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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
*She then asks a maid to bring her another cup of tea as the maid gave Roman the tea* (by maid, i mean NPC. not my character xD )

(( I know xD ))

Roman thanked the maid and looked down at the tea. "I always enjoyed the tea here. It's always so good~" he said before taking a sip.
Roman said:
(( I know xD ))
Roman thanked the maid and looked down at the tea. "I always enjoyed the tea here. It's always so good~" he said before taking a sip.
''yeah...and ive only been here for only a day...i only watched it but...never lived it.......so could you tell me what i should do in this world?''
[QUOTE="Jesters Court]Everest laughed before saying, "Ya I suppose you right, but in the end there's always to old fall back plan..."
((Because I'm bored and want to at least introduce him, heres a post for Fenris just to get him in.))

Fenris glanced around the school yard to make sure no one could see him before turning into a stream of smoke and ridding the winds to the school roof. Reforming there he pulled out a pack of cigarettes on stuck one in his mouth, before pulling out a lighter to ignite it. Quietly puffing out smoke, he sat down on the floor and leaned his back up against the service door, closed his eyes and got ready for a nice long lazy nap.

((Ugh... I may actually need to start color coding my characters...))

Ayame finally finished her cheeseburger, before looking at Everest and yawning, "I think I might actually need that nap..."
Himeragi Seiker] [COLOR=#9999ff]''just what i wanted you to do...''[/COLOR][COLOR=#9999ff] [/COLOR][COLOR=#9999ff][B]*She said before the cannon disappeared and she takes out a black flare gun which fired a white flare lighting everything up brightly*[/B][/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16433-weirdprincess/ said:
The man was visible now. It was evident that he was flying to get behind Kurome and preform a preemptive strike.
Roman said:
Ayame finally finished her cheeseburger, before looking at Everest and yawning, "I think I might actually need that nap..."
((Wait roman did Everest actually mention a nap or do I really need to start color coding? xD ))
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]''yeah...and ive only been here for only a day...i only watched it but...never lived it.......so could you tell me what i should do in this world?''

Roman rubbed his chin, after taking the tea cup away from his lips, "I say you start off by meeting the right people. Friends are important, especially in this world."
TheRebelliousDragon said:
The man was visible now. It was evident that he was flying to get behind Kurome and preform a preemptive strike.
*Kurome then made a chaingun like-weapon on both her arms as she aimed it toward the man and started to fire*

[QUOTE="Jesters Court]((Wait roman did Everest actually mention a nap or do I really need to start color coding? xD ))

(( Ayame mentioned a nap earlier, but she said she wouldn't take it, because they were going to get food ))
Roman said:
Roman rubbed his chin, after taking the tea cup away from his lips, "I say you start off by meeting the right people. Friends are important, especially in this world."
''what are....friends..?''

*She said before taking a sip*
Himeragi Seiker] [COLOR=#9999ff][B]*Kurome then made a chaingun like-weapon on both her arms as she aimed it toward the man and started to fire*[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#9999ff] [/COLOR][URL="http://www.gallery4share.com/b/black-rock-shooter-fighting-gif.html said:

The man yelped and fell to the ground, bleeding a little from the shots. He huffed as he got up and dusted himself off. "Your not bad... But your going to have to be quicker than that." He said before he smashed a hole in the ground, causing the floor to shatter and send Autumn, the man and Kurome into a free fall.

Hit Count: 450
Roman said:
Taylor sighed, "Remember? I don't have the appetite I used to have. I'll probably take a few sips and be done."
"Oh alright! Does it matter what flavor it is or do you want something specific?" Celia asked.
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
''what are....friends..?''
*She said before taking a sip*

"They're people you consider close. Maybe like your sister, but a little less close than that." Roman explained.
TheRebelliousDragon said:
The man yelped and fell to the ground, bleeding a little from the shots. He huffed as he got up and dusted himself off. "Your not bad... But your going to have to be quicker than that." He said before he smashed a hole in the ground, causing the floor to shatter and send Autumn, the man and Kurome into a free fall.
Hit Count: 450
''free falls...''

*She said before taking out a katana and making a small cannon out of her arm*

''...i love free falls...''

*She said before firing at nothing propelling herself to the man as she sliced at him diagonally with her katana*

WeirdPrincess said:
"Oh alright! Does it matter what flavor it is or do you want something specific?" Celia asked.
"Whatever you want I guess. That mix sounded pretty good if I'm honest." Taylor said smiling.
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅Akira nodded lightly as in agreement. He then thought of something, soon leaning towards Asuka's ear and whispering in a seductive tone♅...
“ I couldn't bear it if you were angry at me~ Oh, you're already use to it? I see~ Maybe we should move on to something more.. enticing~

Asuka's eyes shot open and she immediately blushed, "U-Um..." She stammered. "I-I mean... i-it depends I guess... o-on what that is..."
Roman said:
Ayame finally finished her cheeseburger, before looking at Everest and yawning, "I think I might actually need that nap..."
Everest grinned and said,

"Well then I suppose it maybe time for me to leave you be... If you ever wanna hang out again, or are in a pinch or anything, the just say my name. Don't even have to yell it. As long as your within 50 miles of me I'll hear it... Well actually I hear everything within 50 miles of me, but most of it I tune out... Any way though, as long as its within my 50 mile radius I can get to wherever in less than two minutes... Anything more than 50 miles and I may be a bit late..."

Then in a mischievous voice he added,

"...Unless of course you where implying you wanted me to join you in taking that nap..."
Himeragi Seiker] [COLOR=#9999ff]''free falls...''[/COLOR][COLOR=#9999ff] [/COLOR][COLOR=#9999ff][B]*She said before taking out a katana and making a small cannon out of her arm*[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#9999ff] ''...i love free falls...''[/COLOR] [COLOR=#9999ff] [/COLOR][COLOR=#9999ff][B]*She said before firing at nothing propelling herself to the man as she sliced at him diagonally with her katana*[/B][/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16433-weirdprincess/ said:
The man winced and did a flip, kicking her upside the head before manifesting a blade of darkness, slashing her and Autumn over and over until sending a slash of darkness at them, slamming them both into a new floor that seemingly appeared under them.


Hit Count: 448
Roman said:
"Whatever you want I guess. That mix sounded pretty good if I'm honest." Taylor said smiling.
"The mixed drink it is!" Celia said happily before ordering every flavor of milkshake. She was then handed a large cup with two straws, "I have the drink! Aaaannnd..." Celia paused before taking a sip. "It's amazing!"
WeirdPrincess said:
Asuka's eyes shot open and she immediately blushed, "U-Um..." She stammered. "I-I mean... i-it depends I guess... o-on what that is..."
...♅Akira laughed quietly and replied, tracing his finger up Asuka's stomach♅...

“ Well.. we're both already dressed for the occasion~ ”
TheRebelliousDragon said:
The man winced and did a flip, kicking her upside the head before manifesting a blade of darkness, slashing her and Autumn over and over until sending a slash of darkness at them, slamming them both into a new floor that seemingly appeared under them.

Hit Count: 448
*Kurome slowly got up and noticed her arm was gushing with blood. She then ripped it off*

*Her arm soon reformed and her ripped off arm only became part of the gun which she held again and started to fire at the man, the bullets piercing holes into his hood, eating away at it as she fired*

Roman said:
Roman rubbed his chin, after taking the tea cup away from his lips, "I say you start off by meeting the right people. Friends are important, especially in this world."
''what are...friends...?''
Himeragi Seiker] [COLOR=#9999ff][B]*Kurome slowly got up and noticed her arm was gushing with blood. She then ripped it off*[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#9999ff] [/COLOR][URL="https://www.tumblr.com/tagged/IBRS-Gif said:

*Her arm soon reformed and her ripped off arm only became part of the gun which she held again and started to fire at the man, the bullets piercing holes into his hood, eating away at it as she fired*

The man couldn't allow her to reveal his true identity yet... He used his wing to shield his face from the shots. Her shots grew blood before he flex both his wings and flapped them extremely hard, causing a strong gust of wind and sending bullets flying at Autumn and Kurome.

Hit Count: 410

Mayyflower said:
Amaya tensed before nodding slowly
Ayen smiled and picked her up as he stood up and walked to the bathroom "y'know, i don't think being in your cat from will help with water" he said looking at her in his arms.
[QUOTE="Jesters Court]
Everest grinned and said,
"Well then I suppose it maybe time for me to leave you be... If you ever wanna hang out again, or are in a pinch or anything, the just say my name. Don't even have to yell it. As long as your within 50 miles of me I'll hear it... Well actually I hear everything within 50 miles of me, but most of it I tune out... Any way though, as long as its within my 50 mile radius I can get to wherever in less than two minutes... Anything more than 50 miles and I may be a bit late..."

Then in a mischievous voice he added,

"...Unless of course you where implying you wanted me to join you in taking that nap..."

Ayame grinned, "Maybe... Maybe not. I'm not gonna be sneaking boys inside, Everest. In the near future maybe you can take as many naps with me as you want." She replied.

WeirdPrincess said:
"The mixed drink it is!" Celia said happily before ordering every flavor of milkshake. She was then handed a large cup with two straws, "I have the drink! Aaaannnd..." Celia paused before taking a sip. "It's amazing!"
Taylor raised a brow and took a sip himself. "Whoa... That is amazing. Maybe we should mix more stuff." He joked. "OK not really... Not everything is good when it's mixed."

[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]''what are...friends...?''

"Friends are people that have your back or people who help you." Roman explained. "Have you never had a friend?" He asks.

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