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Fandom The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Edolina openend the heavy door that leaded into the giant tower of the fortress.

A strange smell of dirt and blood came out of the dark room.

The hall was a completely in ruin as if there had been no one for over hundreds of years.

Edolina could hear voices in the distance of two women.

She seemed to yell at each other.

Edolina pulled her sword from its sheath, they sounded to fight.

She pushed the door open. A woman was throw through the room and she fell down dead.

A woman runned after the body with a dagger in her hands

'' Oh ... '' She looked schocked when she noticed Edolina.

''It isn't what it looks like, I can explain.''

''You killed her, who was she?''

''A witch there are more of them in his fortress. They serve the Hagraven's. My mother wants te be one of them.''

''One of the hagraven's? Thats a unusaul desire.'' Edolina Always saw them as a main ingrediënt of alchemy.

''Yes, she thinks they have a better and bigger power than other humans on Tamriel.''

It was true the Hagraven's Always were known for their great magical skills.

''Don't worry, I will help you get to your mother.''

The woman smiled grateful.
((Sorry for late reply, getting ready for dead week and finals. Replies may slow down, sorry in advance))

Nadane nodded to Maoris, watching as he left to head off to the closest merchant. He gave the imperial one look before heading off as well, choosing to meditate while Maoris handled the supplies. The breton seemed competent enough to know what they'd need, considering he was educated, so Nadane felt little unease leaving it to him. Taking a right on the main road through Shor's Stone, he found a quiet spot hidden by a few trees and bushes where he'd have silence.

He sat cross legged in the middle of the small clearing, unsheathing his blade and laying it on his lap like he had that morning. Direct physical contact with Boethiah's artifacts always made it easier to understand her visions. However, he'd clearly not understood enough of what she'd shown him previously, considering Maoris was also seeing the Ebony Mail, and the imperial that just happened to force his way into their party had desecrated an artifact of the tribunal.

He began to clear his mind, attempting to focus, but even the smallest sounds managed to distract him. Too much was happening for him to focus. Nadane's mission was always clear when he was alone, but the more people he travelled with, the more complicated it became. Age was catching up with the Indoril- he was old, even for a dunmer. He was just coming of age when they'd fled from the eruption of Red Mountain and built the Shrine of Azura in this gods-forsaken wasteland. And to be traveling with two much younger men would tax him further, he knew. But it was not bad enough to give him any real trouble.

Nadane stood and sheather his blade, but as soon as he began to leave the clearing he was stuck with a severe headache. As he hunched over, grabbing a nearby tree for support, an image of the Mail shined bright and clear in his mind. As soon as it had come, however, it faded, leaving Nadane panting from the sudden pain. The message there was clear enough: leave the details to Boethiah and go after the Mail as planned.
"... a deerhide tent and a bundle of firewood. That should suffice." Maoris procured his pouch of gold, and finished bartering with the merchant. Suddenly, a colossal throbbing began in his head, more vigorous than before. Luckily, the merchant had left to retrieve the equipment he purchased, so no one else noticed him reach for a nearby beam to steady himself on. He was panting, and had begun sweating, but the headache quickly faded.

Before he could register what had happened, the merchant returned with the items, and he departed with them, making his way back to the cart.

"Alright, Imperial. Help me load this onto the cart. And don't drop anything!" He hissed at the boy. They loaded the wagon, and Maoris turned to find the third companion, but did not find him. Ah, probably meditating. Or some similar dunmer practice. The breton laid one of the bundles of firewood at the foot of the cart, and sat atop it, taking out an old spellcrafting book from his scholarly days to finish reading while Nadane finished his business.
"Aye sir" Jekkel said jokingly. Jekkel picked up some of the supplies, Jekkel was going to speak his mind While he still could "So I was thinking, how about we do the thing that you two were going to do first, Which I still don't know what you guys were up to?" Jekkel finished putting a crate onto his cart. He took in a deep breath of fresh air "Its great isn't it, Fresh air and free space to roam around" Jekkel was stretching from the cart ride, They were in there for quite a long time. Jekkel felt a fury presence against his leg, It was Rin "Hello friend" He said happily with a smile on his face, He reached down for Rin and put him on his shoulders. Jekkel was thinking of the black star, They really did not need to purify it, this Artifact was very useful to him, He did not kill animals, And when enemies attack he can just suck their soul into the star, Plus it was a lot more powerful "We really don't need to purify this it's a lot better as it is now" He said under his breath. Jekkel was walking in circles around his cart to make sure everything was in tip top shape, As he came around he saw Frost and Flame, He unattached them from the cart, gave them a carrot and let them roam around a little bit, Frost and Flame were Tamed so they would not run away. "So I think I'm going to get some dried meat out of the cart if anyone wants any?"

@Khanmon @Rook
"Go for it." Maoris mumbled, poring through the pages of his old textbook. He took out a roll of paper and a charcoal stick from his rucksack, writing some spell on it. "I swear that boy is younger than he looks. I knew we should've walked to Windhelm."

After some time, he had a prototype conjuration spell drafted out, and he attempted to cast it. He focused everything he had on summoning an apple in the palm of his hand, but alas, he had always been more suited for destruction magic. Instead, what appeared in his hand was a pulpy, organic mass of vegetation. He groaned and shook the gunk off his hand, "Ehh, this is for the birds!" He crumpled up his scroll, and continued to read through his textbook.

Some time went by, and the breton decided that he might have enough time to grab a quick drink before Nadane returned. He had only visited a few hamlets in his time, but he found that there was usually at least one beautiful woman in each village. That will be my conquest for today, the confident mage thought to himself, standing up and briskly walking to the pub.
Jekkel sat on the edge of his cart eating dried meat, He looked up at the sky once again wondering what might happen in the future. "Well I ever get known, for my adventures and or enchanting or that this point anything, I have been adventuring for about two years, I have been pretty lucky to find two Daedric artifacts, But no one really care about that stuff, Only know to stay away from you " Jekkel gave off a sigh. He was speaking to Ren like he was an actual person, Which to him he was. Jekkel was glancing around the area after making his statement to Ren. When he noticed that Maoris was heading into town "Beats hanging around here" He thought to himself, Jekkel already knew that Maoris did not really like him, He wanted to fix that, He hated when people did not really like him especially if they did not really know him. Jekkel started to walk speedily towards the Breton. ren Decided to go a separate way, He headed into the woods to catch a rabbit or two. After a minute or two of walking, he finally caught up with Maoris "Nice night isn't it" He said rather energetically.

Maoris' spirits sank immediately. This is going to hurt my chances, he thought exasperatedly, perhaps I'll skip the women and just get a drink. Akatosh knows I'll need it. He said nothing to the Imperial, and entered the pub, taking a seat at the counter. "I'll have a Cliff Racer." He said to the bartender, waving his fingers. The man behind the counter turned and sighed, still in the midst of cleaning out a tankard, "Look, pal, we don't offer that kind of stuff here. This ain't Riften - we got mead and wine. Take your pick." Maoris dropped his hand, "Well then, I'll take a Black-Briar mead."

He dropped some gold on the counter, and was rewarded with a chilled bottle of Black-Briar Reserve. He uncorked the drink and took a sip. "Ahh," he sighed contently, turning around on his stool to survey the pub interior. Sure enough, as he had previously surmised, there indeed was the one beautiful girl of the village, and this one happened to be a bard, strumming her lute on the other side of the fireplace. Their eyes met for a moment, but Maoris knew how the game worked, and turned back to the counter to finish his drink. Whatever his intentions, he'd have to work fast with this girl, as the trio would be leaving for Windhelm shortly.
Jekkel sat down next to Maoris "Ill take a honningbrew meed" He threw down 25 septems" As the bar tender brought him his drink he grabbed it and took little sips of the meed. Jekkel looked at Maoris, "Look is there a reason you hate my guts" He said with a rather laid back tone, As he finished his sentence, Maoris quickly looked back form something but what? He peered his head around Maoris, Jekkel found a rather young good looking women but he quickly returned his head back to his mead pretending he saw nothing. Jekkel was getting quite uncomfortable sitting their doing nothing so he decided to lean back in his chair to make things a little more comfortable.

Nadane straightened, the vision subsiding. It was almost time to depart, and he needed to get back. Quickening his original pace, the Indoril left the forest, entering Shor's Stone once more. The sounds of village life once again caressed his ears, which helped calm his still furiously beating heart. He saw Jekkel's carriage unattended, which caused him some alarm, but he had been gone for quite a while, and considering he was the only one who knew where their destination rested, they couldn't leave without him.

The only logical place to look was the local tavern. Both of his comrades were younger than he, and most likely still enjoyed the atmosphere such places brought. With a knowing sigh, Nadane entered the tavern, looking around quickly before spotting the duo. The tension between them was practically visible, which made the dunmer chuckle lightly, shaking his head. He'd always had the strangest traveling companions, and these two were no exceptions.

As he approached the bar, he noticed both of the men glancing at a young buxom woman, a bard nonetheless. "We have plenty of time..." he muttered knowingly to Maoris in a quiet voice.
Maoris cringed internally at the boy's question. He was about to rebut with some unkind words, when he noticed Nadane at the doorway, stifling a laugh. Maoris himself stifled a smile, realizing the ridiculousness of the situation. Still, he had a quest to fulfill, so he turned to Jekkel and muttered, "Let's address that later, kid." He stood from his stool, and flicked a thin jolt of ice magic to the Imperial's bottle of mead, which cooled it for a few moments, before turning it into an icy slush. Maoris then walked across the tavern to the lovely bard.

"Can I make a special request?"

After a half hour or so, Maoris emerged from the tavern, scratching the back of his head as he walked to Jekkel's cart. "I must be losing my touch," he groaned, "I was way better at this when I was a student. Now I have to visit her again if I want to see this endeavor through." He opened the door to the wagon, clambering inside solemnly. "Alright, I'm ready to start this journey in earnest. How about you two?"
Jekkel watched Maoris walk away, He did some fancy magic trick before he left but Jekkel did not see anything fantastic about it. He picked up his bottle of ale "this bottle was freezing" he thought to himself. He put the bottle between his lips and as the substance came out of his bottle into his mouth it was a gross slush. Jekkel immediately spit out the vile substance "Thanks for that" He shouted. He watched Maoris a little more trying to pick up the women he saw earlier "This will be great" He muttered. After about 20 minutes Maoris was struggling worst then a baby giant trying to swim "This is great" he thought to himself. Jekkel watched so more when his act was starting to get stale "This is just sad" He muttered. He cocked his head to the side to see Nadane, Jekkel gave him a wave and went over to his table "This is historical isn't it"
Nadane watched as Maoris and Jekkel continued their back and forth, laughing to himself. "The joys of youth," he muttered quietly as Maoris left the bar, ruining Jekkel's drink in the process. The spectecal happening in front of them qas quite humerous- the bard seemed to see right through him, skillfully stepping out of the way of his advances. She must've gotten attention like this quite often for her to be this experienced. Jekkel mentioned something to Nadane who only half listened. "Historical? No, but amusing, yes," he answered before standing up once more. Quickly gathering his belongings, Nadane followed behind Maoris, clambering into the cart behind him.

"Yes, yes, now that we've stocked up on supplies, out next destination is Kynsegrove. From there, we'll go east, up into the mountains. THats where we'll find the sacellum," he answered Maoris, drumming his fingers on his knee.
Maoris propped his arm on his knee as he sat, slumping his face into the palm of his hand. "Alright, Jekkel, let's get this wagon moving. I'm done with this town." He couldn't yet see the Imperial, but he could sense the amusement. "And wipe that grin from your face! I know it's there!" His little mishap with the bard had unearthed a strange quirk in his personality, making him frantic and perhaps slightly manic.

In the presence of the old dunmer, though, Maoris had to calm himself. He had to present himself well, so he closed his eyes for a moment, almost meditatively, and relaxed. The mild headache, courtesy of Boethiah, had returned to speed up the process. After a few seconds, Maoris was his calm, collected self again - with a slight throbbing in his skull.

He looked to his dunmer companion as he waited for Jekkel to arrive. "Well, then. Kynesgrove - a cozy little hamlet. Hopefully no more dragons are buried nearby, what a fiasco that was. Come to think of it, there haven't been any dragon sightings in some time. Perhaps the Dragonborn is enjoying retirement?"
Jekkel got into the cart with the rest of the group. He opened the little window and told Frost and Flame they were going to Kynsegrove and they were off on another adventure. Jekkel Picked up Ren and started to pet him, Ren quickly went to sleep on Jekkel's lap. The Group sat there and said nothing for a while then Moaris mentioned something about dragons. "I can agree on you with that one, I am not in the mood to fight a dragon or dying" Jekkel was getting quite bored so he fished a book out of his chest. The book had an orange tent and had a fantastic design on the edge of the book. This book was called Beggar. Jekkel has not read this book yet and was very interested in how it ended or at least starts off the next book.
Nadane cocked an eyebrow at Jekkel talking to his horses, slightly taken aback. There were a few cases of semi-intelligent animals in Tamriel, the Argonians being one of them, but horses? Perhaps this was just one of the Imperial's... quirks. Shaking his head, the dunmer settled into the carriage, resting his head against the wall. The conversation then shifted to dragons, causing him to open one of his eyes curiously.

"By the Three, I hope not. The flying lizards only make me worried about the threat from the east..." Nadane trailed off, remembering the history books he read before his exodus from Morrowind. The Akavir hadn't been a threat since the Second Era, but the threat was omnipresent. However, he had faith that whomever won the next Great War would be able to repel another invasion.

"However, I don't think we'll see one again. I heard that the Dovakhiin dealt with the dragon that was dominating this region. We should be able to pass through unharmed. The inn-keeper owes me a favor anyway. We'll stop there for the night, since its getting dark," Nadane finished,

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