fell over. With his hands trapped in his pocket, he had nothing to stop himself, and landed face-first in the grass.
Ilaani let out a gasp as her eyes shot open, she quickly sat up to find someone face first on the ground. "J-Jeez you scared the heck outta me" she said as she as her red irises scanned this male who had fallen "Hey, you're alive right...you didn't hit your head or anything..." she said as she leaned over and poked him.


[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
''haha! daddy why are you upside down desu?''
*She said as she smiled while also trying to angle her body to where she could almost get her head upside down while still standing*



Amara giggled at them both "Arako said she wants to go play somewhere, You'll be joining us right?" She asked as she sat on the floor so their faces were at the same-ish level.

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