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Fandom The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Jekkel listened to their story, He thought about their occupation and past. "Nadane, why are you going adventuring if you are a diplomat," He asked curiously. As they approached the cart he also heard Maoris Past and occupation " Ah a mage, maybe you can teach me a spell or to...... That was a joke if I was to learn magic I would probably burn down a town" As Jekkel approached the cart to open the door when he heard utter insult to his caravan "Rickety..... old.......Wagon......" Jekkel looked at Maoris with a disgusting look "This is a fine quality cart, my good sir, now every get on"

@Rook @Khanmon
"Ah, well, i heard word of some Tribunal Worshippers up north near Windhelm," Nadane mused, whipping up a believable tale. "It's always a pleasant gift to find fellow believers in a hostile land, after all, though I'm not sure you could relate." He waved his hand dismissively, laughing lightly. Nadane was a politician after all, and lying was his forte. And he wasn't necessarily lying, as there were indeed worshippers of Boethiah living at his destination.

They arrived at the cart, and Nadane stayed silent as his two companions talked. Taking Jekkel's invitation, the Indoril nodded thankfully and climbed onto the wooden cart. Before sitting down he held out his hand to Maoris, offering help.
The temperature here in the cave was much more cooler than outside.

Edolina felt a shiver across her back.

The cave was illuminated by torches and candles that hung on the walls.

Edolina walked along the sharp walls of the cave.

In the distance, she could already hear the voices of the bandits and the crackling of a fire.

She snatched the dagger the table that was placed against the wall and further demolition into the cave.

The voices of the bandits now sounded loud and clear.

'' That bitch had enough money with her to feed an entire village with '' she heard a woman humming with a deep voice.

'' Most of those high people walk around with their pockets full of gold and their chins high. But when a dagger is in their throat they beg for mercy. '' Said a man.

Edolina clutching her hands firmly around her weapens, this was the moment.

She had to be fast and agile.

They were all four armed and she was on her own.

Edolina ducked behind a rock wall, she looked along the edge of the wall to the talking bandits.

They seemed not to notice her here in the shadows.

Edolina threw her dagger with so much power as she could towards them.

The dagger pierced one of their heads.

The other three jumped up and snachted to their weapons.

Edolina grabbed her second dagger and threw that also to one of them.

A woman with long blonde hair was hit in the shoulder and they fell dead on the ground like a rag doll.

Now there were only two men over.

The one had a large axe that came to Edolina's shoulders and was waving it wildly through the air.

The other had a sword.

They stormed roaring to Edolina. Edolina ducked away agile for the great axe of the first but was cut by the sword in her shoulder by the other.

The first took out one more times with his axe.

Edolina ducked under his attack but stumbled over her feet falling to the ground. She tried to get back on her feet but they quickly grapped her legs and turned her over.

'' let's see if you are still so brave when I have your guts hang around my neck. '' Hissed the Bandit with the axe.

Edolina closed her hand securely around her sword and shot standing.

She pierced the heart of the Bandit. She pushed the motionless corpse of the Bandit off her and stormed to the last one.

She dodged his attack and grabbed for his neck. With all hands on his neck closed she turned it as hard as she could. A ripping sound pealed through the cave and the last Bandit fell on the ground dead.

Edolina walked to the big chest that was standing besides the fire.

In it where vampire dust, Dragonfly wings, A deathbell, three bags with septims and a healing potion.

Edolina threw it all in her bag and left the cave.

The night would fall soon enough, she had to get back to Riften before it was completely dark.
Maoris took Nadane's assistance getting into the cart. "These Nords aren't used to being gentlemen like us," he remarked, climbing inside. He closed the door, and added quietly, "Windhelm, eh? Shor's bones... I guess I am glad we procured a cart, even if that kid is gong to drive me mad. Sheogorath would be green with envy." The cart began to move, so Maoris assumed that Jekkel and his fluffy companion had boarded and started off. There was a small sliding door behind him, which opened to the driver's seat, allowing communication between the occupants. Let's hope that doesn't happen, Maoris mused to himself.

He removed the rucksuck and scabbard from his back, laying it against the seat. His head began throbbing again, and it was significantly more concentrated than before. Again, the breton mitigated it with a touch of ice magic from his fingertips. "So, Nadane," he began, recovering from the headache, "what awaits us at this... sacellum, you said? Will Boethiah be there, or is it more of a spiritual experience?" Maoris was aware of the Daedric Princes, but knew little of their worship and customs - other than the manic claims of the Vigilants of Stendarr, which he took with a grain of salt.
"Ah, well, Boethiah is... well, she's..." Nadane trailed off, trying to come up with the best words to describe her- or him. Boethiah couldn't seem to decide what form she wanted to be known for. "She's not like the other daedra in many ways. Other daedra like to take a more resigned approach to things while Boethiah throws herself into the fray. Everything about her worship is based in battle, bloodshed, betrayal, and sacrifice. She isn't called She-Who-Erases for her cheery personality, after all. I'm certain she will be there in some form or another."

Boethiah... it had been long since he'd spoken to her directly, rather than simply receiving visions. It wasn't neccesarily bad that nadane didnt have direct contact with him, after all. While he may be part of the True Tribunal, Boethiah was just as evil as Molag Bal and Mehrunes Dagon, since most of his worshippers ended up dead for their efforts. "As for what you can expect? No warm welcomes, no priests or priestesses. Expect warriors, steel, and blood. And definitely a quest... Boethiah wouldn't speak to anyone if he didn't have a task for them."

Nadane noticed that Maoris was once again rubbing his temple with a bit of magic, and while brief, there was a flash of discomfort on his face. "Are you alright, sera? Your headache seems to be getting worse."
Maoris found himself struggling to concentrate while Nadane spoke. Every mention of Boethiah brought a jolt of pain to his head, eventually recalling brief images of that cuirass that he dreamed about; now, in addition to the pain, there were whispers in his mind. Maoris couldn't identify what the voices were saying, but he doubted it was something pleasant. He again conjured some ice magic at his fingers and touched it to his forehead. This time, the magic was not making the ache go away, though it had subsided to a manageable level, followed by the whispers, which quickly ended. Maoris could grit his teeth and power through the pain, for now.

Maoris looked up. He hadn't listened to the dunmer speak, but he remembered everything the man said. Whatever is going on, it's messing with my head, he thought. "Yeah, I'm having trouble hiding it now - my head is killing me. Maybe this will sound strange, but I had a dream last night, and it keeps appearing in my mind, and I'm hearing things with it. Voices, or something. Perhaps it's nothing - I was recently in Solstheim, after all. I don't know if you heard about that Miraak fellow; apparently he put a curse on Raven Rock. Perhaps the curse is dissipating from my body, like some kind of skooma withdrawal." The Breton realized how crazy he must seem, with his erratic gestures and explaining.

"I don't know. I'm just trying to make sense of this. It's hard to think straight. Maybe some cold, northern air will clear my head." Maoris knew the answer was likely unsatisfactory.
Jekkel listened to the conversation going in the back or the cart, The little window was left open and he could hear everything "Ya that sounds like Skooma my friend" He said Jokingly. Jekkel looked down the path they were on when he noticed that Rin was laying on his shoulders, "Hey friend" He gently scratched behind his ears, Rin let out a purr. The ride was a rather long one and bumpy. Jekkel let out a long sigh "Frost, Flame you know the way to Windhelm (I don't know exactly where we are going, I can change it later if someone tells me) Jekkel crawled through the little window, "Don't mind If I sit here do you" He said trying to squeeze onto his bed. "So what are we doing on this adventure exactly?" He asked curiously. After asking this question he put Rin right next to him, teasing him a little but eventually, he bit Jekkels finger "Ouch, Rin we do not bite people" He said warningly. Jekkel got a little rag doll out of his chest, He threw it on the floor and like a magnet Rin chased it onto the floor. Jekkel looked at his acquaintances, He put on his face he would use if he was bartering with someone.

@Khanmon @Rook
Nadane immediatly grew concerned. He just so happened to meet Maoris the day before he had plans to set out for another artifact, and he just so happens to be interested in daedra? And to top it all off, he's having visions and hearing voices? Boethiah was known for manipulation, since she was to blame for the split of the Altmer and Chimer. Without her meddling Nadane wouldn't exist, nor would the rise of the Septim Empire happened. And if she was meddling yet agin, something must be going on.

Jekkel entered the back of the cart, asking about their destination, but Nadane chose to ignore him. "I've never heard of this Miraak fellow, I'm not very knowledgable on Redoran politics. Tell me, these visions, what do you see? Is it a man? A person? Or an object, perhaps? This may be integral for our journey..." he said rather ominously.
"It's this suit of armor - I've never seen it before in my life. Why would I care about that? I'm a mage..." Maoris replied, looking away dismissively, but also contemplatively.

He recalled its brilliant luster, the beautiful juxtaposition of angular edges and smooth grooves, the utter darkness of its material, yet the way it reflected surrounding light. The interconnected, pitch-black rings of mail that emerged from the cuirass, only to be perfectly narrowed into ornately designed, gold-embroidered cuffs. What would a mage care about a suit of armor?

"But by the Eight," Maoris sighed, looking back at the dunmer, "it was one magnificent suit of armor. Black and indigo, yet at certain points it would become so black as to be indistinguishable from a starless night. It's hard to explain." The breton rubbed the bridge of his nose, seemingly attempting to conjure up more concentrated memories from doing so. "The voices... I can't decipher them, but I heard both a man and a woman. Other than that, I can't really say what was happening." The dull throbbing returned and then dissipated from Maoris' head.

"Is that telling you anything?" He asked, only now noticing Jekkel sitting beside him.
Nadane laughed, rubbing his forehead with his palm. "Yes, that tells me something alright..." he sighed, pulling out a parchment and charcoal stick from his bag. "This suit of armor you said, I've seen it before. It belonged to the reincarnation of my predecessor, the Nerevarine. And a few others... before him." He said each word slowly as he began to sketch what he'd seen in his vision earlier that morning. "By Azura, our meeting was clearly not coincidence. I'm afraid I can't alleviate you of your headaches, though."

He finished sketching the mail, shading in a few remaining plates. Once finished, Nadane held it up, showing it to Maoris. "If this is what you saw, then Boethiah himself spoke to you. As to what that says about you, I cannot say."
Jekkel watched Nadane Drew the picture "Man I wish the would just fill me in". Jekkel saw Nadane finish his picture, It was Armor, A rather nice looking piece of armor. "Cool" Jekkel stated aloud. He glanced around the cart once again, Everyone seemed timid. Jekkel took out a bag of fruits and vegetables "anyone want some?"he was trying to boost the mood a little more, he tried to think to think of something else to do, but he could not think of anything so he sat there awkwardly.

@Rook @Khanmon
Edolina left Riften on dawn.

She had left her cart at Elmir, she no longer needed it.

She was on her way to Darklight tower, she had heard terrifying stories about the abandoned fortress.

The path that led to the fort lay hidden behind tall grass and shrubs, but Edolina could already see the high tower of the fortress in the distance.

A roar echoed through the forest and a large cave bear stormed to her.

'' Oh shit'' Cursed Edolina and she pulled out her sword.

The bear went on its two hind legs are bared his razor-sharp teeth.

''Come on then! Come on! '' Screamed Edolina challenging.

The bear attacked with his claw and Edolina was hit on her shoulder.

Edolina fell ranting on the floor while she felt how the warm blood flowed over her shoulder.

She quickly scrambled up and raised her sword to the bear to keep him at Bay.

The bear roared wildly at her and Edolina took a step back.

''Stay there!'' She screamed, she tried to make herself so that the bear might be felt threatened and would go away.

The bear jumped on Edolina and she pierced his openend mouth with her sword.

The bear fell down dead on the ground.

Edolina wiped her sword on the fur of the bear.

She turned to the gate of the fortress.

On each side of the gate were Spears with goat heads on it.

''Welcome to Darklight tower.'' Edolina muttered and they walked through the gate.
Maoris groaned, and snatched an apple from Jekkel, "This might not make much sense to you, seeing as you intruded in our affairs." He took a bite - Well, damn, this is a pretty good apple. Not that I'd give this kid the pleasure of telling him so, Maoris thought. "It's no matter, though. I'm sure things will work out once we reach our destination." He turned to face Nadane, giving him a grim look, "And yes, my friend, that is the same suit of armor I saw in my dream." The breton was not sure what it meant, but he realized that he had unwittingly become entangled in a Daedric plot. Even if they had turned the cart around this very moment, he was certain that he would end up face-to-face with Boethiah at a later time.

Let's hope we come out of this one unscathed, he thought.
Jekkel saw Maoris snatch a fruit from his bag "Well a thanks would be nice, Your welcome" He said to him teasingly. As they went further down the road the more awkward it got, He had no idea what they were doing and had no idea what to say. They went longer and longer on the road when he heard a cry. "he popped his head out of the little window to see a bear and a women, When he started to focus his eyes he saw it was the same wetch from Rifton, "Shes not getting my help he thought to himself
Nadane took a moment before finally sitting back, dropping the drawing on the seat beside him. "Well then sera, it would seem that our journey is protected by Boethiah himself." He smiled to himself, laughing lightly at his fortune. Now he knew that Boethiah didn't want harm to come to Maoris, which made his choice far easier. "Oh, you'd be treated with the highest respect back in Morrowind, Maoris. To be chosen by one the the True Tribunal? a literal gift from the heavens. Or Oblivion, in this case." With a wave of his hand he dismissed the whole topic, instead choosing to discuss happier topics. "So, the College of Winterhold. What was it like? I wasn't able to get a look at it while the nords were shooting arrows at me."
"Hah!" Maoris guffawed at Nadane's comment, briefly losing his usual pretense of civility. "It was nice and quiet, and we all kept to our studies, for the most part." Maoris smirked, remembering his days at the College, "Though, don't forget, I was expelled for fraternization." The breton finished his apple, then disintegrated the remaining core in his hand with a flash of storm magic.

"There was a big Thalmor scare around a year ago - some High Elf tried to steal one of our magical artifacts. Now, I'm perfectly fine with elves, but the Altmer don't do much to help their reputation, especially in Skyrim." He looked out the window, out at the sprawling, ice-capped mountains. "Well, anyway, my studies were on Destruction magic, and I only officially reached the apprentice level. Even so, I still crafted some pretty powerful spells."

"Really, though, the school is much smaller on the inside. I managed to get admitted, even without my family's money, and even I was a bit let down."
"Spells you say well you're talking to one of the best enchanters in Skyrim and I'm also pretty good with potions but anywho look at what I got here" Jekkel opened his chest to reveal the black star, "I think Azura hates me now but I got a little confused on what I was supposed to do with it and sorta took it to the wrong person" Jekkel looked a little guilty for doing this but he tried to learn to get along with it. "This thing is pretty useful tho"

@Rook @Khanmon
Nadane listened carefully to Maoris's description of the college. Magic was an accepted art in Morrowind, the art of destruction in particular. "Ah, well, theres only so much you can learn from teachers, despite their skill. Regulations always get in the way," he complained. "I myself never attended classes on magic. My skills have always resided in the more physical side of combat, anyway. I guess thats why Boethiah's worship always interested me."

Jekkel then spoke up, speaking about how he was an expert enchanter and alchemist. Nadane scoffed at first, but shot to his feet once he pulled out the star. His hand shot to his blade, loosening it from its sheath. "Blasphemer!" Nadane growled, his constant scowl growing more full of contempt. "You defiled the Fair Lady's star... and you only have a meager excuse?"
Maoris flinched, backing up against the wall of the cart. There was silence, save for the rumbling of the wagon.

"Peace, Nadane." Maoris uttered, holding up a hand. "Remember, things are different in this part of the world. Most people do not comprehend the dunmers' reverence to the Tribunal. People do not observe your pantheon in Skyrim, just as House Indoril does not observe Imperial law in Morrowind. I would expect this retaliation back on Vvardenfell, but not out here." His hands were raised defensively all the while, as he was mainly talking himself out of getting caught in the crossfire.

"That said, I'm sure you can appreciate my disdain for this character. Jekkel, you really ought to keep your mouth shut." Maoris dropped his hands finally, turning to face the blundering Imperial beside him. "Out of respect, we will have to return that star to... Azura." He said carefully, recalling which artifact belonged to which Daedric Prince.
"Do you know what I had to get this" Jekkel let out a Sigh "Look the Priest would have wanted it back and would have told me and besides I don't think she would want the tainted artifact" Jekkel looked around Nadane was pissed off and Maoris wanted to return it, He was trying to convince them that they should keep it "I had to go inside the Star and kill a Demon, Do you know how long that took, like 3 hours it was....." Jekkel tried to think of the word he was thinking of but could not do so. Jekkel thought of the star before it was tainted. "And besides you have to kill animals with the normal star, I do not kill animals so another reason" He tried to sound as convincing as possible "This will not end well," He thought to himself.

@Rook @Khanmon
Nadane looked back and forth at the two men, listening to them reason. Return the star? The purification ritual could take weeks, weeks he didnt have. But if he killed Jekkel now, he'd have no insurance for Boethiah. "Fine," he relented, sheathing Eltonbrand. "We'll purify the star at the Fair Lady's shrine after we finish out business in Eastmarch. I can lead us there, since I helped build it." He sat back in his seat, rubbing his temple. This boy had angered the wrong daedra; the last time someone spurned her, she cursed the entire race of the Chimer.

"We're going to need to collect supplies on Shor's Stone," Nadane continued, keeping his mind off Jekkel's disrespect. "Tents, firewood, food, the like. Eastmarch is a strange mix of hot springs and ice, so we have quite the trip to prepare for."
Maoris breathed a quiet sigh of relief, easing back into his seat and looking out the window. He saw a familiar mine, carved into the side of a mountain, and surrounding it, a peaceful hamlet. His eyes widened. "Stop the cart! This is Shor's Stone! Jekkel, by the Eight, stop the cart!"

After the ordeal, the cart slowed to a stop in Shor's Stone, and Maoris was the first to clamber out. "This is going to be a long trip," he grumbled. At least, for the moment, his Daedra-induced headaches seemed to be gone. There was still the matter of having to share space with Jekkel, who was quickly growing on Maoris' nerves, and of course, Nadane's.

The breton turned back to see if Nadane was disembarking from the cart, and remarked, "I can pay for our expenses here, friend. This village seems suited for quick stops, so I'm certain we won't have to look far for supplies." He turned forward and waved to one of the merchants, then headed over to speak with her.
Jekkel looked at both men, Everything was going by so fast "Come on guys we dont have to purify it lets just go do what you guys were wanting to do" But after saying so, they were already at the shore. "Like I said we dont even need to....." Everyone was out the door at this point. Why did I have to mention that" He thought to himself.

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