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Fandom The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Edolina laughed and drank while she listened to the bizar stories from the people around her.

Their strange adventures in far of lands, their love stories with fictional women and their drunk tales.

Edolina had drank already to much and she felt a little bit light-headed.

''And you Lady? Why are you here in this cold bloody country.'' One of the drunk men asked.

''I'm looking for an adventure. Unfortunately for that you need money and money is to get as a Merchant.''

Edolina took a sip from her bottle Ale.

''But I'm not the cheapest person. I mostly want some food and a great bottle of Ale the flush it all away.''

The men around laughed and shouted ''To our drunk lives!''

Edolina stayed with the company until the night fell.

She had to be lifted to her bedroom by the Argonian, because she could no longer stand on her own feet.

One good thing about the alcohol, she slept all night and day long.

OOC~This will probably be my last post for today, because I have to work all day long. But I wish you all a nice weekend! ;)
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"Ah, yes, daedra... with the dunmer, its quite different. We don't worship all the daedra, just the true tribunal: Azura, Boethiah, and Mephala. This all started after that whole mess with Vivec and his companions. Glad that whole lorkhan-related mess got settled," Nadane began, taking another drink from his tankard.

"Now, where to find a daedric prince? That's easy. You can find Azura in Moonshadow, Boethiah in Attribution's Share, and Mephala in Spiral Skein. Getting there, however, is the tricky part," he continued. It was in his nature to be narcissistic, and he never made any attempts to hold it back, like many of his kinsman did.

"Now, i haven't studied much about the other two, but i can be considered an expert on Boethiah. I do, after all, cary one of her artifacts," Nadane said, patting Eltonbrand which was strapped to his waist. "I've heard word that the Gauntlet Holiday is coming up, in only a day or two. I plan on heading up to her sacellum, and if you were serious about talking to a daedra, I wouldn't mind the company."

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Maoris looked at the daedric blade, resting in its ornate scabbard, and raised an eyebrow. "Gauntlet... now that's a holiday I haven't heard of in a long time, not since my days back in Daggerfall." He was impressed with this dunmer's intimate knowledge of what was a heretical subject in Skyrim - although it was to be expected of a member of House Indoril, especially after their absorption into the New Temple.

Maoris nodded and raised his mug, "I accept, Nadane. And, of course... if you still need to meet with Maven Black-Briar, I believe I can arrange it. I, ah... have something of an old acquaintance here." He cocked his head back, motioning for Nadane to look at the well-dressed, red-haired gentleman in the corner, a man by the name of Brynjolf. "I'm aware of House Indoril's aversion to Imperial law, but there's no need for concern here. The Thieves Guild has hardly the bite it used to. It's only a matter of arranging a meeting, so we don't have to worry about any legal entanglements." He took another swig from his mug, "Although..." he began, taking a moment to finish his drink and wistfully look away, "Maven isn't the most pleasant woman to deal with."

He quickly looked back to the dunmer, "But don't tell her I said that."

"Thank you but no, i don't think I'll be meeting her. I wouldn't want to force any other Indoril's to have to come to this... Riften," he trailed off, corking the bottle. "Besides, I have the feeling that i could secure much more influence for my house if I spent my time gathering valuable artifacts of power rather than consorting with, ah, unpleasant women," Nadane added in a quiet voice.

"Our destination is a bit south-east of the City of Windhelm, but forgive me if i seem reluctant to make a stop there; I did not receive the best welcome when i visited that ice pile a few weeks ago," he said, slipping the wine bottle into his bag. "Got accused of being an imperial spy, and conspiring against the rebellion. Granted, it was a couple of old veterans shouting in the streets, but it left quite the impression."

Nadane stood, pushing his chair in. "Travelling from Ivarstead has left me quite exhausted, so i do apologize for turning in early, but if i plan on leaving in the early morning tomorrow, I'll need to rest. I look forward to our endeavors together, Maoris," he finished, holding out his hand for a shake.
Maoris stood, taking the handshake promptly. He also took a moment to use the opportunity to anchor himself, as his short stature, typical of a breton, was not nearly as accustomed to alcohol as the traditional, Nordic build. "As do I, Nadane - and I'm actually a little relieved I don't have to ask for Maven. At any rate, let me know when you head out - I'll be up bright and early, anyway." Maoris gave his regards, picked up his ebony greatsword, which rested against the bar, and sheathed it in the scabbard on his back. He then departed to speak with his red-haired friend across the tavern.

After some time, the clamor of the bar began to die down, as most Nords were stumbling outside to shout in the streets or throw up, whichever came first. Maoris bid his friend farewell, then approached the Argonian bartender to pay for a room. Unlike his new dunmer compatriot, the young man had nothing against the Argonians. I suppose it comes with your history, he thought, we've all got our prejudices. He followed the bartender upstairs, when he heard a drunken voice call at him from below. "Oi, breton - why don't you stay at the Bunkhouse tonight? Haelga loves a working man!"

The breton chuckled, cooly tossing his hand up, "The territory has been conquered, my friend. And I'm a student, not a laborer." He ended his rebuttal with a flick of his finger, sending a small jolt of lightning to his provocator's nose, eliciting a sharp yelp from the man. "Hey, pal - no magic in here!"
Jekkel watched the other man leave the dunmer, Jekkel walked up to the dunmer and pulled up a chair at his table. "Hows it going?" Said Jekkel with a monolog tone. He sat up sipping on his brandy. Jekkel did not drink too much so he was trying to be careful not to get drunk.

@Savage Animal Idiot

The werewolf eventually shook free of the paralysis, and charged after her flock once again. Rather than get paralyzed again, he decided to just snag a sheep from the back - grabbing it by the leg as it bleated in terror, and he pulled it towards his salivating jaws.
Edolina woke up moaning. Her head throbbed and her stomach turned with each unexpected movement.

She pushed herself from the bed and walked to a bowl filled with lukewarm water. She dipped her hand towel in the water and burried her face in it.

The warmth felt good on her skin.

It reminded her of the days she and her parents worked on the field in their village under the blazing sun.

That made her sure of her decision to come here to Skyrim.

No more fields to work on, no more parents to tell you what you can and can't do.

Only her and her stuff.

Her cart was empty she needed a new loading stuff to sell. That meant adventure.

Edolina knew that somewhere around here was a cave.

There was surely enough potions and Soul gems to find in one of these caves.

Edolina got dressed in her armor and walked down the stairs of the Bee and Barb.
Nadane looked the man over, recognizing him as the one the woman had falsely accused in the path earlier that day. "Ah, got that whole mess settled, did you?" he asked, smoothing his hair back. "I guess you could say I'm doing alright. Just resting up here tonight, my companion and I plan on heading out in the morning. Apologies, but I was just heading to my room for the night. Goodnight, sera," Nadane finished, picking up his bag and heading through the tavern towards the stairs. The Argonian housekeeper eyed him warily as he passed, but the Indorial payed him no heed, shutting his door behind him and laying back on his bed, quickly falling asleep.

When he awoke it was still dark, and he heard no sounds from downstairs. Deciding to take advantage of the silence, Nadane unsheathed Eltonbrand and sat cross-legged on the floor, placing it on his lap. He breathed in deeply, attempting to clear his mind. As time passed, he slowly began to feel his mind become... not his own. Images leapt through his mind, a melodious voice caressing his ears softly. As the images continued, he slowly began to see one that reoccurred: an coat of ebony chain mail, covered in blue and black plates of ebony. Now that he knew what it looked like, all he had to do was find it. Blinking repeatedly to exit his trance, Nadane stood, sheathing his blade once again. He lifted his bag onto his back and his thought to be destroyed shield onto his arm and headed back down to the tavern, buying a small meal to fill him up before the journey ahead.
"I should probably do the same, Night" Jekkel looked around the tavern, Passed out drunks, Knocked over tables in chairs not to mention the smell "Come on Rin lets go to bed" Rin followed with a leap in his tail "You don't look tired" He said to Rin in a low voice. Jekkel exited the tavern the moonlight hit his face and more intolerable smells approached his nose "This place really is a slop hold isn't it" He looked around the city a little more, some of the markets were still open. Jekkel walked up to a produce stall, He bought some apples, carrots and heads of cabbage for Rin, Frost, Flame and a little for himself. Jekkel was finally about to exit the city. He opened the big open doors to reveal his Caravan, He was going to spend the night here, eat and go on an adventure in the morning or at least something of that sort. Jekkel approached frost and flame, He gave them the apples and cabbage, "Eat up girls you might have to do some work tomorrow" He said to the horses. Jekkel entered the caravan, he slipped off his armor, He Requiped into some more comfortable clothes, he threw a carrot at Rin and got into his bed. "Night Rin" He muttered before falling into a sleep.

The next day Jekkel awoke with Rin sleeping on his stomach "good morning" He sat up slowly on his bed, Rin quickly jumped off him. "I'm going to get some grub," he told Rin "Do you think it would be bad to get some steak" Rin let out a small grunt "I'll take that as a no" He put on his armor he went outside and into the Tavern. Jekkel walked up to a clean spot on the bar and sat down "Do you happen to sell stake at this hour?" The Argonian looked at him like he was crazy "No but I can make an exception for the right price" Jekkel looked into his bag he still had about 150 Septims to waste "Take 35" He said. About 10 minutes later the air was anited with the smell of steak "That was a great waste of money" He thought to himself and chuckled under his breath (By the way, Jekkel is not crazy he just likes talking to his animals)
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Rook said:
Images leapt through his mind, a melodious voice caressing his ears softly. As the images continued, he slowly began to see one that reoccurred: an coat of ebony chain mail, covered in blue and black plates of ebony.
The same image passed through Maoris' mind as he slept, and he awoke feeling very uneasy. "What in Oblivion was that? Some kind of cuirass?" He sat up in his bed, rubbing his temples. A bead of sweat ran down his brow, but aside from that, he was physically fine. "Why in the blazes am I dreaming about armor?" He recalled the voice in his dream - he couldn't remember what it said to him, and the harder he focused on it, the hazier it got. Eventually he gave up, standing to his feet and stretching. Maoris reached into his rucksack, producing a wheel of Eidar cheese and some slices of bread. "I ought to craft a food-summoning spell, if they ever let me back into the College..."

After his quick breakfast, Maoris suited up, fastening the buckles and tucking in the fabric of his robes. He had, shortly after his expulsion from the College of Winterhold, taken a visit up to Solstheim with a lady, but found the trip rather unsavory. During his stay at Raven Rock he was attacked by some mysterious cultists, and after dispatching them, Maoris decided to borrow the clothing of one of his assailants, which is what he wore now. Ah, I wonder what Nadane thinks of House Telvanni, Maoris thought, recalling the mushroom-like houses of Tel Mithryn, a distant Telvanni settlement on the eastern end of Solstheim. He also recalled the sour disposition toward the settlers. I don't imagine there is much love between those Great Houses, though, so perhaps I just forget about it. I would like to find a pair of those Telvanni robes, however...

Maoris emerged from his room, fully recovered from his unsettling dream, and descended the stairs to the tavern. He saw Nadane there, and thought briefly about divulging his strange vision, but then decided against it. "Awake already, my friend? I trust you slept well?" He called to his dunmer acquaintance.
Nadane sighed, finishing the meal he'd bought. He poured over his map, occasionally marking important stops they'd have to make to resupply. Getting the mail most certainly wouldn't come without bloodshed, he knew this. The quest he underwent to get Eltonbrand and Fearstruck was proof of that, as well as his lack of a personal aid. Poor fellow had no idea what he'd gotten himself into when he accompanied Nadane out of Morrowind. Shaking his head, the Indoril folded up his map and turned to the bartender, making sure to buy dried meats for their journey, and also to refill his waterskin.

Someone called out to him from behind. Nadane blinked, looking up. Maoris, the Breton from the night before, was walking down the stairs from the upper level. He looked geared up and ready to go, thank the tribunal. The last traveling companion he'd had was prone to sleeping in till noon and taking up many precious minutes with pointless adventures and other frivolities. He bowed his head slightly, greeting Maoris. "As well as i had hoped. You ready to set out? I've bought enough supplies to get us to Shor's stone without much trouble."
"Ready... and able." Maoris replied, adjusting his rucksack to keep from catching on his scabbard. He looked back to Nadane, and paused - for just a brief moment, he felt a minor throbbing in his head. The ache began the second he addressed his new companion, then vanished as quickly as it came. The dunmer must have noticed his change in expression, but Maoris quickly recovered, forcing a smile. It quickly became a legitimate smile, as the Breton was eager to begin the journey.

Pushing the front door open let in a faint draft, followed by the scent of rain and stone. The city of Riften was blanketed in a light fog, and the rainfall itself was light, pattering gently against the surrounding buildings. It was sublime for Maoris, who now paired the current image with his own memories of Daggerfall. "Ah," he sighed, then inhaling the petrichor, "reminds me of home."
Nadane cocked an eyebrow at Maoris's quick grimace but chose not to ask questions. It was better not to be too nosy when just meeting someone, especially if you were going to be traveling with them for an extended period of time. "Good, good, then we must be off. Every minute is a fortune when you're facing a deadline, after all," he mused, following behind Maoris.

The breton opened the door wide, pausing to breathe in the fresh air. Nadane himself couldn't stand how clear the air was. Granted, it was pleasant, but he'd grown so used to the ashfall back home that it felt odd, antipodal even. The ash of Red Mountain had become a part of Nadane, wether he liked it or not. As he walked beside Maoris, he attempted to learn more about him. "Forgive me for prying, but are you from Bretony? I wouldn't expect many mages to be born in Skryim, other than the odd healer or two," Nadane asked. Best to get to know basic facts about each other before they had to put each other's lives into their hands, as so often happens when traveling in the north.
"Ah, I am not," Maoris chuckled, recalling how often Betony was conquered and reconquered by Orcs and Bretons, "I am from Daggerfall proper; my father was a baron in Glenumbra, but my family still lived within the city walls. Despite my innate magic abilities, my father wanted me to inherit his duties, and I had to interest. I was disowned shortly after, so after some soul-searching, I came here, to Skyrim - perhaps clear my head with the thin air! I studied for a few years at the College of Winterhold, as you know, but that ended on a sour note." There was a moment of silence, so Maoris made a point to clarify, "I'm doing fine, though. I got my stubborn nature from my mother."

He turned to his dunmer companion, "I'll have you know I did some reading last night - I had some books on Morrowind history, procured during my visit to Solstheim. Perhaps now I can better understand your background. So, tell me about yourself, Nadane. Does House Indoril still exist, or has it been completely absorbed into the New Temple?"
"Ah, well, thats a bit of a sad subject, really. Indoril definitely exists, we still control Mournhold and Vivec City. However, thanks to the fall of the False Tribunal, the Accession War, and the machinations of the Telvani, our influence has been reduced. Even now we only hold two seats on the council. We aim to change that, however- it wouldn't be right for the descendants of Nerevar Indoril himself to fall into nothingness, would it?" Nadane stopped himself before continuing. He was quite spirited when it came to dunmeri history, and had to be careful not to bore Maoris.

"I didn't exactly answer the question, did I? Indoril still stands as a house, but none of the houses of Morrowind can truly be considered great. We're too busy fighting amongst ourselves to truly rebuild. It was a mistake to succeed from the Empire... but dont tell any Indorils i said that," the treasurer finished, stopping as the large wooden gate opened before them. "You've been to Solstheim? How is that old rock doing? Those fools from Redoran still holding that port city together?"
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As Jekkel finished his meal he saw that Breton speaking to the Dunmer which his name was still unknown. Jekkel being the nosey person that he is, he listened to their conversation, for there was not many people in the bar that morning and it was rather easy to hear. As Jekkel listened he heard something about an adventure "I'm going to go with them if they like it or not" Jake thought to himself but as Jekkel thought that they were heading out the door. He wanted to catch up to them but not too quickly he did not want to look like he was in a rush for any reason, someone might be thinking the same thing he was thinking, an adventure. Jekkel thanked the Argonian for the meal and walked at a normal pace to catch up to them.

After about 3 minutes he caught up to them "Hello again, please excuse my intrusion but I heard of an adventure, but I was wondering If you two need a ride for I have 2 horses and a caravan, which would make the journey a lot easier, don't worry its free if you let me come with you" Jekkel sort of muttered the last part under his breath. He tried to think something else to say that would make his question more likely to happen "And I'm also pretty skilled with a sword so I would be an asset I guess is what I'm saying.

@Rook @Khanmon
Maoris contemplated the question - his visit to Solstheim was unpleasant, but that was more on the part of the reavers and outlaws beyond the Bulwark. "Well, the island is still a mess. If the bandits don't kill you, then the Rieklings or the Werebears will. Raven Rock is doing well, though. They reopened the ebony mines and ended some House Hlaalu conspiracy. Perhaps I'm just not used to the ash-" the breton was cut short when he noticed the young adventurer following them, visibly trying to get closer. "By the Eight, this is going to turn into an ordeal." He noticed the shimmering blade the man carried - reminiscent of a daedric artifact Maoris read about, most likely Dawnbreaker. "Ah, and it looks like you might have some competition, Nadane. Keep your artifacts close."

The man caught up to Maoris and Nadane and voiced his proposition. Maoris struggled to mask his contempt, sighing exasperatedly and rubbing the bridge of his nose. He stopped and turned to the Imperial adventurer. "Look, kid..." he dropped his shoulders, then glanced over to Nadane, "... well, it's not for me to decide. Nadane, here, is the one going on the journey. I'm just lending a blade. And some company." He added the last part, not wanting to sound impersonal, as he was grateful to be a part of the journey, and he was fascinated by the Daedra, as taboo as they were in the kingdoms of men. He turned to the dunmer, a tired expression on his face. "What do you think?" He muttered, already fatigued from the Imperial's excited nature.
Nadane listened closely to Maoris's description of the island. He'd always been interested in visiting, especially since the Nerevarine had once landed there. Startled by the sudden interruption, Nadane nodded at Maoris's quiet comments before turning himself. Competition? His eyes landed on the glowing blade sheathed at the boy's side. "Ah, yes, Meridia..." he almost laughed. "False daedra."

Nadane listened quietly as the man explained his reasons for following them, looking at Maori's occasionally. He'd had a sinking feeling that the quest for the mail would end up like his search for Eltonbrand. His aid had payed with his life- rather, Nadane had given his aid's life. He'd always planned on hiring a simple mercenary for any sacrifices neccesary, but then maoris volunteered to come along. Despite Nadane's nature, he still planned on picking up a mercenary in Shor's Stone, as to avoid ending the Breton's life. But now this eager adventurer had practically volunteered to come along, and for free? It saved him a hefty purse of gold and a bit of time... perfect.

"For no pay? This is a mission of educational fulfillment, sera. I doubt you'd find much enjoyment to be had with us..." Nadane trailed off, attempting to add drama to the situation. "And any artifacts found would not find their way into your hands, if you were wondering. As long as you understand that, you may join us." He could feel Maoris's discomfort, but it was worth it to bring the kid along.
Edolina walked over the uneven path that leaded her more and more futher away from Riften.

The birds in the trees sang their songs beautifully, while the wind wispered through the leaves.

Edolina was all alone, she had left her cart in Riften. She had found a bag on the side of the road and wore it now on her back.

She was headed to Broken helm hollow, There are plenty of ingredients to be found for her trade there.

She could already see the wooden door that leaded into the cave.

Three bandits stood by the door with their steel sword in their hands.

Edolina ducked behind a big rock and looked to the bandits.

It didn't look as if they had seen her.

Edolina took out her sword from the sheath and clutching it firmly between her hands.

She had to come along them without being seen ..... or it meant fighting.

She took the risk scrapping on a slow and careful pace to the bushes that grew in the shade of rocks.

The crackling of the branches under her feet was drowned out by the sound of the waterfall.

The bandits appeared not to notice her.

She demolition further, she had now reached the first Bandit.

She closed her hand securely around her sword and dived out of the shadows.

While she drilled her sword into the neck of the Bandit he bagan spitting blood and he fell on the ground.

The two other bandits ran with levied sword to her.

Edolina ducked under the attack of the first bandit and drilled her sword in the second ones chest.

Her sword remained hooked while the first resumed his attack.

Edolina pulled her dagger from her belt and threw him to the approaching Bandit. The dagger pierced his neck.

The men died slowly around her.

Edolina walked to her sword and placed her foot on the Bandit his bloodied chest.

She pulled her sword out and walked to her dagger.

She wiped the blood off her dagger and hung it back on her belt.

Edolina wiped her sword on a sleeve of one of the dead bandits.

She walked to the wooden door and pushed it open gently.
"I am well aware of that, it beats looking around empty caves for adventure" Jekkel kept walking the direction they were. "So like I said I have transportation" He gestured back to Rifton "So I suggest we should get going"

OOC(I might be a while before the next post I have to go to trumpet Practice)
Maoris sighed, one hand on his hip and the other waving to the Imperial, "Very well, boy. Show us the way to your transport." The breton adjusted his rucksack, as the strap had again gotten stuck on the scabbard of his ebony greatsword. Perhaps transport would be better than this, he thought to himself, but what did Nadane mean by that?

Rook said:
"And any artifacts found would not find their way into your hands, if you were wondering."
Now, then. Is he expecting something from this Deadric prince? Maoris wondered, when his head began to hurt again. This is going to get old real fast, if this headache keeps up. He conjured a point of ice magic at his fingertip, and brought it to his forehead. The coolness seemed to mitigate the dull pain for the moment, and the breton sighed in relief. What is causing this?

The two followed the young adventurer back into the city. "So, boy - what's your name, anyway? Why are you in Riften?" Maoris asked him, still annoyed about this interloper, but still curious as always.
As Jekkel walked down the path, a question approached his ears "I am Jekkel" He said rather proudly "Why am I in Rifton well i'm a merchant/Adventurer" Jekkel thought about his own response "I know what your thinking A merchant, what kind of merchant goes Adventuring and lives, I do" He said with a smile. "And besides I get a rather good price on what I find, Its a good living." Jekkel looked around at them "My I ask the same for you friends"

@Khanmon @Rook
Nadane followed the two travelers, listening to their conversation. He did notice some discomfort that Maoris showed, which worried him, but the Breton seemed to have it under control. If it looked like it was getting worse he would inquire into the matter further, but at the moment it didn't seem worth bringing up. The boy identified himself as Jekkel, and seemed quite enthusiastic about his job as an adventuring merchant. Was that not common around here? In Morrowind, everyone was constantly waiting for the next Argonian raiding party, ash storm, or reaver attack. His ears perked up once Jekkel inquired into their own identities.

"Me? My name is Nadane Indoril, of the Great House Indoril. I'm a... diplomat, traveling Skyrim to improve relations between our homelands," Nadane said, choosing his words carefully. He didn't quite trust Jekkel not to be a thief, so telling him that he was a treasurer was foolish.
"And I'm Maoris Valon, apprentice mage, formerly a scholar at the College of Winterhold. I was recently expelled from the school, so now I'm traveling, exploring, and living my life. Oh, my father would be so angry." Maoris chuckled at the end, recalling how beet red the man would become if anything didn't go his way. He had no qualms sharing his life story, as he had personally put it all behind him.

The trio arrived at Jekkel's cart, and Maoris sighed again, "Well, I hope this rickety old wagon doesn't collapse under our combined weight."

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